How to configure MOVE under PC. Your hand in the virtual world. PlayStation Move as a pointing finger of the industry and the reason to think. What to play with PlayStation Move on PS4

Controllers playstation movements Move allows you to realize the potential for managing the PS4 system using movements and physical interaction in games. In some games, PlayStation Move motion controllers are used with the PlayStation Camera camera.

Configure PlayStation Move motion controllers

The motion controller and the PlayStation Move navigation controller is very easy to register on your system.

Start from the PlayStation Move movement controller and cable with mini-USB connector, such that is used to charge additional devices for PS3. The package of PS4 system includes a USB cable with a Micro-USB connector, and it is not suitable for connecting the movement controller or navigation controller.

To configure the PS Move movement controller for use with the PS4 system, do the following:

  1. Connect the Mini-USB cable to the movement controller, then connect the other end of this cable to one of the two USB connectors on the front panel of the PS4 system.
  2. Press and hold the PS button on the movement controllers to register it on your system. A menu will appear with the PS4 user profiles.
  3. Select the profile of the user who will play with the movement controller. If existing profiles are not suitable, you can create a new one.
  4. After that you will return to the main menu of the system and you can continue the game. If your PS MOVE movement controller is fully charged, you can turn off the mini-USB cable and play.

Important notes

Management commands and controller calibration in different games differ. Follow the instructions on the screen that appear when using PS Move movement controllers in the game for PS4.

  • The PS3 PlayStation Eye camera is not compatible with the PS4 system.
  • For games that require the use of the movement controller with the camera, the PlayStation Camera camera for PS4 will be used.
  • PlayStation Move works well with different lighting, but ideally minimize direct sunlight, glare and illumination of the background behind the player.

Solving problems with PlayStation Move

  • Make sure you have registered PS Move controllers on the system using the MINI-USB cable.
  • Make sure that the status indicator based on the PS MOVE controller is lit (a small red indicator).
  • Try to control the viewing of the system menu using the PlayStation Move controller. Press and hold the T release button, and smoothly swipe the left, right, up and down. If you get to manage the viewing of the system menu using the PlayStation Move controller, it means that it works fine.

Camera PlayStation Eye.

PlayStation 3.

  1. Make sure that PS Move controllers are recognized and calibrated on the PS3 system.
  2. Select "Settings" in the XMB menu, then "Advanced Device Settings".
  3. At the bottom of the device list, select "Calibration of the movement controller".
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to calibrate the PS MOVE controller on the PS3 system.

If, after executing all of the above actions, the PS Move controller works incorrectly:

  1. Make sure you calibrate the PlayStation Move controller in your game.
  2. If you are in the game, press the SELECT button on the PS Move movement controller to calibrate it in the game.

If the PS Move controller does not work incorrectly, try to restart it. On the back of the controller there is a reboot button, which can be pressed using a thin and long object (for example, clip).

Russian engineer Anton Mikhailov, an employee of Sony and one of the creators of PlayStation Move, told "Game", how he works in America, than Wii spoiled players, why it is impossible to get rid of the buttons and why Sony, developing Move in 2001, released it Only nine years later

[Game:] Infrequently, we are given the opportunity to talk to someone who develops something yourself, and not pianite strangers. Anton, what do you do in Sony?

[Anton:]I work in the RESEARCH & Design department is the smallest division of the company, a person for a hundred. We are developing and researching, my group is user interface technology. Designing devices and control interfaces. Since 2007, he worked on PlayStation Move, now when it is already sold, make all sorts of technical supplies to it - so that the studios understand that you can do with it in the game.

[Game:] Sony Did you specifically write out from Russia to work in R & D?

[Anton:]No, no one prescribed me: I live in the States from ten years. Fucked here with his parents in 1995, learned English, found a job ...

[Game:] Right so immediately - in Sony? Only from college - and already for the flagship product?

[Anton:]Well, yes, I recommended a professor. The internship system is very developed here when companies take themselves to the Interns. At first I did some my little ... needles for Eyetoy., year in 2007 Maybe remember, there was such a thing: you draw something on the screen, and the camera recognizes the drawing and makes an object in the game from it. So - it was my interground project. And then they took me to the staff.

[Game:] Can I say well settled?

[Anton:]Not such a dizzying career in the States. This is a silicon valley - the engineer is easy to find a job here. Especially since I am not picky, I came from Russia, and there engineers work differently, I know. (laughs) There, any technical work is a job. And we make the games. I was specially looking for such work - so that she was combined with the hobby.

Here the main thing is to understand what area are you better ... training. What is better to understand - in the gland or in software. If in the gland, then you need to go to Intel or NVIDIA. If in the software, then on Facebook, Google or Amazon.

[Game:] Amazon?

[Anton:]Sure. In America, this is a very serious company. Maybe they look like a simple online store, but actually all the statistics, recommendations are very complex calculations. Everything is very ... very intelligent Made. There are interesting software problems in front of the programmers.

