Interactive-intellectual game "Brain Slaughter", Maykop - “Brain Slaughter - a new format of intelligent team entertainment. Now in your city! ". We turn on the logic and go to the "Slaughterhouse. Interesting questions on the logic of the slaughterhouse.

Seven months ago, the capital's game finally came to our regional center. Not even a year has passed, but she already has a permanent site (one of the local bars), her own chips, the number of subscribers of the group on the social network is approaching 850, and it is more and more difficult to register for participation every time due to the number of applicants. So we have to play for two days (there are establishments in Minsk that can accommodate 60 teams, and Gomel was not lucky in this regard). Quite recently, a kind of Champions League took place - the winners of all previous games fought for the title of the best. The team “Yes, maybe!” Turned out to be the coolest.

The rules of the "Brain Slaughter" are simple: seven rounds of seven questions, which must be answered in writing on a special form within a limited time. For the correct answer - one point. At the same time, the tours are diverse: one musical, one news, one by pictures, three rounds of fairly simple questions for ingenuity, school knowledge and erudition, as well as one blitz round.

The insidiousness and value of the latter is that you can get 2 points for the answer, but only if you are willing to take a chance and put a tick next to your answer. And it is not worth scattering the checkmarks in vain, because in case of an incorrect answer, you lose 2 points. For the last round, you can score from -14 to 14 points. So for 49 questions you really get 56 points.

The "Plasticine Hoogie" team has the best result in seven months - 53 points. Almost caught up with them "Da Vinci Cat", which became the winner 9 times. A total of 95 teams took part in the Gomel "MozgoBoina".

Cactus and glass eye

The questions are chosen so that both the humanist and the techie can show themselves: continue the poem and name its author, solve the chemical formula, define the country along the contour. I don’t know about the others, but now I’m studying geography and every week I look at news sites, including the most frivolous ones, so as not to lose my face on the news tour.

Questions on the Gomel theme become a pleasant surprise for the participants: for example, which cities are written on the bronze traveler's suitcase at the railway station? The musical tour is often accompanied by the choral singing of the Brainfighters.

The organizers sometimes pamper the players with pleasant little things: either a fridge magnet is given to them, or eco-pens, or video greetings are posted on social networks, photographs of the group members are projected onto the screen before the game.

Snapshots are a separate topic altogether. A photo report appears after almost every game. In addition, contests are held not only of an intellectual nature. Once the coolest team mascot was chosen. And almost every team has one: soft and hard toys, houseplants, “There's something raccoon with us” - cute paper raccoons. The guys from "Grandfather's Glass Eye" went farthest, they put on the table ... a glass eye! In general, everyone freaks out in their own way. Someone invents enchanting names ("For the whole persimmon", "Clever moose", "Wow sheep"), but the team "Lemonade for Nepal" each time comes in a new role - either in the costume of gopniks, or in the national clothes of the state Nepal.

The most important thing is that the teams do not come for the first place (and the prize is serious - the winner does not pay the bill), but for communication with interesting people, drive and good mood.

A stack of phones as an example

The organizer Alexei Trunov told about the peculiarities of the Gomel "MozgoBoynya".

Did you manage to interest Gomel residents in this game and why?

The number of players speaks for itself. The fact is that anyone can take part. You can spend an evening here with friends, parents, teachers, coaches ... A little excitement, humor, struggle, logic and knowledge - all this creates a good mood. "Brain Slaughter" does not distract, but unites colleagues, family, friends ...

What is the difference between the Gomel "MozgoBoynya" from Minsk and others?

Gomel has one of the best venues in terms of atmosphere, very helpful people. One team somehow put all the phones on the table, thus confirming fair play (thus made it clear that they would not turn to Internet search resources - author's note), we photographed it, showed it as an example, other cities picked it up.

Can you remember some funny incidents?

We once invited a cover band to an anniversary game. The guys did their best and shook the walls of the pub with high-quality sound. But in the next room there was a performance, and, as it turned out, our sound was louder. We apologize to the theater.

