WORLD OF WARCRAFT What to swing for warrior. Guides by World of Warcraft (WOW): Warrior - Warrior - Guides by classes WOW - Articles Catalog - All for Warcraftiii and WoW. At the end, all the warriors were tanks

Warrior in specialization Protection (tank) is a very mobile unit. He is able to apply a pretty good damage, while reducing the damage of enemy attacks. When choosing certain talents (and direct hands), you will be able to achieve excellent results and make a real pioneer of mythical and raids from a warrior.

Classroom review

Warriors in defense show themselves in battles with plenty of physical damage or where mobility is required. Most of the damage they are applied is reduced by blocking, which makes them damage smooth and predictable. In addition, they provide utility, whether to control the crowd or buff raids. The warriors are terrible tanks, and are a worthy choice both in raids and in the dungeons.

Please note that this guide focuses on aspects characteristic of protective warriors, and general tank strategies go beyond its action.


Protection warriors have greater mobility and diverse tools, both in terms of utility and protective options.

Your main goal during battles will be to maximize the generation of rage, and then use this rage on your active abilities to keep yourself alive. Effective use of your defensive kuldaunov and utilities is also an integral part of the right game.


  • Punishment - adds valuable damage, reduces the incoming damage.
  • The deadline is a huge magnification of mobility when you need it.
  • Unstoppable Power - Avatar increases damage from thunder impact by 100% and reduces its CD by 50%.
  • Support - CD ability either step back decreases by 60 seconds. You also block all attacks in the near battle.
  • Earth shaking - with damage to shock wave 3 goals, its recovery time is reduced by 15 seconds.
  • A tinted throat - with the help of this ability, you apply a 15% damage by 15%, with the defeat of enemies by a demoralizing cry.
  • Management of anger - "Avatar", "Neither step back", "Deaf defense" and "demoralizing cry" decreases by 1 second.


For the rotation used, the priority of characteristics will be:

  • Speed
  • Versatility\u003e \u003d art
  • Critical hit

Please note that versatility in most cases is a bit better than art, but their protective value is so similar that there is no need to evaluate one over the other.

In the same vein, for warriors in specialization protection, the value of each secondary status is very close. Strength Despite the fact that it is a little worse than secondary statistics, still provides decent survival. Generally speaking, the priority of characteristics should be respected only when comparing the subject of the same level. A piece of equipment with a higher level than you currently must be equipped independently of its secondary statistics.


One target rotation for the warrior in the tank is based on the next priority. As stated, this is a priority. Not an accurate sequence in which the abilities must be involved, each time you can apply the ability, you must start with the top of the list and use the first available ability. This applies to all "rotations" in the future.

The overall goal is to generate as much rage as possible so that it can then be spent on a decrease in incoming damage.

Rotation for one purpose

  • Use a powerful shield with a cooldown.
  • Activate thunder thunder in Coulund.
  • Revenge, it is necessary to use as far as possible.
  • Use the crushing.

A demoralizing cry must be applied to Kuldown (when using a tinted throat) and technically first in the priority of the ability. Of all your ability generating rage, it generates the greatest amount of rage.

Avatar must be included in Culdown. It is worth tightening a demoralizing cry for a few seconds, if the avatar is about to break away from Kuldown. Do not delay the avatar for the demoralizing scream.

The following stage refers to the spell demoralizing cry and avatar, if you are trying to maximize damage, you can postpone these Couldows for a few seconds, if a powerful shield is close to being accessible. Never delay offensive cooldowns by more than 3-4 seconds.


These gems are the best optionbased on their estimated value using the statistics of the position and weight of the characteristics of this manual.



If you are focused on a high damage AOE / Spash, you will most likely win from the sign of distant troops.


Exciting spellcasters increase the original statistics, so this gender is an obvious choice!

Finally, we got to Proto Vara, because by him, legends have long been heard among the players that this is the best tank for raids in World of Warcraft. And this is exactly the case, because Proto Var in 5.4 Pve is simply created in order to lead a raid on epic dungeons. Machine Proto Vara to the final levela and put it completely, ...


It's not a secret, for no one that Fury Vary for any raid fit perfectly. Therefore, they are considered the strongest among the warriors, thanks to their skills and abilities. In 5.4, and this is a Pandaria, Pve Fury Var received a new round of development. He became a professional to hold a weapon, in his battle tactic, as well as his mobility improved. Pump foursa Vara 5.4 to perfection we ...


