Yes No black white list of questions. Yes No not to say, black white does not wear. Where you can play

The game "Latstone Madame" - "Yes, and not to say, black, white not to call": how to play?

  • The article will familiarize yourself with the rules. fun gamebased on the conversation of players for joint pastime. The minimum number of players is two people. The maximum number of players is three.
  • The game is popular among girls, but boys can also take part. In some schools, preschoolers are offered to participate in the game during the passage of the interview.

The game "Launcher Madame" - "Yes, and not to say, black and white not worn": Rules of the game

What is the essence of the game?The game begins with the choice of the lead. He is entrusted with a responsible role: pronounced participants and invent questions that sleep their vigilance. After all, the intrigue is that the player will say the forbidden word.

Minimum number of players - 2 people

Having caught the essence of the game, children can independently invent tricky questions for players.

The game starts with the promotion of the lead:

Yes, and no do not say
Black with white do not take
Will you go to the ball?

Player's answer (options):

- probably (maybe probably)

  • After the host receives the first answer, he continues to ask the participants of the game, until he hurts someone, forcing the Forbidden Word.
  • If the participant of the game said one of the "forbidden" words, he changed with another player roles.
  • The threesome game assumes that two of the participants in the order of turn are treated with questions, and the third player answers them.

The leading game "Young lady Madam" has several strategies to help "climb" participants

The task of leading:Distracting the player with questions that do not need to answer "prohibited" words.

The lead can go unexpectedly to a provocative question and a participant of the game will lose, saying "yes" or "no".

An example of a conversation between a leading and player:

Yes, and no do not say
Black and white do not wear
Will you go to the ball?
- Maybe
- What will you go?
- In Limousine
- And who will be with you?
- Familiar
- And, most likely, you put on the most beautiful outfit?
- idea
- Will you go fast?
-And will come up in time?
- Just at the beginning.
- Will you dance?
- Yes, oh !!!

You will learn from the video, how is the game "Will you go to the ball?"

Video: Challenge "Lady Madame"

The game "Young Madame Lathere" - "Yes, and not not to say, black with white not to wear, do you eat on the ball?": List of questions

  • We looked at a simple example of the questions of the game "Baryshnya Madame". But there is also a complicated, which is of interest to successful in this game.
  • Conditions are saved, but the list of prohibitions is complemented to the choice of leading. For example, a ban on a specific letter: "P" or "N".

The game "Lady Madame" develops the care of children. Find a solution to help improve the concentration of attention, not only in scientific works on pedagogy and children's psychologists. Among the simple and affordable solutions - children's verbal games.

What questions can ask a leading?

  • Will you go to the ball?
  • Will you go in the trough?
  • Will you go to the ball in the old toilet?
  • Will you go to the ball in the carriage?
  • Will you go on gray fries?
  • Will you go to a ball dress?
  • In pink?
  • His saves your dressmaker?
  • Will you be on the ball as best beautiful?
  • Will you dance?
  • Will you drink champagne?
  • Champagne will not? What? Gazirovka?
  • And kavalera to the dance invite?
  • And you will sing?
  • Will you read poems?

We offer not slow and move from theory to practice. Moreover, in our article you will find not only the classic options for answers to the leading questions, but also more complex.

  • The latter are designed for players who have already developed their attention to not pronounce "forbidden" words or not allow new restrictions in the responses.

In the game, the lead can prohibit calling some color

What restrictions are possible in the game "Baryn Madame"?

  • The presenter "prohibits" to call any color. For example, pink or yellow.
  • The presenter in the promotion limits the answers of the players, forbidden to pronounce the word "never."

The game is good because children can train in the development of attention concentration anywhere: on the way from school or kindergarten Home, during an excursion or a change. When performing exercises, all three levels of development are important: physical, psychological and mental.

The child will be enthusiastically to answer the questions only if an adult acting in the role of the host will not only ask the tricky questions in anticipation of another error, but also will offer the kid to ask questions.