P.S. I think the popularity of MozgoBoyni is that it is absolutely democratic and voluntary, the organizers are always on the wave, they use social networks competently, promptly post information, arrange jokes and surprises, keep in touch with each player, manage to keep a good atmosphere and amuse everyone, and participants get something new - new knowledge, new acquaintances, new impressions. It seems to me that this experience would be very useful for many youth organizations.

Questions provided by the organizers of the "Mozgobyni"

1. Victor Hugo in 1862, while on vacation, wanted to know about the reaction of readers to the newly published novel and sent his publisher a telegram of one symbol. He sent a telegram in response, also from one sign. Play both.

2. Which Belarusian city surpasses Moscow, New York, Singapore and London in terms of population density?

4. Four are included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Belarus: Mir Castle, Radziwills Palace in Nesvizh, Struve Geodetic Arc. Name the fourth.

5. Which part of the world has the most states?

6. What is the name of the science that studies cats?

7. What is highlighted?

Answers: one.?! 2. Soligorsk (11226 people / sq. Km). 3. Sweater. 4. Belovezhskaya Pushcha. 5. In Africa. 6. Felinology. 7. Countries with left-hand traffic.

It was getting dark. The working day ended long ago and the inhabitants of the neighboring offices dispersed to their homes. But the friendly team of our editorial office did not disperse, but was preparing for the upcoming "Brain slaughter". The results of the last games, alas, did not please - more and more often we found ourselves closer to the end of the tournament table, less and less - closer to the beginning.

The main thing is to turn on the logic! - our editor-in-chief said nervously. last game we did not guess from the photo: whose upside-down eyes they are. Answered: Kim Jong-un, but it was necessary - Jackie Chan! It's so easy! Why would Kim Jong-un stand on his head? And Jackie Chan does all the stunts himself!

And the editors went deep into training tasks.

“This Baron chose the motto: Faster, Higher, Stronger. The minute has gone.

Munchausen! - the answer appeared instantly.

Why? - Well, of course: he pulled himself out by the hair from somewhere and flew somewhere on the core ... - Exactly!

“The poem“ I remember a wonderful moment ”Pushkin dedicated…. - state the surname, name and patronymic. "

We must know exactly what her name is from somewhere! - our friendly team followed the logic. - So, maybe your wife? - And the name and patronymic? - Anna Petrovna? - And not Arina Rodionovna? - This is not a nanny? ...

And next in line was a new question: "The African dictator Bokassa became famous as ...."

Black person? - here the editor-in-chief tapped with a pencil on the cup holder. - That is, African-African!

Okay, but is it paradoxical enough - African dictator is African? At "Brain Slaughter", for example, they like paradoxical questions. - And then maybe he was good person, all dictators are cruel, but is he kind? ...

“This is how the appeal to the counts and princes sounded -….”

How can we know this? - But the song is about Golitsyn and Obolensky ... - Are they really princes or counts?

It was already completely dark in the yard.

Let's see what we've done here, - the editor-in-chief summed up. - Baron Munchausen chose the motto: "Faster, higher, stronger." The poet dedicated the poem "I remember a wonderful moment" to Arina Petrovna Pushkina. African dictator Bokassa became famous as a humanist ... The first Soviet film about intelligence officers was called From Russia with Love. "To flutter like a butterfly and sting like a bee" - uttered Nikolai Valuev. Addressing the counts and princes, they said: "Pour wine" ... Finally, the last task!

"There are ten fingers on two hands, - how many fingers are there on fifty hands?"

Here opinions were divided: fifty, one thousand, five hundred ... They began to vote and became even more confused.

Let's answer this way, - the editor summed up, - two times less than a hundred! And let them try not to count! That's it for today!

And the answers ?!

And the answers will be on the "Brain slaughterhouse"! And so that our answers are correct! Turning on the logic!

Dozens of teams are already playing the intellectual game "Brain Slaughter". The next "Brain Slaughter" will take place on January 24th. Registration for it is already open.

Photo by Artur Osipov

I stop being surprised and start to enjoy everything that happens to me thanks to the blog.

Last week in Minsk I was lucky to see Marina mari_kondrateva (but I'll tell you more about that) and even hang out in a blogging company at a large-scale Brain Slaughter party at Zhenya's invitation kofe_family .

124 teams, over 700 people and a whole hangar of intellectual emotions!

