Winx puzzle games for girls. Winx games puzzles for girls Kids games for girls Winx puzzles

There is a lot of talk on the Internet that Angel Friends "look a lot like Winx". Is it true? Let's figure it out in order.
1. "Raph is like Bloom"

Bloom from Winx

Raf from Friends Angels

What, I wonder? By being the main character? All the main characters are brave, decisive, dreamy, romantic, with rare exceptions. Bloom was like this in season 1, in the future any psychologism Winx, if it existed, rolled down the drain. Note that Will from Sorceresses has these qualities, despite the fact that she is completely different, Frankie from "Monster High" is hardly the main character, but these character traits are also inherent in her. Open any book where the main character is female - and in 90% of cases you will find “bold-determined-dreamy” in different variations. Of course, I don’t mean that Bloom looks like Will or Raf looks like Frankie - God forbid, even a dog looks like a cat more! - these are four completely different heroines, but all of them have these qualities of a "gentleman's set". That is, excuse me, ladies.
Raf is looking for his own parents, like Bloom - well, this disease began with Harry Potter, and now every self-respecting hero is obliged to get it like chickenpox. Harry Potter, Bunny Tsukino aka Princess Serenity, Elion Brown, Bloom and Raph have all experienced this, and it is pointless to talk about plagiarism specifically by Winx.
2. "Raf looks like Diaspro"
Because of the curl. But Diaspro did not patent the boucle, and Raf is far from an exact copy of her hairstyle.

3. "Sweet is like Stella"

Stella from Winx

Well, it looks similar, but is it plagiarism? Indeed, in each

Sweet from Friends Angels

The self-respecting series has a ragswoman. It’s just on the preoccupation with clothing and cosmetics, the similarity of the rags in different TV shows ends. Stella suffers from narcissism: she considers herself the best, the most beautiful of all, etc. Have you noticed any narcissism in Sladkaya? It is not there. Stella is effeminate, she has to fight this quality in order to help her friends, but sometimes she is not averse to complaining about her bitter fate. Sladka does not have such an internal struggle, because she, in principle, is not effeminate. Stella, in addition to clothes, is obsessed with boys (although Brandon will not trade for anyone). And in "Angel Friends", when the cute angel Gabe comes into the classroom, who makes eyes and says "how cute he is"? Mickey, not Sweet. This means that Sweet is no more like Stella than other fashionistas in other TV series. And this is called "Winx plagiarism"?
4. "The Golden School is like Alfea and the Cloud Tower"

Alfea from Winx

Well, excuse me. Alfea and Cloud Tower's disciples dislike each other for

Golden School from Friends-Angels

For purely subjective reasons, and fairies are much more loyal to witches than witches to fairies. Here, the reasons for the dislike of one group of disciples for another are age-old, because they are eternal rivals, and angels treat demons no better than

Cloud Tower from Winx

Demons to angels. If Griffin urges the students to hate fairies, and Faragonda to loyalty to witches, then the teachers do not set anyone up for anything - the dislike of the students, so to speak, is in their blood. The Cloud Tower is not a school of Evil, it's just that there is a greater chaos of the students than in Alfea, and they also gravitate towards Darkness, which in itself is not a synonym for Evil. Here demons proudly call themselves Evil. In addition, Alfea and the Cloud Tower are women's educational institutions, and both boys and girls study at the Golden School. Alfea and the Cloud Tower are not compulsory education, in addition, the girl can choose where to go and change school if necessary. But a demon does not reorient itself to an angel, and vice versa, and attending school is mandatory in order to become a full-fledged angel or demon.
5. "Angels and demons have talismans, just like Winx"
Seriously, I read this on the Internet! What are Cox, Basilisk and others compared to? WITH magical pets? With a pixie? Or with bottles of Enchantix Pollen? xD Well, let's dig even deeper: each disney the heroine has a small pet: a fish, a hummingbird, a mouse, etc. Something not very similar to the talismans of angels and demons ... Talismans are a strictly obligatory attribute of the Immortals, it is a part of their soul with which they can talk (but others do not hear this conversation), which helps to transform; talismans of different Immortals can "communicate" with each other, one can recognize the leadership of the other; they take the form of an animal that their owner resembles. Something doesn't look like a pet in principle, does it? In my opinion, the talismans look more like an alma from Philip Pullman's trilogy "Dark Materials": an alm is a part of a person's soul in one of parallel worlds, takes the form of an animal that a person resembles in character, often the issue of leadership is decided by almas, etc. True, what the alm says is audible to others, the alma cannot be let go far from oneself, and of course, they cannot be exchanged (as Taiko and Sai did with their talismans).

In general, I conclude: "Friends-Angels" is a completely independent work, not similar to Winx, and different people like it in different ways: someone more than Winx, someone less. And talk 'Friends Angels' cartoon for Winx fans highly unlawful.
6 Uri looks like Leila
How are Uri and Leila alike? Let's see. Uri and Leila are both dark-skinned and dark-haired. But there are differences: Uri has purple eyes and loves photography, and Leila is blue-eyed and loves sports.
Continued in part 2. In part 2 I will talk about Mika, Sulfus, Cabal and Cabiria and their similarities with Winx.

