Different types of children of preschool age experience. Types of children's games. Educational games for the development of shallow motility at preschoolers of the senior group

A one-year-old child needs to continue to develop many physical and mental skills, able to notice his abilities. Therefore, it is important not to miss the moment and start to engage in time with the child. And the first thing you need to teach any baby is the game. Games teach him to independence, help completely and know the world, develop perception, thinking, attention, memory, form cultural behavior skills, raise a full-fledged and versatile personality.

Of course, every mother loves to engage with his child. But mostly these classes are held in the area that the most interesting to her. One mother sculpts more and draws with his baby, the other reads. But how to do so as not to miss something important and sufficiently pay attention to different directions in the development of crumbs? After all, around so much information with which the baby needs to be familiar with, and so much a variety of games ...

To do this, you need to systematize games on any principle. For example, the kindergarten workers have a list of major classes that they should spend with one-year-old children during the week: the world and development of speech, development of movements, work with building material and didactic material, musical lesson.

Of course, at home to stick and observe such a strict schedule is very difficult. Therefore, we want to offer you a simple plan-tip on the systematization of games. With it, you can, depending on your mood and desire, choose several games and classes today, and next time - choose tasks from other sections, and so day after day, in your own mode.

Main types of games used with children 1-2 years

Outdoor games

Sport games

Game on musical instruments, guessing that sounds, singing and sinking, dancing to the music.

Poetic games (physical attacks, finger games, dance, marches)

  • fizkultminthki "Bunny Serious Sitting", "Bear Kosolapiy" ,;
  • : "This finger is mom", "Ladushka - ladies", "Forty - Beloboka",;
  • : "How to our name", "Mice will drive a dance", "blow, bubble", "Bunny walked, walked,", "grandmother sowed peas", marches: "Big feet walked along the road", etc.

Speech reading and development

Dramatic games

Touch games with wooden balls and cubes, pyramids, cups, jars, bars, with water, etc.

Scene games with dolls and: feed, dress, combing, swim, put to sleep, pour; Scene-thematic games: "Shop", "Doctor", "Construction", "My dishes", "talking by phone", etc.

Educational games for the development of attention, memory, thinking

"Paired pictures", "," Who played on? "," We divide the items into two groups "," Find the same objects "," remove an extra object ",

A huge role in the development and education of the child belongs to the game - the most important type of childhood activity. It is an effective means of forming the identity of the child, his moral volitional qualitiesThe game is being implemented by the need for the world. V.A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that "the game is a huge bright window through which a lifeful flow of ideas is poured into the spiritual world of the child, the concepts of the environment. The game is a spark, igniting the light of delusivity and curiosity. "



Types and forms of the game in preschool age

A huge role in the development and education of the child belongs to the game - the most important type of childhood activity. It is an effective means of forming the identity of the younger student, its moral and volitional qualities, the need for the need for the world is being implemented in the game. V.A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that "the game is a huge bright window through which a lifeful flow of ideas is poured into the spiritual world of the child, the concepts of the environment. The game is a spark, igniting the light of delusivity and curiosity. "

Game - almost the main attribute of childhood. This is the main activity of a child who arises from him spontaneously, without any appeals and educational influences of adults, and carries him as nothing else

Due to the variety of children's games, it turns out to be difficult to determine the initial grounds for their classification.
In each theory of the game, those criteria are offered that correspond to this concept. So, F. Fabell, being the first among teachers who put forward the program of the game as a special educational agent, the basis of its classification was laid the principle of differentiated influence of games for the development of mind (mental games), external senses ( touch games), movements (motor games).

The characteristic of the species of games for their pedagogical value is also a German psychologist K. Gross: games are movable, mental, sensory, developing will be related to K. Gossom to "Games of ordinary functions". The second group of games, according to his classification, make up "Games of special functions". These games are exercises to improve instincts ( family Games, game hunting, courtship, etc.).

