Moving games are classified for the development of physical qualities. Educational and developing rolling game functions. Movable game as a social phenomenon. Games with Competition Elements

Classification of moving games

Variability of moving games

Definition and value of mobile game

What are the moving games? Give examples. Think some definition can be given a movable game? What it is?

Movable game- It is a complex, motor, emotionally painted activity due to the rules.

What is the meaning of the moving games? Prove on specific examples.

Moving games are invaluable valuein the comprehensive development of the personality:

1. A moving game has a large health influence On the child's body. In the process of the game, the motor activity of children causes the active condition of the whole organism, strengthens the metabolic processes increases the vitality. The wellness effect of moving games is also explained by the positive emotions of children arising in the process. gaming activities and beneficially affecting the child's psyche. A child is experiencing a feeling of muscle joy in the game, satisfies the need for movement.

2. In the process of moving games, motor skills are improved. Children learn to apply motor skills in changing conditions and situations.

In the game, the child acts on his own initiative, chooses the necessary pace, moves alternating with rest, so it can repeat the movement repeated, not taking place.

In the game, the child performs a variety of movements in the complex, so its motor experience is expanding.

3. Movable games are created by the most favorable conditions for the development of physical qualities. For example, in order to dodge the "Catching" you need to show a dexterity, and fleeing it, you need to run as quickly as possible. The games enthusized with the plot, children can perform movements many times without noticing fatigue. And this leads to the development of endurance.

An outstanding Russian scientist, teacher A. Arkin noted that "a mobile game is the main lever of the physical development of children."

In statements N.K. Krupskaya, also emphasized the meaning of the game for physical development.

"There are plenty of games that physically strengthen, develop labor skills, strengthen the accuracy of the eye, develop dexterity ...".

The game is determined by P.F. Lesgafet as an exercise with which the child is preparing for life.

How do you understand that? Give examples.

It is an independent activity in which its own initiative is developing, moral qualities are brought up.

Gaming activity is always pleased with the child, affects the increase in positive feelings in children. In this source - the Great Educational Force.

About the big value of the game in the comprehensive education of children of preschool age repeatedly spoken by N.K. Krupskaya:

"For the guys, games are exceptional meaning: a game for them - study, the game for them is a work, a game for them is a serious form of education."

A large role in the upbringing of organized behavior of children belongs to the rules of the game. They determine the course of the game, the relationship of playing, the sequence of their actions.

Observing the rule of the game, the child acts according to the role taken by himself, for example: "Wolf" can catch "geese" only after the words "Well, fly, as you wish, only the wings take care of", as if I didn't want to break up faster. The subordination of their actions signals in the game brings up an exposure in children, conscious discipline. Overcoming the inevitable obstacles in the game brings up courage, determination, i.e. Brought up will.

IN collective gamesoh, often the position of a friend depends on the behavior of one player, the success of the group playing. For example, in the game "Whose link rather," everyone tries not to summarize the comrade, thus, a sense of collectivism is formed. "Homeless Hare" - courage (mining), honesty (close your eyes, admit that he is caught).

In many rolling games of senior preschoolers (with a ball, skumps), the rules of the game are set by the children themselves (for example, agree, what to consider the error that no). The state turns into a rule. These traditions have a great educational value. They disciplines the behavior of children, bring up independence, the ability to reckon with the opinions of others.

Thus, mobile games are an effective means of formation. moral qualities Personality.

5. Moving games also contribute to the mental development of the child.


The game creates favorable conditions for the development of attention, perception of concepts, orientation; Games contribute to the development of imagination, memory, intelligence, thinking activity.

Psychologists studies show that thanks to the game activity, the child practically develops space (concepts: far, close, the eye develops: ahead, behind, left, right). In these games, the child exercises in a quick assessment of spatial benchmarks, in the sequence of actions and their time duration.

Moving games form the simplest temporary orientations in children. They are expressed: in awareness of the sequence of game action - at first, then, after that, before that, everything, at the same time, etc.; In the rapid execution of game tasks on a signal, within the framework of the deadline for children, for example: "While I consider to five, you must all be folded from the flags of some pattern", "who will soon build on three strikes in the tambourine" and others.

Intellectual development of children contributes to both the content of the Games and the tasks to independently explain the entire situation of the game and its rules, the actions of children - characters.

According to E. Ya. Stepanenova, an independent explanation for the children of the holding of a mobile game, its rules, actions of playing, indicating the location of children, game attributes and the direction of movements related to spatial notation (terminology), as well as the analysis of the performed games serve to activate mental activities.

Intelligent development contributes to both the content of the Games: about the hoods of animals, the phenomena of nature, about the means of movement, about modern equipment and tasks: to independently explain the rules of the game. Develops speech (dictionary).

6. Moving games contribute to the development of creativity in children of senior preschool age.

How is it shown?

(invent the game options, complicate the content), integrity, initiatives (to take the right decision itself).

TO the exact value of moving games in aesthetic education Children?

7.Suitable games for content and form are aesthetic activities (accuracy, coherence, dexterity, expressiveness of movements). Children appear a sense of pleasure from the most motor process (from a clear construction).

The aesthetic characteristic is enriched with the gaming dialogues, counted.

Rolled peas by camel

You are, and I will not;

The blanket was convinced

The sheet flew away,

And pillow like a frog

Fasted from me.

(K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr")

7. Moving games are the form of the organization of children's life. Often in these games, children play a group.

What forms of work can you include mobile games?

Thus, being one of the fixed assets and methods physical educationMobile games allow you to effectively solve wellness and educational and educational tasks.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Federal Education Agency

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

Orenburg State Pedagogical University

Faculty of advanced training

Lecture material

By subject

Theory and Methodology of Physical Education and Development

Children of preschool age

Prepared: Senior Lecturer

E. V. Mikheev


Comprehensive development of the child's preschooler in rolling games,

Their health influence on the body


  1. The origins and theoretical foundations of moving games.
  2. Health component to use moving games in various diseases of children.
  3. Classification of moving games.
  4. Moving games as a means of forming self-esteem.

Basic concepts: movable game, functions of the game, wellness component.




Movable game

One of the important means of comprehensive education of preschool children, a characteristic feature of which is the complexity of the impact on the body and on all directions of the child's personality.

Game features




Camerapeutic and correctional;


Health component

Based on various types of vital movements, and in the fact that these movements are performed in a wide variety of conditions. A large number of movements are accompanied by chemical processes that activate the breath, blood circulation and metabolism in the body, which largely contributes to the development of muscles, bones, connective tissues, increases the mobility of the joints, especially the spine.


The origins and theoretical foundations of moving games

Your important and no replace contribution to the definition and maintenance of optimal motor regimebefore schoolchildren, taking into account individual variability in the indicators of their health and development, is designed to make gaming activities and, first of all, those types of which is the basis of which is free children's movement.

Baby motor energy reserve, especially baby younger ageis so great that he independently realizes the need in motion naturally – in the game, and it was well known since ancient times. "Many of the peoples that glorified by the perfection of their physical and spiritual development, not at all engaged in a systematic gymnastics, but, on the contrary, they had games in the foreground,"notes E.A. Pokrovsky.

The ancient Greeks for this purpose served mainly: Jumping, running, throwing disc, fight, ball games, i.e. How exactly the best games that are currently most and everywhere like children. "The games are the most common type of physical exercise ... Neither with some other way of exercise the purpose of this purpose is not achieved as fully and true, as, for example, in moving games ... Here in the enormous majority of cases, the whole organism is exercised, as a result. What the most comfortable harmony is achieved between different parts of the body ... Games undoubtedly make up one of the most correct, healthy and hygiene exercises ...

Do not forget further that« moving games at the very creature require large open spaces, the abundance of clean air, and therefore, on this side, they mostly respond to the ideals of hygiene than gymnastics, usually and almost always carried out in closed and close spaces.<...> Let's see, besides, how much hygiene wins from that animation and fun children, which are observed during the games, and which is completely lacking any other type of physical exercise. "

To indicate a large group of games, the leading goal of which – physical development and recovery of children, used mainly the term "moving games". Ya.A. Komensky in the letter of the city council of Amsterdam ( 1657) calls seven main standing conditions :


Physical discrepancy and freedom

Public character, "For the fun comes from society to which a person seeks",

Competition that leads to "Spirit's fluctuations between hope and fear",

The presence of rules, since without them "the players are running out or start into quarrels and fights, so the game violating the game is contrary to herself",

- the ease that each participant takes place,

- limitations in time,

- "Each game shouldbe your end, since an overly protracted gamerequired. "

The traditions of using rolling games in Russia have their long history. Recommendations for moving games of students in the air "every day" one hour after lunch and in the evening are found in many literary monuments of antiquities. M.V. Lomonosov, A.N. Radishchev, N.I. Bezzka and other famous figures of the XVIII-XIX centuries. They were expressed about the need for moving games and entertainment of children outdoors.

S.Ya. Angorn rissuly built "games called teachers to fight against two major time deficiencies"Excessive impressionability of a child and weakening his will." He believed that "for children there is no gymnastics, which could exceed the game in their value; The latter corresponds to the physical organization of the child and his mental needs, as it is pleasant and useful at the same time. "

PF Lesgaft, counting the game a very advantageous form of physical work, in which "proven general provisions and truths become the basis of independently conducted actions" and also possessing a "elevating feeling of pleasure", persistently recommended to use them in order to teach children to "own themselves. .. Hold your divergent feelings and teach, therefore, to subordinate their actions to consciousness. "

"For the success of learning, it is necessary that the student and the teacher are equally cheerful", – convinced teachers I.A. Sikorsky. To the number of external conditions providing this vigor and "elevative" mental performance, he referred:

1) "Free movements in the form of games (muscular work);

2) excitation of the heart and breathing (pleasure, movement);

3) the effect of cold on the skin (games and walks in the outdoor);

4) Clean air to remove slave poisons from the body (air games). "

"Little children, relying ... on instinct, regulate the intensity themselves, and the time of their motor activity in the game. No need to interfere with the child to play, frolic ...

He is much more correctful mom and grandmother will determine how much he jumps on one leg, how much to twist the rope ... It is laid in his nature ... Tomorrow's intellect of the child and his today's lethargy has a direct connection, " – emphasizes in our time I.A. Arshavsky, regret what exactly in primary school The thread of "Game Universities" is broken. The child is forcibly immobilized, its motor activity decreases sharply, and the game ceases to wear so important for the development of children the nature of the physiological stress, which forced all their organs and systems actively, but at the same time allowed the "reasonable deficit of peace." In school and at home, fulfilling the training tasks, modern children are mostly sitting, and this session is nothing but a kind of kind of comfort that enters the conflict with the natural instinct of the game movement.

PF Lesgafa believed that the game is an exercise, from which the child is preparing for life. The game – this conscious activity aimed at achieving a conditionally set goal. Well-chosen and properly led, the game is a strong means of education of preschool children. The influence of the game on the comprehensive development of the child is to emotional excitement, interest and hobby, which is experiencing a child during the game, he is able to make a lot of effort and be very executive. Ya.A. Kamensky demanded a diligent selection of games, taking into account their educational value, such that simultaneously with the development of movements, they contributed to the upbringing of honesty, love for order, courage and friendly relations in the children's team.

Ruzhen Budinsk said that the mobile game has, first of all, physical impact: it requires that the body performs a number of physiologically important movements, and,thus, largely contributes to proper growth and development.Games without exaggeration can be called vitamins spiritual well-being. Under their bright, fun, attractive form hides a lot of pedagogical possibilities. These features can be considered through the functions of the game.

Socio-cultural function

The game performs important social functions, because in it the child feels like a person and a member of the team. Thus, the game is a means of the socialization of the child. The game for a child is the same as speech for an adult. At the same time, the game is a kind of "School of Moral", according to the expression of D.B. Elkonin. S.L. Rubinstein believed that the child's game can be compared only with the charm of the highest forms of creativity. The game contributes to the child's self-realization. Playing, he acquires space – fzic, emotional, social. He has a complex "Self» – self-expression, self-control, self-realization, self-determination, self-stabilization.

