Damage at different parts of the body. Combat system. Raising damage in hand-to-hand combat


Pirate DLC for licensed Skyrim "A

Interface Replacement / Skyui

Gameplay ______

Random Alternative Start \\ Random alternative start

DeadlyHeadshots \\ Deadly shot

Locational Damage / Body parts strikes

Skyrim Monster Mod More-Spawns (main and optional)

More flexible interaction with satellites / Amazing Follower Tweaks

Horse Whistle / Horse Whistle

Replacing coins and money bags

Immersive Fallen Trees \\ Big Trees

Your Magica Your Way


This small plugin gives the player the opportunity to strengthen the various character skills.
This goal is the system of special glasses (or " units"As you can see in the game).
Actually, you can enhance health and endurance, increase the level of mana and the power of the spells.

TES V: Skyrim v1.9 and above
DLC: Dawnguard
Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE)
Skyui interface

New hairstyles \\ Lovely Hairstyles

Demon Form / Demon Form


Skyrima Cloaks of Skyrim

Luxurious Hunter Armor \\ Dreamburrows Regal Huntsman Armor

Myfril armor \\ Matys Mithril

Cicero's robe - New textures + Stan Alon \\ Jester Outfit Retexture

Silver Daedric Set \\ Daedric Armor - Wort Pauldrons


Open Guard Helmets / Open Faced Guard Helmets

I had such an idea at a certain period of time to open the faces of helmets. There was a model that would open a face, but it was not fitted under the model of a person. So I created a skeletal mesh for her and here we are here! I may add more variations of the helmet when I have more time. This was fast modSince the grid already exists in the game. Variations are a little more complicated, I will add later if I consider it necessary. I planned variations from the very beginning, as it would be good to have different versions of helmets depending on the climate.

In a warm climate, someone will not like to go to the closed helmet all the time, it will win more from the open version. In the cold climate there may be warmer kits ... and so on like. But, as it takes a lot of time to experiment, I realized that so far enough such an option.

All helmets of the 17 largest cities of Skyrima were subject to change.

All skills in the game are divided into three categories: Martial, magical and thieves. In this article, we will talk about fighting skills.

For the creation of new items here is the skill of blacksmithing. Appeal are shooting skills, One-handed weapon and Two-handed weapon, and defensive - heavy armor and blocking. Warrior Stone Activation Increases the growth rate of combat skills by 20 percent.

Hand-to-hand fight

In the game, in addition to various weapons and magic, you can also use your own fists. Damage in hand-to-handing battle is caused by the health of the enemy, but not its stock of magic or endurance. The hand-to-hand combat is not as effective compared to the rest of the battle styles, but, nevertheless, with the help of it you can kill. If you play for Kazhita and find yourself a couple of heavy gloves, then somewhere up to 10 levels damaged damage can exceed the damage from weapons. It is important to note that you can apply a critical damage with bare hands, but you can not apply the poison on your hands. The battle distance with hands is approximately equal to the distance distance of the battle, the speed is average. You can combine hand-to-hand combat using magic or shield, causing shocks only with one hand. Unfortunately, since the hand-to-hand combat does not apply to any of the skills, your development at the beginning of the game with the intensive use of such a style of keeping the fight can slightly stall.

Damage with bare hands at the beginning of the game is fixed for each race. All races, with the exception of argonian and kajitov, are applied by default damage equal 4 . Argonian and Kazhitov basic damage is equal 10 and the latter has a passive ability that increases the total damage by hand to 22 . These values \u200b\u200bdo not change with level growth and are connected with one pitch - steel fists, which can be found in the branch Heavy armor.

People and elves

Basic damage without weapons: 4

Total damage: 4


Basic damage without weapons: 10

There are no additional bonuses

Total damage: 10


Basic damage without weapons: 10

Additional damage: 12

Total damage: 22

Raising damage in hand-to-hand combat

Perk Steel fists adds damage to hand-to-hand combat, numerically equal to the base arrangement of armor on the protagonist of gloves. Maximum basic rating have daederic gloves, and, accordingly, damage added by them is equal 18 . Rising skills or improved gloves in the forge does not affect this number.

The game has only one subject that improves the possession of the fight without weapons. It is called a fighter gloves. It is possible to find it in the rat hole, the infamous sewage of Rophietna, in the comrade named Gian first. This item can be broken down on the enchantment altar and enchant the ring or other gloves to increase damage from the shocks. The ceiling here also has and is equal 14 .

Thus, the maximum damage you can achieve in the game without using an alchemy is 10 (basic) +12 (Caughty claws) + 18 ( daederic gloves) + 28 (ring and gloves) = 68

Fight with weapons

In order to use weapons, you must appoint it to the left or right hand. Two-hand-free weapons and bows require the use of both hands. Equipment shields automatically appear in the left hand, and it is impossible to reassign them on the right hand.