In the domestic preschool pedagogy there was a classification of children's games, based on the degree of independence and creativity of children in the game. Initially, P.F.Lesgaf approached the classification of children's games for such a principle, later his idea was developed in the works of N.K. Public.

P.F.Lesgaf believed that pre-school age is a period of imitation of new impressions and their awareness through mental labor. He divided children's games into two groups: imitation (imitative)and mobile (games with rules).

In the works of N. K. Krupskaya children's games are divided into two groups on the same principle as at P. F. Lesgaft, but are called a little differently: games invented by the children themselves and games invented by adults. The first majors called creative,emphasizing them main feature - independent character. This name has been preserved in traditional for domestic pre-school pedagogy classification of children's games. Another group of games in this classification make up games with rules. It would be mistaken to imagine that there are no rules regulating the relationship between playing; Ways to use gaming material. But these rules, firstly, determine the children themselves, trying to streamline the game (after the game everyone will clean the toys; when conspiring the game you need to listen to everyone who wants to play), secondly, some of them are hidden. So, the children refuse to take into the game of the child, because he always covers a quarrel, "prevents playing", although they do not negotiate the rule "will not take into the game who quarrels." Thus, in creative games, the rules are necessary for streamlining activities, its democratization, but they are only the condition for the successful embodiment of the plan, the development of the plot, the fulfillment of roles. In games with fixed rules (movable, didactic), children show creativity, inventing new options using a new gaming material, connecting several games in one, etc.

IN last years The problem of the classification of children's games began to attract close attention of scientists.

With all the variety of games, you can select multiple types:

  • Sensor games: Move movements aimed at obtaining interesting sensations for a child. Such games prevail in the first 2-3 years of life. For example: rattles, blows with any objects about each other, the desire to fit into the puddle, go out in the mud.
  • Scene games imply such actions with objects that illustrate a specific plot borrowed from real lifeand from a fairy tale, cartoon, etc. Carrying machines, feed and laying sleeping doll, build a city from sand - examples of such games. The faster of this is developing in 3-4 years, but they do not disappear and later, meeting sometimes even in adults.
  • Role-playing games: Here children take on certain roles, the position of a person in society and reproduce those models of behavior that they consider them. This may be, for example, positions associated with labor activity, the role of soldiers and officers in hostilities, etc. These games are most significant for the development of a child aged 4-6 years.
  • Games with rules are artificial situations, often do not have direct and obvious parallels with a real life in which people act on the basis of pre-formulated rules. Most often it is accompanied by a contest.

The new classification of children's games, developed by S.L.Nozelova, is presented in the program "The origins: a basic program for the development of a preschooler." The classification is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bwhether games (child or adult) arise on whose initiative.

Allocate three classes of games:

1. Games arising from the child's initiative (children) - independent games:

a) experimental game;

b) independent scene games:

Plot - displayed;




2. Games arising from an adult initiative who introduces them with educational and educational purposes:

a) Educational games:


Plotically didactic;


b) leisure games:


Entertainment games;


Festive carnival;

Theatrical stage;

3. Games coming from the historically established traditions (folk), which may arise on the initiative, both adults and older children:

traditional or folk (historically they underlie many games belonging to training and leisure).

Creative games include games in which the child shows his fiction, initiative, independence. Creative manifestations of children in the gamea varied: from coming up with the plot and the content of the game, finding ways to implement the plan before reincarnation in the roles defined by the literary work. Depending on the naturecreativity of children, from gaming material used ingames, creative games are divided into directorial, plot roles.

Games with rules - a special group of games specifically created by folk or scientific pedagogy to solve certain tasks of learning and raising children. These are games with finished content, with fixed rules that are an indispensable component of the game. Training tasks are implemented through gaming actions The child when performing any task (find, to say, on the contrary, catch the ball, etc.).

Depending on the nature of the learning task of the game, the rules are divided into two large groups - didactic and movable, which, in turn, are classified taking into account different grounds. Didactic games are divided into content (mathematical, natural, speechet al.), according to didactic material(games with objects and toys, wall-printed, verbal).

