Games at the autumn festival. Outdoor games in kindergarten at the autumn festival in the senior group Games for the autumn ball in the doe

Outdoor game “Autumn maple leaves”

To play you will need 4 large diameter hoops of red, yellow, green and brown colors. If there is no brown hoop, then wrap a hoop of any color (twist it around the hoop) with a brown ribbon. Secure the ends of the tape with tape.

Maple leaves, cut out of colored paper, also in four colors: red, yellow, green and brown, according to the number of children.

All the hoops lie on the floor in different parts of the room. Each child holds one or two identically colored maple leaves of a certain color. The children stand together in some part of the room and personify the autumn maple tree.

Educator: The wind blew.

Children raise one hand (or two, depending on the number of leaves in their hands) up with an autumn maple leaf and wave them from side to side.

Music is playing.

To the sound of music, children run scattered throughout the room, waving leaves. As soon as the music (song) ends, the children must run into the center of the hoop, which matches the color of the leaves in their hands.

The one who runs into the wrong hoop leaves the game.

The game is repeated several times.

Outdoor game “Rowan and Birds”

Children are divided into two teams: one team is “rowan berries”, and the other team is “birds”.

Children - “rowan berries” hold a red cardboard circle in their hands, or a rope is attached to the red cardboard circle, and the circle with the rope is hung around the neck like a medal.

Teams of children line up in two lines and stand opposite each other in different parts of the room or play area.

The bird team says these words:

“The wind suddenly blew stronger,

I blew the berries off the rowan tree.

The wind blows the berries

It's like he's playing with a ball."

The rowan berries team answers:

“These berries are flying,

They don’t want to touch the birds’ beaks.

Berries quickly, quickly,

The birds will have more fun."

After these words, a team of birds catches a team of rowan berries. “Rowan berries” try to run away from the “birds” and reach the place where the “birds” were. In this place, the “rowan berries” are safe and the “birds” cannot catch them.

Catching “rowan berries” lasts for a period of time, for example, 1 or 2 minutes, and then the whole game is repeated again.


All the guys stand up, holding hands, three at a time, forming a squirrel’s nest. They agree among themselves who will be the squirrel, who will be the nut, and who will be the cone.
The driver is alone, he does not have a nest. There is also a presenter in this game who pronounces the words: squirrels, cones, nuts.
If he said squirrels, then all the squirrels leave their nests and run to others. At this time, the driver takes an empty space in any nest, becoming a squirrel. The one who does not have enough space in the nests becomes the leader.
If the leader says: nuts, then the nuts change places and the leader, who took a place in the nest, becomes a nut.
The driver and presenter can be different people, or both functions can be performed by one person. The presenter can be given the command: squirrels-cones-nuts, and then everything changes places at once.


The game involves two people. They each take a basket in their hands. 10 - 12 cones are scattered on the floor. At the signal, the children begin to collect them in their baskets. The one who collects the most cones wins.


Two people play. On one side of the hall there are two buckets in which carrots and potatoes are mixed. Each child, at a signal, runs with a basket to the bucket and selects either carrots or potatoes into his basket and returns back. Whoever completes the task faster wins.


You can use apples or carrots in the game. Two players sit on chairs opposite each other. They are blindfolded and given an apple. They start feeding each other. The one who eats the apple the fastest wins.


The game involves 3 people. Paper vines, cornflowers and dandelion leaves are scattered around the hall. Children are given a bucket. At a signal, they must collect the weeds in buckets: one - vines, another - leaves, the third - cornflowers. The child who completes the task faster than others wins.


The game involves 2 children. On 2 trays there are 1 maple leaf, cut into pieces. On command, children collect the piece of paper piece by piece while listening to music. The winner is the one who is the first to make a leaf from scattered particles.


At first, a small number of children participate in the game, then 10-12 people can be involved. Instead of chair houses, you can use a large colorful umbrella, under which children hide at the signal “Rain!” During the walk, you can invite children to pick flowers, berries, jump, and walk in pairs.
When repeated, the game can be complicated by placing houses (3-4 chairs each) in different places in the room. Children must remember their house and run to it when given a signal.


