Native World. Reissue. (Homeworld Remastered). A quick overview of the races in the Homeworld universe Homeworld 2 ships


A new galactic threat looms over the Hiigaran. Warlike Vaygrs want to take over the entire galaxy.

As before, the player controls the huge mother ship "Pride of Hiigara". The Pride of Hiigara is not the same ship from the first part, it is a more advanced second generation ship. The role of the on-board computer is again performed by Karan S'jet. The crew of the Hiigara Pride will travel to uncharted regions of the galaxy, engaging in battle with a new enemy in order to find salvation for their race ...

Ship classes

The class system of the game is almost the same as in the first part, with a few additions:

  • Fighters- squadrons of small assault ships. The Hiigaryan squadrons consist of 5 fighters, while the Weigr squadrons consist of 7.
  • Corvettes- light ships. Heavier and slower than fighters, but more armored and better armed. Squadrons: 3 for the Hiigaran, 4 (except for command corvettes) for weigers, and one mine-laying corvette for both factions.
  • Frigates- an extensive class of the lightest of the heavy ships, performing various functions.
  • Heavy ships- shipyard, flagship, carriers, destroyers, battleships.
  • Support ships- probes, resource ships, mobile refineries.
  • Platforms- hypergate, turrets (kinetic, ion and rocket).

Most of the Hiigaryan ships are multipurpose, while the Vaigr ships are more specialized.

The Vaygr fleet focuses on missile systems, while the Hiigaryan fleet focuses on ionic systems.


There are four main races in the game: Hiigaryan, Weigr, Bentusi, and Forerunner.


Kushan from Homeworld returning to their home planet, Hiigaru. Now they are defending their homeland from a new enemy.


Many of the weigr technologies are reminiscent of Taidan technologies. This is not surprising, since in their crusade the Weygrs assimilated many civilizations, including the worlds of the former Taidan Empire. The leader of the Vaygr is Macaan, the consummate strategist.


An ancient, high-tech race of merchants calling themselves the Unbound. All Bentusis are one with their ship. In the second part of the game, Bentusi had only one ship left - their flagship "Bentus" (according to other sources - Harbor ship- Harbor). The fate of the rest is unknown. (Possibly (and most likely) they were destroyed by the Vagers and their allies.) Also, in the story of Homeworld: Cataclysm, many Bentusi fled to another galaxy in fear of the Beast's invasion.


This super-powerful and technologically advanced race became extinct about 10,000 years before the events of the game. Many artifacts remain from them, including 3 key hyper-cores.

The remnants of the former might of the Forerunners - invincible unmanned ships - are guarded by one of the two Dreadnoughts - Sajuuk's defenders. They play an important role in the game. All Forerunner ships have incomparably high performance compared to the ships of the same Hiigaryan / Weigr class.

Guardian ships are classified into 3 types:

  1. The keeper: class - destroyer / carrier... Armament - a cannon, equal in power to the guns of the Dreadnought. Features - high survivability, the ability to instantly disappear in case of high damage or a significant advantage of the enemy.
# Drone: class - fighter / bomber... Armament - a cannon, equal in power to the guns of a torpedo frigate. Features - high speed, high maneuverability.
  1. Tractor: class - corvette / worker... Armament - 2 cannons in the front, equal in power to the bomber's guns. Features - "live" in the wreckage of ancient ships. They attack exclusively in a group, although each unit is autonomous. They know how to tow damaged ships.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better!

(Folk wisdom)

Homeworld 2 is a long-awaited game. So they expect any continuation of the classics, and I think no one doubts that the first version of Homeworld is a classic. At one time, the game made a splash. Still would! The first space 3D-strategy with gorgeous graphics for those times and an exemplary engine that migrated into countless imitations-clones; from the latter, let us recall at least Haegemonia.


Briefly about the main thing

It's a very small chapter, and those who played the first Homeworld or saw numerous clones can skip it with a clear conscience. Each scenario takes place in open space - i.e. in three-dimensional space. We observe what is happening with the help of a conventional camera, which can be moved to any point, as desired, deployed and scaled, and all this is done with only one mouse - surprisingly convenient and will not become outdated soon. Everything else is the same as in any RTS, be it futuristic, historical or fantasy: there are fighters-ships, there are bases producing them (in this case - also ships, only very large ones), there are resources that need to be collected in order to be on what to build a fleet. The enemy has the same thing. The goal of the game is to destroy the enemy base and along the way (if possible) the fleet. Ships can be sent to any point on the map, assigned any routes to them, grouped as you like - complete freedom. The skeleton of the game is simple, like everything ingenious, and by the perfection of proportions it resembles an antique temple.


It remains to figure out who is fighting with whom this time, and most importantly, for what reasons. Any decent game should have a decent framing plot - otherwise it won't be interesting. Defend the interests of an abstract race against an equally abstract enemy - in this, you see, there is no style. I must say that the developers did not let us down on this side either - the plot of the campaign (both framing and internal) is very curious, full of intriguing twists and turns, and as large as the genre requires.

Before us is a space epic on the theme of the struggle of sedentary peoples with nomadic ones: a generally banal collision of human history, transferred to the vastness of the Galaxy. The sedentary and civilized are played by the Hiigarans, the main characters of the first part, exiles who, after long wanderings, found a new homeland (which, in fact, ended the first Homeworld). A century or so has passed since then. And a new threat looms over our old acquaintances. The warlike nomadic race Vaygr invaded their domain, destroying outposts and colonies.

Veigr is a warlike clan from the planet Wei, lost in the Eastern Edges of the Galaxy. Like any self-respecting nomads, the Veygr tribes now and then went on raids of conquest. Separate streams of invasion were isolated from each other - the huge capacity of their bases, combined with the peculiarities of the technology of collecting resources, allowed them to do so.

Doesn't it look like anything? Deserted Eastern Territories (I just want to write - Eastern Steppe), separate detachments of brave nomads ... Merkits ... Tanguts ... well, yes, and Mongols too. Well, if so, sooner or later a figure similar to that of Genghis Khan had to appear. And she appeared, be calm. Meet the Lord of War Macaan, Master of Strategy. Under his leadership, the numerous Vaygr tribes united and gained a single strategic leadership.

More Messiah than a warrior, at a general meeting of the Vaygr tribes (I would like to write - the Great Kurultai) Makaan was proclaimed as "Sajuuk" Hem "," He Whose Hands Create Existence "(in the original He Whose Hands Shapes What Is), and his people began to be called "Sajuuk Haar" - the Chosen of God.

All this religious phraseology caused a split in the Hiigaran camp. Since their annals have long kept the prophecy that Sajuuk - the One Whose Hands Create Existence - will return and herald the End of Times. According to some apocalyptic sects, the Vaygr phenomenon is proof of Sajuuk's wrath. And you understand how to fight the Creator's anger ... Moreover, what if Makaan really is the embodiment of Sajuuk in person? What then?

Fortunately, no one paid any attention to the screams of alarmists and defeatists, and construction of a new Mothership began. The hyperspace engine core, which was a kind of shrine, was removed from the places of worship for the most pragmatic reasons and transferred to the Tanis shipyard, where the assembly of the Mothership was in full swing. Those who wish can read the sequel in the "Passage of the campaign" section, while we will deal with more prosaic matters for now.

Interface and control

The interface is simple, user-friendly and beautiful.

The game interface has not undergone significant changes - except that it has become more convenient. It is nevertheless worth describing its main elements - at least for the sake of consistency of presentation, and you never know - suddenly someone did not see the first part ... By and large, the Homeworld 2 game screen is a view from the pupil of the already mentioned camera, framed by various kinds auxiliary panels. Which, unlike the first part of the game, can be completely removed from sight, carrying out all the control from the keyboard.

I will not replace the training missions built into the game, and will only talk about the most basic, mentioning useful innovations that have appeared in the game along the way. Along the bottom of the screen is an oblong rectangle filled with all kinds of buttons, information boards, etc. Crowns him yellow color trapezoid - there is a number series to the right and left of it, see? What are these numbers - more on that later. But by clicking on the trapezoid, you just can get rid of the entire rectangle as a whole, if it blocks your view at critical moments of the battle.

But for now we will not remove it, but rather familiarize ourselves with its contents. Along its upper edge there are buttons in the form of the same oblong rectangles, only small ones. On the left are the fleet control buttons - Fleet, Strike, Tactics. By clicking on Fleet, you will receive detailed information about the state of your squadrons, using the Strike button, you will be able to line up ships in certain battle formations, and in Tactics, you can determine the line of behavior for the fleet as a whole, individual groups, or even individual ships. The latter, however, is rarely needed.

In the center, under the already mentioned number row, there are buttons that give the player access to additional information. These are Events, Objectives, Sensors, Recall, Menu. Events - a list of events that happened in the mission. Objectives are our goals in it. Sensors - switch to the tactical overview scheme (the same can be done by pressing the "space" on the keyboard). A thing, given the size of the cards, is absolutely irreplaceable. It was and was actively used back in Homeworld I. Everything in it is familiar and familiar - the plane of the ecliptic, arcs of meridians, blue spheres (for those who have forgotten or do not know - the areas of action of our sensors: where there is a blue glow - the map is open, everything the rest covers the "fog of war", from which there is no escape even in space). Camera and ship controls are similar to those in normal mode. Recall - messages received to your address are stored here. Not necessary in single player. Menu - I think it doesn't require any comments: saving the mission and exiting to Windows are the main actions available here.

And finally, on the right, there are three multi-colored buttons: Build, Research, Launch. By clicking on Build (provided that the manufacturer ship is selected on the screen), you get access to the ship building panel. Research - using this button, we get into our research center, where we can order a variety of improvements to our heart's content. Launch. This is an innovation, it was not in the first Homeworld. Running a little ahead - some, especially large ships can carry smaller ships in their belly. At the beginning of each mission, they are all automatically selected outside and wait for the start of events. Using the Launch button, we can change this - say, by ordering some ships to remain inside the carrier until special orders.

There is a panel under the fleet control buttons special actions available to all or some of your ships. The most significant of them are hyper-jump within the map, camouflage (the ship extinguishes the lights, as a result of which it becomes less vulnerable), activation of the protective field, self-destruction, mining. The most useful actions, such as hyperjumping, are performed for a reason, but require a significant consumption of resources. But the self-destruction of this or that ship - let us console ourselves at least with this - is completely free ... It is necessary, because the game has limits on the number of ships of the same class ... but more on that later.

Until you select a ship / group of ships on the screen, the rest of the rectangle will be empty. Highlight it - there will be detailed information about the selected ship / ships, about its / their type, quantity, combat merits.

The resource collectors rush home with their loot.

Forgive me, I will not expand on the subtle art of choosing ships with the help of a mouse click or outlining them with a frame, as well as on the target designation procedure. I will only mention the innovations. So, now your ships can choose their own targets to their liking. To do this, you need to circle the enemy ships with a frame when pressed. Ctrl(your ships, of course, must be pre-selected), and the job is done: each of your fighters will attack the enemy ship, in a battle with which he has more chances. If for some reason you do not like his choice, you can reassign the goal yourself: no one took the prerogatives of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief from you. A similar thing with mining ships - select a group of workers, press on the keyboard H, and you see that each "miner" himself chose a meteorite for hilling. You can’t say anything, it’s convenient. We will also reveal the riddle of the number series. Combining ships into a group using a simple operation Ctrl + number, we can subsequently select the formed detachment both from the keyboard and by clicking on the tabs with numbers located on both sides of the yellow trapezoid. Well, as in most modern RTS, the player has access to the mode of distribution of orders in a stopped time - just put the game on pause.

There is little change in the construction and research panels. Just as in the first series, you can form a construction / study queue, if necessary, change the points of the plan in places or cancel them altogether (however, a simple suspension is also possible). Research and construction can, as before, be carried out simultaneously - science does not stand still when production is in progress, which is logical. Yes, and different ships can be built in a synchronous mode - this is if different factories... The only thing that is impossible is the simultaneous assembly of two ships aboard the same manufacturer.

Rubidium in Richie Crater

A little about the economic side of the game. If you can call it that. There is only one resource in the game, the name of which has remained unknown, but it appears under the Latin abbreviation RU. What is it? Does it denote the Russian-speaking zone of the Internet, or maybe what mineral? On reflection, I decided that it was probably the famous rubidium. Why not, after all?

The collection of this mysterious substance is carried out by special boats (they are called resource collectors), somewhat reminiscent of bees. Well, their work is almost the same ... Our one and only resource is located on meteorite fragments, chaotically scattered throughout the map. There are not very many of them, and on average 4-5 thousand RU are extracted from each.

