Dummer games 90s. Forgotten children's games of the last Soviet generation. The sea is worried about

In the XXI century, the children imperceptibly disappeared from the courtyards of large cities - now they play in computer games Or good-capacity spend time in specially organized children's clubs. Along with the children disappeared the culture of the courtyard games and the courtyard socialization (with all its features). And if kids can still be found on the courts under the supervision of relatives, then schoolchildren are not visible almost at all. "Gazeta.Ru" looks at the empty spring yards and remembers the disappeared games, which in many respects made us with such adults as we became.


How to play. The main attribute of this game for girls is lining gum. The perfect number of players - 3-4 people. Each participant performs jumping figures and combinations at different height: from the level of ankle (jump "first") to the level of the neck (jumping "sixth"). Jumping through a rubber, stretched at the level of the hip, wore the mysterious name "fire". As soon as the jumper is mistaken, another participant gets up on her place, and the girl who allowed the girl puts on his gum. If Four Players, pairs are changing places when both players from one pair alternately allow mistakes.

What Develops: Vestibular apparatus, coordination, attentiveness. He teaches to train, win, deserve to lose, jump above all and be friends with girls, even if they are rivals at this moment.


How to play. Requires chalk, asphalt platform and pebbles (or washer). Draw small cells with numbers in a certain sequence, and you can jump at least alone. The main thing is to get a stone into a cage, darken to it on one or two legs and return back the same way. The most fortunate player is considered to be the one who manages to go all the way from one to dozen. The number of players in the "classics" can be any.

What Develops: Dexterity, accuracy, ability to concentrate and knowledge of numbers, if players are completely kids.


How to play. Participants of this old Russian folk play They are divided into two equal teams and become opposite the other by the ranks, holding hands, at a distance of 10-15 m. Teams move towards a long river in turns: "Boyar, and we came to you, dear, and we came to you ..." The dialogue ends with the words: "Boyar, revole the gate, give us the bride forever". The one whom the bride choose must then disperse and break through the enemy chain. If an attempt turns out to be successful, the player returns to his team, if not - remains in another. The following cone starts the loser team. The goal of the game is to collect as many participants as possible.

What Develops: The ability to be in the team and win in the situation "one against all".

You go quiet, you will continue - stop

How to play. The task of the leading is to become back to the participants on the finish line (the more the distance between the leading and participants, the better) and say loudly: "You drive quieter, you will continue - stop". So far, the leading says (and he can do it at any tempo), participants try to escape as far as possible towards the finish. As soon as the leading shutters, you need to froze in place. The one who did not have time to stop or made a random movement, dropping out of the game. The one who gets to the finish line is first and touched to the leading.

What Develops: Coordination, the ability to quickly run and respond to changing circumstances.


How to play. Participants run away from the leading (this game is a variety of salok). The lead drives the player and touches it to him - cares. The outstanding puts hands, and any other participant can run up, touch it and "help out". The task of the leading - not to move away from the outstanding and not to let any step towards him. Summer version of sorcerers - run with "splashes" and water each other with water from leaky bottles. Usually five minutes after the start of the game, all wet, but very funny.

What Develops: The ability to quickly run, quickly think and mighty to rejoice in life.

The sea is worried about

How to play. The master turns away from the players and pronounces a count:

The sea worries times
The sea is worried about two,
The sea is worried about three,
Sea figure on the spot Zerrie!

While he says, the participants are chaotic moving in any order, depicting the movement of the waves. As soon as the leading shutters, you need to measure in some kind of figure. Driving comes to one of the players and touches it. The player depicts his figure in motion, and the leading guess what it is. The player, whose figure failed to guess, becomes leading.

What Develops: Imagination, spontaneity and artistry.


How to play.Players are divided into two teams - "Cossacks" and "Robbers". Agree on what territory they play. It can be a yard, an entrance, street, several yards. "Robbers" make a secret word. "Cossacks" depart aside so as not to see "robbers". "Robbers" run away, marking arrows on the asphalt (walls of houses, borders, trees, etc.) direction of its movement. Begin to run by the group, and then there are someone who, trying to confuse the "Cossacks" arrows. The task of "Cossacks" - to find along the shooters' arrows. Each "Robber" "Cossack" leads to a "prison" and worst it, trying to withdraw a secret word, for example, with the help of torture nettle. "Cossacks" win, as soon as the secret word, or find all the "robbers".

What Develops: Basic scout skills, ability to focus on the terrain and not to pass "their".

12 sticks

How to play.The game resembles classic hide and seekers. 12 small sticks are laid on the "lever" (for example, on a plate and laid pebbles for it) so that, coming on the lever, it was possible to scatter sticks. The task of the leading - collect sticks, fold them on the lever, pronounce with closed eyes Piece and go to search for hid players. As soon as the player detects the player, runs to the "lever" and breaks sticks, calling the name of the found. The player becomes leading. If the found has time to get ahead of the leading and reach the first sticks, the leading does not change.

What Develops:the skill competently hide and quickly run at the first need.


How to play. "Bouncer" - two players - get up from two sides of the site. The remaining players are located in the center. The task of "bounced" - throwing the ball to each other, get into any of the "central" players. The task of players is to dodge from the flying ball. The one who came to, coming out of the game. Other participants can "save" the retired player by catching the ball in the air (the main condition is not from the ground, otherwise you also fly out). When one participant remains in the "Central" players team, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is. If he managed to do this, all the dropped back are returned to the previous places.

What Develops: The ability to ride from rapidly flying items, think about the near and tolerate pain.