Communicative function

The game is impossible without communication, which is its main energy source. The game helps to combine large and small, helps them find a common language. It is a prototype of collective activities, as it teaches to negotiate with each other, to give up, hear the comrade, continue his actions or help out, subordinate its desires to existing rules. The child learns to understand and respect others to cope with the prohibitions. He is personally interested in this, since that does not comply with the rule next time they will not be brought into the game. There are two kinds of relationships in the games. This is a competitive type relationship. – between the teams, between partners who have a direct opposite goal (if one wins, then the other loses), and the relationship of genuine cooperation between participantsone team. Such cooperation helps the child to "leave" from the situation and analyze it as if. For example, children play "Salki". The child runs away to not be walked, but at the same time he must dissuade the comrade. Sometimes this happens is scary: after all, they can wear the child itself, but if you look at the situation from the outside, it turns out that if he is melting a comrade, he himself will be able to dissuade himself.

Diagnostic function

The game contributes to the definition of deviations in the behavior of the child. For example, playing, the child will violate the rules or in a responsible moment will come out of the game. It should alert a teacher, to make it more steady, to find the cause of the deviations. In the game, a child may diagnose his strength, opportunities, his personal qualities, that isthe game moveschild K. self-knowledge:can i i?

Gamepeutic and correctional functions

In most cases, games are designed to help the educator harmonize the mental growth of children and prevent the emergence of deviations, resolve the inevitable conflicts of the children's soul to their possible rebirth in the established complexes. The game as a chopstick protect the rapid children's psyche from the head of daily experiences. Children intuitively resort to the game as a psychotherapeutic medium for relieving fears, stressful situations, emotional and intellectual stresses. The child does not just play, he tells the surrounding that he is happy or worried about what impressions or problems require a speedy permit.

Entertainment feature

In many games in the course of the development of the plot, players perform real and symbolic actions, unacceptable in ordinary life from the point of view of public norms. When the game comes to these prohibited norms, fun and sprinkles, since this game makes it possible to at least sometimes behave like this As I want to break the bans. Games are accompanied by loud cries, laughter, topper, pushing, sharp movements, fast running. In the game, the child never gets tired. He is joyful and comfortable. The game contributes to the creation of protective mechanisms, a powerful psycho-emotional discharge is carried out, as a result of which there are positive emotional sensations. And the more positive emotions receive a child, the more harmonious and joyful appears to him the world, the more comfortable and confidently he feels himself in life.

For the game is characterized by a special phenomenon inherent only to her, – growing tension, joy, strong experiences and unlucky interest in success. The excitement that the child is experiencing in the movable game, leads the whole organism in an exceptional physiological state, which contributes to the fact that the child seeks such results in motion, in other conditions, outside the game, he would never have achieved.

The relaxed cheerful atmosphere increases joint communication between children, brings the child to understand that actions are not only its individual affair, for they are included, directly or indirectly, in complex human relationships.

In pedagogical science, mobile games are treated as the most important means comprehensive development Child.Movable game can be called the most important educational institution that promotes the development of physical and mental norms, the rules of behavior, the ethical values \u200b\u200bof the Company.

Scientists have established that the most effective activities for entering the world of other people are the game. Child's game – the main means of becoming it as an autonomous independent person, freely and independently builds its relationship with equalpeers. The game provides a child self-realization and emotional comfort by the core directions of development of the child in the game are the development of imagination, figurative thinking (as one of the main means of knowledge) and arbitrary regulation of activities. The main advantage of the game is that the child is its participant.

The role of moving games in mental education is great: children learn to act in accordance with the rules, assimilate the meaning of the game, remember
rules, possess spatial terminology, learn consciously
act in the changed game situation the world.
In the process of the game, memory is activated, intelligence, fantasy develop,
Thinking, imagination, social qualities are formed. 3M. Istomy
expanded the emergence of arbitrary memory
in preschool age. It turned out that during the game the best conditions are created in order for the child for the first time a task
Something to remember and remember, there are prerequisites for development
arbitrary memorization. Enterprise. Expert showed
also that special memory exercise is much more efficient if it
Included in the game than if it is carried out in the form of specially organized classes.

3.I. Manuilelenko, subjected to a special experimental study the importance of the game for the development of volitional processes, convincingly proved that the conscious control of movements in the game is significantly higher than in the activities carried out on the task.

A.V. Zaporozhet and I.3. Nevelovich conducted studies of the development of movements showing that the game has the nearest attitude towards the formation of a motility of a child of preschool age.

Games are often accompanied by songs, verses, counters, gaming
The conceptions that fills the vocabulary, enriches speech. Also games are learn
Children independently declare and sing, promote overcoming

Playing, the child is studying the color, form, properties of the material, spatial relationship, numerical relationships, studies solutions.

Moving games are of great importance for moral education.

Children learn to act in the team, obey the general requirements. The presence of rules and the requirement of their compliance, the frequent changeability of the leaders put participants in the game to the position of equal partners, which contributes to the strengthening of emotional contacts between children. Children in the game are gradually absorbed that it is impossible to leave in trouble, laugh at someone else's awkwardness, because it can happen with each. The achievement of general success depends on the actions of mutual assistance.

Rules of the game Children perceive as a law, and conscious fulfillment forms will, develops composure, excerpt, skill
Control your actions, your behavior. The game forms honesty, discipline, sense of justice. A moving game teaches sincerity, partnership. The collective games are identified by the organizers, leaders' children who know how to strictly strive for the goal, entail others. Skillful, thoughtful guide to the game by the teacher contributes to the upbringing of an active creative personality.

The games are improved the aesthetic perception of the world. Children know
The beauty of movements, their imagery, they develop a feeling of rhythm. Aplaying and
Realizing various forms of activity, children know themselves, their body, invent, creature, and develop harmoniously and holistic.

A mobile game prepares a child to work: children make gaming attributes,they have and remove them in a certain sequence, improve the motor skills necessary for future work.

A. S. Makarenko argued that the child behaves in the game, so later he will behave at work.

Properly organized and systematically conducted games form, character, will, raise patriotic, international feelings.

Moving games are widely used in psychological trainings.
Often they are positive as the most notable, emotionally rich and memorable part of the classes.

First of all, during the gaming psychocorrection of children with communication disorders, it is necessary to reduce conflict, to remove inadequate stereotypes of behavior. The effectiveness of the correction is achieved most often in the process of collective games, in the group of peers. Adaptive conflict behavior skills The child can only get in the course of active communication. Therefore, it is important to create an opportunity for it to work out these skills in a specially organized atmosphere. The group is the most suitable environment for a full-fledged game with peers and adults; The game, in turn, leads to the normalization of social relations, resolving external conflicts. All this creates a favorable background to solve internal conflicts.

As already noted, a characteristic feature of the contingent of children is conflict communication with others. In this case, it is primarily about the forms of communication. So, the desire of a child to leadership in itself is valuable quality, but the way it is carried out can lead to conflicts with peers. In this case, the correction is subject to the implementation of this desire. The new experience in communicating with peers in the group is based on a confidence atmosphere, open communication, in which feedback techniques are widely used. It is possible to survive new experience Relationships with adults. Adults in the group - psychologists - proceed from the interests of children, cost without ratings and do not compare children among themselves.

Correction is exposed to painful nature characteristics: cowardice, inability to own their feelings, greed.

The etiology of violations of communication in children is diverse. You can call at least three sources.

First- Family stereotypes of behavior, non-critical child learned and reproducible in emergency situations of communication. For example, demonstrativethe syntitude and capriciousness of the girl, copied by mom, cause laughter and misunderstanding in the circle of peers.

Secondsource of dezadaptionfeatures of temperament, more preciselythe inability of the child to cope with the peculiarities of its temperament. A child with low adaptability, high intensity of reactions and with a predominant negative mood background is difficult for the team, causes many aggressive reactions, children avoid him that, in turn, offends and hurt a child. The collective life of such children is saturated with stereotypically repetitive conflicts, resentment becomes familiar, peculations arise, the feeling of the impossibility of friendship and understanding.

The thirdsource of dezadaptioninternal conflicts of the child himself. For example, a child with autonomy fear that has not decided in his time a dilemma "independenceindecisiveness, "in external behavior, especially in a psychologically uncomfortable situation, can manifest passivity, motor inhibition, indecision. For the collective of peers, such a child is not interesting, so children are not looking for contacts with him, they do not want to play, and it turns out to be insulated.

From how the child's relationship is collapsed in the first in his life, the group of peers – in a group kindergarten, largely depends on the subsequent path of his personal and social development, and therefore his further fate. If these relationships are concerned safely if the child stretches to the peers, knows how to play, communicate with them, no one is offended and not offended on others, you can hope that it will continue to feel normally among people.

A general decline in primary school interest in the children's game was to a certain extent leveled the importance of mobile and sports games in the life of the younger schoolboy. Although these games are an effective means of physical recreation and maintaining high performance, successful growth and development of children, as well as early prevention of different diseases, especially cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular pathology.


Health component to use moving games in various diseases of children

Moving games are an excellent means of developing and improving the movements of children, strengthening and hardeing their organism.

The value of the moving games is that they are based on various types of vital movements, and in the fact that these movements are performed in a wide variety of conditions. A large number of movements are accompanied by chemical processes that activate the breath, blood circulation and metabolism in the body, which largely contributes to the development of muscles, bones, connective tissues, increases the mobility of the joints, especially the spine. Since the body is a functional one, the increased activity of one system of bodies affects the increase in the activities of other bodies. With fast movements during the game, the respiratory process is improved, resulting in a faster blood saturation with oxygen, more abundant metabolism, increased blood circulation. Increased heart and lung activity improves the coordination of movements and reactions of nerve centers, accelerates all biological processes in the body, has an impact on mental activity.

The game - the natural satellite of the child's life and therefore meets the laws laid out nature in the developing body of the child, – the irrepressible need for him in cheerful movements. Creativity, fantasy, which are an indispensable condition for the majority of rolling games, enhance the brain impulses, which, in turn, stimulate the pituitary gland, the activity of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system. Positive emotions, creativitythe most important factors of recovery.

Sufficient saturation of the free time of children with games promotes common and comprehensive development. In addition, appropriately selected, taking into account age, health, the nature of the functional changes in the body and the degree of physical fitness of children,moving games, especially air games, undoubtedly contribute to rehabilitation, strengthening the body of a child, hardening and thereby prevent diseases .

Games with an active physical component allow you to solve a whole complex of important issues in working withbefore schoolchildren: to satisfy their need in motion and stabilize emotions, teach them to own their body, develop not only physical, but also mental and creative abilities, moral qualities, etc.

Muscular activity of a gaming nature and positive emotions caused by it strengthen the physiological processes in the body and improve all organs and systems. Emotional climb (joy, pleasure, elevation, enthusiasm) creates an increased tone of the whole organism in children. The desire of children to achieve common for all purposes is expressed in a clear awareness of the problem, in better coordination of movements, more accurately orientation in space and gaming conditions, at an accelerated pace of tasks. With such a passionateness of children and who captured their joyful aspiration to achieve the goal, the role of will increases, helping to overcome various obstacles. Active motor activity trains a child's nervous system, improving and balanced excitation and braking processes.

Physical and mental components in games of any kind are closely related: children not only implement the need for active movements, spending accumulated energy and improve the main motor skills, but initiative to study, independence, perseverance - on the one hand, and on the other - the ability to own themselves and Recognize with the team, coordinate its actions with the actions of other players. They are good training in fast - depending on changing circumstances, but in accordance with a certain plan - switching attention and development of its flexibility.

Special attention from the standpoint of practitioners of correctional educational education deserves the relationship of physical education through games with the development of educational processes of students. So, the positive effect of moving games is established not only to the development of the physical qualities of children, but also on the formation of structural psyche units: memory – auditory, motor-hearing, visual; imaginationcreative, recreable, as well as the originality of solving problems; perceptiondegree of development of observation, volume and adequacy of reproduction; visual-figurative and logical thinkingability to analyze, comparison and generalization; arbitrary attention and its properties such as switching, distribution and stability.

At the same time, the challenges solved by means of mobile and sports games are reduced not only to increase the volume and diversity of the forms of motor activity, restoring the harmony of muscular activities of younger schoolchildren and the rationing of psychophysical load, but also to gaining them lost, but still the extremely necessary gaming environment.

Name of the game

Expected exercise result

Approximate list of diseases and conditions in which the game is recommended

"Find and swallow"

Development spectatic memory, attention, ability to navigate in space, improving brake reactions.

For diseases of the central nervous system, centers, vegeth-vascular Dystonia, with a weakening of the emotional-volitional sphere.

"Zhmurki in a circle"

Education of the ability to maintain equilibrium, orient in space and on the ground, the speed of the reaction and attention, the development of the functions of the auditory analyzer.