The mining process itself looks simple, but elegant - the collector flies up to the space cobblestone, sits on its surface, wiggles its legs ... and goes back to the mother ship. The resources obtained by him are added to your account at the moment when the bee enters the "motherboard". However, the resources are also accepted by shipyards, transports and mobile platforms.

But suppose that the mission has entered a deep endgame and a good two dozen mass carnages are already behind us, but the result is still unclear. This may entail some problems, since the mass scale of the massacres entails the need to produce ships in a non-stop mode. And one day the moment comes when the deposits of meteorite resources are simply taken and run out. And what then remains for the opponents? Really shake hands with each other (or what limbs they have there) and go home through the hyper?

Let us be comforted. For if truly large ships - cruisers, shipyards, destroyers - have managed to participate in the battles on the map up to this moment (and die the death of the brave) - then there is a lot of scrap left of them. And he swims in space not for beauty and not even as a reminder of the valor of his fallen comrades. It can be assembled and put back into production. For the best honor for the fallen is victory over the enemy! Achieved in spite of everything - even in the absence of resources.

As soon as we are talking about ships (even if about their wreckage), it would be time to go to them.

Ships, ships ...

As in the first part, ships are divided into classes. There are six of them: Fighters, Corvettes, Frigates, Capital, Platform, Utility.

Interceptors and bombers rush into battle. Back view.

The Fighters class (fighters) is equipped with the most modest and cheapest (but very useful!) Ships, on which all the rough work falls. These are Scouts, Interceptors and Bombers. You will hear repeatedly about interceptors and bombers, and I will praise the scout here and right now. After a small improvement, Scouts reveals the ability to make visible for just 1000 RU the whole map. For a short time, however, so what? The only thing this class deserves to be blamed for is its name. How do you like fighters, among which there are now and then bombers? In order to avoid the inevitable confusion for the Russian reader, in this manual I will give the name of this class only in original. Without translation.

Further Corvettes (corvettes). There are few of them: the Gunship, the Pulsar Gunship, and the Minelayer. The most versatile ships in the game - their speed and maneuverability are close to those of the Fighters, and the firepower is not much inferior to the frigates. True, their "health" is not as good as that of the latter.

% It is interesting. Corvettes and Fighters are not created separately, but in links of three to five units, and when ordering, they are counted specifically for links. So five frigates are only five frigates, but five corvettes are five corvettes links: if for units, then fifteen pieces. Such is the strange arithmetic. This, however, is a convention - the indicators of health and damage done refer to the entire link as a whole, and not at all to its individual components.

There are a lot of frigates (Frigates), and even too much, while b O Most of the game is not really needed. I will not list - all the same, they are all in the list below. And if in truth - the most offended by the developers of the class of ships. Everything they have is mediocre, everything is so-so - both speed, and armor, and firepower.

The Capital class includes three huge factory-type structures: the Mothership, the Carrier, the Shipyard - and a pair of extra-tier warships - the Destroyer and Battlecruiser. With the mother ship, I think everything is clear, and once again no one needs to remind anyone of its importance. Although ... Why not? Firstly, this is your main production center, and secondly, its loss means an automatic and immediate loss, even if the rest of the fleet is safe and sound.

The shipyard needs to be dealt with separately. The Mothership, no matter how huge it is, cannot build a Battlecruiser - the vertical orientation of the "motherboard" and the exorbitant size of the cruiser hinder. True, the Mothership is quite capable of producing only half the cumbersome (and also horizontally oriented) destroyer - it turns out that the matter is all the same in size. Be that as it may, one more structure becomes necessary, specially sharpened for the creation of cruisers. This is the shipyard.

% It is interesting. Repair work in the game is carried out, as a rule, by resource collectors who have undergone a corresponding improvement. But this is not the only way. Select the wrecked ships, then right-click on the shipyard - and the "sick" in a line will reach for it, fly inside ... and come out unharmed. The same ships, which in size cannot penetrate the repair shop, will simply moor to the shipyard, but the result will be the same.

Platform. This includes ships with low speed, but tenacious and very accurate. They are mainly used to guard the mother ship, and are no longer suitable for anything else.

And finally, Utility. There are all sorts of things here - resource collectors (part-time repairmen), and mobile processing platforms, and a wide variety of probes. Of particular interest is the suppressor probe for enemy sensors. An extremely useful thing in other cases.

All listed model range refers to Hiigarans. Ships Vaygrs differ from them, as a rule, only in appearance and name, and even then not always. Below we provide a complete list of ships of both conflicting parties, so that everyone can easily figure out all the correspondences and differences themselves.


One of the main technical innovations is subsystems. They can be of three types: Production Subsystems, Module Subsystems, Sensors Subsystems. The former are only installed on Mothership, Shipyard and Carrier, and are production modules. That is, to create ships of a certain class, you need to build an appropriate facility for production. For example, to build corvettes, you need to equip the Corvette Facility, etc. Module Subsystems - various modules that add specific abilities to the ship. The most important of these is the ability to hyperjump within the map, but there are others, less spectacular, but also very useful. Such as the Fire Control Tower - a fire coordination device that significantly increases shooting accuracy. Modules of this type are installed on all ships of the Capital class, except for the destroyer. Sensors Subsystems can be installed on the same Mothership, Shipyard and Carrier. New types of devices are added for early detection of the enemy. By the way, the construction of an additional module on the ship-manufacturer does not suspend other work - the assembly of ships at this time continues as before.

Ships Hiigaran


Role: Mothership

Speed: 40

Health: 200,000


Research Module: RU 1500

Hyperspace Module: RU 1000

Cloak Generator: RU 750

Fire Control Tower: RU 1500

Fighter Facility: 500

Corvette Facility: RU 800

Frigate Facility: RU 1000

Hyperspace Sensors: RU 250

Anti-Cloaking Sensors: RU 250

SCOUT (Fighter Class)

Role: Intelligence

Price: RU 350 (for 3 scout)

Speed: 480

Health: 90

INTERCEPTOR (Fighter Class)

Strong against: Fighter Class

Price: RU 350 (for 5 interceptor)

Speed: 325

Health: 150

Requires: Fighter Facility

BOMBER (Fighter Class)

And SubSystems

And Anti-Fighter Frigates

Price: RU 350 (for 3 scout)

Speed: 325

Health: 150

Requires: Fighter Facility

GUNSHIP (Corvette Class)

Strong against: Fighter Class

Weak against: Corvettes, Frigates, and Capital Ships

Price: RU 625 (for 3 Gunship)

Speed: 215

Health: 1200

Required: Corvette Facility

PULSAR GUNSHIP (Corvette Class)

Strong against: Corvettes and Frigates

Weak against: Capital Ships

Price: RU 625 (for 3 Pulsar Gunship)

Speed: 215

Health: 1200

Required: Corvette Facility

MINELAYER (Corvette Class)

Strong against: Capital Ships

Weak against: Corvettes and Capital Ships

Price: RU 800

Speed: 215

Health: 400

Required: Corvette Facility, Adv. Research Module and Minelaying Technology


Price: RU 700

Speed: 161

Health: 12000

Required: Frigate Facility

FLAK FRIGATE (Frigate Class)

Strong against: Fighters

Weak against: Capital Ships

Price: RU 700

Speed: 161

Health: 16000


Strong against: Frigates, Capital Ships

Weak against: Bombers, Destroyers

Price: RU 700

Speed: 151

Health: 16000

Required: Frigate Facility, Adv. Research Module

MARINE FRIGATE (Frigate Class)

Role: Capture enemy ships

Strong against: Capital Ships

Price: RU 700

Speed: 230

Health: 18000

Required: Frigate Facility, Adv. Research Module


Role: Covers with a protective field

Strong against: -

Price: RU 1250

Speed: 161

Health: 18000

Required: Frigate Facility, Adv. Research Module, Defense Field Technology

CARRIER (Capital Class)

Role: Mobile construction center.

Strong against: -

Weak against: Bombers, Corvettes

Price: RU 2800

Speed: 75

Health: 80,000


Research Module: RU 1500

Advanced Research Module: RU 2250

Hyperspace Module: RU 1000

Gravity Well Generator: RU 1500

Cloak Generator: RU 750

Fire Control Tower: RU 1500

Fighter Facility: 500

Corvette Facility: RU 800

Frigate Facility: RU 1000

Capital Class Facility: RU 1800

Platform Control Module: RU 500

Hyperspace Sensors: RU 250

Advanced Sensors Array: RU 250

Anti-Cloaking Sensors: RU 250

DESTROYER (Capital Class)

Strong against: Frigates, Capital Ships

Price: RU 2000

Speed: 115

Attack: 1034

Health: 85000

Required: Capital Ship Facility

SHIPYARD (Capital Class)

Strong against: -

Price: RU 3500

Speed: 15

Health: 150,000

Required: Capital Ship Facility, Hyperspace Module


Research Module: RU 1500

Advanced Research Module: RU 2250

Hyperspace Module: RU 1000

Gravity Well Generator: RU 1500

Cloak Generator: RU 750

Fire Control Tower: RU 1500

Fighter Facility: 500

Corvette Facility: RU 800

Frigate Facility: RU 1000

Capital Class Facility: RU 1800

Platform Control Module: RU 500

Hyperspace Sensors: RU 250

Advanced Sensors Array: RU 250

Anti-Cloaking Sensors: RU 250



Strong against: Frigates, Capital Ships

Weak against: Bombers

Price: RU 4000

Speed: 69

Attack: 5200

Health: 240,000

Required: Capital Ship Facility (Shipyard only), Adv. Research Module, Batllecruiser Chassis Research


Hyperspace Module: RU 1000

Gravity Well Generator: RU 1500

Cloak Generator: RU 750

Fire Control Tower: RU 1500

GUN PLATFORM (Platform Class)

Strong against: Fighters

Price: RU 300

Speed: 200

Health: 5000


Strong against: Frigates, Capital Ships

Weak against: Fighters, Corvettes

Price: RU 300

Speed: 200

Health: 5000

Requires: Platform Controller Module, Research Module, Platform Ion Weapon Research

Strong against: -

Weak against: All

Price: RU 400

Speed: 276

Health: 2000

Strong against: -

Weak against: All

Price: RU 800

Speed: 226

Health: 18000

PROBE (Utility Class)

Price: RU 150

Price: RU 250

Required: Research Module, Proximity Sensor Technology


Price: RU 600

Required: Adv. Research Module, Sensors Distortion Probe Research

The game (besides the campaign) provides a wonderful thing, especially convenient for multiplayer games with more than two players. Ships can be painted in various colors (Colors column in the scenario selection menu). And in the same place to choose different emblems. In addition, some craftsmen have already begun to produce emblems of their own production. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with non-standard coloring using the example of ships of the Vaygr race (pictures taken from the site ).