Moving games are classified according to the degree of mobility.(Small, medium, big mobility games),according to prevailing movements(Games with jumps, with fuseset al.), on subjects,which are used in the game (playing ball, with ribbons, with hoopsand etc.).

Among the didactic and mobile games there are plot games in which the players perform the roles ("cats-mouses", "Souvenir shop"), and immutable ("wand-coronary", "What has changed?" And others).

In games with the rules of the child attracts game process, the desire to perform gaming actions, achieve the result, win. But this gameplay is mediated by a task (do not just shift the pictures, and place them in pairs, pick up on a certain sign; not just run, but run away from the fox). And this makes the behavior of a child arbitrary. As A.N. rightly noted. Leontyev, master the rules of the game - it means to master your behavior. It is exactly the fact that in games with the rules, a child learns to manage their behavior, defines their educational significance.

In terms of moral developmentD. B. Elkonin highlighted in games with the rules of those in which there is a double task.So, in the game in Napta, the child can catch the ball to return to the player's circle, "felling" earlier. So, the behavior in the game is sent by a double task: having sacrificed himself from the ball, and catch the ball to help a friend who got the ball. The actions of the child can only be limited to a clever run, but he sets himself and another goal - to help a friend, although it is associated with risk: if an attempt to catch the ball will fail to leave the circle of playing. Thus, in games with a double task, a child on his own initiativehelp the comrade and rejoices when it succeeds. In real life, such situations are not often addressed, and the behavior of children is more often sent by the verbal instructions of the teacher: "Help Artem to tie a scarf"; "Help Lisa remove cubes." Friendly solidarity such instructions are difficult to raise. Another thing - games with rules requiring mutual assistance participants, especially if they act and compete ("Whose link will soon build a house?", Play games).

It is in the game that children learn to interact, negotiate and coordinate their actions, discuss the results, plan joint efforts to achieve a common goal. The acquired cooperation skills are further transferred to other productive activities (joint drawing, design).

Children's Garden game

The leading activity of children from 3 to 7 years is - the game.
It is during this period that the role of themselves is happening.
The game is the most effective method. cognitive activity. The game creates a positive emotional background, on which all mental activities take place and develops most actively (memory, attention, thinking, imagination).
The teacher should always remember that involuntary attention prevails in children. They are only able to focus on what they like, and not on what "need" teacher. The physiologist of Sechenov said: "The child is always right, only an adult, whose program is not interested in the child can be."
But the game is interesting to the child almost always, it is a form of a child's social life. Children combine games at will, act independently, carry out their plans and know the world.
L.S. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin considered the game as the most important and most effective form of the socialization of the child. Self game activity Promotes the physical and mental development of each child, the upbringing of moral, volitional qualities, creative abilities. Children should be able to independently organize a variety of games, negotiate, comply with the terms of the game and the rules. This should teach them a teacher.
Teacher's task:create a glass environment to organize all kinds of games in class M in independent activities.
Speaking about the periodization of games, you can allocate:
1. The subject game in which the child reproduces the actions with the subjects, imitating adults (1-3 years)
2. Scene - role-playing game (4-5 years old)
3. Game with rules (5-7 years)
4. Theatrical game
5. Finding game
6. Didactic game (Basic form of organized training in preschool age)
The value of the game for mental Development The child is large, as the development takes place:
1. Arbitration of behavior and mental processes
2. Motivational - the needs of the sphere (orientation in the field of human relations)
3. The ideal plan of consciousness (the transition from thinking in actions to thinking in terms of representations, to the actual mental action)
4. Overcoming cognitive egocentrism (analysis of their actions, actions. Motives)
5. Development of feelings
6. Inside the game there are other activities
These are photos of my pupils in the younger, medium group.

