What is the name of the game of pulling matches. Children's board game - "Matches. Glass and cherry puzzle

Parameter name Meaning
Topic of the article: Match games
Category (thematic category) Physics

Row of three matches

This game is nothing more than an adaptation to the matches of the well-known game of nuli and crossesʼʼ. The game is played by two. Lay out the figure shown in fig. 38. Next, the players put a match in one of the 9 cells of this figure in turn. One puts the matches with their heads up, the other with their heads down. The winner is the one who is the first to finish a straight or oblique (diagonal) row of three their matches.

Crossing Problem 21 With the help of matches, it is very convenient to disassemble ancient problems-games with ferries. Here's one example.

Father, mother and two children went to the river. With the help of matches, we will depict it like this: father - a whole match, head up; mother - a whole match head down; children - two halves of matches; river - two parallel rows of matches. There is a boat (matchbox) near the shore; the boat can lift either only one adult or two children. How can they all get across to the other side?

Solution A series of successive crossings necessary in order for everyone to find themselves on opposite bank, shown in the plate;

As a result of 9 crossings, all four will find themselves on the other side.

Match pile Place the match split at the end on the table (as shown in Fig. 39) not far from its edge; and put a match on the very edge so that it protrudes slightly over the edge. Now toss the lying match with a click so that it overturns the standing one. The game is much more interesting if you put several matches on the table, mark them with pieces of paper and designate them with a different number of points, as when playing bowling pins. Two or three people participate in this game.

Odd or even? Problem 22 Regular game odd or even is well known. But here's a curious modification of this game. You are holding a number of matches in your hand, and your partner must guess whether this number is even or odd, and he does not say anything out loud, but silently puts on your hand in the first case - 2 matches, in the second - 1 match. These matches join to those that were in hand and then counting all These matches are being checked: is there an even or odd number of matches in your hand?

With this method of playing, the questioner has the opportunity to play without losing. What should he do for this?

Solution The questioner should always take odd number of matches. By this, he provides his partner with a loss, at least, whether he puts 2 or 1 matches. Really:

odd number +1 = even number

odd number +2 = odd number,

that is, in both cases the opposite of what was indicated by the partner is obtained.

Which hand? Problem 23 You ask your friend to take an odd number of matches in one hand, and an even one in the other, and you claim that you can accurately guess in which hand he has an odd number of matches - in the right or in the left.

To do this, you ask him to multiply the number of matches ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ held in the right hand by 10, and the one in the left hand by 5, add both results and tell you the sum.

For this amount, you immediately tell him whether there is an odd number of matches in your right or left hand.

How can you do this?

Solution Guessing is based on the fact that when at least one of the two factors is an even number, then the product always turns out to be even, for example:

when both factors are odd, then the product is odd:

For this reason, if an odd number of matches is in the right hand (that is, multiplied by 10), and an even number in the left hand (multiplied by 5), then in both cases it will turn out even products, and their sum, of course, will be even. If in the right hand there is an even number (multiplied by 10), and in the left hand an odd number (multiplied by 5), then you will have to add the even product with the odd one, and the sum will be odd.

So when your friend called you even amount you say that even the number of matches he has in left hand; for an odd amount, vice versa.

Game at twenty Problem 24 This game is played by two. A pile of 20 matches is placed on the table, and the players, one after the other, take from this pile no more than three matches each. The one who takes the last bribe loses, and, therefore, the one who leaves one match to the opponent wins.

Solution If you want to win, you must start by picking 3 matches. Of the remaining 17, your opponent can take 1, 2 or 3 matches, at will, leaving 16, 15 or 14 matches in the pile. No matter how much he takes, you next move (taking 3, 2 or 1 match) leave him 13 matches. With further moves, you must keep 9, 5 and, finally, 1 match in the pile in succession, that is, you win.

In short: at the beginning of the game you take 3 matches, and then each time thereafter, so much so that your bribe, together with the previous bribe of your partner, is 4 matches.

This game plan is found by the following reasoning. You can always leave your opponent 1 match, if you left him 5 in the previous move (then, no matter how many he took - 3, 2, 1 - there will be 2, 3, 4, that is, a favorable number of matches for you) ... But in order to be able to leave 5, you must leave 9 with the previous move, and so on. So, “going backwards”, it is easy to calculate all the moves.