I know 5 names

How to play. The first player takes the ball in his hands, says: "I know one name of the girl", hits one hand with the ball about the ground and calls the name. Then continues with different variations: "I know one name of the boy", "I know one color", "I know one animal", "I know one city". When all combinations are used, the player utters the same readings, only on the account two: "I know two girls' name" - And then in a circle. The game continues up to ten. If, beat up the ball, the player did not have time to call the name or hit the ball, the move moves to another participant. When the ball, going through all the participants, returns to the first player, he continues to play with the phrase on which it was wrong. One who first gets in this river to dozen.

What Develops: Multitasking, erudition, ability to correct their mistakes and move on.


How to play. All players sit down or get into a row. Driving the ball with one of the participants and at the same time calls any subject. If the subject "edible", the player catches the ball. If not - beats. The task of the leading is to confuse a player, for example, in a chain "Apple-Melon-Carrot-Potato" Suddenly pronounce: "Iron". If the player is mistaken and "eats" "inedible", then it becomes leading. The faster the drive throws the ball and calls the items, the gambling and more interesting to play.

What Develops: The sense of humor, the ability to listen carefully and respond quickly.


How to play. Players designate a circle on Earth. Further, in turn, try to get a knife to the outlined enemy's territory and thus get away from him as more land. The knife can be thrown away from the shoulder, with a coup, from the nose and even from the head. There are many versions of the game in the "knives" under different names: "Earth", "Cities", "Benches", "Grandma-Dedi", "Tanks", "Ships", "Football", " sea Boy". The knife can be stuck in the ground, sand and even a wooden bench.

What Develops: Ability to handle cold weapons, attentiveness and caution.


How to play. Players get into a row and fold palm with a boat. Driving keeps in a fist or folded palms a small object, such as a coin, buttice, ring. In turn, bypassing each player, putting his own in his "boat" and saying: "I wear a nose ring and give someone." The task of the leading - imperceptibly to invest in one of the players and pronounce "Colecolten ring, go on the porch!"After that, the player who got the subject, jumps up and tries to escape. The task of the remaining participants is to delay the runaway.

What Develops: The ability to follow the manipulations of others, act quickly and decisively.

Will you go to the ball?

How to play. Driving Tale:

"Yes" and "no" do not say
black and white do not call
Will you go to the ball?

His task is to confuse the player. After reading the leading asks the player a variety of clarifying questions: what will go, what will go, what color will be a dress or trousers, what is the name of the groom, etc. The task of the player is to answer questions without using the words "yes", "no", "black", "white". Interestingly mixing simple and sophisticated questions, change the tempo of speech and intonation.

What Develops: The ability to think non-standard, follow your own speech, keep attention and quickly find a way out of the current situation.

I was born gardener

How to play. Each player chooses a name - the name of the flower and informs it to "gardener" - the factory and other players. The leading pronounces read: "I was born a gardener, I was angry with a joke, all the flowers are fed, except ..." And calls the "name" (flower name) of one of the players. There is a dialogue between the leading and player. The player pronounces the name of one flower from those in the team. Member whose name sounded should respond. The dialogue continues. The one who was wrong: for example, did not respond to his name, confused the name of the colors, "Phanti gives (any of his thing). At the end of the game, the phantas are played out. "Gardener" turns away, the thing is getting and asked by a leading: "What to do this player?" The "gardener" assigns a task (jump on one leg, to pee, sing, tell the poem, etc.) - the player "works out" the phant and takes his thing.

What Develops: Memory, attention, courage and willingness to respond for their actions.


How to play. Driving and one of the players get up to the rest of the participants: a leader, a player - back. The leading shows one of the participants and asks: "KIS?" If the player, standing with his back, responds "Brees"driving continues to choose. As soon as the player says "meow"driving asks him: "Which color?" The player chooses a color and turns face to other participants. Depending on the color selected, the player and the participant from the command performs the task. Refuse to task the player has no right. White is the most terrible color. Two must retire in the entrance. What they do there is a story every time silent. Green is three questions, answer which the player can only "yes." Usually questions Caverzny sort of: "You love him?" Red - kiss on the lips. Pink is the same, but in the cheek. Yellow - three questions alone. When choosing orange, you need to go under the hand, preferably past adults. Blue - kiss your hand. Purple - make a bad deed. For example, step on the leg, pull the hair or take the decoration.

What Develops: The ability to communicate with the opposite sex, manage its impulses and find socially acceptable forms for their desires.

In modern, schoolchildren are less and less. Houses - ipad, computer, TV. And what about the street? Maniacs and curfews. In the 80s, everything was different. Houses - fatal longing, and we disappeared all day on the street! And to us ! Recall?

These games are lost, perhaps forever. Now the championships of the yard games are held in Tula, but they participate in them mostly nostalging adults, those who are now 30-40, and then (at that wonderful "then"!) It was 7-12 years old. Children are love for "rubberry", "Cossacks-robberry" and "Classic Talks", alas, no longer instill.


Perhaps the main courtyard hit of our childhood. They played mostly girls from the first to the fourth grade, some slightly delayed, "smakey" with younger sisters and neighbors in the breaks between the school and the real dates.

Gum (ordinary, lounge, which we simply was called "for panties") was in the arsenal of each schoolgirl. For the game it was necessary about three meters, the ends were associated, and even better - stitched (or asked mom themselves).

I was lucky: the grandmother worked as a cashier in the crywood "haberdashery", so in addition to simple white rubber bands I had both black and colored.

The meaning of the game: Two became at a distance, hooking an elastic band behind his feet, the rest acceded through this gum. There were many levels (in height and complexity): from the ankle ("first") to the neck ("seventh").

Particularly jumped surprised the grandmothers-fans sitting on the bears on the bears: in this case, the gum was kept on their hands at the height of the ears.

A girl who could not run the desired combination was considered the "tagging" or "suffering" and became the "pillar" with a rubber band on his legs. Jump came out the following. Playing the "rubberry" could be at least three. Although ... If there were no people in the yard, and they literally impacted in the "rubberry", played together, having trailing the edge of the rubber band or swing.