In this case, the child will be included in the game emotionally, does not stop responding to simple questions.
So that the child is more willing to participate in the verbal game, you need positive moments and positive emotions.

What to pay attention to?

  • It is important that the young player is not overwhelmed during the game. Therefore, the lead must ask simple questions with small intervals in time.
  • The child will be easier to select the right answers if the presenter repeats the same questions. In this case, the "Forbidden" words are easier to be monitored by "auditory attention."

The game "Latstone Madame" will help you having fun

The presenter should follow the configuration of the child and ask final questions only on a positive, showing creative resourcefulness and patience.

  • From what age is it better to start the game "Baryn Madame"? You can try to play a verbal game with a 3-year-old baby. But for a child older (from 4 years old) the game will be more interesting.
  • What is the intrigue game? Participants need to choose the answers so that the rules of the notorious Madame will not break the rules. Otherwise, the player drops out of the game. There are also repetitions and repetitions.
  • Therefore, the leading question must agree with the statements that sounded: he will go to the ball in a blue dress, this color is very much. You need to answer, trying not to laugh. If you do not rush and try to respond according to the rules, the game can be strongly tightened until the leading will be difficult to ask your tricky questions.
  • The advantage on the side of that player who knows many words and synonyms. In this case, the player is exactly "empty" on the ball.
  • The game is useful in that it teaches to get out of any stories by selecting the right answer options.
  • In confirmation of the above, you can bring the following example: when violating the rules roadIf a policeman stops you, then it is better not to say "yes" or "no", and also should not be transferred to police documents and smile.
  • The same principle of behavior is appropriate if you came to work with a delay and the bosses followed the tricky questions.

Training in the game "Lamanchny Madame" and following the rules, you can easily find and select answers during serious verbal battles.

Video: Call! Baryshnya Madame Challenge!

Hey! Today we have a long-time promised game "Phanti". So it is called the book "Children's Moving Games of the Peoples of the USSR."

We call it "black and white." Because the main rule there is "black and white do not take," yes "and" no "do not say!".

The name "Phanti", in my opinion, is not quite successful, because under the name everyone is aware of the other game of Phanti. The essence of this game is reduced to playing the phantas. However, in our game it also has. Only at the very end.

Actually, this game has a large number of options.

And we came up with - even more.

Surprisingly, this game became a favorite game of our car, which is not also three years old. And we, frankly, was thinking that she would not cope. It turned out - nothing like that! Masha is now very and very difficult to beat this game.

Today we will tell and show you this about the game by the rules from the book.

And soon we will add our new verbal games that we have invented with Masha after long-term games in black and white.

Thanks to the game "Phanti" or "Black and White", with Masha now play the garden, in animals, in contrast ... But we will tell about this in the next issue.

And today we have ...

Game "Phanti", or

"Black and white do not take yes and no do not say"



As it turns out, the age of this game option can be different. In such a game very interesting to play and adult. Dear adults, you just try!

And, judging by our Masha, the kids are suitable too!

So age - 2.5+

Where you can play

This game that does not require any special premises and conditions. It can also be played on the street, and at home, and in traffic, and in the train, plane.

Therefore, Masha is trying to play all day ^). Even when sitting from behind in a bicycle, constantly hears:

- Mum! Let's play black and white!

Number of playing

From two people. For some reason, the rules say "Play no more than ten people."

What do you need

Cooker and attentiveness

A source

The game of Phanti is described by Kenneman, as a Russian folk game.

Now - to the rules!

Phanti game - Rules Game

We, of course, play it right away. For us, this game has long been a matter of usual and everyday life. In which you can play when you hurry somewhere, something cravety, even - do the charging!

According to the official version, the game "Phanti" play so.

Selected presenter. And all players are Phanti.

Well, as usual - Phanti is preferably every player to have his own kind. To make out later - where whose is. For example, one blasting, another leaflet, third sticks. Or - pieces of different color.

Leading at the beginning of the game reminds all players:

You were sent a hundred rubles.

What do you want, then buy,

Black, white do not take,

"Yes" and "no" do not speak.

