This mod will improve WOT graphics. Correct WORLD OF TANKS settings - security deposit! Why not need to use improved graphics

SAMI popular game, "Belarusian miracle", the game of all times and peoples. As soon as they did not call online game WORLD Of Tanks. And there were their foundations. How could it happen that the game from the little-known Wargaming Studio, which is in a few known country, has gained raging popularity for the year? There is no answer to this question.

By the way, the "tanks" still are the record holder of the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful gamewho has gained popularity in the shortest time interval. The success of "tanks" was not able to repeat any game even from the very famous studios.

However, with each update, "roll in tanks" is becoming more complicated because the system requirements of the game are growing. Now, without correctly configuring the graphics, it is not possible to play and "bending". Therefore, we will try to figure out which graphics settings in game world. Of Tanks are optimal for successful fighting.

What you need to know about system requirements

System requirements in the "tanks" are not distinguished by moderation. In order for the game to function at maximum settings, a very powerful computer is required. And the more powerful - the better. For a comfortable game requires an impressive number of frames per second. Without it, effective battles will not work.

Requirements for the video card even higher. Ideally, the user must have NVIDIA 1080. Then it will be possible to talk about high-quality and productive graphics. Setting up graphics in World of Tanks can download even a very powerful machine.

No smaller requirements are presented to the processor and RAM. For a comfortable game requires at least Intel Core i3 last generation and 8 gigabytes of RAM. Without this, the game will be terribly slowing down. And in the "tanks" the fraction of a second decide everything. But the optimal graphics settings in World of Tanks allow you to slightly reduce the load on the processor and rAM. Therefore, it is important to be able to properly configure the schedule.

General settings

Let us turn to the settings of the charts "Tanks". And the first section is called "General Settings". They also affect the graphics component of the game. Therefore, you need to be able to configure correctly and them.

So, the graphics setting in World of Tanks begins. First of all, we turn on the dynamic chamber and horizontal stabilization in sniper mode. It is absolutely necessary for a comfortable game. But the optics effect is better to turn off, for it is zero, and iron loads.

Screen settings

They depend on the type of monitor used. They include screen resolution, update frequency, side aspect ratio and other parameters. For a comfortable game, you need to turn on the dynamic change, set the resolution of the 3D render by 100 percent and turn off the smoothing, too, disconnect. Thus, we increase the performance of the World of Tanks. Maximum graphics settings are not always good for a particular equipment.

The screen settings must be taken carefully, since incorrect can affect vision. Especially if you still use the ancient ETT monitor.

Remember that the optimal frequency for such monitors is 75-85 Hertz. If you have a modern LCD screen, then we leave the standard 60 hertz and do not bother. Proper screen setting will help get pleasure from the game and do not plant eyesight.

Graphics settings

So we came to the very essence. It is these settings that determine the image quality and performance of the game as a whole. Immediately go to the "Advanced" tab and turn on standard graphics mode. I exhibit the quality of the texture on the "high". This is quite enough.

Turn off the unnecessary effects: grass in sniper mode, effects of caterpillars, foliage transparency, dynamic change in the quality of effects and traces of tracks. It is possible to play normally without these "beautiful." Setting up graphics in World of Tanks is a delicate thing, no excess.

All other sliders put in the "High" position. In addition to water quality, landscape, details and additional effects. They can be turned off at all. This will help improve the performance of the game several times. This is a basic setting of laptop graphics World Tanks.. All sorts of "beautiful" and effects for laptops are destructive.

Why don't you need to use improved graphics?

The fact is that such improvements forces only computers with top iron configurations. Most of users about such settings have only to dream. Not to mention the owners of laptops. If you do not have a top PC, then it is better not to look at the improved graphics settings.

The same applies to the type of downloadable client. There are SD versions - with normal texture and HD resolution - with textures high resolution. What type of client to choose for a more comfortable game is likely to explain not worth it. And so understandable. Setting up graphics in World of Tanks will occur much better in the absence of high resolution textures.

What else do you need to know?

In any case, there will be enough medium settings for a comfortable game. And some effects and "beautiful" can be turned off at all. Do not be fooled by improving traces of the tracks from the tracks. They just load the computer. Do not install all kinds of fashion to improve graphics. It is proved that the performance of the game only falls. Do not use all sorts of "boosters" video cards. This is a direct way to getting a burnt video card.