It is possible that the new update "Pandaria" gave a turn not only to the development of the game as a whole, but also the development of the characters. Arms Var became already in 3.3.5 cult character, and keeps his brand so far. It is enough difficult to understand the technique of the game, especially beginners. We have developed Pve Hyde in Arms Varu 5.4, where we consider all moments by humping it. In Hyde will include: characteristics, ...


A lot of gamers who have chosen such a class as a warrior, reached heights and tired of playing the Arm branch, and of course wanted to try themselves in PVP in the fury branch. In this branch, Var looks, of course, cool and impressively having two two-handed axes or swords behind his back. Many players consider fury branch not quite suitable for PVP, but believe me and in this ...


Many believe that Prost Vary in this Specke is not suitable for PVP. But I will tell you immediately this is a very erroneous opinion. There are many reasons that refute all opinions, namely, cool Damag, there is no need for constant shifts of racks, cool control, as a support of a partner and a lot of fun! However, there are also cons, due to which most gamers refuse to this SPEC: No Mortala, ...


Under many requests, I will try to maximize the material on the Arms Varu in PVP. The warrior is a multilateral class as for Pve, as well as it will be an excellent killer in PVP battles. Play Vary is not easy. Many consider it a two-button character, but this is far from that. The main thing is to choose the glyphs correctly, spread talents, dress the necessary meal and everyone will tremble with ...


Hello friends and readers of the site site. Today, according to your numerous requests, I wrote a special guide on Fury Varu 3.3.5. It is unusual to remember the Fury Ware 3.3.5. But there were times when the warrior frenzy could bore almost everyone. In the patch version 3.3.5 Furi Var could squeeze the colossal DPS, and how to do it in practice, I will tell you in detail. For...

Warrior "Protection" - a classic tank in the world of Azeroth. Troubled and strong - reliable support for their allies. It uses their melee skills to hold opponents, gunplant and one-handed weapon. How to play and defeat the warrior tank, learn from our wagon guide.


Let's consider strong and weak sides This specialization:


  • Requires minimal third-party healing upon receipt of static damage
  • Low restoration time of protective abilities
  • Great damage without loss of survival
  • High mobility
  • Ability to reflect spells
  • Can often reduce the incoming damage in an ally by 30%


  • We vulnerable for a strong, unlocked physical damage
  • It has a small supply of health

Basic Information on Loop:

Warrior "Protection" has one main resource, like all other species of this class - rage. As a tank, the warrior is focused on the maximum decline in the incoming damage, as it does not have the ability to fill the lost health.














Mile and Range Zone


Treteazerites armor.

Wow for Russian players initially existed only in foreign languages, as the native language of the game is English, many terms to this day are formed from the English names of the established mechanic and many abilities.

Agro - (from English "aggravation", which means irritation) in the game is used to indicate the desire of the enemy to beat someone. The more Agro is the higher the chance to be a victim of opponent's attacks.

Oo - (From the English. Area of \u200b\u200bEffect) literally is an area on which the effect occurs whether damage is applied in this area, or healing is made - it does not matter. Usually this abbreviation is used as a team to apply a group / raid to several goals. It is also used to describe any boss ability with the effect described above.

Buffpositive effect. By default, it is displayed to the left of the ministry at its top edge.

Burst - (from the English. Burst), the ability that gives a lot of damage in a different way in a short time.

Gir - (from the English. Gear) in essence is an equipment.

GKD - (Reduced by English Global Cooldown) This is the total recovery time of abilities.

Debuff - Negative effect. By default, it is displayed to the left of the ministry at its bottom edge.

Dot - (from the English. Damage Over Time) is the effect that damage is damage

DPS. - (from the English. DPS - Damage Per Second) This is the value that displays the damage applied per second.

Clier - (from English Cleave) The ability to damage the secondary goals damage, through the application of damage on the main goal, while not having losses (or with a minimum loss) on the main one.

Kuldown. - (from the English Cooldown, you can often meet the abbreviation of the "CD", or "Kdshka"), the main value is the time of restoration of the ability. Also often used in relation to the bustam or various protective abilities.