Depict Early Autumn.
Early Autumn has a light gait and a cheerful face. She is joyful, generous, kind, beautiful.
Depict Late Autumn.
Late Autumn is sad, sad, Drive away May in winter. Depict a crying Autumn.
Our mood: Show what your mood is on a bright, sunny autumn day and on a rainy, gloomy autumn day.
We saw a morel mushroom. Wrinkle your face. Show how surprised you were to see a huge fly agaric. Stretch your face and open your mouth. Raise and lower eyebrows. When raising the eyebrows, the eyes open wide; when lowering, they almost close.
We admire Autumn’s beautiful outfit: “Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh!” We saw a big mushroom and were surprised: “Oh-oh-oh-oh!” We found a wormy mushroom and were upset: “Ah-ah-ah!”

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The game involves two people. 6-8 potatoes are scattered on the floor. Each child has a basket and a wooden spoon. At the signal, you need to collect the potatoes with a spoon, one at a time, and put them in the basket. The child who collects the most potatoes in a certain time wins.
Two children participate. "Puddle" - a carpet in the center of the room. At a signal, children put on galoshes and run from one end of the carpet to the other and back. The one who runs faster wins.
On one side of the hall there are 2 trucks, on the other side, models of onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets and potatoes, 2 pieces of each, are laid out on the floor. Two people play in the game. At a signal, they drive trucks to the opposite side of the hall, fill them with vegetables and return back. The one who completes the task faster wins.
More difficult option: transport one vegetable at a time.
Two teams participate in it. Fake mushrooms are laid out on the floor. At a signal, the team runs around the mushrooms like a snake along a “winding path” (each child holds on to the shoulders of the one in front). The winner is the team that:
- didn’t drop a single mushroom;
- did not lose a single participant;
- got to the finish line faster.
Two stands are placed at the opposite wall of the hall with a rope stretched between them. Apples and pears are tied to a rope by sticks. The child is blindfolded. He must reach the racks, cut off any fruit with scissors and guess it by touch.

The game involves two people. They each take a basket in their hands. 10 - 12 cones are scattered on the floor. At the signal, the children begin to collect them in their baskets. The one who collects the most cones wins.

Two people play. On one side of the hall there are two buckets in which carrots and potatoes are mixed. Each child, at a signal, runs with a basket to the bucket and selects either carrots or potatoes into his basket and returns back. Whoever completes the task faster wins.

You can use apples or carrots in the game. Two players sit on chairs opposite each other. They are blindfolded and given an apple. They start feeding each other. The one who eats the apple the fastest wins.

The game involves 3 people. Paper vines, cornflowers and dandelion leaves are scattered around the hall. Children are given a bucket. At a signal, they must collect the weeds in buckets: one - vines, another - leaves, the third - cornflowers. The child who completes the task faster than others wins.

The game involves 2 children. On 2 trays there are 1 maple leaf, cut into pieces. On command, children collect the piece of paper piece by piece while listening to music. The winner is the one who is the first to make a leaf from scattered particles.

Children stand in a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver with the ball. He throws the ball to any child and says one of the words: “Vegetable”, “Berry” or “Fruit”. The child, having caught the ball, quickly names a familiar vegetable, berry or fruit accordingly. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game.

Fruits are drawn on the tablet in several rows (for example: apple, pear, orange). In each row, the fruits are arranged in a different order. The presenter closes any fruit in any row and asks: “What’s missing?” Children must name the fruit that is closed. Options: instead of fruits - vegetables, berries, mushrooms, tree leaves.

They play in twos. Each participant is given an empty basket. There are silhouettes of mushrooms on the floor. Children take turns taking the silhouette of a mushroom, name any mushroom they know, and put it in a basket. The one who “collected” the most mushrooms wins.

Two parent volunteers hold a rope with tied apples hanging from it. The game involves 2 children. They are asked to eat an apple hanging on a rope without touching it with their hands. Who is faster?

