Alliance board game. Word game Alias ​​(Alias). Alias ​​Party is the perfect party game

A friend's or girlfriend's birthday is about to come, and you still haven't decided on a gift? Or do you go to visit a family with children and do not know how to please them? The editors of the site have prepared especially for you a description of one of the most popular board games in many countries of the world - "Alias" (Alias ​​or say otherwise)

For the first time game "Alias" appeared in the world in 1989. It was during this period that the Finnish manufacturer board games The tactician decided to launch a new the game- "verbal". A game On the one hand, it had to be as simple as possible, so that its rules could be easily explained in a couple of minutes, and on the other hand, complex enough to be interesting to play even after months and years. To date board game "Alias" translated into more than 15 languages ​​and is one of the most popular games in many countries. In addition, she received several prestigious awards, as well as a number of additions, diversifying the original version.

Complete set of the board game "Alias"

The Finnish manufacturer of this game did a good job, because competitors have almost no chance. The success and popularity of the game largely depends on its design, for which "Alias" cannot complain. A field made of thick cardboard with a special waterproof coating, 400 cards with words (eight on each), several bright chips and hourglass... In addition, in the box you will find an A4 sheet of paper with a set of rules, which you can read a couple of minutes before the start of the game.

There are several versions popular game "Alias", most often the minimum age of a player is 7 years. It may be difficult for them to explain some words, but the vocabulary will definitely be enriched. According to the rules, from four to twelve people can play at the same time, however, by adding a variety of buttons and caps as chips, you can increase the number of players. But in this case, one game will last about two hours or more, which can be a little tedious for teams waiting for their turn.

The rules of the board game "Alias"

"Say otherwise"- that's the whole essence of the game, described in the title. First, the players are divided into teams, then, by drawing of lots, they determine the sequence of the move and all the chips are placed at the start. The player of the first team blindly chooses cards with words, opponents name a number from 1 to 8 - it is the words under this number that the player will need to explain to his team " otherwise"... At the same time, the hourglass is turned over - in this minute the player must explain as many words as possible.

There are several rules for the very clarification process:

  • you can not use the same root words written on the card;
  • cannot be explained using foreign languages;
  • if the player can't clarify the word, he lays down the card and takes the next one, while the team loses a point;
  • it is necessary to monitor the time very carefully if it ends in the middle explanations of the word, the opponents have the opportunity to steal a point.

After end time, command p counts his glasses: the number of guessed words minus the number of unsuspected ones, then the team token is moved forward by the calculated number of divisions, they are numbered from 1 to 8. The number on which the token appears determines the word number for the next team. Used cards are deposited separately and no longer take part in the party.

Most often in "Alias" the lucky team wins. After all, words can be both simple and complex enough for explanations... However, here the players will face a setup: there are several cells on the field that throw the teams that have escaped back - they get a penalty loop. At the next explanations they will have to show only six words, but absolutely everyone will have to guess them.

Board game Alias ​​or Say otherwise is one of the most popular in Russia today. Colorful packaging, comfortable playing field and simple rules- this is the first half of its obvious advantages. The second half is, in fact, the gameplay itself.

It's great that as your child grows up, you can choose versions for their age, thereby complicating the level of difficulty. So for the little ones there is a game, for children from the age of 5 a game will do.

If you are thinking of throwing a party - then for you, which is suitable not only for children, but also for adults! This board game will be a bomb in any company! When traveling or on a visit, compact -, will become your undoubted helpers. They will definitely not let your children get bored and will undoubtedly leave pleasant memories and create a sincere atmosphere!

It is easy to remember the Alias ​​rules, but it is impossible to forget (as it is impossible to forget how to ride a bike), the number of players is practically unlimited - how convenient it is for your company! And finally, the game Say Otherwise does not get boring: you cannot play twice and still play exactly the same!

Alias ​​board game rules

The players are divided into teams (from two people), decide the issue of priority, agree within the team who will be the explanatory and who will be the perceiver, determine the word numbers on the cards, put an hourglass and try to understand each other for a minute.

In the board game Elias we say NO to single-root structures. Pointing at surrounding objects with a finger in order to explain a word is considered weakness! Circling your hand in the air and mooing, you see, have little to do with word games.

The process itself Alias ​​or Say Otherwise looks something like this: the explaining player gathers his linguistic courage into a fist, pulls out any card, finds a word with a certain number, tries to interpret its meaning to another player so that he can name the hidden word. If there are more than two players, all allied (team) members can guess the word.

