Best board games. What to do with the child rainy autumn in the evening? Chessx playing dice

Well, friends, so one another year flies. I do not like talk about the fact that everything flies so quickly that once it was not at all like now, etc. We will leave this topic for Starpets. According to the old good tradition at the end of the year, I write an article about what I remember the outgoing year. There used to be a lot of text, and readers rightly wrote about "MNOGABUCAF", so now I will try not to spread the thoughts on the tree, if it turns out \u003d)

In the outgoing year, I did not have any special articles, interviews and megacruted announcements. He worked as always, as usual mode \u003d) at the same time I am very pleased to note that this year according to statistics turned out to be special. First, a week ago, I was recorded more than 1000 views per day. Before that, lacked literally a little bit. That 986 will show, then 995, but I could not get to 1000. By internet standards, these are very small numbers, but still the bar finally managed to take. Of course, this is all thanks to you - those who read these lines. And secondly, in general, this year has grown strongly according to statistics. Previous years showed a little height, and this year kicked somewhere percentage more than 40 more. In my opinion, it's cool. I hope that this boom caused an increase in interest in board games, the development of this topic in social networks, etc. In any case, the boom of interest in board games is great!

After reviewing the list of reviews, I have a little sealed that I was just very little about the articles about non-ocalized games. On the one hand, it was possible to turn on the old plate about the difficulty of the life of the Teller in Belarus, but on the other hand, if desired, everything could be done. Moreover, sometimes I still take to the hillside (at the beginning of the year I took a little extra to your favorite games). Periodically, I am still thinking about to take something else, but in the end I spend the deferred money on localization (in particular, those that collect money on crowdfunding). Do not really really, if in Russia they collect money on cool hangs, then the meaning is to steam with all sorts of kulstuff? I do not understand why I have to take a conditional in Zabugorn stores Agra , but not Concordia which published Crowd Games. .

I am not the first time already writing that the time has finally come when you can take cool new games in Russian (if only there was money). TO Crowd Games. Toppers are different in different ways, but I will note what exactly they gave the push of the Localization boom. IMHO, before the exit Dead of Winter It was the opinion that the guits are not able to redeem the circulation of hardcore games. Say, in the year there will be enough pairs of large taitles, beyond this limit it will accurately go into minus. Honestly, and now the situation has not changed much - the guits still do not build the games with a circulation of 5,000. So far, only 2-3 thousand are quite normally disagree. For my insider information on these high-profile releases, no one does not earn particularly, but interest in his publisher will certainly receive. Those. Now it's quite difficult to survive if you release purely children's games, and someone trumps Sherp . Its own Sickle Each publisher should be. For example, the same Gaga Games. For a long time specialized in the fillers, but now she has Orleans , War Ring , Through a century etc. So far, from this trend, the tablers only won. For the past few years, you are offered to your attention a variety of cool innovations at affordable prices. And every year it becomes hotter. In 2018, we are waiting for hot new items again, from which we exactly faint.

Therefore, I decided, if you buy something behind the hill, then only additional reads to your favorite games that will definitely not be Russified. Although I did not believe, but recently announced localization Magodzar. And I swung, because I already have in English \u003d)

Best Games for 2017

Usually I B. Results and trends I make a list of games that I remember in the outgoing year. I play the same thing what I am writing reviews. No more, no less. As they say, he bought, and I play. Or I play what they sent good publishers. Therefore, I choose the best one of these games. In the report for 2016, I have selected 10 positions. This year I will not change my traditions. True, all these places are subjective thing, and after half a year it can change everything. For example, I looked last year's top and smiled. By the way, I like me much more played by me much more than in the past. Those. The outgoing year turned out really high quality. If you want to know what games to which I did reviews this year, I consider the best, read on \u003d)

10. / (Hobby WORLD)

Yes, on 10th place I have two games. I thought for a long time what the game would be thrown out of the top, but I could not decide. Although one game is like a filler, and the other family, but for me they are equivalent by Fana.

Star: the path to hope Very surprised me with a gameplay. I expected it to be some weak phillerok from the Russian author (sorry, Petya, that I thought so), but I was mistaken. Gameplay turned out to be interesting. At first, players hide in the stacks of the drawings card, and then they seek them, revealing the decks in turn. The problem is that the drawing in the deck may not be, but the enemies there will be even debt. It seems like a simple game, but I liked to guess the location of the drawings. I did not like the fact that there is no goal in the game as such. I did not find the desired amount of drawings - lost. Found the right one - won. I found more than you need - well, finally, well done. Therefore, I would still replace the ending of the game for something else.

SO Istanbul I had a fun situation - when I read the rules of the game, I was upset that I took it on the review. I then seemed that this is not my type of game. But after the party I changed my mind - the game was suitable. I liked to think over the optimal moves, arranging on the cards of my assistants. I have not seen anything like other games. 3-4 parties I played with great pleasure. But then ... Then it turned out that the referee at the stands are low. In my opinion, she is catastrophically needed. And they are, but not in Russian. Unfortunately, as I understand it, I do not plan to produce additional, and it is very sorry. Without specials, I do not want to play. Probably you will have to buy them in a foreign language and hope that the cards will coincide with the color and size.

As a result, it turned out that it seems like both games are good, but they lack something \u003d)

9. (Samizdat)

I really did not expect that the game from Arkhangelsk from a little-known author would be so good. When I played in Pomeranian logocation , I did not understand why this game is still not for sale in stores Played or Hobby World. . The tank turned out to be very clay. Simple but interesting. You just need to move your boat on cards and fish. BUT B. Pomeranian logocation There is a very interesting card engine, thanks to which the player moves his toe. Actually, in his review, I wrote all this in detail. Still like this game, and my friends have gickers too left after her good impressions. I really hope to see next year from Stas Serebryakova Also something is the same cool!

8. (Gaga Games)

Another show, which surprised me with her gameplay, for in absentia I thought it would be less interesting. And in the end, I played everything and played and forced other people to play her \u003d) I like to play, both for someone else's and for astronauts, victims of a wreck on a strange planet. It seems nothing special in the game - hide in locations and hope that you will not find you, or look for you and assimilate them with the planet. The game is pretty, playable, balanced, fast. Rightly just what I need. I am very glad that Gaga published this filler and plans to release the supplement that I will definitely take.

