Download the rules of the uno game. Card game "Uno". The rules of the game in "Uno. Uno rules and technique

Uno is card game invented in America. From Italian Uno, translated as "one". The game does not require a high level of strategic skills, it is not difficult, it can be played by two to ten people. Let's consider the concepts of the game in more detail.

Uno card game - rules

The game uses 108 cards:

  • Cards of four colors - blue, red, green and yellow, which are numbered from zero to nine (76 cards in total, two for each color from one to nine, and a set of zeros). In the game, these cards are referred to as ordinary cards.
  • Eight cards called "take two", eight more called "turn back", and eight more "pass the move", two for each color. These cards are called action cards.
  • Four more “order color” cards, four “Take 4” cards, on a black background, also action cards.
  • There are also four white blank cards that are used to replace lost cards or to introduce additional rules.

Uno - the rules of the game

  • Before starting the game, the dealer must be determined. To do this, the players draw a card from the deck, whoever has the larger card becomes the dealer
  • After determining the dealer, seven cards are dealt to all players. At the end of the distribution, the top card is turned upside down, and the game begins with it. If an action card is dropped at the top of the deck (except for “take four”), then the player who is located clockwise from the dealer performs the action described on the card. If a “Take four” card falls out, it goes back into the deck, and a new card comes up.
  • The order of moves is distributed clockwise
  • Each player, on his turn, must put one card on the playing deck, but only if his card matches the top card of the deck in color or number. If the player does not have such a card, he draws another card from the deck, which is no longer necessary to put on the deck, regardless of whether it is suitable or not. Cards with a black background can be placed on the deck, regardless of the difference.
  • If the card "turn back" fell out, the next player to move is located counterclockwise.
  • When the cards in the deck run out, the top one is removed. this moment card, the rest is shuffled and a new deck begins.
  • The person who has two cards left, moreover, that he is now making a move, must say "Uno"! until the next player moves clockwise.
  • The game ends after the player has put on the deck last card... Then the points of all cards remaining in the hands of the remaining players are counted. Per simple cards points are being awarded at the face value of the pictures, that is, for a card with number 9, 9 points are awarded, for action cards on a colored background 20 points are awarded, on a black background - 50 points. All points are added and recorded on the account of the player who put his last card on the deck.
  • Uno's rules may vary, and the game can be finished with 500, 1000 or more points, depending on the agreement.
  • It is also possible that the points are recorded by each player separately. As a result, whoever reaches 500 first loses

Action card assignments

  • Empty - the use of the card is by agreement, for example, the card is “empty”, draw 8 cards.
  • Draw two - the next player clockwise takes two cards from the deck and skips
  • Backward move - the game starts not clockwise, but counterclockwise. The card is valid for one turn, that is, from the next turn, players play clockwise
  • Order color - the player who draws this card orders the color to the next player, who must make a move with the indicated color card, or with a card on a black background
  • Take four - the player who draws a card orders the color, the next player clockwise must take four cards from the deck and skip the move, the player who is further clockwise than the player who missed the move must either play the card of the color indicated by the first player, or card on a black background. It is possible to use a “take four” card only if the player does not have a card of a suitable color to put it on the game deck.


How to play Uno, and without penalties? It is not interesting! Here's a list:

  • If any player, after putting his penultimate card on the playing deck, and until the time when the next player came around, does not say “Uno!”, Then he takes two more cards from the deck.
  • If a player prompted another player which card to play, or which one to play, that is, prompted him, for any purpose for himself, then such a player must take two more cards from the game deck.
  • If a player put a card on the playing deck that does not fit, that is, cheated, and this was noticed, then such a player takes two cards from the playing deck.
  • If a player played a “take four” card, and the next player, who needs to take four cards, doubts the honesty of the player who put the “take four” card, then he may demand that the latter show him his cards. If in his cards, there is a card of a color that is suitable for making this card look like a game deck, that is, he cheated that the next player would take four cards, then he takes 4 cards from the deck. If the player who played the “take four” card does not have a suitable card to play, then the player who decided to check this player, draws two more in addition to his four cards.

The game is quite interesting and addictive, I hope you figured out how to play Uno, and now you will have the opportunity to while away rainy evenings in the company of friends for this wonderful game!

Uno is an American card game. The name is translated from Italian and Spanish as "one". The game was patented in 1971 by Merle Robbins, and today the rights to this trademark belong to Mattel.

Number of players: from 2 to 10. 6-8 players are best.

Game time: from 20 minutes.

Task: Be the first to discard your cards. At this point, this round ends and the points are counted on the cards remaining in the hand.

Determining a Winner or Loser

You can calculate points in two ways - as you like.