Ships Vaygr

FLAGSHIP (Mothership Class)

Role: Mothership

Speed: 40

Health: 200,000


Research Module: RU 1500

Cloak Generator: RU 750

Gravity Well Generator: RU 1500

Hyperspace Module: RU 1000

Fire Control Tower: RU 1500

Fighter Facility: 500

Corvette Facility: RU 800

Frigate Facility: RU 1000

Capital Class Facility: RU 1800

Platform Control Module: RU 500

Advanced Sensors Array: RU 250

Hyperspace Sensors: RU 250

Anti-Cloaking Sensors: RU 250

SURVEY SCOUT (Fighter Class)

Strong against: -

Weak against: Fighters, Corvettes, Frigates, Capital Ships

Speed: 420

Health: 90

Price: RU 350 (for 3 Scouts)

Requires: -

ASSAULT CRAFT (Fighter Class)

Strong against: Fighters

Weak against: Corvettes, Frigates, Capital Ships

Speed: 325

Health: 210

Price: RU 500 (for 7 Assault Craft)

Requires: Fighter Facility

BOMBER (Fighter Class)

Strong against: Frigates, Capital Ships, Subsystems

Weak against: Fighters, Corvettes, Anti-Fighters Frigates

Speed: 260

Health: 180

Price: RU 550 (for 6 Bombers)

Requires: Fighter Facility, Research Module, Fusion Bomb Research

LANCE FIGHTER (Fighter Class)

Strong against: Corvettes

Weak against: Fighters, Anti-Fighters Frigates

Speed: 260

Health: 150

Price: RU 550 (for 5 Lance Fighters)

Requires: Fighter Facility, Research Module, Lance Beam Research


Strong against: Corvettes, Frigates

Weak against: Capital Ships

Speed: 215

Health: 1600

Price: RU 625 (for 4 Missile Corvettes)

Required: Corvette Facility

LASER CORVETTE (Corvette Class)

Strong against: Frigates, Capital Ships

Speed: 215

Health: 1600

Price: RU 650 (for 4 Laser Corvettes)

Required: Corvette Facility, Research module, Corvette Laser Research


Role: Increases the accuracy of ships within its field

Strong against: -

Weak against: Corvettes, Capital Ships

Speed: 215

Health: 600

Price: RU 400

Required: Corvette Facility, Research module, Command Corvette System Research


Strong against: Capital Ships

Weak against: Corvettes, Capital Ships

Speed: 215

Health: 400

Price: RU 800

Required: Corvette Facility, Research module, Minelaying Technology


Strong against: Frigates, Capital Ships

Weak against: Bombers, Destroyers

Speed: 150

Health: 16000

Price: RU 700

Required: Frigate Facility


Strong against: Fighters

Weak against: Bombers, Capital Ships

Speed: 161

Health: 16000

Price: RU 700

Required: Frigate Facility, Research Module, Assault Frigate Chassis Research


Role: Capturing ships

Strong against: Capital Ships

Weak against: Bombers, Frigates

Speed: 230

Health: 18000

Price: RU 800

Requires: Frigate Facility, Research Module, Infiltration Pod Research

DESTROYER (Capital Class)

Strong against: Frigates, Capital Ships

Weak against: Bombers, Battlecruisers

Speed: 150

Attack: 1100

Health: 85000

Price: RU 2000

Required: Capital Ship Facility, Research Module, Destroyer Chassis

CARRIER (Capital Class)

Strong against: -

Weak against: Bombers, Capital Ships

Speed: 75

Health: 55000

Price: RU 1700

Required: Capital Ship Facility

SHIPYARD (Mothership Class)

Strong against: -

Weak against: Bombers, Capital Ships

Speed: 15

Health: 160,000

Price: RU 4000

Requires: Hyperspace Module


Strong against: Capital Ships, Frigates

Weak against: Bombers

Speed: 69

Attack: 5404

Health: 240,000

Price: RU 4000

Requires: Capital Ship Facility (Shipyard only), Research Module, Battlecruisers Chassis Research

GUN PLATFORM (Platform Class)

Strong against: Fighters

Weak against: Frigates, Capital Ships

Speed: 200

Health: 5000

Price: RU 300

Requires: Platform Controller Module


Strong against: Frigates, Capital Ships

Weak against: Fighters, Corvettes

Speed: 200

Health: 5000

Price: RU 300

Requires: Platform Controller Module, Research Module, Platform Missile Research

HYPERSPACE GATE (Platform Class)

Role: Two Hyperspace Gates can be combined to form a hyperspace corridor between them

Strong against: -

Weak against: Fighters, Corvettes

Speed: 600

Health: 16000

Price: RU 750

Requires: Platform Controller Module, Research Module, Hyperspace Gate Generator Research


Role: Resource collector, repair (after appropriate improvement)

Strong against: -

Weak against: All

Speed: 276

Health: 2000

Price: RU 400

Requires: -


Strong against: -

Weak against: All

Speed: 226

Health: 18000

Price: RU 800

Requires: -

PROBE (Utility Class)

Role: Long Range Sensor

Strong against: -

Weak against: All

Speed: 600

Health: 50

Price: RU 150

Requires: -


Role: Long-range sensor (unlocks invisible ships)

Strong against: -

Weak against: All

Speed: 600

Health: 50

Price: RU 250

Requires: Research Module, Proximity Sensor Research


Role: Silencer of enemy sensors

Strong against: -

Weak against: All

Speed: 600

Health: 50

Price: RU 500

Required: Research Module, Sensors Distortion Probe Research

Scientific research

Everything is quite simple here. Each ship class has its own research tree. Basically, they bring improvements to speed and armor protection, occasionally - new ship models, and even less often - additional abilities (for example, after appropriate research, a resource collector can perform repair functions). Research costs are quite cheap, there are no more than two steps, so the player does not have any special problems with them. Yes, not to forget - research is available (and needed) only by the Hiigarans race. The Vaygr, deprived of the opportunity to engage in scientific work, has all the ship models from the very beginning. But improvements are not available to them.

Fighter technologies

Enhanced Scout Sensors(RU 500) - adds Scouts the ability to open all enemy ships on the map for a few seconds. It costs RU 1000 to use the ability.

EMP(RU 1500) - adds Scouts the ability to fire electromagnetic charges, incapacitating enemy ships for a while. Using the ability is free.

Interceptor Engine- increases the maximum speed of Interceptors. The improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 300) - the speed increases to 407 km / h; 2nd degree (RU 500) - speed increases to 488 km / h.

Improved Bombs(RU 1500) - gives Bombers bombs against subsystems.

Bomber Engine- increases the maximum speed of Bombers. The improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 300) - the speed increases to 325 km / h; 2nd degree (RU 500) - speed increases to 390 km / h.

Corvette technology

Gunship armor- Increases the health of Gunships.

Improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 500) - health rises to 1560; 2nd degree (RU 750) - health increases to 1920.

Gunship engine- increases the maximum speed of Gunships. The improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 300) - the speed increases to 258 km / h; 2nd degree (RU 500) - speed increases to 291 km / h.

Pulsar Armor- increases the health of Pulsar Gunships. Improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 400) - health rises to 1560; 2nd degree (RU 750) - health increases to 1920.

Pulsar Engine- increases the maximum speed of Pulsar Gunships. The improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 300) - the speed increases to 258 km / h; 2nd degree (RU 750) - speed increases to 291 km / h.

Frigate technologies

Improved Torpedoes(RU 1000) - After this upgrade, Torpedo Frigates start firing multiple torpedoes. Increases the Torpedo Frigates' ability to fight against Fighter and Corvette class ships.

Torpedo frigate armor- Increases the health of Torpedo Frigates. Improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 800) - health rises to 15599; 2nd degree (RU 1400) - health increases to 19200.

Torpedo frigate engine- increases the maximum speed of Torpedo Frigates. The improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 500) - the speed increases to 194 km / h; 2nd degree (RU 750) - speed increases to 218 km / h.

Flak frigate armor- Increases the health of Flak Frigates. Improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 800) - health rises to 20800; 2nd degree (RU 1400) - health increases to 25600.

Flak frigate engine- increases the maximum speed of Flak Frigates. The improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 500) - the speed increases to 194 km / h; 2nd degree (RU 750) - speed increases to 218 km / h.

Ion Frigate Armor- increases the health of Ion Frigates. Improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 800) - health rises to 20800; 2nd degree (RU 1400) - health increases to 25600.

Ion frigate engine- increases the maximum speed of Ion Frigates. The improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 500) - the speed increases to 180 km / h; 2nd degree (RU 750) - speed increases to 203 km / h.

Capital technologies

Mothership hull- increases the health of the Mothership. Improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 500) - health rises to 300,000; 2nd degree (RU 750) - health increases to 400,000.

Mothership engine- increases the maximum speed of the Mothership. The improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 500) - the speed increases to 48 km / h; 2nd degree (RU 750) - speed increases to 54 km / h.

Improved Mothership Drive- Reduces the cost of teleporting the Mothership. The improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 500) - the cost is reduced by 20%; 2nd degree (RU 1000) - the cost is reduced by another 25%.

Carrier Hull- Increases the health of Carriers. Improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 750) - health rises to 104,000; 2nd degree (RU 1000) - health increases to 128,000.

Carrier Engine- increases the maximum speed of Carriers. The improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 500) - the speed increases to 90 km / h; 2nd degree (RU 1000) - speed increases to 102 km / h.

Destroyer Hull- increases the health of Destroyers. Improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 1000) - health rises to 110499; 2nd degree (RU 1500) - health increases to 136,000.

Destroyer Engine- increases the maximum speed of Destroyers. The improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 1000) - the speed increases to 138 km / h; 2nd degree (RU 1500) - the speed increases to 156 km / h.

Shipyard hull- Increases Shipyard's health. Improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 750) - health rises to 195,000; 2nd degree (RU 1500) - health increases to 240,000.

Shipyard engine- increases the maximum speed of the Shipyard. The improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 500) - the speed increases to 18 km / h; 2nd degree (RU 1500) - speed increases to 21 km / h.

Battlecruiser hull- increases the health of Battlecruisers. Improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 2000) - health rises to 312,000; 2nd degree (RU 3000) - health increases to 384,000.

Battlecruiser Engine- increases the maximum speed of Battlecruisers. The improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 1000) - the speed increases to 83 km / h; 2nd degree (RU 1500) - speed increases to 94 km / h.

Improved Manufacturing(RU 1000 for Mothership and Shipyard, RU 1500 for Carriers) - Increases ship production speed by 30%.

Platform technologies

Gun platform hull- Increases the health of Gun Platforms. Improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 500) - health rises to 6500; 2nd degree (RU 800) - health increases to 8000.

Ion Beam Platform Hull- Increases health for Ion Cannon Platforms. Improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 500) - health rises to 6500; 2nd degree (RU 800) - health increases to 8000.

Collector Repair(RU 750) - after upgrading Recourse Collectors gain the ability to repair ships.

Resource Collector Hull- increases the health of Resource Collectors. Improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 400) - health rises to 3000; 2nd degree (RU 800) - health increases to 4000.

Mobile Refinery Hull- Increases the health of Mobile Refineries. Improvement has 2 degrees: 1st degree (RU 500) - health rises to 23400; 2nd degree (RU 1000) - health increases to 28800.

Vaygr Technologies

The technological tree of the Vaygr race is much simpler - so much simpler that one can speak of its absence. We build a Research Module on the flagship - and all the technologies immediately become available to us: Weigr does not need an Advanced Research Module. But they cannot, having built production modules, immediately start building ships, but are forced to first examine the general blueprint for each class, and then another - oh, horror! - drawing of each type. This significant disadvantage is balanced by two advantages - firstly, improvements in defense and speed are researched by Vaigr for the whole class at once, and secondly, the construction of a battle cruiser does not require the Advanced Research Module. Only here Vaygr has no improvements for the ighters class at all - which means that they cannot endow their Scouts with the ability to open the entire map for a short time.

The scheme of the development of the flotilla from the ships of the first level to the heights of creation - the destroyer and the battle cruiser - is not so complicated, but it is better to imagine it in advance so as not to waste precious time during the game. We start - if we are talking about single scenarios - with the Mothership and Carrier. In most cases, a resource collector (in a single copy) is attached to this standard strategic twin, but, due to the small number, this is not serious.

The Mothership and Carrier come with a pre-built fighter facility, so we won't have any problems with fighters and bombers from the very beginning. That the others are delicious: cheap, fast, and biting enough. It has rarely been seen before that level 1 fighters were distinguished by such brilliant characteristics - more than half of the problems in the game can be solved with their help, without attracting more weighty arguments.

But sooner or later they will still be required, and the enemy will have to be met fully armed. So we quickly order at least six or seven collectors from the "motherboard" and send them to the nearest accumulation of space debris. If such is at a decent distance from the base, it is better to move the main ships there as well. Of course, they are very slow, but by the middle of the game, when the uninterrupted flow of resources becomes not a luxury, but a condition for survival, they will just get there. However, it will not always be necessary to take such drastic measures - meteorite fragments in Homeworld 2 space are not so rare.

% It is interesting... The game has a limit on the number of ships of one class. So, there can be no more than 14 Fighters in your space flotilla, even if there are enough resources for a whole hundred. As soon as you reach the aforementioned maximum number, the production of ships of this class is automatically suspended, and resumes only with the death of previously built ships in the heat of the battle. But! If there is no enemy nearby, the limit is nevertheless reached, and suddenly it turns out that you do not need 14 bombers, but at least 7 fighters would not interfere in any way - you can blow up 7 bombers yourself to free up vacancies for fighters. It's a pity to tears, but what to do? There was no need to allow such an imbalance ... So. The limit for the ships of the Fighters class is, as we have already said, 14. For the corvettes this figure is 12, and for the frigates - 21. The same is for the ships of the Capital class. This, of course, looks like a mockery - I highly doubt that anyone will be able to build two dozen cruisers in a batch. Or at least destroyers. For this, the resources of the map simply will not be enough, and if suddenly such miracles are allowed - go and collect them in such an amount. It would be better, gentlemen, the developers allowed to have three dozen Fighters in the cage at a time - these nimble and useful soldiers are always in short supply ... But we can rivet as many as 50 assemblers - this is the limiter for Utility-class ships.