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Briefly focus on the classification of educational game tasks

  1. Developing games for sensory abilities of preschoolers. These include games for the development of the color, visual and tactile perception, recognition of geometric shapes and sizes, with this rather complex configurations.
  2. Games developing small motility. For example, sketching and circuit of figures and different patterns. This can be done using various stencils. It also appropriate to note the developing graphic games.
  3. Tasks and exercises for the development of basic mental processes that include memory, attention. It can be modifications of the game "What has changed?".
  4. Games, developing the child's thinking. In such a series of games, the preschooler develops ability to analyze, synthesis, spatial imagination, logical thinking. In such a game, as a rule, laid at the initial stage mathematical views, such mental operations are developing as classification and generalization. In total in the process of games that are aimed at inventing a variety of characters, abstract thinking is formed.
  5. You can also note the educational games that form fantasy, speech, etc.

Educational games for the development of shallow motility at preschoolers of the senior group

Game "Handing".
Purpose: Develop a shallow motorcycle.

Gaming material and visual manuals: Pictures with animals, gaming clock.

Description: Children sit in a circle, getting around the picture without showing them to each other. Everyone should describe his animal without calling it, by this plan:

  1. Appearance.
  2. What is powered by.

For the game used "Game Watches". First, turn the arrow. To whom she will indicate, he starts the story. Then the rotation of the arrow determine who should guess the described animal.

The game "Compare Items".

Objectives: develop observation; Expand the dictionary due to the names of parts and parts of items, their qualities.

Game material and visual manuals: Things (toys) are the same by name, but differ in some signs or details, for example: two buckets, two apron, two shirts, two spoons, etc.

Description: The educator reports that kindergarten Brought the parcel: "What is it?" It takes things: "Now we carefully consider them. I will tell about one thing, and someone from you is about another. We will tell us in turn. "

For example:

  1. I have an elegant apron.
  2. I have a worker apron.
  3. It is white in red polka dots.
  4. And my - dark blue.
  5. My decorated with lace ruffles.
  6. And my - red ribbon.
  7. This apron on the sides of two pockets.
  8. And this is one big on the chest.
  9. On these pockets - pattern of flowers.
  10. And this is drawn tools.
  11. This apron is covered on the table.
  12. And this one is put on to work in the workshop.

The game "Who Who was or what was what".

Objectives: intensify the dictionary; Expand the knowledge of the environment.

Description: Who or the earlier chicken was? (Egg.) And horse (foal), frog (thawastic), butterfly (caterpillar), shoes (skin), shirt (cloth), fish (eggs), cabinet (board), bread (flour), bike (iron), Sweater (wool), etc.?

The game "Name as more objects as possible."

Objectives: intensify the dictionary; Develop attention.

Description: Children become in a row, they are invited to call the items that surround them.

Calling the word makes a step forward. Wins the one who correctly and clearly pronounced the words and called a larger number of items without repeating.

Game "pick up rhyme."

Purpose: develop a phonmematic hearing.

Description: The teacher explains that all words sound differently, but there are sounding among them. Offers help pick a word.

On the way there was a bug,

Song sang in the grass ... (cricket).

You can use any poems or individual rhymes.

The game "Name part of the subject."

Objectives: enrich the dictionary; Develop the ability to relate the subject and its part.

Game material and visual aids: pictures with the image of the house, truck, wood, birds.

Description: The tutor shows pictures:

1st Option: Children in turn call parts of items.

2nd option: Each child gets a drawing and calls all parts itself.

Educational games for learning a letter of preschoolers of the senior group

Game "Find out who do what sounds?"

Gaming material and visual aids: a set of substantive pictures (beetle, snake, saw, pump, wind, mosquito, dog, steam locomotive).

Description: The tutor shows a picture, children call the item depicted on it. To the question "How Saws Slap, buzzes a beetle and so on." The child is responsible, and all children reproduce this sound.

Objective: Develop an auditory perception.

Description: Driving becomes back to children, and all of them choir read a poem, the last line of which is pronounced one of the children to indicate the educator.