For diseases accompanied by lethargy, intensity. If there are changes in the hearing apparatus in the deaf children.


Training speed of the reaction, speed and dexterity of movements and orientation in space.

Delay mental development, diseases with lethargy, scattered, slowness. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


Classification of moving games

There is no game without a game and there can be no full-fledged mental development.

The game is a huge bright window, through which a lifeful flow of ideas is poured into the spiritual world of the child, concepts.

The game is a spark, igniting the light of delusivity and curiosity, "wrote V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

"Little children ... play like a bird sings. In the life of preschoolers, the game occupies the biggest place, "N. K. Krupskaya noted. The game is the need of a growing children's body. The game develops the physical forces of the child, the flexible body, or rather, the eye, the intentity, resourcefulness, initiative are developing. The game for them is a study, a game for them is a work, a game for them is a serious form of education. "

Gorky and Makarenko pointed to the important role of the game in the comprehensive development of children. The game of children they were considered as the main type of physical and motor activity.

All children's games are customary to divide into two large groups:

Games with ready-made "hard" rules (sports, movable,

Games "free", the rules of which are installed along the game

M. Lacerus offers classification of games:

Games related to physical activity;

Attractions to various types of spectacles;

Intellectual games;

● Games gambling.

D.B. Elkonin divides mobile games into four groups:

Simulation-procedural, in which children's actions are reduced
to a simple imitation of the famous sample action;

Dramatic games on a specific plot;

Games with uncomplicated rules in the plot;

Games with rules without plot and elementary sports games.

The classification of games is deserved as a reflection of a variety of human types:

Physical and psychological games and trainings: Motor (Sport, Mobile, Motor); Ecstatic, expression and entertainment; liberating games and fun; Therapeutic games (playing therapy).

Intellectual and creative games: subject fun; plot-intellectual games; didactic games (educational and subject, training, cognitive, construction, labor); technical, design; electronic, computer, automatic games; Game learning methods.

Social games: Creative, plot-role (imitative,
directing, dramatization games, dream games); Business games (organizational and operational, organizational and communicative, organizational and mental, role, imitation).

Complex games (collectively creative, leisure activities).

In order to make the most effective identification and use of the game resources, it is customary to distinguish between mobile, sports and special wellness (correctional and wellness) games.

TO movable include games aimed primarily on general physical training and not requiring special training of players; They are built on free, diverse and simple movements associated with the involvement of mainly large muscle groups, and are simple in their content and rules.

TO sports include games that have all the characteristic signs of sports; They require the preparation and sports improvement of players. Sports games are characterized by having a struggle playing their team victory or for personal championship. They differ from the rolling difficulty of rules and technology, as well as the sustainability of conditions and rules.

Special wellness games Along with the strengthening of various muscle groups, the vestibular apparatus training, the prevention of violations and posture remove fatigue caused by intense intellectual loads, and create the state of psychophysiological comfort.

In the method of physical education and development of children, it is customary to divide the game on:

1. Elementary games with rules:

a) a storyline ("shaggy dog", "Gusi-Swans", "Sunny Lisa");

b) immutable, where the rules are based on (catching, hide and seek, catfish, relay games);

c) attractions with specially created conditions (jumping in bags, carry a balloon in a spoon, cover the nose of Pinocchio);

d) game functions for development small Motoriki fingers (finger-boy, forty, ring).

2. Sophisticated Games with Rules:

a) sports (football, basketball elements on the 7th year of life);

b) games with elements of sports (towns, kegli, ring).

Also, all mobile games for the kindergarten program are divided by motor composition.

1. Games of big mobility, with running and jumping ("We are funny guys", "Fathers", "Bear's Bear", "Wolf in RBU");

2. Games of medium mobility, with lasagon, dance with walking and running ("Mousetrap", "smooth circle", "Carousel", "Bubble", "Monkeys", "Bear and Bees");

3. Games of small mobility with walking in a medium-slow pace, with exercises for certain parts of the body, with throwing ("flies - does not fly", "Find where it is hidden", "the sea is worried").


Outdoor gamesas a means of forming self-assessment

A normally developing child is characterized by a positive attitude towards himself, confidence in their forces and self-satisfaction "I am good." However, the preschooler more objectively can estimate the result of the peer's activities, rather than to see the shortcomings in their work. And this is the rate of age development, as self-esteem begins to form only in the senior preschool age. To this period, the child already understands that he can do, and what he does not know how; Realizes not only its actions, but also their desires, preferences, moods; He is able to understand and receive speech instructions, adult demands, consciously perform the task in the event that it does not contradict his interests. Against the background of an emotional dependence on an adult estimates, a child develops a recognition, expressed in the desire to get approval and praise, confirm its significance.

In order for the preschooler to learn to understand why the results of its activities are estimated in one way or another, situations should be created that would set it before the need to realistically assess their abilities.

In preschool childhood, the need for fantasy and movements is most pronounced. The need for fantasy is satisfied in plot-role-playing games, and the need for movement is best realized in rolling games. In addition to effective impact on health promotion, improving the endurance of the children's body and improving motor skills, mobile games can be used as a means of forming self-assessment of preschoolers.

The actions in the plot game do not require a real result and tough regulation. For a mobile game with the rules, a clearly defined boundaries are characterized, the competing relationship between the participants, the presence of a real result - the winnings denoting the end of the activity, the repeatability of the unchanged in the form of horses. Such games produce volitional qualities in children (excerpt, courage, desire to overcome difficulties), the ability to listen to comments and in accordance with them to correct its actions, the ability to navigate the environment. As a result, conditions contribute to the establishment of the initial forms of self-esteem and self-control of the child, which is of great importance for training activities (present and future), and for full life in the team.

Pedagogical conditions for organizing and holding moving games

Accounting of individual characteristics of children

In each age group there are at least three types of children who behave differently during any activity, including game, and accordingly require a different approach.

Children of the first type are very active, movable, prone to strong excitation. They willingly take any new game, enthusiastically turn on in her and seek to take an active role. For such children, the most difficult is the fulfillment of the rules restraining their spontaneous activity: wait for its turn, do not move to a certain signal, to give up a major role or an attractive subject to others. Often they do not pay attention to the peers and are engaged by demonstrating their own capabilities.

With the children of this group, you can organize games in which you need to perform quite complicated for a preschooler actions ("Turtle-traveler") or to make simple actions, from the accuracy and accuracy of which the result of the game will depend on ("waterproof", "towns"). When conducting games it is necessary to show preschoolers the importance of compliance with the rules and try to make sure that they are satisfied from their implementation.

Children of the second type are more timid, careful. They usually do not immediately understand the essence of the game and do not too willingly switch to the new activity for them. Sleepchalas they keep intensely, without interest they are watching the actions of peers. In no case should not force such a child to take an active role as soon as he is ready for it. Watching the game and taking a passive participation in it first, he gradually infects the adult and peers in interest in the game and after a while begins to take the initiative himself. Of course, it becomes possible with the support and approval (but in no way forced!) Educator.

For these children, games will be attractive with simple actions, in which the result depends on the concentration and agility ("towns", "fisherman and fish"), from attention ("water").

In order to interest children, instead of duty words "and now we will play in ..." You can "draw" a bright picture of the upcoming action. Sometimes it is useful to play in the pride of children, expressing doubt in their strength and dexterity (but at the end of the game do not forget to recognize the fallacy of their doubts, praising courage, speed and accuracy of the movements of each child).

As a result, childishness takes place several stages: "I want, but I'm afraid"; "I will try - suddenly it turns out"; "I managed! I want to try again "; "I praised the teacher, it means that I really did it well." "I want to play other games, suddenly I win"; "I won, then I can a lot! I will succeed!".

The third-type children are sluggish, passive, they can not act on a par with peers. Even with a repeated repetition of the game, they do not cope with the task because of fear before their inexperience.

Such children need personal contact with adults, in his attention, promotion. Collective mobile game with them is not effective. For normal mental and personal Development These children need to first include in games with two-three slow children, and then to this game community to add one or two peers is more active. In the future, it is necessary to not complicate the content of the Games, but gradually increase their pace.

As a rule, such children have a self-esteem and the teacher will need more time so that the child in his self-assumption has moved from the thought "I want, but I am afraid of the conscious confidence" I can! I will succeed! "

Games "White with nuts", "Caracatia" "Towns" - the most suitable for preschoolers of this group, as they do not contain complex actions and do not require special dexterity.

Conversation about the perception of victory and defeat

In mobile games, peers come into complex relationships, in which moments of mutual support and competition are intertwined. At the same time, on the one hand, the child wants to "be like everyone else", and on the other - "better than everything." The desire to "be" as the development of children, the need for recognition "to be better than everything" manifests itself in the desire to win.

In his desire to win, children may face difficulties and failures. This will lead to disappointment, will cause negative emotions. Therefore, it is advisable to spend several conversations with preschoolers on the topic "Today - defeated, tomorrow - the winner." The purpose of such conversations is to bring children to the conclusion: "It is impossible to win, not risking to lose!". You can tell about some athletes and famous people who, before being glorified, tested bitterness of defeats.

Creating a Speech Situation

The desire to "be better than everything" is a motive for achieving success, one of the conditions for the development of will and the ability to realize their advantages and disadvantages. To increase the level of children's claims, it is sometimes necessary to resort to targeted creation of a success situation: start with simple gameswhere everyone can win. This will allow them to gain self-confidence and become more active in activities and communicate.

The successes of preschoolers in rolling games are of great importance for them, which confirm many teachers. "Success is painting the child, contributes to the development of his initiative ... provides subsequently the formation of the character of a wrestler believing in their forces"(Yu.E. Lukoyanov).

Phased transition to rolling games, where an individual result is important

The purpose of the first stage is motivational: getting children's pleasure from the process of mobile game and strengthen the desire to participate in it. Achieving this goal will be facilitated by such games as "water", "squirrel with nuts", "Caracatia", "Towns".

Purpose of the second stage - functionalit is associated with the execution of the rules of the game, the development of new movements, roles, developmentdexterity and movement speeds. It is very important first to offer familiar children ("Fisherman and Fish", "Towns") or new, but simple mobile games or organize team competitions (games like "waterproof"), in which the defeat is not perceived as a personal failure.

Purpose of the third stage - Competitive: the child must achieve positive results. After many children feel that if focused and try, you can win, it is advisable to introduce additional rules complicating the game and the path to victory, or select games that require high accuracy of movements, greater flexibility, dexterity, intelligence. The harder the game, the more joy brings a victory in an honest struggle.

Different games can be part of team or individual competitions. For example, a combination of "water" and "waterproof" games will be the stages of the "water relay", and the game "Square with nuts" (jumping with the ball), "Towns" (throwing), "Caracatia" (running on all fours) and "Turtle Traveler "(coordination of movements) will enter" funny starts ".

Compliance with the rules of the game

To help each child to take a worthy place in the team, overcome uncertainty, cause a desire to perform not only a secondary, but also a major role in the game, it is useful to introduce the rules of conduct:

each child has the right to participate in the game;

those who wish to play must negotiate what they will play;

the lead choose children with the general consent of all participants in the game;

when discussing candidates, it is necessary to explain why this particular child is chosen (the leader's role should be earned);

children should independently solve controversial issues, organized to finish the game;

if someone from the participants do not want to play any more, he must say to comrades in the game and leading about the reason for his care;

all participants in the game are obliged to treat each other with respect, to reckon with the opinion of comrades, to show demanding to violators;

both the presenter and other children have the right to give advice and expand the content of the game with the general consent of all participants.

Assessed with adults, the actions of peers and their mistakes in the game, the child not only better assisted the rules, but also begins to realize his own miscalculations. Playing is honest, that is, according to the rules, the children conquer the approval of adult, recognition and respect for peers.

Pedagogically competent distribution of roles

One of the responsible moments in children's games is the distribution of roles. For many rolling games, captains are required, that is, command roles. Game practices have accumulated a lot of democratic examples of role distribution, such as the draw, reading, throwing a cube with numbers, etc.

What is important for the teacher when distributing roles?

- Help unauthorized to strengthen their credibility; inactive - to show activity; undisciplined - to become organized; Newcomers or children who sidestessing the team of peers - to come together with everyone.

- Explain the significance of not only command, but also secondary roles.

- Provide the active participation of children in the game: the child will come out of the game if he has nothing to do.

- Do not use negative roles in the game.

Equipment and equipment playground

The place for the game must correspond to its content, the number of playing and be safe for children.