Mile and Range Zone - (from English MELEE and Ranged, respectively) Miles - means a melee zone, also use for the name of all classes / specs that cause effective damage directly in this zone. Range (can also be found "Renzh") - means a zone that is not a melee zone, and, accordingly, is also used to name all classes / specs that can apply effectively damage from the distance.

Mitigigishn. - It will be used more often in combination of Mitigyashn (from English. Active Mitigation), which means a decrease or mitigation of incoming damage, requiring the use of certain abilities with a short duration, but at the same time with a small recovery time. Such a model of abilities developers began to use in the fogs of Pandaria, therefore this is already a well-established term at any class with a specialization of the tank.

Trete - (from English Trait) the name of "talents" yourazerites armor.

Basic abilities

Attacking abilities


General information. To achieve several new levels, you will be opened with new "ties" talents. In each such line, you can only select only one talent. Talents can affect the ability differently in different ways: add new, replace old, modify passively different effects and spells. Change talents can be in the sanctuations or in any rest zones, however, if there are no such places, you can take advantage "Foliant of a serene mind" which will allow you to change talents within a minute. Talents cannot be changed in battle. The talent cannot be changed, if the talent of the CD talent is selected in this dash, first will have to wait for its recovery.

Tir 1. 15 lvl

Azerite trait

The sets were removed in BTU, and "Azerite Armor" was added to their place. Now in any hicy / head / shoulders there are a few rings in which you have to choose one or other talent.

  • Bloody sport . " Resistance to pain "Blocks additional damage and increases the self-describing rate of 8 seconds. One of the few really useful Tretes of the warrior for survival, if there are problems with Pokhille in the raid - our choice, just enough in M \u200b\u200b+
  • Popular strongholds. "Avatar "Enhances your art indicator for 20 seconds. And immediately imposes on you the effect "Resistance to pain ". An excellent trait, which, during the actions of Avatar, gives us a bunch of art that strengthens our block, as well as increases the damage we applied. Good selection and for M +, and for raids.
  • Stunning Rascat . "Thunder blow "Deals an additional damage and extends the time of your action"Demoralizing Creek »On the affected opponents for 2 seconds. Up to 6 seconds. In the presence of talent "Tinned throat "It is obligatory for presence in the traits, moreover, strengthens our Abilka, which causes the main damage, both on a single battle and for Oo. It is desirable to have at least 1 such a trait.
  • Cooked Agreement . This talent provides force, but has its own minuses, for example, if health falls below 50% - it ceases to work, and it becomes useless, and if health falls below 20%, it starts to work at a loss at all, and provides debuff at which we We get for 15% damage more. If you want to press the boss, then this trait is beautiful, the warrior tank health rarely falls below 50%, due to blocks, as well as absorption, but be careful, I do not advise you to take this trait on bosses that are not yet killed, because There may be a problem with survival, which will negatively affect the nerves of the RLA.
  • Related souls . Your spells and abilities can hang on us BAU "Soul Communication". Time actions - 15 seconds. So far, the "Soul Communication" is valid, once every 5 seconds. You and your closest ally fill the health and get a buff to the speed indicator for 5 seconds. An excellent trait that gives Hasta, as well as sick us, and besides, quite often hire. So for the absence of other options - will become an excellent choice.

Game process

To begin with, consider damage, as it directly affects your rage generation.

Basic priorities:

  1. Blow shield on the CD and by Proc
  2. Revenge when if the boss is another tank
  3. Cd thunder
  4. Revenge if there are programs for free use
  5. Scroll

* Do not forget to use Intercept So he also creates rage, but do not use it if it leads to an unwanted reversal of the boss or his movement

For Oo from 3+ goals:

WikiHow works on the principle of wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by several authors. When creating this article over its editing and improvement, they worked, including anonymous, 54 people (a).

Is it difficult for you to play warrior? You came to the right place; The warrior is very simple, but at the same time a complex class, and many do not know how to play on it. Warriors are known for their tank skills, but do not underestimate them, as they are very strong in PVP and can destroy the enemy for several powerful blows.


    Select Ras. To be honest, it does not play a big role. Only if you are seriously configured on PVE / PVP, then there are some skills that can be useful.