It would be nice to clarify the possibilities of your video card on the official manufacturer's website. Knowing its characteristics, you can experiment with the settings and customize the game "for yourself". But here the main thing is not to overdo it.

In any case, know the characteristics of your computer as a whole. For without these knowledge, it will be impossible to customize the game for maximum performance. And we just achieve this. "Tanks" - a very capricious game. It requires an appropriate level of iron and fine tuning.


All the above settings will help achieve maximum frame rate during the game. Effectiveness will also immediately increase, because the reaction will increase. This or that action will take less time.

As a result, you can "bend" more efficiently. Especially if you have a "pumped" gaming mouse with a good response. Without it, it will not work successfully in the "tanks".

In the last article we talked about what kind of need and this is a priority for a comfortable game. But it is no less important to correctly configure the parameters of the game.

Proper settings - Pledge of a comfortable game! Now we will briefly consider all the game settings and pay special attention to setting the graphics.

1. Common settings

On the "Game" tab, there are general settings.

In the "Chat" section, you can enable the censorship of the messages so that instead of the crushing words, the asterisks are highlighted (recommended for children). Here you can turn off spam, invitations to a platoon, applications for friends and messages from those who do not have in your contact list (friends). Personally, I got these messages, I generally turned off the chat and enjoy the game

In the "Types of random battles" section, you can disable "counter battle" and "assault". These modes use the same cards as in random battles, but changed the location of the databases and the conditions of victory. In the "Counter Fight" mode one common base and defeats the team that will capture it or destroy all opponents. In Sturm mode, one command protects the database, the other is defended. To win "Defenders" you need not to grab the base and survive at least one member of the team. For the victory of "attackers" you need to capture the base or destroy all opponents at any cost. Personally, these types of battles do not like, but you can try for a variety, suddenly they will taste.

In the "Battle Interface" section, you can turn off the optics effect (green background in the sight) so that it does not spoil the picture, turn off the making of the car destroyed you (if it is nervous).

Be sure to check the checkboxes "include a dynamic chamber" and "horizontal stabilization in a sniper sight" otherwise shoot on the go is simply impossible, the sight is dangling in all directions!

I remove the checkbox "Show markers of technology on the account panel" and "Show tapes of combat efficiency", because I do not see the point in them, they only distract.

As for the minic truck options (the chamber direction of the camera, the SAU shelling sector and additional features), I turn them off, because I use the MINICARD modes with advanced features, which I will tell you in the next article. This is important if you, like I, will use the Mihiquita modes, then disconnect these parameters so that they do not duplicate, thereby reducing performance.

When the "Record Fights" option is enabled, in the "Replays" folder, which is in the game folder, small files (replici) will be recorded, which can then be viewed. It almost does not affect the performance of the game and you can easily share them with friends or pour to the site "WOTREPLAYS.RU" so that other users can see how you bend but it is not video files, they can only play the game itself and stop working after exit Another patch. Therefore, if you want to lay out video on YouTube or save the story of your victories for descendants, do not forget to dig up the best replays after heavy fighting with some program to write video from the screen (ShadowPlay, Bandicam, Fraps).

Well, putting the last check mark "Display distinctive tags" you can remember the trunks with the players in the game on the trunk of your tank will be displayed with stars or scubons (from 1 to 3), obtained in battles for great merit in front of the homeland

Immediately when switching to the "Graphics" tab, the screen settings are displayed.

If you only installed the game and it is still displayed in the window, and not on the whole screen, then check the box " Full Screen"And click" Apply ". Only after that you need to choose the "screen resolution". If you have a liquid crystal (flat, TFT) monitor, select the maximum resolution, and leave the frame rate 60. If you still have a kinescoppy (CRT) fender in your table, the monitor is usually 580x1024 with a frequency of 85 Hz ( or 75 Hz). Click "Apply" and if everything is displayed normally (not extended and does not flicker), then it's good if you cannot find the permissive you needed or the image turned out to be elongated, then try to change the "screen side aspect ratio."

In the "Graphic Quality" field, you can manually choose low, average, high or maximum quality. This will establish the corresponding set of settings, which we will talk on. If you are not playing no on a calculator (very weak laptop), then make sure that the "resolution 3D render" slider is set to 100% and remove the "dynamic change" checkbox otherwise the picture in the game will be blurred.