"Classics" or "Cocks"

Long ago, dear my kids, when there were sidewalks in the Tula courtyards ... And seriously, in our childhood in the old courtyards of our city there were really wide smooth pedestrian walkways. And all of them were certainly written in chalk. And each entrance was drawn rectangles separated by numbered cells. These were "classics".

The meaning of the game was that it was necessary to go through (or rather, to slip on one or two legs) all cells in order. And not just to slip, but at the same time kick the washer with the foot, which was called "Cocking".

The game could participate as many players. It was possible to jump and alone.

The main artifact of "Classics", of course, was a ball. By the way, she could buy it in the store, however, they rarely came across. The shopping copies were made of light metal and were decorated with a "bas-relief" of the heroes of the cartoon "Well, wait!".

If there was no purchased bits, it was done by themselves. First of all, they poured shoe cream in flat banks from the parents, mercilessly throwing out the remnants and filling the contents of the tin can be sand. So that the Bound does not open by the lacquer, her edge was shy about the asphalt. The same beautiful bokings were obtained from the boxes from under Montpanne.

I do not know how in other areas of Tula, and in the cryptochye there was another field of the luxurious bertok - the company for the collection of scrap "Impmet" (we called it "Chermet"). There was "Chermet" through the railway track from the street. So we, 7-8-year-olds, went there were even more interesting: so far from the house, without demand, and even crawl under the standing staff ... This Quest! And on the "Crahet", we were looking for (and found!) Elegant washers, presumably lead. Smooth, smooth, heavy (do not miss!) - Such were only with us!

"12 wands"

This game is a little different from simple "hide and seeks." The same "water", players are hiding. At the beginning of Kona, 12 sticks were collected, put them on the edge of the junction, and under her - pebbles so that it was possible to step on the other edge of the chips and the design of the ruin. The sticks were installed near the wall - "Chury", the face to which was becoming a leading ("who was not hidden, I am not guilty!"). And when during the game the water "caught" the player's hidden player, his task was to reach the church as soon as possible and with a cry of "Chur-sticks" (or "Chur-sticks-calaps!") Design of rushing.

In the "12 sticks" we played all the courtyard, encouraging the screaming mantras: "Who does not go around the city, that four kona leads!", "Ax-ax, sit as a thief and do not look into the courtyard!" (This meant that it was driving to "Chira" and run away from the shelter), "Saw-Saw, fly as an arrow!" (It's time to rush to the sticks!).


It was a game of speed and dexterity. Playing in "Paints" gathered a man ten. All but two were "paints". Everyone chose a color.

The remaining two became by agreement by the seller of paints and the buyer who for some reason was a monk. Probably, this was his own sacral meaning, but the monk was presented not in the most advantageous light. He came to the seller and, as it were, pounded on the door, then - dialogue:

Knock Knock!

Who's there?

I am a monk in blue pants. On the head of the hole, in the g ** bottle. I came for paint.

Why did a monk look so terribly why in such an indecent form came to the store, I never understood.

But in childhood, we did not bother with a completely question. Just played, and that's it.

Then, a dampardone monk chose the color of the paint, and while the seller called the price and produced the calculation with a monk, the paint went to the start. With the last ruble (punch of the monk on the lady's palm) "Paint" broke away from the place! If the monk, despite the presence you know where the bottles, managed to catch up with "paint", he took it to himself and returned money. Most often, the paints were faster. It is understandable!

artifacts of childhood

After us, these things will not say anything to one archaeologist. But we would sell the soul for them!

Inserts from Zhwami "Love Is ..." (love is ...). On each liner - different stories and explanations, what is love.

A strikingly beautiful tite with a pattern under the layer of plexiglas. Now sold for collections.

Tiles. Previously, they were facing the facades of houses. Children used dyed tiles for games and collections as a certain equivalent for calculations during disputes and mena.

Recall the count

They walked a crocodile, smoked the tube, the tube fell and wrote:
"Sishel Musician, P * Round, came out."
(Pardon, but I will not throw out the song songs).
Sometimes a handset, falling out of the embarrassing paw crocodile, wrote:
"Sisli-muscles, snot came out."

Lit cargo car, crushed Nicholas. Nikolay shouts: "Hurray!"
Call a doctor.
Doctor rides on a bottle,
Right to the head of the back.
German thought the war, made a gun from g **. I charged the cutlet there, only two or three, and there are no guns!

Recently thought, but I feel sorry for our children. I look at my own - sections, mugs, schools, tutors ... Education in the first place. But they have an empty childhood, not interesting! Yes, in summer everything seems to be in the camps, by seas, in the villages, they do something. But they don't have something that was with us. For a long time I did not have to think. The answer came immediately. Our children have no yard. That yard that was with us. No yard, like places (although it has already turned into parking for a long time), but as a method of socialization, acquisition of communicative experience, yes nafig these smart words - communication finally! Lord, thank you that I didn't have a "classmates", thanks to this, I know in real life, and not in a virtual a bunch of people who can really help them and I will help them. And a large number of these connections originated in the yard. My favorite yard.
I already wrote what we did in childhood - the story was about that. But nevertheless, not these classes amounted to most of our yard.
The yard games are what we have deprived of our children locked them in apartments and attaching to themselves for the sake of safety and isolation from the anegous influence of negligent peers.

What will go about what will be discussed in this post refers far from only to children of perestroika - in these yard games played whole generations, starting from 50-60 years, and even earlier. After 25 years, I was not much difficult to remember all our games - I remember some of them as if I played in them quite recently. Let's tell your children about the good thing that we had.

Yard games: almost uniform rules and names throughout the country. How, tell me how it happened that in the same square played in Magadan, and in Kaliningrad? What kind of secret communications? So, let's go.