  • The player who was the first to get rid of his cards is awarded the amount of points remaining in the hands of all other players. And so in every round. The winner is the one who, according to the results of several rounds, gains 500 points. This option stimulates exactly to win the round, that is, to be the first to fold your cards.
  • The players are recorded with points calculated by the cards remaining in their hands (the player who first got rid of his cards gets zero points). And so in every round. The loser is the one who, according to the results of several rounds, scores 200 points, the rest are the winners. This option encourages people to fold the most "expensive" cards.

Varieties of cards and their number

There are 108 cards in the deck.

Digital cards

"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" in four colors.

Cards "0", one of each color. All other numbers are double. Total: 4 zeros + (9 numbers × 4 colors × 2 pieces) = 76 cards.

  • "Skip Turn";
  • "+2 cards";
  • "Change of direction".

Each card with a picture of 4 colors in double quantity. Total: 3 pictures × 4 colors × 2 pieces = 24 cards;

Black active cards

  • "Change of color";
  • "Change of color and +4 cards".

4 cards of each type. Total: 2 varieties × 4 pieces = 8 cards.

"Cost" of cards

  • Digital cards - at par 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 points.
  • Active cards ("Skip turn", "Change of direction", "+2 cards") - 20 points.
  • Black active cards ("Change of color", "Change of color and +4 cards") - 50 points.

Deal of cards

At the beginning of the game, 7 cards are dealt to everyone (in the dark, of course). The last card is dealt face up by the dealer in the center of the table. The card can only be digital. Cards with pictures and black cards are not suitable for the role of the first card. If necessary, the next card is laid out from the deck, and the “unusable” card is put into the deck.

The game

The game starts clockwise. The player goes first after the dealer (the dealer changes each round, usually clockwise). During his turn, the player has the right to place one card on the center card according to the following rules:

  • or the card must be the same color;
  • or the card must have the same number or the same picture (be an active card);
  • or be a black active card.

With absence suitable card the player takes one card from the deck (into the dark one). If the card satisfies the above conditions - the player can put the card on the central card, if it does not - the player keeps the card for himself, says "Pass" and the move goes to the next player.

The game continues until one of the players discards all cards. After that, the points are calculated by the cards remaining in the hand (the "cost" of the cards was described a little higher).

Description of the cards

Digital cards

Just numbers.

Note... In order to be able to distinguish cards with numbers "6" and "9", they are made with an underline of the number below.

Active cards (cards with pictures)

"Skip turn"

The next player skips his turn.

The player can “escape” from the action of this card only by laying out exactly the same card (the same color, the same picture), that is, by performing “Interception of the move” (described below in the special rules).

"+2 cards"

The next player takes two cards from the deck (into the dark one) and skips his turn.

The player can "save" from the action of this card by playing his "+2 cards" card of any color. The actions of the "+2 cards" cards are not summed up, and the last player, on which the chain ended, takes only two cards from the deck and skips his turn.

"Change of direction"

The direction of travel is reversed. For example, if it was clockwise, after playing the card "Change of direction" will be counterclockwise.

When laying out several “Change of direction” cards (this can also occur during “Interception of the move”), their actions are summed up. For example, two “Change of direction” cards have no effect - the move continues in the same direction as before, three “Change of direction” cards change the direction of the move to the opposite, and so on.

Black active cards

"Change of color"

Allows the player to change the current color (to any, including the current color). The next player must play any card of the given color. In order to play the "Change of color" card, the player does not need any special conditions, unlike the next card "Change of color and +4 cards".

"Change color and +4 cards"

Can be played by the player only on his turn and only if the player (1) does not have the current color (moreover, the current number / active cards / black active card “Change of color” may be present - it does not matter, major lack of current color). Simultaneously with laying out this card, you must order a color (it can be any, including the current color). The next player (2) draws four cards from the deck (into the dark one) and skips a turn.

Player 2 can "save" from the action of this card only by playing the card "+2 cards" of the new ordered color (then everything goes as usual with the standard action of the card "+2 cards").

Honesty check... If Player 2, who is targeted by the Change Color and +4 Cards action, suspects that he is being cheated and player 1, who played this card, actually has the current color, he may ask to show Player 1 his cards. If suspicions are justified, player 1 takes his “Change of color and +4 cards” card back to himself, takes four cards from the deck (into the dark one), skips a turn (in fact, the action of the card “Change of color and +4 cards” passed to player 1). If the suspicions were in vain, player 2 takes four cards from the deck, as well as two more cards for distrust and skips the move.

The rule of courtesy... The game continues only after the player has sorted his new four cards and says "Ready".

Rule "UNO!"

The player is obliged to warn that he has one card left and may soon end the game. Laying out the penultimate card (while he has not yet released it), the player must have time to say "UNO!" (which means "one" in Italian). If the player does not do this, “good friends” (or one friend) may notice this and remind “UNO!”. Friends must have time to do this from the moment the player releases his penultimate card to the beginning of the next player's turn (laying out a card or drawing a card from the deck). For forgetfulness, the player, who did not say “UNO!” In time, takes two cards from the deck (into the dark one).