The "Vertical Synchronization" parameter is better not to include, as it negatively affects performance. This is required only in the case of notable "frame breaks" and applies to powerful gaming PCs. The "Triple buffering" parameter is needed to improve the performance of the video card when the "vertical synchronization" is enabled, but affects the performance of the processor that performs this buffering.

The smoothing parameter improves the picture, it becomes softer and natural, but it significantly loads the video card and is designed for powerful gaming PCs. In this field, you can choose different smoothing modes from easier (FXAA) to rather heavy (TSSAA-HQ).

"The viewing angle (FOV) sets the location of the camera relative to your tank. That is, the angle under which you will look at it. By default, the value of 95 degrees is set and "Dynamic FOV" is disabled. No one does not complain about these settings, so you can leave everything as it is. If you want to experiment, then you now know how everything was to return to the place

The "Gamma" parameter adjusts the brightness, but in vain do not touch it, it is better to reset the parameters of your default monitor, as the game is well calibrated.

"Color filter" is an option for gourmet, superimposing a different background in the game, by type of effects in cameras. I tried, glamorly but useless ...

Well, the "color blindness mode" is intended for people with problems of vision.

On the same tab "Graphics", if you press the "Extended" button, the graphics quality settings will be displayed.

At the very top there are already familiar with the "Recommended" button to automatically select the optimal parameters, the "Graphic Quality" field to set the settings set from low to the maximum, the 3D render resolution slider, which should be 100% and checkbox "Dynamic Change" in which there should be no checkmarks.

With improvement of graphics quality, the frame rate is reduced per second (FPS). It is believed that a person sees 24 frames per second and for smooth pictures it is desirable that the game gives out at least 30 FPS. But in his experience I can say that normal dynamics in the game begins with 60 FPS.

What is the difference between low speakers from high? With low dynamics, your tank goes like Zhiguli (just tupit), although it can like BMW that I felt it more and you will feel if you follow my advice! Statists (Majors) have powerful computers that, even at high graphics settings, give a decent FPS (100 or more). Therefore, the dynamics in the game they feel much better, the car subtly reacts to all soul fibers and they play more efficiently. And on the fast artem or rail, without dynamics, generally sad ... I'm not talking about supercomputers that are used in cybersport. It is for this that they need - for the dynamics.

Network game is not a single shooter and victory over a living rival is important in it, and not a sluggish participation in a meat grinder with bots then the game gives such desired moral satisfaction after heavy labor everyday life, and not a disorder and bottle of vodka convinced, no? Then read on

I have a middle class gaming PC and pulls the game on the maximum graphics settings, giving 40 fps. At high settings, it gives an average of 60 FPS. In the settings window, which I led above, you can select the type of graphics "Standard" or "Improved". So, despite the fact that iron allows, I have long prefer to play in a standard graphic, without unnecessary buns.

So, simple and angry, yes. But what a pleasure brings the game when you rush on Bachata (well, or at least a dying club) at a speed of 100-150 FPS! And in the eye, neither dust, nor to you clubs of smoke and raising earth from the t92 either a terrible grass drawn schoolchildren for ice cream Highly paid designers, nor fog, preventing sulking T95 hatcher with 500 meters, neither other disgusts of graphic innovations that turn BMW in Lada and interfering effectively play.

Standard graphics Many computers pull significantly better, FPS is obtained at times above and nothing prevents in manual mode to set the available sliders to high parameters, in which the picture is completely neat, clean and dynamic!

I also recommend turning off the grass and sniper mode (they interfere very much), foliage transparency (makes the game more cleaner and faster), traces and effects from the caterpillars (they never look at them). "Quality add. Effects "Better not to put above average or generally disable, as they also interfere with (for example, when the projectile is broken near the art). A tick "Dynamic change in the quality of effects" is better to remove, nothing to do with the charts in the game.

Besides high dynamics and purity pictures you get some pleasant bonuseswho will notice in the course of the game (for example, thanks to the transparency of water, the bottom relief is clearly visible and where it can be driving). Try, take some time and you will notice that they began to play more efficiently. The main thing is not to learn forward on the wings of FPS

I do not promise anything, because there are no ties and caps, but if you still do not like the standard graphics, then simply change the settings. In the screenshot below the adjustment of improved graphics, providing optimal quality / performance ratio, for average PC power.

