Hyde Muradina from Heroes of the Storm. Hyde Muradina from the Storm Hero Heroes of The Storm Hero Muradin

That should be a great to know the mountain king. Muradin Extremely alive, he has a lot of mills, and mass control is its specialty. He is one of those guys you want to see on the first line. If you are fine with the tanks, you should look at it.


The first ability is "Thunder Hammer", one of the most important abilities of Muradin. He throws the hammer in the opponent, damage and stuns him. This is a very cool ability, especially if you want to catch up with the enemy or interrupt its heroic ability. You should be ready to throw so many thunderstorms as capable of how many thunderstorm hammer.

The second ability is "grumble". Muradin beats on the ground and in a certain radius causes damage, as well as slows down opponents around 25%. This is an incredibly useful ability in large team battles. You can jump or run into the enemy, use the grumble to use your thunderstorms, stunning and provide a better opportunity for your team, change the position for yourself or just to move away if the battle lost.

What else makes Muradin is extremely useful, so it is a "dulphid jump." The ability for Esquepa, which is extremely rarely found in the nearby fighters in. With the help of a jaffian jump, you can simply jump into any goal. It, of course, allows you to jump into the battle and distribute the rollers of thunder and thunderstorming hammers. He also allows you to leave the goals. If you run away from the enemy, close to death, then just jump over the obstacle and hide from chase. A dust journey is very useful and is one of the most important tools in your arsenal.

His passive ability "Second Breathing" is the thing that Muradin is incredibly survivable. If you are standing outside the battle of 4 seconds, then Muradin gets accelerated health restoration. In just a few seconds you will see how his health increases, and you can jump back into a fight. If the health level falls below 30%, the second breathing will restore it even faster. If you are close to death, then, just after a few seconds outside the battle, you can return and apply damage. You can throw a thunderstorm hammer, finish the enemy, use the grommet roll and jump over a jaffian jump. So, this is a very useful liable, which allows you to play for Muradin, use the well only to fill the mana.


When we are looking for Building on Muradina, there is a thing that rushes into the eyes: it is built around the hammer of this guy. On 1, 4 and 7 level, we choose talents for a thunderstorm hammer suitable for it. All because the thunder hammer will be used for many purposes. This means that we take the "ideal storm" at the first level, "sledgehammer" - on the fourth and at the seventh level - "piercing hammer." These talents perfectly complement each other.

Talent At the first level allows you to apply additional damage. When you use "q" to hit the target, and successfully fall, you get an additional 5 damage until the end of the game to the ability of the thunder hammer. It is very cool and perfectly combined with talent at the seventh level (piercing hammer). You can hit two goals if they cost enough.

Basically, you only need to throw a thunder hammer and get an additional 10 damage until the end of the game. This allows you to get an incredible number of damage while the game continues. These two damn talents are good with fourth level talent (sledgehammer). You immediately apply an additional 400% damage to a thunderstorm hammer on minions, buildings, as well as against the mercenaries. This is a chic talent. As soon as you start accumulating additional damage on a thunderstorm hammer, which, of course, works great with the fourth level talent, then you will instantly be able to capture the camp of siege giants. You can easily capture the camp of mercenaries and apply great amount Build damage, especially in the late stage of the game. You can destroy the tower with the help of two thunderstorm Molotov.

As you can see, the first three talent perfectly complement each other. And we go further.

When we talk about the tenth level, we have two choices for heroic ability. This is "avatar" and "stunning blow." Avatar is the talent that you will take in most cases. This is a stunning talent that gives you additional health points and, in addition, each auto attack is accompanied by mini-mill.

Your main goal in team battles is to initiate with the help of a thunderstorm hammer, jump jumper jump, activate avatar and simply bear the rear line of opponents.

On the other hand, a stunning blow - less playful ultimate, which you will not use often. Usually your team relies on your survival, therefore avatar is more appropriate. But playing with a stunning blow is quite fun. You apply a lot of damage to the goal that you will learn, as well as all the goals who met her on the way. And there is nothing more merrily than jumping a journey jump for the enemy who does not expect to do that you will do, suddenly use a stunning blow and discard it straight to your team, which will figure it out. It is a very fun talent to play in a pair of fast games. However, if you plan to play serious games or in Ranken, then you should take avatar.

More recently, the choice of talent at the 13th level was simple for Muradin. "Rewind" was a mandatory talent, but now transferred it to level 20. Therefore, at the thirteenth level there are several options. In general, there is one talent that takes most people. This is a "thunder blow, which applies an additional 300% damage from your grommet, if you beat one goal. For example, if you hold on to a dragon edge, then it is an excellent talent for applying additional damage.

There is also a "static healing" that you can use in order to become a bit. Each goal that you hit the roller grommet gives you some health, which is simply amazing, for example, in the game against the ombolo. He catches you in the zombie wall, you live this skill and immediately restore 10% of health. This is useful.

"Shield of climbs" is also available for you at the level 13. This is another talent to which it is worth looking if we are talking about survival. If you have problems to stay alive, the shield of climbs is for you.

In general, the main talent is now a thunder blow. Additional damage against an isolated goal is extremely useful for Muradin. And if there are no problems with survival, always choose it.

Talent at the 16th level - "Stone Form." This is a stunning talent that will keep your life. After the sixteenth level, you will become a nightmare for your opponents. They will need a lot of power and time to kill you. Stone form gives you 40% of health, which are restored for 8 seconds. In general, this is a huge health bubble that you can use when you want: in the threat of death or when you have half health. Use it, and your opponent will not be able to kill you. Especially if you have other abilities, if you subsequently use second breathing, if you have a doctor who will be treated. Stone form is just amazing. You love it. This is a 16 level talent that you should always take.

At the level 20 a lot of good choices that you can use for heroic ability. This is an excellent improvement in your avatar, as well as a new talent at the twentieth level - "durable shields", which makes you for 4 seconds practically not killed. But usually take a rewind. It was a chic talent at the 13th level and it remains the same at 20.

If you have the opportunity to throw a thunder hammer twice, you, of course, apply additional damage and take more goals. Use a double journey jump, with the help of which whimge from the enemy, like a rabbit, and you will always have an opportunity for Esquip. You can simply break into the battle, throw a thunder hammer, rolling thunder and jump back immediately. With this talent a bunch of options. So at the twentieth level, take the rewind and, I assure you, will be very fun.

With the build described above, Muradin becomes truly a live monster. He tankers on the front line, comes beyond the opponent, makes a lot of work, especially his stunning. Slightly behind the damage, but compensates for it with his vitality.

Of course, there are a pair of talents that can be changed, depending on the situation, if you want. Consider them closer.

Muradin Bronzemed - Hero of the Alliance. He is middle brother among two other bronze breeds. Earlier it was believed that Muradin died in Nordskol from the blow of the ice grief - a newfound weapon of Arthas Menetl, but later it was found that Muradin did not die, but he lost his memory and wandered over the Northern Wasps, until he met with his brother again, helping Muradin to return memories. When his brother, magnesium, turned into a diamond statue, Muradin became a representative of bronze breeds in the new Trej's council Molotov.

