Show globe in the form of a globe. Globe - model of the Earth. Geographic poles. Mother Earth - one of the most visual virtual earth globes

Earth, like other planets, has a shape of a ball, a little bit alone with poles. The man, being on the surface of the Earth, sees only a few square kilometers of its square. At the same time, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe surface of the Earth is 510 million square meters. km.

Fig. 1. Dimensions of land

Globe - Model of Earth

In the form and size of the planet, the earth model was created - the globe.

Fig. 2. Globus

the globe- Three-dimensional reduced land model. Globus has the same form as the planet itself, it is the volumetric, axis of rotation, as well as the planet, is inclined.

On the globe depicted continents, islands, oceans, seas, etc. They have the same outlines as on the surface of the earth, and are located relative to each other as well. Thus, the globe is minimal distortion ground surface.

The first globe was created about 150 years before. e. The most old of the Globe of Martin Behaimima remains the oldest of the globe.

Fig. 3. Globe Behaeima, 1492

Geographic Maps

In addition to the globe and plans, the image of the earth's surface is actively using cards. On the map, in contrast to the plan, you can see the entire earth surface or its large parts. In addition, geographic maps Small scale, as the image has to be reduced to a large number of times so that it placed on the map.

Geographic map- An image of a terrestrial surface containing a degree mesh, in a reduced form on the plane using conventional signs.

Geographical maps are completely different. For example, the maps on which natural objects are depicted: mountains, seas, plains, mainland, are called physical; The cards on which countries are depicted, their borders, the capital - political.

Fig. four. Physical Card. Mira

Fig. five. Political map. Eurasia

There is a special type of cards - contour cards. These cards have only borders geographic objects, their outlines, degree network. On such maps, you must independently mark the studied geographical objects, observing accuracy, accuracy and using other geographic maps.

Fig. 6. Contour map Mira



1. The initial course of geography: studies. for 6 cl. general education. institutions / etc. Gerasimova, N.P. Nezlukov. - 10th ed., Stereotype. - M.: Drop, 2010. - 176 p.

2. Geography. 6 cl.: Atlas. - 3rd ed., Stereotype. - M.: Drop, Dick, 2011. - 32 s.

3. Geography. 6 cl.: Atlas. - 4th ed., Stereotype. - M.: Drop, Dick, 2013. - 32 p.

4. Geography. 6 CL.: CONT cards. - M.: Dick, Drop, 2012. - 16 p.

Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Directory and Statistical Collections

1. Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia / A.P. Gorkin. - M.: Rosman-Press, 2006. - 624 p.

Materials on the Internet

1. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ().

2. Russian Geographical Society ().

Screenshot is google Apps Earth.

We live in the development of information technology. Computer modeling provides a huge field for creativity and scientific research to scientists and enthusiasts. Today, on the computer monitor, you can recreate processes or phenomena, the study of which in real conditions is difficult or impossible due to their duration, sizes or other parameters.

More than just a globe

One of these successful projects in the field of modeling is the development of the employees of the Google Interactive Model of the Planet Earth, as well as its further development - the Star Sky model. Thanks to the satellite photography with a large resolution of images, a virtual globe opens over users. An interactive model of the Earth - Google Earth allows you to travel on planet with simple mouse movements. Rotation of the mouse wheel or double pressing allows you to bring the separate areas of the globe. You can bring the image to the scale of the country, area, cities and even individual streets.

Image loading occurs through active Internet access. In the photo B. interactive mode Borders are applied, names of countries, cities and other geographic objects. The navigation panel in the upper right corner also allows you to change the scale and orientation of the globe.

Expanding the borders available

Interactive model of the globe, allows you to travel through our planet and look into such places to get to which real life It can be very difficult.

Many people not only explore, but also fond of geography and astronomy. These are really very interesting sciences. Especially if there is everything you need for a fascinating and visual study. For example, today it is very easy to find online online 3D Solar System Model. Which will allow you to observe the movements of the planets, movements of satellites and other space objects.

Today we will look at the service somewhat different plan. This is 3D Earth Globe online. Who will he be interested in? First of all, those people who love to observe directly behind our planet, but do not forget to admire the beauty of the surrounding space.