    • Man is a great class for PVP. They receive a 10% reputation bonus and 3+ to the expertise rating for swords and clubs. They have the best racial ability for PVP, each for itself, which removes the effects of deceleration and traps. It is similar to PVP trinkets, thus providing people with the opportunity to wear an additional trink.
    • The dwarf - has a stone form that removes the effects of bleeding, poison and disease and strengthens the armor by 10% within a few seconds. And also, +10 to ice resistance.
    • Drains - has a very strong racial ability - a passive aura, which increases the likelihood of a target by 1%, whether weapon or by spells. 1% is an important bonus in the raids and opens up the opportunity to use other charms and stones. Another racial ability is the gift of Naaura, which restores its own health and health of the allies. If you combine this skill with the skill of herbalism, then the restored health can strongly help in difficult minutes of battle.
    • Tauren - Probably the second best PVP class for warrior; You get + 5% for primary health, as well as the skill of the thunder, which stuns enemies within the radius of the action of this skill. This skill is extremely important in PVP.
    • Troll is an excellent choice for warrior foursa. Trolls receive a natural regeneration bonus, which becomes important at higher levels. Trolls have the ability of Berrik, which increases the speed of attack and pronounce spells.
    • The undead - gets the ability of the will of the redefined, which is useful in battles against high-level bosses. Warriors get similar skill, thirst for death, which works in any rack. On the other hand, the will of the redefined has some advantages. Cannibalism is a useful skill while performing tasks, as you do not have to think about food to restore health. Underwater breathing can be useful during tasks, especially during murder of mobs (+ 200% of water).
  1. Choose a branch of talents:

    • Weapons - most often used in PVP, but also in Pve, when talents are correctly selected and in combination with frenzy. At low levels, characters with hereditary things, especially with two-handed weapons, can choose a specialization weapon, since the warrior has a large number of instantaneous attacks based on the damage of weapons, for example, superiority. The speed of attack and strength are among the best characteristics in the game.
    • Fury - is the DPS Pve Speck, which is rarely used in PVP. Titan's grip is a very good skill that allows you to hold two two-handed weapons, taking 10% of the total damage. However, at high levels of the hero, two two-handed weapons in combination with such skills as a whirlwind, crushing damage in the Monsters group. In this specialization, hit and expertise are the most important stats, as well as force.
    • Protection is specialization for tanks. They take enemy attacks, protecting members of their group. Tanks are needed for each dungeon. For a tank, protection is a mandatory specialization. Warriors Tanks are among the most the best tanks in Game.
  2. Maintain rage! One of the most important conditions for the warrior is health, and then everything else. You accumulate rage, getting damage (what takes your health), causing damage and using the skills to increase the rage, for example, the fury of the berserka. You can use all the skimming skills to enhance rage, as well as jerk to raise the amount of rage at the very beginning of the battle.

    . .. Don't hold too high rage! Maintaining your rage is important, but do not forget if your skill adds 30 rage, and you have 95, then you will receive only 5, instead of 30. So, wait the rage with the mind using the appropriate skills for the desired battle. To reset the rage, you can use multiple options: Update the Creek, use the dispersion or hit the hero. Hero's hit is used constantly during tanning to raise a threat and reset the rage (since you constantly get damage and able to use this skill without stopping), but in DPS specialization, you may need to use a hero hit only when you have the maximum number rage.

    Get on the right armor. Armor for warrior is like spells for the magician. You need armor with + to strength, endurance, armor, attack strength and to the strike rating. Sometimes, you can think about a critical chance, but this does not consider the priority characteristic. You do not need to worry about the strength of the attack and the battery rating to the level of 90. The more endurance, the more health. Health is very important. Warriors wear mail to level 40, and then lats. Armor is a very important characteristic for warriors. Tip: Try to get lats, starting from level 35-40. You can walk to the dungeon or purchase armor at the auction. The more armor, the less damage you get. In the end, talents and a critical strike can increase your DPS - this is not as important as the characteristics mentioned above.

  3. Always wear a shield and one-handed weapon. They can come in handy in difficult, singles, where you need additional protection and skills of this kind.