Two teams of 6 children each participate. This is grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair sits a “turnip” - a child wearing a hat with a picture of a turnip. Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the “turnip”, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue running together, again go around the “turnip” and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, a “turnip” clings to the mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip the fastest wins.

Three pairs collect grains (beans, peas, pumpkin seeds) scattered on the floor within one minute. Those who collect the most win.

Blindfolded, the players must taste the vegetables that are offered to them.

Equipment: 8 hoops, 2 buckets, 4-5 potatoes, 2 watering cans.
2 teams of 4 people each participate.
The 1st participant “plows the ground” (puts down hoops).
The 2nd participant “plants potatoes” (puts potatoes in the hoop).
The 3rd participant “waters the potatoes” (runs around each hoop with a watering can).
The 4th participant “harvests” (collects potatoes in a bucket).
The faster team wins.

The player must, blindfolded, draw the peas so that they do not go beyond the line of the pod.

Children are invited to unload the “cars” with “vegetables”. The machines are placed against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. One player at a time stands near the baskets and, at a signal, runs to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables must be the same in all machines, both in quantity and volume. Other participants can then "load" the machines; In this case, the players stand near the cars, run to the baskets at a signal and carry the vegetables into the cars. Machines can be boxes, chairs; vegetables - skittles, cubes, etc.

Sounds musical accompaniment. Children, each of whom is a “scarecrow,” go out to the middle of the hall and spread their arms to the sides. If the presenter says: “Sparrow!”, then you need to wave your hands. If the presenter says: “Crow!” - You have to clap your hands.

The driver ("mushroom picker") is blindfolded. Mushroom children are running around the hall. If they come across a fly agaric, the children shout: “Don’t take it!” The winner is the one who “collects” more “mushrooms” within a certain time.

You need to identify the vegetable or fruit by touch without removing it from the bag.

Two children participate in the game. On 2 trays there are 1 maple leaf, cut into pieces. On command, children collect the piece of paper piece by piece while listening to music. The winner is the one who is the first to make a leaf from scattered particles.

There are pieces of different vegetables or fruits in a cup. The child is blindfolded and must determine what it is by taste.

Participants compete in twos. Autumn leaves, real or cut out of paper, are scattered on the floor around each of them. In one minute, you need to use the regular pins provided by the presenter to attach as many leaves to your clothes as possible. The most leafy maple wins.

Best autumn couple

The guys receive a task: within half an hour, for example, find a partner, come up with interesting name, for example, Mr. Spikelet and Miss Wheat or Mr. Breeze and Miss Cobweb. Each couple must briefly introduce themselves and show off. Then, based on the applause of the guests, we choose the best - creative, artistic, cheerful, bright autumn couple.

Wind-wind, you are mighty

In front of the participants are placed sheets of colored paper crumpled into balls, representing fallen leaves. At the leader’s command, each player blows on his “leaf”, trying to move it to the finish line. The one who does this first becomes the winner and receives the title “Mighty Wind”, the remaining participants are “Veterki” and until the end of the event they obey the main “Wind”.

Yellow leaves swirl over the city

The guys are divided into several teams, approximately 3-4 people each. For each team, there is the same “row” of leaves on the table (oak, ash, maple, walnut, apple tree, poplar, rowan, and so on). The team writes on a leaf in sequence the names of the trees to which the leaves belong. Whichever of the guys can do it faster wins.

Get over the puddle

Guests are divided into pairs: boy-girl. In the middle of the room there is a large puddle (drawn with crayons, cut out of paper, made from a piece of fabric). Each pair accelerates and tries to overcome the puddle, that is, jump over it. But since the puddle is very large: both long and wide, it will not be easy to overcome, and the couple that manages to jump over the puddle together, holding hands, will receive a prize.


A basket of apples is placed in one part of the hall, and two empty baskets are placed in the other. Participants (“hedgehogs”) compete in twos. Each of them needs to bring more apples to their basket at one time. You can use your clothes for this, but you cannot take them off. Apples that fall from hands or clothes are not taken into account when counting. The most agile hedgehog wins.