[Game:] And what are you trained?

[Anton:]I listened to the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science course, that is, I electron ... Polar and computer ... Polar.

[Game:] And there was no thought to go to work in Google? We have this dream almost every second talented programmer - come to work what time do you want, eat there how many you want, play tennis right in the office, and also money is paid ...

[Anton:]And I worked on Google. Not for long. There is all that way - open Space., soft colored chairs, billiards, can be played at any time to play volleyball, at any time come, leave ... but not that it adds productivity.

After all, if you work eight hours a day (this is a standard American working day), then where will you find time and on volleyball? Of course, you can dine two hours, and then another hour to play, and you will most likely not be fired, but companies will not become better from this.

We had people in the department who were a lot in the office, but worked for six hours a day - and no one dismissed them for it and did not bore them. Google everyone wants to work, because there is no pressure there. But this may, for Russia, so relevant ... In Silicon Valley, in principle, such a culture - no one considers anyone. I come to work at eleven, I leave seven or eight - and this is normal.

[Game:] For sure, in Russia a good social package is rare. Therefore, in the company such as Google, Gasmprom or MTS, where both insurance and active corporate parties, and cafeteria in the office, always turn.

[Anton:]Maybe, but for me it is unreasonable. In Google, I heard all everyone: "What happiness, we have such a beautiful food!" - You know, Google is always your restaurants in the office. Well, maybe. Beautiful. Chef your. But ultimately it all comes out of yours pej-check. Of course, no one writes that you are deducted from salaries by 12 thousand dollars a year for meals. But in fact, it is so.

[Game:] And it was difficult to get a set? We are preparing for interviews and tests in Google as the Olympic Games.

[Anton:]When I worked - no. It was before Google came out on the stock exchange, and it was necessary to just pass an interview. It's now there are tests, multi-step selection ... Although - why not? If you want to go to work, then choose, take the most intelligent.

But in America a high competition is not only among applicants, but also among employers. The same Google gnaws for these engineers with Facebook. and Microsoft..

But this is all important for a person who is looking for money. I was important to people and needles.


[Game:] And so you got into Sony and connected to the development of PlayStation Move. Over it, then five years have worked already, right?

[Anton:]More! In general, Move in Sony was returned several times.

The very idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a controller, which would clearly define the location of the hand in space, appeared in the year in 1999 - simultaneously with Eyetoy. I saw the recordings on which the first Move prototypes show - in 2001, even before the start of Eyetoy.

Then Sony worked Richard Marx, an aviation engineer, he previously wrote algorithms for robots. In 2000-2001, he spent experiments with a luminous ball on a stick. The camera tracked the ball and passed the data on its move to the game - and the one, for example, displayed a witch on the broom on the broom, which flew along the trajectory you outlined by the ball. To track the movements of the hands, we knew how then.

But it was a very, very raw prototype. The permission from the chamber was small, so the ball was the size of grapefruit. I would call the entire design for mini proto-move for PlayStation 2.. We understood the algorithm, but it was impossible to do some kind of commercial device.

[Game:] Why?

[Anton:] There were several problems, and the main thing is that people have a different light in homes. Our chamber could track the ball with a certain light. It cost him to change - and everything stopped working. And people do not have laboratory conditions at home, they will not make windows with bedspreads to hide to play the console.

[Game:] And you put the project on the shelf.

[Anton:]Yes, until 2004. Then the engineer Eric Larsen appeared in Sony, who made another prototype MOVE - a glowing ping-pong ball on a stick. He was never shown in public, but it was already working technology. Now only one unsolved problem remained - in price. Eric used the LED in the ball, and then they were terribly expensive. Only make such a controller would cost $ 30-40 - imagine what price would be a retail for him!

[Game:] And you again put the project on the shelf.

[Anton:]Well yes. And in 2007, when I did myself with Eyetoy, she pop up again. It must be said that Sony works very tightly with developers studios, listens to wishes. And at that moment we were just asked to somehow expand the functional Eyetoy, so the development of type Move was very relevant.

I began to think how to reduce the device ... And then the LEDs just fell in price. Moreover, the LEDs appeared that the color could be changed. This automatically solved the second problem - with special lighting in the room. Now we could simply change the color of the ball - and continue to track it when and wherever a person is played. And then we just brought Move to mind.

[Game:] Three years - despite the way you have a fully working technology?

[Anton:]And good, that only three! We had a technology for seven years before the arrival of LEDs. But usually the development is similar to the anecdote about beer lovers. Do you know about the fact that 80% of all beers drink only 20% of beer lovers? So here is the same. 20% of the time you spend not to come up with technology, - with this, as a rule, there are no problems. And 80% of the time you spend on getting the technology to work perfectly. And this is not always possible.

I have already said: do something in the laboratory conditions - this is not the same thing to do something at home. At home there is a cat, a dog, coffee table, Ficus in the background - all these simple objects can shoot down the algorithm.


