Equestria girls for two. My Little Pony: Equestria Girls. A variety of plots of the game Equestria Girls

Going after the thief of the crown, the princess named Twilight Sparkle finds herself in an alternative world of people, where she turns from a four-legged pony into an ordinary teenage girl with her own problems and an annoying high school...

The cartoon, created in 2013 by Hasbro Studios, expands the Pony universe. The plot develops after the end of the events of the 3rd season of the animated series "Friendship is a miracle" and introduces a number of new human characters. Spectators are waiting for exciting adventures, where their favorite heroes are in danger every now and then!

Once on the other side of the mirror, Twilight Sparkle is surprised to find that she has become an ordinary person and is now forced to go to Canterlot School, where they study ... human versions of her friends. Now she has to learn how to manage an unusual body, fall in love, be disappointed and become a princess of a school ball in order to return the precious crown again.

Unfortunately, little time is allotted to search for the relic - if Sparkle and her friends fail to find the loss in three days, the portal will close. The heroine will not be able to return to her world for at least another month.

Kind and sympathetic Sparkle instantly becomes popular, standing up for the weak and helping those in need. She gains authority and a good reputation, so during the ceremony she gains the most votes and becomes the princess of the ball!

Disappointed by this turn of events, Sunset Shimmer, once the most popular girl in school, decides to take revenge on Twilight Sparkle by threatening to destroy the portal. She attacks the princess, trying to take away the coveted crown by force, puts it on her head and turns into a terrible demon. With the help of evil spells, she casts a spell on all students and is going to conquer Equestria using unsuspecting enchanted students.

The villainess wants to destroy Twilight and her friends, but they join hands and activate a protective barrier. By joining their forces, they defeat Sunset, who begins to realize her wrong and swears an oath to become good and kind. The girls forgive her and then go to the ball where they dance till they drop!

Equestria Girls games is one of the most favorite categories of online games for girls, which is based on the popular cartoon series about the adventures of little horses. Together with the main characters, you will find yourself in a real parallel world and you can help them get used to such an unusual and slightly frightening environment.

Initially, the heroines of these games were charming pony horses that lived in a magical kingdom headed by Princess Celestia. But disaster struck: one of the princess's favorite students tricked her into stealing her crown and fled to parallel world. The ponies went after her, but no one suspected that they would turn into the most ordinary girls there!

Each girl from the game Equestria Girls is similar to her prototype. They have magnificent multi-colored hair, reminiscent of the mane of horses, languid eyes with a veil, and a cheerful laugh that leaves no one indifferent. Together they are a real team that will always come to the aid of each other.

You can choose with them any category of Equestria Girls mini-games that you like: drawing, dressing up, rpg, cooking or music. Download them to your browser and play at any free time.

Equestria Girl games open doors for you, leading to a mysterious land where magic is as common as science in our world. But it is worth taking a closer look at its inhabitants, as you understand that the difference that separates us is not so great. The girls living in this magical land love the same things as we do, and therefore, having once got into the world of people, the pony girls easily fit into the usual course of things for us and became their own. It all started by accident when Sunset Shimmer managed to steal the crown from Twilight and escaped into the human world. Twilight could not allow this to happen and went after Sunset, where she also became a human. Such an unpleasant theft was the impetus for an amazing discovery, real magic and subsequent adventures.

A variety of plots of the game Equestria Girls

First, let's choose a nice hairstyle for Rarity. To do this, grab it with the mouse and drag it to the heroine, and then release it. The new styling will fall into place by itself, and you will only have to determine the color of the individual strands that are hidden under the next icon. Experiment until you get the result you like. You can change her outfit by dressing her up in a dress or choosing from the many options:

  • blouse,
  • shirts,
  • shorts
  • skirts
  • breeches.

Combine them so that they match in color and style, and then choose sandals, shoes or boots that match the ensemble. When the costume is completed, look at the skin color change options - the fantastic horse will easily change into all the colors of the rainbow.

Friendship is the miracle of the Equestria girl, it is also a game with music. Go to the disco with your girlfriends and learn to dance with them. When the course is over, you will demonstrate your acquired skills at the dance school. Well, together with the sweet tooth Pinkie Pie, you will open your own confectionery - a paradise for gourmets and gourmets. There is always plenty of cakes, buns, tubes of cream, sweets, cakes, jams, preserves and marmalade, ice cream and cookies. And to make the shop more popular, help Pinky sell goodies and make a profit from them.

May games are waiting for you little pony Equestria girls, allowing you to play in many different directions. There is also a quest in which Twilight Sparkle and her friends from Ponyville ended up in Equestria and now they need help with completing tasks so that they reach their intended goal. Another pony girl, Apple Jack, decided to open a salon. Visit her institution and put yourself in order to become even more beautiful and attractive. Even young skin needs special care, and you will learn about the rules for creating a style in the appropriate grooming game.