Autumn cupcake

Each participant receives a simple cupcake, and on the common table there is a set of multi-colored mastic (which can be purchased at any pastry store). If this is not possible, you can make simple plasticine blanks as cupcakes and also choose plasticine of various colors as mastic. At the “start” command, each participant begins decorating their own fall-themed cupcake. All participants are given 5 minutes to work. Based on the voting results, the most beautiful autumn cupcake is chosen and its author is awarded a prize.

Bird flocks

Participants are divided into teams, depicting flocks of birds. At the command of the leader, the flocks migrate around the hall to the music. One “flock” flies through another, catching other “birds” and dragging them along with it. The winner is the team that created the largest flock, capturing the most “birds” from other teams.


Two players are given a long stick. Each of them must lightly touch the participant (the mushroom) with this stick, after which he joins his bundle, that is, he takes hold of the edge of his clothing and follows him everywhere. Each subsequent “mushroom” holds onto the edge of the previous one’s clothing. The mushroom picker who collects the longest bunch of participating mushrooms wins.

Hares gray and white

All participating hares are initially considered gray and run around the clearing (around the hall) in random order. Two competing players each receive a roll of bandage, a piece of which must be wrapped around any part of the hare's body at least once. A hare with a bandage is considered white, that is, it has changed its fur coat. The winner is the participant who changed the fur coats of the most hares. The competition is overseen by two presenters.

Game "Beautiful Leaves"

Falling from trees

Yellow leaves -

(We wave our palms.)

And they fly to the ground

And they fly onto the bumps.

(We squat.)

The wind blows, blows,

(We wave our hands in front of us.)

It lifts the leaves higher.

(Raise our hands.)

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.

(We wave our hands in front of us.)

The leaves are lower, lower, lower.

(We squat and stand up.)

We'll go for a walk soon

(We walk in place.)

And we’ll collect some leaves.

(We do bends.)

Game "Collecting leaves"

Music is playing. Children collect leaves cut out of colored paper. When the music ends, the teacher determines which of the children collected the most leaves and announces the winner.

Game "Autumn Forest"

We listen to poems and perform various movements.

Here we are walking through the forest.

(We walk in place.)

We'll collect mushrooms.

(We bend over and unbend.)

One fungus and two fungi -

We'll put them in the box.

(We show how to add mushrooms.)

We see something ahead.

(We stretch our arms in front of us.)

Oh, there's a big swamp there!

(We spread our arms to the sides.)

Lest we drown.

You need to turn to the side.

(Turn right and walk in place.)

So that we can walk through the forest,

We jump from hummock to hummock.

(We jump on the spot.)

Jump and jump, jump and jump!

There is a dry forest here again.

(We spread our arms to the sides.)

Game "Tree, Bushes, Grass"

When the teacher says the word “tree”, the children should raise their hands up, when the word “bushes” they should stand with their hands down, and when the word “grass” they should sit down. The teacher can accompany words with actions and sometimes show an incorrect action in order to confuse the participants in the game.

Finger game "River"

We listen to the poems and bend our fingers.

We'll float down the river,

We'll name what we see.

The boat rushes and roars,

The raft rocked on the waves.

The boat is sailing slowly

The steamer is passing.

Cat and dog on a ship

They are approaching the ground.

Swan, goose and duck are here -

Everyone is swimming along the shore.

And the frog is swimming,

Bug-eyed girlfriend.

Game "Jump over the river"

There are two ropes on the floor (at a short distance from one another). This is a river. Children must jump over it. If they succeed, the teacher moves the ropes apart (the river becomes wider). The winner is the one who can jump over the widest point.

Here is the river. In the place where it originates, it can be called a stream. Why? Because the river is still very narrow. It flows and flows and becomes wider and wider. Let's try to jump over the river - where it is not very wide.

Game "Leaf"

We listen to poems and perform various movements.

A leaf grew on a maple branch,

He was big and green.

(Raise our hands up, spread our fingers.)

The breeze shook the branch.

(We wave our hands in front of us.)

The sun greeted the leaf.

(Raise our arms up and wave our hands.)

And then he turned yellow

I wanted to spin around.

(We spin around in place.)