Download detailed description The settings of improved graphics, how they affect the image quality, what load on the video card and the processor can be in the section "".

Yes, and also, if a reboot of the game is required to apply the settings, the corresponding message will appear. In any case, I recommend reloading the game with serious changes in graphics settings.

When we get to the mods, then there is still interesting features make a picture cleaner, and more stable

If despite all the settings, your computer catastrophically lacks performance, think about installing new level GTX 1050 Ti or 1060.

MSI GTX 1050 TI Video Card

Here is the screenshot of the settings on the "Sound" tab.

Here everything seems to be clear, so I will add only a few personal experience.

I turn off the music right away, it interferes in the game no less than improved graphics

If you do not use the microphone in command battles, Turn off the voice connection, removing the only tick. If you need, turn on. Communication works on the principle of radio - pressed the microphone activation button (Q), said, let go and listen to others. The one who holds the button for a long time clogs the ether with noises from its microphone (computer, apartments).

Headphones A4Tech Bloody G430

The microphone needs to be connected before the game starts. If the microphone is not turned on you constantly, then after it is connected it is better to restart the computer, otherwise it may not earn or work badly. Check first through the testing service in Skype that the microphone is working fine, you can hear you well and does not go through a strong background. If necessary, increase (or decrease) the microphone sensitivity in the system settings (in Windows 7: Control Panel \\ Equipment and Sound \\ Sound Device Management \\ Record).

Then start the game, turn on the voice link and select your microphone in the appropriate field. The "Voice Volume" parameter affects how you will hear others. The "microphone sensitivity" must be enough, at the level starting with 70 your voice can begin to repure and call discomfort from other players, do not overdo it with this parameter and ask the combat comrades not "How can I hear me?", But "is not too loud ? ". "The overall volume of the environment during the conversation" I usually reduce up to 50, it mutes all the sounds of the game at the moment when a combat comrade appeals to you and you do not have to ask him.

Well, the latter, but not the newest chip - the national voice acting. I usually leave the standard, since who my mother knows what the crew misses chinese tank But it's worth trying

Yes, and also, there is some other button "Start the test", which I just noticed now. Try, then tell me later in the comments

In the mods, we still install sound on the light bulb, this is a song!

With the settings on the Management tab, it is still easier.

But I still give a few tips. I recommend to reduce sensitivity sniper sight and increase the sensitivity of artillery. Place something like me in the screenshot. It will give a higher targeting accuracy when you are in a tank, since with high sensitivity, especially on medium and long distances, it is difficult to focus the opponents, the sight is moving too fast. And when you are on the art, on the contrary, you will bertimized to carry the sight of there and here along the whole map with low sensitivity, and the mat is erased ...

A4Tech XL-740K mouse

No inversion do not even think, some plum will go

And one more good advice. If you have a mouse with additional buttons, you can assign a specific cell of consumables on one of them. In cells 1-3, the types of shells and touch them are unnecessary. But in cells 4-6 can be activated by manually consumables. For example, I set the fire extinguisher in the first cell, which corresponds to the 4 keyboard key. Instead of a key 4, I have long been assigned a side button on the mouse in the settings. This allows you to quickly extend the fire in the event of a fire, and not to look for the right button on the keyboard while the ammunition is increasing in addition, if an increased risk of fire occurs, for example, AMX 1390 drove to you in the feed and it rejoins that I got to soft, it does not prevent Side key mouse for prevention! Works as automatic fire extinguisher, and costs 7 times cheaper

In the next article about mods, I will tell you how to assign multiple keys to one action and shoot more accurate! Yes, and if there is an ok with control settings, then there is a "default" button

Go to the "Sight" tab.

Well, there is no need to talk here at all. You can adjust the size and shape of sight that I once tried. But the default settings are close to optimal, except for the size more to do. And even there somewhere is chosen from the indication. You are guided by VLD (the upper front part) of enemians - to become red, you are guided by the NLD (guess ourselves) - green. In general, it makes it possible to understand if your armor shell pouches in this place. Red - no, green - yes.

But do not bother with it, because in the article about the mods we will install more comfortable sight With the correct indication that takes into account the angle of entry entry!

Well, I'm just obliged to say that there are two more lining on this tab (Calambar turned out) to configure separately arcade (from the 3rd face) and a sniper sight (in optics).

Here you can customize various badges over the tanks.