Dress up game with Equestria girls. This game will appeal to all fans of the cartoon "Little Pony". Trouble broke out in the magical town of Ponyville after Samset Shimmer committed a low and mean act, and stole the crown from Twilight Sparkle. All the ponies had time to notice was that Samset somehow managed to jump over the portal to another fantasy world. Without thinking twice, the main pony characters rushed into the portal to save the stolen crown, return it to its rightful owner and punish the criminal for her act. Another reality that the ponies got into is called Equestria. As soon as the ponies crossed the threshold of the new world, they turned into girls, and their dragon friend Spike became a pet.

Sparkle in the new world feels no worse than at home, in Ponyville. She found friends who are very similar to her pony best friends in another world. Now Sparkle is a student of a prestigious school, and a member of a rock band. Dress up games with Equestria girls will show you how different they are, what outfits each of them prefers. And what talents they have. For each girl, it will be necessary to choose a special, unique and unique outfit so that it emphasizes her individuality and distinguishes her from the crowd.

The girls from the elite school are so similar to Twilight's friends, whom she misses after parting. But what about herself? Wouldn't ordinary people be surprised by a pony and a dragon at school, this is not a computer game? It's simple - magic. With her help, after passing through the magic mirror, Sparkle becomes the same girl as everyone around her, and Spike turns into a cute dog. Of course, at first everything is unusual - walking on two legs, for example, but gradually Sparkle gets used to being a girl, although this is not for long - after completing the mission, she will again become a pony, although this is often not shown in games.

What is the purpose of her coming to this world? The fact is that the villain pony, who never became a princess, stole a magical crown that protected her beloved Equestria - by the way, many games of the Equestria girl are based on this plot. Sparkle rushes in pursuit of the kidnapper, who hid in the world of people and hid the crown in a clever way - now, in order to get it, you need to become the princess of the school. However, Sparkle is no stranger to it - even computer games often offer to go from an ordinary pony to a princess. But can she do it without her magic?

Friendship is…

Yes, because the magic of friendship works in any world, even one where there is no unicorn magic. So, despite the attempts of a mean thief to ruin everything, Twilight does everything to make friends with those girls who are so similar to her favorite friends - Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and all the others. Many games of the girl from Equestria are dedicated to this particular part of the full-length movie. Of course, there will be obstacles later, but the magic of friendship is already working - and people are very similar to ponies in this - so it will be much easier for everyone to get the crown together, both in the game and in the cartoon.

And what about the vile thief, the former pupil of the princess, Sunset Shimmer? This pony, once in the world of people, also became a girl. She offends the timid Fluttershy (whom Sparkle defends) and plots all sorts of intrigues - after all, in order to get a magical crown, it is she who must become the princess of the school. By the way, the plot of games about girls from Equestria is often based on this - friends must overcome all the obstacles that the vile Sunset Shimmer comes up with for them.

What magic can do is a real victory

But does defeating the enemy necessarily mean destroying him? Ponies have repeatedly shown that the biggest victory is to teach not very good character be friends (it is worth remembering at least Discord - the Friendship series and games with him). First, of course, you need to win the competition - this is the second time Sparkle proves that she is worthy of the title of princess - and then everything else. Many games about girls offer to go the same way.

When the magic of true friendship, which is so familiar to us from pony cartoons, works even in the world of girls, this is the real miracle that will help Sunset Shimmer become a princess, if not by title, by her heart and behavior. This is where the Equestria Girls games usually end, but the full-length cartoon shows the logical conclusion to the adventures of Princess Sparkle - she returns to home world pony.

End and start

Adventures to which many are dedicated popular games are finished, but much is just beginning. The creators of the cartoon give fans a unique opportunity to think out the continuation of the story about girls themselves, only hinting and predicting.

The girls left in the world of people, so similar to the famous ponies both in character and in the details of their appearance, will never be the same again - they were connected by the strongest magic in the world, which they will continue to generously share with everyone who meets them. True, for some reason there are no games on this topic yet - apparently, everything is ahead.

But the pony who has visited their world also has a lot ahead. Leaving her dear admirer behind the looking glass, in her world Sparkle finds an equally cute pony with a blue mane - who knows, maybe this is still her destiny - to face him, no matter what form romantic feelings take. Since there is no continuation of the story in "reality", it would be nice to get it in the form of a computer game ...

"Girls from Equestria" is not appreciated by all fans of the original series of cartoons and games, yet the main characters in the full-length movie are not beloved and familiar ponies, but, we must pay tribute, the spirit of the original has been fully preserved, so it deserves both recognition and even praise.