For the game I needed a big ball and a piece of bricks to draw a square on the asphalt, divided into 4 parts, with a circle for feeding in the middle.

1. The game begins with the flow of the ball in the circle of the field in the direction of the opponent. You can serve only diagonally.
2. Touch is not limited.
3. The player can beat off the ball "to" and "after" (maximum 1) touch the ball of his square.
4. If the player chops the ball to his square, it is counted 1 goal.
5. If the ball fell on line (between 2 players) or on a circle, he quit the player who touched the ball last.
6. If the player submitted the ball to the rival line (from the side of the AUT), then the ball will rewind the player who touched the ball last.
7. If the ball flew into an out (beyond the overall square), the player submitted this ball has 1 point.
8. If the ball fell on the square of the player and hit the field 2 times, the player numbers 1 goal.
9. As a rule, the game continues up to 11 heads. You can score goals any part of the body, except for the hands.
10. If one of the players missed 11 heads, he drops out of the game. When on playground There are 2 players, they occupy each two squares, and play until one of them misses 7 heads.
When playing two two - players who are diagonally to each other are considered to be allies and have a common account.

They drank the ball before the formation or while mom will not call home.


The meaning of the game was in kicking the ball on the wall, and with the position where he stopped after hitting the previous player. If the ball did not get the ball, then on this player, the next letter from the word "goat" was inspired. The game continued until someone was the first to gain all the letters and declared a "goat". The highest pilot was considered the ability to twist the ball so that he bumps out from the wall to fly under a stupid angle to the most difficult place, for example, in a basement. It was called "podlakami" :)

Twenty one

Each participant had to fill the ball exactly 21 times first on his leg, then on his knee, then on his hand and then on his head. If it turned out to be fueled less, the move passed to the next player, if randomly more - all the accumulated glasses burned. Won the one who first will pass all the stages and scores 21 points in each form of stuffing.


This game was mostly played when there were a large number of children in the yard.
Players are divided into two teams: embroidery and leading. The players agree on the distance between the raised and the draws of the closer lines of which they can not be suitable for each other - the more distance, the harder to bounce and easier to dodge the ball. The team is surrounded by the team bounced. With the help of the ball, the bouncers are trying to embroider watering. Embroidered players leave the field until all team players will be knocked out, while from the hands of the bouncer can be caught "Candle". Catching the "candle" has the ability to either take an extra life or return one of the previously knocked out. When it remains the last leading he must dodge the ball as many times as he has been full years. If he tried well, the whole team comes back and starts all over again. Otherwise, the teams are changing in places.

Stander Stop

The players become in a circle at a distance of the step from the leading (center of the circle can be designated in advance, for example, chalk). In the hands of a watering ball. Throwing up the ball high upwards calls the name of any player. The one he called should run into the center of the site and catch the ball. The leading occupies the vacant place. If a player catches the ball, it becomes leading and the described actions are repeated. If the ball has time to touch the land, playing scattering in different directions until he raises the ball and does not cry "Rutder!" or "Stop!". In this case, everyone gets freeze on the place where they were found by the team, and he should "rally" any of the players (get on it). Players do not have the right to leave the place on which they stopped (fading from the ball). Driving also has no right to leave the center of the circle for throw.
The one who got, becomes the lead or leaves the preliminary agreements out of the game. The game is repeated again.

Chervichka Stop (Hali Halo)

The lead takes the ball and makes the word. The rest of the players must guess it on the prompts - the essence (meaning) of the word and the first and last letters.
When a player calls the correct word, leading his ball and runs. The winner takes the ball, shouts the leading "Chervichka Stop!" And calls how much from him to the leading steps - simple, giant, liliput or ants. Makes the name of the steps towards the leading. And then trying to get into the ring from the hands of the leading. If it gets - it becomes leading. In some regions, the game could be known under the name "Khali-Halo".


In the "frogs" mostly played girls. The ball rushed into the wall, at the time of his impact of the ground it was necessary to jump over the ball, without hooking him.


The game in which players become in a circle and throw the ball to each other, trying not to give the ball in the hands of the "dog" - a man located in the center of the circle. If he caught the ball - changes in places with the player who missed the ball. A variety of "hot potatoes".

Hot potato

All players become in the circle and quickly throw each other ball (as if it is hot potatoes, not a ball). One player throws, the other must catch the ball. The one who has not caught is considered "punished" and sits on all fours to the center of the circle - "boiler". Players can freeze "sitting" in the boiler and return them to the game. To do this, throw the ball to the center and get into the "punished" players. Everyone who touched the ball is returned to the game. "Punished" players can save themselves. To do this, they need not getting up from the four to catch the ball flying over them. It is impossible to get up in full height, you can only raise your hands or try to jump on all fours. If some of them succeeded, all players from the center stand in a circle. And the player who thrown the ball, sits in the center.


A simplified version of the volleyball, where the ball players do not beat off, and they catch with two hands and throw it further too with two hands. Popular beach and camp game.


Remember, "Tai Thai Walk, who is playing!"? :) This annoying-a call for a moment collected the mighty army of the "Noshinsky" and "nonsense" armed with short pistol sticks and boards from boxes - machine guns. Who had a real toy gun, he announced his commander and began. Because of each corner, "Ta-Ta! You are killed" - "No, you wounded me only in my hand !!" - "And I seem to last forces... "-" Four or four, I'm on the break "-" Five to five - I'm in the game again "and so on. Batals continued until everyone is driven home. And before entering the apartment, hid their own "Weapons" for an access door or under the stairs. Sometimes even girls took part - as a nurse and tied out wounded fighters with their white scarves.


In the Pioneer camps "Warzushka" acquired the scale of a powerful military-patriotic game, which even filmed films ("before the first blood"). This was a real drive, for which it was worth riding the camps.