I somehow made the optimal settings and they are preserved, since now most of the settings (except graphics and sound in my opinion) are stored on the server and tighten against it again, even in the case of a complete reinstall game.

There are also lining to configure markers for allies, opponents and destroyed technology. For the Allies, I have the same there, and for destroyed only the model for the reference point, the rest is disabled in order not to prevent on the screen.

I honestly tell you, but still I hope that you set the right mods and do nothing to customize you manually here

8. Delete unnecessary files

Well, finally, a little more useful information. You can significantly reduce the volume occupied by the game on the disk, deleting all files from the "Updates" folder.

This folder contains temporary files that run out during the game updates. The developers themselves confirmed that these files are absolutely not needed and they can be painlessly removed. This is especially true for SSD discs that have a small volume. For example, this folder has occupied 13.4 GB! What was sentenced to destroy without the right to restore

Hard Drive A-Data Ultimate SU650 120GB

9. Conclusion

Summing up, I want to say the following. If you want to win, score on special effects and qualitatively adjust the game! After all, the defeats do not bring any pleasure, but only annoying and leave a feeling of dissatisfaction!

10. Links

Below you can download a detailed description of all screen settings and graphics, as they affect the image quality, processor performance and video card, with recommendations on the correct optional options.

Headphones A4Tech Bloody G430
Keyboard A4Tech Bloody B254
Mouse A4Tech Bloody A90

One of the most important parameters affecting online playing games is FPS.

FPS is decrypted as Frame Per Second (the number of frame displayed per second).

Why do you need it? Proper configuration of graphics in World of Tanks, as in any other Online game Significantly increases the chances of winning. FPS drawdors interfere with movement, difficult to ace, and usually end with "shots to nowhere", long-term recharge and victory of the enemy.

FPS depends on the configuration of your computer. A good FPS starts from 35 frames per second and above. The optimal result is 50 frames per second and above.

To achieve a good FPS, you need to either have a high-performance game computer with a top video card, lots of RAM and a powerful processor, or try to make the game to your configuration. Weak spots In the system you can compensate for the literate graphics settings in World of Tanks, which we will talk now.

For convenience, we divided the settings according to the degree of influence on the schedule and FPS using the color scheme

These settings can be twisted "as the soul will wish." Do not affect FPS.

We recommend correcting first. Fair for mid-level systems when you want to see and beautiful graphic and stable FPS, but to set "all at the maximum" does not allow resources. These settings are not strongly reflected in the gameplay.

Settings graphics not affecting FPS

You can customize these parameters at your own discretion without worrying about loss of performance.

Settings graphics affecting FPS

Resolution 3D render. Changes the resolution of three-dimensional objects on the scene. Affects the depth of a 3d scene. Reducing the parameter increases the performance of weak computers.

You can adjust the 3D render right during the game. If during the battle you "SAFE" FPS, use the "right shift" to reduce the scene drawing depth and the "right shift +" to increase it. Reducing the depth will increase FPS "on the fly".

Screen resolution. The higher the resolution is the higher the load on the video card. It is recommended to choose the value corresponding to the monitor, otherwise the image is "image". At very old video cards you have to reduce the permission to get a "playable" FPS. We recommend lowering the resolution below the screen resolution as a last resort, if other methods no longer help.

Vertical synchronization and triple buffering. Vertical synchronization is synchronization of frame frequency in the game with a vertical frequency of the monitor. Triple buffering avoids the appearance of artifacts in the picture. If your system gives less than 60 FPS, the developers recommend both parameters to disable (Note: on modern monitors does not particularly affect the picture).

Smoothing Removes the serrated edges of the 3D objects (the effect of the ladder), making the picture naturally. It is not recommended to include with FPS below 50.

Go to the advanced graphics settings: "Graphics" menu, the "Advanced" tab of the graphics.

"Graphics" Maximum affects the number of FPS issued by your video card.
Switching the graphics mode to "Standard" switches the engine to an old render with outdated effects and lighting. With a standard render, most advanced graphics settings become inaccessible. It is recommended to include on weak computers.

Quality texture. The higher the quality of the texture, the more details and more clear looks like a picture in the game. The higher this parameter, the more you need a dedicated video memory. If your video card has a limited amount of video memory - the quality of the textures must be minimized. (The maximum texture quality is available only when the "Improved Rendore" is enabled and on the 64 Bit Operating System.)