Muradin is a fairly useful hero, and choosing some talents can be attributed to the category of tank utility that can damage. There is also an interesting version of Bild with hellish buildings. But first things first.

Muradina skills

[Passive ability] Second Breathing

Allows you to restore 10 (+3) units of health per second, if Muradin did not receive damage for at least 4 seconds. When the hero has less than 40% of health, the fill speed increases to 31 (+7) health units per second.

Super sustain ability. Go to the fountain only for mana. Which lacks unfortunately catastrophically. If you are cheating, it helps a little to fill and survive, in general a very good liability for the tank.

[Q] Thunderstorm Hammer

Muradin inflicts 50 (+10) units of damage to the first affected enemy and stuns it for 1.5 seconds.

Very cool mill. At a low level, over a half seconds, you can kill a careless enemy on the line. Many good talents for him.

[W] Rask Thunder

Muradin inflicts 58 (+8) units of damage by an opponent around him and reduces the speed of movement of opponents by 25% by 2.5 seconds.

Oyobyka. With the desired talent, it can be useful, maybe to chill, and become and slow down, in general, the choice is huge. Application areas Heap. For example, clean the basement, lines, or shark camps.

[E] Dopy Jump

Muradin jumps into the specified place and causes 35 (+5) units of damage to opponents in the field of lesion.

We can jump, explore, in general, jump, become and dubbing all the hammer. With the necessary talents helps to be saved.


Muradin takes a different appearance, in which the stock of its health increases by 575 (+75) units, and the auto attacks stun the opponents.

Each of our auto attack will face the enemy by half a second. It is not very useful. At the same time, we can shoot down all streaming spells (except electrical breathing diablo)

Stunning strike

Muradin inflicts 320 (+20) units of damage and discarding the goal back, inflicting all the enemies, which turned out to be 80 (+5) the units of damage repulsively and their.

Great ability. Remember, in the guide about ETC, we did a combo with folding? So this ability, we can feed the enemy almost for your own throne. Very fun, and quite well with Push Bild.

Talents Muradina

We are certainly luxurious with the choice of talanov, but look for what heroes the opponent team play.

TIR 1.

Block: Blocks 2 enemy auto attacks and they cause 50% damage. Fast rollback makes the ability very cool. But we have another excellent contraction for autoakers.

Otzvuk: The speed of attack at the "rolling of thunder" the heroes decrease by 33% by 3.5 seconds. In the crowd of enemies, we immediately live the thunder and they are not enough that they are slowed down, so also the autoataks are slow. Very cool. In Leite Game, you can score on others and jump to the most dangerous ricckers, distributing a bunch of controls.

Charged hammer: "Thunder hammer" fills muradine 45 units of mana for each affected opponent. Doubtful ability that declares our "thunder hammer" to 15 mana, but only if we get them. We have a hell to suffer from lack of mana, but in comparison with other talents in this dash looks weak.

The perfect storm: When Muradin enters Op Hero "Thunder Hammer", damage from it increases by 5 units until the end of the game. Highly good abilitywhich comes with the talent of the "sledgehammer" from the following tire. 20 hits up to 20 minutes to make it easy, and this is +100 to the damage.

TIR 2.

Sledge hammer: "Thunder hammer" causes 400% damage to soldiers and buildings, and also destroys 4 units. Ammunition in buildings. Very cool talent. From the start of the game allows Lyuto to break the towers at the first level. Thank you very much that they began to give experience for them. With the hollow at least by +100 hammer we get +400 to the damage on buildings. It is very cool.

Third Breath: When Muradin remains 50% of health, the speed of its restoration from the ability "second breathing" increases. Very good talent that helps us more sustain. Good talent for solo queues

Mass control: Reduces the recovery time "Rasse thunder" at 0.75 seconds for each affected target. Allows you to quickly merge Manu. Most often, we are hard to get more than in Troim. This is very small. Not the most useful talent in my opinion.

Burning a storm: "Rush thunder" leaves after itself the area that explodes after 2 seconds and causes 29 (+4) units of damage. The speed of movement of opponents in this area is reduced by 25% for 2 seconds. Not bad talent. Helps us more control the place of tymfight. I take it when I play the team, and I know for sure that my allies will take the "executioner" at 16. In solo, I prefer the "sledgehammer" or "third breath"

Cleper cramps: Each third autoatak coming in one goal, stuns this goal to 0.25 seconds. Not really. The microstatan is useful to shoot down streaming spells, but for now we will make 3 autoataks ... In general, everything is clear here. It is better to fall with a hammer, I also get the increase.

TIR 3.

Azart Battle: Our autoataks reduce skill skills. For Push-Muradin, the most it is.

Reinforced cartridge: the next auto accident after using the ability will cause more damage. Good talent for the new, not very good for Muradin.

Piercing hammer: "Thunder hammer" now flies through opponents, and can hit one additional goal. To get along the second hero you need them to run into a row. If you came to fall one by one, you can go to new level And become two. Personally, I do not take it.

Pulse with landing: After landing, Muradin increases its velocity speed by 20% for 2 seconds. Useful talent If the opponent has heroes with a gap close, which can break off the distance. Such a talent or helps catch up, or run away from such. Up to 7 levels need to decide whether it will be useful or not.

TIR 5.

Flame rage: Aoe Aura, take it at will.

The shield of spells: after receoning the damage from the abilities on the hero, a shield is superimposed, which reduces damage from the abilities by 50% by 2 seconds. It can work more than once in 30 seconds. If the opponent has some kind of Nova or Jain, or the hitch is a hitch, then you need to take. Useful talent that helps more tank.

Static healing: For each crushed "thunder", the goal of Muradin fills 1.5% of the maximum stock of health. I have already spoken about the fact that we will rarely fall more than 3 goals. Although the talent is not bad and helps us survive. Take at your discretion.

Thunder blow: if we hit the grommet "rolling" for one purpose, then we will apply 300% damage. But now a note. Buildings are also considered a single goal. And golems. And every rubbish. At the level of level 20, we inflict 630 damage. Excellent talent for the Push.

Rewind: resets the CD of our basic abilities. Not bad talent, take it at will.

TIR 6.

Conclusive presence: good talent, which reduces the speed of attack those who beats Muradin. Together with the "Otzvuk" will help to intimidate enemy kerry, so you can take if you notice that you often fox.

Palace: We have a lot of control, but slow autoataks. Not as useful as other hats in this dash.

Strong collision: A dvorniy jump now strips the affected opponents by 0.75 seconds. If we dreamed to the running goal, then cool. If the opponent has little streaming spells, that is, talents are more useful.

For survival in this dash there are 2 talent.

Strong collision: Flash we have, so if there are problems with coming out of battle and reduced distance, then you need to take.