Spun around, spinn around

And he fell to the ground.

(We spin around and squat.)

We'll go for a walk soon.

(We walk in place.)

We will find a yellow leaf.

(We bend over.)

Game "Don't step on the leaves"

The teacher lays out leaves cut out of colored paper on the floor. Children must walk through this place without stepping on a single leaf. The one who stepped on is out of the game. The game can be repeated.

Village riddles

We listen to riddles and try to guess who is saying it, telling it.

Here are my children in the grass,

Little yellow little naughty girls.

I will find all the children

I'll take you to the pond later.

I will teach them to swim.

I often shout “quack-quack” to them. (Duck.)

A river flows behind the village,

There is a good place.

I go there to swim

Dive and splash.

There I shout: “Ha-ha-ha!

How beautiful the shores are!” (Goose.)

My naughty child

Runs off to the meadow.

There's a foal grazing there,

His little friend.

I tell my son: “Moo!

I know, it’s boring to be alone.” (Cow.)

Game "Magic Wand"

The teacher touches the children with a magic wand and turns them into different pets. Children must depict how the animal moves and what sounds it makes. The one who does it better than others will be the winner.

Game "Harvest"

We listen to the poems and show what is being said.

We dug, we dug -

Like this, like this.

Planted vegetables together -

Like this, like this.

Watered, watered -

Like this, like this.

We pulled out the weeds -

Like this, like this.

Tomatoes were collected -

Like this, like this.

They were then put in a basket

Like this, like this.

Game “Edible - Inedible”

The teacher throws the ball and pronounces the names of different vegetables and fruits, as well as inedible items. If something edible (vegetable or fruit) is named, the ball must be caught, but if it is inedible, then there is no need to catch it.

Game "Apple Tree"

We listen to the story and perform various movements.

We planted a seed in the ground.

(We squat.)

Then we watered it.

(Shaking hands.)

A sprout appeared from the ground.

(We get up and stand straight.)

Branches have grown.

(We raise our hands up.)

Leaves appeared on the branches.

(Shaking our hands.)

Then the heavy apples ripened,

And the branches bent.

(We lower our hands down.)

The wind blew and the apple tree swayed.

(We sway from side to side.)

Apples fell to the ground

And the branches straightened.

(We raise our hands up.)

Game "Find the Apple"

The teacher shows the children several overturned buckets. Children must guess which of them has an apple (ball) under it. They take turns offering options. The one who points the bucket correctly wins. Then the children turn away. The teacher hides the ball and the game continues.

Game "Driving along the road"

We listen to poems and perform various movements.

We got into the car

They poured gasoline.

(We make movements as if we were turning a steering wheel.)

Beep, beep, beep, beep!

They poured gasoline.

Let's go, we'll go forward.

Right, left turn.

(Turn to the sides.)

Beep, beep, beep, beep!

Right, left turn.

On the road clear

Let's go, let's go fast.

(We walk in place, speed up our pace.)

Beep, beep, beep, beep!

Let's go, let's go fast.

Here's the final turn.

The stop is at the gate.

(We slow down and stop.)

Beep, beep, beep, beep!

That's it, we've arrived. Stop!

Game "Traffic Light"

The teacher tells the children what a traffic light is and why it is needed on the road, and then explains the rules of the game. When the light turns green (a circle made of green cardboard is shown), the cars move (children walk around the room). When it's yellow, they stop, and when it's red, they stand.

Game "Sunflowers"

We listen to poems and perform various movements.

We all came to the garden.

(We walk in place.)

We planted the seeds.

(We show how we plant.)

So that they germinate faster,

We'll water them from a watering can.

(We show how to water.)

Soon appeared

Green sprouts.

(We squat and stand up.)

They began to grow up quickly,

The leaves have grown.

(We stretch our arms forward, spread our fingers.)

The stems unbent

And they stand in the sun.

(We bend over and unbend.)

Reached for the sky

Yellow sunflowers.

(Raise our hands and stretch upward.)

There's a lot in them

The seeds are already ripe.

(We spread our arms to the sides.)

There will be a treat

For boys and girls!