7. (Hobby WORLD)

My second acquaintance with this game has passed with great success - finally, I realized that this is a cool tank. Before that, I put her low estimates and quietly hated for crisis. And it turned out that with a lack of food you can and need to work! The game opened only with the acquisition of experience. I can not say that this is the best clear of the playment, in which I played, but it is definitely one of the best. I do not advise newbies, but this game is quite suitable for experienced players. I can not say that I am wildly pulling Agriculu because she is still heavy. I always prepare for her in advance, because This tank is not for spontaneous meetings with friends. IN Zolkina I still play ototny \u003d)

6. (Hobby WORLD)

Dada, you can start to pick up - I have in the top Carcassonne \u003d) But this year I looked at it. Calm, at home, in a quiet cozy atmosphere, together, threesome and four times - the game is perfect for family chairs. I tried the most different Carcassonsons - Dopa, and independent versions. Correctly say that there is nothing better than basic Carcassonon And I agree with this statement. Just add - even for complete happiness, you need to give new tiles from the extra. Very good game, which is equally interesting and beginners, and old people. IMHO, Carcassonne Must be in the collection of each Teller.

5. (Gaga Games)

Another game, with which Gaga guess 100%. Orleans - Very good tank to study new combinations. I want to play in it in order to try a new strategy that will bring you even more points. Unfortunately, the game has not so much opportunities for a variety. You just take out new tokens from the bag every move, so you will build your strategy based on what stretched out. But it almost does not prevent you from getting away with your head in a set of warriors, merchants or merchants. And when you find a better combination for yourself, you will always use it. And yes, it lies in the minus of the game. But the fact is that while you find this combination, you will play a lot of exciting parties. And then there may already be a supplement in Russian, which I am really looking forward to. Orleans - The game is not without minuses, but I really like to play it.

4. (Hobby WORLD)

Perhaps this is the most undervalued game agers game of my top. I infrequently see the reviews on it on the Tester or other desktop resources, but personally me Sky Island Very surprised. It's like something like Carcassonon but not at all Carcassonne . This is a game with changing goals - in each new game other goals. And it is cool. Until you will prepare the game, you do not know what will have to do in the game - build roads, collect barrels, search for animals or build beacons. And I will plot from this. No party disappointed me, I love to play this tank so far. It is a pity that the game did not greatly go into the masses. IMHO, she is cooler Carcassonon =)

3. Steel Arena (Gaga Games)

Well, here we walked fat games. At the end of 2016, I have not had the opportunity to play this game, but he laughed in her high hopes. And my hopes met all 100. Want to believe, you want no. I understand that some readers think that I have long sold MX and Gaga, but I really like it - it's pure truth. I have long wanted to have a game about robots in the collection. A week ago I played with an addition and gladly remembered what kind of cool game. I really like in this game to think about my actions. You can like your robot, turn, shit and jump to the side. And you can jump forward and take a cool gun. And you can push the enemy to acid and smell on it in the snow. Cheerful game, in short. IMHO, this is the best game Yura Yeschchchov And one of the best tanks in my collection. Steel Arena - This is the game, in which I always play with great pleasure.

2. (game shop)

This game surprised me in a good way. Honestly, I did not expect anything special from the game. I thought there would be an average such card game in which you can periodically play until it bother. And how to play, then immediately zalip. I really liked that Conquering Mars All cards are different. And all of them are useful in different ways - some kind of better playing at the beginning of the game, somehow at the end, some kind of cool, but dear, and some kind of weak, but cheap. And you yourself decide, take a card or not. Reset it or leave for later. The playing field was still screwed to a wonderful card engine, on which players can build something and get victory points. From the game I have some solid delights. An unambiguously suitable game that I recommend everyone.

1. (Fantasy Flight Games)

And here is the winner of my top for the year. Card UA surprised me as a gameplay and stories that he says. Each new script is a new story, which is very interested to pass along with another player. For me, this is a very atmospheric game, and I love those. I like to read the stuffing soul of history. The gameplay also does not lag behind the topic - you choose the detective, collect a deck and try to go through the plot. Successfully perform the task, and you can update the deck with new good cards. If you tolerate the defeat - think that you need to change in the deck. About the same thing was in the housing Lord of the Rings But I like it more. Hobby World. Already like announced the localization of the game, so I can only rejoice for those who still have to get acquainted with this krutytsky game. I'm slowly passing Dunwich Legacy. And I want more new specials and more. Cool game!

Plans for the next year

Next year, I want to get acquainted with a very large number of games. Dear localizers so diligently with the publication of games that I am now exactly sure that I can not buy everything that I want. This year I was convinced that the Wishlist had to trim strongly (and even refuse foreign purchases), because I didn't have all the interesting localization to buy me. Past past me Project Gaia. , Blood Rage. , War Ring And many other good games. Unfortunately, you do not find any money. You have to choose the best.

Something I have already purchased this year (and even before \u003d)), but I haven't done reviews for these games yet. Most likely they will appear next year:

La Granja.

The game really turned out to be very good. Fortunately, acquaintance with her coincided with my wave of interest in EuroGames. Little poets strange game It turned out (not very logical), but it is interesting to play it. Almost ready to write a review.

Legendary: A Marvel DeckBuilding Game

Doomtown: Reloaded.

I continue to deal with the game. Cool card toy, I have long wanted to play it. I already want specials.

Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar - Tribes & Prophecies

So far I did not get to Dopa. Asked Gaga, whether it is worth a hurry with a review (suddenly there is some localization) - they said that it does not burn until \u003d) it means to hurry.


extended version Sushi Go. . Looks like a game for all 100, i.e. very cool. Tin box, high-quality cards, amazing tablet - Otrada for Estet. I am glad that I finally bought a great game about my favorite sushi \u003d) How to play, I will definitely accomplish your goal.

Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization

For a long time, I chased this wonderful game Vlad, and finally Gaga Localized (what I immediately took advantage). True, I didn't get to her, because I needed a few free weeks. It is necessary that I am no longer playing anything, but only read the rules, explained to them to other players and eventually played several times. Unfortunately, until I cannot knock out such free weeks, because I always have a hurry to settle with publishers who send me games for reviews. In short, you need to take a week for a couple of weeks and engage Through a century ! The game is unequivocally delicious.


I hope that I will play this tank this winter, because I really want to know, my type of game or not. I bought it purely because of the High, when a few people respected by me said that the game was very cool. In addition, the Russian version was not expensive at all. I'm already preparing money for supplements that will be released next year.

Great Western Path

Eh, I promised to make an overview for this game this year, but I do not have time ... I have no opportunity to write something about her. November and December I was given by very saturated and tense (some period a little was not to the games at all), so the plans moved a little. For example, in front of Yura Yamchikov, it is ashamed for the fact that well, sang made a review on his early. But I still plan to play at the IP, because Promised readers Write a review.