[Anton:]We could release Move before Wii, but it would be a product of completely different quality. You know, with all these prompts at the bottom of the screen: "Please turn on the light", "Please stand closer." No, we did not want this. We waited, because we, and our studios, and the players themselves were not ready for such a product. Remember how few games for Eyetoy are? This is because the developers did not understand how it can be used.

Eyetoy produces a completely unusual data type. This is not just a unambiguous signal to which the developers are accustomed: the button is pressed - "Yes", not pressed - "no". These are some ribbon movements, chaotic flow. Working out under the eyeoy, it is necessary to very much to filter the data to select the desired. Just with Move.

[Game:] But before you, you have already faced developers who make games for Wii.

[Anton:]They faced, but they did not decide it, but bypassed.

[Game:] Consider? (smiling)

[Anton:]You can say so. Until wii everything gaming actions Controlled with buttons. The jump is one button, turn left - the other, shooting is the third. If the games were made in a smart, then the controller would be used contextual. For example, they would need to lead to the left so that the character turned to the left. This is logical, right? And first and it was. But then developers, not knowing how else to use Wii Remote, they began to hang on it contextual non-oriented actions. For example, to force the player to describe the circle controller to open the door, or draw a zigzag so that the character jumped. That is, the buttons simply replaced the movements.

By the way, we are very pleased that our studios did not go this way. It only relies and spoils the game, and does not move them forward. Use the movement to replace the button is incorrect. You need to hang on the controller of the movement those things that neither by the mouse or the gamepad cannot be made. For example, drawing.

So, returning to Wii Remote. At first, people liked the controller because he was in a novelty. They tried, played, jumped with him might. Then they are tired of them: the truth is, it's stupid to wave their hands and jump when you can simply press the button. And they stopped trying, reduced the amplitude of movements, began to play sluggish.

Have you seen how they do a jog with Wii? Do you think they run? They just stand still and move up-down controller - and the console believes that it is running. And try to move them now! People have forgotten that they previously wanted to make context-oriented actions, they wanted to move, wanted the console to understand their actions, recognized the position of the body.

[Game:] So, Wii taught them to play wrong?

[Anton:]Wii had just dishonest marketing. People promised then five years ago that Wii will do what it became possible now, with Move. I'm not at all against Wii. Nintendo. I released your system when releaseing Move was impossible. This is a bold step. Wii led new players. People enjoyed. No, Wii - it was a undoubted breakthrough, success. Just at Wii and Move has a different philosophy.


[Anton:]When Nintendo developed Wii, she wanted to make an intuitive controller. To anyone can take him in hand and play. Do not you understand what is the mouse and keyboard? Take the Wii Remote - and point them as a finger.

Move has another philosophy. This is not a finger, it is not a pointer - it is a peripheral device. We looked at Move like a mouse as to a data source. He, of course, is intuitive, but it is not important, the main thing is that he is hardcore, he has a lot of applications. It, for example, allows you to transfer games with PC to PS3 - whole genres, before that inaccessible on the console. As strategies, for example.

[Game:] Listen! In the past March, such a story flashed in the network. Like, the engineer Sony Anton Mikhailov "Using certain manipulations, connect Move to the PC and play with it in Starcraft 2. Naturally, everyone had a question: if the Sony engineer Anton Mikhailov was able to do the same and ordinary user?

[Anton:]Connect MOVE to PC directly - no, and for various reasons. Many PC simply do not have enough power to handle the entire data stream that Move generates. In addition, we are trite not enough resources to provide support for Move at all operating systems - on Windows, on Macintosh, on Linux ...

But we want people to write their apps for Move, so we have now launched a special system, Move.Me.. It allows you to connect PC to PS3 with MOVE over the network. RS will perceive the PS3 and MOVE bundle as an ordinary periphery, the PS3 will perform all data processing. Move at the same time will work as a mouse, buttons on it - simulate the keyboard. PC does not even guess that the console controller is connected to it.

Thanks to Move.Me, application developers under Move will be able to use a computer - any, even a laptop. All calculations will execute PS3, and the computer will be completely unloaded to work with the programs.

[Game:] Are you so in Starcraft 2 and played?

[Anton:]Yes, and it turned out well. Do you know that the skill of the game in Starcraft is estimated by the number of actions per minute - APM, Actions Per Minure? So here professional players APM - 300-400. In trained lovers like me - 110-120. In ordinary players - 40-60. I started playing with Move and in five days of training raised APM to 80. That is, I lost somewhere in 20% speed. In my opinion, a good result.

In general, I beat Move in many RS games before we had prototypes of games written specifically for Move. I wanted to see if the accuracy of the controller is enough for traditional hardcore genres - RTS, FPS, airlinters ... played even in such sophisticated games, as Descent.

Interface interaction with your brains

[Game:] What about the price MOVE? How do you think it turned out to be affordable?