But we got distracted. So, the collectors are sent to the workplaces. What to use the available initial capital for? That's right, first we maximize the number of Fighters while building factories for corvettes, frigates and large ships. Our goal, let's not forget, is the Battlecruiser. Or at least a Destroyer for starters ...

Neither will happen without the Advanced Research Module. Explore it. But that's not all. It is necessary to accomplish another scientific feat, namely, to study the destroyer's hull at Capital Research. Only after that it will appear in the list of ships available for construction. Order and enjoy.

Together with the destroyer, you will find a Shipyard on the same list. If you have something - order immediately. For battlecruisers descend only from its stocks. At the same time, start studying the cruiser hull. As soon as the shipyard begins to plow the expanses of near space, demand a Battlecruiser from it. So that the expanses plowed not in vain. Since in the combat plan the shipyard is nothing. A few minutes of waiting - and the cruiser is ready. It's a good thing, you won't regret it.

Of course, all of the above is just an ideal scheme. You can get a battle cruiser in half an hour, but only in single missions at the easiest level. After all, other ships must be built (the enemy, having discovered your location, no longer gives a respite), and to research improvements to them, and resources to the treasury do not come at all as quickly as we would like. In addition, a cruiser is not a panacea: a well-balanced fleet will make a lonely giant ... well, not in two counts, of course, but in a few minutes for sure. There are other delights - so, with all their might, it is surprisingly easy to board a cruiser, and if it was not possible to destroy the enemy's Marine Frigates in time, be prepared for the fact that an enemy flag is about to rise over the side of your flagship. But as part of a team, Battlecruiser is a formidable force. So you still need to strive to get this miracle as early as possible.



Compared with the first part of the types of ships arrived. This is noticeable to everyone - it remains to figure out the balance. The changes in it basically boil down to the fact that the ships of the first level - Fighters - are greatly strengthened due to the weakening of the ships of the third class - frigates. But the latter, having lost their strength, have gained significantly in diversity. Whether one is worth the other is difficult to judge, but, in any case, the game did not get any worse.

But for the frigates it is still a little offensive. Here is an ionic frigate - the king of the Homeworld I stadiums. What did the harsh time do to it ... Everything is sluggish - weak armor, medium speed, enemy corvettes instantly cut it into a nut. And most importantly - he shoots only in the direction of his central axis - aiming for him means an inevitable turn. And he unfolds, comrades, slowly.

What else do we have there? Landing frigate? No, he could, of course, board the cruiser - if he got there. Because he has a problem with the armor. Without frigates of the protective field (also flimsy, but what can you do?), It is better not to let the paratrooper into the raid. Just a little - we activate Defense Field, and at least some chances appear. Yes, besides, escorting a group of corvettes and some kind of destroyer on the tail will not hurt at all. Is boarding worth the trouble? Of course not, and in single-player missions there is no thought to use Marine Frigates, but in the campaign there are a couple of moments where without them - nowhere. So you have to suffer ...

Our choice is a torpedo frigate and a flak frigate. Very passable, very, especially torpedo after a couple of improvements. They are not too fast, but they are not completely offended by the armor, and their accuracy is good. They will fight off the corvettes, they will give a worthy rebuff to foreign frigates, and they will deal with large ships in large numbers.

But the soul rejoices for the corvettes, especially for the ion cannon ship. A dozen units of ships of this type are a terrible force. In one of the most fierce missions of the campaign, this very ten took out an enemy shipyard in one and a half minutes, having itself lost a single link from the composition. A cannon ship is the same as an ion ship, only worse, so the meaning of its existence is not very clear. And the corvette-miner seems to be quite a curiosity. Where to mine, with such and such spaces? Is that in the vicinity of their own mother ship, so it will be worse for your own! ..

The Capital class, on the other hand, is admirable. Destroyers are quite good against frigates and their classmates, and the Battlecruiser is just a Doomsday weapon. Equipped with two ion cannons, each with a damage of 16,000, four regular heavy cannons, and side laser turrets that allow him to shoot off small change as much as he can.

% It is interesting. In addition to the usual, serial ships, there are special, one-of-a-kind ships that can only be found in the campaign. These are Dreadnought, Mover and Sajuuk.

Dreadnought is a relic found by the Hiigars in the Karos cemetery. Carries on board a unique weapon - an ion beam battery.

Mover is a corvette-class ship found in the same Karos (running a little ahead: Karos, of course, is not a storeroom or a lost property office, but just a huge dump of relics, a cemetery of outdated ships).

In a bad hour, we will also have to face the Keepers. These are not ships, but creatures, or rather, creatures that are at the same time ships (like the Klisans in "Space Rangers"), but that's not the point. The bottom line is that when they don't like something, their eyes emit ion beams of wild intensity. In short, the eyes are burning ... To take out their gaze and not disintegrate into atoms at the same second can, perhaps, that the "motherboard", but that literally melts before our eyes, and if measures are not taken in time ... The situation is aggravated by the fact that carriers of a passionate gaze now and then jump into the hyper and back, and during the jump they manage to recover. So you will not get around the hassle if you do not endure them with one blow. And only the aforementioned dreadnought is capable of this: it has guns that those have eyes ...

The squadron is ready for the assault.

And finally, so that no one seems a little - Sajuuk, the Great Creator in person. Carries Heavy Beam Cannon - damage 75,000, 8 guns for 4000 damage, and six more for 2000. What kind of Creator - Destroyer is, rather ...

Squadron equipment

Ideal squadrons for all occasions in the game cannot be formed, and you have to put up with this. Each class of ships is strong against some other class, but it is itself vulnerable to the third. Without thinking, a squadron equipped with ships of all classes - from cruisers to fighters - can be considered the optimal way out. But this is exactly what "without thinking." Do not forget - the squadron moves at the speed of the most slow ship in its composition. And the assault group will be good for surprise attacks if it is burdened, for example, with a battle cruiser. He's very good, but I'm afraid the idea of ​​a surprise attack will then have to be abandoned. For a mob, equipped with "something larger" for increased intimidation, will trudge through the map for half of the mission, and arrive at their destination when nothing interesting is there.

So the squadrons should not be formed "in general", but for strictly defined tasks. For the demolition of production modules in transports and shipyards of the enemy, five or six units of bombers, accompanied by the same number of fighters, are quite enough. Equally fast and maneuverable, they will run into the enemy without delay, will do their job - and the tracing trail is gone ... But if we want to completely endure the same transport, we will need several frigates (preferably improved), a dozen corvettes ... and the same roster of Fighters. By the way, factories can (and even need to) be destroyed during the showdown with their carrier - otherwise, until the end of the process, we will constantly have to deal with new swarms of defenders. Let the ships of the first level do this necessary and familiar job for them. Meanwhile, corvettes will shoot at enemy fighters and bombers in order to give frigates the opportunity to carry out their destructive work without being distracted by trifles.

A squadron intended for interception at the distant approaches to the base should consist only of Fighters and corvettes - otherwise no interception will work. But individual groups of frigates can be kept a little further away, and pulled up as needed.

As for the ships directly guarding the "motherboard", they can be anything, but the backbone of the close defense should be slow fighters with good protection and good firepower: a couple of destroyers, a dozen platforms - just what is required for such a case.

To reason with a group of the enemy, consisting of frigates and heavy ships (which means, slowly creeping in the direction of your base), a squadron of a similar composition, supplemented by corvettes, is quite suitable. And if you can also see enemy transport in the distance, add fighters with bombers: this is exactly the case when the variegated composition of your squadron will be most useful, and speed is not particularly important, because the enemy does not move faster either. Approximately the same composition should be at the squadron, going to the last-decisive - to storm the enemy base. For this case, the recommendation is simple - there should be more of everything. And by the way, don't forget the Marine Frigates - they'll come in handy. Of course, smashing an enemy cruiser to smithereens is a great valor, but it is much easier to capture it in just a minute, and even immediately start using it to your advantage. After all, what is captured now does not need to be dragged into the mother ship, it becomes yours immediately, without any legal formalities and protracted re-equipment.

Coordination and maneuvering

The game provides the widest opportunities for both - the action, after all, takes place in three-dimensional space. And when in a tactical game there are not only standard left / right flanks, but also quite full-fledged "top" and "bottom" - it's a sin not to use it. Otherwise, why bother playing 3D space real-time strategy games?

I will say more - taking as a basis the tactics of frontal attacks and indiscriminate onslaught, you run the risk of going through the same mission very many times. Until you understand that you cannot do this. The game is well tailored for teaching the player the basics of flexible tactics - if you don't master them, don't expect a win. But (and this is another plus to the balance) these are the basics, no one asks you for grandmaster delights.

Who prevents you, for example, from arranging wave attack? An example scenario is as follows: with a raid of Fighters walking in the first wave, you destroy enemy frigate factories. Just by the time the first stage is completed, your corvettes will be brought up to the place of the battle. If they show excessive agility and ripen earlier, hold them aside by your own order. When the last factory of enemy frigates turns into cosmic dust - that's when you bring in corvettes. They will effortlessly smash the already built enemy frigates ... and now it's time for the third wave: your frigates, accompanied by a couple of heavy ships, will arrange a hunt for enemy corvettes, and after that they will deal with platforms, shipyards, and, finally, base ships.

It will be even better if the above attack is carried out with different directions. With the first group of your Fighters, lure the enemy corvettes away into space and start a protracted battle there, pulling up reinforcements. The second group of Fighters may be busy with the production modules at this time. Naturally, enemy frigates will rush to help their own, but they are slow, separation is inevitable, and your corvettes will easily intercept them and impose a battle. The main difference between this scenario and the previous one is the synchronization of the deployment of troops: the second wave does not wait for the first to complete its tasks, but starts its party almost simultaneously with it. The bottom line is this "almost": the main thing is not to hurry and not delay, but to appear on the horizon at the very moment when the enemy's forces are already completely captured by the battle with the first wave, and they will not be able to distract from this exciting activity. Well, you understand me: "today is early, the day after tomorrow is late." Means?..

The reception will become an elementary idea for you distractions with simultaneous bypass... Anyone who has played chess even a little will easily understand me. Suppose our goal is to destroy an enemy base. And it is located in the plane of the ecliptic exactly in the middle. Suppose that, according to the terms of the mission, the fate of the other enemy fleet is not of particular interest to us: we burn down the base and together we go into the hyper. And there - they won't catch up with us ... Conclusions?

Elementary. We are arranging a grandiose battle with the participation of all our little things higher above the plane of the ecliptic. And the largest and most harmful ships are slowly being pulled up to the bare enemy base deep under this plane. It is advisable to strengthen their group with a sensor silencer - then there is simply no doubt about success. As long as the enemy understands what is going on, his base will remain well, if the fourth part, and while he arrives in time to help, it will just turn into a beautiful orange bush in the homeworld "ovsky of a luxurious explosion ...

Another way to win the pace

Do not forget - in other cases, it is critically important to destroy not the enemy ships themselves, but only the production modules built into them. Why waste time and ships (after all, the enemy is defending himself, and stubbornly) on the complete liquidation of some shipyard, which in itself is completely harmless? The harm from her is not in herself, but in the corvettes, frigates, cruisers and others she produces. Well, let's demolish these outbuildings! Both fast and convenient. Besides, go and deal with this very shipyard. No, maybe it will work out, but in all other respects the game will be hopelessly lost - your fleets will not have time to arrive at strategically important places on the map, they will get worn out, or even turn into cosmic dust. Do you need it?

Of course, any destroyed module can be rebuilt by the enemy. Yes, yes. But he can reproduce a colossus destroyed with much more difficulty with the same ease. More expensive, but not 10 times, and in terms of time, the difference between rebuilding an entire shipyard and creating a fresh module on it is completely insignificant. Hence the moral - the destruction of individual modules in most cases is the best behavior.

Disguise yourself!

And why not, after all, since the game has such a button? Using it will not work for you, but it will be useful, and considerable. Enemy bombs, beams and other dirty tricks get into the mother ship or shipyard with extinguished fires with less accuracy and cause less damage. So the time that your bases will be able to withstand the assault will increase by about a third. And in the case of the mother ship, this is five or six minutes. Is it a lot or a little? A lot, considering how many ships the "motherboard" will have time to produce during this period. Most often, this amount is enough to repel an attack.