Already played, you can already write a review. Not bad phillers, as expected. But I can't call a masterpiece how sometimes some guys write in the Internet. It is interesting to invent, how to get out of the seemingly losing situation. Indeed, as they say playing, this is a filler for guiki. Noobov head will flop from miscalculations. After each move of any player, the situation changes on the field in a dramatic way. The game is cool, but often you do not want to play it.


Recently received a parcel from Kosmodrome Gamez in which this game was and. I have not read the rules yet, I don't know what you need to do it, but I really liked the show visually. She has an interesting unusual design. Do not wait to try!

Grand Hotel "Austria"

I do not expect from the game of something super, but I liked the rules and cost it quite inexpensive. Would be the price more i would Hotel I would not take exactly. While from the minuses for me in the game there is only an unimportant design, and the rest, I hope I will please me.

But what I will allocate from what I want to purchase next year. I hope that plans at least partially come true \u003d)


This tank was in my wishlist albeit somewhere since 2011. And, probably, she would hang out there forever if not Gaga Games. which published the game in Russian. As far as I know, this point is already on the way to me, so getting acquainted with it only the question of time. I read a variety of reviews on the game - from very bad to very good. What will be my opinion? We'll see!

MAGE KNIGHT Board Game Supplements

For a long time I have all planned to start buying supplements to your favorite game. I can not say that I am often playing in Magodzar, but this is a definitely suitable and interesting game, from which I have practically goosebumps running \u003d) And here also Games shop Boas the fact that it will release the game in Russian. Probably, the Russian and American version of Mix is \u200b\u200bunlikely to succeed, so I will try to take this extra when I buy something on Kulstaff. And when I will do it until I do not know \u003d)

SMASH UP: Pretty Pretty Smash Up

This dop came out in Russian in 2017, but I haven't reached it yet. Maybe he will somehow give it to me on the review, but if he does not give, then I will buy everything, because I collect all the additional reads to your beloved Smesh. I think next year, a review will be for this supplement.

Ancient horror

For several years I all went around yes near this game. I could not understand if I should contact this game or continue to play in Horror Arkham . And I want to go, as they say. On the last Player Judges of the copyright seems to be handed certificates for choosing the best games for the whole day. I missed this moment because I fled with Player Without waiting for the final chords \u003d), as I was told, the certificate acts to some day of December and it can be cleared only in Russia. In general, I was offered one scheme for which I can use the certificate and get a game from my Wishlist (specifically). I myself do not know yet, it turned out to do it or not. There will be a surprise after the new year \u003d) if it happened - well, hello, do and all additions to it. If it did not work, acquaintance with Du is postponed indefinitely.

Bruges: THE CITY. On the Zwin.

As soon as CROWD REPUBLIC The collection of money began in addition to the game, which I have long liked, I immediately invested in the project. Ext K. Brugge. I waited a long time ago, although I don't think it would change the game much. But the notorious boats for a long time I have not been crazy to drive through the channels. Thank you CR that Brugge. Still to be!

Mansion of Madness: 2nd Edition

If I correctly understood the text version of the last interview with Mikhail Akulov , the second Mom in Russian will still speak! And it pleases. I have long wanted to try to play this wonderful cooperative gameMade along the myths of Lovecraft, but the price for the original was a bit Velic, IMHO. I hope that localization will not be more expensive than the original, otherwise she will pass by me. This game pleases me with the fact that it does not need to play anyone in anyone. Evil needs mercilessly punish \u003d)


In collecting money on Kanagawa i invested, so localization from Claws games It's not going anywhere from me. I'm not waiting for anything enchanting from the show. I hope for calm gameplay and contemplation of beautiful watercolor drawings.

Stone Age

From this game I loved the EuroGame. A few years ago I promised myself that if the localization of this show was released (the circulation of Stars It was already unavailable), then I will definitely buy it to my collection (although I play it mainly in online). Stone Age - This is a wonderful twisiment of family format. A simple and understandable game, in which I have already played a 50 times accurately, and still I like the game. I will try to get it next year.

BRASS: Lancashire.

Honestly, I don't know yet, why do I need Breaststroke . Just the game was announced and everyone began to talk - wow, new Breaststroke, I must take! And I succumbed to Haip. Well, yes, the cover is cool, but is a good game - this I do not know. If in the period of collecting money on the game nothing more worthwhile - I will take.


I know that Mombasu It seems Crowd Games. Removed from plans. But in the fall, I asked them about this game again, and they answered me that the abolition of localization is still inconclusive. I do not know what the fate of localization depends Mombasi , But I hope that the suitable episode of the Plisters will still speak Russian soon. Keep your fingers!


This tank will release Gaga Games, but I still know very little about it. It's not a fact that Gaga will provide me with a review game (after all, this is not a simple filler), so the purchase decision will have to take it yourself. I like card games, so I will follow the game reviews. If the game is punishing our Toppers, you have to take.


In 2017, I met a few wonderful people. One of them - Kostya homework from Saint-Petersburg. Somnym - This is his game. The Board is simple, it needs to travel on dreams and collect sets. On the Internet there are already reviews for this game, they are quite different, but I hope that Somnym It turns out the same good as its author \u003d) the game is already on the way to me.


Under the curtain of the outgoing year, I made a second part of the money for the publication of this game. Previously, I could not understand why there are lots with a payment divided into two parts on the crowdfunding. The vitictalch was not a very cheap project, so this time it was convenient for me to make a part of the money to s / n, and some of the money after. Convenient! And the game is all prases, so if you have not yet decided on the purchase - solve faster, while still the game can be taken at an affordable price. In retail it will cost more.

Star Wars: Destiny

I played in your Deast in the summer and I will say so - this is a good kkishka in the cubes. They say it sucks the players deadly. All my friends who doubted the purchase, eventually bought the starters and do not regret the deed. I am sure that I will buy myself starters and me. At the same time I hope that I will not run like a patient, shopping and buy a booster \u003d)


A simple dysetome with half-or-old girls on cards. He played several times, I liked the gameplay. I hope that the need will send a game on the review, because it seems to promise. The game has a very cool author. I got acquainted with him on Player This year, and from dating I have the most positive emotions. So do not feel about the game seriously, and everything will be fine with you \u003d)

Dopa to Terraforming Mars

I upset me a little Mars By the end of this year. Although not so much the game of me upset as intermediaries who had to deliver games from Claws games . 2 weeks ago I got a call that the game is already in Minsk, but I paid the game with delivery, so I began to wait for notifications from the post office. And still silence. Everyone is already playing with new Mars And I like ... as I do not know who. Sadness ... where my Mars , but?