Stone form: it's just fire, not the ability! In 8 seconds, it fills us 2600 hp at level 20. It is possible to fasten the solo on everyone, the superTalant, I take.

TIR 7.

If you have survived to level 20, then the game is coming Not so smooth. Resurrection is very useful if you are often killed. If you tank Buff avatars are also very good. The second charge of the "stunning strike" is in no way, better resurrection.

In general, it turns out a very useful hero, which can unrealously poison the solo structure, and in the thymf, distribute controls and survive.

Here is such a build I get most often:

Damage on buildings on 20 is simply inadequate, you can scoring on all MAP Events just go along with the team and break the throne.

Tactics and positioning.

Muradin is good on the line. At the beginning of the game it will be useful to go on a line with a good DD, because you can kill some thin enemy hero behind the standard.

Your main task in Tymf is turned off enemy strong kerry. And this means you have to get a hammer.

If you manage to jump behind your back, for example, to Rhinoor, then immediately push it to your allies so that those with it are sorted out.

If you allow you to freely break towers and forts, then use it, it will quickly lead you to victory.

Do not forget about the "stone form". Even without chilov, you can freely tank the structure of opponents with your team.

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Muradin - One of the most durable tanks in the game. He knows how to slow down and stun the opponents using basic abilities, as well as aggressively join the fight, the dictation rate of action in command battles And skirmishes. Playing Muradin, you will have to attract the maximum attention of opponents, giving allions time to take a profitable position. In addition, Muradin must use abilities to control to protect fragile allies (killers and specialists).

1. Advantages and disadvantages


  • Practically unsubscribe;
  • High survival;
  • Has various abilities to control and interrupt spells;
  • High mobility thanks to a dust journey;
  • Flexible talent tree, allowing to use various builds depending on the composition of the enemy team;


  • The correct use of a thunderstorm hammer requires a certain practice;
  • Predictable style game;
  • Can not capture the camps of mercenaries without a talent of a sledgehammer;
  • Limited potential for applying severe damage in a short period of time;

2. Role in current mete

Thanks to the greater health stock and features, Muradin's second breathing is one of the most durable fighters. Thunder hammer and rolled thunder allow him to control opponents both when attacking and during the retreat. From the point of view of mobility, a jaffia jump is a very effective ability that makes it possible to cut the distance by catching up running enemies or fleeing against chase. Muradine talents allow you to create several viable buildings. Otzvuk significantly lowers the speed of attacking enemy murderers, the stone form makes it possible to fill the health besides second breathing, and the rewind allows you to use the thunder hammer twice and rolled the thunder to apply the maximum damage to opponents.

3. Abilities of Muradina

Directional spell. Mana: 60. Culdown: 10 sec.

Inflicts 240 (50 + 10 per level) unit. damage to the first affected enemy, stunning it for 1.5 seconds.

The thunder hammer allows Muradin to throw a hammer that flies forward in a straight line. The first enemy, who fell on his path, receives the middle damage and is stunned by 1.5 seconds.

The thunder hammer gives Muradin the opportunity to stun the goal from a short distance. With successful use, the enemy hero is temporarily excreted from the battle. Playing Muradin, you must closely monitor the location of the goals and aim thoroughly so as not to spend your hammer. In some cases, you will have to predict the trajectory of the movement of the goal and direct the hammer in the right direction. Thus, the thunder hammer is quite complicated in the use of moving purposes, especially if they attack you. Nevertheless, when hit, the goal is stunned by 1.5 seconds, which allows your allies to focus on it.

Entering into battle, Muradin usually uses thunderstorm hammer in combination with other basic abilities. The slowdown from Rascat Thunder allows him to a hundred more to aim, and a dusty jump - cut the distance to the target so that she fell into the radius of the actions of the thunderstorm hammer.

Mana: 50. Kuldown: 8 sec.

Inflicts 210 (58 + 8 per level) unit. damage and slows down the enemy by 25% by 2.5 seconds.

Rush thunder allows Muradin to damage to all the nearest opponents and slow down by 25% by 2.5 seconds.

Unlike the thunderstorm hammer, the effective use of grommet roll does not require special experience. At the time of pronouncing, the thunder shall cause damage and imposes a slowdown on all opponents in a small radius from Muradin. The talent tree of this hero allows to improve the grommet roll. The most useful talents are the szvuk, burning the storm and thunder blow. In the early stages of the game, the thunder is the only means of sweeping waves, so you must use it as often as possible. If you want to attack the enemy hero standing at the opposite end of the line, use the grommet roll, and not a thunder hammer, because The first ability does not require much mana costs, and it is easier to get on purpose.

In command battles, it should be used to rack the thunder so that it will bring as many enemy heroes as possible (mainly killers and specialists). Slowing them, you significantly reduce their effectiveness in battle, especially if you have a talent of otzvuk (level 1).

A dvorniy jump (e):

Purpose: specified zone. Mana: 70. Kuldown: 12 seconds.

Muradin jumps at the specified point and causes 130 (35 + 5 per level) unit. damage to all enemy when landing.

A dust jug allows Muradin to jump into the specified point and cause damage to all enemy units that fell into the lesion zone. With the help of a jaffia jump, Muradin can overcome obstacles, including rocks and walls.

A dust journey is used to reduce the distance if the enemy is too far from Muradin. The main advantage of the jaffia jump is that with it, you can overcome obstacles to get to the goal or tear off the persecution. In command battles, Muradin and other fighters must show a special care, because Their actions directly depend on the location of allies and opponents. A jaffia jump allows you to choose the right location for both attack and protection. When attacking you can simply jump into the crowd of enemies, and then immediately slow down and stun them with rolling thunder and thunderstorm hammer. When defending, the jaffi jump is also used to couple with the abilities to control to push dangerous enemies from the allies.

Heroic ability. Mana: 100. Culdown: 100 sec.

Muradin takes a different appearance, in which its health stock increases by 2240 (416 + 96 per level), and auto attacks are stunning opponents.

Avatar turns Muradin in the giant for 20 seconds. At this time, its health is increased, and each basic attack stuns 1.5 seconds.

We do not recommend using avatar immediately after the start of the command combat, because Opponents can simply retreat and wait until Muradin returns to a normal appearance. Ideally, the avatar should be used immediately after Muradin found himself a suitable place in the immediate vicinity of the enemy. You can apply a journal jump for joining the battle, and then wait a bit until the opponents begin to defend themselves.