    • When you play at low levels, there are two dungeons that can help with tanning armor. If you go to the Dark Fang Fortress, then you can get the knight shield of the commander, which can serve until the middle of the 30s, and then you can upgrade your thing to the head of the Commander from the Scarlet Monastery.
    • If you play DPS (PVE), use the hero's impact only when you have about 100 rage.
    • Pay attention to the direction of attack of your enemies, do not turn to them back and look at your health.
    • Low uniform warriors can defeat other classes dressed in rare and epic things; All in your hands and skills.
    • Fourity warriors have the skill of bloodthirstiness. Instant attack that appreciates the enemy 90% of the arms damage and additionally 1121, and also treats 1%. This skill accumulates 10 units of rage. Furi warriors can apply a crazy amount of damage in Pve.
    • Learn to your mistakes if you are not sure how to do in a certain situation, then ask someone about help.
    • Do not forget that when you are tank, you must protect the group from receiving direct damage. Holding a threat - this is not the easiest lesson. When Tancanite, use a protective rack. Use the skills, such as crushing, revenge, block shield, split armor, thunder blow, heroic throw, dental, disarming, hero hit, deaf defense, demoralizing cry and others. For single purposes or small groups, you can use skills in the following order: reduce damage applied, reduce armor of your enemies, then focus on skills that damage damage. Constantly use the shield and revenge block.
    • You can go to an impenetrable pulp and perform tasks for Outlaw Saber. This is one-handed weapon with 19 DPS, which will work better than two-handed weapons of the same level.
    • Try to assign hot keys on your keyboard. You use this style of play, as in tanking and in PVP.


    • Tan only in specialization protection. Other specializations will not be able to generate a sufficient threat to protect your group.
    • Use specialization weapons in Pve only when your armor is not the best. As soon as you improve your wearable clothes, try to go into fury.
    • Do not forget that when you are tank, you must protect the group from receiving direct damage. Holding a threat - this is not the easiest lesson. Exists great amount Videos with a record from tanks that are located in dungeons and raids. Look at them and learn the right tactics of tankovani in situations of various kinds. When Tancanite, use a protective rack. Use the skills, such as crushing, revenge, block shield, split armor, thunder blow, heroic throw, dental, disarming, hero hit, deaf defense, demoralizing cry and others. For single purposes or small groups, you can use the skills in the following order: reduce damage applied, reduce armor of your enemies, then focus on skills that cause damage. Constantly use the shield and revenge block.
    • Use weapons for PVP. Fury can also work, but the weapon (ARMS) considers the best spectrum for the battle against other players.
    • If you play the warrior of the neldely, remember that cannibalism allows you to raise health completely (practically).
    • Remember: Since certain time, the use of specialization protection in PVP is a very frequent phenomenon, especially on the rating fields of the battle. This type of game is largely different from PVA battles. Look on the Internet for relevant guides and videos.
Warriors - class focused on melee weapons. They are strong and hardy, as well as masters of weapons and tactics. Special warrior abilities are focused on battle. Unlike warriors in other games, in WoW, the warrior has many different skills and abilities that can be used directly in battle.

Warrior parameters
When creating a new character, the player does not have the ability to choose the initial parameters. They will depend only on the choice of race and class

Strength (power) - increases damage in melee. Strength does not affect the chance of applying critical strikes. The force does not affect the chance to block the impact, but affects the absorption of damage during the block. This value is partially dependent on force, and partly from the properties of the shield.
- Agility (dexterity) - increases distance damage, increases the chance to apply a critical blow, they are attached to the chance of passage (Dodge), and the value of protection and armor (Defense and Armar) directly depends on it.
- Stamina (endurance) - increases the character's life (Health Points). Intellect (Intellect) - increases the value of mana and affects the chance of applying critical damage to magical spells. Intellect affects the chance of increasing melee skills (Dodge, Parry, Block).
- Spirit (Spirit) - increases the speed of mana and life regeneration. This parameter also allows you to increase the skill of the ownership of a certain weapon. * Damage to distillation affects dexterity, both agility and power are affected by damage in the near battle.

1. The warrior can wear any armor and use almost all types of weapons.
2. Warrior withstands more damage than any other class.
3. It has good combat skills in close distance.
4. Large selection of uniforms.
5. Easy straightens with monsters.
6. It can be well to lure (pulling), take an attack on yourself (tanking) and damage due to various combat racks.
7. It has a variety of abilities to distract opponents on themselves.

1. Without having treatment skills, relies on food, recovery potions and other players.
2. It is very dependent on the armored and weapons used.
3. Limited abilities, for attack from far distance.
4. A small number of group buffs.