Quality lighting. Opens a number of dynamic effects in the game: sun rays, optical effects, shadows from physical sources (trees, buildings and tanks). This parameter greatly affects the performance of the video card. If there is a weak video card, set the quality of lighting from average values \u200b\u200band below.

Quality of shadows. Affects the drawing of shadows from objects. Reducing the quality of shadows does not greatly affect game process. If you have an old video card, first it is recommended to set the quality of the shadows at a minimum.

Grass in sniper mode. It affects not only performance, but also on the gameplay. If you have FPS in sniper mode, "Sailing" below 40 - you need to turn off.

Quality add Effects. Influences "Special Effects" in the game: smoke, dust, explosions, flames. Reducing this parameter can be reduced by the number of particles in the frame and limit the distance on which they will be displayed. It is recommended to leave at least "low" otherwise the explosions and other elements needed to orientation will be visible.

Extra. Effects in sniper mode. Regulate the same thing, but in sniper mode. If during the sniper mode you sends the FPS, which undoubtedly affects the accuracy, the parameter is recommended to reduce (not lower than the "low" level).

Number of vegetation. Regulates the dense and distance of rendering vegetation in the game. With low FPS it is recommended to set on the minimum. Thus, you can free up precious megabytes of video memory.

Postposting. It affects the effects in the postility - shading and the effect of hot air from the bubble cars and burning objects. If you are hiding behind a tank destroyed, and you begin the FPS drawdown, this option is recommended to disable.

Effects from the caterpillars. Sat the picture with the effects of the scattered soil, splashes of water and snow. The performance configuration does not affect the performance. Disconnection can be achieved a small release of video memory.

Quality landscape. The parameter determines, at what distance the quality of the landscape begins to simplify. This parameter greatly loads the processor. Attention! With minimal setting there is a strong distortion of the landscape, so you can not see some kind of protrusion, followed by the enemy, and after the shot, the shell falls to the edge of obstacles, and not where you were aimed. It is recommended to set the setting value not below the "average".

Water quality. The parameter adds the effects of waves, water vibration when driving, reflected from objects. If you have a weak video card, it is recommended to reduce the parameter.

Quality Deal. It affects the distinction range and detailing the decals - detail textures, improving image quality (fallen leaves, traces of dirt, paving slabs and other label objects scattered on the map). If there is a "off", even funnels disappear from projectiles. The more decals, the larger the vibration of the video memory is required for their loading. If you are not confused by the simplification of the landscape, it is recommended to set the value "minimum", with a low FPS.

Details of objects. In the game, all objects have several models of different quality. At the moment, the building has 3 types of objects, tanks from five. The quality of the drawing of objects is very strongly affected by productivity, and at large distances, small objects will not be visible anyway. With the removal of the object, its model changes to the coarsest. The parameter affects the distance on which the more qualitative model draws. The lower the parameter is set, the smaller the drawing distance of quality models will be.

Transparency of foliage. Turns off the drawing of foliage in the near distances. It is recommended to include on weak systems.

Detailing of trees. The setting is valid for the same principle as "object details", but only for trees. If you are observed fPS drawdorsWhen trees appear, it is advisable to set this parameter to a minimum (together with it it is recommended to include "transparency of foliage").

According to the World of Tanks developers themselves, up to forty percent of users launch the game on computers that do not even match the minimum system requirements. To help such players, modulated models create various ways to optimize productivity, among which are compressed textures.

Textures in the game are responsible for appearance All game objects, more precisely, the surface looks like. At the heart of its own, this is the usual pictures, "cut" in a certain way for proper overlap on the model of the tank and packaged in the suitable format. The World of Tanks optimization measures taken by the developers are cosmetic, because the task is to preserve the appearance of the game. Accordingly, their methods for increasing FPS in battle give effect within 10-20 percent, if lucky.

Models are not related to such restrictions, so they can offer more efficient ways, for example, compression of all textures of the game. The fashion presented in this review allow you to compress all game textures or some of them by 50, 25 or 6 percent, which allows you to solve most of the performance problems.

For example, in battle on Khimmelsdorf, up to 6% were compressed texture of houses and other buildings. Only this optimization measure led to increased fps 30 percent, in standard graphics mode, without turning off the effects and.

The game, of course, looks less beautiful than the compression procedure, but you go into battle, first of all, for victory.