Game of thirty two Problem 25 Here is a modification of the previous game. A bunch of 32 matches is taken. Each player in turn draws no more than 4 matches from it. Whoever takes the last match is considered the winner.

How should you play to win?

How to play if the person who took the last match is considered losers?

Solution Calculating from the end, you can easily reveal the secret of a win-win game. It consists in taking 2 matches when starting the game; with your next moves, you leave in a pile of 25, 20, 15, 10, and finally 5 matches; then the last match will certainly be yours. In other words: take so many matches each time so that your bribe, together with the previous bribe of your partner, is 5 matches.

This rule is also valid in the event that the one who took the last match is considered losers, but only on the first move you must then take not 2, but 1 match.

A bit of algebra Games of this kind are extremely diverse, based on the initial number of matches in a pile and on the maximum amount of a bribe. At the same time, those familiar with the beginnings algebras can easily find a way to win under all conditions of the game. Let's make this little excursion into the field of algebra. Readers who feel unprepared to accompany us can skip straight to the next article.

So, let the number of matches in the heap be - a, and the largest bribe allowed by the conditions of the game is NS. The one who takes the last match wins. Let's compose the quotient:

If it does not give the remainder, then you need to let your partner start the game and take each time so much so that the total number of matches taken by both from the beginning of the game is consistently equal

n + 1 2 (n + 1) 3 (n + 1) 4 (n + 1) etc.

If, after dividing a / (n + 1), a remainder is obtained, which we denote by r, then you must start the game yourself and take r matches, and then stick to numbers:

r + (n + 1) r + 2 (n + 1) r + 3 (n + 1) etc.

For the sake of exercise, try applying these rules to the following special cases (the winner is the one who takes the last match):

1) the number of matches in a pile is 15; bribe no more than 3;

2) the number of matches is 25; bribe not more than 4;

3) the number of matches is 30; bribe not more than 6;

4) the same, but a bribe - no more than 7.

Of course, when the secret of a win-win game is known to both partners, then the win is a foregone conclusion, and the game loses its meaning.

Game of twenty seven Problem 26 In this game, they also start by making a pile (of 27 matches) and assign the largest bribe to 4 matches. But the end of the game is not like the end of previous games: here the winner is the one who has an even number of matches at the end of the game.

And in this case, there is the secret of a win-win game. Which?

Solution Starting to count from the end, you will find the following way of a win-win game: if you already have an odd number of matches, then with further bribes you must leave that number of matches to your opponent every time, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ per 1 smaller multiple of 6 - that is, 5 matches, 11, 17, 23. If you have taken an even number of matches, then you take bribes in such a way that on the table there is a multiple of 6 or 1 more, i.e. 6 or 7, 12 or 13, 18 or 19, 24 or 25.

By owning this secret, you can win, even if you didn’t start the game. When you have to start, then consider that you have taken 0 matches: take zero for an even number (after all, it is followed by an odd number - one) and act according to the specified rules.

It is also interesting to consider the question of a win-win game if the condition for the end of the game was different: the winner is the one with odd number of matches. In this case, the rules indicated earlier must be applied the other way around: when even the number of matches you have left to the enemy for 1 smaller multiple of 6, at odd number - multiple of 6 or 1 more. Starting the game, you leave 23 matches to your opponent.

ʼʼNimʼʼ game This old game represents a complicated modification of the previous ones. Three heaps of matches are placed on the table; in each pile there must be any number of matches, but no more than 7 (one match is also called a “pile” in this game). The game is that the players take turns from one heaps any the number of matches (you can take everything), but only from one some handful, at the request of the taker. Whoever takes the last match from the table is considered the winner.

Let's look at an example.
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The initial distribution of matches into piles is, suppose, as follows:

Then, as the players alternately take from one or the other pile of several matches, the successive changes in the number of matches will be as follows:

Whoever takes this last match wins.

There is also the secret of a win-win game here. You will hardly be able to find it yourself (the theory of "nima" is very complicated); in this regard, we will report it, albeit without justification. You must play so that after your move one of the following seven combinations of matches remains on the table:

The numbers have been chosen so that, whatever the initial arrangement, it is always possible to bring it to one of the now indicated by taking away matches from one pile. It is only necessary to indicate what to do if the number of matches in one of the piles has become equal to zero, that is, if the pile has disappeared. Then you need to take so many matches that both remaining piles equalized by the number of matches. By playing by these rules, you will certainly win, that is, take the last match. For example, in the case considered now, if the first move was yours, you would have to play the game like this:

The last match is yours - you won.