If you attack sufficient damage to kill the enemy, the game can demonstrate the animation of the murder. If you activated the peppers Ruthless blow and Crushing strike In skills One-handed weapon and Two-handed weapon Appropriate, sometimes you can observe the decapitation of the enemy. Ending occurs only in relation to the latter in the nearest neighborhood of the enemy at a certain distance.

Two weapons

This battle style is characterized by speed and pressure. If you assign in arms for each trigger, you will not be able to block the opponent's blows, but you can interrupt its attacks with a continuous hail of shocks. The double attack takes about one and a half times longer than the attack with one hand, but the damage caused is much more.

The speed of the double attack is determined on the basis of the weight of the weapon, which is in your left hand, and the costs of endurance depend on the weight of the weapon in the right hand. Thus, it makes sense in the left hand to keep the dagger so that the double attack is faster. But, most likely, the use of one type of weapon will be more efficient due to the perks used.

Perk double whirlwind increases the speed of weapons not only when hitting both hands, but with one, if you have a weapon in both hands.

If you assign a spell on the main hand, then lose the battle bonuses double weapons, when prescribing spells or shield on another hand, bonuses remain.

Power attacks

The power attack is carried out by holding the corresponding key. It causes twice as much damage than normal AttackAnd also gives a chance to stun the enemy. Your endurance decreases at the following formula:

Endurance costs for power attack \u003d (20 + Weapon weight) * Attack value factor * (1 - effect from perk)

Attack cost factor is equal 2 for power attack from one hand and 3 For the attack from two hands (the protagonist attaches 3 strikes in the ridge).

Depending on the direction of movement, you can perform various strength attacks. So, when performing a power attack forward, you will make a drop, which will make it possible to rapidly reduce the distance between the opponent and you. Power attack when moving back can be effectively counteracting the opponent strikes. Using the Perka Ferric Attack allows for power attacks by two-handed weapons when driving Block damage to all opponents in front of you.

Endurance, which is spent on the attack, does not determine the damage caused by opponents, so if you have been spending less endurance on the attack, this does not mean that it has decreased and damage.

FROM equality of various battle styles

Possible variations of different battle styles are described below. The hand-to-hand fight is not included in consideration, since it was considered above, and the battle with weapons in one hand, because he is obviously weaker Foy with two-handed weapons.

One-handed weapon and shield

One of the most popular battle styles that balance between attack and protection. One of the advantages of such a battle style is a passive bonus to the overall armor rating, which gives a shield. Pumping skill blocking reduces the resulting physical damage to a minimum. Perk Protection against elements In blocking, twice reduces the magic damage from spontaneous spells.

Unfortunately, to get a complete return from this martial style, you need to spend a large number of perks - 25 . Even more "budget" option with pumping only the left side in the skill of the skill blocking and insertion into the peppers is a strong hand and a combat rack in One-handed weapons Could think 15 Perks. For the same amount of perks, you can more effectively use two-handed weapons.

Two-handed weapon

Using this style of combat, you will be less protected than when using weapons and shields, however, the benefits are also great: more damage per second, as well as truly destructive power attacks. At the same time, you will still be able to use the block, even if not so efficiently. In order to get the full return from this battle style, you need to spend everything 15 Perks.

Two weapons

This battle style is characterized by the smallest protection among all others. The game tip states that the blow from two hands immediately causes twice as much damage, but this is not quite so, because it takes 50% more time. And the overall damage per second increases to 133% of the basic. Perk double whirlwind accelerates attacks one, two hands, as well as power attacks (if the weapon is in both hands). With forceful attacks from two hands, you apply as many three blows in a row. Basic peppers for this combat - Style Strong Hand, Combat Rack, Double Whirlwind and Double meat grinder. For their pumping will take about 9 Perks. The rules for such a cheaper becomes almost complete absence of protection and increased endurance consumption, so you must take care of the potions of health and endurance potions in advance, and in battle to act strongly and quickly. Possessing the ability the fury of the Redconds can do without the potions of endurance recovery.

Warrior words

Warriors words skillfully combine weapons in the main hand (because weapons in this hand are 15% faster) and the spell in another. Word warriors can be divided into two categories: Some complement the magic damage from melee weapons, others use support spells. The first are focused on the school of destruction and weaken the enemy on the far distance and, after the depletion of the magic reserve, weapons are allowed. Others call to help the creature from Oblivion, heal themselves, etc. As in one of your hands there may be a spell of absolutely any type, from the jet of the flame to the illusion spells, it is quite difficult to say how many perks need to see the most efficient work of the selected Style. The most "budget" warrior of the word is obtained after taking the perks a strong hand, a combat rack and several of the school recovery (full-fledged school of magic). This battle style is very easy to combine with the above-described battle style two weapons. Master

The level of complexity also affects the cost and duration of the speed of the balance from the school's school.