Flamme Rouge.

Initially planned to take the game right away how the collection of money starts, but in lately Something began to doubt the feasibility of purchase. Until I find out the price, I will not say exactly, whether the game needs me. Now began to announce a lot cool Games, so you have to choose the best of the proposed. "Great" seem to me a good fan game, but I'm not sure that I will have enough for a long time. Camel Up. Also a cheerful game, but I have long been not playing in it ... I would play, but would you buy? I don't know yet.


Cute abstraction about growing trees. I have very few games of this kind in my collection. And visually the game like, and she seems to have a cool gameplay. Maybe I will take yourself.

Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn.

I have long wanted to buy a desktop database. The previous version had all sorts of small jams, which I was afraid, so the game did not take. Holy unambiguously said that localization A New Dawn. Be, so most likely to take it. I hope the game will be standing.

Rising Sun.

In 2018. CROWD REPUBLIC Will collect money for the publication of this game. "Rising sun" is something like diplomatic Blood Rage. I thought to buy, but never bought. I like the topic of Japan much more, however, I don't really like negotiations at the table (I prefer a silent war). The game is very beautiful, mines cool. Let's see how much it will cost.

Epic Spell Wars of The Battle Wizards: Melee at Murdershroom Marsh

The third part of the crazy card game about poor sorcerers. I do not know how much she needs it (I and the first two parts are grabbed with interest), but the tank is sold superbly, so you do not have to doubt the success of the third part. Say, new Epic Spell Wars It became even tougher and brutal, although it seems that it can hardly be tougher. I hope the developers of the game will delight us with something interesting.

Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

One of the most frequent questions that I was asked in 2017, did I bought the LCD Legend of five rings . So no, I did not buy it yet. To buy, you need to place an order in the Zaborny shop. To make an order, you need to add something else to the basket ... In short, some solid problems \u003d) I think, to spring I will thank the box.


Probably, it was the best EuroGame of the spier of 2017. It's great that the game is accurately published in Russia, which means that it will be much easier to get a play. I plan to invest in crowdfunding.


Very beautiful and interesting abstraction that is going to localize Star . True, it is unlikely that the price will turn out to be acceptable, so I can't say exactly that I will take the game to the collection. Unfortunately, beautiful abstracts are expensive ...


This is one of the most high-profile projects of recent years. Although it seems to be just another Dangen Kroller with elements of Legacy. But look at how people he hooked! Finally, the US declared the localization of this door, so the problems get Gloomhaven. will not be. While the discussions on the Internet frighten that the price will be rather big (even more expensive than VitiCulture. ), But I still plan to take it. This is my type of game, by which I can not pass.

Gaia Project.

Another loud project of 2017 is the terra mysticism in space. I did not play TM, but I heard a lot about this game. I like the subject of the cosmos, so I really want to meet the project. But I did not get into the collection of money on PG (I don't want to buy everything at once), and the price in retail promises a rather big one. So until I just can not say, I will take this show or not. Wait good reviews, and then I will decide \u003d)


This is another home bone. I played it this summer and got great pleasure from the gameplay. A simple family, beautiful, playable. It seemed to me that this game Tsolers would love more than Somnym but for some reason it turns out the opposite \u003d) visually to me Bronze Like more. Play B. Somnym , compare and gameplay of both games.


At last Gaga. I began to announce something after the spire, and I behaved very quietly. Aliplano. - This is a cool announcement. This is a game of the author Orleans which I really liked. And on the gameplay is also something like Orleans because In it, too, there are mechanics of bandbilding. Feedback on the Internet on this game is very good, so I am sure that you will take altiplano.

Everything, enough to torment you and yourself, including, it's time to prepare for the celebration of the new year \u003d) Friends, thanks to everyone that you go to my blog to read my writings! I am always happy to any comments, advice and questions, so I hope that I will not disappoint you next year and the quality of my records will only grow.

Congratulations to all of you with the upcoming New Year and the coming or coming Christmas! I wish you to play next year only in the best and most interesting board games! I wish you to always play with whom to play, for myself, of course, you can also bother, but it's better to still with someone \u003d) Let the Good Grandfather Frost puts you under the Christmas tree your most cherished game, and if not put, then let him give you a lot of luck, good luck, happiness, love and all of what you want to have in 2018 \u003d) all the benefits, joyful events and excellent reasons for smiles \u003d) before the meeting next year!

Sasha Scafandr.

We live in the golden age of board games. Below is our selection of best desktop games that will delight, in particular, PC-gamers.

As always, the list describes the best games that will certainly like a multitude of PC gamers: ranging from players in RPG and ending with strategists and fans of shooters. On the other hand - we are not going to go about your potential interest. My main requirement for the games presented in this list is that the game should cost its money.

And yes, we are still easy to charm with amazing graphics and beautiful miniatures. Do not forget to see our in which you can play on your computer.

Renegade Game Studios | 1-4 player

Have you ever wanted to become a librarian from fantasy? You can fulfill your dream in Ex Libris - the game, the essence of which is to collect books. Players compete to assemble the best collection of thematic, fantastic books. At the same time, they need struggle to avoid these books to be announced outside the law by local authorities. This is a good game with wonderful graphics and smart jokes. Truly fascinating and difficult turned out to be the process of organizing his bookshelves. I'm not kidding: bringing the bookshelves in order - an important mechanic that underlies the game.

Okay, it is somehow unfair. The most basic mechanic is to send their assistants (some of them are special creatures, such as witch or gelatin cubes) on the collection of books in the city. Assistants make an exchange of books and go to places where they sell things from private collections or conduct auctions. The main thing is to get books before they are in the hands of the opponent.

Then the books turn out to be in the library, where you begin to express books in alphabetical order, strengthen the shelves. At the end of the game, the official library inspector appears (he has a wonderful billboard on which you can write and wash it from it). It defines the best book in the city. This is a very interesting game that I can't forget.


This is the board game 2017 exit, which is simply impossible to ignore. Gloomhaven is a large cooperative dancer-Croiler with a thoroughly worked, nonlinear mechanics. After trying on the role of fantasy heroes, players make their way through the hordes of automated monsters, and the type of plot is selected by the player in accordance with its tastes. Player solutions made during the game session or after it affect future events. Some scene development options are closed forever, and some, on the contrary, arise.

As the game passing, the characters are improving. The player can make his choice, thanks to which the characteristics and equipment of the character varies forever. Because of these plot arches, which last for a very long time, Gloomhaven is the perfect option for those who have a well-established company of people with whom you can play. However, of course, it is quite possible to play alone. This is a fantastic game for RPG fans and tactics.