Brain Slaughter is an intellectual and entertaining quiz game invented in Minsk in 2012.
Something like our "What? Where? When?", Just for friends, in a pleasant atmosphere of a bar or cafe, with a glass and music.

This format is more likely borrowed from England - for about 50 years there have been pub quiz tournaments in bars, where teams compete in solving simple riddles in the format of a noisy party.

The slaughterhouse has already become international - in addition to 12 cities in Belarus, it has already been implemented abroad - the game's franchise is already operating in Russia, Ukraine and Germany.

To take part in the game, you need to register your team in advance in the corresponding VK or FB group. Participation fee is 6 rubles per person (about 200 rubles). The team can have from 5 to 10 people.
The game always takes place in cafes, bars or clubs exclusively in the evening on weekdays (we were lucky - on the weekend we already flew away).

Usually the game takes place at the tables in the bar, but we ended up at the opening of the season. There was a full hangar for the people!
And here is our five-person blogging team called "Okay, let's come!"

I'll tell you about the main points.
The game is divided into several rounds. The first is the simplest one - text riddles (guess the term, name, add a fact, continue the quote). A text appears on the screen - in 100 seconds you need to guess and write the answer on the card. We guessed everything except one, which we also guessed, but at the last moment we entered another option.

There were also questions under the auspices of "hot news" - a digest is being collected from the events that have taken place, you need to guess what kind of event is meant.

After 100 seconds, you must turn in the leaflet with the round's answers to the organizers. The correct answers are announced (usually the funniest moment in each round), the points are calculated and the results table is announced. And so after every round.

No encyclopedic knowledge is required in this game. All answers are taken with ingenuity, logic, ordinary knowledge from life.

Further, it is more difficult. Musical round. You need to guess the artist or group by the song. Among the riddles there was one composition of a Belarusian group that was frankly unknown to us and a club track that we heard for the first time. Shazam, as well as google, is a rather bad form in such a game.

The visual issues were also tricky. Find out the author of the painting by a small fragment or a person by the eyes, guess what is missing in the image. All this is not only for knowledge, but also for ingenuity. And it was very fun to argue, remember, reason in the stream of collective consciousness!

The most offensive thing is to say the correct option, and write another instead of it. So it was with the Swallow's Nest, which was "removed" from the picture. It's funny that in the photo you can even see him.

The last round is the most dynamic one. Blinz is a few questions of 15 seconds each. Answers to them can either significantly raise the team in the rating, or vice versa - lower it to its very basement. A double point is given for a correct answer, points are deducted for a wrong answer, and nothing is punished for an empty line. So we got ahead by as much as 20 points!

Well, I'll show you some simple warm-up riddles. I forgot to photograph difficult ones, I had to think hard there :)
Don't google it!

to which we propose to answer the readers of "Vitebsk Courier". The fastest and smartest are entitled to prizes!

On October 22, a meeting of the intellectuals of our city took place in Friend Cafe. Vitebsk experts named their fascinating event Brain Slaughterhouse... Its essence is as follows: teams of 5-7 people gather in one of the city's cafes, ready to quickly and correctly answer tricky questions, earn prizes and compete with each other.

Brain slaughter in full swing

The most unusual names for the teams are invented: these are Giant Orioles, Chaplin's Metamorphoses, and Fastum Game ... There is a team called Impromptu, where mothers and children play, and Seeds, which consists of only girls. Old-timers who played in the mid-90s of the last century are also present here.

The Impromptu team ponders the answers

So, Mikhail Gutman, who played together with our correspondent in 1996 for the team of the medical school in the intellectual games “What? Where? When?" and "Brain-ring", proudly admitted that he did not want to change his hobby. Here he feels at ease and gladly answers tricky questions with the NEO team. By the way, it was this team that won on October 22. She got a bottle of champagne. The team "Comrades", which took the honorable last, 14th place, was issued a certificate of attendance.