The benefits and harms of hyperspace jumping

With the help of Hyperspace Subsystems, you can instantly move to any point on the map. The standard jump costs 400 RUs. If for long distances - 800 RUs. It is not very expensive, so you can use it to your heart's content. The pros and cons of jumping are obvious. First, they can be used to achieve strategic surprise. You yourself understand how important this is. It is unlikely that the enemy will be happy if a couple of battle cruisers emerge from the void near their base. Secondly, in which case you can easily get away from the blow, and then look for us in all the nooks and crannies of the map. Useful if there is nothing to protect the mother ship, the loss of which means an immediate game over.

The downsides are slightly less obvious. Firstly, only the largest ships can move in this way. This means that they will fight in the enemy's rear without any escort. Minus number two - moving the mother ship will disrupt your entire production cycle: after all, the resource deposits to which your collectors made non-stop raids were not far from the "motherboard", right? And how soon will they get to her new location? So hyperjumping is a double-edged thing, and you shouldn't use this ability unnecessarily.

Battle formations

Honestly, during the time of writing the manual, I could not figure out why they are needed. The squadron, marching in formation, may receive some advantages, but they are not visible to the naked eye. The only thing that can be said is "they are going beautifully." It is worth taking a closer look at this feature of the game, and, apparently, I will return to it in Tips of the Masters.

Several opening schemes

Finally, we bring to your attention a few opening strategies from the Homeworld 2 development group. Note that they were invented for playing in multiplayer against a human opponent, so these recipes may not work in battles with a computer. These and many other schemes are listed in the Strategy Reference, written by Dan Irisch and distributed with the game. The following (until the end of the chapter, of course) is not the author's text, but a fairly accurate translation of the original.

Drainage by probes

Try to make opponents feel your superiority from the first moments of the game. Send probes to resources that are most likely exploited by opponents. Let your enemies know that you are watching them. Your task is to force opponents to go on the defensive - and react to your initiative instead of showing your own. You will send probes, leaving the enemy no choice but to eliminate them. Then send bombers and hit the enemy Fighters while they are busy with probes. The initiative is yours. You have secured an edge for the rest of the game.

Bomber onslaught

The purpose of the onslaught by bombers is not to immediately destroy the enemy, but to find his weak points, and use knowledge about them in the future. If the enemy is poorly defended, you can seriously damage his development. The primary target of bombers is subsystems. Destroy the fighter facility and you are on your way to victory.

By adding interceptors to bombers, you will be able to counter the enemy Fighters. It is easier to do this if you build the second fighter facility early. To continue this approach, build a research module and explore improvements for your Fighters. Explore improved bombs and any subsystem will fall under your raids.

Give heat

Do you want to be an attacking player? In this case, you must follow the motto: "The best defense is offense." If your opponent has gone headlong into development, he is not able to give you a decent rebuff. Keep the onslaught high and success awaits!

The implementation of this strategy follows with the construction of interceptors and fighter facilities on the mother ship and transport (Carrier). Build 6 interceptor squadrons in the motherboard and 6 in the Carrier. As soon as the total number of squadrons reaches six - attack. The primary target is enemy interceptors. Once you have demonstrated an advantage around the enemy mothership, start building bombers.

First, you must destroy the enemy military modules. Then concentrate your attack on the corvettes (they are more powerful than the Fighters, so we will take them down first). Next, we destroy the platforms. Then - the enemy Fighters. The main thing in this strategy is to constantly give heat to the enemy. For greater efficiency, set up gathering points for ships (hotkey [P]) near the battlefield. This will ensure that all produced ships will automatically arrive at the scene of the encounter. Book queues to keep construction going non-stop. Constantly produce reinforcements and crush the enemy with them.

If you can destroy the corvette factory, platform controller and fighter facility, the enemy cannot build anything to resist you. However, be careful - if there are several enemy platforms or corvettes nearby, your Fighters will quickly fail. Don't let this happen!

With an ever-growing swarm of Fighters, you will eventually be able to destroy all important subsystems. When you have 10-15 unopposed teams in the area of ​​the enemy base, build a destroyer (Destroyer) and hammer the last nail into the lid of the enemy's coffin.


Mission 1. Tanis

The mission is essentially teaching, and elementary things. The case takes place in the vicinity of the Tanis shipyard, from the stocks of which a brand new mother ship is about to descend. But we already have the transport that produces bombers and interceptors. With his participation, we will learn the basics - to build a fighter facility, build our first interceptor units in the game, with which we will repel the first attacks of the enemy. The idyll will be disrupted by the sudden appearance of a huge Vaigr fleet from hyperspace ... but here they will take control of our already trembling hands and show a script video in which the mother ship, just completed, will separate from the giant body of the shipyard and, without hesitation, will go into hyperspace - away from danger. The time for serious battles has not yet come - at first it is necessary to build a more or less tolerable fleet in peace and quiet.

Mission 2. Angelic Moon

Slightly more complicated than the previous one. A caravan of transports with payloads stretches to the location of our mother ship. On the way, he was attacked by the enemy. Our goal is to ensure that at least three transports (out of five) reach the "motherboard" safe and sound.

What advice can there be? Build interceptors in large numbers and manage to send them to the right points in time. A tactical scheme will greatly help you with this. Using it, you will not even notice how to complete the mission with success.

Mission 3. Sarum

The first real battle awaits us here. Without the organization of an uninterrupted flow of resources, there is nothing to think about winning. So take care. Our main task is to protect the shipyard from attacks, which, if successful, will be at our complete disposal (by the way, until the very end of the campaign, our mother ship will not be able to produce shipyards, although in single missions - according to the rules of the game in general - it is so take care of the shipyard like the apple of your eye).

The shipyard will be attacked twice, and the second time they will try not to destroy it, but to seize it. Don't let this happen. You will, of course, be given the opportunity to beat her back, but they will give you very little time for this operation. Do not have time - the shipyard will self-destruct and you will be credited with a loss.

Mission 4. Gehenna Outskirts

The Supreme High Command decided to break into the area of ​​the Gehenna asteroid cluster and ask the Oracle located there on the subject of exactly how the war should be waged, and whether victory in it is possible at all. The approaches to Gehenna are blocked by Vaygr's forces. To break through the barrier, you will have to put in a lot of effort.

First, you will be required to destroy the devices blocking the further advance of your fleet, which have grown into meteorites located a little further away. Second, break the hyperspace gate through which the enemy receives reinforcements. Finally, you have to smash the Veigr command center, which is not much inferior in strength to your mother ship, and is very well protected.

The secret of winning is the same as in the previous mission: take care of the extraction of resources, put this business on the widest possible footing.

Mission 5. Gehenna

The goal is to get to the Oracle located in a hollow asteroid. Actually, there are several of them here, but the Oracle asteroid is specially indicated and inscribed, so you won't be confused. Other asteroids in Gehenna serve as Vaygr bases. Visibility in the area is almost zero, and in some ways this is good, since we may not detect our presence for a long time. The locations of enemy sensors are also indicated to us, so if you don't want to run into it, don't run into it.

We sit quietly, build a flotilla. Then we get involved in a battle in the area of ​​the Oracle, we destroy the discovered enemy shipyard along the way, and meanwhile we very carefully bring the paratroopers to the Oracle from above. After the capture of the asteroid, we smash the enemy bases for a long time and tastefully, and fly away. Where to? And the Oracle told us everything ... By the way, we took it with us - a useful thing, useful (of course, we are not talking about an asteroid, but about an electronic machine hiding inside it - it was she who performed the functions of the Oracle).

Mission 6. Karos Cemetery

But first of all, it is worth replenishing - to renew the reserves of resources. To this end, we, on the advice of the Oracle, are heading to the Karos ship graveyard, where we are honestly trying to start the required resource extraction operations. And we are attacked by relic ships lurking among the wreckage. During the battle, we manage to capture one copy, and the Oracle strongly advises to take the relic into service, they say, it will come in handy in the future. Well, the Oracle - he is the Oracle to know the future ... The newcomer joins our lineup under the name Mover. True, it can only be built from the next mission.

Mission 7. Les Miserables

The oracle, among other things, told that in a certain point of the Galaxy the miracle weapon of the Ancients is stored - a dreadnought with an ion cannon - and even gave clear coordinates of this very point. However, the attempt to make a jump there was suddenly interrupted. Our flotilla was thrown out of the hyper in a completely unexpected place, and, worst of all, it cannot leave this place back to the hyper. The reason for this is some strange wreckage that surrounded our fleet from all sides. They were the source of the hyperspace disturbance, causing an unexpected delay on the way. Without destroying these debris, there is nothing to break out of the trap and think. And one more nuisance - any ships that flew up to the wreckage within a shot range immediately burn up in their radiation.

And Movers will help in trouble - yes, those relics found at the Karos cemetery. For some reason, they do not care about dangerous radiation. Add a special module to the mother ship and the newcomer will appear in the list of corvettes. Since in terms of speed, firepower and armor protection, it can be attributed to them. Then we destroy the damned ruins, simultaneously withstanding the battle with the ships of Veygr who have come from nowhere. And okay, that's enough, away from this lost place. We will not wait for the gift of the Ancients!

Mission 8. Dreadnought

Surprise is trapped in a ruin similar to the ones we destroyed in the last mission. It emits in exactly the same way, but here the algorithm is already clear - Movers, go ahead! Moreover, the dreadnought will not budge without them - it is now devoid of an engine, it will have to be specially mounted in the "motherboard". Never mind, the movers will be towed - it takes no more than six of them.

The Dreadnought is, of course, guarded. Whose? And those creepy Guardians, remember? Whose eyes are emitting ion beams ... It's good that there are not many of them here, but an escort of a couple of dozen frigates would not hurt at all. In general, everything is simple. Movers retrieve and transport the dreadnought, frigates shoot back with great success from the drones - the Guardians' assistants; in a word, everything should go like clockwork.


Mission 9. Counterattack

Nothing can be simpler - we hang ourselves in space, build ships, repel attacks. In the most difficult moments, we use a newly acquired dreadnought, equipped with a brand new engine and regaining the ability to self-propel. It will inevitably be damaged, there is no way to go anywhere, and we will have to send it to the shipyard - to be repaired. As a matter of fact, the mission was introduced into the game precisely to demonstrate the properties of a wonder weapon. What demonstration should instill in our hearts a sense of admiration for the Ancestors.

Mission 10. Guardians of Sajuuk

By the way, the Ancestors appear here personally on their marvelous ship. And this is their big mistake. A sad mission where, no matter how much we would like otherwise, we are doomed to the role of passive witnesses of what is happening. That is, we are acting, and even very fussy, but what's the point! .. As soon as it appeared, the same Guardians attacked the Ship of the Ancestors. The ancestors ask us for protection, but even the dreadnought does not help against the fierce creatures, every now and then eluding retribution in the hyper. Finally, the Ancestors come to a decision - to destroy themselves and their ship, if only to set fire to the explosion of the enemy pressing from everywhere. A moment - and it's all over. Only the fused debris, slowly rotating, scatter in the void. The Ancestors' hyperspace engine is also broken - not into small pieces, but into three rather large fragments. It is their collection that we will be engaged in with you in the next mission.

Mission 11. Sacrifice

Before we start collecting useful parts, we will have to repel the attack and prevent the hyper enemy transport from leaving in the hyper, which has already managed to collect something useful. Valuable material should never end up in the hands of the enemy, so here's six minutes and do what you want. In fact, it is quite easy to break up the unfortunate transport, after which you can "mushroom" ...

The trouble is that such radiation emanates from the fragments of the hyperdrive that the collectors sent after them burn out in a moment. It doesn't matter - why do we have a protective field frigate? Lead him to the wreck, let the collectors do their job under his protection. Just remember to activate the field all the time. How did the frigate burn down anyway? Well, it means that there was no corresponding improvement. Make it (after that, Defense Field also begins to protect from radiation), and you will succeed.

When all three shards successfully arrive at the "motherboard", you will still need to clear the area from the remnants of the enemy forces. Clean up, what is difficult for you? All the same, by this moment nothing from them, except the collectors of resources, should not be saved, and even they fell into suspended animation on their meteorites, since they have nowhere else to return with their prey ...