The main thing is how the game is difficult, there is very functional and simple manual. It can be quickly disassembled, but in order to constantly check with it in the game process, there is no need.

What I like in Gloomhaven most is the fact that the creators of the game abandoned boring bones, which are often used in Dangen-Crocera, in favor of cards that are much more reliable. Actions are chosen from the cards on the player's hands, they also affect the range of random effects. Of course, sometimes you can be in a bad situation. However, there is no black band of unsuccessfully discarded bones, because of which you can lose interest in Dunzen Crawleram, as it could happen in the case of Descent.

The passage of GloomHaven can leave hundreds of hours, but to reach this game to the end to enjoy it - not necessarily. This is a great game. Box from her more than a small child. In my house, she does not even fit on one shelf. Also there is a problem in printing so many copies as required. Because of this, such that you will not get the game immediately, as soon as you decide to buy it. Be patient and check the Cephalofair Games website.

Academy Games | 2-4 players

A wonderful and relatively simple game in the genre of Wargeim, which can offer a lot. In 878: Vikings-Invasions of England uses the ACADEMY Games card system, so that it turned out reliable, consistent and enjoying Vagaim. Pros and minuses are also available, and some are expressed in an unexpected collapse of the plans.

The plot is so simple that you don't need to know anything about the story to enjoy the game. 1 Player or team of players take on the role of scattered Anglo Saxon kingdoms, and at the beginning of the game they control all England. The remaining players are responsible for the Vikings, which are successfully committing invasion. As a result, the team is defeated, which at the end of the game under control is more cities.

The big advantage is that it can be well played with 2-4 players, as recommended. This means that they play it more often than in any other wargam duration of 1-2 hours.

The best in this game, although not the only thing, is that it is based on real historical events. Maps that are played to turn maneuvers are based either on real tactics or on historical events or on real personalities. Despite this, there is also a game of bones, as a result of which unexpected turns and volitional victories are obtained, about which gamers are then talked for years.

Plan B Games | 2-5 players

There can be no such that there was no game on the list of board games, which is based on the collection of points. The best such game from released in 2017 is Century: Spice Road. The player is a merchant who develops a trading path from east to west during ancient times. This is an economic strategic game in which you need to learn how to manage and correct the use of your cards to get the necessary spices and implement trading contracts. It means you need to pick up wooden cubes, then spend them to get - you already understood - even more wooden cubes.

Century: Spice Road is a good strategic game. People who like to solve hellish challenging tasks for optimization or build economic mechanisms will love the Rhythm of Century: Spice Road. They will also like the Age of Empires and Farm Manager. Honestly, I would put it in one row with playing games like Jaipur and Splendor. Unlike them, it is better not to play in this game, but with 3-5 people. Passage takes from 30 to 45 minutes, even if 5 players fight for wealth expressed by spices.

If you have never played the economic strategic board games before you could choose the game worse than Century. It is perfect. The kit includes useful things, such as small bowls. It does not require an understanding of any complex subsystems. Every time, when your turn comes, you need to do only one move, so the game is simply moving during alternate moves.

It gives time to decide what move to make the following. It is important to be able to do combo. They are scattered along the goal. At the same time, it is not necessary to fully understand the structure of the game in order to successfully apply combo.

Pandasaurus Games | 2-5 players

Have you ever thought that if a mad Max was a postman? So, I have such a game for you. In Wasteland Express Delivery Service, players are drivers of the latest delivery company, which remained on Earth. This is chaos from the rocking of playing bones and travels on post-apocalyptic landscapes in the tank-bulldozer van to complete the missions and delivery of parcels. Using some planning and much good luck, you can even survive this experience.

The kit with the game includes a huge number of miniature transport. Wasteland Express Delivery is an easy mixture economic Strategy, market forces and good luck in throwing playing cubes. Perhaps the best - duration: in the game, to the passage of which you need up to 2 hours, there is a good mechanism of the ending. It rarely happens that the passage is delayed, especially when the winner is so understandable.

At the same time, there are weak moments in the game in the game. In fact, this is a game in which you need to pick up the package and deliver it, and the action of the game is subject to the will of the case and unsuccessfully pulled out cards. But the lack of diversity in maps and events can lead to the fact that after several passages, the game is getting tired.

This item may seem obvious, but I turned it on not only because it is Fallout. All because this game has done quite well in order to create an excellent atmosphere Fallout. At the beginning of each session, players appear in front of a huge, unexplored postpocalyptic waste and the sole purpose. As the terrain study, you will encounter the remnants of civilization, fight with monsters, deal with strange tasks, study the ruins.

There is also a semi-operative element: players trying to perform their quests often form fractions. However, if one fraction goes to another, the end will come to everyone. Considering the above, the game still has strange triggers provoking the ending, and the incomprehensible system of accrual of points. Everything adds to a single picture when you understand that this system is more needed for the development of the plot than for the competition.

Each game has a winner. Sometimes players can get out of the battle due to a random incident. Fallout fans will probably not be very worried. The game has been designed as well that it can be entertained in it. First-class miniatures and components are post-core America. Perhaps lovers of apocalyptic games will like the Wasteland Express Delivery Service, which described above.

Riot Games | 2-4 players

It would be easy to place this game in the list of the best desktop games for PC gamers simply because it is based on the most popular PC game. But in this list this game It turned out not so. All because Riot employees spent their time (and consulted with experts) to do indeed good game. The fun of an automated gameplay and a cooperative in the desktop game is well combined with mechanics similar to the original - League of Legends. The magic trick is that campaigns are used in the game. This means that every a new game Based on previous ones.

It's fun to look at how your poorly planned trick works, and actions that a few strokes seemed to be ingenious, turn out to be wasteful catastrophes or put you in danger. Similarly, it is very pleasant to bring carefully thought out solutions. Pretty it is easy to learn this game, despite its complexity, because there are good video. They can be viewed before the night of the games.

By the way, MECHS VS content. Minions are better than other games of the same size and scale. For the same set, any other company producing board games would ask about $ 50. The quality of all components and miniatures is amazing. There is even a soundtrack. Apparently, this happens when you lubricate the wheels of business board games with money obtained from video games.

Probably the only drawback is that it is possible to buy the game only from Riot.

Stonemaier Games | 1-5 players, 7 with expansion

Pictures of Yakub Rosalski, which combine technique and countryside, captured the imagination of everyone to whom I showed them. Scythe - the embodiment of these works in reality. This world, 1920+, turned out to be so exciting that a real-time strategy for PC called Iron Harvest will be released.