Damage from fall

If you fall from a high height, you will get a certain damage that is calculated by the following formula:

Damage from falling \u003d ((height - 600) * 0.1) ^ 1.45 * Modifiers

Perk Soft Head Skill Heavy Armor Reduces Damage from Falling.

The damage that other characters receive is calculated on a more "harsh" formula:

Damage from falling \u003d ((height - 450) * 0.1) ^ 1.65 * Modifiers


  • The battle with two hands improves the possession of non-two-handed weapons, but one-handed.
  • Unlike the two previous games of the Morrowind and Oblivion series, weapons in Skyrim does not require repair, it cannot break and does not deteriorate when used.
  • The fight is one of the points of belief. After the victory, the character will issue all the information you need.
  • Swords, axes and boulas are combined into one skill, and the necessary specialization is determined by peppers.
  • Using fists as a weapon, you will not grow in the level, since the hand-to-hand fight is not attached to any of the skills.

The mod adds damage to the game in various parts of the opponent's body. This mod should increase the realism of battles in Skyrim. For example, a half-naked bandit has no chance against you, if you are an experienced and mighty fighter, 2-3 accurate impacts and with a gangster end. But the same applies to you, if you are dressed in a very light armor. Simply put, the essence of fashion is to hit the enemy and not to get under his blows. In addition, as was said at the beginning, the author added recognition of body parts for which a blow is made, so if you allow the enemy to hit you for some kind of vulnerable and especially tender part of your calf, then you will not last. And if you want to fight effectively, you should also try to strike the vulnerable places of enemies, and not just swinging weapons and move spells in all directions.

The mod created for the game exclusively at the difficult level of complexity! He was not tested on a light difficulty, and therefore his behavior is unpredictable there.

Features -
New critical strikes depending on the part of the body of characters and drags:
The mod adds new types of critical strikes (valid only on characters and drarars). Blows depend on the part of the body on which you hit.

New effects:
Critical strikes lead to different effects, such as disarming, frustration, clouding, etc., which will serve as an excellent award-winning fighter.

Additional damage magic / stock of forces when hitting head / legs:
Excellent reason for applying accurate blows. If you need to deal with the magician, then it is best to beat it on my head, then he is confronting most of his reserve of magic.

The mod supports not only the neighboring battle, but also shooting and magic.

Your enemies are also trying to strike at your most vulnerable places with the mind, for example, if you attack your enemies with a sword, then they will try to hurt your hand holding a sword, and thus disarm you.

14 parts of the body:
Head (+ face), throat (+ neck), left shoulder, right shoulder, chest (+ heart), left hand, right hand, back, groin, legs, feet.
Consider each part of the body can be disconnected / enabled for each module in the Modkey Configuration menu (SkyUI).

Percentage damage:
The percentage damage adds additional damage, depending on your weapon's skill, the relics of weapons and the security of that part of the body, where you beat.

List of possible effects -
Browse vision
Instant murder (for archers)
PERSON: stun if the weapon is sufficiently heavy
Helmet can fly when hitting a shield
Damages magic (in the near battle)
Damages health (for archers)

Health damages
Neck: Instant Murder (in Middle Battle)

A heart:
Takes 20% / 40% of the health / stock
Right shoulder:
Holds the skill of possession of two-handed and one-armed weapons for 50 for 10 seconds
Health damages

Left shoulder:
Blocks the skill of archery at 50 for 10 seconds
Health damages

Right hand:
Disarms the goal if that attacked
Health damages

Left hand:
Reduces blocking skill to 0 for 10 seconds
The goal drops the shield
Health damages

Health damages
Knocks down the goal if it is stunned / donned

Pushes power attack and / or heavy weapons
Health damages

Hars the reserve of power

Pushes if the goal ran
Holds the skill of ownership of one-handed and two-handed weapons for 30 for 10 seconds
Hars the reserve of power

Knocks or pushes if the goal ran
Hars the reserve of power

In: Works with any weapon?
Oh yeah.

Q: Fashion works with all creatures, not just drarars? If not, add them later?
A: No, mod does not work with all creatures, and they will not be added. Since each creature will require creating its own body parts recognition script, and this will quickly lead to the fact that your saving will die.

Q: This mod is compatible with Deadly Combat, Duel - Combat Realism, Ace, Skyre, etc.
A: This mod adds only new forms to the game, so it should be compatible with everything, including the above fashion.

What's new in version 2.2 ()

  • Optimization: Percentage damage is balanced.
  • Optimization: Balanced magic.
  • Optimization: Balanced bleeding from the throat, can be stopped by two attending potions.
  • Optimization: Other small improvements.
  • New features: New sections menu configuration.
  • Changes: Improved definition system.
  • Changes: a strongly improved artificial intelligence.
  • Correction of bugs: Fixed the work of crossbows.
  • Bug fixes: Fixed an instant murder option when hitting the head.
  • Bug fixes: Fixed a rare error in which some players have no damage in body parts in their game.