In the appearance of Avatars, each autoatak Muradina stuns the target for 0.5 seconds, which is very convenient to use to interrupt spells. We recommend that you pay special attention to the following goals:

  • Chen (if you choose Chen reading a strengthened bravery, his survival will significantly decrease);
  • E.T.S. (Being in the appearance of the avatars, you can shoot down the reading of Mosh-pit autoataks; approaching the E.T.S., try not to fall under the clarification);
  • Falstad (animation of the impact of the internal lands passes very quickly, so you have to use the basic attack on time to bring down this spell);
  • Kel "TAS (if as the heroic ability of Kel" TAS took a fiery block, it will become a great goal for improved basic attacks in the form of avatars; just hit the Kel "Tasa, while he reads a long spell);
  • Lee (in the form of Avatar Muradin with one attack completely neutralizes the most powerful healing spell if, a jar of thousands of mugs);
  • Nazo (Muradin is one of the worst enemies, especially if the latter uses the heroic ability of the Hungry Spirit; knock it down at the first convenient opportunity);
  • Thrall (split the tralal has a short animation; if Muradina succeeds in hitting the tralal under the action of avatar, the reading of the split can be successfully interrupted);

Second wind


Allows you to restore 84 (15.6 + 3.6 per level) unit. Health per second, if the hero did not receive damage for at least 4 seconds. When Muradin remains less than 40% of health, the fill speed increases to 168 (31.2 + 7.2 per level) unit. Health per second.

Second breathing replenishes muradine 12 units. Health per second, if it does not get damage for at least 4 seconds. If the health level falls below 40%, the second breathing replenishes the moradine 24 units. Health per second, if it does not get damage for at least 4 seconds.

Thanks to the second breath, Muradin is considered one of the most durable tanks. Increased speed of health replenishment allows Muradin to constantly attack opponents, forcing them more often to use wells. Talent 16 The stone form adds the features of the active component, which allows to fill health in battle.

All muradine abilities require the choice of the right moment to use them. Second breathing allows him to stand on the line almost infinitely, but for this it is necessary to rationally alternate periods of aggressive and passive game. Pay special attention to opponents with spells with a large radius of action and able to interrupt the action of a second breathing (for example, the power of EL "Druin or Ice Arrow Jaina).

4. Bild Muradina

Level 1.

  • Block. Once at 5 seconds. gives one charge of the same effect. The charges are absorbed upon receipt of damage from the basic attacks of heroes, reducing this damage by 50%. You can accumulate up to 2 charges.
  • Charged hammer. The thunder hammer fills the hero of 45 units. Mana for each affected opponent.
  • Perfect storm. The damage from the thunderstorm hammer increases by 5 units. until the end of the game for each affected enemy hero.
  • Otzvuk The speed of attack of opponents affected by rolling thunder decreases by 33% by 3.5 seconds.

Otzvuk is an incredibly strong talent that helps in battle with murderers and specialists who rely on the speed of attack (for example, Valle, Illidan and Sylvan). It brings a lot of benefit, reducing the incoming damage. For the effect of the effect, it is only necessary to hit the enemy with rolling thunder (which is not at all difficult). Otzvuk not only helps to withstand the heroes at high attack speed, but also slows down the buildings (in particular, towers and forts). In combination with the burning storm (level 4) and thunder impact (level 13), the otzvuk allows muradin to effectively urge the lines, because He can slow down the construction and apply them a significant damage.

The perfect storm is a good alternative to an extension that increases the damage from the thunderstorm hammer. The perfect storm interacts perfectly with the talent of a sledgehammer (level 4). Thanks to him closer to the end of the game, Muradin can cause opponents a huge damage to a thunderstorm hammer. Use the perfect storm instead of exhaustion if there are no heroes at the enemy team with a high attack speed, which can be easily hit by rolling thunder (for example, you have lost vikings). If you have chosen the perfect storm, play the most aggressively. As often as possible, Beat the enemy on the line thunderstorm hammer to get as much charges as possible.


The block slightly increases the survival of Muradin, especially in battle with opponents, which rely on basic attacks. At the beginning of the game, the block allows Muradin to stand on the line even longer, because Reduces damage emanating from the enemy. Due to the combination of the block and the increased speed of health replenishment from the second breath, the enemy will be very difficult to oust mradadine from the line. At the final stage of the game, the block absorbs on average 100-150 units. damage every 5 seconds, which helps Muradin to provide a long presence in the command battles. However, in most cases, Otzvuk is a more preferred talent, because From gives an advantage not only Muradin, but also its allies.

Other talents:

Charged hammer - non-competitive talent, because He does not help Muradin to fulfill his main responsibilities. In contrast to the echo or an ideal storm, the charged hammer does not add survival hero and does not weaken enemies. Moreover, Muradin's ability does not require large mana costs, which is why we advise you to ignore this talent.

Level 4.

  • Third breathing. Increases health replenishment rate from second breathing. In addition, the effect of accelerated health restoration is triggered when the hero has less than 50% of health (instead of 40%).
  • Sledgehammer. The thunder hammer causes 400% damage to soldiers and buildings, and also destroys 4 units. Ammunition in buildings.
  • Mass control. For each opponent's thunder-affected enemy, the recovery time is reduced by 0.75 seconds.
  • Burning storm. Rush thunder "leaves after itself the area that explodes after 2 sec., Causes a bit of damage and reduces the speed of movement of opponents in this area by 25% by 2 seconds.

The sledgehammer allows Muradin faster to destroy enemy buildings. This talent significantly accelerates the lines to small cards It seems like a ghost pen or the tomb of the queen spiders. If you took the perfect storm as a talent 1 of the level, we strongly recommend choosing a sledgehammer to strengthen the damage from the thunderstorm hammer.

The burning storm is one of the most useful talents in the Muradina tree. There are several reasons for that. First of all, additional actions are required to trigger the effect. You just need to use rolled thunder, as usual. In addition, the burning storm interacts perfectly with other talents that increase the grommet roll (otzokud and thunder strike). Duplicating grumble, which also receives bonuses from other talents, Muradin can significantly reduce the speed of attack and move the rivals. Talents in the same way act on enemy buildings, thanks to which Muradin turns into a siege machine. We strongly recommend using a burning storm in a bunch with an exhaust (level 1).

Other talents:

Third breathing is a good talent itself, adding survival, especially on the lines phase. Nevertheless, he cannot compete with other talents of the Tira (and burning storm), which interact well with other recommended talents.

Mass control performs the same functions as the burning storm, but the first talent is less reliable. To extract the maximum benefit from mass control, Muradin should always be in the crowd of enemies. Nevertheless, enemy heroes usually run away from fighters (especially at higher levels of the game), which does not allow to effectively use mass control.

Level 7.

  • Piercing. The thunder hammer passes through the enemy, hitting 1 extra target.
  • Pulse landing. Increases the speed of movement by 20% by 2 seconds. After landing with a jaffia jump.
  • Skull crusher. Each third autoatak coming in one goal, stuns this goal to 0.25 seconds. The effect does not depend on the sequence of the goals that you attack. This means that you can stun the same enemy three times in a row, even if the primary goals are different.
  • Azart battle. Reduces the recovery time of the ability when using auto parameters by 0.5 sec.

