The mystical game of hide and seek, which began many years ago, still terrifies Russians. Rules of the game of hide and seek Rules of the game of hide and seek briefly

More than once I have come across, on various movie resources, people’s questions regarding the five endings of the psychological thriller “Hide and Seek” with Robert De Niro and Dakota Fanning (who received the “Best Performance in a Horror/Thriller” award for this role). ) starring.
This film actually had five endings, and the film was released in the US with one ending, and released worldwide with a completely different one.

This is the ending of the film released in America:
Living new life with Katherine and getting ready for school, Emily draws a picture of herself and Katherine, suggesting that everything is in order in her life. But when the camera zooms in on Emily's drawing, we see that Emily has two heads.

Four more endings were included in the DVD release in the United States.
Ending #1:
The same as in the American version of the film, except that in Emily's drawing she has one head, implying that she is fine and does not suffer from the same disease that caused the death of both her parents.

Ending No. 2 (this is how the film that was released worldwide ends):
At first glance, Emily is in a new apartment, and Catherine repeats the actions of the girl's mother from the beginning of the picture. She shows her love for Emily, bids her good night and prepares to leave the room. Emily asks Catherine to leave the door to the room ajar, as her mother used to do, but Catherine insists that she cannot do this. When the door closes, a window protected by a mesh is visible. The next moment, Katherine locks the door from the outside, revealing that the supposed room in an ordinary apartment is actually a ward in a children's psychiatric hospital.

Ending #3:
The same thing, in a psychiatric hospital. After Katherine closes the door behind her, Emily gets out of bed and starts counting down as if someone is hiding. She approaches the closet, opens it, and smiles at her own reflection in the mirror.

Ending #4:
The ending is similar to that in the previous version, with the only difference being that Emily is not in a psychiatric hospital, but in her new home, still playing hide and seek with her reflection in the mirror.

According to comments from the directors and producers, they made the first (zero) ending the default ending on DVD and domestic releases because it provides at least some relief to the audience at the end of the film.
They suggested that the hospital ward ending would have been too dark and chose not to punish Emily further after everything she had been through. After Emily's character was in constant terror for the last 45 minutes of the film, they felt it was time to give her an emotional break, so they went with a happier ending, although not a completely happy ending, as Emily painted herself with double-headed, implying that she does suffer from a split personality disorder.

Hide and seek is one of the most popular games for children. Children of all ages love this game. Our grandmothers played it, and our grandchildren will play it.

There is a belief that this game originated in England. With the arrival of spring, adults went out into the fields, meadows, and forests and looked for “hidden” signs of spring there. These were flowers or birds that appeared only in the spring. Everything they found was brought to the village as proof that spring had really come. The whole search process became the basis of the game of hide and seek.

How to play classic hide and seek?

The rules of hide and seek are very simple. First, the players get together and choose who will be the water. Then everyone runs away, except the driver himself, and hides in various places. In the meantime, the driver must count to a certain number (from 10 or more), closing his eyes and pressing his face to something (a tree, a wall, etc.), and then look for all those hiding. The one the driver found first must be the water in next game. They play hide and seek only in a designated area, which is established by the players themselves. Today, there are many varieties of hide and seek. For example: “Moscow hide and seek”, “blind man’s buff”, etc.

How to play Moscow hide and seek?

Moscow hide and seek is the most famous. The rules of the game of Moscow hide and seek are more complicated than the usual ones. Here you need not only a certain territory for the game, but also a stone (brick), a board and a certain number of sticks equal to the number of players (let’s say we have 12 of them). First, a stone is placed, a board is placed on it, and 12 sticks are placed on the edge of the board. Shouting: “drive”, some player jumps onto the board, the driver immediately begins to collect the scattered sticks and put them back on the board. During this time, the players run away and hide. Having collected all the sticks and placed them on the board, the water begins to search for the hidden players. The players must again and quietly “break” the sticks, then the game will start all over again.

It should be noted that the children's game of hide and seek develops many mental and physical qualities. At the same time, children can consider themselves “discoverers” and “pathfinders.” From an early age they show a “thirst for discovery”, so children really like this game. Hide and seek plays a big role in raising a child. He develops sense of purpose, resourcefulness, develops logic and the ability to concentrate on something.

Hide and seek with objects greatly helps in the development of a child from 1 to 3 years old. Give the child his favorite toy, and then take it away and hide it, the child will start looking for it. In this way, you will stimulate the rapid development of the child’s mental abilities. Even adults can play this game, which is especially useful, because the active game of hide and seek allows you to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle and plunge into the world of childhood.