School game, in which the boys played exclusively. It's all the case in the projectile, which was played - dirty, stinking rag (or sex, or from a school board). The better the "projectile", the more active the game was. The meaning of the game is that a beginner takes a wet cloth and throws it in a neighbor standing nearby with a cry "Sif!" (from the word syphilic). The rest immediately scatter from the newly minted "sifts" the swarming. The task of "Sifu" is to rehabilitate in society, hitting a rag in another person, even if he does not want to take part in the game. And so on, while someone does not accept the new Sif status for the rest of the day. The feature of the game is that it always began suddenly, on the initiative of only one person, without prior arrangement, and often most played her not at wishes, but for the sake of salvation from dirty spots on clothes.

What are the miracles of the toughness not showed, so as not to become a "sifak" ...
And now there is even selling this game ... A cool idea :)

Towns, Clack.

The meaning of the game is to knock off the bat (stick) of different structures of dash and chopsticks. In this game I personally practically did not play, and it was not popular in our yard.


A devatic game, the meaning of which was in an instill in different secluded corners of the yard of colored bottled windows, with a candy foil in the form of a substrate. The meaning of the game for boys was in finding and destroying these bookmarks.

Twelve sticks

Very popular on the entire Soviet Spacious game. Its main essence is that all players must have time to hide at the time while the presenter collects in one pile of 12 sticks scattered before it. In the same way, spreading sticks - it is possible to "help out" not only yourself, but also already "caught" players.


Their most simple option. One feels, the rest are hiding. And then begins "knock-knock, Dima. Knock-knock, Masha ...".

The sea is worried about ...

Kindergarten game where after the words of the leading "the sea worries times, the sea is worried about two, the sea is worried about three - sea figure On the site of Zanri! ", Participants freeze in poses that depict various words. The lead must guess what they are depicted.

Mother's daughters

Game preparation of girls to family life :) By the way, the boys also played in her, depicting children and dads.


Digging by snowballs in winter. Or the wall on the wall, or built snow fortresses and were thrown from there.


Option "War", only plastic bottles made from under detergents (for example, "whiteness") filled with water and with a hole in the lid were used as weapons.


Highly popular game Boys, consisting in throwing a knife to the ground. The varieties of the game were a lot - "land", "tankers" and so on. The goal of the game "Land" - "Wantle" from the enemy as much as possible. Players in turns threw the land in the ground, standing on their plot, and "cut out" the land from their opponents.

The most common Soviet folding knives, which played:


No comments:)

King Mountain

The meaning of the game is to capture and hold some not very high slide - either sandy on the beach or snowy in the yard. Applicants on the king should try to throw off the ruler with the mountain with all ways. Once we played in Tsar Mountains in high pipes, I fell on the stomach and almost suffocated ...


A very popular game of girls, where the chalk on the asphalt paints squares in a certain sequence, playing, jumping on one leg, pushing the "bit" (for example, a jar from under Gutalin or washer) from a square in the next square, trying not to get on the line And do not step on the line by foot. All our yards were asked by these squares. Probably, they are the main applicant on the symbol soviet childhood. Chalk and asphalt - everything we need for games.


Very popular game, analogous hide and seekers who played all the yard. One team ("Robbers") was hiding, and the other ("Cossacks") was looking for her using the tips of the "robbers" in the form of a shooter on Earth, trees, houses of houses. The game continued quite long.

Colecolor, go on the porch

Game kindergartens game. Participants sit in a row and folded the palm of the boat. The presenter clamps in the palms of some small object, usually a coin or ring. Then, bypassing all the players in turn, putting his arms with words each in the "boat" in the "boat" with the words: "I'm nothing the ring, and I will give someone" and imperceptibly invests this subject in the palm of one of the players. Then pronounces: "The ring-ring, go to the porch!" - And the "marked" player must jump from the bench and run out. At the same time, the task of the rest of the players is to keep running in their ranks, so the "chosen" tries not to show that it was him the cherished subject.

Edible-not edible

The presenter throws the ball to participants, at the same time calling various subjects. The ball should be caught in the event that the named item is edible and beat the ball otherwise.

Rock Paper Scissors

Players consider aloud the "stone ... scissors ... paper ... Once ... two ... three", at the same time swing fists. At the expense of "three", they simultaneously show one of the three characters with hand: stone, scissors or paper. Signs are depicted in the picture. The winner is determined by the following rules:
- Stone wins scissors ("The stone is blinking or broke scissors")
- Scissors win paper ("scissors cut paper")
- Paper wins the stone ("Paper covers stone")
If the players showed the same sign, then draw a draw and the game is replaying. Usually played on the rollers and after the game the foreheads were red.

Fisherman and fish

Participants get into the circle, the presenter stands inside it and spins the rope at the foot level. The task of participants is to jump over the rope.


The well-known and favorite game of all girls in the courtyards. Two players become "in a rubber". One player jumps (performs a number of exercises) - in turn at all levels. Usually, each exercise was performed at all levels in turn, after which they moved to the next exercise and began to jump from 1 level - so the game was diverse. Sometimes he jumped differently - all the exercises were immediately performed first by 1, then 2.3 and so on levels. At 5-6-7 levels, complex exercises were canceled

Levels of a gum:

First - when the rubberbish is at the level of ankle
- Second - Rubber at the knee level
- Third - gum at the thigh level ("under the boo")
- Fourth - gum at the belt level
- Fifth - rubber band at chest level
- Sixth - Elastic at Neck
- And even the seventh - the gum was held by their hands at the level of the ears.

I never understood how girls managed to jump so high and lay legs. Yes, about the elastic band - often it was a rubber band from panties associated with several such. Buy new was very difficult due to the deficit.