A piercing hammer allows Muradin to overcome two opponents at once for 1.5 seconds. For one use of the thunderstorm hammer. One fact allows you to discard all the other talents of this tyra. The piercing hammer not only increases the effectiveness of control, but also combines with the talent of the level 1 perfect storm, allowing you to get 2 stacks at a time.

Other talents:

The pulse of the landing gives a muradine a little acceleration, which is useful during the retreat or pursuit of opponents. However, compared to a piercing hammer, the pulse of the landing does not interact with other recommended talents.

The crawler crawler allows periodically stunning opponents with auto attacks. This talent benefits in battle with opponents who constantly read spells (for example, with a strengthening decoction). Nevertheless, the avatar has a similar effect, so the cracker is considered a situational talent, and we do not recommend using it as the default option.

Azart battle more suits killers and fighters like Tirael, who has no worthy alternatives at the 7th level.

Level 10.

  • turns muradin in the giant for 20 seconds. At this time, its health is increased by 320, and each basic attack stuns the target by 1.5 seconds.
  • Stunning strike. Deals a strong damage of the target and discards it back, while making the average damage to all opponents, which turned out to be on her way, and repels them.

Avatar allows Muradin to attract maximum attention of opponents. In the appearance of Avatars Muradin can apply a lot of damage, gives allies the opportunity to move freely on the battlefield and apply a huge damage to enemies. Moreover, improved basic attacks are a serious threat to heroes that rely on reading abilities. For more information, see the "Abilities" section. Using avatars can radically change the course of the game. Newbies will attack Muradin, while more experienced opponents ignore it or run away to return, when the Avatar action is over. All this makes a certain buysotion in the enemy rows. This is another reason why, as a heroic ability, we recommend using avatar, and not a stunning blow.

Other talents:

A stunning blow is a heroic ability that has a spectacular animation and causes a lot of damage, but, unfortunately, cannot compete with a avatar that increases the efficiency of Muradin as a tank. In addition, the stunning blow makes Muradin show the recklessness (in particular, to use a dust journey to be behind his goal and push it to the allies). Experienced enemy killers and experts quickly adapt to such a game style, while maintaining a reasonable distance and not allowing Muradin to approach them to the distance of the jaffia jump. In general, we consider the stunning blow to a good ability that is suitable for matches in mode Fast gamebut not enough effective when playing in the league of heroes.

Level 13.

  • Fire rage. Inflicts 10 units. damage in sec. All the nearest opponents. The effect does not work when Muradin uses transport.
  • Static healing. It replenishes 1.5% of the maximum stock of health for each target affected by the ability to roll thunder.
  • Thunder. Rascat thunder inflicts 300% damage if the ability affects only one goal.
  • Shield spells. After receiving damage from the abilities on the hero, a shield reducing the damage resulting from the abilities is 50% for 2 seconds. It can work more than once in 30 seconds.

Flame rage is an excellent addition to the aggressive Bilda Muradina. It allows you to detect invisible opponents and objects (for example, tanning tumors). To do this, it is only necessary to approach them closer. In addition, fiery rage increases the total damage, because Amazes a few goals at the same time. Being a fighter, Muradin is constantly in the center of events, next to one or more opponents, so the flame rage is perfect for him.

Thunder blow receives a significant bonus from the talents of previous tires (echo and burning storm). In the presence of a strike of thunder, Muradin acquires special strength in duels, because It may apply a large number of damage in a short period of time and causing opponents by surprise. Moreover, the thunder blow increases damage by one goal, which is useful when trying to destroy the enemy building and turn the line faster. We strongly recommend using thunder blow in combination with Otzvuk talents (level 1) and the burning storm (level 4).


The spell shield will be useful to you if there are two or more heroes from the list below in the enemy team:

  • Kel "Tas.
  • (If it does not use the Bild oriented attacks)

Other talents:

Static healing - weak talent for level 16, because In the next dash there is a stone form that will quickly replace it as a fixed assessment to increase survival. Moreover, additional healing from this talent is insignificant, and therefore it makes no sense to sacrifice an additional damage from the thunder strike.

Level 16.

  • Pavigian jump. Increases the range of action and the radius of the defeat of the dust jump by 50%.
  • Strong collision. A jaffia jump also stuns the opponents by 0.75 seconds.
  • ... and my ax! Muradin's autoataks are applied by 75% more damage slow motion, immobilized and stunned purposes.
  • Conclusive presence. The speed of attack of opponents using basic attacks on you decreases by 50%.
  • Stone form. Adds an active component. FEATURES Second breathing. When activation, 50% of the maximum hero health reserve is replenished for 8 seconds. Second breathing at this time does not work.

And my ax! It interacts perfectly with two basic abilities of Muradin - a thunderstorm hammer and rolling of thunder, significantly increasing damage in one goal. The thunder hammer allows you to stun the targets by 1.5 seconds, and the thunder will additionally slow down by 2.5 seconds. Total Muradin can control the enemy hero for 4 seconds. The basic velocity of the muradine attack allows it to apply 1.11 strikes to sec., So during the control you can apply 2-3 reinforced strikes. It should be remembered that the talent level 20 of the rewind in theory is twice as much reinforced attacks (provided that you can use the necessary abilities alternately).

A stone form is a powerful talent, restoring health and allowing to survive in command battles. This talent is indispensable if you are the only tank in the team. Muradina should constantly monitor the cooldown stone form so that this talent is available when joining the team fight. Ideally, a stone form should be used under the action of avatars to fill in more health.


Conclusive presence gives good protection in battle with opponents, which rely on basic attacks - for example, Illidan, Walla or Rhinera. Nevertheless, talents ... and my ax! And the stone form brings Muradin much more benefit. ... and my ax! Significantly enhances the damage applied, and the stone form provides greater survival. A typing presence is useful only if your team has enough heroes capable of supporting you, and at least two murderers are included in the enemy team, which cause damage mainly by basic attacks.

Other talents:

A dwell jump is a rather controversial talent, because A jaffia jump is quite effective without improvement. Increased Radius The jump does not give muradin of special advantages. Compared to ... And my ax! And the stone form, this talent affects the course of command combat too little, so we recommend avoiding it.

Strong collision gives additional opportunity Stun to enemy heroes. Nevertheless, the thunderstorm and basic attacks in the appearance of avatars are usually enough to effectively control opponents. It should be remembered that Muradin's talents are primarily called upon to eliminate its shortcomings (for example, a weak damage in one goal compensated by talent ... and my ax!) Or increase survival (with this task, a stone form is superbly coped with this task).

Level 20.

  • Expending force. Increases the response time of the avatar's ability by 30% and reduces the time of the control effects by 75%, while this ability is valid.
  • A strong beat . Increases damage caused by the ability to a stunning blow, by 25%, reduces mana costs for its use by 40 units. and allows you to accumulate 2 charges of this ability.
  • Durable shields. When used, reduces the resulting damage by 75% by 4 seconds.
  • Rewind. When used, instantly zeroing the time for the restoration of the basic abilities of the hero.