Note... Players have no right to hide the number of cards in their hand (that is, collect in a pile or hide under the table). Friends should always be in the know to help the forgetful gambler.


With a large number of mistakes, blunders, cheating, inattention, it can be introduced additional rule- with any wrongly laid out card, false shout, etc. the player takes two cards from the deck (into the dark one).

Special rules (additions to the basic rules)

These rules are optional and can be introduced additionally if the standard rules were not enough.

Interception of the move

A player can go out of turn if he has exactly the same card which is the top one in the deck. Exactly the same card means the simultaneous observance of two conditions:

  • The same color.
  • The same number, or the same picture, or the black “Change of color” card.

Attention! These conditions do not apply to the card "Change of color and +4 cards" - it is laid out only on its turn.

Note... Interception of the move does not work at the beginning of the game, when the first card of the deck is laid out on the center. At the beginning of the game, only the player, after the dealer, has the right to move.

Placing two identical cards

If a player has two identical cards, the player on his turn can lay out the first of the identical cards and immediately perform the “Interception” with exactly the same card.

But two identical cards cannot be laid out at once with one movement of the hand, only one by one: one card, then another card. Accordingly, the next player will have the opportunity to put a card on his turn, without allowing the player to perform “Interception”.


  • Every time when " 0 ", All participants pass their cards to neighboring players in the direction of the game.
  • Every time when " 7 ”, The player who put down“ 7 ”exchanges cards with one of the players of his choice.

UNO Stacked

  • When a player places the card “ +2 cards", The next player can also put the card" +2 cards ", and then the third player must take four cards.
  • The same rules apply to cards “ Color change and +4 cards": When one player puts down the" Change of color and +4 cards "card, the next player can also put the card" Change of color and +4 cards ", and then the third player must take eight cards. The last of the players who put the next card "Change of color and +4 cards", orders the color. If a player misplaces the Color Change and +4 Cards and is caught, the normal rules apply, but the amount of the penalty increases depending on the number of cards used.
  • Players may place cards " +2 cards" or " Color change and +4 cards"Until they run out of them. For example, if 4 players in a row have put their "+2 cards" cards, the next player (who does not have a "+2 cards" card) must draw eight cards.
  • A player can put in one move only one card "+2 cards" or "Change of color and +4 cards", even if he has several such cards in his hands.

Silent Two's

Every time someone posts " 2 ", Everyone must remain silent until the move returns again to the same person who played this deuce. The one who broke the silence - takes two cards in his hand, immediately after that the silence is considered interrupted.

There is a slight improvement to this rule, since not everyone can clearly follow when the "2" is laid out, and then it happens that everyone forgets who actually put it down and when to start talking. Therefore, the role of the deuce can be taken on by black cards... Whenever a player lays out a black card (simple or +4) and orders a color, everyone must remain silent until someone changes that ordered color, or until someone breaks the silence and draws two penalty cards. ... Cough, laughter, shouts of "UNO!" and challenging the "+4" card is not considered a violation of silence.

Card exchange

The player who put " 5 ", Can (at will) exchange one card with any player. Moreover, each of the changing ones chooses which card to give.

Lazy scoring

The winner and the loser are calculated for each round of the game. The winner the one who first threw off his cards is considered - and he starts his turn in the next round. To the losers the one who has the cards for the maximum number of points in his hands is considered - he deals the cards for the next round.

The advantages of this calculation:

  • no pen-paper is needed to calculate the amount for each player for each round;
  • points on the cards remaining on hand are counted only by those who clearly have a lot of them;
  • you can interrupt after each round, without waiting for someone's score to reach a certain mark.

UNO to the center

The one who puts the penultimate card and shouts “UNO!” Does not remove his hand from the put card. Other players must have time to put their hands on top of the hand of the shouted “UNO!”. The latter draws 2 cards.

Color change in a circle

When laying out black cards (" Color change" and " Color change and +4 cards») The color change occurs automatically to the color that is drawn on these cards next in the circle after the current one. For example, the game is going clockwise, the current color is red. After laying out black card, the current color is blue. Or, for example, the game is going counterclockwise, the current color is yellow. After playing a black card, green becomes the current color.


Spare dummy cards (of which there are 4 in the deck) can be assigned the value " +10 cards", Respectively, the next player must take 10 cards. The substitution in this case is that a person takes 10 cards, and with a high degree of probability they contain "+2", "+4" or the same "+10". This person is forcing another to take a lot of cards, and so on in a circle. However, it is almost impossible to finish the game in such conditions.


Map « Change of direction"Of the desired color returns back the action of active cards and even the black card" Change of color and +4 cards "! For example, player (1) put the card "+2 cards", another player (2) with the card "Change of direction" returns the action of the card "+2 cards" to 1 player, and he must take 2 cards (or "escape" by some way).

