Rules game dozen. Five movable interesting games with a rope for children. Rules of the game in "Rubber" on the legs

In "101", on the territory of our state they learned even at the beginning of the 20th century. This European game has gained widespread and popularity. Its original name sounds like "Mau-Mau", but we initially called it exclusively as "Czech fool."

Today there are many different variations of this game, each of which wears its name. This is "Pharaoh", "Mavr", "English Fool" and "Pentagon". Details of these games are somewhat different from each other, but not essentially. On how to play "101" in the cards and which nuances exist, it is necessary to figure out more details if only the first game is to be.

Beginning of the game

In order to play in card game "101" will need a standard deck consisting of 36 cards. Playing can at least 2 people and maximum 4. Differences in how to play "101" to the cards - together or four times - does not exist. The sequence of actions is identical. The player making the first move determines the lot, then everyone goes in turn. A man telling a card, respectively and starts the game.

Every 5 cards are distributed, only the distributing gets 4 cards, and the latter turns over and becomes on the con. The deck is set aside without turning it over.

Stroke Game

Rules, how to play cards in "101", simple enough. This game is not associated with a high level of difficulty, but it develops very well attentiveness and memory. So, the person sitting on the left of the first player must make his move. On the card lying on the horse, you need to put the card with the same value or the same way as exactly. If the five cards issued to him are not suitable, then it pulls one card from the deck. In case of failure additional map It remains with him, the move is skipped and passed to another player. In the rules, how to play "101" to the cards, there are features and nuances. This is written below.

So the game of the game continues until one of the players completely drops its cards, after that, all the cards available from the players open and count, points are recorded, and a new distribution should be written. The game lasts until the bill does not reach 101 points. If the player scored exactly 101 points, then his account is reset, but the one who "went over" automatically becomes the loser.


Before playing in the "101" in the card, it should be studied in detail all the features and nuances of this game. Namely, the maps of certain suites and values \u200b\u200ballow several diversion of the game.

So, for example, ace, laid in the suit or another ace, prohibits the next player. It is very profitable when two people play, that is, the right of the next progress remains at what he went and allows him to throw another card.

Ladies are advantageous cards in the distribution, so they can be put on the card with any meaning and on all suit, while the person who launched the lady still has the right to order a suit profitable for him. If in distribution last map. - Lady, then the player who put it, from the account, takes 20 points. And if this lady also peak suits, then 40.

The peak king is also of particular importance. If it is laid out on the con, the next player is obliged to take 4 cards from the deck and skip its move.

If the player put on a nine, he should once again be like, covering a map or another nine or the same Master. Moreover, if such a card does not turn out to be in the hands, it must pull the cards from the deck until the nine will cover its nine.

The seven on the horse will also force the next player to skip his move and get two cards from the deck in the load.

With the sixth, the situation is the same, only one new card is taken from the deck.

Having learned and remembering the rules, how to play cards in "101", you can predict the course of the game and always remain the winner!

Counting points

Each time a new distribution is counting, more precisely, the points remained in the hands of players. The value of each card is such that the ace is gaining the maximum number of points - 11, a dozen, respectively, to its number 10 points. The same comes with eight, seven and six - the number of points directly depends on their number. 4 points are accrued for the king, the lady brings 3, and currency 2 points. The nine when calculating is not taken into account, its value is zero.

If the last map is on the Kona lady, then the player who dropped it, takes 20 points if it peak lady, then takes 2 times more.

With the modern development of computer technology, it is absolutely not necessary to look for the company in order to pass time by cards. You can now easily download the installation file and play "101" to cards with a computer, tablet or smartphone. The game can be conducted with both real people on the network and with virtual players.

Hello, friends! In touch Evgenia Klimkovich! In the yard, summer, our little schoolchildren holidays, it's time to walk, play and have fun. The main thing to know how to do it. And here our parent experience can come in handy. Today I propose to remember about moving games with a jump and tell the kids about them.

Games that I described in the article from my childhood. We played on the street in them often and with pleasure. If you know any other "hoping" fun, then write about them in the comments. Okay? And before moving directly to the games, I want to draw your attention to the benefit they bring to children.

Lesson plan:

The benefits of the rope

The rope is not just a toy. This is a real sports inventory!

It is not by chance that many athletes: both boxers, and volleyball players, and football players, and many others use it in training. This is a simulator who makes the legs strong, and the hands are dexterous.