Accessible races:
man, dwarf, night elf, gnome, orc, tauren, undead, troll

Standard bars:
Health / Growney

Available uniforms:
- Rag clothes (Cloth),
- leather armor,
- Mail Armor (Mail),
- Plate Armor (Plate),
- Shields (Shields)

Available weapon: - one-handed and two-handed axes (One and Two-Handed Axes),
- swords (Swords), hammers (Maces),
- Daggers (Daggers) and
- Throwing Weapon (Thrown)

Anger (Rage):
The warrior has a red bar of anger (strip, it is like a mana panel, in magicians.). He is recruited during the battle. The more damage you are delivering, you skip or prevent, the more anger is gained. Warrior also has special abilities to gain anger. Anger is needed to use the abilities inaccessible outside the battle. Accordingly, for each special attack, a certain amount of anger is needed. If the battle is over, the anger begins to crawl to 0. Also the warrior will lose all the accumulated anger if the battle is changed.

Stands (stances):
Warrior has different racks for fighting, they will determine the abilities that will be available in battle. There are special buttons for switching racks. If you switch the racks during the battle, your entire accumulated anger will fly away. Usually during the battle there is no need to switch racks, as all of them are intended for different situations:

Battle Stance (battle stand) is mainly used for solo battles, as it increases the level and speed of attack.
- Defensive Stance (Protective Stand) gives a smaller number of attack skills, but gives the warrior a large number of protection. This is primarily used if the role of "tank" has fallen in the group.
- Berserker Stance (berserka stand) increases the chance to a critical strike on the enemy, but using it you get more damage. Good to use in the group, if there is another warrior tank (Defense Specialization).

Panel Special. Attacks (Action Bar):
Each stand has its own panel special attacks. When switching the rack, the panel of the special attacks changes.

Bounds of strikes:
Using a shield (Shield Bash) / Shield (Shield Block), and then use Revenge (Revenge) skill.

Training of weapons skills:
It is very useful to improve your possession. different species Weapons so that you can easily switch to another type of weapon if this weapon will be better than yours. Wears with you weapons of different types (swords, axes, hammers, etc.), from time to time, use them to enhance your skills of owning them.

Class role
Warrior can play the role of a defender or tank, to make serious damage or alternately do both. The capabilities of the warriors are designed mainly to the near battle, but they can be used in completely different situations and groups. If we talk in general, the class of warriors is designed primarily for those who cannot live without a meleal-combat weapon.

1. Combine in groups with classes that are able to treat (priest (Priest), Shaman (Shaman), Druid (Druid), Paladin (Paladin)).
2. Learn to use one or two types of two-handed weapons. (For example, two-handed axes (Two-Handed Axes) and two-handed swords (Two-Handed Swords))
3. Learn to manage your anger (Rage)! If you kill with a caster, save anger, in order for you at the right time you could interrupt its powerful spell or spell treatment with your skill skills (Shield Bash) or knock down (Pummel). One extra heroic strike (Heroic Strike), of course, will apply an additional damage, but the monster will be able to pass himself and, one can say, the battle will begin with the beginning.
4. Test and plan the distribution of your talents in advance. If you want to make a fierce near Warrior with a large number of health glasses (Hit Points), you must stop your option to endurance (Stamina) and select Protective Talents. If you decide to become an attacker fighter, try to increase the power parameter (Strength) and the talents of specialization in weapons.
5. Protect your allies in the group. Priest (Priest) or Mage (Mage) will not be able to withstand several attacks monster, so use your skill skills (TAUT), causing a cry (challenging shout) to make monsters attack you.

Trade skills
o Ore mining (Mining) and blacksmith (blacksmithing) - will allow warriors to make weapons and armor for yourself, and at the same time get the necessary ore for this.
o Herbalism (Herbalism) and Alchemy (Alchemy) - the warrior will be able to create drinks that will increase its parameters and fill its lifestyle glasses.
o First Aid (First Aid) - the warrior does not know how to treat himself, so this skill will allow him to fill his glasses of life even in battle.
o Fishing (fishing) and cooking (cooking) - warrior has no congenital treatment skills, so it is very useful to use this bundle for cooking that fills you life and saves time to rest between battles.

Martial skills
Matting skills are purchased from special coaches for money. Every skill can only be bought from a certain level. Also, most skills have several ranks. Each rank increases the effect of skill. If you have, for example, Heroic Strike 1st Rank, then you will not be able to purchase Heroic Strike 3rd rank until you have this skill of the 2nd rank. There are also a few skills that you get as a quest reward or get for free when creating a character.