Did you like playing hide and seek? We invite you to run with us!

A new dangerous offline game is gaining popularity in the Russian Internet space. Children and teenagers are asked to leave home for 24 hours, hide from all friends and acquaintances, and under no circumstances reveal their location.

The game was called “Hide and Seek for 24 Hours” and dozens of Russian minors have already become participants. You can read more about this dangerous undertaking, as well as who is its initiator, below.

It’s not for nothing that psychologists call adolescence “the most dangerous,” because it is during this period that children tend to commit rash acts and take unjustified risks in order to gain new experiences. Likewise, the participants in the game called “Hide and Seek for 24 Hours” hide from all their loved ones and relatives throughout the day in order to... just have fun.

At the same time, they do not warn anyone about their sudden disappearance, do not contact their parents and ignore their friends. These are the conditions of the game.

It is not known for certain who puts them on. Popular YouTubers first started talking about this game a few years ago. In order to get likes and attract subscribers to their channels, they themselves participated in similar games, for example, hiding in supermarkets and stores so that no one would see them.

But recently the game “Hide and Seek for a Day” has gained new momentum. Children began to disappear in various Russian regions. Fortunately, most of them were found the very next day, but the Ministry of Emergency Situations, police officers and volunteers always devoted colossal efforts to searching for them, which could have been spent on really important matters.

And not so long ago, news broke on the Internet about the disappearance of a 13-year-old schoolgirl from Moscow. A girl named Angelica was supposed to go to a tutor after school, but instead she disappeared and stopped contacting her parents.

Soon the search for the girl began in Moscow and the region. The search operation was joined by "" volunteers, friends and classmates of the schoolgirl. The next day, the missing Angelica was found 25 km from home, safe and sound.

The girl said that “someone on the Internet” advised her to leave home. Investigators are currently working on finding out all the details of this incident.

While it has not yet been possible to stop the popularization of the ill-fated game, the Ministry of Internal Affairs asks all parents to closely monitor their children and, if possible, prevent them from visiting suspicious pages on the Internet. Psychologists add that this entertainment is especially dangerous for teenagers, because they, like no one else, want new sensations and adrenaline, and the opportunity to “annoy mom and dad” comes as a bonus.

Hide and seek

The history of the game of hide and seek is ancient. There are different assumptions about where it could come from and how it could have arisen. Some suggest that its origins lie in hunting traditions. Personally, it seems to me, and many other researchers of the issue, that this game is based on magical rituals. However, no matter where the game comes, kids play it without thinking.

Hide and seek and camouflage are branches of the same tree. Their essence is the same. After all, what is the most common way to change yourself and your life when your soul is not comfortable, it’s hard, you’ve had enough of everything? Women most often go to a beauty salon and try to change, dye their hair, get a new haircut, change their image. Men... Well, more often than not they go to the gym rather than to the salon, fortunately. But still, the essence is the same. They go in order to change qualitatively.

Already one change of image - appearance, image, there is disguise. And when does a person resort to disguise? When it hides, it hides. When you need to transform not only the surrounding reality - the situation, but also yourself. Enemies do not sleep, which means that camouflage will help you hide from them.

Moving, both from one area of ​​the city to another, and from a country in the north, somewhere to the south, one field of berries. An escape of this kind, if you add the first method (external disguise), will help in almost any situation when you need to change something qualitatively in your life. But there is one important nuance here: When resorting to this method of influencing events for changes in life, one should not forget that hide and seek, or disguise, is still more concerned with external changes.

“You can’t run away from yourself,” says popular wisdom. And it is right, because it is almost never possible to escape from yourself. Memory will still hold you tightly by the throat like a sticky tape, reminding you of the little things that put together the puzzle of every human destiny. Consequently, changes “from external to internal” state will not always serve as a panacea for current problems. But if you approach this issue thoroughly and try to change, again, in external conditions, everything to the maximum, then the results will be much higher.

So, for example, a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation, often intuitively (but more often on the advice of a witch), uses the so-called “layer encryption method.” Layers of their energy fields, closing them from any external influence. This work begins, which is most logical to assume, from the beginning with a change in appearance.

The appearance (and image, in the context of image) of a person is his photo on a business card. This is the face that he shows to the people who surround him (among whom there may be those from whom one should hide). It’s not difficult to change your appearance, and you can do it, both minimally (hairstyle and hair color) and maximally (plastic surgery).

This first stage also includes changing your body (lose weight - gain weight - work out in the gym).