Until the last

After 1 player discards all cards, the game does not end, but continues until the last player. Accordingly, the 1st player wins, and the last player loses. And when at the end of the game there are two players, you can use beautiful combinations (for example, with the help of cards "Skip turn" and "+2 cards" to move twice, three times, etc.).

UNO in 7 rounds

After a player has got rid of his original 7 cards, the game is paused, he takes 6 new cards from the deck and continues the game. The next time he runs out of cards, he draws 5 cards into his hand, etc. And so on until he takes just one card and gets rid of it.

Reset zero

If, when calculating the points, the player has only one card in his hand “ 0 ", Then its cost is not zero points, but 50. This creates additional difficulties for the owners of zero cards at the end of the game.

For UNO H2O: "+1" and "+2"

Rule for play based on play 101. Rule "+1" and "+2"(for UNO H2O decks with "+1 card" and "Change of color and +2 cards"). If the player puts the last card "+1", then 20 points are deducted from the total score, if "Change of color and +2 cards" - then 40 points are deducted from the score.

Uno is a card board game originally from America that has found fans all over the world. For entertainment, you don't need to explain the rules for a long time, you don't even need a support, because you need the proposed components from the kit and desire. The board game is fun, convenient and versatile, suitable for any occasion and for any company. Don't believe me? Try to play and you will not be stopped!


The board game "Uno" is a deck containing 108 "Uno" components, of which:

  • Green color from 0 to 9 - 19 pcs.;
  • Blue color from 0 to 9 - 19 pcs.;
  • Yellow color from 0 to 9 - 19 pcs.;
  • Red color from 0 to 9 - 19 pcs.;
  • "Draw two" - 8 pieces, 2 of each color;
  • "Change of direction" - 8 pcs .;
  • "Skip the move" - ​​8 pcs .;
  • Wild cards - 4 pcs.;
  • Pull Four - 4 pcs.


The tabletop is over 40 years old, but Uno is still relevant and interesting, which puts it in the ranks of the bestsellers board games! The compact bright packaging contains a deck of multi-colored components and a folded leaflet with the rules of the game, which, by the way, are very simple.

Decks in the game "Uno" are thoroughly mixed and distributed to the participants in 7 pieces. The rest of the set of cards is placed in the center of the table, if necessary, players will need to draw one or more. Each carefully examines the components in his hand and plays one of them so that it satisfies the requirements for the card laid out in the center. It must be of the same color or denomination (symbol). Also in the game "Uno" it is not forbidden to play a black card on a previously laid out one. At the moment when among the cards in the hands of the participant of the game "Uno" there is nothing suitable for the continuation of the game, he will need to take one card from the closed pile, and if it satisfies the conditions, play it immediately. Otherwise, the player says "pass" and the move moves on to the next one.

The greatest interest in board games is caused by “active cards”, which deprive the opponent of a move, add cards from a closed pile to his hands, or completely change the direction of the game.

The goal of the game is simple - to get rid of the contents on your hands as quickly as possible, but do not forget about the unique word "Uno", which is pronounced if a player has two cards left and he intends to play one of them in the current turn. If this is not done, then the opponents who notice this fact will allow the forgotten one to take two more cards from the common deck, which will temporarily delay the end of the round and his victory in it. "Uno" is a legendary game, for almost half a century it has acquired a considerable number of additional rules and variations in the execution of the cards themselves.

Easy and fun to play

The combination of simple mechanics, high pace of play and accessibility of rules always captivates potential Uno players. In fact, words are not needed here, just throw the appropriate cards at each other and do not yawn, because the opponents have the right to legally intercept the move, and then they have a chance to quickly get rid of the cards from their hand.

Why is Uno so popular?

You can endlessly sing the odes to the board game, because it contains a bunch of positive moments:

  • the rules in the board are insanely simple that even a child can handle them. However, this does not mean that you can really win from the first game, for this you will have to play a couple of rounds, and only then deprive your opponents of their chances of winning.
  • the game is unique, it contains excitement, tactical thinking, attentiveness, and bluff combined with a fast serious pace.
  • The board is suitable for almost any occasion: it is easy to keep her in the evening, play during a break at work, while away the time on the road, fight on the beach or even at a party. You won't need a lot of space and support, get yourself a deck of cards and back it up with the desire to have a good time.
  • Modifications have been developed that change the board beyond recognition, which will definitely appeal to fans of the game.

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Objective in the game

The only task of a player in card entertainment "Uno" is to be the first to free himself from the cards in his hands in the round and to earn points that remained with the opponents. The participant who is the fastest to cross the mark of 500 points in total from the other players (or as many as all participants agree on before the start of the game) becomes the winner.