You will understand everything if you quickly read excerpts from Scythe. The maps depict the amazing scenes of rural life, in which the dieselpank-mechanism and military vehicles are involved. Cows go along with four-legged devices like spiders who protect the peasants. Metal giants follow what is happening in removal until the soldiers cross the plain.

Scythe is not just a board, albeit beautifully drawn, and not just miniatures of mechanisms. This is a strategy that combines various styles of games. As in Civilization, the essence is to build and expand, and also fight. There are many ways to win, while never taking the weapon. At first glance, this game may seem primitive desktop wargam.

However, in fact, this is a difficult economic and strategic game in which it is necessary to strengthen the territory, bluffing before opponents, demonstrating their power to them, and seize unnecessary land. Although all players and have similar options, each in-game fraction plays a little different. Some may be aggressive, some can concentrate on the only strategy, and someone may not be any of these options.

Scythe also has an extension, thanks to which the number of players increases to 7 (!). Also added 2 new fractions.

Fantasy Flight Games | 1-4 players

Arkham Horror is a cheerful board game that loved many. But because of the fact that she is already 10 years old, she has already come. For many people, it seems too long that the time needed to prepare the session. Fortunately, now we have Arkham Horror: The Card Game. It uses the same card format as in Android: NetRunner. Arkham Horror becomes cooperative. Several players are investigators who own individual game boards.

They fight with terrible creatures from another world. You move around the city of Arkham, take cards and mining equipment for a character. The deck is and weakness of the character: perhaps you suffer pairs or are afraid to be alone. In addition, there is a feeling role-playing game, After all, the actions you do are little related to the cards. In this sense, you are not tied to the cards. This creates an atmospheric, role aspect - what the developers have sought.

The game is worth its price. You can play the main set, two more players can be added using the second main set. In addition, you can purchase optional but interesting extensions that add more cardsFrom which you can make decks and enemies. This allows the character better to cope with his work or do what you want.

The best is campaign mode. It allows for several game sessions change a deck and character. It's funny to do this alone, which is infrequent in games designed for 1 person. You will also dream of game evenings. Talking about the game of your company and combinations in the deck between sessions is very tightened.

GREATER THAN GAMES, DICE HATE ME GAMES | 1-4 players, 5 with expansion

"Arkham Horror sounds good," you can say, "but I like something like Cities: Skylines, control simulators. Is there anything like that? "

Of course have.

This game is clearer and fast than most other similar desktop games. New Bedford is a small game built on resource management, and the number of actions that can be produced is limited. Many players call it alignment of frames. Players develop a small town of New Bedford during the years of hunting for whales, launching ships for fishing.

The main thing is to become the most famous captain in the city. It is most important to develop a good strategy, and then either follow it, or change it when a collision with difficulties, even if the whale population decreases, and the era of hunting ends. The duration of the game is about an hour, thanks to which she can be found time even in the scoring schedule. You can even play not only in it, but also to other games during the meeting.

Probably the smartest detail - several automated rivals against which you can play. Thanks to this, you can play alone. Also, this item will be useful if the number of players is less than four, but I want to strengthen competition. If you like this game, it has an excellent extension that adds the 5th player, additional facilities for the city and the whole deck of marine events in case the whales are completed.

Wizkids | 1-4 players

No matter if you want to be a traveler in a fantasy world or captain on the last border, Wizkids will satisfy any of your desires. They have 2 options for the same gaming system. These are delightful games, well-designed and executed. In the process of the game, the impression is as if you are a researcher of an unfamiliar world. MAGE KNIGHT has been fulfilled for several years, and Star Trek Frontiers came out only this year.

Both games will talk about the search for adventure and overcoming difficulties in their path. You play the role of a hero or captain, which explores dynamic gaming map, finds treasures, while defeating enemies. As you pass, you encounter different events, choosing different outcomes, while dealing with people and different situations. However, despite this, the player still pursues a larger goal.

These games are from those in which, even if you do not reach victory, you still feel satisfaction. And this is good, because to win in these games is very difficult (although nice). The story that every player lives, practically writes itself: triumphs, personal growth, solving problems. You can make an element of competitions, a cooperative, can be played even one. Any of the "modes" is good entertainment.

Fantasy Flight Games | 1-4 players

This wargam about the galactic conflict comes in a huge box. Star Wars: Rebellion allows you to tell and retell the story '" Star Wars"How much soul is pleased. The action takes place in the galaxy, where armies and fleets move from one world to another. The game has 2 parties, and their gameplay varies. The rebels need to take care of their troops and enlocate support, while avoiding major conflicts with the empire and protecting the hidden base.

Impersers should guess the location of the hidden rebel base and get control over the most important part of the galaxy. In addition, you need to gain enough resources to build a star of death, which will blow up any planet that decides to support the uprising.

It is possible that he introduces a highlight to the Rebellion, is that the game focuses not only on strategy, but also on characters, allowing them to lead the process. Characters of the Star Wars Universe are your generals and admirals. It can be done so that Han Solo headed the fleet of the rebels while Luke Skywalker trains Dagoba to become a Jedi. It is possible as follows: Darth Vader commands a star of death to destroy the suspected rebel planet. You can do remixes: Princess Leia heads a shock group, seeking to destroy the star of death, and Bob Fett is trying to capture her.

Fantasy Flight | 1-4 players

The XCOM desktop version models one of the sides of the XCOM series, which includes science, ground fighting, neighboring air battles, management and economy. These tasks are assigned to 4 different roles. Each player has a field of fields for which it is responsible. For example, the leader of the squad plays a mini-game of symbol correlation, placing soldiers to protect XCOM HQ.

In terms of cooperative, the game looks like something like Pandemic. However, XCOM is based on the strokes, and the application (it is in the printed manual and can also work in the browser) forces players to respond to events that occur in the present time. It may be the attacks of the base or the arrival of UFOs. The result is very tense: you are engaged in XCOM quadrant, for which they answer, but you can feel the influence of each throw of playing bones on the entire session.

Fantasy Flight | 2-x players (usually 2)

If our bodies were not needed, and loved ones, in my life there would be enough space for desktop lifestyle games, like Warhammer 40,000. For those of us who fall under reality, there is a X-Wing - an excellent alternative that retains everything good about miniatures, while reducing the time to pass the battle.

Variability of sizes - positive quality x-wing. As in 40k, each ship, pilot and upgrade is assigned a value. Here you can arrange a battle of 4 ships for half an hour, and you can make a large campaign of several parts with large ships like Tantive IV, and 4-5 other players will be responsible for entire squadrons.