Unstoppable power works perfectly against commands that often use abilities to control. This talent reduces the action of such effects by 75%, if Muradin is in the appearance of the avatar, which allows it to effectively fulfill his duties. The opponents will be difficult to prevent you from harassing the killers and specialists, and your allies will receive a strong tank that can protect them, attracting all the attention. In general, we recommend using uncpendless power instead of durable shields and rewind, if there are at least two fighters with control (for example, Anub "Arak and Tirael), and if you need to stay in the appearance of the avatars to shoot down reading Spells multiple goals (a list of priority purposes is listed in the "Ability" section).

Durable shields are a talent for a mradadin-tank, which requires the maximum survival in battles at the final stage of the game, especially if he has to play against the heroes that can apply a strong damage in a short period of time (for example, Jain or Kel "Tasa). We recommend using It's every time you will notice that they have attracted too much attention. General rule It sounds like this: it is better to hide with durable shields too early than to stand and lose the opportunity to use them.

Rewind is a very effective talent for heroes that rely on the ability to control. Such abilities include thunderstorm hammer and rolling thunder, which is why the rewind is so good for Muradin. The longer you control the opponents, the more likely such talents, like a blow of thunder and ... and my ax! In addition, the rewind makes it possible to reset the Culdown Pluggy jump to quickly enter into battle or leave dangerous zones. In general, we consider the rewind one of the most useful talents, especially for experienced players who can consistently use control.

Other talents:

A powerful blow is directly related to the heroic ability to the stunning blow, so we do not recommend using it in rating games. Even if you play fast game mode with a stunning blow, we still recommend to take a rewind, not a powerful blow, because The resettlement of Kuldaunov for basic abilities brings much more benefit than the additional charge of the staggering strike.

5. General Muradin Game Strategy

Playing Muradin, you must act carefully at all stages of the game. Your priority task is to appear in the right place at the right time, whether it is to protect the allies or an attack on opponents. Do not forget to look at the mini card. Despite the fact that Muradin is capable of standing on the line alone, without resorting to someone else's help, he should not be in one place for too long. Instead, it should organize sudden attacks using thunderstorm and grommet rolls to provide an ally suitable targets for killing. In the middle of the match, Muradin's task depend on its location. As a rule, he:

  • chooses priority goals and stuns from a thunderstorm hammer;
  • absorbs damage and control emanating from opponents, mainly in the form of avatars;
  • uses rolled thunder to push opponents;
  • uses a dust journey to attack enemies and force them to take a fight.

After 10 levels, Muradin should actively monitor what is happening on the map. Do not forget to look at the mini-card to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe location of the allies. If possible, ask them to grumble and try to attack an isolated goal. On large maps, such as the damned hollow or dragon region, you will have to move a lot around the map, especially when goals appear on it. Remember that Muradin, like other fighters, should be the first to be on the field of potential battle and leave him the last.

In this regard, I would like to emphasize his leading role in any fight. You may have to come together with the fact that some (in particular, random) players will not want to recognize your leadership. Do not try to follow your plan if the allies do not know about them or do not support your undertakings. Follow them, looking for a convenient opportunity to start a team fight, and make sure that other abilities will be followed by jumping or hammer.

6. What to do outside the team fighting

In Heroes Of. the Storm Completely occur team battles, however, each hero should know what he should do everything else. Playing Muradin, you must ensure stability on your line, correctly using a feature of a second breathing. Try to get as much experience as possible without exposing yourself dangers, especially if at the opposite end of the line stands a strong opponent like Silvana or Jain. Usually Muradin does not experience problems with mana. Nevertheless, you should use thunder hammer and rolled thunder only if it is really necessary. However, if the perfect storm was taken as a talent 1 of the level, use the thunder hammer as often as possible. Before participating in the skirmish, make sure your reserve mana is full at least half. Otherwise, you will not be able to effectively fight.

If currently no goals, or other allies are able to capture it without your help, go to the line to gain experience, especially if your team has not reached 10 levels. Unfortunately, Muradin cannot capture the camp of mercenaries alone. Before entering the battle with siege giants or knights, wait for reinforcements.

In addition, we would like to consider the correct positioning of Muradin regarding its allies. Stepping on enemy territoryYou should always be at the head of the group, standing between opponents and allies. Similarly, when digging, try to protect the wounded allies trying to retreat. Block opponents with the body to intercept the possible attacks and spells.

7. Role in team fights

Effective Muradine game in team battle is a complex, but interesting experience. For example, properly launched thunder hammer can radically change the course of the game. Arguing about command battles, we prefer to share them on three types, which makes understanding, especially for new and inexperienced players.

Command fight, the initiator of which is your allies:

If your team wants to join the battle, you will be assigned the role of the initiator. To do this, you will have to run up to opponents as close as possible. With a collective movement on the map, fighters like Muradina should always be on the front line so that opponents have no opportunity to catch someone from the weak allies. The main tool for entering the battle in most cases is a journalial jump. Try to find an enemy killer or a specialist who has no opportunity to quickly retreat. Use the dvorniy jump, and then degrade it with a thunderstorm hammer.

Before attacking, be sure to check where your allies are located. In some cases, they will not be able to follow you, especially if you use a dust journey to jump over the rocks or walls. After that, try to predict how rivals will behave. Perhaps they will try to fight off using attacks and spells. In this case, use rolled thunder and accept the appearance of the avatar. If the opponents have decided to retreat, keep calm and do not use the abilities with long cooldowns (for example, avatar, stone form or rewind).

Command Fight, the initiator of which your opponents are the initiator:

If the battle was started by an enemy fighter or a melee killer, immediately use a thunder hammer or rolling thunder at the nearest initiator to slow down and intercept the initiative. Try to evaluate the situation: Which of the Allies does your help need? Your further actions depends on how they behave. If allies are planned to defend, use active talents. In particular, the rewind rebels the cooldown of the thunderstorm hammer and rolling thunder, allowing once again to slow down opponents.

If the allies plan to retreat, try to block the pursuers with your body and slow them with the help of roller thunder. The ability to fill up health with the stone shape and quickly move with the help of a jafian jump will save you life in many situations, so first of all think about your more fragile allies.


Shocks are situational battles, in which none of the parties planned to attack. In most cases, skirmishes occur when performing the goals of the map and capture the camps of mercenaries. Unlike conventional fighting, you will have to wait a bit with the use of abilities to assess the situation in the skirmis. Keep the basic abilities (in particular, the thunder hammer) to help someone from the allies, if he falls into a predicament. Severate the avatar until the real battle begins. As a rule, any shake early or later develops into a team fight, if none of the parties decide to retreat.