Then comes the second, qualitatively higher stage. This is a name change. Oh, changing your name is a favorite method used by people for centuries, in a variety of situations. The choice of name will determine not only the character of the person, but also the external conditions in which he will find himself later. However, we should not forget that the new name that a person consciously chooses will be suggested to him by his “old” subconscious. Either it will carry the burden of associations; or will be temporary, inspired by circumstances, impressions, and other conditions. This is not scary, but it is better, if we are talking about disguise in order to hide from oneself and one’s former life, to still choose the name wisely.

How to choose a name in such a situation, each magician-adviser will have his own say. My opinion is that, first of all, you should always focus on a specific person who wants to change his name. If, for example, we are talking about a young man, then changing the name from Fedor to Theodor is a bad option. This change of consonants and vowels is easy for a young man to understand, and it will not give him any qualitative changes. But if Fedor (subject to other conditions) suddenly becomes Augustus, having prepared in advance the corresponding “legend” (as the background to such a change), then the purely external result will be more noticeable both in terms of timing and quality.

A middle-aged woman, for example, could change her simple name to a complex one, for example, from Yana to Marianna, or from Irina to Iraida. In order to cut off ties to past problems, so that they do not trail behind the “renewed” personality, it is good to create names - charades. A first and last name can form a new, independent name, and enable its bearer to simultaneously remain in the image familiar to him (her) over the years of wearing it, creating an independent associative series.

So, for example, the letters in the combination of first name and last name change: Yana Ogurtsova becomes Anya Gorutsova. Or Yulia Belova - Alei Lobova. It's funny, of course, but it works!

Next, the most interesting element of the game of hide and seek, or escape. In modern reality, it is quite feasible, and does not even require special material investments. Does a person who needs protection here and now have relatives (ancestors) from a distant village in the south of the country? So maybe we should look for shelter in the land of our ancestors?

Or remember your great-grandmother, who fled during the first wave of emigrants to Paris? By the way, such returns of the past on a new level (the inverted Empress rules :)) always work. It turns out that, without knowing it, sometimes great-granddaughters and great-grandchildren will repeat the successful destinies of their relatives. And due to changed external conditions, and knowledge of family history, they will successfully avoid the “shoals” made by previous generations.

But these are already free fantasies, and if we return to the topic, then hide and seek with Fate is a mutual favorite game of both people and Fates. Take, for example, all life. No one seems to be running anywhere or hiding on purpose. But life itself provides conditions that cannot be circumvented. Life changes every year, every decade. And what went well for the generation of great-grandfathers may turn out no less successfully for the great-grandchildren, but taking into account the mistakes made.

Just as shamans paint their faces, dress in special shamanic vestments, and in this form knock on the door of the Spirits, people behave at all levels of their existence. As soon as a person thinks about how to change his life in better side, he understands that all the so-called “givens” - living conditions, rules of behavior, everything “I want” and everything “I can” live in people’s heads! And, having gathered strength, every person can become, at least for a moment, the creator of his own destiny, at least by throwing off his disgusting office jacket and, putting on a cheerful “Joker” mask, becoming not “hey, Vasya,” but some kind of Knut the Red. What will happen next with this “Whip”? How will he earn his living tomorrow? Doesn't matter! Because if the one who left the office “hey, Vasya” decided to change, took the first step, the road of his life will certainly lead him to a new path. And he will turn onto this new path. And life will never be the same again.

Politicians, bureaucrats, and all kinds of government employees wear a mandatory suit; All employees of firms, corporate enterprises, and other businesses have a mandatory dress code. Creative people, the so-called “bohemians,” are also recognizable a mile away by their appearance. Some people look organic in this whole masquerade, and on others, no matter what they put on, everything fits like a saddle on a cow, but, nevertheless, as a disguise of their personality, their true image, their face before Infinity - it works !

If everything goes awry, everything has long been broken, or you see how the usual is bursting at the seams - finish it off! Don't hold on to the pieces of a sinking boat. Jump off. In the end, not a single captain of a hopelessly sinking ship, a ship going to the bottom, could save it with his persistence alone.

Change! When you change your life, change yourself. And, on the contrary, change yourself by changing your life. This is not the same rule for a single game of hide and seek. In the first case, a factor that is sometimes uncontrollable by you - changes in living conditions - can lead to changes in yourself. In the second case, it is precisely the changes you create in your character, behavior, appearance that create changes in the space around you.