Mission 12. Thaddis Sabbah

This is not a mission, but Sajuuk's real anger. I am not exaggerating. Captain Thaddis Sabbah is captured and held by the enemy aboard a Vaigr command center similar to the one we defeated in Mission 4. Here we will not have to smash him, but to board him. Do you smell what it smells like? And we will have to carry out this special operation in conditions of absolute superiority of the enemy. We will not have time to realize the difficulties of the task received, and the enemy shipyard will hover over our heads, and a little later the flagship Macaan will arrive to help the enemy, and even deployed in the immediate vicinity of the command center. Which, I remind you, we need to capture with the help of flimsy landing frigates. The flagship, by the way, is also required to be destroyed. Hmmm ...

Let's hit the road!!! But so far not us, but they ...

It seems impossible to complete this mission and not plunge into a state of temporary coma. There are no clear recipes here - it all depends on your ... dexterity. First, try to somehow clear the way to the damned KC with your available forces. Build a silencer probe. Scan the situation every minute with the help of scouts who can see each RU for a few seconds all... Create protective field frigates and tie to each landing frigate in a one-to-one ratio. Send the forces of distraction forward. Then, for a long time, dodge the boarding group, trying to dive through the enemy's barriers. Having stumbled upon patrols, be ready to activate the protective field at several ships at once. And may Sajuuk send you good luck. On the fifth download, everything should work out anyway.

The rest, of course, are also not seeds, but surgical precision of movements is no longer required. Gather a full squad and move to the enemy flagship. A couple of fraudulent turns along the road, periodic X-rays of the "fog of war" - and that's it. The main thing is that there are enough resources.

Mission 13. Balcor Gate

Well, here we will rest, even if it’s mission thirteenth. You and I are in the neighborhood of the galactic nucleus, and it shines here in such a way that it hurts the eyes. The main decoration of the panorama, however, is not this radiance, but an extremely graceful (albeit terribly large) ring with a diameter of eight kilometers. This is the Hyperspace Gateway that is to move our fleet to Balcor. Another surprise awaits us there. Which one is not yet clear, but it was for the sake of it that we assembled parts of the hyperdrive of the ship of the Ancients. And you know for sure that you need to take another one from somewhere. Actually, you need three of them, but there is also one that is on the "motherboard" - if something happens, it will share. How many riddles, and their complete solution awaits us at Balcora. Hurry to go!

But the trouble is - in the immediate vicinity of the Gate, Vaygr ships hang out in large numbers. And they don't just hang out, but also try to destroy this miracle of architecture. Let's protect the monuments of antiquity!

This is very easy to do. The Veigr are distracted by our squadrons sent in their direction and stop vandalizing. Bring the dreadnought closer to the Gate ... and they will suddenly be activated, as if sensing something familiar. Everything. They will do the rest themselves - they will pull your entire flotilla into a hyperspace corridor and release it into normal space only in the Balcora region.

Mission 14. Balcora

Having passed the gate, our flotilla finds itself in an equally strange place. The core of the Galaxy is still dazzlingly sparkling, and against its background something, shaped like a giant airship, is floating. This is Sajuuk - as it turns out, just a ship (though of a phantasmagoric size). He is now immobilized, since he is devoid of hyperspace motors. And he needs at least three of them. The Vaygr ships scurry past the silent and motionless titan.

Our combat mission is to destroy the flagship Macaan. But first you have to fight off enemy attacks. The dreadnought, as always, comes in handy, and in a few minutes the attackers are over. But then an alarming signal comes in - an enemy shipyard is found in the "left-top" azimuth (if counted from the mother ship). And it is in our interests to destroy it as soon as possible. A pair of battlecruisers, three destroyers and a dozen Pulsar Gunship are enough for this. Moreover, this team manages to deal with a couple of enemy transports.

While the battle is going on at the shipyard - save up your strength. Maximize the size of your flotilla and travel to Macaana with your entire squad. The main thing is not in a straight line (although the target is opposite our "motherboard" and in the same plane with it), but go with all your forces from the right-top. You don't have to drag the dreadnought with you, especially if the strike group includes at least a couple of cruisers and five or six destroyers. Let the cruisers go ahead, let the destroyers follow them, then the frigates, and so on. All of this will fly up to Macaan at the same time. Do not pay any attention to the guard cruiser - only hit the target. Be calm - in one and a half to two minutes it will fly to smithereens. And it will drop out ... yes, the third hyperspace drive. Which we missed so much. The remnants of Veigr's forces disappear somewhere immediately after the death of the flagship - not otherwise, they go into hyper.

And then follows a touching scene of "farewell to mother" ... that is, with our mother ship. He has served his purpose and is no longer needed. His heart is a hyperspace drive, one of three required by Sajuuku. Before our eyes, the "motherboard" is falling apart, the engine flies out of it ... I did not see anything further, because my eyes were covered with tears. However, it seems that all three engines flew up to Sajuuk and built into his metal flesh. Everything. The most powerful weapon in the galaxy is in our hands. Forward to Hiigaru! Otherwise, we may not be in time ...

Mission 15. Return to Hiigara

We're just in time, by the way. The defenders of the planet are almost destroyed, they are completely exhausted, and here we are, and even with Sajuuk. Yes we are ... Yes we are ...

We rejoice early. The worst is yet to come. Suddenly from hyper appear monstrous spider stars - Planet Destroyers in person, as ancient as Sajuuk himself and his eternal rivals. In short, Cosmic Evil in its purest form. And here we, freezing, understand that we were drawn into the real Armageddon - the last battle of the forces of Light and Darkness. And they are not just involved, but must also direct the actions of one of the parties ... Mom !!!

To top it all off, an inscription appears at the bottom of the screen: "Population of Hiigara - 180 million", and we are immediately helpfully explained that if it reaches zero, the mission will fail. What kind of mission is there, and what has it to do with its failure? .. In my head - only one thought: to save the home planet from this horror. And somehow you forget that you live on another planet ...

Only Sajuuk himself can deal with the Planet Destroyers - nothing else will take them. This should be done quickly, before the creatures begin to hurl deadly meteors on the planet - Atmospheric Transformers. In principle, this attack can be destroyed in the upper layers of this very atmosphere, but it is very difficult.

First of all, do not be confused by surprise. By the way, the hellish spawn will most likely have time to fire one volley, and the population of Hiigara will be reduced to 20 million. It is very bitter, but 20 million is still not zero. Do not let the second volley at any cost ... Help Sajuuk! The main thing is to remember that the big slow ship now has a hyperdrive ...


Some hotkeys

Caps lock- select all ships

A- choose warships

Double click on the ship- select all ships of this type.

Ctrl + (number)- form a group (group call - digit, double click - go to the group and follow)

Ctrl + Shift + _- cancel all groups.

U- capture

Ctrl + R- set a collection point

Ctrl + P- install the collection object

Scroll Lock- screenshot

Space- transition to a tactical scheme and exit from it.

Alt + click- center the camera on a point or on an object.

H- dedicated resource collectors themselves look for the nearest source of minerals and begin to develop it.

Home- transition to the flagship.

Twelve facts about the game

1. All production in the game is now based on special subsystem modules built into the main ships.

2. The wreckage of the deceased ships can be used as recyclable materials, putting them back into production.

3. With the advent of hyperdrive for large ships equipped with them, low speed is not so terrible. On the mission map, you can navigate through hyperspace.

4. When planning an attack bypassing the main forces, you can use the reconnaissance ship function, and in just 1000RU you will see all the enemy ships. True, not for long, but it will help to clarify the plan of attack.

5. Production modules can be destroyed separately without touching the ship itself. This can save time and effort.

6. Landing ships have very weak armor, so capturing foreign ships is not so easy. The paratroopers need extra protection.

7. The game has a limit on captured enemy ships. So you cannot completely drag someone else's army over to your side.

8. Ships of the first and second tier are now created and fight at once in units.

9. In order for ships of different types to move at the same speed, they must be selected and assigned to a combat formation. There will be no deserters.

10. Without exception, all interface panels can be removed from the screen.

11. In addition to serial ships, the company operates relic devices left over from ancestors.

12. In case of danger, you can extinguish the side lights on your ships so as not to serve as an easy target.

Rogue's corner

Change the amount of resources

Find the file persist * .lua, where * - mission number. The file is located in the directory. Open the file persist * .lua in a text editor. Find the line " RUs ="and change to the value you want.

Load any of the campaign missions

And here, if you please, act in two stages. Firstly, before loading certain missions, you must first open their full list. This is done as follows. Open the file in notepad playercfg.lua located in the directory Homeworld2 \ Bin \ Profiles \ Profile1... Find the line " maxmission = x", where x- variable, and fill in the value " 15 ". All campaign missions will appear in the list.

But that doesn't mean you can play them. Watch the introductory video you will be given, maybe you will have time to hear the mission task, but then a ruthless flight still follows. You should deal with it like this. Complete the first mission (she fearfully simple), go to the second. Then exit the game, go to the already familiar folder Homeworld2 \ Bin \ Profiles \ Profile \ Campaign \ ASCENSION, find the file there persist2.lua... and impudently copy it 6 times, renaming the copies to persist3.lua, persist4.lua ... and so on until persist8.lua. Please, all missions from the third to the eighth are available for playing. Why only eighth? The persist * .lua file contains, among other things, information about those ships with which you enter the mission ... And then - remember "Passage ...". In the eighth mission you are without a dreadnought, and in the ninth you should come with it already. And if you have information on the second or even at the beginning of the eighth in your file "for the ninth mission", they will not let you go further. So go through the eighth mission, since it is easy, get the automatically generated file persist9.lua and "multiply" it to persist14.lua in the same way. At the junction of the 14th and 15th missions, you get a new unique ship - the Sajuuka, so there will be a congestion here again, and you will have to go to the final mission in a legal way.

Developed by Relic Entertainment and published by Sierra Entertainment, the game is 115 years ahead of the original Homeworld. The protagonist race from the previous 2 games, the Hiigarane, is slowly establishing its once-defeated empire as a major galactic force. However, the prosperity of the Hiigaran is interrupted by the emergence of a malevolent nomadic force known as the Weigry. The Veygr united under the command of Macaan, who came to power after the opening of the third hyperspace core. Makaan declared himself Sajuk Kar - the Chosen One who forms existence. The Hiigaranes must once again unearth the ax of war and defend their domain, which they previously fought so desperately for.

While the Weigras are launching a brutal campaign in outer space in Hiigaran, the Hiigara clans unite to build a new (relative to a similar ship from previous games) Mothership; construction takes place in a secret shipbuilding facility. Along with the ancient hyperspace core of the original Mothership, the new ship houses Karen Si'Jet, a longtime Hiigaran heroine who serves as the living core of the Mothership. During the campaign, the Hiigaranes wage a desperate war aimed at repelling the onslaught of the Weygr and expelling them from the system that gave the game its name "Homeworld". When the situation worsens, the Hiigiran make a desperate decision: to fly away from Homeworld and find the technology of the Ancient Ancestors that will give an advantage to the war. It soon becomes clear that the Macaans are also looking for Ancestor technology.


Much like the first two Homeworld games, Homeworld 2 contains the same massive 3D battles (unlike most strategy games). The three-dimensional nature of Homeworld never feels intimidating to play, as context-sensitive commands are used abundantly, meaning, for example, a right click on a unit can do most game teams including attacks, recovery and collection. The player can control movement along all 3 axes; for example, movement along the Z axis is controlled with the Shift key held down. Thanks to this, the player gets a lot of tactical options. Since the action takes place in space, things such as shelters and resources are rare, so the formation, formation and position of units are more important in battle. Some of the larger units, such as battleships and cruisers, are very weakly protected from the rear and turn very slowly; thus, a smart commander can flank such units using small and fast units.

Players build their fleet by mining and using RU ("Resource Units", resource units) from asteroids. Mining ships must return to the Mothership or to dedicated processing platforms. The miners often have to operate at a distance from the supporting fleet, so they can be destroyed without much resistance. Resource units are used for construction and research, which means you have to choose between expanding your fleet, upgrading existing ships or researching new units with new abilities.

Much of Homeworld's gameplay revolves around the Mothership. The mother ship is a stronghold that supports the fleet - it produces new units and repairs damaged ships, serves as a point of delivery of resources and carries out research. The mother ship can produce all units of the game, except for 2: the shipyard, which is built on Hiigara, and the battle cruiser, which is only built in the shipyard. The loss of the Mothership during the campaign means that the mission must be restarted. In multiplayer mode, players who have lost the Mothership can continue the battle with the Carrier, a smaller production ship capable of performing most of the functions of the Mothership, but not capable of producing frigates.