[Anton:]More or less. At least much more accessible than it could. You know, technically we had the opportunity to release a set that would consist of a MOVE type controller and cameras like Kinect.. But it would cost $ 250 - almost as a console - and accurately failed in retail.

Then we gathered with the developers of our main studios and asked: what is more important for you, more or less accurate tracking of the position of the entire body or very precise positioning of the hand. They said that they are more important than the second - the position of the body has already allowed to track the camera eyetoy, and many of this were enough.

[Game:] And nothing that when Kinect came out, no one remembered about eyeoy?

[Anton:]I was very disappointing, by the way. The first advertisement of Kinect, which I saw how two drops of water look like an Eyetoy advertisement, but no one noticed that! But the principle of work is similar, the games are similar: the camera sees the skeleton who jumps and waves his hands, and separates it from the wall.

Another conversation that Microsoft. Made everything very high quality. I admire that Kinect does not require long-term calibration. High you or not, thick or thin, you can just stand in front of her and play - I imagine how difficult it was to make technologically!

You know, there is such an anecdote: they say, in the 70s one professor, going on vacation, gave his student a challenge: teach a computer to distinguish a person from the dog, and the dog is from the chair. Professor thought the student would solve her over the summer. But when Professor returned from vacation, the student did not advance in any way. And we still are all trying together to solve the title of this student - to teach the computer to distinguish a person from the dog. Microsoft at least somehow succeeded.

[Game:] You are moving with Microsoft now in one direction - to MOUN-Game, to the failure of the buttons, right?

[Anton:]No no! From the buttons you can not refuse! This is a fundamental disagreement with Microsoft! Buttons are needed! Here you have three undeniable arguments in their defense.

First, the buttons are a gaming experience. Buttons are needed not only for positioning accuracy, but also in order for them to be pressed. Take a gun. Do you want to shoot with a gun gun? Well, there is no way! You want to press the trigger. You want to twist the steering wheel, and not just drive your hands in the air. Climbing gearbox, returning the juro - all this part of the game experience, without this it will not be so interesting. Kinect style is a spectacular, this is a novelty, but I do not think that this is the future. People are fetishists, they need accessories, and buttons are one of them.

Secondly, we perceive tactile feelings and process much faster than some more. Muscles on the fingers are one of the most accurate. The delay meanwhile as you felt the fingers, and your reaction to the irritant is only 5-10 milliseconds. For hearing, it is 20 milliseconds, for vision - 80-100. No other interface will give such a dispute reaction. You feel that they finished pressing the button - and already drawn to the next, almost without delay.

Thirdly, sometimes you just want to have a button that will allow you to give the team, just lying on the sofa. Try jumping, lying on the sofa - if you require Kinect! Kinect is not suitable for type games Mario. or Assassin's Creed.. After all, it is impossible to jump like Mario, or run around the walls as Ezio!

In general, in the near future we will not give up the buttons. The button is the fastest way from the brain to the screen.

Although always, when I talk about this, there is someone who raises the hand and reports: In the future, we will not need buttons, we will shoot a signal directly from the brain. Let him! But the problem is that the nervous impulse "I think to jump" does not differ from the impulse "Let's jump!". There is no difference between physical movement and reflection about him. And imagine if your avatar will do everything, what do you think while playing?

In short, Microsoft with his Kinect Well done, but say that Kinect is the future of all interfaces, incorrectly.

[Game:] That is, the buttons are needed as an interface of interaction with our brains?

[Anton:]Well yes. They just accelerate the game.

Game noise

[Game:] Have you been inclined to a specific game genre when developing Move? Did you do it, for example, with a focus on shooters or strategies?

[Anton:]No, this is the task of gaming developers. And our task is to offer them a working tool that gives the exact position of the hand in space. Move is your hand in virtual world. Move can be any subject that a man holds in hand - a knife, fork, a gun, a shovel.

We divided these tools into three categories: Magic wand (arbitrary passes in the air), sword (sharp movements, sports games, something like Wii Remote), pistol (accurate auction, shooting). And the developers have already defined for themselves, what approach is closer.

[Game:] And you do not care that Move is called only a more accurate version of Wii?

[Anton:]Not. We did Move for our own purposes, without regard to Wii. We were more interested in the experience that people get from the game on eyeoy than on Wii. But with Wii players, we still suffered.

[Game:] Why?

[Anton:]I have already mentioned that Wii has spoiled the players, the excitement was wound out of them. They are accustomed to what can be played in big tennis and win, moving only with a brush, without bouncing, without making Zama. They had a stereotype of the game with a mousen-controller in their heads. And when they started to transfer such a model of behavior with Wii on Move, Move simply did not perceive them. I rejected their melting as noise, I thought that they were kneaded - but they did not play.

And we needed video studings to explain to people that it is not interesting to play, not correctly. And people did not understand this! They never occurred to them that they could play bad, they thought it was a bad device.