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Alias ​​Party game

The game "Alias ​​Party" - fun entertainment for people who love excitement. The game won the hearts of people from all over the world. You can play it at home, outdoors, or even in a cafe. Such entertainment will not incur a lot of costs, but it will give you a lot of impressions. There are many others interesting entertainment for the organization of leisure, the rules of which can be found in the category "Board games for adults".

Getting ready for the game

The game "Alias ​​Party" begins with the fact that you need to place an object-top on the working surface and lay out special cards. When pronouncing the text, the cards are distributed among the groups of players and laid face down on the game table. Among these cards there are photos for everyone famous people... A blank is placed in the kit for the cards of celebrities, on which the names of some members and mutual friends are applied. In this situation, the guessing process becomes more spectacular and emotional.

Everyone who wants to play is grouped into teams, in each of which the number varies from 2 people. Having shared, they decide which chip to take and put it on the start sector. The playing field consists of sections numbered 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Each of the playing cards contains 8 different words. Further, the following happens: when a chip of one of the team hits one or another number, the player explains the word corresponding to the number of the number. At initial course, the numbers for the words are chosen by the opponents.

First round in the game Alias ​​Party

The rules of the game in the "Alias ​​Party" state that the one whom the draw chooses to explain first takes about 15 cards with words. The minute is marked with a stopwatch. And, within a minute allotted by the rules, it is necessary to skillfully show the maximum number of words under one number or another. Players of other teams are called upon to watch the time and, in case of violation of the time limits, to say stop. In the process of guessing, the whole team is involved, if the correct answer is given, then progress along playground... The more words the team guessed, the more steps it can take with its chips. Mistakes are also possible that contribute to the return of the chip in the opposite direction.

What mistakes can be made?

The most common mistake is when, when directly explaining the hidden word, the player repeatedly names words with a similar root. As an example, use the word tea with the conceived word teapot. In such cases, it is better to use synonyms, this helps to quickly guess the riddle word.

Another mistake is missing words. Words are skipped when they cannot explain them, in order to return to them later when explaining, but, as a rule, they forget about it.

Now let's get acquainted with the fields in the game

The game "Alias ​​Party" is played on certain fields, each of which has its own specifics.

So, the fields are of the "party" type. On such a field and on certain cards, teams of players will see how tasks are indicated. These peculiar designations are intended to make the gaming party even more exciting and fun. When success catches up with one of the teams, the players will be able to rotate the top-object, receive prizes and points.

The "book" field stimulates players to tell various incredible stories. Based on the received cards and words, the team player must come up with and skillfully tell a fascinating story. The trick is that there is too little time, just a minute. You need to use other cards for new stories as well. If words are skipped, then negative points are earned and the participant is deprived of the right to spin the top.

The rules of the game "Alias ​​Party" say that the meaning of the "position" field is to make an explanation in a certain position. The player takes two cards, one has a word in it, and the other is the position required for showing. The position card must be presented to everyone for review. Strike the desired posture and explain. Cope - that's great, spin the top.

In the next field, called "smile", players will have to show the makings of acting. Again, the game process takes place with the help of two cards, on one of which a smiley will be indicated, that is, the player will have to show a word with a certain emotion. It is necessary not only to guess the word, but also to convincingly show the hidden smiley.

And, the most interesting field is called "camera". Instead of cards with words, the player receives a card with celebrities mentioned above. He must show them skillfully and captivatingly.

As a result, the victory belongs to the team whose chip reached the finish line first.

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For example, the word "bicycle" can be explained as " vehicle with two wheels and pedals without a motor ".

The game "Alias", or in Russian version "Say otherwise", is a great way to have fun with any company. Both children and adults can play it. The goal of the game is to explain the hidden word to your partners.

For example, the word "bicycle" can be explained as "a vehicle with two wheels and pedals, no motor."

It is forbidden to use words of the same root when explaining, to translate a word into another language, to use gestures.

The game appeared about 20 years ago and very quickly gained popularity all over the world.

The minimum number of players is 4 people - two teams of 2 people. There is a version of the game for 3 people, but I'll talk about it below. The maximum number of players in the classic version is 12 people. That is, 6 teams of 2 players each. But you can play with a large number of participants, just in each team there will be 3 players.

What you need to play

To play Alias ​​you need to have:

1. Playing field... I made such a field myself. If you wish, you can download it from the link below.

2. Game chips and hourglass.

Chips can be taken from any board game for children. You can take multi-colored buttons. You can mold chips from colored plasticine. Each team needs one chip.

The hourglass is harder to find. Of course, you can buy them in bookstores or souvenir shops. But you can do fine without them using a regular watch with a second hand. Or you can designate one of the players as "counting". The counting will count from 1 to 100 in a measured way. During this time, the teams guess the words.