(We move our arms straight, stretch them in front of us.)

Finger game "Nuts"

We listen to the poems and bend our fingers - counting nuts.

Look! Our squirrels

They don't want to play burner games.

One nut after a stump,

Two is a nut under a bush.

Three is a nut next to a hummock,

And four are under the flower.

Five - a nut grows on a branch.

Six - from the squirrel, from the neighbor.

Seven is under the tree, but eight

We'll ask the magpie.

Nine - we will find it in the hollow,

Ten - nearby on the trunk!

Game "Get into the Hollow"

To play you need a small ball and a basket (basin). Children are squirrels. The teacher invites the children to throw the nut into the hollow, that is, the ball into the basket. Those who can't do it can come closer. The winner is the one who throws the ball from the farthest distance, or the one who hits the basket the most times.

Game "Mushroom"

We listen to poems and perform various movements.

The rain cried, cried -

It dripped all day.

(Shaking our hands.)

The rain poured down everything in the forest

And I washed all the leaves.

(Three palms against palms.)

There lived a fungus in the clearing -

Not big and not tall.

(We squat.)

The rain poured down on him,

And he grew up quickly.

(We get up.)

The fungus grew, stretched -

He touched the Christmas tree.

(We raise our hands up.)

We'll go for a walk in the forest

(We walk in place.)

And we’ll find that mushroom.

(We bend over.)

Game "Collecting mushrooms"

The teacher hides mushrooms cut out of cardboard in the room. The children must find them. The one who finds more mushrooms than others will be the winner.

Finger game "Hare family"

We listen to a fairy tale and perform hand movements.

Once upon a time there lived a little bunny.

(Bend your fingers into a fist, then extend your index and middle fingers.)

He had a bunny mother.

(We raise our hand higher.)

And there was also a big daddy hare.

(Raise our hand up.)

Let's go for a walk, the hares

And suddenly they saw a wolf.

And the wolf growled: rrr!

(Show the “claws”.)

The hares quickly ran home.

(We knock on our knees with our palms.)

We jumped over bumps and stones.

(Knock fist on fist.)

They ran through the grass, along the sand.

(Three palms against palms.)

They ran to the house and hid.

(We hide our hands under our arms.)

Game "Forest Dwellers"

The teacher asks the children: “Who lives in the forest?” Children take turns naming the animals. When an animal is named, the teacher invites all children to portray it. Children depict - at will and in turn (how the animal moves, what sounds it makes). The one who does it better than others will be the winner. Then the game continues: the children name and depict another animal.

Game "Tuchka"

We listen to poems and perform various movements.

A cloud floats across the sky.

(Hands up, swing them from side to side.)

The cloud is bringing us rain.

(We hold our arms up and wave our hands.)

The cloud will hide the sun,

And then he will cry.

(We hold our hands in front of us, shake our hands.)

We'll raise our hand

And let's drive away the cloud.

(We drive it away: we wave our hand.)

Cloud, hide behind the mountain!

Cloud, open the sun to us!

(We put both hands forward and spread them to the sides.)

Game "Umbrella"

The teacher takes a large umbrella, opens it and explains to the children: “As long as there is no rain, you can run, jump, and have fun. But when it starts to rain, you need to quickly hide under an umbrella.” Kids are playing. The teacher says: “The rain has started!” Everyone surrounds the teacher and hides under an umbrella. After the words “The rain has stopped!” the children continue to frolic.

Game "Rain"

We listen to poetry and do a fun massage: touch with our fingers different parts bodies.

The rain is dripping a little

Both on the arms and legs.

On the head - drip-drip!

And on the ears - drip-drip!

On our cheeks - drip-drip!

And on the nose - drip-drip!

On our shoulders - drip-drip!

And on our chests - drip-drip!

On the tummy - drip-drip!

On your knees - drip-drip!

He wet us with water.

What a mischievous rain!

Game "Let's go for a walk"

The teacher invites the children to show how they perform different actions: when they are going for a walk, put on boots, put on a raincoat, fasten buttons, tie a belt, put on a hat, put on a hood; when they came back from a walk, take off the hood, take off the hat, untie the belt, unbutton the buttons, take off the raincoat, take off the boots. The game can be repeated by asking children to perform actions faster.