[Game:] That is, a person in the head is already the process will not be sewn, yes?

[Anton:]Yes exactly! People simply did not understand how high the degree of control and simulation on Move. She is just fantastic! But this is also extreme. The console could understand who played well, and who is bad, and as a result we all played terrible. When we tested games - Bowling, for example, - then out of six people, five simply could not spend the ball until the end of the track, because he was wrong to throw him.

Somehow I brought home Friesby Simulator. So none of us could quit this frisbee! The only one who succeeded was a man who professionally engaged in Frisby. Here he was pleased: he walked all evening and told everyone what a great game we did. But we understood that this The game is not excellent!

Make sure game For Move is much more complicated than just a simulator. The developer needs to be very closely related to complexity, gradually, to increase it with small steps. Learn a man. Let the console for the bronze level forgive him the mistakes, on silver - it helps a little with the wind, and on platinum - it requires ideal technology of the game. If a person is not an athlete, he just will not be able to play otherwise. This gradual progression just lacked Wii. There people quickly studied winning, reached maximum level "And soon they already bored to play, because there was no place to be improved further.

In short, it should not fall into any extremes. If the game is given to everyone one asterisk, everyone will consider themselves with a husheries and give up. If the game is to succumb - it will also be a problem. At the same time, some things can not be easier. You can't simplify the pencil: if you do not draw poorly, it's not anywhere to go anywhere.

[Game:] Control in the head: as a person from the console company, tell me if PC will die and should it die?

[Anton:]Not worth it! I grew up on the RS and I do not want him to die. But at the same time I do not think that PC is the driving force of the industry. In the sense of innovation - yes, on the PC, you can make very technological games, which consoles and did not dream. But the statement that only RS moves progress - it is incorrect.

Listen to the PC market is very careful. There are not all two-sheet video cards and Core I-7 processors. Those sitting on the forums and fight for FPS, - hardcore. This is an important, but not targeted audience of games. They are just a few thousand, from whether they will buy a disk or not, nothing will change. This force is the hosts of medium computers and the owners of a hundred more than millions of consoles of the current generation. Many millions are just players against a handful of avid gamers. RS does not decide anything - but it is definitely good that he is.

Today we will tell are joysticks from PS4 to PS3. Such questions often arise from those who plan for a couple of evenings to play with friends on their new console, but it is not possible to buy a second DualShock 4 due to its high price.

If you are interested pS4 and PS3 compatibilityThis article will be as impossible by the way.

Joystick from PS4 on PS3

Sony is directly interested in implementing new gamepad DualShock 4, so she made it so that it can be fully used on PS3. In addition, it is to some extent favorable and the owners of the old console itself, because they will have the opportunity to buy an original controller, which will remain with them when moving to a new generation platform.

To connect the joystick from PS4 to PS3, you just need:

  1. Open Bluetooth settings;
  2. Register a new device;
  3. Start scanning, and then to start the gamepad at the same time PS. and Share.;
  4. Wait for the appearance of the Wireless Controller inscription and proceed to the use of the controller.

Moreover, DualShock 4 can be connected via cableFor example, if he discharged, and you crave to continue the game.

Joystick from PS3 on PS4

Now consider the reverse situation when you want connect the joystick from PS3 to PS4. And in this regard, everything looks not so rosy as I would like.

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Sony did not particularly try to support the old devices, releasing a new console. If you buy old gamepads, the sales of new will decrease, and therefore the company will lose part of revenue.

In addition, Sony perfectly understands that using the old gamepad, the player will not receive those emotions that he must experience together with DualShock 4. The new controller has a lot of "lotions" by type of touch panel and the built-in speaker with which you get new sensations from the game.

Of course, there are several ways to embody conceived in reality, but you will need either optional equipment - Converter, or a huge luck, if the prefix can recognize the old gamepad.

In some cases, the joystick from PS3 is suitable for PS4, but it makes no sense from this. You will not be able to use everything game mechanics, tied to the use of those functions that are not in DualShock 3, and the gamepad itself will work not in all games.

Answers to frequent questions

We dealt with gamepads, and now briefly answer some questions that occur when using another periphery of Sony consoles.

  • Q: Does the PS3 camera suitable for PS4?
  • A: The PS3 PlayStation Eye is incompatible with the PS4 system, as stated on the official website of Sony. It works in the opposite direction, that is, the camera from PS4 to PS3 is not suitable. PS Camera is used only on PlayStation 4, and PS Eye only on PlayStation 3.
  • Q: Is Move coming from PS3 to PS4?
  • A: Yes, to take advantage of the "muvami", you need to register them in the PS4 system. For this, the device is connected to the console with a special USB cable.
  • Q: How to transfer an account with PS3 on PS4?
  • A: You just need to enter data from the account on the new console by creating a new user. All the games purchased for PS3 will remain, but to run on the PS4 they will not be available.