  • When attacking, use the thunderstorm hammer to stun the enemy killers. When protecting, stunning enemy initiators.
  • The same applies to the Pvanasti jump. Use it to reduce the distance to the enemy or tear away from it.
  • Playing Muradin, use alert system to tell allies about your plans. So they will be able to respond to your actions accordingly.
  • To increase efficiency, the stone form is used immediately after the avatar.
  • The rewind should be used primarily in order to reset the cooldown of the thunderstorm hammer.
  • If the opponent's lines phase presses too much, try not to get damage until the second breath will fill you health. Patience - key to successful game Muradin.
  • Otzvuk is a talent that allows you to cope with moving killers like or. They are very relied on the speed of attack and vulnerable to slowdowns, so the otzvuk is increasingly used at the professional level of the game.

9. The best allies

In this section we will look at the heroes that give Muradin additional advantages.

Anub "Araq.

And Muradin perform the same role. Piercing Anub "Araka is an excellent tool for stunning several opponents at the same time. In the same time, you can use a thunderstorm hammer. The underground jerk Anub" Araka allows him to follow Muradin, and the journey jump allows Muradin without difficulty catching Anub "Araka. In general, These fighters complement each other well, and their potential for control represents a serious threat to an enemy team with any composition.


Thunder hammer and rolled thunder Muradin allow you to carefully forces the lunar flash. In addition, Tyranda performs the role of semi-supporting support. It is able to apply a decent damage and help allies, so Muradin may not worry about her health level. Tyranda has access to the talents protective field and a stream of light that allows Muradin to survive in the very thick of events. Moreover, it can use a hunter label that increases damage emanating from Muradin, especially if he took the thunder thunder (level 13) or ... and my ax! (Level 16).

Jaina, Kel "Tas

in many ways are similar. Both need strong protection, but if you have the necessary support, they can enjoy all their power to the enemies. Muradin is able to protect the Kel "Tasa and, stunning or slowing the opponents threatening the powerful magicians. In addition, the ability to control allows Kel" Tasu or Jain to a carefully aim when using a snow storm or a fiery pillar.


Complements mradadine for a number of reasons. First of all, the gamot of justice interacts perfectly with a thunder hammer, extended stunning, designed for one goal. In addition, the utter can protect a single goal, applying the light of heaven and the divine shield to it. As a result, Muradin can survive, even if he is opposed by several enemy heroes.

10. Evil enemies

In this section we will look at the heroes that can effectively resist Muradin.


It is famous for its ability to withdraw single targets from the fight by transformation. The transformation does not allow the muradine to use the abilities that increase survival (stone shape and avatar). As a result, opponents can kill Muradin literally in a few seconds. In addition, the Svetik is able to constantly fill the health allies, and the damage emanating from Muradin is relatively small, so he will not be able to defeat the duel.

How to resist the chum?

Low mobility of the chum (especially up to level 10) makes it an ideal goal for a thunderstorm hammer. Try to stun the chopper first, before it uses the transformation. It should be noted that the conversion coltown is 15 seconds. Watch how the Svetik uses this spell, and adjust the cooldowns.


It has the ability to expand the scope with the help of an oracle, violating Muradine's plans about sudden attacks. That is why Tassadar is so difficult to caustize the surprise. Moreover, Tassadar knows how to protect single objectives with a plasma shield, significantly reducing the effectiveness of the thunderstorm hammer.

How to resist Tassadar?

Never use thunderstorm hammer on the Tassadar itself, if you are not sure that the spatial shift is not available. After Tassadar uses a plasma shield on one of the allies, switch to another goal, without forgetting to report this to other members of your team. If Tassadar detects your location with an oracle, you should not attack the enemy team immediately, because Opponents will have an advantage.


It can completely neutralize you with the help of nudity ultrasound immediately after the jaffian jump. In addition, he can catch the other members of your team trap. Use a jaffia jump on Zeratul himself risky, because It can easily avoid a collision with a jump.

How to resist Zeratula?

Having met on the battlefield with Zeratul, show vigilance and patience. If you see a near-minded glow, use rolling thunder to detect its presence. Thanks to the jump, Zeratul is considered a very moving hero, so you need to use thunder hammer with great accuracy. If he managed to use void bonds in a timely manner, and you were in isolation, immediately retreat towards the allies that fell into the trap.

11.1. Bay Cherrymanda

You will have to move a lot between the upper and medium lines. Muradina should not stand alone on the bottom line, because Allies will need your ability to organize sudden attacks. In the first skirmishes, the thunderstorm hammer and rolled thunder have special importance, especially if you are trying to capture a treasure chest.

Look for a convenient opportunity to use a dust jump from the ambush, but do not forget to inform the allies where you are heading, arranging the labels on the mini-card to avoid misunderstanding.

11.2. Cursed Hollow

This is very big mapon which there are narrow paths, walls and bushes. All these obstacles allow Muradin to effectively use a dust journey and organize sudden ambushes. Take care to get experience from all lines, especially if your team has decided not to fight for the gifts. Do not move away from the allies, especially after both teams have reached level 10.

As often as possible, use the transport to overcome a long distance between the lines. Thanks to the talent of the sledgehammer of the thunder hammer, it causes 400% damage to the warriors and buildings. It is especially useful in the damned hollow when it comes to capturing neutral Golely bosses. The gifts appear in a limited space, so you will need maximum mobility, especially closer to the end of the match, when the shocks occupy more and more time. Thanks to the rewind, you can more often use a dvorniy jump to change your location.

11.3. Dragoni Krai.

This is a very profitable map for Muradin. Matches in the dragon edge fully correspond to the style of Muradin's game. Thanks to the second breath, he can confidently stand on the lines and capture the sanctuary while opponents run to the well and back.

Symmetry card I. short routes Let it easily run between lines and support allies. You can sit in the Knight of the Dragon yourself or give way to the murderer of the melee - for example, Illidan or Zeratula. This rule concerns all fighters, because The Knight Dragon fulfills the same role - makes a jerk in the crowd of enemies and distracts their attention.

If opponents try to protect their knight-dragon, use the ability to control as often as possible to deprive their advantages. It should be noted that the thunder hammer and basic attacks in the form of avatar can place the enemy knight-dragon to use fierce jerk.

11.4. Garden of horror

Thanks to the abundance of mercenary camps and goals (in particular, neutral beings with seeds), you can use a sledgehammer talent. The role of Muradin is to help allies to collect as many seeds as possible. Explore the nearest bushes to prevent possible ambushes while your team will fight the boss.

As in the dragon edge, Muradin should control the horror of the gardens on their own. At the initial stage of the game, horror will help you avoid excess damage. Use the pigs to apply damage to enemy buildings, and the curse of the queen's dispute so that opponents could not protect them. If you feel that horror gets too much damage, use the sprint to go to another line.

11.5. Ghostly copy

Rather complicated for mradadin card, because Because of the small duration of the matches, heroes with aggressive buildings dominate it. At the very beginning, the team is usually divided into two parts, while 4 players are located on the line, according to which the Allied Golem will be held, and one player is trying to get the maximum number of experience. As soon as the mines open, use the raskat thunder to kill skeletons, but do not leaving away from the allies so that opponents cannot catch you surprise. Remember that before going to the mine, health and mana reserves should be filled.