And who knows what horizons will open up, you can barely hide like thisway :)

Photos from open sources

Many people probably know what supernatural horrors await a person in this world. However, it is not only the formidable infernal evil that can make any of us tremble. Sometimes something mystical and frightening happens right in the middle of everyday life, in everyday life, where you least expect it. And reading about such cases is no less interesting and scary. For example, this creepy story is about a "normal" children's game of hide and seek that started many years ago and may not have ended yet. It was told to users of the World Wide Web by a certain Russian. Let's call him Pavel. (website)

Photos from open sources

Pavel says that in early childhood one of his favorite pastimes was hide and seek with his father. When it began to get dark, the man picked up his son from kindergarten and, upon returning home, played with him for a while until the boy’s mother also came home from work. This family lived in a two-room apartment in a Khrushchev-era building. Despite such a limited space, the father sometimes hid very inventively, and the child could not find him without a hint. In such cases, the man began to cough quietly to give his son a tip. Our hero carefully walked toward the sound, and each time his father jumped out of his hiding place with a scream, scaring the little one for a second or two. The boy laughed with the delight of instant fear, invariably asking his parent to repeat the game.

The mystical disappearance of a Russian

On one of these evenings, dusk had just begun to deepen, and the lights had not yet been turned on. The man told his son that this time he would hide as well as he had never hidden before, and therefore it would be very difficult to find him. Pavel went out into the hallway, stood facing the front door, counted to ten and began to search. After some time, the boy realized that something was wrong. The father was still not there, although the little driver had already searched the entire apartment. The usual coughing was also not heard: neither from the rooms, nor from the kitchen, nor from the bathroom, nor from the pantry. The child got scared and began to call his father, but he never appeared.

Photos from open sources

When his mother returned, a tearful Pavel told her about what had happened. At first she didn’t believe it and looked around the apartment herself, then she spent a long time asking her son where his father had disappeared to. Late in the evening it became clear to the woman that her husband had disappeared. She, naturally, went to the police. Law enforcement officers conducted an investigation, but did not find any traces of the abduction. As a result, law enforcement officers concluded that the man had run away from his family and stopped searching for him. However, here’s what’s strange: Pavel’s father did not take any clothes, money, or documents with him. He didn't even take the keys, although when the boy's mother came home, the door was closed. The missing man clearly could not jump out of the fourth floor window and calmly leave undressed. It seemed as if he had simply disappeared into the apartment.

Hide and seek with your father isn't over yet?

This happened more than fifteen years ago. Pavel inherited those very apartments in Khrushchev and now lives alone. He, his mother, all his relatives and those around him long ago decided that our hero’s dishonest father left his family, very cleverly faking his mystical disappearance (apparently, he was seriously preparing to escape). It would seem that the story is over, right? However, in Lately Pavel began to lean towards the opinion that his father... was still here in the apartment. The fact is that when it begins to get dark and it’s too early to turn on the lights, a quiet pretend cough is heard in it, very similar to what the boy heard here in childhood. Pavel is afraid that one day his father, who has not aged a minute, will suddenly jump out of the closet or from under the bed screaming. Or something that in this case will pretend to be his father...

Some Runet regulars treated this story with irony. They say that our hero’s dad finally decided to show up when his son had already reached the age of majority, and now there was no need to pay child support. However, most commentators were quite intrigued by this mysterious story, which sends a chill down your spine. Someone says that the Russian's father knew how to move to and inadvertently used this ability during hide and seek with his son until he got stuck in another dimension. Others believe that some otherworldly entity then dragged the man to itself and is now trying to get to his son. According to others, Pavel is simply experiencing auditory hallucinations, being in the place that brought him so many unpleasant memories.

Photos from open sources

Finally, here is one more, very interesting addition to this story by a certain Alexei:

My father and I also played hide and seek, in exactly the same way, at dusk, waiting for our mother from work, only this happened in a private house in the Vladimir region. My father also scared me by jumping out of his hiding place, and when I hid, I didn’t find him for a long time, starting to tell all sorts of horror stories in a creepy voice, which is why I eventually crawled out from under the bed or from the wardrobe, because it was already creepy to sit there . And then one day I hid in the wardrobe between the clothes and began to impatiently wait for my father to start scaring me (this was both scary and somehow sweet at the same time), but for some reason this time he walked quietly and didn’t even say anything , and then went into another room and became quiet. And I quietly fell asleep in that linen closet. My mother woke me up, scolding me for hiding and scaring her to death: she supposedly had already searched the whole house and was about to run to the neighbors. And when I told her about hide-and-seek with my father, she looked at me strangely for a long time, and then sighed heavily: “What father, he died when you were still wrapped in diapers.” So I never saw my father again, except for his photographs and his grave in the local churchyard. It looks like the wardrobe was in for a surprise. Then I deliberately hid in it a thousand times (if not more) in the hope that my father would return (or rather, that I would return to the world where he was alive), but I never managed to change anything...