Hello everyone, so came the cerebral writing FAQ to buy such a wonderful thing as PlayStation Move. By tradition, FAQ is based on the principle of the question-answer.

What is PS Move and why is it needed?

PS Move is the movement controller (Motion Controller), which, which is very obvious, is intended for games.

How does PS Move work?

For sure I can't say for what principles it works, I'm not the creator. But PS Move works due to the fact that the PS Eye camera reads the movement of the controller, which is in the hands of the player on a luminous ball at the end. By the way, the camera PS Eye can also read the movements of the player himself, of course if the developers have added this opportunity.

What kind of configuration can I buy PS MOVE?

In Russia officially sold:
1) PS3 + Move Starter Pack Bandle
2) Move Starter Pack
3) Move Stand Alone
The Starter Pack includes:
1) PS Eye Capture Capture Camera
2) Controller PS Move
3) Controller Strap
4) disk with demonstration versions of Move support
5) instructions for use

Do I need to buy additional peripherals, batteries, accumulators?

The only thing that necessarily requires PS Move is the presence of a PS Eye camera. All other additional devices do not require a mandatory purchase. By the way, PS MOVE is like DualShock 3 (Gamepad PS3) built-in batteries that can be charged from the console using a regular mini USB.

What additional devices can be provided with PS MOVE?

For PS Move, there are a number of devices that simplify its use, but they are not required to purchase.
1) Navigation Controller is a special controller which possesses sticks, prison, L1, L2, cross and circle. This controller replaces the gamepad in games like Mag, all the same, it is not very convenient to keep the gamepad and Move at the same time. Also possesses built-in batteries with the possibility of charging
2) Charge Kit - Special Stand for Simultaneous Charging 2 Move or Move + Navigation Controller
3) Gun Attachment - a special handle in the form of a gun, it is designed to enhance the convenience during the game in Mag, The Shoot, Killzone 3, etc.

What games are supported and will support PS MOVE? Will there be major titles for Core audiences?

The list of games is very wide, I will not describe casual games, you can read about the PlayStation website. I will focus on games for Core audience. Yes Move will support major titles, such as: Mag, Killzone 3, Tron Evolution, Little Big Planet. 2, GRANTURISMO 5, INFAMOUS 2, Heavy Rain., Resident Evil 5. From the list you can try Mag full versionThe HEAVY RAIN demolism is laid out in PSN, the bodies will appear with Move support in November, like Resident Evil 5.

Is it difficult to connect PS MOVE to the PS3 system?

No, not at all difficult. To do this, it is necessary:
1) Connect to USB Camera PS Eye
2) Switch it to the blue indicator
3) Connect PS Move to Mini USB to the console, whatever she picked up the controller
4) Enable the PS Move controller, then you wish to turn it off from USB

I saw that some games play with two PS Move, I definitely buy the second for a comfortable game?

No, not necessarily. You can play with two PS Move only in Sports Champions, but it is not necessary comfortable game Provided by one controller. The second is needed only to increase the burning in the game. It is possible to wear comfortably with 1 PS MOVE

What is calibration and why is it happening every time you start the game? Can I spend it again?

Calibration is a process that will help to accurately determine the convenience of using the PS MOVE controller. All players are different in growth and set. Calibration helps to make it so that it will be convenient for using all players without exception. Of course, the calibration can be carried out at any time of the game.

The controller ball glows only in one color? Can I choose colors?

The PS Move controller can glow a few colors, depending on which color the developers have chosen, unfortunately I have not seen the games in which you could configure the color of the controller.

In the article, I already described the PlayStation approach to the new controller: in the company there are high hopes for their invention, comparative attention is paid, probably only 3D technology. Of course, the perfect option is a game using all Sony's developments: games using PS Move on TV that supports stereo-3D image.

Starter pack

In order to start playing games that use the capabilities of the movement controller, you need to buy PS Move Starter Pack, in this Sony kit have invested the required minimum:

  • PlayStation Move controller
  • Strap on the wrist
  • Camera PlayStation Eye.
  • Blu-ray disk with demo versions:
    • video Instructions "Installation and Setup PS Move"
    • demo version of the game holiday sports (rus),
    • demo version of the game Light! (Rus),
    • demo version of the game is removed! (Rus),
    • demo version of the game Eyepet: Move Edition (Rus),
    • demo version of the Games of the Telshow Stars (Rus),
    • demo version of the game Tiger Woods PGA Tour ® 11 (English Only),
    • demo version of the game Echochrome II (PSN Title),
    • demo version of the Tumble game (PSN Title),
    • demo version of the game Beat Sketchers (PSN Title)

Design, control elements

The design Move has a lot of common features with a standard Joystick PlayStation3 - Dual Shock3. The same forms, the same buttons and elements. Plastic is also familiar - matte, grungy. "Foreign" here is only a ball from above. Actually, this ball is the most important element, it is his movement that will track the PS Eye camera. For clarity, during the game, the ball color will change: the simplest example is the highlight of one Move in blue and the red second - during the game of two players among themselves.

