Simple wishes for the game. What wish to make for a guy: list of the best options

Funny wishes

Sports desires

Alcoholic desires

Vulgar desires

Useful wishes

Extreme Desires

Unusual desires

Wishes for children

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 08:01 ()

Wishes for the loser. Huge wish list!

Have fun with friends and have fun interesting game, but I want the winner to get it at the end of the game nice bonus. Many games for a fun company do not imply material gifts to the winner at all, much less financial reward. In order to answer the question of what wish to make, we have compiled a whole list. Wishing games are the best way to have fun. They will allow you to turn a regular game into a real entertainment show.

So, if you have gathered in a group, prepared cards or board game, and to enhance the excitement and competitive spirit, we decided to play for desire. And here the question arises: what wish should I make for the loser?

Funny wishes

Sports desires

Alcoholic desires

Vulgar desires

Useful wishes

Extreme Desires

Unusual desires

Wishes for children

  1. You can tell the loser to sit in hockey gloves or goalie gloves for the entire next round of the game. If you don’t have anything similar at hand, you can make “mittens” from toilet paper.

  2. A desire that will cause a lot of laughter among those around you, but will not make your friend happy - to sit through the entire con with an egg in your mouth!

  3. If you play cards, you can force the loser to stand up and say some funny phrase or phrase with a specific intonation at each trump card that appears on the field. For example, “I love cucumbers”, “it seems like mice are rustling somewhere”, “look, geese are flying!”

  4. In the game of desire, make a male player spin a hoop while singing a cheerful and cheerful song, or dance an erotic dance to the Russian folk “Kalinka-Malinka”.

  5. Put a black cloak on your friend and ask him to run around the table at every beat or every trump card and shout: “I am a horror flying on the wings of the night!”

  6. If you need to make a wish for your brutal friend, it will be cute and at the same time funny to ask him to hum children's songs throughout the next con, and even with expression!

  7. When new people join the company. Those who arrived later than the others, you can wish for the player who grants the wish to meet them and, as politely and carefully as possible, help them undress, invite them to the table, saying at the same time: “Come in, dear guests! How I’ve been waiting for you!” At the same time, you can begin to untie the guests’ shoelaces and unfasten the buttons on their coats.

  8. Provided that the fulfillment of desires is not limited to the boundaries of the apartment, invite a friend (especially funny if it is a man) to go home with a large teddy bear and act as if it were alive: fasten it with a seat belt in the car, pay for its ticket on public transport.

  9. Ask the loser to take a photo, maybe a selfie with a taxi driver, saleswoman or minibus driver. Or a selfie with a random passerby.

  10. You can suggest putting socks on your ears and going to the store like that.

  11. The loser can go to the store and confess his love to the seller.

Everyone, absolutely all people love to play, regardless of age! The difference between a child and an adult is only in the stakes. If children most often play for clicks, chips, candies and similar little things, then adults are unlikely to engage in such nonsense. They are already interested in adult games: for money, for undressing or for desire. The last option is the most common, because if money can ruin internal relationships, and nudity is not suitable for every company, then desires for games can be invented even among almost strangers.

Forfeits: rules of the game

Forfeits are the most common wish game after cards. Its rules are easy to remember, but they can be modified depending on the imagination and capabilities of the players; no one is stopping you from offering something new and making adjustments to existing provisions. The main difficulty is to come up with quality and worthy desires for games; everyone understands that sometimes fantasy refuses to work at the most inopportune moment.

So, there are two main forfeits.

1. Playing with papers

Each person writes a task on a piece of paper/cardboard/card, and when everyone is finished, the sheets are shuffled and distributed to the players again. What you get, you need to do. Desires for games can be anything, but the danger of writing a task that is too tricky is that you may end up with your own piece of paper, so each participant needs to think three times before making an outright trick, because the chances of returning their own task, although small, are there.

2. Game with presenters

First, one thing is taken from each player and the host - a forfeit - and hidden, for example, in a hat. It can be anything, but the more valuable, the more interesting: mobile phone, earring, ring, watch, etc. After this, the presenter stands with his back to the participants, and they take turns taking out one forfeit and asking what the person whose item is in the player’s hands should do. The presenter must come up with a task that the owner of the item must complete, while remembering that he himself may be the owner of the item that the participant is holding. After successful completion, the item is returned to the participant.