In autumn it is cold and rainy outside. You need to wear warm clothes. And when it rains, you need waterproof clothing. Then we won’t freeze or get wet.

Game "Birds"

We listen to poems and perform various movements.

The birds flew south -

(We spread our arms to the sides and wave them.)

Higher than the oak, higher than the spruce.

(We raise our hands up.)

Wings up, wings down -

We rose even higher.

(We pull our hands up.)

Birds flapped their wings

(We wave our hands.)

Day and night, then tired.

(We lower our hands down.)

The birds circled low

And they sank to the ground.

(We squat.)

The birds need a rest.

Tomorrow we'll hit the road again!

(Place your hands on your knees and lower your head.)

Game "Day - Night"

The teacher explains to the children that birds fly south only during the day, and at night they rest on the ground. When the teacher says the word “day,” the children, pretending to be birds, run around the room and flap their arms like wings. After the word “night” they must sit down.

You can't move. Anyone who moves leaves the game. Then the teacher says again: “Day.” Game continues.

Korneeva Valentina
Games at a children's autumn party


Two teams participate in it. Fake mushrooms are laid out on the floor. At the command's signal, the mushrooms run like a snake around "winding path" (each child holds onto the shoulders of the one in front). The team that is considered the winner is which:

Didn't drop a single mushroom;

Didn't lose a single participant;

I got to the finish line faster.


They play in twos. Each participant is given an empty basket. There are silhouettes of mushrooms on the floor. Children take turns taking the silhouette of a mushroom, name any mushroom they know, and put it in a basket. The one wins, who is bigger "collected" mushrooms

The driver ( "mushroom picker") blindfolded. Mushroom children are running around the hall. If you come across "fly agaric", children shouting: "Do not take!" The winner is the one who within a certain time "will collect" more "mushrooms".


Two stands are placed at the opposite wall of the hall with a rope stretched between them. Apples and pears are tied to a rope by sticks. The child is blindfolded. He must reach the racks, cut off any fruit with scissors and guess it by touch.


Two people play. On one side of the hall there are two buckets in which carrots and potatoes are mixed. Each child, at a signal, runs with a basket to the bucket and selects either carrots or potatoes into his basket and returns back. Whoever completes the task faster wins.


Two children participate. "Puddle"- carpet in the center of the room. At a signal, children put on galoshes and run from one end of the carpet to the other and back. The one who runs faster wins.


Blindfolded, the players must taste the vegetables that are offered to them.


Children are encouraged to unload "cars" With "vegetables". The machines are placed against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. One player at a time stands near the baskets and, at a signal, runs to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables must be the same in all machines, both in quantity and volume. Other participants can then "load" cars. In this case, the players stand near the cars, run to the baskets at a signal and carry the vegetables into the cars.


Two children participate in the game. On 2 trays lie one maple leaf, cut into pieces. On command, children collect the piece of paper piece by piece while listening to music. The winner is the one who is the first to make a leaf from scattered particles.


There are pieces of different fruits in a cup. The child is blindfolded and must determine what it is by taste.


Three pairs collect grains (beans, peas, pumpkin seeds scattered on the floor) within one minute. The one who collected the most wins.


You need to identify the vegetable or fruit by touch without removing its bag.


Children stand in a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver with the ball. He throws a ball to any child and says one of the following: words: "Vegetables", "Berry", "Fruit". The child, having caught the ball, quickly names a familiar vegetable, berry, or fruit accordingly. Who makes a mistake gets out games.


Equipment: 8 hoops, 2 buckets, 4-5 potatoes, 2 watering cans.

2 teams of 4 people each participate.

1st participant "plows the ground" (puts down hoops).

2nd participant "plants potatoes" (puts potatoes in hoop).

3rd participant "waters the potatoes" (runs around each hoop with a watering can).

4th participant "harvests the harvest" (collects harvest in buckets).

The faster team wins.

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