All standard PS3 buttons are available: Round PS button To enable and configure the joystick, a trigger (or trigger) is the T button; In the center there is a MOVE button (on a par. This is one of the most used keys in the controller control), the standard keys with symbols are located around it. The company decided to abandon the usual location, four buttons are scattered differently: on the right - a triangle, under it - a circle, and on the left above - the square, below - the cross. The buttons decreased in the amount, also reduced their move. On the sides are keys, start - on the right, on the opposite side - Select.

The lower end is the mini-USB port for charging, as well as the port marked as EXT - to connect accessories. Here is the ear for connecting the strap. Battery, like the remaining controllers, built-in. I would like to note that the MINI-USB cable is not supplied in the kit for charging - you will have to use such from the DS3 joystick or purchase a separate charging station (more about it further).

Dimensions, usability

You can compare the size of the presented photos. Feels, Move sizes if not perfect, then close to that. If you grab the palm controller, the index finger falls exactly on the trigger on the reverse side, the thumb freely pulls out to all buttons with symbols. In my case, ergonomics and the length MOVE exactly are suitable for the size of the hands.

It is convenient to play, I did not notice any features and unpleasant moments. Of course, given the active player of the games, the first time you will be tired of constant waving. But with the times get used to.

Literally a couple of words about the PlayStation Eye camera. The branded for PS3 camera has a wire (approximately 1.5 m of length), the body is fully plastic, in the upper part there is a massive type of microphone covered with a metal grid. Below the microphone is two sensors, even lower - lens. The lens rim is adjustable: two positions are available, their use is explained separately in each of the games that you will run. True, the camera will be in the "widescreen" state, that is, the mode marked with a blue circle is activated. The slope of the camera is adjustable - this is necessary for the possibility of installing the camera both on the TV and for it.

As a reminder, the camera can be used not only in conjunction with PS Move, but also separately: for example, for video chats, I remember the ability to record clips in the Singstar Game Series, transferring your physiognomy to other games


All games that Move support can be divided into the following categories:

  • Casual games. This entertainment for the whole family, here it is primarily used by the ability to control the movement accurately. Most often these sports projects either entertainment games For several players - for a fun pastime in the company.
  • Games, which would take place without PS Move, however, the ability to control with the help of a new controller makes such projects more fascinating, the management process is trying to maximize actual acts.

And another one strong side In popularization and PlayStation3 as a gaming platform, and Move as a new (for this console) type of management: additional features in the hijah. For such type of games, a patch is produced, which adds support for PS Move. Often in the game, in addition to the support of the controller, new levels are added or characters - in one word, such an addition would be a good reason to play the already covered game once again.

Another division of games in which it will be necessary to play with PS Move: This is the possibility of simultaneous game and the need to transmit the controller to each other.

Most games that support Move, but inaccessible on the demo, can be tested by downloading an introductory version of the PS Store.

Another summer, an early version of Move was demonstrated on the picnic of the posters: then gamers introduced the basic capabilities of the controller. I bring to your attention a few photos of those days, in addition to this, I recorded several rollers with the gameplay.

Sports Champions are fighting gladiators. This game It will be released as part of a collection of sports games publishing in Russia called a sports holiday. Sports Champions, in fact, fighting, and mainly because of his genre more attracted male gamers. In the game you need to swing the controller, trying to at least approximately repeat the movements laid into the game. The game is absolutely arcade, so the main task is to shove your hands, then you won. How to play in the battles of gladiators, you can understand the roller presented below.

The second game is less brutal, but almost the same cheerful. Behind the game in "Light!" More often it was possible to observe small children with parents.

Up to four players can participate in the game. Before starting the round, everyone is photographed, the received photo "sticks" to one of the characters. In the process, each of those participating after its attempt transmits the controller to the rest of the players, and at the end of the round is compared to achievements. Playing, we see our image on the screen, we see what item is in our hands. Depending on the type of game, it can racket, clipper, bits and other items. The game of the game in the "Light!" Also was filmed on the camera, see it below in the video.

The following photos and video frames are from another event where you can evaluate the MOVE controller bundle and the possibility of displaying stereo-3d pictures of BRAVIA TVs.

Tumble - a collective game in which several players take turns build a tower. To do this, players have various materials: Boards, Lime Balls, and Other. The main task is to put, join or lean as much of your items as much as possible and preventing the same rival, who, in turn, will be exactly the same task. A moving elements will also be present at the level that will interfere with your success, they are able to overturn the construction. The controller here is used as a manipulator. That is, capturing the subject, you must actually act and place all objects literally with your hand. In Tumble "immersion" and interest from the game in special glasses is especially noticeable.