About a year after the release of Homeworld 2, Relic Studios was acquired by another company, THQ. It happened in August 2004, the deal was worth $ 10 million. Since THQ was viewed as a competitor to Sierra Entertainment and Vivendi Universal, a new Homeworld game was considered unlikely as Sierra still owned the rights to the game. However, in November 2007 THQ finally confirmed the acquisition of the license for the Homeworld franchise, however, no information was given about a possible new game. In November 2008, Eurogamer reported that Relic was clearly considering making Homeworld 3.

I rummaged around here, and dug up more interesting jokes.
If you look for the string "ship \" in the Homeworld2.big file, then you can draw for yourself not only all sorts of Sajuk, but everything that is in the game. Well, for example, you can make a Keeper like this:

tactic = 1,
type = "kpr_destroyerm10",
subsystems = (
buildjobs = (
size = 1,
shiphold = (
name = "NIS_Squad",
teamColourHandle = 0,
hotkey = 0,

If there are a lot of problems with the fleet and a bunch of small ones rushing at you, just place a maximum of ionic platforms next to the mother ship, better denser, and flatten the enemy, effectively at the level after the capture of the Oracle and after the last jump at this level, there are a lot of enemies, and the fleet in a few seconds destroys.

Do not build assault frigates, they die quickly and are not very powerful. build more torpedo tubes. wet the left carrier and quickly the right one, if you are lucky you will have time, no, then the enemy frigates will also be attached. over quickly. we nailed, we jump, at the station the enemy's fleet, ours should be sent there too, I think further it is clear.

About building ships.
Build fighters and bombers equally.
Depending on the missions. If a mission where you need to bring down mostly small ships, then build fighters as they are maneuverable.
But keep in mind against large frigates, they will not help much, because they do not have enough power.
Build bombers against large ships, these ships are not so maneuverable, but they have more powerful fire.

The tactics of Battle cruisers + fighters rule very much. I tested it on a small map against an expert's computer, albeit with a lot of resources. The main thing is to go out to battles from the start, and build fighters with a cruiser (only fighters!). In the bay of the battlecruiser, 5 fighters each enter, when they are loaded - you can hyperjump under the enemy's mother ship and immediately release interceptors. At the same time, there is no need to build frigates or other nonsense - we save money for jumps.

In the mission where you need to save Soban (13), the author talks about a weak point. You will find, you can consider yourself a great strategist. I have not found. And I left in such a way. In the previous mission (fortunately, it is quite calm), build up the entire fleet (Battlecruisers, Ion frigates, pulsar corvettes, bombardiers) and, after spawning, sweep the area with a scout (did you do this upgrade for him?). Despite the dust, they will quickly find you. Immediately set production on all ships and control it. And the whole fleet in the front, on the enemy. Not up to Soban now. Control the battle every second, otherwise the fleet will spread out, start firing at fighters, not heavy ships. concentrate fire on the most dangerous ships for you, and so on. Constantly build reinforcements. Beauty: Ion frigates and Battlecruisers bring down the enemy destroyer in one gulp! You probably won't pass the mission the first time, but with the help of a frontal attack (oddly enough) I won the mission. Like this.

In mission 13, take your time to save Soban, first deal with the attack of the vygrs. Oddly enough, but a forehead attack helped me to pass the mission. You just need to control it personally every second and constantly build new ships. After that, deal with the Vaigr Flagship and save Soban. Do not expect that you will pass the mission immediately without straining. On about the third try, you will understand all the intricacies of the attack. And further. I passed the mission with a head-on attack, but how you get through, whether my advice will help you does not depend on me.

Someone neglects corvettes - in vain. Especially Vaigry, whether they are there. Their laser corvettes can take down any frigate at full grades from one or two approaches. So a stratum appeared against Higar - we are rapidly developing laser corvettes, and at the same time we are multiplying missile corvettes. When the research on Laser corvet is ready, we reproduce both types in parallel, so that they are equally divided. Don't try to do it with one corvette plant. This stratum can become useless if the enemy Higar and flooded into the masses. pulsar corvettes. Don't forget about upgrades (your armor will approximately double.)

The mission where you need to save Soban, (13, it seems) I went like this: in the previous mission, when the Bentusi exploded and it was necessary to collect their hyper-core, I collected 2 pieces, waited for the Vaigers, gave them the opportunity to collect more resources, waited for them to install on the battle cruiser, the hyperspace module (sometimes it takes a long time to wait), destroyed the entire fleet, except for the battle cruiser, built three landing frigates, destroyed his heavy rocket battery and engines with bombardiers, started the landing from the sides (I do not advise them in the forehead, since their bow cannon quickly burn) and captured him. You just need to constantly monitor the missile battery so that it does not shoot. Difficult, but possible. Then, when he saved Soban with the hyperdrive module, he quickly jumped to the carriers, shipyards, mobile resource bases and destroyed them. The main thing is that the group has enough resources for jumping.

I have been waiting for this game (or, more precisely, games) for a very long time. True, initially there were hopes for the release of the third part, but it did not work out due to the very sad fate of the developer and publishers. And the project was constantly changing hands. It so happened that at one time I first went through Homeworld 2 (I accidentally got a disc with a demo version that I liked, and I decided to buy the game itself), and only then Homeworld 1 and Homeworld Cataclysm. Almost immediately I singled out this game for myself as the best of what I have seen in my entire life. This is still relevant today. But first things first.

So, for those who are not in the know, I’ll tell you what it is and what it is eaten with. Homeworld is a space-themed computer game. Developed by Relic Entertainment, published 1999 by Sierra Entertainment.

In 2000, a standalone add-on Homeworld: Cataclysm was released.
In 2003, the second part was released - Homeworld 2.
Gearbox Software acquired the rights to the Homeworld series in 2014.
On February 25, 2015, a re-release of the game called Homeworld Remastered Collection was released, which includes the original Homeworld 1 and Homeworld 2.

I must say that the original Homeworld in 1999 caused a real sensation and actually became the ancestor of the space RTS (Real Time Strategy) genre.

The key points of the game were:
1) Well-designed and fully three-dimensional graphics.
2) Implementation of six degrees of freedom of movement of game objects and the presence of well-thought-out fleet management in three dimensions. This is practically the only game of this genre, where units can move not only horizontally, but also vertically, using all the advantages and various tactics.
3) Perfectly traced space landscapes. Each map and location was unique.
4) Diverse gameplay and many options for achieving the main objectives of the mission.
5) Great plot filled with dramatic moments.
6) Sound and musical accompaniment.
All this led to the fact that at the time of the release, the game had no analogues. Yes, even now you can't find them especially, given that this genre has long been rather dead than alive. Although the situation may change in the future.

As a result, the game received the following awards:
E3 1999 - Game Critics Awards: Best Strategy Games
IGN 1999 - Game of the Year
PC Gamer 1999 - Game of the Year
Well-Rounded Entertainment 1999 - Game of the Year
Gaming Globes 1999 - Best Original Score: Paul Ruskay and for Homeworld
Metacritic - Best and Worst Computer Strategy Games, Top 10: Position 3 (2010).

Homeworld 2, released in 2003, included many changes, including improved graphics, etc. The game had both many advantages and some controversial points, for example, the main plot, which deviated quite a lot from the canons of the first part. But there was no point in criticizing the game anyway, since there were too few significant and comparable projects in her genre at that time, and the plot in the end turned out to be very good.

For 10 years after the release of the second part, nothing was heard about this universe. Owner companies changed, property changed hands. And finally the long-awaited moment came: both parts promised to re-release, add cool graphics, re-record all the original voice acting, music, redraw landscapes, finish the engine, etc. Expectations were, frankly, high, although everyone understood that in fact we would just see a re-release, adapted to modern requirements. Have the developers managed to bring the great strategy back to life? Let's talk about this in more detail. About each part separately.

Homeworld 1 Remastered.
Let's start with the positives, namely the graphics. When you see the introductory video, how the carrier ship undocks from the space shipyard, it is breathtaking not worse than in 1999 from a similar scene. The detail is really amazing. absolutely all models have been heavily redrawn, plus a lot of small details have been added. I will even say this: today from space strategies, few people can compete in graphics quality with Homeworld Remastered. Let the screenshots at the end of this article speak for themselves.

The number of graphics settings is outrageous, you can set up a lot, even the blur effect in motion (in my opinion, an absolutely useless thing for this genre of games, when most operations are performed at a distance from the units, respectively, there is simply no time to enjoy all the beauties). Resolutions are possible up to 4K. I was even pleased with adequate optimization, the game with maximum settings runs smoothly on gtx660 and i3, but of course within reasonable limits. In massive battles, where the number of units exceeds a hundred, fps drops are possible. Although, perhaps the game is still more demanding on the processor than on the video card.

The soundtrack is excellent. The title track Adagio for Strings, as in the past, is the decoration of the game.

The missions and available ships (units) have not undergone significant changes, so if you played the original Homeworld, everything will be familiar to you.

Now we need to talk about the gameplay, as there are some problems here. Some of them are related to bugs (how can we go without them, darlings) and I hope that they will be fixed soon (since I played through the game almost from the very first version from Steam). The other part is related to the engine.
The main problem is that the engine in Homeworld 1 Remastered is essentially a doped version of the original Homeworld 2.

The system of formations is almost completely broken. It was relevant in Homeworld 1 due to the fact that small units (fighters and corvettes) were built one at a time, so they could be combined into groups that were programmatically assigned a number for quick access. It was also possible to choose how the smaller ships line up relative to each other. This influenced the way these ships attack: each formation was especially good for a certain type of battle or defense. For example, bombers in the Wall formation could simultaneously fire at a large ship without stopping, and corvettes in the X formation effectively fired off enemy fines. At the same time, it was possible to set the type of tactics (passive, defensive and aggressive), which influenced the behavior of the ships (they could do nothing, attack the enemy only when directly attacking them or chase any enemy). At the same time, with passive tactics, fighters consumed the least fuel (yes, the game even provided for this, fighters and corvettes had to be refueled at the docks, either with the help of a support frigate or a repair corvette. This system was abolished in Homeworld 2 and in Homeworld Remastered too. ) and maneuvered better, due to which there were fewer hits on them. But in the aggressive mode, the ships flew slower, but they fired faster and more accurately. In general, there were a lot of options. The ships did exactly what was required of them. Moreover, physics was observed in space, namely, the ships could turn right on the move towards the enemy, and without slowing down, attack the enemy flying from behind or from above (below). Homeworld Remastered removed all of this, which is a pity.

The first misunderstandings appeared in Homeworld 1 Remastered, when it became clear that the ships were trying to behave not as single units, but as if each of them was a separate squadron (this is directly related to the Homeworld 2 engine, where ships were built immediately by squadrons and were not united in a formation , and into shock groups). This has led to the fact that the formations do not actually affect anything now. Fighters or corvettes, being in a formation, when the enemy attacks, simply drop the formation, and everyone tries to build a hero out of themselves, becoming easy prey for the enemy. In Homeworld 2, this was due to the fact that the formation was broken by squadrons, united in strike groups, which was logical, and not by the units themselves. As a result, small ships in Homeworld 1 Remastered are the most vulnerable targets, they must be constantly monitored, which in the early stages of the game, when resources are sorely lacking and there are no heavy ships yet, turns into a real headache.

Heavy corvettes were greatly weakened compared to the original and are no longer able to cause serious trouble to the enemy due to the fact that they shoot slowly and very inaccurately (why accuracy was added to guns from Homeworld 2 is unclear, and without it it was good). It comes to the ridiculous: the corvette shoots almost point-blank at the enemy's target and does not hit! At first it causes laughter, at the end of the game it is already boring. But it's good that we left the so-called multi-barrel (multigun) corvette, which I used throughout the game, because he is the only one with a balanced rate of fire, speed and armor. Although in the original Homeworld, it was a very specific combat unit.

The boarding corvettes remained. It also requires 1 such corvette to capture a fighter or corvette, 2 for a frigate, 4 for a destroyer (3 was needed in the original), 6 for an aircraft carrier or a heavy cruiser. And most importantly, they paid tribute to the original: there are NO restrictions on boarding!

