How Low Priority makes the game better. "Dota" strict regime. How Low Priority makes the game better how to get rid of Low prioritize

Low Priority system is a separate search queue for violators. This is the main tool for punishment in "Dota". Some believe that LP increases the negative and exacerbates the situation, and Valve needs to be re-released players, and not just punish them. Another it seems that many violators go unpunished and the system as a whole should be stricted. In October, Valve began to ban players who avoided LP, and in one of the patches found a hint for a possible change in Low Priority ..

Low Priority existed in Dota 2 almost from the very beginning. Players received a sentence for exiting matches and a large number of reports. After that, they were doomed to play with the same violators. At first, LP sent for a while, but it was ineffective: they could simply wait on another account. Therefore, soon the developers decided that it would be better to force unscrupulous users to play a few matches.

For a long time, the Low Priority game was held in All Pick mode, but in 2015 the developers decided to complicate the punishment even more. Therefore, the violators began to play Single Draft. In addition, they should not just play the right number of matches, but also to win them. Before that, players often stood in the forest and did not participate in matches. In addition, those who found themselves in LP do not receive any objects or experience. FROM new system The fallout is no longer so important, but a few years ago everything was different.

In punishment for the way out of the match, it is important that the balance is respected. To the player who broke the connection, did not equate the most unpleasant community members. And in "Dota" in this regard, everything is fine - for one departure from the match because of the bad Internet in Low Priority it is impossible. Now you need to disrupt the rules to get there for a long time.

In the history of the game there were several periods when Valve tried new approaches to Low Priority or was mistaken in calculations. As a result, the number of victories for the exit was too high - or to get into LP could be easier than usual. The company experimented with the number of reports, which was required for Low Priority, because of what professionals and streamers were actively entering. And when Valve began to give less reporters to players, many began to complain that their matches were much worse. Apparently, earlier the system coped to separate the most unpleasant teamages, but when the players stopped enough reports, there were more such people in normal matches. Soon the company returned the previous number of complaints.

Now Low Priority rarely misses and works without serious mistakes.

2247 reports in Overwatch

The violators are in any game, and companies work with them differently. In Overwatch, the player receives a temporary ban that increases with each such case and can last the entire season. Community members can report each other and for violations like the intentional plum of matches, but many believe that the system works badly. The number of complaints is not limited - it means you can calmly report and those players who, for example, take characters not from the META. This can reduce the effectiveness of the tool.

At the end of August, Jeff Kaplan personally answered the forum to one player who complained about an unfair ban. The developer mentioned that the violator reported 2247 times and prohibited to communicate in the chat for 9216 hours. And for it, he received only a few weeks. At the same time, Kaplan said that the creators do not want to develop the analogues of the Low Priority, the ghetto for violating the rules of the players - Blizzard would prefer that they did not play in Overwatch at all.

In Heroes Of. the Storm There is a Low Priority analogue. But it applies only to those who leave the matches ahead of time - such players after the exit must be played out one "quick match". For violation of other rules Blizzard banits and prohibits writing to chat, but the eternal banes are rarely issued. At the same time, access to the chat is prohibited automatically, without the participation of people, and in the theory, the system can be abused. True, players can challenge the decision in the support service.

League of Legends is the most prominent example in working with violators. Developers believe that they can re-educate players through sentences and promotions. And many community members believe that the company sometimes overtakes stick. Due to behavior, the organization did not even include a voice chat in the game nor training mode. Riot Games considered that these elements may worsen the interaction between the players. But in the case of the regime, the company has changed his mind, since the players were unhappy with the situation. Riot recognized that the tools for training and tests are needed, and a year later added the mode to the game.

There is a LOW Priority in LOL, but, as in Heroes of the Storm, it applies only to community members who leave the matches. It is possible to get there even in one way out of the game, and the minimum punishment is five matches.

In order to keep track of other violators, in 2011, the developers added tribunal. Players could help the company work with complaints and follow the behavior of other community members. The wishing to receive chat logs, game statistics and the description of the report, after which it was supposed to decide whether he needs to punish the sheltered. But at the exit from matches and refusal to participate in the game Tribunal did not apply, first of all, it was a tool for punishment for chat, offensive nicknames and intentional defeats. The punishment could be a warning, a temporary ban on chat or the game in Ranken Matchmaking, or the requirement to change the name. In 2014, Riot Games closed the tribunal for refinement, but never returned to this system. The company has become more actively using automatic systems, as they punished faster than the tribunal.