Next game in the original west title The FIGHT ("Fight" in the Russian version). You can only play alone, the opponent controls the computer. At the very beginning, your identification is happening (to configure "Under yourself" you need almost every game using the camera and Move): Your size is determined, the length of the hands, the physique. As it follows from the name, the main task is to wave fists with the MOVE controllers clamped in them. At the same time, the view will be "out of the eye", your character moves independently, and you will need to imitate strikes: perform hooks, jabs and punches. After each round you will be provided with information about Boy, and will also report how many calories have been burned during the fight. It is quite interesting to play, although, in my opinion, the process is somewhat monotonous and rapidly bored.

An example of one of the battles from the event, see below:

In addition, managed to look at the MOVE version games Heavy Rain. Those who have already played this game will surely think that it will be easier to play with MOVE. I do not know about the interest, the version demonstrated was shown for a short time, but here's the fact that it will have to retracted - that's for sure. I will say that it was easier to get used to management with the joystick in one time. However, I admit that during the game, as you get used, everything will go like oil. In any case, the purchase of PS Move is an excellent reason to get from the Heavy Rain shelves and take the game another time, this time I have done everything differently, and, accordingly, to see the other ending the plot.

Finally, a couple more frames of the game Start The Party ("Light!"), As well as an additional video with the gameplay.

Games that are already sold, or in the near future will appear on sale (the recommended price of the game is 1,700 rubles): "Sports holiday", "Light", "Fight", "Shot", "Stars of Tele Show", "Office Kung- Fu. "

Many of the previously released games will acquire (paid, in some cases and free) add-on, which will add support for Move. Among these games: Resident Evil 5, Eyepet, Heavy Rain, Little Big. Planet, R.S.S.E. The list is incomplete, just to March 2011 it is planned to release up to 40 games with the support of a new controller.

Kits, additional controllers

First of all, I would like to mention the set consisting of a console (320 GB hard drive) and PS Move Starter Pack. This is an option for those who have finally decided to get a prefix - they will at the same moment can enjoy the capabilities of the new controller.

If during the game you need to transfer the controller, as is happening in Start The Party, there are no problems: depending on the number of those who gathered in front of the TV, each plays in turn.

But if you want to play against a friend, then in most games you will need a second controller. Moreover, in some games it is assumed that each of the players will have two controllers at the same time.

For a while, the controller was sold only as part of Starter Pack, however, in early November, it was possible to purchase and simply PS Move, without a camera and a demo. Separately the controller costs 1,600 rubles.

In addition, you can buy a navigation controller, its description you could look in the video at the beginning of the article.

The navigation controller is slightly smaller in size, if compared with Move. On the case there is a PS button to turn on and configure. In the center there are arrow keys or cursors, just above - two buttons with symbols: right - the circle button, on the left - the cross. Above the analog fungus is located. Under the index finger lies the L2 trigger, there is also L1 above it. In the lower end there is a mini-USB port for charging, even lower - ISKO for mounting the strap, however, in this case, the strap will have to be purchased separately.

I admit honestly, I was somewhat hung up, having bought a navigation controller, it costs 1,400 rubles. The fact is that this decision is used in a limited number of games (I hope only), and all the completeness can only be experienced after the release of Killzone3 and SOCOM4 (we are published under the name "Special Forces"). As a result, I would advise you to buy additional Move.

As promised in the Russian representative office of PlayStation, a little later, various PS Move sets will appear, which will include a different number of controllers - under a variety of options for possible games.


The navigation controller, probably, could also be designated as an accessory, but in this case, in this subsection I decided to remove all the products that are not required and do not carry some additional features, but designed to increase comfort.

To begin with, charging. The official docking station in which you can place either two MOVE controllers, or one move and set to charge the navigation controller for charging. In the light of the lack of cables for charging, such an accessory may be very useful in the economy of the thing. Third-party developers also offer charging at the same time by 4 joysticks.

Next follows a special pistol. Move is placed in it, and the game of shooters becomes the most natural. But do not forget that only aiming on the screen will happen to such a gun if the game also provides movements, it will be necessary to produce it from an additional controller. Although, there are examples of games - Time Crisis - where you will need to only "fill from all trunks", moving by level occur automatically.

In addition, on sale you can meet silicone covers for the Move and the navigation controller. There are 3 color solutions: red, black and blue.


As I wrote, PlayStation imposes great hopes for 3D technology in your technique and on the MOVE controller. More in addition, it is already possible to say that, at a minimum, the start of sales of the controller turned out to be sufficiently successful: in Europe and America, the total sales figures amounted to 4.1 million pieces (excluding separately sold controllers). During the year since the start of sales, it is planned to be implemented in retail to 15 million controllers. In our country, for the past since the beginning of sales, the month of Move Starter Pack has developed a circulation of 30,000 copies - this is a very good result. It remains to hope that the specified pace does not subscribe, and Sony, as well as third-party companies, developers are not pushing with the release of new games.

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Igor Rodin ()