I decided to posstalgging a little. All born in the USSR is dedicated. Very cool topic, pleasant to you memories!

Tells blogger Alexey Marahovts: I recently thought, and I feel sorry for our children. I look at my own - sections, mugs, schools, tutors ... Education in the first place. But they have an empty childhood, not interesting! Yes, in summer everything seems to be in the camps, by seas, in the villages, they do something. But they don't have something that was with us. For a long time I did not have to think. The answer came immediately. Our children have no yard. That yard that was with us. No yard, like places (although it has already turned into parking for a long time), but as a method of socialization, acquisition of communicative experience, yes nafig these smart words - communication finally! Lord, thank you that I didn't have "classmates", thanks to this, I know in real life, and not in a virtual a bunch of people who can really help them and I will help them. And a large number of these connections originated in the yard. My favorite yard.
The yard games are what we have deprived of our children locked them in apartments and attaching to themselves for the sake of safety and isolation from the anegous influence of negligent peers.

What will go about what will be discussed in this post refers far from only to children of perestroika - in these yard games played whole generations, starting from 50-60 years, and even earlier. After 25 years, I was not much difficult to remember all our games - I remember some of them as if I played in them quite recently. Let's tell your children about the good thing that we had.

Yard games: almost uniform rules and names throughout the country. How, tell me how it happened that in the same square played in Magadan, and in Kaliningrad? What kind of secret communications? So, let's go.

Remember, "Tai Tai Walk, who is in the war play!"? :) This challenge-a call for a moment collected the mighty army of "Noshinsky" and "nonsense" armed with short stick pistols and boards from the boxes - machine guns. Who had a real toy gun, he announced his commander and began. Because of each corner, "Ta-Ta! You killed "-" No, you wounded me only in your hand !! " - "And I seem to be from the last strength ...". - "Four to four, I'm on the break" - "Five to five - I'm in the game again" and so on. Batalia continued until everyone is driven home. And before entering the apartment, hid their "weapons" for the access door or under the stairs. Sometimes even girls took part - as a nurse and tied out wounded fighters with their white scarves.

In the pioneer camps "War" acquired the scale of a powerful military-patriotic game, which even filmed films ("before the first blood"). This was a real drive, for which it was worth riding the camps.

This game was mostly played when there were a large number of children in the yard.
Players are divided into two teams: embroidery and leading. The players agree on the distance between the raised and the draws of the closer lines of which they can not be suitable for each other - the more distance, the harder to bounce and easier to dodge the ball. The team is surrounded by the team bounced. With the help of the ball, the bouncers are trying to embroider watering. Embroidered players leave the field until all team players will be knocked out, while from the hands of the bouncer can be caught "Candle". Catching the "candle" has the ability to either take an extra life or return one of the previously knocked out. When it remains the last leading he must dodge the ball as many times as he has been full years. If he tried well, the whole team comes back and starts all over again. Otherwise, the teams are changing in places.

In the "frogs" basically played girls. The ball rushed into the wall, at the time of his impact of the ground it was necessary to jump over the ball, without hooking him.

Hot potato
All players become in the circle and quickly throw each other ball (as if it is hot potatoes, not a ball). One player throws, the other must catch the ball. The one who has not caught is considered "punished" and sits on all fours to the center of the circle - "boiler". Players can freeze "sitting" in the boiler and return them to the game. To do this, throw the ball to the center and get into the "punished" players. Everyone who touched the ball is returned to the game. "Punished" players can save themselves. To do this, they need not getting up from the four to catch the ball flying over them. At the same time, it is impossible to get in full growth, you can only raise your hands or try to jump on all fours. If some of them succeeded, all players from the center stand in a circle, and the player who threw the ball, sits down to the center.

A simplified version of the volleyball, where the ball players do not beat off, and they catch with two hands and throw it further too with two hands. Popular beach and camp game.

For the game I needed a big ball and a piece of bricks to draw a square on the asphalt, divided into 4 parts, with a circle for feeding in the middle.
1. The game begins with the flow of the ball in the circle of the field in the direction of the opponent. You can serve only diagonally.
2. Touch is not limited.
3. The player can beat off the ball "to" and "after" (maximum 1) touch the ball of his square.
4. If the player chops the ball to his square, it is counted 1 goal.
5. If the ball fell on line (between 2 players) or on a circle, he quit the player who touched the ball last.
6. If the player submitted the ball to the rival line (from the side of the AUT), then the ball will rewind the player who touched the ball last.
7. If the ball flew into an out (beyond the overall square), the player submitted this ball has 1 point.
8. If the ball fell on the square of the player and hit the field 2 times, the player numbers 1 goal.
9. As a rule, the game continues up to 11 heads. You can score goals any part of the body, except for the hands.
10. If one of the players missed 11 heads, he drops out of the game. When 2 players remain on the playground, they occupy each two squares, and they play until one of them misses 7 heads.
When playing two two - players who are diagonally to each other are considered to be allies and have a common account.

They drank the ball before the formation or while mom will not call home.

The meaning of the game was in kicking the ball on the wall, and with the position where he stopped after hitting the previous player. If the ball did not get the ball, then on this player there was an next letter from the word "goat". The game continued until someone did not pick up all the letters and declared a goat. The highest pilot was considered the ability to twist the ball so that he bumps out from the wall to fly under a stupid angle to the most difficult place, for example, in a basement. It was called "podlasses" :)

Twenty one
Each participant had to fill the ball exactly 21 times first on his leg, then on his knee, then on his hand and then on his head. If it turned out to be fueled less, the move passed to the next player, if randomly more - all the accumulated glasses burned. Won the one who first will pass all the stages and scores 21 points in each form of stuffing.