In the movable game, as in a big sport, the result sometimes depends not only on their own effort, but also from external factors: random circumstances, weather conditions. If the child tries to win and feels that it has every chance for this, then loss due to the interference of foreign people, puddles, pits and other interference is perceived by both the tragedy and can harm his emotional state. From here, a pedagogical requirement follows: what is the meaning for a child to win in the relay or any game, where the winners are determined at the end, the more carefully consider the conditions for the game and choose the sports inventory.

The teacher himself should not interrupt the children during the game without serious reason.

In this way, ploving games can be perceived as everyday children's fun, satisfying the body's need in movements, joint activities and joyful emotions, and can be considered as a pedagogical tool not only the physical, but also social development of preschoolers. It's all about the knowledge of the methodological and psychological and pedagogical aspects of the management of rolling games and the interest of the educator in the development of socially significant qualities in preschoolers: courage, confidence, mixtures, mutualists, self-control and adequate self-esteem, the ability to experience defeat and seek victory.

The listed qualities will help the child comfortably feel not only in the familiar team of peers, but also in the new school team, where training activities will be released, which also requires intelligence, confidence in knowledge, self-control, patience, ability to risk and overcome difficulties.

Workshop Program

Subject:"Diagnosis of physical fitness and sensor engine development of a child"

Form classes: The work of creative microbroups.


Preliminary work:

drawing up a list of scientific literature on the use of modern diagnostic techniques of the physical development of children;

determining the range of Round Table Questions;

the study of scientific and methodological literature on the problem.

Spectrum of the issues discussed:

1. Diagnosis of psychophysical development and physical fitness of children.

2. Methods for conducting diagnostic sections.

3. Indicators of the development of general and specific motor skills in children of different age groups.

4. Assessment of the possibilities of a child (passport age, biological age).

5. Criteria of biological age.

6. The concept of "motor age", its evaluation result.

7. Assessment of the sensor engine development of the child.

Methods:theoretical analysis of the literature, conversation, formulation of problematic issues, discussion.


  1. Antonov, Yu.E., Kuznetsova, M.N., Saulin, T.F. Healthy preschool children. Socio-health technology 21 centuries: allowance for researchers and pedagogical workers. - M.: Arcta, 2000.

2. Veltechenko, VC. Physical culture for weakened children: a methodological manual. - M.: Terra-Sport, 2000.

  1. Doronina, M.A. The role of moving games in the development of children of preschool age / M. Doronina // Preschool Pedagogy. - 2007. - №4. - C.10-14.
  2. Emelyanova, M.N. Movable games as a means of forming self-esteem / M.N. Emelyanova // Child in kindergarten. - 2007. - №4. - p.29-33.
  3. Healthing physical development. Educational motor programs for children 5-6 years. - M.: Vlados, 2001.

6. Kozhukhova, N.N. and others. Educator in physical culture in preschool institutions: Studies. Noshiya for studies Higher. and media. Ped. studies. establishments. Ed. S. A. Kozlova. - M.: Publishing Center Academy, 2002.

7. Kozyreva, O.V. Therapeutic physical education for preschoolers (with disorders of the musculoskeletal system) - M: Education, 2003.

  1. Korepanova M.V., Kharlamova E.V. Diagnostics of the development and education of preschool children in the educational system "School 2100". - M., 2005.
  2. Kudryavtsev, V.T., Egorov, B.B. Developing pedagogy of recovery / preschool age. - M.: Link Press, 2000.
  3. Litvinova, M.F. "Russian folk moving games." - M.: Ire-Didactika, 2003.
  4. Martynov, S.M. Unconventional methods of rehabilitation of often ill children. - M.: Vlados, 2002.

12. Nazarenko, ld Health basics of exercise. - M., 2002.

  1. Notkin, N.A. et al. Assessment of the physical and neuropsychic development of children of early and preschool age. - St. Petersburg: Childhood Press, 2000.

14. Pedagogical diagnosis under the program "Development": junior and middle preschool age. - M., 2000.

15. Pedagogical diagnostics under the Development Program: Senior Preschool Age. - M., 2000.

16. Skopchuk, A.A., Ovchinnikova, TS Move MotorGrining for preschoolers. - S.-PB.: Speech, 2002.

Classification of moving games

Moving games are divided into elementary and complex. Elementary in turn are divided into plot and unmavable, fun games, attractions.
Scene games have a ready-made plot and firmly recorded rules. The plot reflects the phenomena of the surrounding life (labor actions of people, traffic, movement and habits of animals, birds, etc.), game actions are associated with the development of the plot and with the role that the child performs. The rules determine the beginning and termination of movement, determine the behavior and relationships of players, clarify the course of the game. Submission to the rules is required for all.
Scene moving games are predominantly collective (small groups and the whole group). The games of this species are used in all age groups, but they are especially popular in the younger preschool age.
Unmantively moving games like fishing, runs ("catchers", "rations") do not have the plot, images, but are similar to the plot availability of rules, roles, interdependence of the gaming actions of all participants. These games are associated with the implementation of a particular motor task and fall from children of great independence, speed, dexterity, orientation in space.
In preschool age, mobile games are used with elements of competition (individual and group), for example: "Whose link will rather gather", "Who is the first through the hoop to the checkbox" and others. Elements of the competition encourage more activity in performing motor tasks. In some games ("change the subject", "someone rather before the check box") every child plays for itself and tries to task as best as possible. If these games are conducted with the separation of commands (game-playing), then the child seeks to perform the task to improve the result of the team.
Games using items (Kegli, Siro, Kolzebarros, grandmother, "School of the ball", etc. are also included. Motor tasks in these games require certain conditions, so they are conducted with small groups of children (two, three, etc.). Rules in such games are aimed at the order of the alignment of objects, using them, the order of the actions of the players. These games are observed competition elements in order to achieve better results.
In fun games, attractions Motor tasks are performed in unusual conditions and often include the competition element, while several children perform motor tasks (running in bags, etc.), the rest of the children are spectators. Fun games, attractions deliver the audience a lot of joy.
TO complex games Sports games (towns, badminton, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, football, hockey). In preschool age, elements of these games and children play on simplified rules.
Moving games differ in their engineering content: games with running, jumping, throwing, etc. According to the degree of physical activity that each player receives, distinguish games of large, medium and low mobility. Games of great mobility include those in which the whole group of children is participating and they are built mainly on such movements as running and jumping. The games of medium mobility are called those in which the whole group is also actively involved, but the nature of the motions of playing relatively calm (walking, transmission of objects) or movement is carried out by subgroups. In the games of the small mobility of motion, they are performed at a slow pace, in addition, their intensity is insignificant.

D.V. Chukhlayeva, "Methods of physical education in preschool institutions", M., 1984

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National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P. F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg

Examination on the topic:

"Classification of moving games"


Student 2 courses

Faculty of Lovs.

Departments of athletics

Vereshchagin Ksenia

St. Petersburg, 2017


Movable game, its meaning

Classification and characteristics of moving games

Methodology and organization of mobile game



A normal developing child from birth is committed to movements. Huge need in motion, children usually seek to satisfy in games. Play for them is, first of all, move, act.

Analysis of health indicators, physical and motor development of children of senior preschool age in last years indicates anxiety trends. According to E.N.Vavilovova, N. Totkin, M.A. Main, Yu.K. Chernyshenko, V.I. Shumakov from 30% to 40% of high preschool children have a low level of motor development. The reasons for this lies in the modern lifestyle. Psychologists, teachers, doctors celebrate a common trend for children's institutions - a decrease in the motor activity of children (Yu.F.Manovsky, M.A. Rodunov, S. B.Sharmanova, A.I. Fedorov), and for a child-preschooler loss in movements - It is a loss in health, development, knowledge. It is not by chance in the education program and children in preschool institutions, the issue of health is in the first place. If we consider that the motor activity is also a condition that is a stimulating factor in the development of intellectual, emotional and other spheres, it becomes obvious the relevance of this issue.

A lot is written about the moving game. There is extensive domestic literature as a theoretical and methodological nature, in which the role of the game is considered, its distribution, similarity and difference in the game folklore of different nations, Methodical features, etc. The largest teachers, scientists considered the game very useful for popular education. Based on their work and accounting for foreign publications, a mobile game is considered as meaningful activities aimed at achieving specific motor problems in rapid conditions. So, according to the statement of domestic teachers E.N. Zavodovozova, P.F. Kaptereva, P.F.Lesgafta, E.A. Pokrovsky, K.D. Shushinsky, etc., Moving games are the most effective means of physical education. It shows the creative initiative of the playing, expressed in a variety of actions agreed with collective actions. Moving games built on movements requiring high energy costs (running, jumping, etc.), enhance the metabolism in the body. They have a strengthening effect on the nervous system of the child, contribute to the creation of a cheerful mood in children.

Active movements increase the stability of the child to diseases, causing the mobilization of the protective forces of organisms, helps to improve the nutrition of tissues, the formation of a skeleton, proper posture and an increase in immunity to diseases.

During moving games, children are improved, such qualities as an initiative and independence, confidence and perseverance are developing. They are taught to coordinate their actions and even comply with certain rules.

Movable game, its meaning

The game can be a means of self-knowledge, entertainment, recreation, a means of physical and general upbringing. The game is very emotional activities, so it is a great value in educational work. Among the wide variety of games in the formation of a diversified personality of a child, rolling games are given the most important place.

The value of moving games is large: they are both both the means and the method of child education. A moving game as a means and how the method is characterized by a variety of influence on the child due to exercise, included in the game in the form of motor tasks.

In rolling games, various movements are developing and improved in accordance with all their characteristics, the peculiarities of the behavior of children and the manifestations of the necessary physical and moral qualities are directed.

Relying on the common goals of physical education of preschoolers, lay out the main tasks solved when conducting moving games. These include: wellness, educational, educational.

Wellness tasks. With the right organization of classes, taking into account the age characteristics and physical fitness of engaged in mobile games, there are a beneficial effect on the growth, development and strengthening of the ligament apparatus, muscular system, on the formation of proper posture in children, and also increase the functional activity of the body.

Active motor activity of a gaming nature and the positive emotions caused by it increases all physiological processes in the body, improve all organs and systems. A large number of movements activates breathing, blood circulation and metabolic processes. This in turn provides a beneficial effect on mental activities.

It has been proven that the moving games improve the physical development of children, they have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and strengthen health, because Almost every game there is running, jumping, throwing, equilibrium exercises, etc.

Educational tasks. The game belongs a large role in the formation of the person. In the process of the game, memory, ideas, imagination are developing, imagination. During the game, children act in accordance with the rules that are mandatory for all participants.

The rules regulate the behavior of the players and contribute to the development of mutual assistance, collectivism, honesty, discipline. At the same time, the need to fulfill the rules, as well as overcome obstacles, inevitable in the game, promotes the upbringing of volitional qualities - excerpts, courage, determination, the ability to cope with negative emotions. Children assimilate the meaning of the game, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively use existing motor skills, learn to analyze their actions and actions of comrades.

Moving games are often accompanied by songs, verses, counters, gaming causes. Such games replenish the vocabulary, enrich the speech of children.

In rolling games, the child has to decide how to act to achieve the goal. Fast and sometimes unexpected change conditions makes you look for more and more new ways to solve emerging tasks. All this contributes to the development of independence, activity, initiative, creativity, intelligence.

Movable games for moral education are of great importance. Children learn to act in the team, obey the general requirements.

A moving game is collective. The opinion of peers, as is well known, has a great influence on the behavior of each player. In a collective mobile game, each participant is clearly convinced of the benefits of common, friendly efforts to overcome obstacles and achieving a common goal.

Rules of the game Children perceive as a law, and their conscious fulfillment will form their will, develops composure, excerpt, the ability to control their actions, their behavior. Voluntary adoption of the limitations of actions by the rules adopted in the collective mobile game, with simultaneous hobby, disciplines playing children. Depending on the quality of the role of a role, a member of a mobile game can earn encouragement or, on the contrary, disapproval of comrades; So children are involved in the activities in the team.

The game forms honesty, discipline, justice. A moving game teaches sincerity, partnership.

In games, children reflect the accumulated experience, deepen, consolidate their idea of \u200b\u200bthe events depicted, about life. Games expand the circle of representations, develop observation, intelligence, the ability to analyze, compare and summarize visible, based on what to draw conclusions from the observed phenomena in the environment.