If the leading guessing it, the specified child becomes leading.

Approximate material:

  1. We will play a little bit like you listen, find out.
    Try, guess who called you, find out. (Name of the leading.)
  2. To us cuckoo in the garden flew and sings.
    And you, (the name of the leading), do not yawny, who is dug, guess!
  3. I sat down on the fence, shouted on the whole courtyard.
    Listen, (the name of the leading), do not yawn, who is a rooster with us, find out!

Game "Guess the sound."

Purpose: to work out the clarity of articulation.

Description: The lead pronounces the sound of himself, clearly articulating. Children on the movement of the leading leads are guessing the sound and pronounce it out loud. Guessing first becomes the lead.

The game "Who has a good rumor?".

Purpose: Develop a phonmematic hearing, the ability to hear the sound in the word.

Gaming material and visual aids: a set of subject pictures.

Description: The tutor shows the picture calls it. Children clap your hands if they hear the sound studied.

At the later stages, the teacher may silently show a picture, and the child speaks the name of the picture to himself and reacts the same way.

The tutor notes correctly determined the sound and those who could not find it and perform the task.

The game "Who lives in the house?".

Purpose: Develop the ability to determine the availability of sound in the word.

Game material and visual aids: a house with windows and a pocket for lad out pictures, a set of object pictures.

Description: The educator explains that only beasts (birds, pets) live in the house, in the names of which there are, for example, the sound [l].

We must put these animals in the house. Children call all animals depicted in the pictures and choose those among them, in the names of which there is a sound [l] or [l '].

Each correctly selected picture is rated by the game chip.

Approximate material: hedgehog, wolf, bear, fox, hare, elk, elephant, rhino, zebra, camel, lynx.

The game "Who is more?".

Purpose: develop the ability to hear the sound in the word and relate it to the letter.

Gaming material and visual manuals: a set of known letters of letters, subject pictures.

Description: Each child is heard a card with one of the letters known to children. The tutor shows the picture, children call the displayed item. The chips gets one who will hear the sound corresponding to his letter. Wins the larger chips.

The game "Vertolin".

Purpose: Develop the ability to select words starting with the specified sound.

Gaming material and visual manuals: two plywood discs superimposed on each other (the lower disk is fixed, the letters are written on it; the upper disk rotates, it is cut narrow, wide with the letter, sector); chips.

Description: Children in turn rotate the disk. The child must name the word on the letter on which the Skit sector stops.

Committed task properly gets a chip. At the end of the game, the number of chips is calculated, the winner is determined.

The game "Logo".

Purpose: develop the skills to highlight the first sound in the syllable, relate it to the letter.

Game material and visual manuals: a large lotto card, divided into four squares (in three of them images of objects, one square empty) and card-tires with studied letters for each child; For the leading set of individual small cards with images of the same items.

Description: The presenter takes from a set of the top picture and asks who has this subject.

A child having a lotto card this picture calls the subject and the first sound in the word, after which it closes the picture with the card with the corresponding letter. Wins the one who is first closed all the pictures on the lotto card.

Approximate material: stork, duck, duck, tail, som. Rose, lamp, etc.

The game "Chain".

Purpose: develop the ability to allocate the first and last sound in the word.

Description: One of the children calls the Word, next to the sitting picks up a new word where the initial sound is the last sound of the previous word. Continues the next child of a number, etc.

The task of the series: Do not break the chain. The game can pass as a competition. The winner will be the series that the longer "pulled" the chain.

The game "Where the sound hid?"

Purpose: Develop the ability to install a sound place in the word.

Game material and visual manuals: the educator has a set of subject pictures; Each child has a card separated by three squares, and a colorful chip (red with a vowel sound, blue with consonants).

Description: The teacher shows the picture, calls the item depicted on it. Children repeat the word and indicate the place of the sound under study in the word, closing one of the three squares on the card, depending on where the sound is: at the beginning, middle or end of the word. Win those who correctly placed the chip on the card.