Description of the cards

  • "Skip turn" - the next player in turn will not be able to play a component from his hand for one turn. It is laid out only on a color identical to the previous card or on another Skip Turn card. If it falls out at the very beginning of the game "Uno", then the game will be continued by the player sitting through one.
  • “Draw two” - is placed so that the next participant takes two new cards from the deck and skips the move. Such components in the board game "Uno" are useful if the participant sitting next to him has few cards left, and he is about to win the round. It is put on the same color or on another with the same name. At the beginning of the “Draw Two” drop, the beginner takes the blow.
  • "Change of direction" - after the application, the turn in the round is reversed. You can put it only on an identical color or on a card of any color with the same name. If there is a change of direction at the beginning of the game, the game will be continued by the one sitting from the beginner to the right, and not to the left, as usual.
  • "Wild card" - one that allows you to set an arbitrary color that the owner wishes. It is used in its turn for any component, even if there is a card in hand that is suitable for continuing the round. When dropped at the beginning of the game, the first player to choose any color.
  • "Wild Card Draw Four" is a kind of joker for the participant, because with its help not only the color is chosen for the next participant, but also the next seated one picks up 4 pieces from the common deck. It is not allowed to use it if the player has a replacement in the form of a regular one, which is suitable for the continuation - it matches the color or value. When dropped at the beginning of the game, the card is again sent to the pile and shuffled, after which a new one is laid out.

With numbers

The most numerous cards in the "Uno" entertainment are those with numbers from 0 to 9. They are of four colors: yellow, green, blue and red. All of them, with the exception of zero, are doubled. Therefore, a player can intercept the move of another participant by placing an identical component on top of what lies in the middle of the table.

Active cards - cards with pictures

There are 3 kinds of such components of four colors in doubled quantity: "Skip turn", "Change of direction" and "Draw two cards". Accordingly, laid out on top of another, basically helps the next participant in the queue, who will not hesitate to skip a move or take 2 components from the common pile.

Black active cards

Such components are often referred to as wild. Their owners can go against the rules, lay out the "color change" component from their hand when they do not have the desired color among the contents, as well as "Take four cards from the deck", thereby complicating the life of the next player in line. There are 8 such magic components in a stack - four of each type.

Who will like it?

  • people who have gathered in the same company, but speak different languages, because there is no need to talk here, and there is no framework for fun;
  • for those who travel by train or plane, the game will definitely brighten up a couple of hours;
  • those who want to spend time with children playing exciting board games;
  • a fun company of adults, students, teenagers and children;
  • those who do not want to delve into the rules and subtleties, because "Uno" has them super simple;

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Rules of the game

Since the board game is quite popular, it is periodically diluted with new invented additional features... The rules of the game in "Uno" are very varied, and the interesting way of laying out active cards "+2" is not often used. If a player has a corresponding card, then when laying it out, the next participant in turn has the right to lay out on top of it a “+2” card of a different color or exactly the same. Then he should not take the put two components from the common deck, and the next one after him must take already twice the number of cards from the closed pile or, if available, lay out his own card "+2". This continues until a player has a cherished card in his hands, then he will have to get rid of cards from his hand for a long time.

Also, similar rules in "Uno" apply to black with a mark "+4", but then you should be careful that the next participant does not transfer the direction of the move to the one who has just laid this card.

If the player suspects that “ Wild card Draw Four ”was used incorrectly, then he may ask the opponent to demonstrate the contents of the components on his hand. If he is guilty, then he is supposed to draw 4 pieces from the pile, otherwise the participant draws the prescribed 4 cards + 2 penalties for distrust.


  1. Choose a dealer - a participant who will distribute components from the deck. To do this, each player needs to pull out one from the common pile, and the one with the larger number on the card will start the round.
  2. The dealer shuffles the pile and deal out 7 cards to the players, put his last one in the middle of the table - it will set the beginning of the game.
    The game is played clockwise, except when the initial component changes the direction of the move.


Each participant of the board game "Uno" in a clockwise direction puts his own on the card in the middle of the table, so that it is of the same denomination (image) or color. It is recommended to get rid of the heavier cards at once in order to bring fewer points to the previously eliminated participant in the round. When the player places the penultimate card on the table, he shouts "Uno!" until the opponent saw that the last component remained in his hand, bringing it closer to winning the round. If the player has nothing to put on the last component in the middle, then you should turn to those that change color. If there are none, then it is necessary to take one component "Uno" from the closed stack. Participants continue to create a pile until one of the players has no cards left from their hands.


To prevent life from looking like honey, penalties have been introduced in the Uno board. At the moment when the participant lays out the penultimate card from his hand in the middle of the table, he must shout "Uno!" If he did not do this, and one of the participants noticed this, then the opponent must say "Uno" and point to the offender, at this moment the guilty one takes 4 cards from the deck.

How to win?

Firstly, the participant of the Uno game should carefully lay out the components so that they always have the minimum possible number of points on their hands. This will insure the player a little against the opponents if they finish the round faster than the others. Secondly, try to avoid penalties - do not forget to shout "Uno", remaining with one card in your hand, and also carefully watch your opponents, who are also people and often forget about this rule. Third, if possible, get rid of the black cards that weigh the most points. Thus, you can annoy the player sitting next to it, and leave fewer points in your hand.