Performing different roles, depicting a variety of actions, children practically use their knowledge about the habits of animals, birds, insects, on the phenomena of nature, about the means of movement, about modern technique. In the process of games, opportunities are created for the development of speech, exercises in the account, etc.

A fascinating game plot causes positive emotions from the participants and encourages them to make some other techniques with unrelenticating activity, showing the necessary volitional qualities and physical abilities.

For the occurrence of interest in the game, the path to achieving the game goal is of great importance - the nature and degree of difficulty of obstacles that must be overcome to obtain a specific result, to meet the game.

The competitive nature of collective moving games can also activate the actions of the players, to cause a manifestation of decisiveness, courage and perseverance to achieve the goal. However, it is necessary to take into account that the coordinations should not disconnect the players.

The game is peculiar to counteracting one player to another, one team - the other, when a wide variety of tasks arise, requiring instant permission. To do this, it is necessary as soon as possible to estimate the environment, choose the most correct action and perform it, so mobile games contribute to self-knowledge. In addition, playing games produce coordinated, economical and coordinated movements; Players acquire skills to quickly enter the right pace and rhythm of work, deftly and quickly perform a variety of motor problems, showing the necessary efforts and perseverance, which is important in life.

Educational tasks:

the game has a great impact on the formation of a person: this is such a conscious activity in which the ability to analyze, compare, compare, and draw conclusions. Game classes contribute to the development of abilities in children, which are important in everyday practical activity, in the classrooms themselves, as well as in gymnastics, sports and tourism;

the rules and motor actions of the mobile game create the faithful ideas about behavior in real life, they are consolidated in their consciousness of the presentation of the relationship between people existing in society.

Movable games conducted on the terrain in the summer and winter conditions are greatly educational importance: in camps, on recreation bases, in hikes and excursions. Games on the area contribute to the education of the skills necessary for the tourist, intelligence, tracker.

Wellness, educational and educational tasks should be solved in the complex, only in this case, each mobile game will be an effective means of versatile physical education of children.

However, it should be remembered that when conducting mobile games, due to their specifics, first of all, the tasks of physical education actually are solved, so the main task of moving games is to strengthen the health engaged, contribute to their proper physical development; promote the mastery of vital engine skills, skills and improvement in them; Development of reaction, agility development, knowledge of movement and new body capabilities.

It should be especially noted the importance of moving games in raising psychophysical qualities: speed, dexterity, strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination of movements, and, importantly, these physical qualities are developing in the complex.

A quick change in the situation in the game is taught by a child, it is advisable to use the movements known to him in accordance with one or another situation, ensuring their improvement. Physical qualities - speed of reaction, dexterity, eye meter, equilibrium, spatial orientation skills, etc. manifest naturally. All this positively affects the improvement of motor skills. For example, in order to dodge the "fishing", you need to show dexterity, and escape from it, to run as quickly as possible. Persisted by the plot of the game, children can perform with interest and many times, the same movements, not noticing fatigue. And this leads to the development of endurance.

Most moving games require speed from participants. These are games built on the need for instant answers to sound, visual, tactile signals, games with sudden stops, delays and resumption of movements, with overcoming small distances in the shortest possible time.

Constantly changing the situation in the game, the rapid transition of participants from some movements to other contribute to the development of agility.

To upbringing the force, it is good to use games that require manifestation of moderate loads, short-term speed-power stresses. Games with multiple repetitions of strenuous movements, with constant motor activity, which causes significant costs of strength and energy, contribute to the development of endurance. Perfection of flexibility occurs in games associated with frequent changes in the direction of movements.

A moving game is enhanced by the possibility of widespread use in natural conditions. Games in reservoirs, in the forest, on water, etc. - Not a comparable process of hardening and health promotion. To fully use natural factors of nature is especially important during the growth and development of the young organism.

Thus, moving games creating an atmosphere of joy, make the most effective complex solution of wellness, educational and educational tasks. Active movements caused by the content of the game cause positive emotions in children and strengthen all physiological processes.

In the game activity of children, two very important factors are objectively combined: on the one hand, children are included in practical activity, they are physically developing, get used to act independently; On the other hand, they receive moral and aesthetic satisfaction from this activity, deepen the knowledge of their environment. All this ultimately contributes to the education of the person in general. Consequently, mobile games - an effective agent diversified Development.

Classification P.sliding Games, their characteristics

There are several classifications of moving games (Appendix 3). Traditionally, games are distinguished by the presence / absence of inventory, by the number of participants, according to the degree of intensity and the specifics of physical training, the presence / absence of a leading, location (courtyard, room, water), on the elements of space markup, on the scope of points, according to gaming preludes and punishment, according to the general plot, etc.

Considering the moving games on the basis of the organization of players, the following can be allocated:

a) without separation of the team on the teams (games based on the simplest relationship between participants);

b) with the division of the team on the team (games aimed at raising collective action).

Games can occur in various combinations:

a) games where there is an active martial art;

b) games, without contact with the opponent;

c) game players in which the actions of each participant are equally directed, associated with the implementation of individual tasks.

Different elementary moving games and sports games - basketball, hockey, football, etc., mobile games - games with rules. In kindergarten used primarily elementary mobile games.

Consider the classification of moving games on the following features:

by age (for children of junior, medium and senior preschool age or in accordance with the age group of kindergarten);

according to the prevailing type of movements (games with running, jumping, lasaging and crawling, riding, throwing and fishing, throwing);

on physical qualities (games for the development of agility, speed, strength, endurance, flexibility);

by sports (games that bring to basketball, badminton, football, hockey; games with skis and skiing, in water, on sledding and with sledding, on the ground);

on the sign of the relationship of playing (games with contact with the enemy and the game without contact);

according to the plot (plot and unustool);

on organizational form (for physical education, active recreation, physical education and recreation work);

on mobility (small, medium and high mobility - intensity);

for season (summer and winter);

at the place of classes (for the gym, playground; for terrain, premises);

according to the method of organizing players: Team and noncommands (with separation on teams, game-playing; games conditions suggest motor tasks, the same for the team, the results of the game are summarized by the general participation of all team members; games without separation of the team - each player acts independently in accordance with Game Rules).

Given that one of the main tasks of physical education is the development and improvement of physical qualities involved, the need to evaluate the applied games from the point of view of motor activity, the intensity of gaming activity.

Grouping games for manifestationengaged in physical qualities

Qualities manifested in the game

Characteristics of game action


Games encouraging immediately go from some action to others. Games requiring focusing at the same time on several actions (running, jumping, confidence)


Games that encourage timely responses to visual, sound signals with short ignitions; with overcoming small distances as soon as possible; With running at speed in changing conditions

Games with short-term muscle stresses of dynamic and statistical nature


Games with repeated repetitions of active, energetically performed actions related to continuous intense movements in which active actions alternate with short breaks for recreation, transitions from some kind of movements to others


Exercises that can be performed with maximum amplitude are used as means of flexibility, these are stretching exercises: flying or spring movements of the type of slope, hangs or attachments and tensile motions performed with a partner or on simulators

If the task of the development of force is solved on the occupation, it is very advantageous to include auxiliary and summarizing games associated with short-term speed-power stresses and the most diverse forms of overcoming the muscular opponation resistance in direct contact with it. The main meaningful components of such games include various attracting, stalking, holding, pushing, etc. Movementary operations are also very effective for solving this task with extensiveness, slopes, squats, push ups, raises, turns, rotations, running or jumping.

If the task of developing the quality of the speed is solved, you should select games that require instantaneous responses to visual, sound or tactile signals. These games should include physical exercises with periodic accelerations, sudden stops, rapid jerks, instant delays, running for short distances in the shortest deadline and other motor acts aimed at the conscious and purposeful leads to the opponent.

If the task of Dextercy Development is solved - it is necessary to use games that require the manifestation of accurate coordination of movements and the rapid coordination of their actions with teammate partners, possess a certain physical skill.

For the development of endurance it is necessary to find games associated with knowingly high strength and energy, with frequent repetitions of composite motor operations or with long continuous motor activities caused by the rules of the applied game.

Moving games of various focus.

The plot of the game determines the purpose of the action of playing, the nature of the development of the game conflict. It is borrowed from the surrounding reality and figuratively reflects its actions (for example, hunting, labor, military, domestic) or is created specifically, based on the tasks of physical education, in the form of a confrontation scheme for various interactions of playing. The plot of the game not only revives the holistic action of playing, but also gives individual techniques and elements of tactics a purposefulness, makes the game of exciting.

Rules - mandatory requirements for participants in the game. They determine the location and movement of players, clarify the nature of the behavior, the rights and obligations of players, determine the ways of playing games, techniques and conditions for taking into account its results. At the same time, the manifestation of creative activity is not excluded, as well as the initiative of playing in the rules of the game.

Motor actions in rolling games are very diverse. They can be, for example, imitative, shaped-creative, rhythmic; Performed in the form of motor problems requiring manifestation of agility, speed, strength and other physical qualities. All motor actions can be performed in a wide variety of combinations and combinations.

Methodology of the organizationand moving games

Methods of mobile game includes unlimited opportunities The integrated use of various techniques aimed at creating a child's personality, a skillful pedagogical leadership of it. Of particular importance is the training of educator, pedagogical observation and foresight.

The organization of the game includes preparations for its conduct, i.e. Choosing a game and place for it, platform marking, inventory preparation, preliminary analysis of the game.

Methods of holding a mobile game includes: collecting children to play, creating interest, explanation of the rules of the game, the distribution of roles, the leadership of the game. Summing up as a methodological stage is an announcement of the results, relaxation, summing up the game and its assessment.

When holding a mobile game, it should be remembered that it is necessary to collect children in the place on the site, from where play action will be started, the collection must pass quickly and interesting. The explanation of the game is the instruction, it should be brief, understandable, interesting and emotional. Roles determine the behavior of children in the game, the choice of main role should be perceived as encouraging as confidence.

Collection of children on the game. Senior preschoolers love and know how to play. To collect children to the game and creating interest, you can agree on the place and the signal of the collection long before the start of the game, collect with the help of a zind ("Once, two, three, four, five - all calls I play); Instruct individual children to collect the rest in the established limited period (for example, while the melody sounds); use sound and visual guidelines; Use Surprises Tasks: For example, there will be the one who will be able to run under the rotating skap.

Choosing a game. Picking up the game, the teacher appeals, primarily to the program of upbringing and learning in kindergarten. The program list of games is based on the general and motor preparedness of children of specific age and is aimed at solving the relevant educational tasks. Software requirements are criteria for the selection of folk and traditional mobile games for this region, to vary motor tasks in familiar games.

The selection and planning of mobile games depend on the working conditions of each age group: the overall level of the physical and mental development of children, their motor skills, the state of the health of each child, its individual typological features, season, the characteristics of the regime, the venues, the interests of children.

When the scene game is selected, the formation of the child's ideas about the famous plot are taken into account. For a better understanding of the game plot, the teacher conducts preliminary work with the child: reads artwork, organizes nature observations, animal habits, activities of people of various professions (firefighters, drivers, athletes, etc.), browsing video, cinema and diamers, Conducts conversations. Considerable attention teacher pays to prepare the attributes of the game. The teacher makes them together with children or in their presence (depending on age).

Each game should give the largest motor and emotional effect. Therefore, you should not pick up games with unfamiliar movements in order not to slow the game action. Motor content of games should be coordinated with the conditions of conduct. Games with running on speed, with throwing in a movable goal or distance do not have an effect in the room. It is also important to take into account the season and weather status. For a winter walk, for example, logical games are more dynamic. But sometimes slippery platform interferes with confidence running. In summer it is convenient to compete in a rapid run, but in very hot weather It is better not to conduct such competitions.

Regulates the choice of the game and its place in the day. Games are more dynamic on the first walk, especially if it was preceded by classes with significant mental tension and monotonous body position. On the second walk you can spend different on the motor characteristic of the game. But, given the overall fatigue of children by the end of the day, one should not learn new games.

Creating interest in the game. Throughout the game, it is necessary to maintain the interest of children to her, it is especially important to create it at the beginning of the game to give focusing game actions. Interesting techniques are closely adjacent to the receptions of children's collection. Sometimes it is the same. For example, an intriguing question for kids: "Want to be pilots? Run on the airfield! " The huge effect has hit attributes. Movable Discipline Child

For example, the teacher puts on a hat mask: "Watch children, what a big closing bear came to you to play ...", or: "Now I put on a hat to someone, and we will have a bunny ... Catch it!" Or: "Guess who hides behind my back?" - says the teacher, manipulating the sounding toy.