After which the presenter sets questions to players. The rules are not indicated. But I think, it is better, yet, ask everyone in turn. In order not to arise complaints about the "dishonesty" of the lead.

Questions The presenter asks any.

The task of the lead is to ask such a question to which the player will answer "yes", "no", "black" or "white".

The task of the player - in no way say "yes", "no", "black" and "white"!

If such a thing happened, the player who had an oversight gives his own phantha and the game continues.

At the end of the game, of course, Phanti is played.

The master takes all the fantas extracted by honest hard work and in turn distributes the Phantom tasks to all the stratum masters. Slow, sing, tell the poem, tell everyone compliments, etc.

By the way, since we already have two games that are completed by the fantas draw, wait for an article soon with funny job verses.

Game in "yes", "no", "black" and "white" -

how to ask questions?

At first glance it seems, "what a disgraceful person will answer" yes "," no "," black "and" white ", if you do not need to answer this?!

In fact - will answer! The main thing is to confuse this person!

For this you can certainly ask questions like:

- What color is snow?

- What color is a pipeline?

- And coal?

- Do you love ice cream?

And it may even be that some kind of distribution, hearing the favorite word "ice cream" immediately and melts.

Well, if it was not found among the players, you will have to screamed a little.

Option 1

We ask a few questions in a row, which ultimately "include" at the "Avtomat" player.

Those. We achieve the fact that the player stops thinking about the answers and begins to turn in the clouds:

- Do you like ice cream?

- And the cake?

- I do not like!

- Does my mother buy ice cream?

- buys!

- And if you bring a twich? Buys?

- Do not buy.

- And what do you like ice cream?

- Fruit ice!

- Is that - multicolored?

This is the question most often leads to the right answer. Because the player does not have time to focus on it.

By the way, in the first video precisely on such a Masha method and missed my first "yes." And we did not even notice!

And if the players are ten?

Let's try!

- Anya! Do you like ice cream?

- Sasha, what do you love?

- And I'm ice cream?

- Sveta! And you - ice cream?

- And you, vash, instead of ice cream, they say, salty mushrooms eat?

- Not! - shouts Vasya indignant ...

Option 2.

We ask such questions over which the player thinks seriously, because the following questions, again perceives on the "Automatic".

- Lena! Would you like to be a real princess?

- Of course, I would like !!!

- And what is she - a real princess?

- Well ... She's beautiful ... in a long dress ... Pink! With crown and serges ...

- And her hair is long, like Rapunzel?

Well, now a little video about how we played black and white with girls.

Game "Phanti" - Video

This is our official version of the game with explanations and fantas drawing.

By the way, here it is possible to observe how random "yes" is obtained. We noticed it only when the video was revised. And you will find?

The game "Black and White" video. Masha - super-player!

And here we have Masha, already trained, it does not want to succumb to all my attempts to beat her

True, at the end she says "no". It is worth a negotiation at the beginning of the game, whether "no" is considered for the forbidden word, or "no" and "no" - words are different.

How else can you play

For a variety you can change forbidden words. For example - black and white replace with other colors. It will be even more serious training and challenge attention and smelting.

What else to say ... the game "Phanti", or "black and white do not take" yes "and" no "don't say" We have been tested. She is an interesting, exciting, develops the flexibility of thinking and attentiveness and takes for a long time and walking in the air, and celebrating the birthday and travelers, languishing on the road.

And soon, we will post a video with a set of our new "boltological" games, fiction on the background of the game in "Black and White". These are simple, but very useful and help the baby remember to remember a lot of different concepts.

This verbal game can usually be played with children from 5-6 years. Interest in her does not disappear and the guys of the older age under the age of 13 for sure. The game develops attentiveness, speech, vocabulary and intelligence.

Features of the rules of the game

One person (more often adult) lead, child - the defendant - such rules when playing together. If the defendants are more, then ask the children in turn. In order to easier to understand who should answer, you can use a stick, a toy, a coin, or any denoting item.