Let's start playing: first of all, you need to correctly lay out the corners of the puzzle. There are only four of them in each picture. If everything is done correctly, then we should get a picture with fully processed sides. Sometimes, it is difficult for children to understand which parts winx puzzle games need to be moved to the corner. They need to explain: in the corner part there will be two flat edges, and they need to be placed in the corner of the image. We just have to fill in the middle of our puzzle. These tips will help you quickly and accurately recreate the pieces of the lost picture. Here, a big hint will be a fragment of the picture, which should match the already assembled picture (sides). This mini-rule is often used in more complex puzzles that have about 1000 pieces. Naturally, if you put together our online puzzles you will have clues. This will make it much easier for you to play and it will not become a chore. Yes, at first glance, the puzzles look very simple. But, once you play, you will understand that everything is not so simple. The offered pictures are bright, colorful, juicy. As if a piece of a Winx cartoon froze on your screen. But, if you are confused in a friend, and cannot solve the puzzle in any way, do not despair - use the hint. And then you can see for a few seconds how the image should turn out.

The games on our site are really the most difficult ones, as no one knows the initial look of the image. Winx puzzle games for girls- perfect for the category of people who love puzzles. In some of the proposed games, you need to rotate the pieces so that they take the correct position - which greatly complicates the game and makes it even more exciting. An interesting, addicting mosaic with many levels and a limited amount of time. But, if you could not cope in the specified amount of time, then consider that you have lost. But you can always try again. I would like to emphasize that each separately game from the category winx puzzle games has its own rules and requirements. You just have to follow them, otherwise you will simply lose. These games are the most popular among children. It is worth saying that composing an image from many small parts of something is a very ancient occupation. All jigsaw puzzles are created according to this ancient principle. We really hope you enjoy this way of spending your free time too. It’s not only fun, but rewarding and productive. In this uncomplicated way, you will develop your skill of logical and geometric thinking. We hope you enjoy your time with our magical winx fairies playing!

The gaming industry is multiplying its products, creating a vast network that can cover different directions, preferences and age categories. Until recently, computer toys remained in the niche of a matured gamer, but today children feel in virtual world full-fledged owners.

Wealth of computer space

For them, so many fascinating stories, walkers, shooters, as well as logical exercises have been invented and embodied in reality that the existing ones are more than enough to teach kids and entertain. But the developers are not going to rest on their laurels, continuing to generate new ideas. Girls and boys are gifted with numerous fun, where they are offered to show intelligence, accuracy, strategist talent, imagination and logic of thinking. Gaming sites have divided all toys into categories to make it easier for guests and regular users to navigate in directions.

Variety of puzzle games

Many digitized amusements have long been known to us from board games and have turned into another way to spend leisure time. Cardboard puzzles, like the transformation of a mosaic, offer to assemble whole pictures from small parts that can decorate the interior of the room, and their computer version will fill your free time, even if you are away from home and for this it is enough to enter online on the gaming website or pre-download the game on phone or tablet. Along with puzzles for adults, which are replete with numerous elements and weighed down with details, children's options have a more simplified design. The mosaic pieces themselves are much smaller, and the pictures they have to collect are large image details with clear boundaries of the color palette. In this case, the pieces can be of any shape: triangular, round, square and traditional configuration.

Winx puzzles - fantastic fun

As for the subject matter, it is easy to guess that these are mainly images of animals, characters from cartoons, manga, comics and fantasy series. There will always be themes for young men - cars, robots, transformers, dragons, knights and so on, as well as for young ladies - Winx games puzzles, princesses, mermaids, dolls. Thus, the game seems to be universal and, guided by one's own preferences, it is always possible to get access to a suitable variant.

The advantage of the computer version of the game Winx puzzles

The beauty of the computer version of the puzzles is that they do not gather dust in the box, do not take up space under the sofa in the form of a half-assembled picture, do not risk losing the mosaic elements, without which further work is impossible, and several people can work on the same image at once. launched the game independently of each other. As for the Winx puzzles game itself, it should be noted the mood that permeates all the pictures. At a tender age, love for fairy tales, where everything incredible is perceived as possible, lays its positive imprint on the further perception of the world. In Winx puzzles, girls triumph over evil, restoring broken harmony and order by collecting mysterious world together. They become better acquainted with good and become partners in it. The positive, which is the main component of all Winx topics, is transmitted to the child, and this is already an educational moment. Speaking about the practical side, it should be noted the benefits of the very process of collecting the pieces of the picture together. Here the child learns to observe and compare. His flexible imagination lends itself to transformation, doing the inner work of thought. Indeed, in order for the illustration to become a single whole, it is necessary to find its place for each element, so that it harmoniously fits into the image, making it integral.

The Winx fairies are the perfect heroines for puzzles. The child will be interested to see the final result, which will form a familiar picture from his favorite cartoon. And to solve the problem, he can call on his imagination to help, reviving in his memory what he saw on the screen. This is much better and more effective than putting together jigsaw puzzles with abstract landscapes or characters unknown to the child. Well, if the kid doesn't like Winx, find him a puzzle with a plot from his favorite cartoon. The collection on our website contains many puzzles for every taste and age!