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How many points do you get for cards?

The course of the game in the Uno board is structured in such a way that the player who was the first to get rid of the components in his hand gets points for the rest of the participants remaining in the round. Each component in the hands of the opponents weighs a fixed number of points:

  • cards with numbers from 0 to 9 - give as much as the number is indicated on it;
  • Draw two - 20;
  • "Change of direction" - 20;
  • "Skip Turn" - 20;
  • Wild cards - 50;
  • Draw Four wild card - 50.

Determining a Winner or Loser

Depending on how convenient it is for the gathered participants of "Uno" to calculate points, there are 2 ways.

  • The player in "Uno", who got rid of the cards in his hand before the opponents, gets the sum of the points of the losers. This happens every round until the value of the points of any participant reaches a certain amount - 200, 500 or 1000. This method encourages you to quickly get rid of the contents on your hands and keep, if possible, those with a lower denomination.
  • Participants are awarded points equal to the cards remaining in their hand. This method is the opposite of the first one, but it is convenient. Accordingly, the player who has thrown off all the contents from his hands does not earn points, and the opponents are assigned points for the remaining cards. The winner will be the one who crosses the mark of 200, 500 or 1000 points before the others - the number is chosen by the participants themselves.

Additional rules

UNO is easy to learn, fun to play!

Full detailed rules for playing Uno are included with the Uno deck. They contain basic rules and the so-called "home", which you can use at will.

Number of players: from 2 to 10.

Play time: from 20 minutes.

Task: be the first to discard your cards. At this point, this round ends and the points are counted on the cards remaining in the hand.

Winning. You can calculate points in two ways - as you like.

  • The player who was the first to get rid of his cards is awarded the amount of points remaining in the hands of all other players. And so in every round. The winner is the one who, according to the results of several rounds, gains 500 points. This option stimulates exactly to win the round, that is, to be the first to fold your cards.
  • The players are recorded with points calculated by the cards remaining in their hands (the player who first got rid of his cards gets zero points). And so in every round. The loser is the one who, according to the results of several rounds, gains 200 points, the rest are the winners :-) This option encourages people to fold the most "expensive" cards rather.

Varieties of cards.

There are 108 cards in the deck.

Digital cards UNO. Value at par - from 0 to 9 points. Each number has 4 colors. All digits (except 0) are double.

Active UNO cards:“Skip the move”, “Take two”, “Vice versa”. The cost of each card is 20 points. Each picture has 4 colors in double quantity.

Black active UNO cards:"Order a color", "Order a color and take four." The cost of each card is 50 points. 4 cards of each type.

UNO game rules.

Deal of cards

At the beginning of the game, 7 cards are dealt to everyone (in the dark). The rest of the cards are laid face down - this is the Prikup deck. The top card from the “Prikup” deck is turned over, placed next to it and becomes the first card of the “Discard” deck.

The game

The game starts "clockwise". The player goes first after the dealer (the dealer changes each round, usually clockwise). During his turn, the player has the right to put one card on the Discard deck according to the following rules:

  • Or the card must be the same color.
  • Either the card must have the same number, or the same picture (be the active card), or be the black active card.
  • In the absence of a suitable card, the player takes one card from the "Prikup" deck (into the dark one). If the card meets the above conditions - the player can put the card on the Discard deck, if it does not - the player keeps the card for himself, says “Pass” and the move goes to the next player.

The game continues until one of the players discards all cards. After that, the points are calculated by the cards remaining in the hand (the cost of the cards is given in the section, the winners are determined by the results of several rounds - a point).

Active UNO cards.

"Skip the move"- the next player skips his turn.

The player can "escape" from the action of this card only by laying out exactly the same card (the same color, the same picture), that is, by performing.

"Take two"- the next player takes two cards from the “Prikup” deck (into the dark one) and skips his turn.

The player can "escape" from the action of this card by playing your card "Take two" (color can be any).

The actions of the “Take two” cards are not summed up, and the last player, at which the “chain” of laying out “Take two” cards ended, takes only two cards from the “Prikup” deck and skips his turn.

"Vice versa"- the direction of travel is reversed. For example, it was "clockwise", after laying out the card "Reverse" will be "counterclockwise".

When you lay out several “Vice versa” cards, their actions are summed up. For example, two “Reverse” cards have no effect - the move continues in the same direction as before, three “Reverse” cards change the direction of the move to the opposite, and so on.

"Order color"- allows the player to change the current color (to any, including the current color). The next player must play any card of the given color. In order to lay out the card "Order a color" the player does not need any special conditions, unlike the next card "Order a color and take four" ...