The game "Where is our home?"

Purpose: Develop the ability to determine the number of sounds in the word.

Gaming material and visual manuals: a set of substantive pictures, three houses with pockets and a number on each (3, 4, or 5).

Description: Children are divided into two teams. The child takes the picture, calls the item depicted on it, considers the number of sounds in the spoken word and inserts a picture into pockets with a digit corresponding to the number of sounds in the word.

Representatives of each team come out in turn. If they are wrong, they are corrected by children of another team. For each correct response, the point is counted, the winners are considered to be the row, whose players will raise more points. This game can be carried out individually.

Approximate material: com, ball, catfish, duck, fly, crane, doll, mouse, bag.

The game "Wonderful Pouch".

Gaming material and visual manuals: bag of motley fabric with various subjects, in the names of which two or three syllables.

Description: Children in order are suitable for the table, remove the subject from the bag, call it.

The word is repeated in syllables. The child calls the number of syllables in the word.

Telegraph game.

Objective: Develop the ability to divide words to syllables.

Description: Pedagog says: "Guys, now we will play Telegraph. I will call words, and you will be transferred them in turn on the telegraph to another city. "

The first word of the teacher says in syllables and accompanies each syllable with cotton. Then he calls the word, and the caused child independently pronounces it in syllables, accompanying cotton.

If the child has incorrectly fulfilled the task, the telegraph breaks: all children begin to shit in his hands, spoiled telegraph can be fixed, that is, pronounce the word correctly in the syllables and swell.

Educational games in mathematics for children of the senior group

The game "Be attentive".

Purpose: Fasten the ability to distinguish between objects in color.

Game material and visual aids: Flat images of items of different colors: red tomato, orange carrots, green tree, blue ball, purple dress.

Description: Children stand in a semicircle in front of the board, on which flat items are placed.

Pedagogue, calling the subject and its color, raises hands up. Children do the same. If the color is called the teacher incorrectly, children should not raise hands up.

He who raised his hands loses phanta. When playing the phantom children, you can offer tasks: to name several red items, to say what color items on the top shelf of the cabinet, and so on.

The game "Compare and Fill".

Objectives: Develop the ability to carry out visual-thought analysis; Fasten ideas about geometric shapes.

Game material and visual manuals: a set of geometric shapes.

Description: Play two. Each of the players should carefully consider its nameplate with images of geometric shapes, find a pattern in their location, and then fill empty cells with a question mark, putting the necessary figure in them.

Wins one who correctly and quickly cope with the task. The game can be repeated, placing a different shape and signs of the question.

The game "Fill empty cells".

Objectives: Fix the idea of \u200b\u200bgeometric figures; Develop the ability to compare and compare two groups of figures, find distinctive features.

Gaming material and visual benefits: geometric figures (Circles, squares, triangles) of three colors.

Description: Play two. Each player should examine the location of the figures in the table, paying attention not only to their shape, but also on the color, to find a pattern in their location and fill empty cells with the signs of the question.

Wins one who correctly and quickly cope with the task. Then players can swap signs. You can repeat the game, in a different position in the table shapes and signs of the question.

Game "Wonderful Glass".

Purpose: to learn to determine the place of the specified subject in the numerical row.

Game material and visual aids: 10 cups from under yogurts, a small toy placed in a cup.

Description: Each cup paste the figure, choose a leading, it must turn away. During this time, hide under one of the cups toy. Driving turns and guess, under what cup toy is hidden. He asks: "Under the first cup? Under the sixth? " Etc., until he forth.

You can answer the prompts: "No, more", "no, less."

The game "Holiday in the zoo".

Purpose: learning to compare the number and number of items.

Gaming material and visual manuals: Soft toys, countable sticks (buttons).

Description: Put an animal toys in front of a child. Suggest to "feed them".

The educator calls the number, and the child lay out before each toy the desired number of sticks (buttons).