In addition to this game, the skill is developing coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm, attentiveness. And also beneficially affect the vestibular apparatus. So if yours, be sure to buy a rope and teach him to play with her.

I think that you, dear parents, will not mind to remember how it was and showed your child a couple of steep jumps)

"Fisherman and Fish"

So this game was called in our yard, but other options are also possible, for example, "rod".

"Fisherman" is a leading, and "fish" - all others.

It will take only one jumping. She is in the hands of the lead. The presenter becomes in the middle, and all participants get up around it. The lead, holding a rope for one handle, begins to spin and, accordingly, spin it around him. The other end of the rope flies under the legs of the "Fish".

The task of "fish" is jumping over the rope so that it does not hurt their legs. If hurts, then the "fish" is considered caught and dropped. The winner becomes the last "unbearable fish".

And you can play and without losers and winners. Just one who "caught" takes the place of the lead.

"Hawaiian party"

You can play on this game on the street. It is also great for children's parties, for example, for a birthday. It is more interesting for music. Adult uncle and aunty are also very love to play this game during coprovatims or other entertainment events.

Two leaders hold one rope behind the handles and stand against a friend. First, the rope is at the height of the meter of one and a half. "Hawaiians" stand with each other on the one hand from leading. Their task is under the skipping on the other side, leaning at the same time, and back.

When all participants switched to the other side, the level falls below. Etc. If someone falls or hits the rope during the passage under it, he drops out and can just stand up, look at the rest and dance.

"I know five names ..."

One rope for children will also be quite enough. There is no lead, everyone is players. So, the first participant takes the rope and begins to jump through it, usually on two legs. And during each jump says one word, the text is:

I know five names of girls. Ira - Once, Katya - Two, Mila - Three, Sonya - Four, Masha - Five.

That is, it turns out that you need to jump over this level 15 times over the skill and not mistaken in words and names. If it's still mistaken, then the move goes to the next. Etc.

In addition to the names of girls and boys, you can call the city, rivers, oceans, flowers, planets, but anything! Such a moving and developing game is obtained.


This fun is very similar to gum. It also ten tours. Each round you need to perform a certain exercise. The higher the tour, the more difficult exercise. In one round you need to jump on two legs forward, in the other backwards. You can jump with a cross or on one leg. It all depends on the fiction and skills of playing.

Jump children in turn. If the child is mistaken, the move is transmitted to the following. And so in a circle. Repeated the participant begins to jump from that tour on which he got drunk. The winner is the first one who will pass all 10 rounds.

And it is not necessary at all that the exercises are exactly like me. You can come up with a bunch of yours. The main thing to show fantasy. And already fantasy our kids do not take!

"Slicks with a skipping"

This the game will suit For both younger schoolchildren and preschoolers, because it is not necessary to read anything or manifest anything. This is a very interesting entertainment. On Earth draws a large square. This is a game field, beyond which you cannot pop up. The rope binds to the ring. The master puts on this improvised hoop on himself and, holding it at the level of the waist, is trying to plant players who, naturally, run away from him.

A salted participant joins the lead, climbs into the rope ring. And they are already together trying to plant someone else. Then the third player joins them, then the fourth and so on. The most interesting starts when a man 10 is in this hoop and they are the whole crowd, try to catch someone else. Here you need to be inactive so that the legs do not surrender each other.

These games managed to remember me. I hope you will tell you about children and they will play them with pleasure.

And a few more interesting entertainment With this simple inventory!

And in order to make the children's summer even more interesting and highly recommended also read articles about and vintage.

All are good and interesting to you!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

For all these moving games, a wall is needed. For example, a deaf wall of the house. Or wall for tennis workouts. Very good if the site has asphalt wall. You can play together or a small company - 3-5 people. If there are more people, then too long have to wait for their turn and the guys begin to bored. The ball for games should be sure to be "jumper", elastic. Games are suitable for children from 5-6 to 10-12 years. All presented moving games develop the coordination of movements and dexterity of children.

"Ten" - a mobile game with a ball at the wall for children from 7-8 years

In the game you need to execute 10 tasks - from here and the name is "dozen". For the game you need a "jumping" rubber ball, best of all centimeters 12-15 in diameter. And a deaf wall so as not to get into the glass. The guys take turns perform tasks. The one who was wrong transmits the ball next.
If there is quite a lot of space in front of the wall, then you can play a little differently. On the asphalt in front of the wall draw peculiar classics, as in the picture.