Purpose of the game: withdraw the defendant to forbidden words (yes, no, black, white)


Below are several options verbal gamein which it is impossible to talk black, white, and no. The form of the Best Deda depends on the preferences of the children with whom you play.

Will you go to the ball?

The presenter says the promotion and finishes the question:

  • Yes, no not to say,
    Black white do not wear.
    Will you go to the ball?
  • answer
  • Do you wear a dress?
  • What colour
  • And on it there will be a lace?
  • What colour?
  • Waolas on the sleeves will be more your head?
  • Will you take clutch with you?
  • What do you put there?
  • Will you go to the carriage?
  • Etc.


Principle, as in the previous version

  • You came to bakery,
    What you want, take.
    Yes no not to say, black white does not call
    What is sold in bakery?
  • What bread?
  • And cakes?
  • With cream?
  • Sandy?
  • And cookies for sale?
  • With raisins, it happens?
  • And socks?
  • Etc.

How to talk silent with a verbal game?

Also, the game "Yes No Not to say, black white not to wear" will become an assistant to those parents, who is difficult to talk about children about the time spent in kindergarten, school, grandmother, at the Optional.

  • Have you been at school today?
  • Did you go for lunch?
  • Did you scared something today?
  • Felt embarrassment?
  • Etc.

The course of the game and questions depend on the answers of the child.

In childhood, incurred in the catch-up or in the Cossacks-Robbers, we sat on a row on a bench or in a gazebo and played a calm game "Yes, and not not to say". This is a game of attention and intelligence. It does not matter how many children will play. You can play together or big company.

Rules of the game "Yes and no not to say!"

As in other games for the game "Yes and not not to say" you need a leading. Driving starts the game with certain poething words. Actually, in this poem and there are rules of the game. You just need to answer questions so as not to say: "Yes", "no", "black" and "white". Sometimes we diversified the game and added to the rules also "not laugh."

Ries for the game "Yes and no not to say!"

Black and white do not take
"Yes" and "no" do not say!

Baryna sent 100 rubles
And the snot box ...
"Yes" and "no" not talk,
In black and white do not walk,
"P" do not ignore.

You have sent a robe a piece of blankets,
Told not to laugh
Sponge bows do not do
"Yes" and "no" not talk,
Black and white not worn.
- Will you go to the ball?

The lady sent toilet
In the toilet 100 rubles,
What you want, then take
"Yes" and "no" do not speak
Black with white do not take
- Will you go to the ball?

With this passion, the poem and began the Vada dialogue with players. The presenter tried to "climb" children and ask such a question to which the Forbidden Word would be said. If the player inadvertently meets the Forbidden Word, he loses and becomes the lead. To confuse the players and relaxing their attention, you need to ask simple questions and among them "to win" a tricky question or to pour such allegations from which players will scream "no!"

In such a game, it is interesting to play a large company and ask questions to everyone in turn. The main thing is not to give a lot of time to the player on meditation.

You may have such a dialogue:

Going to the ball!
"Yes" and "no" not talk,
black and white do not wear
- Will you go to the ball?
- I will go
- Of course in the trough?
- Not! Oh...( caught)

Or such a dialogue for experienced players:

Go all on the ball!
Black and white do not take
"Yes" and "no" do not say!
- Will you go to the ball?
- Probably
- Will you go to the carriage or in the old toilet?
- Most likely in the carriage
- What hortices?
- On gray frogs.
- What are weakening on the ball?
- Ball dream
- Of course white?
- Blue
- His saves the best dressmaker?
- Of course
- And will you become on the ball with the first beauty?
- Be sure
- And you will drink on the ball champagne?
- Champagne will not.
- And then what? Lemonade?
- Yes. Oh! ( caught)

This game can be played not only to children. She entertains well and distracts the child if you have to sit out somewhere for a long time. For example, in line for a doctor or in a hospital, where it is not very possible to run, but also to play it well when you need to go to the car for a long time.

I hope you are a game "Yes and no not to talk!" Like and you will play more than once.