Stander Stop
The players become in a circle at a distance of the step from the leading (center of the circle can be designated in advance, for example, chalk). In the hands of a watering ball. Throwing up the ball high upwards calls the name of any player. The one he called should run into the center of the site and catch the ball. The leading occupies the vacant place. If a player catches the ball, it becomes leading and the described actions are repeated. If the ball has time to touch the land, playing scattering in different directions until he raises the ball and does not cry "Rutder!" or "Stop!". In this case, everyone gets freeze on the place where they were found by the team, and he should "rally" any of the players (get on it). Players do not have the right to leave the place on which they stopped (fading from the ball). Driving also has no right to leave the center of the circle for throw.
The one who got, becomes the lead or leaves the preliminary agreements out of the game. The game is repeated again.

Chervichka Stop (Hali Halo)
The lead takes the ball and makes the word. The rest of the players must guess it on the prompts - the essence (meaning) of the word and the first and last letters.
When a player calls the correct word, leading his ball and runs. The winner takes the ball, shouts the leading "Chervichka Stop!" And calls how much from him to the leading steps - simple, giant, liliput or ants. Makes the name of the steps towards the leading. And then trying to get into the ring from the hands of the leading. If it gets - it becomes leading. In some regions, the game could be known under the name "Hali Halo".

The game in which players become in the circle and throw the ball to each other, trying not to give the ball in the hands of the "dog" - a man located in the center of the circle. If he caught the ball - changes in places with the player who missed the ball. A variety of "hot potatoes".

School game, in which the boys played exclusively. It's all the case in the projectile, which was played - dirty, stinking rag (or sex, or from a school board). The onestand the "projectile", the more active the game was. The meaning of the game is that a beginner takes into his hands a wet cloth and throws it in a neighbor standing nearby with a cry of "Sif!" (from the word syphilic). The rest immediately scatter from the newly minted "sifts" the swarming. The task of "Sifu" is to rehabilitate in society, hitting a cloth in another person, even if he does not want to take part in the game. And so on, while someone does not accept the new Sif status for the rest of the day. The feature of the game is that it always began suddenly, on the initiative of only one person, without prior arrangement, and often most played her not at wishes, but for the sake of salvation from dirty spots on clothes.

What only the miracles of the tornness did not show, so as not to become a "sifak" ...

Towns, Clack.
The meaning of the game is to knock off the bat (stick) of different structures of dash and chopsticks.

A devatic game, the meaning of which was in an instill in different secluded corners of the yard of colored bottled windows, with a candy foil in the form of a substrate. The meaning of the game for boys was in finding and destroying these bookmarks.

Twelve sticks
Very popular on the entire Soviet Spacious game. Its main essence is that all players must have time to hide at the time while the presenter collects in one pile of 12 sticks scattered before it. In the same way, spreading sticks - it is possible to "help" not only yourself, but also already "caught" players.

Their most simple option. One feels, the rest are hiding. And then begins "knock-knock, Dima. A knock-knock, Masha ... ".

The sea is worried about ...
The kindergarten game where after the words of the leading "the sea worries times, the sea is worried about two, the sea is worried about three - the sea figure on the site of Zanries!", Participants are freezing in the poses that are depicting various words. The presenter must guess what they are depicting.

Mother's daughters
Game preparation of girls to family life :) By the way, the boys also played in her, depicting children and dads.

Digging by snowballs in winter. Or the wall on the wall, or built snow fortresses and were thrown from there.

Option "Winkers", only plastic bottles made from under detergents (for example, "whiteness"), filled with water and with a hole in the lid were used as weapons.

Very popular game of boys, consisting in throwing a knife in the ground. There were many varieties of the game - "Zepers", "Tanks" and so on. The goal of the game "Zezhka" - "Wantle" from the enemy as much as possible. Players in turns threw the knives to the ground, standing on their plot, and "cut off" the lands from their opponents.

The most common Soviet folding knives, which played:

No comments:)

King Mountain
The meaning of the game is to capture and hold some not very high slide - either sandy on the beach or snowy in the yard. Applicants on the king should try to throw off the ruler with the mountain with all ways. Once we played in Tsar Mountains in high pipes, I fell on the stomach and almost suffocated ...

A very popular game of girls, where the chalk on the asphalt paints squares in a certain sequence, playing, jumping on one leg, pushing the "bit" (for example, a jar from under Gutalin or washer) from a square in the next square, trying not to get on the line And do not step on the line by foot. All our yards were asked by these squares. Probably, they are the main applicant for the symbol of Soviet childhood. Chalk and asphalt - everything we need for games.

Very popular game, analogous hide and seekers who played all the yard. One team ("Robbers") was hiding, and the other ("Cossacks") was looking for, using the tips of the "robbers" in the form of a shooter on Earth, trees, walls of houses. The game continued quite long.

Colecolor, go on the porch
Game kindergartens game. Participants sit in a row and folded the palm of the boat. The presenter clamps in the palms of some small object, usually a coin or ring. Then the hands of each players are in turn, putting his hands with the words with the words: "I wear a ringing ring, and I will give someone to someone," and imperceptibly invests this item in the palm of one of the players. Then I say: "Colecolor, go out on the porch!" - And the "marked" player must jump from the bench and run out. At the same time, the task of the remaining players is to keep running in their ranks, so the "elected" tries not to show that it was him the cherished subject.

Edible-not edible
The presenter throws the ball to participants, at the same time calling various items. The ball should be caught in the event that the named item is edible and beat the ball otherwise.

Rock Paper Scissors
Players consider aloud the "stone ... scissors ... paper ... Once ... two ... three", at the same time swing fists. At the expense of "three", they simultaneously show one of the three characters with hand: stone, scissors or paper. Signs are depicted in the picture. The winner is determined by the following rules:
- Stone wins scissors ("The stone is blinking or broke scissors")
- Scissors win paper ("scissors cut paper")
- Paper wins the stone ("Paper covers stone")
If the players showed the same sign, then draw a draw and the game is replaying. Usually played on the rollers and after the game the foreheads were red.