3. Cards with words.

Common cards for the game Alias ​​look like this:

If the game is intended for toddlers who do not yet know how to read or read poorly, the cards can be made like this:

Rules of the game

All players are divided into teams of 2 people (or more if all players are more than 12 people).

Each team chooses a game piece for itself.

All chips are placed on the starting position of the playing field.

The cards are thoroughly mixed and laid face down in the center of the table next to the field.

The team starting the game is determined by drawing lots or by counting. Further in the course of the game, the teams receive the right to move clockwise.

Time is counted (the hourglass is turned over or the stopwatch is started).

The first player on the team takes the card, reads the first word to himself and tries to explain it to his team-mate. You cannot use the same root words and gestures. The second player of the team, in turn, tries to guess, calling the intended word. You have to guess exactly. That is, if the original word is "bun", you need to name it exactly, the word "bun" will not work.

As soon as the word is guessed, the player takes the second card.

If the word is not guessed, you can say "PAS" and take a new card. But for each unsolved word a penalty point is awarded.

When the time expires, the points earned by the team are calculated. Each guessed word - plus one point, each unsolved - minus one point. The token of the team moves along playing field on the accumulated number of points.

The move goes to the second team.

When the turn passes to the already playing team, the players switch roles. The one who explained the word will guess, and the one who guessed will explain.

Additional terms

If the game is played with cards containing 8 words each, you need to guess the word under the number that is written in a circle under the team's chip. Look carefully! On the playing field, there is a number in each circle of the track.

Some mugs have emoticons. An arrow leads from such a circle either forward or backward. Accordingly, when a chip hits such a field, it must be moved in the indicated direction.

Game for 3 participants

If there are only three people who want to play, you can arrange it as follows.

Alias ​​for parties or Alias ​​Party is a new version already beloved by many board game Alias. The goal of the game remains the same, the game itself ... players now need to be able to explain words.

Features of the game

"Say otherwise / Party" - this version of "Say otherwise" is adapted for parties and parties. In this game, as well as in other games of the series, it is necessary with the help of hints to depict the necessary word to a teammate (hints are synonymous words and more). Unlike other games in the series, this one will have to explain itself in new, unusual and incredible ways if a team's chip enters the Party field. Here, be prepared that you will not only have to explain the words, but, for example, tell an anecdote in which there are words from the card, explain the word by jumping or in an unusual pose. Also, the task may fall out to explain words in different emotional states - happy, evil, hysterical. "Say it differently / Party" reveal the ability of everyone to explain, call for creativity and activity.

As in the classic Alias, you need to try so that your comrades can guess the word (person, emotion) dropped out to you. But the most important thing is not to name this word! Explained the word - fine. The card on the table is next to your hand. We are not wasting time!

Game cards

In the Party variant of Alias, all playing cards are divided into 4 categories:

  • "Celebrities"
  • "Words"
  • "Poses"
  • Mood Cards / Smilies.

Each type of cards (except for "Words") on the playing field is designated by a special zone (the "Party" field), having hit on which the player must take a card from the corresponding deck. If the task is completed successfully, the team has the right to spin the bonus top, make additional moves!

Game process

Let's imagine that the team's token is on a colored field:

  • Red - Celebrities. The player takes the appropriate card, he tries to explain the largest number of "famous people" on the list. On one card completely "diverse" personalities may well come across: Whoopi Goltberg, Alsou, Korney Chukovsky, Anna Semenovich, Ronaldinho, Winnie the Pooh, Dalai Lama and others. You guessed all 8 - gorgeous! Now we will spin the "bonus top" and add 1-3 steps (or more) to the existing ones (since while time is running out, you can have time to explain a few additional words).
  • Blue - Poses. Laughter time! The player must, while holding the state specified by the "Poses" card (jumping on one leg, standing, sitting ...), explain the words from the list of "Words" until the time runs out. If you succeed - spin the top again!
  • Yellow - Mood. You will explain the words throughout your entire move, being in a given mood (fun, anger, sadness, embarrassment ...).
  • White. Are you a writer? And they will have to become! Tell your partners the “crazy” story by naming the words from the card, in the correct word order. If the story is funny and you like it - spin the top!

“Tell me otherwise. Party "- for a large and fun company. The minimum number of players is four, each team has 2, the maximum is unlimited, 6 teams can play.

Alias ​​for parties has more colorful and bright design in comparison with the classic version. Alias ​​for parties exists in 2 versions: standard Alias ​​Party and compact version.