In the older groups, interest creation are used mainly when the game is learned. It is most often, poems, songs, riddles (including motor) on the topic of the game, viewing tracks on snow or icons on the grass, for which you need to find the hidden, dressing up, etc.

The interest of children to games with elements of competition increases if the form is put on them, the captains of teams, judge and his assistant are chosen. For the correct and quick execution of the tasks of the team receive glasses. The calculation result determines the quality assessment of the tasks and collective actions of each command. Games with elements of competition requires a large pedagogical tact, objectivity and equity of the activities of teams and their members who contribute to the friendliness and partnership in the relationships of children.

Explanation of the rules. Rules of the game The head must be issued briefly, since children seek to reproduce everything outlined in action as soon as possible. All means of expressiveness - the intonation of votes, facial expressions, gestures, and in plot games and imitation, should find expedient use in explanations in order to allocate the main thing, create an atmosphere of joy and give focusing game actions. Thus, the explanation of the game is the instruction, and the moment of creating a gaming situation.

The consistency of explanations is fundamentally important: to call the game and its intent, briefly state its content, emphasize the rules, remind movements (if necessary), distribute the roles, distribute attributes, place playing on the site, start playing actions. If the game is familiar to children, then instead of explanation you need to remember with the children's children. If the game is complicated, it is not recommended to immediately give a detailed explanation, and it is better to first explain the main thing, and then in the course of the game all the details.

Familiarization of children S. new game It is performed clearly, concisely, figuratively, emotionally for 1.5-2 minutes. The explanation of the story-moving game is given after pre-work With a child to form ideas about game images.

The subject of the plot moving games is diverse: it can be episodes from the life of people, nature phenomena, imitation of animal sobs. During the explanation of the game, the playing goal is made, contributing to the intensification of thought, awareness of the game rules, the formation and improvement of motor skills.

Explaining non-sales game, the teacher reveals the sequence of game actions, gaming rules and signal. It indicates the locations of playing and playing attributes using spatial terminology. When explaining the game, the teacher should not be distracted by the remarks to children. With the help of questions, he checks how children understood the game. If the rules of the game are clear, it goes well and exciting.

Explaining games with competition elements, the teacher specifies the rules, game techniques, the conditions of the competition. He expresses confidence that all children will try to cope with the performance of game tasks, which suggest not only high-speed, but also a qualitative performance ("Who will faster to the check box", whose team will not drop the ball "). Proper performing movements gives children a pleasure, a sense of confidence and the desire for improvement.

Combining playing in groups, teams, teacher takes into account the physical development and individual characteristics of children. In the team, the teacher picks up children of equal in the forces; To activate unsure, shy children are combined with bold and active.

Distribution of roles. Roles determine the behavior of children in the game. Children are 6 years old are very active, and everyone basically wants to be watering, so the head must appoint them himself in accordance with the abilities. Choosing a major role Children should perceive as encouraging. You can also assign a player who won in the previous game, encouraging it for being not caught, fulfilled the task better than others, accepted the most beautiful pose in the game, etc.

There are several ways to choose a leading: assigns an educator, necessarily arguing its choice; With the help of reading (conflicts warn); with the help of a "magic wand"; With the help of the draw; Driving can choose a replacement. All the named techniques are used, as a rule, at the beginning of the game. For the appointment of a new leading key criterion is the quality of movement and rules. The choice of a leading should contribute to the development of the ability to correctly assess their strength and forces of comrades. It is recommended to change it more often to the lead that as many children as possible visited this role.

Guide game. In general, the guidance of the motherboard of the movable game is to control the progress of the game and is aimed at performing its software content.

The playing game, the teacher brings up the morality of the child; It forms his proper self-esteem, the relationship between children with each other, friendship and mutual execution, teaches a child to overcome difficulties. Proper pedagogical management of the game helps the child to understand himself, its comrades, ensures the development and implementation of its creative forces, has a psychocorrection, psychotherapeutic effect.

During the game, the teacher draws attention to the fulfillment of the rules, carefully analyzes the causes of their violations. The teacher monitors the movements, relationships, load, the emotional state of the child in the game.

Most senior preschoolers are well dominated by the main movements. The educator draws attention to the quality of movements, ensures that they would be light, beautiful, confident. Children must quickly navigate in space, show exposure, courage, resourcefulness, creatively solving motor problems. In games, you must put the tasks before children for an independent solution. So, in the game "Colored figures", children are divided into links and in each selected links. At the tutor signal, children with flags in their hands run around the hall. By team "In the circle!" They find their link and form a circle. Then the task becomes more complicated: the children also scatter the swarming around the hall and on the team "In the circle!" They are built around the link, but until the educator considers to 5, lay out some kind of figure from the flags. Such a complication of the task requires the ability to quickly switch from one activity to another - in this case from active running to the fulfillment of a collective creative task.

Carrying out the search for solutions of certain motor problems in rolling games, children themselves get knowledge. And knowledge extracted by their own efforts is consciously imprinted in memory. Solving a variety of tasks gives birth to faith in your strength, causes joy from independent little discoveries. With the skillful guidance of the teacher, the mobile game successfully forms the creative activity of children: they come up with the game options, new plots, more complex game tasks.

In a number of games from children, the ability to invent options for movements, various combinations of them are required. These are games like "make a figure", "day and night", "monkey and hunters" and others.

Initially, a leading role in the preparation of movements is played by a teacher. Gradually, he connects to this children. The entry into the role, figurative transmission of the nature of movements contributes to inventing children of exercises on a given topic. For example, come up with an exercise that imitates the movements of animals, birds, animals (Heron, chanterelle, frog), or come up with and call an exercise, and then execute it ("Fish", "Snowpressor", etc.).

An important role in the development of creative activities of children is playing attracting them to the complication of rules. Initially, the leading role in varying games belongs to the educator, but gradually children are provided more and more independence. So, by spending the game "Two Frost" with the children, the educator proposes at the beginning of this option: whom "frosts are weakened," he remains on the spot, and children moving on the opposite direction should not touch the "frozen"; The tutor complicates the task: running away from "frosts", children should touch the "frozen" comrades and "to warm up" them. After that, the educator invites children themselves to come up with game options. Of the proposed options, the most interesting are selected. For example, the children decided that the "frosts" would be harder to "freeze" athletes, so during the ranks, children imitate the movements of skiers, skaters.

Thus, the figure of children's creativity in the game is not only the speed of reaction, the ability to enter the role, transmitting its understanding of the image, independence in solving motor problems in connection with the change in the game situation, but also the ability to create combinations of movements, game options, complication of rules. The highest manifestation of creativity in children is inventing them of moving games and the ability to organize them on their own. The entry into the role forms in children the ability to present themselves in the place of another, mentally reincarnated to him, allows him to experience the feelings that may be unavailable in everyday life situations. So, in the game "Firefighters on the teaching", children represent themselves bold, deft, brave people who do not fear difficulties, ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of salvation of others. Since the game includes active movements, and the movement involves practical development real MiraThe game provides a continuous study, a constant influx of new information.

Signals in games for preschool children is better to apply not to a whistle, but verbal teams, which contributes to the development of the second signaling system, is still very imperfect at this age.

Also speecitis are also good. The spontaneous words pronounced by the choir develop speech in children and at the same time allow them to prepare for the performance of actions on the last word of the cleattive.

Evaluating the game, the teacher notes the positive qualities of children, calling those who successfully fulfilled their roles showed courage, excerpt, mutual assistance, creativity, complied with the rules, and then analyzes the causes of the rules violation. The educator analyzes how to achieve success in the game. Summing up the game should take place in an interesting and entertaining form. It is necessary to attract all children to the discussion of the game, it tends them to analyze their actions, causes a more conscious attitude to the execution of the rules of the game. The result of the game should be optimistic, short and concrete. Kids need to praise.

Movable walking game, gradually reducing the physical activity and leading a child's pulse to normal. It should be noted that children show large motor activity in games, especially when jumping, running and other actions that require high costs and energy, are interspersed with at least short-term interruptions, active recreation. However, they get tired fairly quickly, especially when performing monotonous actions. Considering the foregoing, physical activity in the class of rolling games must be strictly adjusted and limited. The game should not be too long. It is advisable to offer short-free moving games in which great mobility alternates with short-term transfers.

in the preparatory (final) part, the parties can be included with rhythmic walking and additional gymnastic movements that require playing organizations, attention, coherence of movements that contribute to general physical development (for example, the game "Who approached"); In the main part, after performing the main movement, for example, running, for the development of speed and dexterity, it is better to carry out game-moving games ("Two frost", "wolves in the RBU", "Gus-Swans"), in which children after fast running with confidence, Drinks, jumps can relax. When dividing players for competing groups, the head must take into account the compliance of the nature of the gaming actions of the physical fitness of children, and the results of the actions of each player for their team to identify immediately. The predominant place is occupied by the game with short switches, in a straight line, in a circle, with a change in directions, games with running type "Catching - Runa" and with confidence;

games with bouncing on one or two legs, with jumps through conditional obstacles (drawn "ditch") and through objects (low bench); Games with transmission, throwing, fishing and throwing on the range and goal goals, cones, pebbles, games with a variety of imitative or creative movements. Each game consists mainly of one or two of the above types of movements, and usually they are applied apart or alternately, and only occasionally - in combination.

You can spend the game at any time of the year, outdoors. The duration of the game depends on its intensity and complexity of motor movements, the characteristics of the physical development of the child, the state of his health, and can average 10-20 minutes. The load can be dosed by the following techniques: a decrease in or increasing the number of players; the duration of the time game; sizes of the playground; the number of repetitions; severity of objects and having breaks for recreation. At the end of the game, you need to encourage the baby, noting his dexterity, strength, initiative.

Thus, a mobile game is one of the complex means of education: it is aimed at comprehensive physical fitness (through the direct mastering the basics of movement and complex actions in changing conditions of collective activities), the improvement of the functions of the body, the characteristics of the players.

The thoughtful methodology for moving games contributes to the disclosure of the individual abilities of the child, helps to raise it with healthy, vigorous, cheerful, active who can independently solve a wide variety of tasks.


Bauer, O.P. Moving games // Theory and technique of physical culture of preschoolers: Tutorial for students / O.P. Bauer; Ed. S.O. Filippova, G.N. Pononarev. - SPb.: VVM, 2004. - p.331-332.

Vavilova, E.N. Develop the preschoolers dexterity, strength, endurance: a manual for the educator of a kindergarten / E.N.Vavivova. - M.: Enlightenment, 1981. - 96 p.

Glazerina, ld Methods of physical education of children of preschool age / L.D. Delazyrina, V.A.O.Odsyankin. - M.: Vlados, 2000. - 262 p.

Demmoshin, A.A. Sports and mobile games in the physical education of children and adolescents / A.A. Demchishin, V.N.Mukhin, RS Mozola. - K.: Health, 1998. - 168 p.

Doronina, M.A. The role of moving games in the development of preschool children / M.A.Doronin // Preschool pedagogy. - 2007. - №4. - C.10-14.

Kuznetsov, V.S. Exercise and mobile games. Method. Allowance / V.S. Kuznetsov, G.A. Kolodnitsky. - M.: NC ENAS, 2006. - 151 p.

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Moving games as a means of developing and improving motor skills, physical and personal qualities.

1. Movable game, its definition and specificity. 3.

2. Mobile game as a means and method of physical education. 7.

3. Mobile game theory. eight

4. Classification of games. 10

5. Methodology for moving games. eleven

6. Holding mobile games in different age groups. 13

7. Education of expressive movements in rolling games. fifteen

8. Literature 17.

Mobile game: Her definition and specificity.

A mobile game is a conscious, active child activity characterized by accurate and timely fulfillment of tasks associated with compulsory rules for all. By definition of P.F.Lesgafta, a mobile game is an exercise by which the child is preparing for life. Fascinating content, the emotional saturation of the game encourages the child to certain mental and physical efforts.

Mobile game specifics It consists in a lightning, instantaneous response of a child to the signal "catch!", "Run!", "Stop!" and etc.

A moving game is an indispensable means of replenishing the child's knowledge and ideas about the world around the world, the development of thinking, smelting, dexterity, skill, valuable moral and volitional qualities. In the game, the child sends his attention to achieving the goal, and not on the way of doing movement. It acts in accordance with the gaming conditions, showing agility and thereby improving the movement. In the process of the game, not only exercise in the existing skills, consolidation of them, improvement, but also the formation of new personal qualities.