Riot Games more actively motivates players behave well with the help of in-game items. If the player finished the season in a bath or with a ban on chat, he will not receive a reward for the collected rank. Remirements and violators, which in the season were banned for a week and more. In the summer of 2017, the company recycled the system of honor by tilling it with the crafting of objects. Now the keys from the chests could only receive players with the level of honor not lower than the standard value. The level rises after praise from other participants in the matches, and falls from the bans and the bans of the chat.

How effective is Low Priority

Many players compare the Low Priority system with imprisonment and so hint at its inefficiency. It seems that the similarity is really - "the state" in the face of Valve need to do something with "criminals", separating them from ordinary users and re-educate. Real prisons do not cope with the last paragraph: if anyone changes, then contrary to them, and not thanks to them.

But in fact, there is a significant difference between the two systems - Valve and does not try to re-educate anyone. First of all, this is the punishment so that the violator experienced the consequences of his actions. And the stronger people will be afraid of this, the better. There are changes about it recent years - Shift game mode On Single Draft and the need for victory complicate the system, to return to ordinary matchmeking you need more time and effort. In addition, LP long separates the most serious violators from normal players.

Is such logic work well? Since the matches have become worse after a decrease in the number of complaints, then the system adequately separates the most unpleasant members of the community. And one of the employees of Valve somehow stated that after the appearance of notifications about successful reports in the "Dota", the behavior of players was clearly improved. The result became visualine, and people became thorough to monitor those whom they were reported. So, more violators turned out to be in LP, and less - in the usual matchmaking. Especially now, when Valve began to punish the way priority bypass. If the company will experiment with the correction of players, the main thing is that this function remains in working condition.

Low priority,sometimes it is called how Low Priority.Let's start with the fact that this is a punishment that is issued for violation of the game rules:

  • Exit the game ahead of time, i.e. The game still goes, and you decided to leave it.
  • You were in finding the game, but did not confirm my participation in it on time.
  • You're drinking, I fidel the enemy or just played cool, but everyone thought that you were with cheats - the rest of the players threw the complaint.

What gives low priority in Dota 2:

  • You're longer looking for the game.
  • If you find the game, then a big chance that you will play with the same as you are the leaders that you will play well little likely. Someone will come out of the game without waiting to the end.
  • Things upon completion of the game will not fall, bonuses too.
  • You will not be able to search for rating games, including in the group.

Priority system in dota in order to determine you to other dotera. By default, everyone is initially normal priority.

How to remove low priority?

To remove the priority there is both game methods (provided by the game and khaki)

On white methods, how to remove low priority:

  • You can play the right number of games as in red, but you need to sit out to the end, you can of course get up in AFK, but every 4 minutes you need to give signs of life (you can use skills).
  • If the priority is issued in time (for example, 2 days), although now it does not seem to be issued, then not to enter the game 2 days)
  • Play with bots for any complexity, but if we carry everything faster than 15 minutes, you do not count.

Will, and now I will tell a couple hakov (Actual on January 16, 2015), how to remove low priority by cheats.

To remove the game search restriction, you need to copy the Data_3 file, which is located in the game folder, it is located D: \\ Dota2 \\ Steamapps \\ COMMON \\ DOTA 2 Beta \\ Dota \\ Config \\ HTML. You need to copy the file when the Accc has no low priority, and when you get it, you copy to this folder with a replacement previously saved file.

Well, just in case I will lay out my
If you stop working, then write to the comments, I will post a new one.

Well, with a low priority, I think figured out, well, at the same time I will tell you what is High priority:

Well, as previously it was said that low - violations made by himself. High on the contrary:

  • When you were looking for the game, and your Sokwandnik refused or did not connect to the game, then you begin to look for the game, but with a high priority.
  • Well, actually with a high priority in Dota 2 You can find the game faster.

In Dota 2 there is a system of priorities with different names and characteristics. In general, it can be called status and how fast the system will pick up players for the match. At the players, the game begins with a normal priority.

Low Priority is the punishment of the player for its certain actions. They can give the following characteristics:

  • frontal way out of battle, until he ended;
  • the participant was in the search and did not confirm the participation in the battle on time;
  • the player faded in chat, and other participants in the battle threw the complaint.