However, it is best in the X-Wing of its FlightPath system. In this motion system, which for the first time appeared in the air battle simulator during World Warning Wings of Glory, players' orders are sent secretly and then reveal them at the same time. Maybe Tie Bomber enemy will be directly before you or will make a barrel for an asteroid? To predict the actions of the opponent and make maneuvers better than it, strategic thinking is required. However, all this does not fill the X-Wing billion rules.

The basic set is quite cheap. To build your own fleet, you will have to spend money on ships from extensions, most of which costs about $ 25 on Amazon. Well, the models at least look wonderfully and worthy of putting them on the table. Fantasy Flight also tried to organize competitive x-wing tournaments that are available worldwide if you are interested in this.

Special Mention: Captain Sonar

MataGot | 2-8 players

Here you are telling me: I like all these games, but I have 7 friends and we want to play something worthy together. And I answer: "Good, friend. I understood".

You will suit Captain Sonar. This is a chaotic counter of the submarine, in which each player from opposite teams has its own task. Everyone must fulfill the goals assigned to them well, otherwise everyone will die. The captain must set the course, the radio station - to look for the enemy, the senior assistant captain - to manage systems, engineer - corrected malfunctions. All of them must work together to defeat the opposite team.

A few more good board games

  • Doom - accurate translation of the rabut of a quick shooter for those who loved it.
  • Seafall - For those who liked Risk: Legacy and who wants a larger, best sequel.
  • Star Wars: Imperial Assault - Dunzen Croiler with Star Wars campaigns for 4 against 1.
  • Cthulhu Wars - if you want to play in the battle between the deities of Lovekraft, and also acquire beautiful miniatures.
  • FIEF: France 1429 is a political and strategic game that essentially represents Crusader Kings 2 in cardboard form.
  • Eclipse - Best Board Board About Space.
  • IsleBound or Above and Below - for those who like text adventures.


Dice from Chessx.

These bones are depicted on our photo RISK LEGACY. Playing cubes from Chessx are ideal. If you have ever visited PAX, you saw their massive, color display. A whole pound of their versatile playing bones can be bought on Amazon.

Tower for playing bones.

If your kitchen table is the only surface on which you can play games, think about throwing the bone vertically. On ETSY there is a selection of options that can be made with your own hands.

In 2017, several new publishers debuted, and the assortment of board games was noticeably expanded. While the shelves of Russian stores were replenished with the next localization of foreign hits, on the sites of crowdfunding regularly collected huge amounts of new Gikicovens. In our top - the most prominent releases of the year

Best overseas game

Applicants: Pandemic Legacy 2, Warhammer Underworlds: ShadeSpire

We will risk called GloomHaven the best adventure game in the world. The campaign in hundreds of scenarios, 17 classes of characters with a truly different manner of the game, a flexible system of difficulty levels, several dozen species of monsters, who do not need an villain player - they will cope with themselves and themselves. The character management is reduced to the manipulation of only 10 cards - it is your fighting techniques, and additional life. Legacy mechanics helps a good game to become magnificent. Separately pleased that Gloomhaven will be released in Russian.

Best role-playing game

Applicants: Fate Core, "Diary of an adventurist. Rules of the game"

The project by publication and translation of the board role-playing game Pathfinder collected an incredible amount on Crowdrepublic - over 4 million rubles! It convincingly shows how many domestic rolewicks like complex fantasy games. The 600-page book contains a complete set of rules, including the steps of creating a character, chapters with equipment, artifacts and magic, as well as a volume section for the lead. Pathfinder rethinks classic Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, but a lot of small nice innovations lies with a similar basis. The most important thing is that the developers actively support the game: produce new products, arrange events. Pathfinder has long been popular in Russia, especially in desktop games clubs, where regularly organized meetings of Pathfinder Society are held.

The best domestic game

Applicants: "", "Indians"

"Bronze" was presented in the autumn "player" and collected many positive feedback. Those who are familiar with the author's prototype called Jazz Band, have long been waiting for her, but for the majority it turned out to be a pleasant surprise. "Bronze" complements the collection of Eurighters by another historical era and at the same time lays the players with expressive design and original illustrations. Mechanics "Bronze" pleases tactical space with a moderate influence of chance and simplicity when planning moves. Thanks to this, she liked so much and gickens, and lovers of family games.

The most stylish game

Applicants: "Signum legends. Battle for Vallore, "", "Bronze"

"Sickle" was heard throughout the past year. The game is largely owned by its popularity, whose 1920+ project has become the basis for its world. The original setting of the game, combining Europe in the 1920s and the future, illustrations made in the techniques of impressionism and naturalism, led to the delight and fans of the artist, and the happy owners of the board game. The creators of Sorp carefully recreated this style in the design of cards, robot-fur designs and in detailed plastic miniatures.

Game of the year

Applicants: "New Angeles", "This is my war," "Blood and rage"

"Conquest Mars" is a rare combination of European design and deep theme. Forget the same games about medieval builders and merchants. You are no longer on earth. You have to put out the ice hats and grow potatoes in the greenhouse. Get ready to launch orbital stations and output frost-resistant moss. Build a cosmoport on the gamonder and shelling Mars asteroids. Project cards accurately left pages: any of them offers a real step to flowering apple trees and the Space Brotherhood of Peoples. "Conquest Mars" withstands the test of time. Each card in the deck of projects is represented in a single copy, and the parties are very variable. There is no only true strategy in the game, and the interaction of players here is exactly as much as necessary for conflict euros. It is difficult to find another chain, in which a fantastic topic is so well woven with mechanics.

I decided to compile a relevant selection of what he implies high hopes in the past 2017. I think that by the end of the year it will be interesting to return to this list and update the thoughts on the basis of the played parties or correspondence impressions.

Let's go from the least expected to the most desirable.

  1. CO₂: Second Edition
  1. Pandemic Legacy: Season 2

One of the most vivid impressions last year is the passage of the campaign of the first season. Two months we drove only in - I was looking forward to the next Saturday to open some box, plane components and get a new portion of a well-thought-out and interesting plot.

Now Rob Davio has even more difficult task - Not only to issue an interesting continuation in terms of narration, but also to introduce unprecedented legacy chips into it. While the first photos are encountered. As you can see, the game field will undergo serious changes, no one's speech is about any speech map.

In general, it will be interesting to check how much the second season will be delayed. And will it not work that because of the lack of "wow effect" everything will seem secondary and not so exciting.