As soon as the teams gather a skull and goles will appear, follow the allies. To enhance the siege with the head of the head, use the talents perfect storm and sledgehammer. If allies decided to protect their buildings, do not insist on their own and urge lonely lonely. Instead, you should adjust the situation. However, if your naked is stronger than the enemy, it will be wiser to support it and organize an attack.

11.6. Heavenly Temple

The key to success at the early stage of the game in Heavenly temple - Job and control lines. First of all, the temples appear on the upper and medium lines, so you will need a sufficient number of mana to participate in early slaughter and battles for the goal of the card. As with other maps with neutral bosses, you will be useful for a sledgehammer talent, accelerating camps.

The temple on the bottom line opens a little later. Move after allies to initiate battles for temples with the help of a jaffia jump and avatars.

11.7. The tomb of the Queen Paukov

Currently, the tomb of the Queen of Spiders is the smallest card in the game, so the clashes on it begin with the very first levels, and the talents of the piercing hammer and the thunder blow. Go to the line (preferably upper or middle) and use rolled thunder to kill warriors. After that, you can help allies if they want to pass the collected crystals. For reinforced supplements using weales, we recommend using otzvuk talents (level 1) and burning a storm (level 4). They allow Muradin to slow down the attack of enemy buildings.

The camp of mercenaries appear in the game after level 10, and until the moment all the heroes will be engaged in collecting crystals and try to prevent opponents to pass them. That is why the tomb of the queen of spiders is profitable for mradadin card, because Here, its main drawback (inability to clean the camps alone) does not play a special role. Remember: if the opponents are ahead of you on experience and strongly put on the lines, let the enemy warriors come closer to your towers, and then use the grumble. This will allow you to collect crystals from a safe distance.

If you like our guide on Muradin, then you can raise or make a repost in social. network. See you in the game!

The thunder hammer - Muradin launches the hammer that flies straight, causes a good Damag and stuns the first enemy who stunned. With the help of a hammer of a storm there is an opportunity to hit 2 targets.

Raspat thunder - is a good ability, which causes Damag and slows down the enemy who has fallen under his action. Excellent ability if you need to slow down the runaway enemy.

A dwell jump - will help how to break into the crowd, and hide from the battle. Damag inflicts in a small radius when landing.

Avatar - Muradin becomes a stone dwarf, and the opponent will be at every attack. Huge increase in hp.

A stunning blow - causes strong damag and scatters opponents. It will be useful if you need to throw the enemy under the tower or on the contrary to throw them away.

Second breathing is a passive ability that makes the hero practically not killed.

Hyde Muradina Heroes Of The Storm

This bill mradadine is aimed at attacking the hero with his hands. The main talent is the crap crawler, which will allow you to stun an opponent every third blow. Moreover, all 3 attacks must be 1 target.

Block - increases character survival.

Completion - is a very useful talent. Using the ability, the next auto attack will apply more damage. For more efficiency, it follows: not to use all the abilities, but to give up one one, and after autonation, followed by another skill and autoatak, etc.

Flammable rage - Damaga assigns to the whole enemy around. It is best to stay right in the center of Zames. It will also help to finishing the opponent running on the lowest HP, if it is not possible to catch up and hit it.

The executioner together with the thunderstorm hammer and rolling thunder will allow to laugh even stronger.

The heroic Abilka does not play a big role, it should be selected situationally. In my experience, the staggering blow will allow you to win any cheap or FAIT 1x1.

Thunder hammer

Deals a little damage and stuns the first opponent, which was on the path of the flight of the hammer. With the help of talents, this ability can be turned horror for the entire enemy team.

Thunder Strike

The ability not only causes damage to the closest rivals, but also slows them by 2.5 seconds. Since Muradin is always in the center of any battle, the thunder falls through a large number of enemies.

Pavrugi jump

Skill can be combined with rolling thunder and apply even more area damage. Recharge the skill of 12 seconds, so if the initiation is unsuccessful, it will be possible to run away only by its own pass, which is not always possible.

Second wind

Excellent passive skill, which will allow for the fountain to forget forever and regenerate directly on the line. To do this, you need to get out of the fight and wait a bit. If the hero has less than 40% of the maximum reserve of HP, then the recovery rate increases.

Heroic abilities of Muradin in Hots


Excellent skill that turns maradin in a stone giant and increases its health. The most important thing is the fact that every auto attack will apply microstatan. In the battle, it will be badly visible, but now it is possible to stop the interrupted enemy ultimate one by one blow.

Stunning strike

A strong spell that causes great damage, but it is absolutely useless in the command battles. The main goal is to keep all the enemies as abandoned as you can, and this skill is opposed to all.

Build for Muradina in Hotz

1st level


After receiving this talent, the thunder will not only slow down the speed of movement, but also the vehicle speed. If you get on the murderers from the enemy team, you can save a large amount of health, both your and your allies.

4th level

Third breathing

Increases the speed of health recovery from passive second breathing. Increases the triggering threshold from 40% to 50. Now a few seconds you can restore half HP and return to battle.

7th level


Despite the fact that initially focused on rolling thunder, not to take this talent to improve the thunderstorm hammer, it would be a crime. After all, now you can become two rivals and apply 2 times more damage.

10th level


Muradin is a tank, so it is worth getting this particular ability, because it will allow us to live longer in mass battles and hand out the microstan by an ordinary auto attachment.

13th level


The talent is absolutely not suitable for team fights, because it gives a bonus only when attacking one goal. If the thunder rolling down two or more opponents, then you will not get the bonus to the damage.

16th level

... and my ax!

Since your abilities of the thunder hammer and rolling thunder will put the effects of stunning and deceleration on opponents, it is logical to choose this talent, because it will allow 75% more damage to all slow motion and laid targets.

20th level


The ability allows you to reset the Kuldown of the main abilities of Maratin, which will give the opportunity to spend a few combo. Now the journey jump can be used to initiate, to give up all the abilities, reset the recovery time, use skills to be new and jump out of the fight.

Tactics games for Muradina in Heroes of the Storm

At the very beginning of the game Maratin, almost nothing can, so it is best to just stand on the line and get experience. Of course, it is possible to do this if you are standing with some killer.

Remember that at the beginning of the thunder hammer stuns only one goal, so make sure the crips do not close you. After improving the skill, you can try to break through and through Crip, but there is probability to get into another one.

After receiving the ultimate, you can go to fights in which you will be in the role of a full-fledged tank, which is still stunned. At the end of the game, kill Muradin is almost impossible, so you can safely break into battle by avatar and wait until your allies destroy enemies one after another.


  • Illydan
  • Zeratul


  • Abatur
  • Malfurion

Hyde's conclusion about Muradin in Hots

This character is one of the most useful in the game, and there is only 2000 gold, so buy it immediately as soon as you accumulate enough coins. This will even make a newcomer to play full and first days from the first days.