If anyone does not know, the first Homeworld was still known for the fact that, despite the limitation on the construction of the maximum number of ships of each class in the fleet, you were allowed to capture enemy ships as much as you wanted. Inveterate players collected entire collections of rare ships that could only be found passing story company and some powerful warships it was allowed to capture much earlier than it was possible to build them independently. It got to the point of absurdity: in one of the last missions, with very long and hard work, it was possible to capture more than a hundred (!) Enemy ionic frigates, thus ensuring an almost inevitable victory in the remaining missions. I was personally involved in the capture of cruisers and destroyers, tk. it is these ships that become vital in the last missions, when the number of enemy forces is clearly not in your favor. By the way, this also has one feature of the game. In the original Homeworld 1, after completing each mission, you could start collecting resources and rebuilding the fleet for the next mission. Nobody rushed you, finished the case and pressed the hyperspace jump button. Homeworld 1 Remastered retains this capability, but raises doubts about the need to rebuild your fleet before jumping. The fact is that the developers introduced an adaptive system from Homeworld 2, where the number of enemy ships in the next mission directly depended on the composition of your fleet and sometimes the difficulty was only in the fact that the enemy fleet was 3-4 times larger than yours.

Several observations on boarding. Firstly, now there is no particular point in capturing enemy aircraft carriers, because they are only suitable for docking and repairing small ships, you cannot build anything on them. So your own built aircraft carriers are many times more useful, it's a pity that they are not given to build them as soon as we would like.

Secondly, there is no point in capturing captured Turanian Raider ion frigates (they have increased range and firepower, but in Remastered they were made weaker than your own ion frigates). The same goes for Kadesh's multibeam frigates. They are not powerful enough to waste your time on them. For the first time they will come down, and then let them go to resources.

Enemy frigates, destroyers and cruisers are definitely recommended for capture, because they have added quite a lot in firepower, and the same captured destroyers can help at the initial stages of the game, when you still cannot build your own. By the way, I still recommend not building your own, but capturing enemy destroyers, tk. they have two twin kinetic gun turrets that allow you to shoot off small items and more effectively deal with frigates (your own destroyers also have two turrets, but single ones). By the way, missile destroyers are now effective only against large ships. In the original, such a destroyer fired a decent number of missiles that could cause significant damage to small items (fighters and corvettes). In Remastered, this destroyer is almost useless against trivia.
Be careful! Due to the dynamic difficulty, if you have a large fleet, expect key mission objectives to be guarded by a large number of frigates and other ships. For example, remember the mission "Sea of ​​Lost Souls". This is the location where the alien ship is located, generating an anomaly field that takes control of your ships from you. He was escorted by about 20 assault frigates, if not more, so the tactics of attacking an alien ship with a trifle, which is not subject to his influence, will not work, these frigates will simply destroy all your small ships. So you first need to lure out and destroy (or capture) these frigates. Out of surprise (because I began to go through this mission from memory in the old way), I immediately lost almost all the little things. In general, it is easy to lose ships in this mission. And not only this one. Use probes often. Reconnaissance is always useful here and will help plan an attack and save ships.

Homeworld is generally renowned for its complexity. Yes, this strategy can make you sweat and very often requires non-standard techniques, which is why players love it so much. But missions in Homeworld Remastered can cause even more problems due to the aforementioned shortcomings. And okay, they would be difficult because of the tactics, the number of enemies, etc. But no, all the complexity is due to the fact that your units simply do not perform what you expect from them (this applies to formations in the first place). Support frigates generally behave like resource collectors in Homeworld 2: they stick to the hull with their nose and thus "heal" the ship. The treatment beam is there for show. But if you get used to all this, then playing is quite comfortable, and the graphics and various situations are very pleasing. So, in general, the remastering of the first part was a success, although not without flaws. It's just that the game mechanics turned out to be somewhat different from the original. This does not mean that it is bad, it is just different.

Now I will write about the interesting bugs that I met during the passage of the game.
1) In the Russian localization, some of the texts of the tasks and the names of the ships are missing, instead of them there are links to the translation files. Hopefully they will fix it.
2) Broken system of formations. More likely not a bug, but just a flaw in the game.
3) Glitches with painting ships. Each unit in the game can be painted like other ships (this is all configurable in your game profile). Another thing is that this applies in a strange way to the captured ships. In the original Homeworld 1, they retained their original livery. In Remastered, they can retain their original livery, they can be recolored to match the colors of your ships, or they can even have a random livery. No dependence has been identified. A glamorous pink cruiser? Not a problem!

4) In some cases, the ships, due to the introduced firing accuracy system, simply cannot properly aim and shoot at their target, or they are heavily smeared. This is especially true of little things (fighters and corvettes). I recommend using the generators of the gravity well in order to stop small things and slowly methodically shoot them with large ships.
5) An anti-missile (torpedo) fighter can shoot down both enemy and its own missiles (torpedoes).
6) I tried to capture an enemy aircraft carrier. He flew into the dock of the carrier ship for boarding, then the dock opened, he, already captured, began to fly back. Enemy fighters flew from its dock and even 4 frigates got out. By the way, they did not attack, but simply lined up side by side in a linear formation. The frigates were easily captured, did not even resist, and the fighters for some reason did not want to be captured, they had to interrupt.
7) The resource collector, having completely filled the hold, can get stuck in place and refuse to fly to unload to the base. In this case, forced docking helps.

There are credits from Gearbox at the end of the game, but right after them, they paid tribute to the original developers, so the original credits from the first Homeworld follow. By the way, the songs of the Yes group are not in the credits at all, only the title Adagio For Strings plays. Sorry, but this was due to music copyright issues.

The game pah pah never crashed and did not slow down. Only in the last mission there were FPS drops, which is not surprising, with so many ships. In general, everything was good.
My verdict is this: the re-release was not bad. Bugs will be fixed. There are also enough shortcomings, but we will believe that they will gradually finish everything.
And thanks to the Steam Workshop, the game is provided with a large number of mods.

Homeworld 2 Remastered.
I see no point in writing about graphics, they are of the same level as in Homeworld 1 Remastered. To be honest, in the second part, the new textures are not so noticeable. Yes, they added depth of field (as in the Ultra High Graphics mod for the original Homeworld 2) and more different glows and lighting. And that is all. In Homeworld 1 Remastered, you can clearly see that almost all ships were redrawn and many new elements were added to the hull. In general, I wanted more. Homeworld 2 Remastered doesn't feel so fresh. The same bishop (transport ships from the second mission), in my opinion, were generally left old, only the windows shine brighter.

As for the game itself, the game mechanics have not changed at all, like the missions themselves. Let me just say that they remain as complex as in the original. For example, if you have a problem with the parallel coordination of your ships' actions at various points on the map, problems may arise already in the second mission of this game. Add to this the traditional lack of resources at the beginning of the game, the constant numerical superiority of the enemy, a very limited fleet (there is already an honest limitation on boarding, in contrast to the first part). This leads to the fact that in the second half of the game you can actually build only two battle cruisers. The enemy can meet eight of them on the map alone, and this does not take into account the escort of trifles, destroyers and frigates.

In one of the last missions (the 12th in a row and is one of the most difficult in the game), five enemy groups in a row can immediately attack you, as soon as your fleet leaves hyperspace. The first will have about 20-30 small squadrons and a bunch of frigates, the second will be the same, plus destroyers. Etc. Some groups, including cruisers, will try to bypass you outside the range of sensors and attack from the flanks or from above (below). It is recommended to build more probes to constantly scan enemy targets. Place Sensor Distortion Probes at the base points of your production ships. Scouting is also recommended. The recommendation in this mission is as follows: organize your own attack as soon as possible (preferably from the flanks, in order to destroy the production shipyards and aircraft carriers of the enemy) and in no case sit in a deep defense. Constantly make up for the losses of your fleet and continuously crush the enemy. Otherwise, you will be overwhelmed with numbers. Boarding frigates must be sent to storm the station only if all ships that can release bombers are destroyed, otherwise this mission will turn into hell. In general, you will need to find and destroy 3 enemy shipyards so that the enemy cannot build new ships.

Don't neglect the dreadnought. He possesses very powerful long-range weapons and is capable of dealing with small things alone. This is the only ship in the game that has good AA defenses and is capable of shooting down many fighters without an escort.

Now let's talk about the cons. My main complaint, which by the way also applies to Homeworld 1 Remastered, is to change the interface. The new interface in both Homeworld 1 Remastered and Homeworld 2 Remastered is terrible. The most convenient interface was in the original second part, just look at the comparative screenshots (on the first, the interface is from remastered, on the second from the original). It was visual, moderately large and easy to read.

Unreadable unit icons (why did the developers spoil what was in the original Homeworld 2?). The ship selection panel in the lower left corner is generally something with something. The interface designer had to play THIS himself. Not only are the icons small and you have to look closely, but also no signatures, plus the icons themselves for some reason made them more detailed because of what they merge, and the same types of frigates are generally very difficult to distinguish. Very annoying when forming groups, you have to select a square in the old fashioned way right on the battlefield. The color scheme of the interface often does not allow to see anything normally against the background of the beauties of space, the same applies to the pale icons of the main actions, which, moreover, are mixed in an incomprehensible way. The tabs in the construction and research manager are completely inaccurate, it is not clear what is available, pressed, etc.

Didn't like the music. It seems to have been updated, the old recordings were re-recorded, but the music turned out to be completely different, different instruments and voices. I will not say that it is bad, just for my taste, the original was better, especially the one that sounds in cut scenes. It is enough to listen and compare battle keeper in the original and remastered. The original is, in my opinion, better.
Also, I didn't like some of the sound and special effects. For example, interceptor animation and sound. The original was better. It can also be noted that in the video before the last mission, when Karan is shown and how she watches the opening of the hyperspace window, you can hear the sound of an ion frigate firing (instead of the sound of opening this very window) and some kind of stupid breathing.

I also caught my eye: the game videos were remade for a high screen resolution, but not for the better, it would be better to leave the original ones, they looked good anyway. The thing is that the videos have lost their volume and immersiveness. It seems that they were not just drawn, but as if they were some early sketchy versions without volume and depth of field. I didn't really like this approach, especially since the original videos from the second part look quite good on high-resolution screens. Even in the opening cutscene, the game killed a smooth transition from a drawn image of a hyperspace core to its game 3D model, there is now just a sharp jump and decrease in size.

As for the gameplay, now definitely resource collectors heal ships many times faster, and boardmen capture faster. Because in the original Homeworld 2, boarding was just for show, it was very difficult to carry out due to the low survivability of boarding frigates. But now it is not such a problem and it is definitely like it.

The voices of the fleet command and units were re-recorded using the old voices from the first part (Homeworld 1 Remastered). This is really cool, you immediately feel that both parts of the game are continuously connected by the atmosphere, etc.

Unexpectedly, I did not encounter any serious bugs, except that in one moment I caught the disappearance of textures (in the screenshot, two parts of the ship's hull are bright white, which should not be).

Bottom line: everything is fine, but it could be much better. I liked Homeworld 1 Remastered much more than Homeworld 2 Remastered.

The redrawn backgrounds in missions are simply of some unearthly beauty, absolutely every one of them I want to capture and set as a desktop picture. Fortunately, every player has such an opportunity thanks to the built-in function of capturing screenshots from the screen. You don't have to go far for examples, just see my screenshots below. By the way, the planets are now perfectly modeled, they rotate, you can even see the movement of cloud layers in the lower atmosphere. In general, the game just in the graphic details has added a lot. Even when firing with lasers, they illuminate ships; very realistic holes, holes, etc. remain on the hull.

I have nothing to say about multiplayer yet. I have not had time to evaluate yet, tk. it is still in beta status, and they say that there are enough bugs, plus there is a certain imbalance between the ships of the first and second Homeworld. But I will definitely play it when it comes out of beta status, and I will write a separate article about the multiplayer part, which is no less important here than the main story campaign.

I also plan to write a separate material about Homeworld Cataclysm, since there are rumors that this part is not going to be redone due to the lost source code.

Homeworld Remastered is exactly what PC owners can be proud of. There are no such games and will not be on consoles (but there are also interesting projects of their own). She deserves to be in everyone's collection. After the renovation, she shone with new colors and did not lose her charm at all. And this is despite the disadvantages, which I am sure they will try to fix, because I was not the only one who noticed them and unsubscribed to the developers. Fans of strategies, especially space ones, should definitely consider buying this game. Fans of the Homeworld series are strongly recommended to purchase. And let's be honest, most modern AAA class projects cost from two thousand rubles. Homeworld Remastered costs some 599 rubles. For this you get two parts at once: Homeworld 1 and 2 Remastered, plus the original versions of the games (1999 and 2003 respectively), multiplayer and all the goodies related to the Steam Cloud.

I think the game is worth buying.

P.S. This article will be supplemented and changed if any errors or fixes are found.