The deep meaning of the rolling games is in their full-fledged role in physical and spiritual life, which exists in the history and culture of every nation. Moving games are always creative activities in which the natural need of a child is manifested in motion, the need to find a solution to a motor task, so the freedom of action preschooler implements in these games. Playing, the child will not only know the world around, but also transforms it.

The search for methods of harmonious development of children was engaged in many scientists. So, in the created P.F. The Lesgafete system of physical education, the fundamental basis was the principle of harmonious development, and the physical and spiritual forces of a person were considered as qualitatively different aspects of a single vital process, which allows for the formation of "ideal-normal type" people. According to P.F. Lesgafta, harmonious development is possible only with a scientifically based system of physical education and education, in which the principle of awareness prevails. The awareness of movements provides the ability to rationally and economically use them, to perform them with the lowest considerable strength and with the greatest effect, as well as contribute to the spiritual development of a person.

Harmonious development occurs at a holistic, integrated, balanced realization of all potential human capabilities, and one-sided development is destructive for personality, often bordered by psychological or physical illness.

Freedom of action The preschooler sells in rolling games, which are the leading method of forming physical culture. In pedagogical science, mobile games are considered as an essential means of comprehensive child development. The deep meaning of the rolling games is in their full-fledged role in physical and spiritual life, which exists in the history and culture of every nation. Movable game can be called the most important educational institution that promotes the development of physical and mental abilities, the development of moral norms, rules of behavior, the aesthetic values \u200b\u200bof the Company.

Moving games are one of the conditions for the development of the child's culture. In them, he comprehends and knows the world around, its intelligence, fantasy, imagination, are developing social qualities. Moving games are always creative activities, in which the natural need of a child in motion is manifested, the need to find a solution to the motor task. Playing, the child will not only know the world around, but also transforms it.

The children of junior preschool age imitate in the game all see what they see. However, in rolling games, kids, first of all, it is reflected not to communicate with peers, but the display of the life that adults or animals live (fly like a sparrobushki, swell their hands like butterflies with wings, etc.). The desire for spirituality of inanimate nature is explained by the desire of a child to give a living character in the game, and when it is gaining in the image, it includes empathy mechanisms and, as a result, morally appreciative personal qualities are formed: empathy, complicity, and involvement. Thanks to the developed ability to imitate, most of the rolling games of children of junior preschool age are a storyline.

For 5 years, the nature of the game activity of children is changing. They are starting to be interested in the result of a mobile game, they seek to express their feelings, desire, to make a conceived, creatively displaying in imagination and behavior of the accumulated motor and social experience. However, imitation and imitation continue to play an important role in the senior preschool age.

For moving games, the presence of moral content is characterized. They raise benevolence, the desire for mutual assistance, conscientiousness, organization, initiative. In addition, moving games is associated with great emotional lifting, joy, fun, sensation of freedom.

Various moving games in content make it possible to trace the variety of approaches to the search for the paths of harmonious development of children. Conditionally, several types of rolling games can be distinguished, which contribute to the comprehensive development of preschoolers in different ways, carry a different social orientation.

Games like "Fathers" are inherent creative character, based on excitement, engine experience and accurate compliance with the rules. Running, catching, having confident, children mobilize their mental and physical strength as much as possible, while they independently choose the methods that ensure the effectiveness of gaming actions that improve psychophysical qualities.

Games requiring inventing movements or instant cessation of a game signal, encourage children to individual and collective creativity (inventing combinations of movements, imitation of movements vehicle, animals). Games like "Zamri", "Stop", "The sea is worried" and others require from playing to stop moving along the appropriate signal, while it is necessary to maintain the expression of the face and the muscle tension in the same position in which they were caught in the game signal. The spirituality and expressiveness of movements in such games are extremely important.

That is why Gurdzhev in his school harmonic development was widely used similar games. He believed that the exercises requiring the signal (team) to stop the movement, while maintaining the expression of the person, make it possible to feel their body in such provisions that are unusual and unnatural for him, and thus expand the individual set of "movement stamps and poses". He argued that the style of movements and poses of different peoples, classes, epochs, is associated with the characteristic forms of thoughts and feelings, this connection is so close, "that a person can never change the image of thoughts, nor feeling without changing the repertoire of its motor poses" . Proving that the automaticism of thoughts and feelings is rigidly related to the automatism of movements. Gurdzhev wrote: "We do not realize how our intellectual, emotional and motor function is interrelated, although in some cases we can observe how much our mood and emotional state depend on our poses." (52, 1989, №9). If a person deliberately takes a pose associated with a sense of sadness or despondency, he will soon feel sadness and despondency. Similarly, fear, indifference and disgust can be caused by artificially changed poses. The started movement stops in the game by the team "Stop!". The body becomes motionless and freezes in the position in which it has never been in ordinary life. In a new unusual pose, a person becomes able to think in a new way, feel new, know itself in a new way. The circle of old automatism is destroyed.

Stop - Exercise is at the same time exercise for will, attention, thoughts, for feeling and movement. In these games, special attention is paid to the expressiveness of the activities invented by children, which activate mental processes, carry out sensory corrections, role training, form a psychosomatic and emotional sphere, developing empathy mechanisms. They train a mimic and large muscles, and this contributes to the ejection of the Enderfins (hormone of joy), ensuring the improvement of the condition and life of the body.

Games with the ball are given a special role. Famous German teacher F. Fabell, noting the diverse effect of the ball on the psychophysical development of the child, emphasizes its role in the development of coordination of movements, hand brushes, and, therefore, in improving the cerebral cortex. He believed that almost everything was needed by a child for his versatile development, he gives him a ball. Games in which the actions of a child with the ball are accompanied by the corresponding moment and mood with words and songs are accompanied by the ball with the ball. A large role is given to these games and in the works of P.F. Lesgafta, V.V. Gorijanevsky, E.A. Arkina, V.N. Vsevolod-Gerzross and others. These games are developing the eye meter, motor coordination functions, improve the activities of the cerebral cortex. According to Lowene, the balling increases the mood, relieves aggression, helps to get rid of muscle stresses, causes pleasure. Pleasure in his opinion is freedom of television from muscle armor, muscle tension.

Games with competitive elements require the right pedagogical leadership by them, which involves observing a number of conditions: each child participating in the game should well possess engine skills (lasaging, running, jumping, throwing, etc.) in which it competes.

Thus, playing and implementing various forms of activity, children will know the world around them, their own body, invent, creative, and develop harmoniously and holistic.

The meaning of moving games

A moving game is one of the important means of comprehensive education of children of preschool age. Its characteristic feature is the complexity of the impact on the body and on all directions of the child's personality: a physical, mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education is simultaneously carried out in the game. They are considered as the main tool and the method of physical education, being an important means of physical education, a mobile game simultaneously has a health effect on the child's body. In the game, he exercises in a wide variety of movements: running, jumping, climbing, climbing, throwing, catching, losing, etc. A large number of movements activates breathing, blood circulation and metabolic processes. This in turn provides a beneficial effect on mental activities. The wellness effect of moving games is enhanced when they are in the fresh air.

It is extremely important to take into account the role of growing voltage, joy, strong experiences and an inconspicuous interest in the results of the game that the child is experiencing. The passion for the child's game not only mobilizes its physiological resources, but also improves the effectiveness of movements. The game is an indispensable means of improving movements, developing them, contributing to the formation of speed, strength, endurance, coordination of movements. In a movable game, as a creative activity, nothing does the freedom of the child's action, he is discovered and free.

The role of a mobile game in mental education of a child is great: children learn to master the spatial terminology, temporary orientations, consciously act in the changed game situation, in accordance with the rules and to know the world around.

Studies of psychologists show that thanks to the game activity, the child practically develops space and objective activities, while significantly improved the mechanism of perception of space. In the game, the perception of space performs in its basic forms: direct, cognitive-sensory (sensually-shaped) and indirect (logical thinking, concept). The ability to navigate in the surrounding conditions contributes to the deliberate creation of obstacles to the fulfillment of the gaming problem ("through the hoop to the flag", "Wolf in the RBU", "bold guys", etc.). It produces in children the ability to independently choose the best way of action with a support for sufficiently developed eyelash estimates of the distance and taking into account the implementation of actions.

In a mobile game, the child exercises in determining the proximity or distance of objects, a person, thanks to which he develops eye evaluations, as well as a spatially hearing orientation ("far away", "then there, then there", "Zhmurki with a bell" and t . d.).

Moving games form the simplest temporary orientations in children. They are expressed: in awareness of the sequence of game action - first, then, after that, before that, all at the same time, etc.; In the rapid execution of game tasks in the signal, within the framework of the deadline for children. In these games, the child exercises in a quick assessment of spatial benchmarks, in the sequence of actions and their time duration.

Very important is the orientation of the child among the rapidly moving diligent children. It is most complex, due to the need for an instant reaction to a continuous change in the gaming situation. However, in the process of repetition of games, children of senior groups successfully master this skill ("Sunshi Lisa", "Catching", etc.).

A large educational value is laid in the rules. They define the entire course of the game, regulate the motor activity of children, their behavior, relationship, contribute to the education of moral and volitional qualities. The rules create certain conditions in the game, within which the child, with the appropriate manual, cannot but manifest the qualities raised by him. The requirement of steady execution of the rules contributes to overcoming egoistic emotions and motivations when the goal is reached. According to E.A. Arkina: "Rules are the first social incentive regulating and guiding the child's behavior in accordance with the requirements of the team. In games for the first time, sprouts of deep feelings, friendly friendship and love "are born." Under the leadership of the educator, the Rules become an effective means of forming the best parties to the personality: honesty, justice, friendship, courage, composure, perseverance, will. As noted by A.V. Zaporozhets: "These vital moral qualities, gradually absorbed by the child, turn into an internal heritage of the child's personality."

Games help the child to expand and deepen their ideas about the surrounding reality. Performing different roles, depicting a variety of actions, children practically use their knowledge about the habits of animals, birds, insects, on the phenomena of nature, about the means of movement, about modern technique. In the process of the game, memory, ideas, imagination are developing, imagination. Children assume the meaning of the game, remember the rules, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively use existing motor skills, learn to analyze their actions and actions of comrades. Moving games are often accompanied by songs, verses, counters, gaming causes. Such games replenish the vocabulary, enrich the speech of children.

Moving games are of great importance for moral education. Children learn to act in the team, obey the general requirements. Rules of the game Children perceive as a law, and their conscious fulfillment will form their will, develops composure, excerpt, the ability to control their actions, their behavior. The game forms honesty, discipline, justice. A moving game teaches sincerity, partnership. Submitting the rules of the game, children practically exercise in moral actions, learn to be friends, empathize, help each other. Skillful, thoughtful guide to the game by the teacher contributes to the upbringing of an active creative personality.

In rolling games, the aesthetic perception of the world is improved. Children will know the beauty of movements, their imagery, they develop a sense of rhythm. They master the poetic speech.

A mobile game prepares a child to work: children make gaming attributes, have and remove them in a certain sequence, improve their motor skills necessary for future work.

In rolling games, the child has to decide how to act to achieve the goal. Fast and sometimes unexpected change conditions makes you look for more and more new ways to solve emerging tasks. All this contributes to the development of independence, activity, initiative, creativity, intelligence.

Common in all rolling games is creativity. Creative activity is peculiar only to a person. It is always social in content and expresses the freedom of personality. The game as a condition for social freedom leads to creative activity, forming and developing it. The initial stage of the formation of creative activities in children is imitation, especially characteristic of rolling games for young children. During this period, the child imites everything that sees. The educational meaning of the imitation celebrated N.K. Belarusian: "The imitativeness of the child is nothing but a special form of creativity - reincarnation of other people's thoughts and feelings. This is the period when the child is very strongly beginning to develop public instincts, and human life, and human relations are made by the center of attention. " It is thanks to the developed ability to imitate, most of the rolling games of young children are slying.

A mobile game always requires children's creative activity: find the most rational ways of action, to independently make the right decision of it, find a way out of the generic game situation. She imposes certain responsibilities on children. Children perform a variety of roles in the game. certain rules. They seriously belong to their gaming tasks.

A mobile game is one of the sources of children's creativity. Any good mobile game, even the most simple in its content and rules, gives food a child fantasy, wakes a thought. When systematically conducting interesting and close to children in the content of games with the rules, we meet with a new type of children's creativity - children themselves come up with game options and even new games with rules.