The game "Long Renomer".

Purpose: Fasten the concepts "Length", "Width", "Height".

Game material and visual manuals: paper strips.

Description: The teacher makes any item (for example, a cabinet) and makes a narrow paper strip equal to its width.

To find a gueau, a child will need to compare the width of different items located in the room, with a strip length. Then you can make another object, measuring its height, and the next, measuring its length.

Game "pass to the gate."

Game material and visual manuals: cards, "gates" with the image of numbers.

Description: Cards with different numbers of circles are distributed.

To go into the "Gate", everyone needs to find a pair, that is, the child, the number of circles of which in the amount with circles on its own card will give a number shown on the "gate".

The game "Talk numbers".

Purpose: fix direct and countdown.

Game material and visual manuals: cards with numbers.

Description: Children "Numbers" receive cards and become each other in order. "Number 4" says "Number 5": "I am less than one". " What did the "number 5" responded "Number 4"? And what did "Number 6" said?

The game "Do not yaw!".

Objectives: Consider account knowledge from 1 to 10, the ability to read and record numbers.

Game material and visual manuals: numeric cards, phantas.

Description: Children are distributed cards with numbers from 0 to 10. The teacher tells the fairy tale in which different numbers are found. At the mention of the number that corresponds to the digit on the card, the child must raise it.

Who did not have time to quickly fulfill this action, he loses (he must give Phanti).

At the end of the game, the "redemption" of the phantom (solve the task, the task, jog, guess the riddle and others).

Summer Camp Material

Man is a "man playing", Homo Ludens.

The game is one of the activities of a person. The game can be considered as an unintentional self-study.

The main functions of the game in the life of a person

  • The exercise. The game uses indicative and research activities, which makes it possible to identify and consolidate the optimal forms of behavior in various life situations. The game serves as an exercise in all kinds of human activity - physical, artistic, intellectual, social, educational, etc.
  • Change relationship with reality. The game simulates conditions other than working conditions in real reality. In fact, a person carries out real activities with a real responsibility for its results. For a child, the game provides the ability to choose and taking responsibility, which is for him the most significant in the game. The phenomenon of this quality of the game is that for children the game creates the ability to simulate the conditions of real reality, and adults, on the contrary, gives you the opportunity to "leave" from these conditions.
  • Emotional state management method. Emotions reflect the degree of satisfaction of human needs. At the same time, emotional states can be created without directly inclusion in activities. The game is one of the most effective emotional state management methods. Due to its meaningful functions in a person's life, the game is a powerful means of influencing it.

Game value for a child

  • Self-analysis. In the game, the child constantly compares himself with other children, compares, analyzes and on the basis of this analysis corrects its behavior. This applies not only to his physical qualitiesBut also such as mind, courage, sociability.
  • Achieving emotional intimacy. The game gives more opportunities to achieve an important emotional intimacy for a child by involving it in jointly significant activities.
  • Development of prognostic functions. In the game, the child develops important prognostic functions of behavior. For a child, it is very difficult to assume the results of your actions and activities as a whole, since mostly their result is assigned to an indefinite future, while the result of the game is known in the "near future."
  • Acquisition of social experienceIn the game, the child acquires the experience of establishing conflicts, the equitable distribution of the results of joint activities, the experience of the distribution of social roles.
  • Development of imagination. The game develops the imagination of the child. This feature of the game is especially important for children. preschool age. Imagination allows the child to acquire experience, establishing the relationship between objects and the phenomena of reality.
  • Overcoming complexes and fears. In the game, children are easier to overcome their own fears, since the simulated reality is controlled by those who modifies it.
  • Feeling of the fullness of own being. One of the most important problems for a teenager is his alienation from the world of adults. This world is incomprehensible, mysterious, banned and at the same time attractive. The game contributes to the creation of children of its special world, different from the world of adults. In this world, there are its own rules, traditions, their own language, secrets, secrets, special relationships. In the emotionally and psychological sense, the presence of such a special world equalizes adults and children.