  1. Charterstone.

Stonemaier Games (Between Two Cities, Euphoria) Starts with time and soon plans to launch a kickstarter of his new ambitious legacy project about the construction of a village. There is no doubt that it turns out beautiful, but what is meant by Legacy in the title? If it is only additional rules and modules, as in "", then so-so. Still, I want a full-fledged legacy with stickers-boxes and global fateful solutions.

Judging by latest information, Change and add building locations on a general field, intended for the placement of workers. With each party, the choice where to send your wards will increase. Components will be modified for 12 parties. According to the author, at the end, everyone will receive its unique Eurighu chaser, which remains awareness.

Jamie's euro goes excellent, and if he competently spoils everything from a party to the party, it may be a sweetie. The main thing is not to peel, like with seafall. Here the euro rod itself must be fascinating, not overloaded, per hour and a half.

  1. This War Of Mine: The Board Game

And again cooperative with rich scene linetelling about the survival of ordinary people in times civil War. Old house, minimum amenities, shortage of provisions and medicines, various sores, uninvited guests - with all these problems, the heroes of the computer sequel will face.

A feature, at first glance, the ordinary survival simulator is the so-called "scripts" - the paragraphs-events that are read when pulling out special cards. In general, the toy intrigues the theme (not viruses and not zombies) and focusing on the atmosphere. And the fact that Michał Oracz (Neurroshima Hex) is listed in collaboration, adds confidence that something is possible will come out.

  1. First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet

For us, this is an exciting and atmospheric team adventure, which can be broken, wasting into a comfortable chair and brewing tea mug. The first Martians will use the same mechanics of research, development and events, but in another popular Martian setting, which I am very impressed.

Yes, this time the heroes will have to face the difficulties of survival on the red planet. In addition to changing the situation attracts the fact that numerous decks of maps will replace the digital application. This will not only save time on preparation, but will allow you to program certain turns of the plot based on concrete actions, success or players failure. Perhaps earlier, I would take a skeptical to the introduction of the tablet, but trying the second edition, now I anticipate how everything can work conveniently and to the place.

As for the number of scenarios, recently Ignated has been mentioned that there will be 6 independent stories in the basic box, plus two campaigns of 5 scenarios in each. Well, not bad. The only thing that is still alarming me is final design. I hope that Mars will not be schematic, and picturesque, to become the miniature already disgraced.

This list turned out. Many co-operatives for survival, as well as games with a legacy component. This is what recently requires a soul, because the lack of good euro does not feel for a long time. In general, while wrote, although saliva flowed - so much interestingness is waiting for us this year!

Shortly before the New Year's battle, Kurantov, some remember the achievements, others are building plans, and we decided to make top new board games in 2017 in Russia (who would doubt). In this, to confess, you helped us: the basis of the rating is the popularity of the tags among buyers. So, in front of you are the best of the best on the authoritative version of those for whom we work!

Emotional intelligence - 10th place

Age: from 12 years old
Number of players: 3 – 14

Just experiencing emotions not enough - you need to give them a verbal definition, and so that others understand you. The game is entirely based on emotions - which means you will learn to consciously manage them!

Monopoly (new version with clarification) - 9th place

Age: from 8 years old
Number of players: 2 – 6

In 2017, Hasbro Gaming announced the voting results for new chips for a cult "monopoly". Cute figures defeated, including duck. Otherwise, this is a cam classical monopoly, which is sold worldwide for over 80 years. Therefore, it is not surprising that she fell into the rating of new stands 2017 and deservedly took 9 lines.

Jaws - 8th place

Age: from 16 years old
Number of players: 2 – 4

Your task is to convey to other players meaning of phrases from cards. They can be pronounced - what seemingly the problem? And the fact that it will have to do it with the plug-in jaws - more precisely, kapami - in the mouth! As experience shows, it is not as easy as it may seem - and, most pleasant, it is always madly fun.

My perfect year - 7th place

Age: from 12 years old
Number of players: from 1.

Can you quickly and clearly formulate what you want to achieve in the new year? We assume that there is no. With a set of "My Perfect Year", included in the list popular Board Games 2017 of years, everything will be easier. Included - 40 cards with questions. Answer them honestly, and you will figure out your plans, learn about yourself a lot of new things and perfectly spend time in a circle of friends.

Imaginarium Summer - 6th place

Age: from 12 years old
Number of players: from 3 to 6

Immerse yourself in the world of dreams and abstractions of Imajinarium has become much easier. Now, thanks new version "Imaginarium Summer" released in 2017, it is convenient to do this on the road. Please note: this is a full road version. The chips are attached to the box representing a field, and move directly on it, which is very convenient in transport.

Board game Stuka - 5th place

Age: from 12 years old
Number of players: from 4 to 7

In the middle of the ranking, it turned out to be "thing", literally turning the idea of \u200b\u200bclassical mechanics. Your task is to explain to other players meaning of a certain fragment gaming field. To do this, you can use a variety of means - words, gestures, pictures or others. Wins the one who first found a fragment you are talking about.

Answer for 5 seconds (Children's version) - 4th place

Age: from 6 years old
Number of players: from 3 to 6

The child chooses a card with questions. Children should be called two subjects or phenomena, older players - three. It is impossible to think for a long time - a fun bulling timer takes exactly 5 seconds. It is not only interesting to play, but also useful - children develop thinking and the horizons are expanding. Honored 4th place in the top of the New Year 2017 and the representative of the children's assortment!

Jackal Archipelago - 3

Age: from 6 years old
Number of players: from 1 to 4

The bronze prize is the continuation of the game story about Captain Shakal, I buried several treasures on the archipelago islands at once. Players managed by players stick to the shores, and adventures begin! In one of the most anticipated board games of 2017 under the cards you are waiting for all sorts of surprises. Only dragged all the treasures of Captain Shakal to his ship, you will become the winner!

Valera's time - 2nd place

Age: from 16 years old
Number of players: from 3 to 8

45 seconds, more than a hundred bilateral cards - and inflatable Valera, with which you need to explain as much as possible as possible. To keep the laughter is impossible.

Answer for 5 seconds - 1st place

Age: from 8 years old
Number of players: from 3 to 6

Here is the winner - the version of the game "Reply for 5 seconds", version for schoolchildren and adults! The same rules, the same five-second timer - but even more cards and even more interesting questions. In the countries of Europe and the United States, the English version of this game received a whole mountain of awards - and it is not surprising that it has become among the Russian buyers the most popular innovation in the past 2017.

We will give up and we will not delay you - I understand well that gifts in the form of the vendors do not buy themselves. We fulfilled your task - the rating of the best new board games 2017 is compiled and published. You will be from what to choose! And the appearance of new beams you can track, peering into the category