"Order a color and take four"- can be played by the player only on his turn and only if the player (player-1) does not have the current color (moreover, the current number / active cards / black active card “Order the color” may be present - it does not matter, the main thing lack of current color). Simultaneously with laying out this card, you must order a color (it can be any, including the current color). The next player (player-2) takes four cards from the “Prikup” deck (into the dark one) and skips a turn.

Player-2 can "escape" from the action of this card only by laying out the card "Take two" of the new ordered color (then everything goes as usual with the standard action of the card "Take two").

Honesty check. If Player-2, targeted by the Order a Color and Take Four action, suspects that he is being cheated and Player-1, who played this card, actually has the current color, he may ask Player-1 to show his cards. If suspicions are justified, player-1 takes his card “Order color and take four” back into his hand, takes four cards from the “Prikup” deck (in the dark one), skips a turn (in fact, the action of the card “Order color and take four"). If the suspicions were in vain, player-2 takes four cards from the Prikup deck, as well as two more cards for distrust, and skips the move.

The rule of courtesy. The game continues only after the player has sorted his new four cards and says "Ready".

Rule "UNO!"

The player is obliged to warn that he has one card left and may soon end the game. Laying out the penultimate card (while he has not yet released it), the player must have time to say "UNO!" (which means "one" in Italian). If the player does not do this, “good friends” (or one friend) may notice this and remind “UNO!”. Friends must have time to do this from the moment the player releases his penultimate card to the beginning of the next player's turn (laying out a card or drawing a card from the deck). For forgetfulness, the player, who did not say “UNO!” In time, takes two cards from the “Prikup” deck (into the dark one).

Note. Players have no right to hide the number of cards in their hand (that is, collect in a pile or hide under the table). Friends should always be in the know to help the forgetful gambler;)


With a large number of errors and inattention, an additional rule can be introduced - for any erroneously laid out card, false shout, etc. the player takes two cards from the "Prikup" deck (into the dark one).

Household rules.

UNO game with intervention.

Same rules as in normal game Uno, with the following additions.

A player can go out of turn if he has exactly the same card which is the top one in the Discard deck. Exactly the same card means the simultaneous observance of two conditions:

  • The same color.
  • The same number / the same picture / black card "Order color".

Attention! These conditions do not apply to the card "Order a color and take four" - it is only played on its own turn.

Note. Interception of the move does not work at the beginning of the game, when the first card of the Discard deck is laid on the center. At the beginning of the game, only the player, after the dealer, has the right to move.

Uno game. Placing two identical cards.

If a player has two identical cards (see above for two prerequisites), the player on his turn can lay out the first of the identical cards and immediately execute it with the exact same card. That is, two identical cards cannot be laid out at once with one movement of the hand, only in turn: one card, then another card. Accordingly, the next player will have the opportunity to put a card on their turn without allowing the player to Intervene.

Uno game "seven-zero".

  • Every time a "zero" rolls out, all participants pass their cards to neighboring players in the direction of the game.
  • Each time a "seven" is rolled, the player who placed the "seven" trades cards with one of the players of his choice.

Uno Stacked Game.

The same rules as in the regular Uno game, with the following additions:

  • When a player lays down a “Take two” card, the next player can also put a “Take two” card, and then the third player in a row must take four cards.
  • The same rules apply to Order a Color and Take Four cards: when one player places an Order Color and Take Four card, the next player may also place an Order Color and Take Four card, and then the third player must take eight. kart. The last player to place the next “Order a color and take four” card orders a color. If a player misplaces an Order Color and Take Four card and is caught, the normal rules apply, but the penalty increases depending on the number of cards used.
  • Players can lay down “Take two” or “Order a color and take four” cards until they run out of them. For example, if 4 players in a row have laid down "Draw two" cards, the next player (who does not have a "Draw two" card) must draw eight cards.
  • A player can put only one card "Take two" or "Order a color and take four" in one move, even if he has several such cards in his hand.

UNO Silent Two "s.

The rule was told by Denis Gryzlov.

Every time someone plays a deuce, everyone must remain silent until the move returns again to the same person who played the deuce. The one who broke the silence - takes two cards in his hand, immediately after that the silence is considered interrupted.

We have slightly improved this rule, since not everyone can clearly follow when the "two" is laid out, and then it happens that everyone forgets who actually put it in and when you can start talking. Therefore, the role of two is played by black cards. Whenever a player lays out a black card (simple or +4) and orders a color, everyone must remain silent until someone changes that ordered color, or until someone breaks the silence and draws two penalty cards. ... Cough, laughter, shouts of "UNO!" and challenging the "+4" card is not considered a violation of silence.

UNO game "card exchange".

The rule was told by Ivan (Zelenograd).

The player who has put the "five" can (at will) exchange one card with any player. Moreover, each of the changing ones chooses which card to give.

UNO game: "lazy" scoring.

The rule was told by Ilyukha.