With permanent outputs from the battle, the fines are increasing, and then the player gets a prioritian, which does not allow to play his favorite dot.

Low priority and its features

Prioriti are used to search for a team player based on game mechanics and principles. Default developers are issued normal priority, and Low is issued after the rules violation. Low is characterized as follows:

  • increases match search time;
  • when forming a match, the likelihood of playing with invisible participants who can leave the battle at any time;
  • after the battle, things and bonuses do not fall out;
  • find rating games is impossible.

Lowe is not difficult to earn. The main problems occur when it needs to be removed and continue to register normally in matches with the ability to develop heroes.

How to remove low priority?

To remove Low Priority there are white methods or khaki. For the first method, methods are used:

  • play the required games marked in red and sit in matches while the battle does not end. It is better to be AFK and move every few minutes to counter the complaints from the allies;
  • previously, the restrictions were issued for several days and during this period could not be found in dota so that the restrictions were not extended;
  • games with bots, while the rapid murders of me, than in 15 minutes they will not count.

In addition to the above methods, hacks are used, the current state for 2015 and the benefits of many.

To remove the restrictions, the updated Data_3 file is used, which is replaced in the game folder. You can download it on forums or thematic sites. Copy to the Dota2 \\ Steamapps \\ COMMON \\ DOTA 2 Beta \\ Dota \\ Config \\ HTML folder. Copying the file is carried out before the low priority is issued.

Many dreams are high priority. It is issued if the participant continues to search for matches after failing attempts. After receiving the status, the time is reduced to search for games. Lovers of dots and fans of the development of heroes know that a quick search is time saving.

Today we will talk about such things as low priority in such a favorite gamers game "Dota 2". How to get rid of it, and also what minuses does he carry with him? Let's deal with.

Low priority - what is it?

Low priority is a kind of punishment for harmful players (those most that purposely summarize the entire group to lose or do not work as a team and do not help their allies) or for those who too often leave matches and thus leads comrades.

In these cases, gamers are filed by complaints of such participants, and over time measures are taken against them. As a result, they fall into low priority. To the players who left the game automatically, the ban is enrolled (it is also called low "prior"). You can get it by repeated complaints about you or simply leaving a couple of matches. With a low priority, you will not receive experience, you will not be able to perform tasks during the process. The entire meaning of the system is that this ban is extended upon subsequent leaving of the games. Or as complaints accumulate. That is, for example, if you got a low prior on three missions and played it, then at the next bath you will get already, say, 7. This principle will motivate the players anymore. Or at least to do it only in a great real need. And if you came just mood over the players, then sit in the bath all my life. But here there are your problems: there are no people such bad, agree? For example, someone turned off the light for more than five minutes, and he could not reconnect to the game and received a ban, or someone has ended the funds on the Internet balance account ... But, unfortunately, the developers are not Thought, so someday, no matter how hard you tried, you still go to a low priority, alas ... and what to do in that case?

How to remove low priority in Dota 2

Not everyone knows how to get rid of this ban.

So, now we will enlighten you about how to remove low priority in Dota 2. It is worth reminding that if you rejected the search for the game when it was already selected for you, then you will receive only a temporary ban for a couple of minutes. But in other cases we mentioned above, everything is much more complicated. Although, by and large, mostly there is nothing to say about how to remove low priority in Dota 2, because it is not removed by other ways, except How to just pass the mission as many times as the system asked you. So the choice is not particularly great. Or play all matches, or delete the game.

How to remove low priority in Dota 2 without playing

The answer to this question is very simple. In no way! As we have said, it cannot be removed by any other ways, except for those that are already described above. That is the path of everyone who fell into the ban, and however, and all the participants of this game.

And in conclusion, here you have a couple of tips on how to remove low priority in Dota 2 quickly. There are two options here. The first is the easiest, suitable for those who have no friends to play together. Agree with your team members about to quickly finish the game, and then just lose your opponent without any resistance. Pluses this variant is quite a lot. First, the mission will end quickly. Secondly, it is very easy, as it will not be difficult to get out of the ban, in addition, no one will suffer, neither morally or physically. The second option is approximately the same, but then you will not have to negotiate with anyone, just lose specifically. If your friends are not in the bath, they will be credited to them anyway (this is noticeable, so that there are no extra questions regarding the decency of such a step).

So now you know everything about how to remove low priority in Dota 2. All successful games!