Each task must be performed first "in the first grade", then in the second, etc. When the first task is made in all "classes", the player is returned again "in the first checkout" and performs the second task. By performing tasks, it is impossible to go beyond the rectangle chamber or to attack. The game becomes more difficult and more interesting. There are many different options for the tasks you want to perform.
Exercise-tasks to a moving game with a dozen ball:

  1. Throw the ball so that he hit the wall, and catch with two hands.
  2. Throw the ball so that he hit the wall. While the ball flies to clap your hands, and then catch the ball with two hands.
  3. Throw the ball so that he hit the wall, and catch it with one hand.
  4. Throw the ball so that he hit the wall, turn around him and catch the ball.
  5. Throw the ball so that he hit the wall, and jump over it.
  6. Throw the ball so that he hit the wall, then about the ground, and jump over it.
  7. Throw the ball so that he hits the ground, then about the wall and catch the ball with two hands.
  8. Throw the ball from under the legs so that he hit the wall, and catch him.
  9. Throw the ball, standing back to the wall so that he hit the wall, then turn and catch the ball with two hands.
  10. Throw the ball between the legs, standing back to the wall so that he hit the wall, then turn and catch the ball with two hands.

The one who first will fulfill all the tasks and finish the School.

"Frog" - a movable game with a ball for children from 6-7 years

Children become each other, for a distance of about 2 meters from the wall. The first playing throws the ball about the wall so that he hit the wall, then about the Earth, and jumps over it. At the same time, the child should not hurt the ball. After the jump is perfect, the player runs to the end of the column and becomes the last in the "queue". Standing the second child catches the ball and also throws the ball and jumps through it.
If the child was unable to jump over the ball or threw it with his foot or hand, then becomes the "owner" of the first letter from the word "frog". With the second miscurrent - the second letter, etc. The one who "will gather" the word entirely comes out of the game. The winner is the one who will last longer.
The moving game "Frog" is popular with guys and preschool children and girls 8-12 years. Boys prefer a tougher option with a goat ball "

"Goat" - a movable game with a ball for children from 9-10 years

For this game usually take a soccer ball. The wall must be deaf. Otherwise, the tenants of the first floor risk staying without glasses.
All the guys are built up at a distance of about 2 meters from the wall at each other. The first one in the column kicks the ball so that he hit the wall and immediately runs to the end. The player standing behind him beats the ball bounced off the wall and runs away at the end of the column-queue and so on. If the player does not enter the ball on the wall or flush on the ball, then he is "assigned" the first letter from the word "goat". At the next error - the second letter. And so as long as someone does not make 5 mistakes and does not collect the word entirely.
The one who scored the whole word entirely gets up to the wall face, and the rest of the participants try to get the ball no longer in the wall, but in this "live target." For each hit, one letter is written off. After receiving five "pins" by the ball, the player is completely "cleared" and returns to the game.
There is another version of "write off" of letters, perhaps more humane. The player, "got a goat", tries to prevent breaking through the wall. At the same time he himself stands near the wall, face to other players, becoming a kind of goalkeeper. If he succeeded, he "outweighs" his letter on that of the guys whose throw was unsuccessful.

"Wall" - a movable game with a ball for children from 4-5 years

The lightweight version of the Games "Goat" and "Frog". Children get up each other opposite the wall. One who stands first throws the ball about the wall, runs and gets up. The player who turned out to be the first one must catch the ball, throw in the wall and run to the end of the ranks, etc. If the player was wrong, did not manage to catch the ball, he drops out of the game. As an option of this game - the ball should not be caught, but through it to jump.

Other moving games for children with ball:

"Rubber" is a popular children's game, which kids are amused on school changes and in the evenings in the yard. Simple, like all ingenious, it allows children to improve physical training, develop agility, flexibility and coordination, team and competitive spirit. Surely every child knows how to jump over a rubber. And if you do not know, then you will find the basic rules of the game and popular schemes.

For the game you need a segment of elastic band 2-4 meters. Participants must be at least three. Rubber binds and forms a closed circuit. It stretches on the feet of two participants, and the third starts the game. In the process, the rubber lift on the legs is higher and higher, thus complicating the level of jumps from the most simple in the ankle area to the most difficult - on the belt. If the player correctly performs all the exercises at the previous level, he repeats them on the following. And if the playing is mistaken or knocked down, the course gets the next player, and the previous one is sent to keep the rubber.