The child, entering the role, creates and creates an image. The richer of his knowledge and ideas about the game image, the more accurately created by the game image. With the corresponding pedagogical guide, the mobile game teacher introduces the work of a child to a known channel defined by its content and rules. Pedagogue, directing children's creativity, supports children interest in children.

A moving game requires the child of activity and creative initiative, as it never consists of automatic activities. Thus, the mobile game is one of the main conditions for the formation of a creative thinking of a child.

Developing, improving the work of children in the game, we bring up a socially active, intelligent, versatile developed person belonging to any activity thoughtfully and creatively. Satisfying the need in motion, developing creativity in the process of motor activity, we form physical culture.

Thus, in pedagogical science, mobile games are treated as the most important means of comprehensive development of the child. They are an indispensable means of replenishing the child knowledge and presentation of the world around the world, the development of thinking, smelting, dexterity, skill. It does not only develop physical and mental abilities, but also valuable moral and volitional qualities are studied and based general rules Conduct in the team, digested ethical values \u200b\u200bin society. A mobile game develops fantasy, imagination, independence, creativity, initiative, activity, forms human spiritual wealth. In the process of the game, not only exercise in the existing skills, their fixation and improvement, but also the formation of new mental processes, new qualities of the child's personality.

2 . Mobile game as a means and method of physical education

In the formation of a versatile identity of the child, rolling games with the rules are given the most important place. They are considered as the main means and the method of physical education. Being an important means of physical education, a mobile game at the same time has a health effect on the child's body.

In the game, he exercises in a wide variety of movements: running, jumping, climbing, climbing, throwing, catching, losing, etc. A large number of movements activates breathing, blood circulation and metabolic processes. This in turn provides a beneficial effect on mental activities. The wellness effect of moving games is enhanced when they are in the fresh air.

It is extremely important to take into account the role of growing voltage, joy, strong experiences and an inconspicuous interest in the results of the game that the child is experiencing. The passion for the child's game not only mobilizes its physiological resources, but also improves the effectiveness of movements. The game is an indispensable means of improving movements, developing them, contributing to the formation of speed, strength, endurance, coordination of movements. In a movable game, as a creative activity, nothing does the freedom of the child's action, he is discovered and free.

The role of a mobile game in mental education of a child is great: children learn to act in accordance with the rules, master the spatial terminology, consciously act in the changed game situation and know the world around. In the process of the game, memory, ideas, imagination are developing, imagination. Children assume the meaning of the game, remember the rules, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively use existing motor skills, learn to analyze their actions and actions of comrades. Moving games are often accompanied by songs, verses, counters, gaming causes. Such games replenish the vocabulary, enrich the speech of children.

Moving games are of great importance for moral education. Children learn to act in the team, obey the general requirements. Rules of the game Children perceive as a law and conscious fulfillment of them forms the will, develops composure, excerpt, the ability to control their actions, their behavior. The game forms honesty, discipline, justice. A moving game teaches sincerity, partnership. Submitting the rules of the game, children practically exercise in moral actions, learn to be friends, empathize, help each other. Skillful, thoughtful guide to the game by the teacher contributes to the upbringing of an active creative personality.

In rolling games, the aesthetic perception of the world is improved. Children will know the beauty of movements, their imagery, they develop a sense of rhythm. They master the poetic speech.

A mobile game prepares a child to work: children make gaming attributes, have and remove them in a certain sequence, these motor skills are perfect for future work.

Thus, a mobile game is an indispensable means of replenishing the child's knowledge and ideas about the world around the world, the development of thinking, smelling, dexterity, skill, valuable moral and volitional qualities. When carrying out a mobile game, there are unlimited possibilities for the integrated use of a variety of methods aimed at forming the identity of the child. In the process of the game, not only the exercise in the existing skills, their fixation and improvement, but also the formation of new mental processes, new qualities of the child's personality.

Mobile game theory

The origins of moving games are rooted in deep antiquity. The history of the game allows you to understand their educational significance. Many types of folklore confirm the suggestion of scientists about the fact that the origins of the moving games are laid in primitive-free strictly, but there is almost no information about it. Data on the development and life of the child, his games in the early stages of the development of society are extremely poor. Almost none of the ethnographers at all set themselves the task of such a study. Only in the 30s of the 20th century, special research of Margaret MFA, dedicated to the children of the New Guinea tribe, appeared.

The game was a person satellite from time immemorial. In it, cultures of different nations demonstrate similarities and a huge variety. Many of the games were represented by great originality, depending on the properties and lifestyles of the people.

According to N. S. Volovik, the appointment of ancient games is not entertaining, but practical. The actions of the game and the words of the song, people tried to secure future success in the upcoming work. An ancient game is a magical ritual in which the desired is depicted as valid, the present is projected by the future. As a person depended on nature, the main object of the image in the gaming songs was the animal and vegetable world.

In the earliest historical periods of society, children lived with adults with a common life. The educational function was not yet highlighted as a special social function, and all members of society, raising children, sought to make them participants in social and productive labor, transfer them to the experience of this work, carrying out the gradual inclusion of children in the activities available to them.

The employment of mothers and the early inclusion of children in the work of adults led to the fact that in primitive society did not exist with a sharp face between adults and children, and the children became very early to be independent. It emphasizes almost all researchers. In case of complication of funds and methods of labor and, during its redistribution, there was a natural change in the participation of children in various types of labor. Children ceased to be directly involved in complex and inaccessible forms of labor activities. For younger children, there were only some areas of household work and the most simple forms of production activities.

Regarding the most important, but unavailable for children, the task of work in front of them is the task of possibly earlier mastering with complex instruments of such labor. The reduced tools of labor arise, specially adapted to children's capabilities, with which children exercise in the conditions approaching the conditions of real activities of adults, but not identical with them. Children, of course, can not independently open ways to eat these instruments of labor, so adults learn them. Exercises with reduced tools have some elements of the gaming situation. First, this is some conditionality of the situation in which the exercise occurs. Secondly, carrying out an action with reduced labor tools, the child produces an action similar to the one that produces adult, and, therefore, there is a reason to assume that it compares, and maybe identifies himself with adults. Thus, in these exercises, the elements of the game can be implicitly contained.

It should also be considered reflections on the appearance of a mobile game P. F. Capteeva: first of all, you need to remember that the game - the phenomenon is very wide; Not only children play, but also adults; Not only people play, but also animals. P. F. Kapmetev believes that all the activities of people follow from the sources of two births: natural and organic and socio-cultural. Children live much more naturally organic needs than socio-cultural. To the last they are involved in education. Provided by themselves, they willingly drop off the cultural shell and get closer to nature. Children have a mass of free forces and energy, which is not spent on labor to meet the needs. These forces and energy require exit, encourage activities, cause a variety of exercises. This child activity is the character of the game, i.e. directly pleasant activity.

In the pedagogical history of many peoples, rolling games attached great importance. They were considered as the basis of physical education, as an activity that meets the age needs of the child.

According to the theory, developed by the K.Goss, the moving games serve as a means for exercising various physical and mental forces. Childhood lasts until we are quite ready in order to independently fight for existence, and if it is preparation, this development of all physical and mental forces is carried out with the help of games, the games belongs not only very important, but also the central a place.

An outstanding Russian teacher P. F.Lesgaf has developed an original system of physical education. Great place in it is given to the moving game. The game is determined by the Ladgefta as an exercise, with which the child is preparing for life. It is an independent activity in which the child's own initiative is developing and its moral qualities are brought up. He considered mobile games to the most valuable means of comprehensive education of the child, the development of moral qualities: honesty, truthfulness, excerpts, disciplines, partnerships. One of the first P. F. Lesgaf suggested using mobile games to raise children. His words are known: "We must take advantage of the games to teach them (children) to own themselves." In the game it is necessary to "teach them to restrain their divergent feelings and to teach, therefore, to subordinate their actions to consciousness."

The ideas of P. F. Lesgaft successfully implemented its followers and students (V. V. Gorijanevsky, E.A. Arkin).

V.V. Gorizhevsky considered mobile games the main type of motor activity and the means of comprehensive education of preschool children. He considered a moving game as a means of forming a child's personality, as in the process of the game in children, moral and volitional qualities are brought up. Joy, fun V.V. Gorizhevsky considered the mandatory condition of the gaming activity, without them the game loses its meaning. He attached great importance positive emotions In the game, since they are heated by the child's body.

E. A. Arkin considered a mobile game an indispensable means of developing a child, the main lever of pre-school education. He saw the advantages of the game in its emotional saturation, attractiveness, mobilizing the child's strength, delivering to him joy and satisfaction. Moving games, according to Arkina, contribute to strengthening the body by developing and improving the propulsion. Games teach children to discipline, concentration and planned action.

The most important place in the life of the child-preschooler occupy folk roving games. To the huge educational significance of these games, everyone who, somehow came across them in their scientific and pedagogical activities.

Folk-free games lead their origin from the depths of folk pedagogy. Early children have brought up in families at booms, sweatshirts, fun games associated with the initial movements of the kid himself. In the life of older life, folk games with a variety of motor content, including tempting for children gaming shrinkage, singers, readers. All this still retains its artistic charm, educational significance and is the most valuable gaming folklore.

Study, selection of various folk moving games is necessary and appropriate in educational and educational work with children. Acquaintance of children with samples of national, peculiar gaming folklore and the introduction of some samples of people's games to the life of children will strengthen good aesthetic attitudes towards the original creativity of the peoples and thereby to its representatives.

First of all, it is necessary to refer to the works of E. A. Pokrovsky. This outstanding scientist noted that in the life of the people of various types Games and playing from ancient times occupied a prominent place. He one of the few paid attention to such a feature of the people's games, as a reflection of the history of a nation in them. E.A. Pokrovsky emphasized that mobile games are of great educational importance, as they require the "most extensive participation of all spiritual and bodily forces."

On the basis of the analysis of the national games, he came to the conclusion that the nature of the people is undoubtedly imposes its noticeable imprint on many people's manifestations of public and privacy. This character also affects the children's games, reflecting in them the sharper and more clearly, children play with great enthusiasm and ease, and therefore with the greatest freedom to manifest their national character.

Moving games E.A. Pokrovsky considered as the most natural form of physical exercise of children corresponding to their anatomical and psychological characteristics. Children's mobile games taken from the Treasury of People's Games are responsible for national peculiarities, fulfill the task of national education. They act not only as a factor of physical development and education, but also as a means of spiritual formation of personality.

At the need to draw attention to the folk games in the education of children pointed out the teacher E. N. Khovovozov. She recommended borrowing games from their people and diversify them according to the life of this nation. A moving game should teach intelligence and resourcefulness. The main condition of these games is to develop a child's imagination so that then he himself, without the help of an educator, could invent such games.

A great importance to the use of folk moving games was given by A. P. See. She noted that, first of all, the games serve as undoubted proof of the talent of the people and the instructive example of the fact that a good children's game is a sample of high pedagogical skills; Not only a separate game is striking, but also how popular pedagogy perfectly defined the sequence of games from infant years to maturity.

Folk Games Fashionable, so they are fond of predominantly children of preschool age. The game enclose an element of struggle, contests, and, therefore, cause emotions of joy, fears and encourage care and take these children.

Analysis of the history of the creation of the theory of moving games and theories of leading teachers and psychologists dedicated to the moving game allows us to conclude that the game is a means of physical, mental and moral education.

Classification of games.

Moving games are classified by different parameters:

By age;

According to the degree of child's mobility in the game (games with small, medium, big mobility);

By type of movements (games with running, throwing, etc.);

The theory and methodology of physical education adopted the following classification.

Moving Games with Rules: Scene, Navalous, Fun Games, Amusement and Sports Games (Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton, Towns, Laptops, Table Tennis, Football, Hockey).

Scene moving gamesreflect in the conditional form of vital or fabulous episode. The child is fascinated by game images. He is creatively embodied in them, depicting a cat, a groove, a car, a wolf, etc.

Navalnye moving gamescontain interesting children's motor gaming tasks leading to the achievement of the target. These games are divided into games like: Fullies, catchers; Games with the elements of the competition. ("Who will be more likely to his flag?", so p.); Games relay ("Who will rather give the ball?"); Games with objects (balls, hoops, piers, kegli, etc.).

Fun games -used for young children ("ladies". "Horned goat", etc.).

Sport games,according to M.P. Guloshkina, E.I. Adashkevica et al., Used in senior and preparatory groups in school.