The winner and the loser are calculated for each round of the game. The winner is the one who first threw off his cards - and he starts his turn in the next round. The loser is the one who has the cards for the maximum number of points in his hands - he deals the cards for the next round. The advantages of this calculation: you do not need a pen-piece of paper to calculate the amount for each player for each round; points on the cards remaining on hand are counted only by those who clearly have a lot of them; you can interrupt after each round, without waiting for someone's score to reach a certain mark.

UNO game to the center!

The rule was told by Alexey (Moscow).

The one who puts the penultimate card and shouts “UNO!” Does not remove his hand from the put card. Other players must have time to put their hands on top of the hand of the shouted “UNO!”. The latter draws 2 cards.

UNO game "Colors in a circle"

The rule was told by Denis (Volgograd).

When placing black cards ("Order a color" and "Order a color and take four"), the color changes automatically to the color that is drawn on these cards next in the circle after the current one. For example, the game is going clockwise, the current color is red. After playing a black card, blue becomes the current color. Or, for example, the game is going counterclockwise, the current color is yellow. After playing a black card, green turns into a fading color.

UNO game "+10"

The rule was told by Alexandra (Moscow).

Spare dummy cards (of which there are 4 in the deck) can be assigned the "Take 10 cards" value, respectively, the next player must take 10 cards. The substitution in this case is that a person takes 10 cards, and with a high degree of probability they contain "+2", "+4" or the same "+10". This person is forcing another to take a lot of cards, and so on in a circle. It's almost impossible to finish the game in such conditions :))

UNO game "Reverse"

The “Reverse” card of the desired color returns back the action of active cards and even the black card “Order a color and take four”! For example, player 1 put the card “Take two”, player 2 with the card “On the contrary” returns the action of the card “Take two” to 1 player and he must take 2 cards (or “escape” in some way).

UNO game to the last

The rule was told by Andrey (St. Petersburg).

After 1 player discards all cards, the game does not end, but continues until the last player. Accordingly, the 1st player wins, and the last player loses. And when at the end of the game there are two players, you can use beautiful combinations (for example, using the cards "Skip the move", "Take two" to move twice, three times, ...)

7 round UNO game

The rule was told by Dmitry (Kazakhstan).

After a player has got rid of his original 7 cards, the game is paused, he takes 6 new cards from the deck and continues the game. The next time he runs out of cards, he draws 5 cards into his hand ... And so on until he takes only one card and gets rid of it.

UNO Reset Zero Game

The rule was told by kztch.

If, when calculating points, a player has a single “zero” card in his hand, then its value is not zero points, but 50. This creates additional difficulties for the owners of zero cards at the end of the game;)

For the game UNO H 2 O "+1" and "+2"

The rule was told by alesha1990.

I would like to suggest a rule for the game based on game 101. Rule + 1 / + 2 (for UNO H 2 O decks with +1 and +2 Order color). If the player puts the last card +1, then 20 points are subtracted from the total score, if +2, then 40 points are subtracted from the score.

Card online game UNO! Is still considered the exotic of board games. Most do not know how to play and are lost without describing the meanings of the pictures. Introducing new version cards "UNO": with rules in Russian and cool characters. Enjoy!

Check out the best way to play UNO online: with rules in Russian and free game statistics. Thanks to the built-in error protection, you will quickly get used to and understand how to win at UNO with a real opponent!


The essence of the UNO game is to get rid of all cards first before opponents do the same. The winner earns points based on how many cards the other players have left at the end of the round.

At the start of the UNO, 7 cards are dealt to each, they must be laid out on the line in turn. Matches by number, color, or symbol are allowed. For example, if the top card is a red seven, you can play with any card “7”, or go with any red card. The game adds a card from the main deck if there are no matching options. If you want to skip a move, press the corresponding button.

The meaning of UNO cards

Let's start with how many cards are in the "UNO" deck - there are 108 of them: classic numbered and "special" ones, with special functions:

  • "Reverse" - (sign "R") - changes the direction of the game;
  • "Transition of a turn" (sign "X") - the next player skips his turn;
  • “Give two” (“+2”) - obliges the next player to take two cards from the main deck;
  • "Savage Uno" (an oval, divided equally into four UNO colors) - put on a card of any color and allows you to change the current color;
  • "Black Savage" ("+4") - allows not only to change the color of the suit, but also obliges the next player to take 4 cards from the deck.

How to win at UNO

You can increase your chances of winning careful play... Keep track of how many cards your opponents have left. If the opponent is left with one card (Uno), give him “Skip turn” or “Draw cards”.

The strategy of playing "Wild UNO" is to change the active color to the most numerous in your deck or one that your opponents do not have. So force them to replenish the number of cards from the deck or skip a turn.

As you can see, "UNO" is very addicting game and it is not for nothing that it is considered the world classics of board games. Like most card games, it trains logic, memory and the ability to concentrate. Liked? Try to play games similar to "UNO": "", "".