How to call on the boss of the desiccant in minecraft. We make the skeleton of the desiccant in Minecraft - the necessary manipulations and battle. What things are needed

How to make a drill in minecraft?

The desiccant is a game character, characterized by its hostile attitude to everyone, except for the skeletons (skeletons, zombies, other dried skeletons). Sugoers can destroy build blocks. The battle they lead with the help of specific shells - skulls, which, falling in other characters, cause the effect of drainage. It lasts this effect. Different amounts of time, depending on the complexity of the game. But causes a tangible damage to health. Let's talk about how you can make a drier in minecraft.

How to create a scatter

The drainer is created using the sand blocks of the soul and skulls of the skeleton-desiccant. First you need to put four sand blocks of the letter t, and then on top of three blocks of the skaler skaler skeleton. After that, the character is ready, but his health is still incomplete. He will pick it up after some time independently and immediately raises into battle, destroying everything in his path.

As you can see, it takes a skull of a skeleton skeleton first to create a desiccant. Where to take it?

Skeleton Skeleton

To get a skeleton skull of a skeleton, first need to enter into battle with this skeleton and, having won it, pick up a skull. The skeleton of the desiccant can be found only in hellish fortresses. It looks like an ordinary skeleton, just a little more in height, as well as black. Please note that the level of lighting should be less than seven.

In order to win a skeleton battle, you need to remember that they are very mobile. It is best to maintain a long distance and leave yourself a place to move and maneuvering. But it is also useless to attack them at a distance of 10 blocks. Skeletons and dried skeletons can pick up armor, which complicates the task of combating them.

After the victory over the skeleton-drier, pick a skull and create a drizzle. Good luck!

The desiccant is a special boss in Minecraft, from which you can knock 1 star of the lower world. To urge it is much easier than to win, so take care of a good ammunition in advance.

Externally, the desiccant is practically no different from a simple skeleton: the boss is above the usual mob on 2 blocks and has a black skin, as it is a resident of the lower world. He is armed with a stone sword, and has immunity to lava and to fire.

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Skeleton of the scribe

Make a skeleton of the desiccant in Minecraft can with a slight chance (about 1%), if used in the lower world an egg to call spider. In this case, Mob will combine its properties with the spider parameters, like a rider skeleton.


These monsters live in the lower world, from where they can be called with simple manipulations:

  • To do this, you will need four blocks of the skeleton skeleton, which will need to be placed by the letter T.
  • From above, you should put three soul sand blocks in the line. At the same time, for the call of the boss, the last to install one of the skulls you have (which is why the boss cannot be made pistons).
  • The skeleton appears with half health, but it is very quickly restored to 100% and eventually amounts to 150 hearts. During the restoration of health, the boss is invulnerable, so you will have time to move away from it.

An extremely dangerous and complex boss, to combat it, recommend using the machine.

We defeat the desiccant:

  • Before you start the Spaun Boss. It is important to remember that in the sunlight you will not be able to damage it, so prepare a place to call in advance. It should be quite large, whatever you can keep a certain distance with the boss and, if necessary, run off, as the skeleton under the "Exception" effect has an enhanced attack.
  • In addition, it is distinguished by a high movement speed, which is why it is better attacked using a long-range weapon. In the near battle with the drier, it is better to fight if you have a weapon with the effect of discarding.
  • You should not use to fight the head of the golems, as they will become an additional source of health.
  • The best clothing for victory over this boss will be a diamond armor (this is one of the few bosses on which it is not sorry to spend it).

Good day, minecraft players. With you sailor and now i will tell how to make a scribe in minecraft.

Bosses in Minecraft

In many games there are bosses. They are much stronger and more ordinary enemy mobs. Minecraft is no exception. And even in this game and no plot bosses are still present. And so, today I will tell you how to make one of them.

To begin with, we need to get to the lower world. To get there we will need a portal. Regarding how to make it you can find an article on our forum. Do not forget to bring a shovel and sword with you. We are looking for sand shower and produce four pieces. You can take it home. Now it will be more difficult. It is necessary to find the skull of the skeleton-drier. It is very difficult to look for it. You need three skulls.

Let us turn to the creation. It is best to create a drier underground. I dig a room about sixteen to seven blocks. We put one sand block shower. On him one more, and from the one that is in the side in the side, one more souls in the side. It turns out something similar to the body. For three upper blocks, we put the skull and the drainer is ready. Next, we wait until health appears and we can start the battle.