Value of the game for an adult

Among the values \u200b\u200bof the game for an adult, in addition to those listed, you should specify the possibility manipulative impact on other people. The game often becomes a tool in the hands of fraudsters and adventurers. Also highlights game component in real activity adult man. Under the game component means actions that only imitate genuine, real, responsible relations with the outside world.

Classification of games

  • At the place and conditions. Movable outdoors, indoor, computer, etc.
  • For the purpose of the. Training, test, trainings, educational, entertainment, gambling, etc.
  • Complex games.
    • Plot role-playing games . This game is based on a scenario, the plot, according to which the participants are distributed. The basis of such a game can be book plots.
    • Thematic role-playing games. Games in which the plot is developing independently, but only the game of the game is asked (for example, the game "In War").

Small games

Prix \u200b\u200bfeatures:

  • Free developing activities
  • With creative purpose.
  • Emotional elevation.
  • The presence of direct and indirect rules.

Game classifications:

  • By the content of the tasks:
    1. for acquaintance
    2. for cohesion
    3. practical jokes
    4. cognitive
    5. entertaining
  • Form: - Dancing
    1. intellectual
    2. relay
    3. trainings
  • At the place of the following:
    1. on air
    2. in water
    3. in room
  • By number of participants:
    1. individual
    2. team
  • According to the composition of the participants:
    1. age
    2. by gender sign
  • By speed and time:
    1. seasonal
    2. minute games
    3. short-term
    4. long
  • According to the degree of activity:
    1. low-moving
    2. movable
    3. "Sitting"
  • According to the presence of requisition
    1. with requisite
    2. without requisite
  • In terms of organization:
    1. spontaneous
    2. managed
    3. spontaneous

Game tasks:

  • Joy of communication
  • Development of imagination
  • Education of determination

The game occupies a special place in the life and activities of children, facilitates the process of transmitting socially valuable relationships, makes it possible to join communication, makes it possible to learn how to lose the complex life situations that will be faced with the future. Through the game a team is created, the rules of behavior and relationships in the team are built through the game. Games are developing creative skillsThe game is an excellent tool for you in working with a children's temporary team and most importantly - to learn this tool to use. To correctly pick up the game, you need to answer a number of questions:

1. What is the goal of the game or, in other words, for what you spend it:

  • creating and developing a team;
  • detection and development of talents and abilities (intellectual - cognitive games, sport games, exercises for removing the clamps);
  • take a pause.

2. Age to which you are going to spend the game:

  • jr,
  • medium junior
  • middle senior
  • teenage.

Many games are interesting for older children kids will seem very complex and, on the contrary, many games that kids are glad, they will not be interesting for the elders.

3. Conditions that you have for the game:

  • room or street
  • territory of movement,
  • opportunity to sit in a circle
  • assembly Hall,
  • playground.

4. At what stage is the formation of the team:

  • acquaintance
  • building structure
  • change or confirmation of the structure,
  • decay.

Agree, it is unreasonable to play in the middle of shifts to the games for acquaintance, and with the first meeting to conduct elements of the rope course.

5. Number of participants of the game:

  • up to 10 people
  • up to 20 people
  • up to 30 people
  • up to 40 people, and more ...

6. What stationery and sports goods you have:

  • paper, Pen, Clip, Markers
  • balls, hoops, rope
  • sand, algae, pebbles

7. How much free time you have for the game:

  • 5 minutes,
  • 10 minutes,
  • 30 minutes,
  • 2 hours

8. What is the result of the game you need:

  • winners
  • nomination
  • oK,
  • deep Scan.

Under any of the specified parameters you can choose the game. There are games that require preparation and therefore, when planning your work with a partner, pick up games in advance the next day and do not forget to lay the time to prepare if it is needed. The ability to properly conduct a shift planning, day, the games will be an important assistant for you not only in therapy work, but also in life.