Fisherman and fish
Participants get into the circle, the presenter stands inside it and spins the rope at the foot level. The task of participants is to jump over the rope.

The well-known and favorite game of all girls in the courtyards. Two players become "in a rubber". One player jumps (performs a number of exercises) - in turn at all levels. Usually, each exercise was performed at all levels in turn, after which they moved to the next exercise and began to jump from 1 level - so the game was diverse. Sometimes he jumped differently - all the exercises were immediately performed first by 1, then 2.3 and so on levels. At 5-6-7 levels, complex exercises were canceled

Levels of a gum:
- First - when the rubber is at the level of ankle
- Second - Rubber at the knee level
- Third - gum at the thigh level ("under the boo")
- Fourth - gum at the belt level
- Fifth - rubber band at chest level
- Sixth - Elastic at Neck
- And even the seventh - the gum was held by their hands at the level of the ears.
I never understood how girls managed to jump so high and lay legs. Yes, about the elastic band - often it was a rubber band from panties associated with several such. Buy new was very difficult due to the deficit.

Specially did not mention here some more famous gamesI hope you remember them yourself :)
And what games were the most popular in your yard? Do your children play these games now?

"Daaaa, here, it turns out, as it happens," I thought, looking at the glasses of girls, in bewilderment frozen before the mesh in the classic asphalt. Immediately it turned out that they do not know how to play elastic, above ground and knocked out. I had to teach. Parents, Ida on the street, summer ends, and children know nothing!


In fact, in the game, like the classics played even in the Middle Ages, and in Russia it is known since the XIX century. The rules of this street game for girls are simple, only asphalt, chalk and pebbles are needed.

Draw a field with ten squares and semicircle, throw in the first peasol and jump at least alone, moving the stone from the cell from the cell into the cage. 1-2 cell - jump by one foot, 3 and 4 - on the leg on each, 5 - two legs in one. Further repeat, turn and go over again. The game develops dexterity, accuracy and jumping.


Source: Mira1.ru. They played everything in the 1980s and even the boys did not consider to jump together with the girls. Especially elegant was considered to "dry" a new, non-stretched lounge gum, which was in short supply. According to the rules for this street game, we needed at least three people (two stand, one jumping) and, in fact, the gum itself. There were several levels: 1) by the ankle (nothing complicated, so, to warm up), 2) by knee (already more complicated, but still a lot), 3) at the level of the thighs (on the "help of the" help of the housing "- well, it was already forced to think about it), 4 ) A rubber band on the waist (many refused) and finally last LevelFor incredible jumpers, when the gum stretched at the neck level!

Combinations of jumps were diverse and differed from each other in different fields: "Steps", "Ship", "Bows", "Salt". The one who passed down, stuck, has changed in places with the "pillar" held by the gum.


This is a game for a strong spirit, not planks. Two players get along the edges of the field, and the rest - in the middle. They are two leading and need to knock out the ball. Where exactly the ball gets - it is difficult to imagine, but the bruises are provided, because no one will never regret it! That whom hit the ball, dropping out of the field. Other players who have retired, caught the ball on the fly. If this fails, one, the most dexterous player who must hold out and dodge the ball as many times as he is full of years.


Another game with the ball. Players quickly quickly throw each other ball like hot potato. Who did not catch - sits in the center of the circle and trying to catch the ball flying over the head. Caught? Change places with that. Who threw him awkwardly!

Your comrades can you, by the way, help if you fall into you a blank ball. But in what place they will get you - no one knows. I once, for example, caught the ball with my nose, and two weeks went with wonderful fingals.


Command live game for boys and girls, which will not hurt modern children at all. The group is divided into two teams, some will look for others, combining immediately in one game and hide and seek, and cabin. "Robbers" make a secret word and run away, hiding from the "Cossacks", marking their journey with arrows on the asphalt and trying to confuse the pursuers in every possible way. The same, in turn, catch opponents according to one, lead to the "headquarters" and are discharged from the caught word-secret. The nettle is used, frightening insects and other terrible types of torture.

The game is considered to be finished, if the word is recognized, "Robbers" caught. As an option, the "Robbers" themselves can cooperate and capture the "headquarters" of the Cossacks.


Silent joy for neighbors - no one is worn. Players are sitting on the bench, keep hands with a boat in front of them. And the one who drives, squeezes in the palms of the ring and coin and by sociable players, puts their palms in the folded "boats". At the same time, it is necessary to say: I'm nothing the ring, and I will give someone. To whom he presented something, it becomes known after the words "ring-ring, go to the porch!".

At that moment, the "gifted" player should jump and run away from the shop. The task of the rest is to prevent this. Children's street game Developed the ability of this scout, because it is very difficult not to issue your emotions from getting a cherished ring, so that no one guessed and cannot catch you!

above land

Excellent variety of catch-up, which was best to play on the playground. The lead tries to catch the players, and those running, can "escape", raising the legs above the ground. At the very worst end, it was possible to fall on the back and raise the legs up, but this behavior was considered unsports. It was best to rinse on a penneck, a border, hang on the branch ... The presenter could stop and wait - Will you fall, but for a long time to stand in front of one player, too, it was ugly - run, catching the rest!

Yes. Of course, our childhood games were not too attracted, but we spent almost all our free time on the street. The biggest misfortune was to join the home drinking water and be caught by parents and seated dining. After all, at this time, weak friends shouted under the windows: I go out! We will play the Cossacks-Robbers to play!

And now we ourselves are already moms and want to pull the child for lunch not because of the computer table, but from the street. Moreover, there is ahead - vacation!