And here are some interesting questions for our readers :

  1. Frenchwoman in the 18th century, who occupied this post, had to be from a decent family, married and not have sexually transmitted diseases. And what was that position?
  2. A female shark before giving birth is obligatory loses appetite... What is the reason for this?
  3. In 16th century Europe, magical properties were attributed to chocolate, but there were also contraindications for its use. So, one French woman wrote to another: "My friend ate chocolate during pregnancy and ..." Continue the phrase.
  4. The drug lord Pablo Escobar's cartel spent $ 2,500 a month on these expenses related to keeping money. What were these expenses?
  5. In Finland it is called a cat polka, in France - chop... And how are we?
  6. The surname of one of the modern entrepreneurs in translation from Ukrainian means tear with a belt. Name it.
  7. An employee of an Italian company was fired for doing this is at lunchtime. The dismissed Italian filed a lawsuit and won the case, as the judges recognized him as having the right to engage in activities during lunch that did not reduce his ability to work. What did the Italian do?
  8. In Abkhazia, in cities, you can break it the rule road traffic , insofar as this action does not carry, as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, danger for pedestrians and drivers. What can you do in Abkhazia and not here?
  9. Pilots have already become a tradition to wear it around their necks silk scarf... And what did the first aviators use it for?
  10. At one of the fashion weeks in Paris, models in light floral dresses paraded along unusual catwalk... What did they walk on?

The reader who is the fastest to answer these questions correctly will receive a prize! Send the correct answers to the editorial office at. And those who want to regularly participate in intellectual games, the organizers of Brain Slaughter invite you to gather teams and come to events. Place and time next game look for



7 rounds, each with 7 questions. Everyone is different: somewhere you need to guess who is the author of "Mona Lisa", in another - in which film the main hit of the 80s, the song Sweet Dreams of the Eurhythmics group, was played, in the third - in what sequence the transport should pass on a typical exam in the traffic police picture. The team's answers (5 - 8 people) are written on a form, referred to by the presenters, who enter the results into a table and display it on the screen.

The pub quiz genre is widespread in America. There, people sitting at the same table are considered a team, the presenter reads the questions into a microphone, and these very "commands" show him the answers written on the tablets. The winners will receive a prize. For more than a year, at least 200 people have been having fun with something similar in Belarus.

We encountered the restaurant format of the game in Lithuania, - Sasha Khanin and Katya Maksimova, the organizers of the "Brain Slaughter", tell. - My colleague organized the game Protmūšis (from Lithuanian - "Brain Slaughter") and invited me to play. I played, got involved, and together we began to think about how to organize a game in Minsk. And although we made the first few games in cooperation with colleagues, the Belarusian "MozgoBoynya" is still not a copy, but an author's project. Each game has its own peculiarity: both in how the questions are selected, and in who makes it and how he works with the audience, and even in what kind of music is played between rounds. In Lithuania, for example, there are many questions on pure knowledge (this complicates the task and forms a certain contingent of participants), in our country almost all questions are taken by pure logic. For encyclopedic knowledge there is “What? Where? When?". By the way, the players from the club come to us just to relax and drink beer in the company of friends.

- How long does it take to prepare the game?

14 hours. 90% of questions are thought up, found and assembled a day before the game. We do not read special reference books and encyclopedias: about half of the questions are from the Internet, some are from databases (you can only take tasks on logic from there, because it works fine for almost everyone). And it happens that we read some cool article in which there are three interesting facts! When you prepare for a game, you are in an intellectual tone: you read, remember, notice ... For example, in the last game there was a question: "How does the trolleybus turn the arrow to the left?" It seems that we encounter trolleybuses every day, but how this happens is not clear. Actually, the authorship of the game is not about inventing something (everything was invented a long time ago!), But about picking up questions that would be interesting and possible to solve. So that “oh, well, it's so simple!” Flashed through my head, and when they say the answer, there was the effect of “wah-ay!”. But it depends on the attitude to the game: someone comes for pleasure, someone - for the sake of sports and self-affirmation.

- How did you agree with the cafe?

The first few games were played elsewhere, with 45 people participating. But the number of participants began to grow, now there are 170. We were advised that cafe where we play now: "There is a lot of space and huge screens - that's what you need!" Once we came here to drink coffee - and after 5 minutes we agreed: Why not: on a weekday at 19.00 in a cafe located not in the city center, there is almost no one (unless they show football or Eurovision). Nobody gathers more people than us in this restaurant, even corporate parties! By the way, we were also invited to corporate parties with MozgoBoinya, but this is still primarily a hobby. In addition to the game, we have a normal job (Sasha is a business coach, Katya is his assistant. - Ed.). The best things always grow out of hobbies.