There is also an option when there is no threesome, four of them, couples. Then the partner may start performing exercises instead of who made a mistake. The exercises themselves and their sequence in various variations of "rubberry" can be different.

The rules and schemes of jumps may also change. Usually, everything starts the one that the first will say "Our Rules". And further kids can already show all their fantasy, harm and desire to win. Rules are usually reduced to the following:

  • Hooks can be considered a stratum or not reckon. This applies to shoes - a ruin can cling to her belts, scaffolding and so on. Hence the following rule: if the hooks are considered, the shoes can be removed or removed.
  • Locks are considered or not considered. Slipping - this is when the playing in the exercises occurs on the gum, but at the last moment it slips out of the foot.
  • An elastic band can be stopped or stop: She can move from behind the wind, interfering with exercise. Usually in children it is called the "Sea stop".
  • "Hot" Earth and / or People. This means that when the playing falls, he cannot hurt the land and / or people in order to resist.
  • You can or can not be "housing" - to interfere with playing, sick, distract it, pull the gum. These techniques can be used when you need to decide whether there is a place to be a mistake. The phrase "residents will prove" means that the exercise can be "jumping."

Now consider how you can jump into a rubber, using popular Schemes of exercises.

1. "Birch".

Source position - standing sideways to a rubber. First you need to jump over one half, and then through the second so that the rubber band remains between the legs. This action needs to repeat as many times as the player. Then you need to jump over the gum.

2. "Pedestrians".

Source position - standing to a rubber face. It is necessary to jump on the rubberry so that every half of it was pressed by foot to the ground, and after changing the legs.

3. "Steps".

Source position - standing face to a rubber. We jump on her nearest half so that one leg was under it, and the other pressed it to the ground. Then you need to jump over the second half of the elastic, changing the position of the legs. Then you need to jump from the rubberry and repeat the exercise to the other side.

4. "Bow".

You need to get up to a rubber face. Jump to her nearly half so that one leg was located below it, and the other pressed it to the ground. Not letting the gum, jump onto the second half so that the legs are symmetrically located. Then you need to jump out of the gum.


Stand up to a rubber. Jump onto her long half, pressing it with two legs to the ground. Half, which is closer, should cling to the legs. Then you need to jump out of the gum. There is another option in which you need not to jump, and jump over its long-haul.

6. "Sandy".

The initial position is inside a rubber, which is twisted, as if candy. Bill, give the gum to unleash and land on the two half of her half.

7. "Converter" (or "Candy").

Stand sideways to rubber band. Jump with two legs immediately behind her long part, hooking the nearby in the jump. Then jump, free yourself and simultaneously step on two gum. Jump up.

8. "Ship" ("Boat").

You need to start the same way as in the previous exercise. However, when bouncing, it is not necessary to step on the gum - its half should be between the legs. Then crossed the gum first into one, and after the other side. The gum must be located between the legs again. Then you need to jump.

9. "Violet".

The player needs to face one of those holding a rubberry so that its two parts are located between the legs. Then he bounces and the heels occurs on the nearest rubberries. The number of repetitions is like the age of the player.

10. "Pencil".

You need to jump on one leg, as with the usual jump.

11. "Kosyanka".

One foot should be lifted to the near elastic and transfer it to the far. In the jump, turn 180 degrees, without letting the elastic band (the second leg should be located behind a long rubber). You need to jump so that the first, close gum was located between the legs.

12. "Needle".

The gum should remain on one leg holders. The exercise includes two parts:

  • Source position - to a gum. To the foot, you need to pull out a long-haul elastic band so that it has been found in front of the neighbor, come on it with two legs. Then the player jership, giving up a gum, and land on the near elastic band with two legs, not tasty at the same time.
  • Source position - face to a rubber. To the foot, you need to pull out a long-range gum, so that it is located in front of the neighbor, come on it with two legs. Now you need to jump, let go of the gum and land at the same time the near and far elastic band with two legs together.

13. "Treshka".