With you was a sailor. Today we talked about bosses in our favorite game. New meetings on the Play`N`trade portal, as well as a pleasant game!

The desiccant is the second and last Boss in minecraft game Pocket Edition. Unlike the dragon edge, there are much more interesting features. It is stronger and more dangerous than the dragon, but it falls out of him incredibly steep Lout. Let's figure it out more about all this and start with the call of this boss, which first appeared in Mobile Minecraft 0.16.0 for Android.

It is not necessary to call, but if you want to collect all the achives, you will have to kill him. For the murder will have to prepare a little. To begin with, we go to Ender peace in minecraft and find a hell of a hard fortress, where there are skeletons of dried skeletons, which we will have to kill very, very long.

Just imagine: the chance of the head of the head is 2.5% on the unlocked sword and 5.5% on the sword enchanted for good luck 3. And we need 3 such heads! Therefore, conceit the sword for luck 3, so the chance will be at least a little more than when "stock" sword.

After this tedious process, when returning to the ordinary world, grab 4 sand souls from hell. Now you are ready for the call of the boss and you can save it, but for this it is worth finding a suitable place. In case you call it not far from buildings, he will immediately separate them.

Choose an empty, deserted place, preferably deep underground. In this case, get a lot of resources that will destroy the desiccant in the process of combating you. Now put the sand of the souls in the form of the letter T, and put three skulls of the skeleton skeleton. After that, the call process begins.

How to kill the drainage?

Initially, he will have little HP and he will gradually recruit them, you should not be kept on this trick, it is better to drop away and wait for that when he restores his HP and explode. After that, you can safely start the war with it. And in the event that you hurry and come up to it until complete regeneration - you simply die with the explosion and lose all your things.

What things do you need?

In addition to the sword and onions, you will need a pair of Vöter with milk to remove the effect of the drain, which will be imposed on you if our evil hero will fall. As soon as you remove half of the HP, he will call the skeletons of drier to help. If possible, do not pay attention to them, try to finish the Minecraft PE boss if you are distracted by skeletons, then he will have time to register himself HP.

What is the health of the main bosses Minecraft?

It has 6 times more HP than the edge dragon (600), while the drier at the Java version of the only 300HP, apparently MODZHANG believes that mobile gamers in Minecraft are stronger than computer. Thus, his murder can take more time than the murder of the dragon. But it is worth it: after the murder, you with a probability of 100% get the star of Ada -Krayne a useful thing, mandatory for creating a lighthouse.

The lighthouse is a special design, with proper setting Which will you all the time there will be positive buffs.

The desiccant must be killed after the dragon of the region, otherwise you will not be able to get a achive for his murder.

Thus, we disassemble the skeleton-drier and easily be able to kill him. Unfortunately, our hero was deprived of fame, when mentioning the boss in the minisprof, a dragon comes to anyone to mind, but nevertheless, he also enjoys any popularity. For example, who wants to get a drier in real lifethen on Aliexpress for sale for $ 5.

On our site site there is both skeletons and the boss of the desiccant, so you can easily surprise your friends such a skin.

Attention! On our site:

The desiccant is a hostile boss that can be called in the lower or in the main world. Compared to other Mobs, the drainer has huge sizes and no less health, so before you call it well to prepare. It is advisable to stock health and diamond armor in the potions, also choose a deserted and comfortable surface for you, since after the appearance of the desire will start to destroy everything. It is impossible to find the scribe only if you call on the principle of the golem. In this article you will learn how to urge the drier in.

Collecting material.

For the vocation of the drainage, you will need 4 sand shower and 3 skeleton heads. The desired skulls fall after the murder of the skeleton-drier. Looks like this hostile mob as a skeleton, but only with a higher growth and black bones. By the way, a skeleton appears only in the lower world near the hellish fortress. Sand shower can be found in the lower world, it is possible to detect it according to the deceleration function when walking, which is owned by this block.

How to call on the drainer.

To encourage the drainage of the blocks in the following order:

1. We put the four sand souls in the form of the letter "T". That is, first one block from below and three horizontally on it.
2. Next, we arrange three skulls horizontally from above on three shower sand block.

After that, the desiccant and half lives will appear. After some time, he will restore health and produces an explosion, from which it is better to stay away. After the explosion, the desire will start to destroy everything, including you.


Now you know how to call for a drier in minecraft. Before the battle, eat golden AppleTo prevent the possibility of death from the poison of desecution. From the dead drainage, the star of the lower world can fall out, which is used for the construction of a lighthouse.