Match games - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Match games" 2017, 2018.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Number of players: any.

Composition: people of about the same age.

Equipment: matches.

Each of the participants is given a certain number of matches at the beginning (it is desirable to give each of them matches equal to the number of players +1, if there are fewer matches, then in the first round someone can lose without playing.

Each of the participants in turn names what he never did, and everyone else (not all, but as much as possible) did not. Everyone who did what was said gives this player one of their matches. If the player runs out of matches, then he lost. The winner is the one who collects more or more matches (the game can drag on, so you can limit the number of rounds).

You won't be able to play this game with children - they have too much advantage.

This game can be played in a well-known company - it will be quite fun. But you can also play in a company you don't know much, so you quickly get to know its members better.

Participants sit in a circle, each holding a match in his mouth, held by his teeth. The first player puts the ring on his matches and tries to pass it? hands-free, to another player.

If a company of young people (boys and girls) gathered in a company and are waiting for something (another person, the start of a movie session, a train, etc.), then this game will help pass the time.

This board game very simple, but at the same time very exciting and reckless. Many adults today can remember playing it at home and in yards.

You must have 11 matches to play. One of them is marked in some way (for example, a mark is made on it with a pencil or just a burnt match is taken).

The rules of the game of matches

They play in turns, the order is agreed in advance.

First, the player takes all the matches in a handful of two palms (in the manner of dice) and tosses them on the table. It is necessary to throw in such a way that a pile of matches can be circled with a spread forefinger and thumb. If it is impossible to circle, the matches are thrown.

After that, the player begins to take turns out of the pile of matches. It is necessary to pull it out very carefully so that not a single match, except for the one being pulled out, moves. Each successfully drawn regular match brings the player 10 points, and the marked one - 100. As soon as the player has moved some other match, except for the one drawn, the move goes to the opponents, and so on in turn. The winner is the one with the most points. You can arrange several rounds and determine the winner by the maximum amount of points scored.


  • A good shot is a bail successful game... Throwing matches on the table must be strong enough to make the pile loose. But at the same time, the matches should not roll too far too far so that the pile can be circled with your fingers.
  • You need to think over a strategy for "freeing" the marked match and try to pull it out as early as possible, without "burning" on the rest.
  • Sometimes you can remove a match that lies with its head on the table and the body on a pile by gently pressing and rolling the head towards yourself with the pad of your finger, as shown in the photo. Practice in advance! Naturally, such a trick will not work with a burning match.
  • A match lying entirely on a pile can be removed by prying it in the middle with an already pulled out match and throwing it up and to the side with a sharp movement.
  • Watch the players' moves carefully, don't miss the moment when they make their mistake!

The game of matches can be classified as a board game. Most often it is played in childhood.

It requires 11 matches, one of which is burnt and a flat surface, for example, a table. All matches have their own value, for example, a burnt match is 100 points, the rest are 10 points each. Two are playing. The superiority of the move is determined by lot.

At the beginning of the game, one of the players takes all the matches in his hands, shakes them and throws them (like dice) on the table in a heap. Then, in turn, they draw out the matches, while trying not to move the rest of the matches, if this happens, the player loses.

The winner is the one with the most points. It is important to pull out the burnt match, as it brings the maximum number of points.

There are similar games.


Mikado consists of a set of bamboo sticks (classic version) or wires, painted in a special way. Each stick has its own cost (the two most expensive are tangerine and mikado).

Purpose of the game: remove the stick from the pile without hitting the others. The winner is the one with the most points.


In Game spillikins instead of matches or sticks, toy objects are used. The meaning of the game is the same as in matches. To make the spillikins easy to hook, they are made in the form of objects that have ears or holes - cups, teapots, and so on. Sometimes spillikins are made in the form of abstract pieces, then several small holes are drilled in them, and spill-overs are piled on a flat surface. With the help of a special hook, the players take out one spill one at a time, trying not to move the neighboring ones. The one who moves the neighboring spill passes the move to the next player. The game continues until the whole pile is taken apart. The winner is the one who collected the most spillikins, or the first one to collect the previously agreed amount.