Would you answer the questions of Brain Slaughterhouse?

1. What penguins live in Atlantis?

2. Say "fallen tree" in German.

3. Continue with Wayne Gretzky's quote: “ Good players are where the washer is. The great ones are where ... ".

4. When does the summer solstice occur in Australia?

5. From which work is this quote: "God forbid to see the Russian revolt, senseless and merciless"?

See the end of the article for answers.



7 rounds, 12 questions in each: somewhere you need to guess the song by its introduction, somewhere - played in the opposite direction, somewhere - music from advertisements, cartoons or movies, somewhere - songs with the names of cities, female names etc. The team consists of up to 4 people.

If we go into history, we first appeared - "Good People", - Anya Kosolapova, one of the organizers of "Melotrek", recalls. - Last winter, we wanted warmth and positiveness, so we created a community on the social network, where we began to post various positive pictures (it will come in handy later). At the same time, we sat tightly at the "MozgoBoina" (however, we didn’t like the musical tour too much). At some point, they thought: why not organize an informal competition for everyone to come, drink, play and listen to good music? We held a competition for friends, everyone liked it. Then we found a place (a club that we used to go to play Crocodile, Mafia, and concerts), invited people from the Internet community created in winter - and for 10 weeks on weekends 60 people have been playing with rapture in "Melotrek".

It takes a whole week to prepare one game, ”continues Katya Ivashchenko, another Good People member. - Each of us spends 15 - 20 hours on this (and we also work as programmers, lawyers ...). We need to listen to the material, weed out the unnecessary, test the tasks on each other (aren't they too primitive or, on the contrary, complicated?). After elimination, you need to cut the songs into pieces, prepare two versions: one for questions, the other for answers. And then our friend Lyosha sits down and makes a presentation out of all this at about five o'clock ...

We are very glad that thanks to us people are starting to listen to good music. For example, before the rock "Melottrak" my colleague listened to Led Zeppelin for three hours in a row. When I asked her why, I heard: “We are preparing! We know modern rock, but not very classical rock. It turned out that they are so cool - we are still listening! " The same thing happened on a tour with poets (we asked whose poems are played in popular songs): despite the fact that the correct answers were about 50%, people liked it. In the process of preparation we are enlightened, and in the process of the game we enjoy the fact that a pleasant company is gathering. People come, whom it is pleasant to see, with whom it is pleasant to play and sing: oh, how amicably they sang along with Lyapis's “Evpatoria” or “Vladivostok-2000” “Mumiy Troll”!


Before you is a song, each word in which, if possible, is replaced by an antonym. The task is to guess what kind of song it is.

1. Wah-wah-wah-wah-wah, revived the pale-faced!

Revived the pale-faced, revived!

Intentionally, for merit

Good people revived.

2. Ibrahim, Ibrahim, sailed to bury the cacti!

Ibrahim, Ibrahim, sailed to bury the cacti!

Agr-wah-lb-wah! Agr-wah-lb-wah! You taught this, you were entrusted with this!

3. Banzai! Sadder, bourgeois stratum.

Banzai! Wait girls, hate boys.

Banzai! Stop, then they will forget you.

Pineapple is a fruit, banzai!

Banzai! Banzai! Banzai! Banzai! Banzai! Banzai! Banzai!

See the end of the article for answers.


Even in Minsk there is a literary sect "Evenings of Perverted Readings", where they will not be allowed without a book in hand (, and "Evenings of Violent Poetry" are held: people write poems impromptu, participate in a competition of bad poetry and have fun poetically (vk .com / club40736053).

ANSWERS TO "BRAINSWAY": 1. None, Atlantis does not exist. 2. Barrier (schlagbaum). 3. "... where SHE WILL BE." 4.December 21st (22nd). 5. "The Captain's Daughter".

Answers to Melotrek: 1. Forbidden drummers - "killed Negro". 2. Song from the cartoon "Antoshka". 3. Lube - "Atas".