Every alternately is done by each of the actions, while, every time you need to jump on the spot: at the beginning three times, then two, then one by one. Stand up to the gum sideways, jump three times on the spot, after the first jump, move one leg to the near elastic band (in place three times), then transfer the other, so that as a result, the two legs were between the rubber bands. Also bounce three times in place, then transfer one leg now for the far elastic band (1-2-3 jump). Next, in the jump, you need to turn the other party and continue the same, bouncing already twice. Then in the jump again you need to turn with the other side and jump only once. At the same time, it is important not to get confused when turning and not mistaken in the counting of jumps. Jump at the end only once.

16. "Dozet".

The essence of the "dozen" is that a set of certain exercises is repeated several times. For example, at first there are ten ordinary jumps, then nine oblique, eight "needles", seven "violets", six "birchings", five "Kosnok", four "candies", three "pencil", two "bantas" and one " a pedestrian". Exercises can be different, the essence is at the beginning from ten times.

There is a huge number of variations of exercises. I can introduce additional, for example, very complex levels when the rubber is tensioned to the height of the armpits or even the neck. Having mastered how to jump through the gum on initial levels, the child can continue to improve his skills and fantasy, inventing new exercises and complicating them. "Rubber" is not only useful for the health and development of kids, but they can also help children gain new friends, fun and nice to spend time, feel like a leader.

Jumping with a rope produces light and plastic movements, a sense of rhythm, help strengthen the muscles of the body, make hips and caviar with slender, improve posture.

Pick up the rope for growth. It is necessary to determine the desired length of the jumps like this: become on her middle, legs put on the width of shoulders and stretch the rope along the body - the ends should be at the level of the belt. If the rope is long, you can crush it several times around the brushes.

Jump low, on socks, in the rhythm movement of the rope, so that the jumps are light and spring. Land easily, slightly flexing legs in the knees. And to make a variety of useful activity, We offer you several options for jumping.

Invite your best girlfriend and Ida to the courtyard!


The goal of the game is to go without errors all combinations. If you are mistaken - I will give way to the next, and when it turns the way to jump to you again, start with what he stopped. Wins the one who first passed all the tours.

1 Tour: Source position - take the rope handle in every hand and twist it in the forward direction (in the back in advance).

1. Dozens: Begin in the original position and take 10 jumps on two legs.

2. Nine: Make 9 jumps "goats" - alternating legs, as when running.

3. Eight: Make 8 jumps on the right leg.

4. Seven: Make 7 jumps on the left leg.

5. Gears: scrape legs and take 6 jumps.

6. Pyaterochka: Change the position of the legs and take 5 jumps.

7. Foots: raise socks of both legs and, skipping a rope under them, raise his heels. Making this position 4 times.

8. Trookhki: Take both knobs of the rope to the right hand and, twist the rope close from the surface of the Earth (horizontally), jump over it 3 times.

9. Two: Begin in the starting position, then pitch squat. Twist the rope in the forward direction, take two jumps - "Frog".

10. Units: Begin in the original position, tightening and, crossing at this moment your hands, injections into the resulting ring.

11. Noliki: Do one jump so that the rope does not touch the earth.

2 Tour: Follow all the above combinations, turn the rope in the opposite direction (front back).


Skumps should be all participants in the game. The presenter jumps with a rope, changing every 10 jumps of the way of their execution (crossing and spreading his hands, turn the rope so fast that she managed to do two turns for one jump, etc.). The rest repeat these movements with maximum accuracy. Who is the first made mistaken - he lost, if a leader was mistaken - he becomes a simple player.


This is a game with a large number of participants. For it, a long jump (rope) will be required. Two twist the rope, the rest are jumping at each other. It is necessary to approach the righteous rope as close as possible and, choosing the moment, jump into the place where the rope concerns the Earth, and jump on the other side.

Jump first one time, then two, three ... up to ten. Who will chase the rope, leaves the game, and who will remain the last, becomes the "grinding". It may turn out that, that breaks down and ten times, not one person will remain, but several. Then they negotiate among themselves who will "help out" all the playing out of the game. For this, the "corrupt" should, do not rip the rope, make five "cold" and ten "hot" jumps. "Cold" is when watering rotate the rope at the usual pace, and "hot" - when the rope is absolutes often-often. At the same time, the "cold" and "hot" jumps are made without a break: first, five jumps rope cool slowly and immediately go to "hot" jumping. If the "corrupt" is not mistaken, the game begins at first, if there is a failure of it, turn the rope is the first two who drop out of the game, and the rest - jump after the "burning".