How to run an online "3D Globe Earth" application

It is very interesting to find this, a visual and spectacular application is very easy to use the help of our site, which is ready to propose to make a transition to the address.

If everything was done correctly, a three-dimensional image of our native planet surrounded by stars appears on the monitor screen, and illuminated by the sun.

Work with 3D online world globe is very simple:

  • It is enough to move the computer mouse to change the angle of the review on the heavenly body.
  • There are several additional options Displaying our planet. To do this, it is enough to use one of them. It is enough to click to click on the desired option, which is located at the top of the right corner of the screen.

According to the stories of astronauts there is no more beautiful and fascinating picture than the form of the Earth from Cosmos. When you look at a small ball consisting of white clouds, brown earth and blue water, it is impossible to tear the eye ...

Today we will look at a few cool online 3D globes of the Earth, which can be used directly from this page. All of them are interactive, you can interact with them. You do not need to download and install additional programs like Google Earth, etc. - just open this page in the browser and enjoy.

Photorealistic 3D Globe Earth

This is a three-dimensional model of the world to which phototectors received by Nass satellites are stretched.

You can twist a ball in different directions while holding down the left mouse button. Rotation of the mouse wheel up increases viewing, down - on the contrary reduces.

With the maximum approximation, the texture becomes blurred, so I recommend that you are not very interested in scaling.

Blur is due to the fact that low-resolution photos are used in the model. Otherwise, the loading of them in the browser would take too long.

This 3D globe allows you to see our planet practically as they see its astronauts. Well, or close to this :)

Virtual Globe Earth

This is a three-dimensional interactive virtual globe, which indicates the boundaries of states, city names, regions, settlements etc.

This 3D model of the world has no raster textures as the previous, and vector, so the scaling can be made up to individual buildings. At the maximum increase there are even rooms of houses and street names.

Historic Globe

He demonstrates how our ancestors in late XVIII century. His authorship belongs to the famous geographer and cartographer Giovanni Maria Cassini, and he was published in Rome in 1790.

It is also completely interactive, it can be twisted, rotated, bring up, or remove the card. Looking at him, you understand how much the world has changed in 200 years, and how many events stood behind all this ...

But the Globe itself (1790) itself, from which the 3D model was made online:

Finally, awesome beautiful video About how the land from space actually looks:

Friends, share your impressions, opinions and ask questions in the comments!

Modern Internet gives really a lot of useful opportunities to those people who are looking for them. For example, an amateur of geography or just beautiful species can be a very interesting Virtual Globe of Earth, made in 3D.

The network you can find enough many services offering to see and explore the map of the earth globe online. Naturally, I want to consider the most interesting of them.

Mother Earth - one of the most visual virtual earth globes

Indeed, this particular option suggests not only the globe of the earth online, but also provides a number of possibilities for changing the resulting image.

What does that require:

  • Go to the main page online service, where 3D model will be represented in its classic version on the background of the starry sky and our sun;
  • The image can be easily rotated in different directions, driving turns using a mouse;
  • What is the most important thing - everything is absolutely free!

If desired, you can easily change the display option. To do this, you need to pay attention to the small menu, placed in the upper right corner of the working screen. In addition to classic, there you can detect six more options for the Virtual Globe of the Earth:

  1. Blocks - Displays the continents of the planet in the form of peculiar blocks.
  2. Geodesic - makes it possible to evaluate relief.
  3. Lines - Similar to the previous option, only the model is presented in the form of spectacular vertical lines.
  4. Horizontal Lines - as it is clear from the title, the line will now be located horizontal. It looks very interesting.
  5. Half Spheres - It turns out something fantastic using a hemisphere.

There is another option - Particles. What exactly it shows, it is not entirely clear. But it looks very original. Perhaps these are ties of communication that transmit their signals across the entire planetary network.

Alternative online services

From alternative online globic planets worth paying attention to the three options presented at This resource offers quite an interesting alternative:

The last option is a real find for historians who do not have the opportunity to get to Rome and personally consider this relic.