Tasks for playing forfeits can be varied, ranging from the most banal to truly unusual and original. In addition, most often they depend on how close the rivals are, because not in every company this or that task will be successful. The main desires for playing forfeits are given below and divided into two areas.

Wish list for “your” company

Each game becomes more interesting if it is “heated up” with special rules, for example, a wish. Agree, it is much more pleasant to play in an atmosphere of excitement and fun. Especially when your opponent is a girl who with all her heart wants to defeat you. At such moments, the mind begins to calculate moves much more effectively, repeating over and over again: “You will not lose!”

And here's the happy ending, you win. But the trouble is, you don’t know what kind of wish you can make to a girl... But she is waiting, and mistakes are unacceptable here, because who knows who this girl will become for you in the future.

Based on the number of rounds

So what kind of wish can you make for a girl? Well, let's start with the fact that a lot depends on how many rounds are still ahead. After all, if this is a game of cards, matches or charades, then most likely this is not the last desire. Therefore, you should not rush to come up with an overly cunning plan.

In such cases, you need to relax and take things step by step. Desires should be simple and funny - this will lift the mood well, but will not tire the players too much.

What wish can you make for a girl in this case? Here are some examples of simple and fun tasks:

  • You can make a wish for the image of a famous hero (Pocahontas, Batman, etc.), and the girl must show it. Believe me, such an action will definitely make her smile, but at the same time it will not greatly hurt her pride.
  • You can also make her put socks on her ears (clean ones, of course), and let her sit like that until the end of the next round.
  • As an option, you can consider outdoor tasks. For example, go up to the first person you meet and say something stupid. But such problems are more suitable for playing big company, since running one by one to passers-by quickly gets boring.

Large-scale and long-term desires

But what kind of wish can you make to a girl if she only has one? You can’t get burned here, because who knows, maybe there won’t be a second chance. That's why you should first decide who she is for you.

Let’s say, if she’s just a friend, then you don’t have to be modest and think of something out of the ordinary. For example, become a slave for the whole day, and then force her to do all the dirty work: clean the house, do the laundry, cook. Overall, it all depends on how seriously she takes her promise to fulfill your desire.

You can also come up with a funny task that will amuse you greatly. For example, put skis on her in the summer and take her out into the yard. Or paint your face with black stripes, give you a broom and set the task of standing guard near the entrance for 10-15 minutes.

What wish can you make to your beloved girl?

The situation is completely different when you need to make a wish to the girl who has captured your heart. Indeed, in this case, you need to show your all in order to get the maximum benefit, but at the same time not spoil the relationship. Especially if they are just starting to get started between you.

So what can you come up with?

Firstly, you should use desires that can show the true nature of the chosen one. Let's say you take a fruit (any one will do) and force her to confess her love to him. But it’s not easy to say, “I love you, banana,” and to do it with all sensuality and eloquence.

Secondly, you can encourage her to answer any three questions honestly. In this case, you will need to think carefully about their content. For example, what type of guys she likes, the main qualities of a man, her favorite things, and so on.

Third, use creative thinking. Let your wishes be unusual and extraordinary. For example, ask her to imagine her dream world and have her describe everything that should be in it. If you are there, it means she definitely cares about you.

What kind of vulgar wishes can you make for a girl?

So, the game is nearing the end, the last wish remains, and, as always, there are only vulgarities in my head. Such is the nature of men, and, in fact, women too. What wish can you make to a losing girl? And not just a desire, but something with the flavor of strawberries and chocolate?

Well, you can make such a wish, but there are several nuances that you must remember.

  1. Type of relationship. You should not persuade a girl to dance a striptease if you are not her boyfriend. There is a high probability that the desire will be rejected and the relationship will deteriorate.
  2. Also, you should not put too much pressure, even if the agreement obliges you to fulfill your desire immediately after the game. After all, such tasks for some people can be a test that requires some kind of moral preparation.
  3. Be original and don't repeat yourself. After all, if one kiss on the neck looks funny, then a series of three may seem at least strange.