Map from Rovny to Poland. Satellite map of Poland. Gulrypsh - a summer cottage for celebrities

The Republic of Poland is a state located in Eastern Europe. Satellite map Poland shows that the country is bordered by Germany, Belarus, Lithuania, Slovakia, Ukraine, the Czech Republic and Russia (along the border Kaliningrad region). In the north, the state is washed by the Baltic Sea. Country area - 312 679 sq. km.

Poland is divided into 16 voivodeships. Largest cities the countries are Warsaw (capital), Krakow, Lodz, Wroclaw and Poznan. The state economy is based on manufacturing and agriculture. Today Poland is considered an industrial-agrarian country with an economy that is interesting for investors.

The official language is Polish, and the national currency is Polish zloty.

Marienburg Castle in Malbork (the largest brick castle in Europe)

A Brief History of Poland

966 - the date of the foundation of the Polish state: Mieszko I adopted Christianity;

1025 - creation of the Polish kingdom;

1385 - the Polish-Lithuanian union is signed;

1569 - creation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (unification of the Polish state with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania);

1772-1795 - three partitions of Poland between Russia, Austria and Prussia, as a result of which Poland ceases to exist as a state;

1815-1918 - the Kingdom of Poland is part of Russia;

Tatra Mountains

1918 - Poland regains statehood and independence;

1939 - the territory of the country is divided between the USSR and Germany;

1939-1945 - a general government was created on the German territory of Poland;

1945-1989 - Polish People's Republic, dependent on the USSR;

1989 - creation of the third Republic of Poland;

1999 - the country became a part of NATO;

2004 - became a member of the EU;

2007 - signed the Schengen Agreement;

2010 - the plane of Polish President Lech Kaczynski crashed near Smolensk.

Lake Morskoe Oko

Poland landmarks

On a detailed map of Poland from a satellite, you can see some of the country's attractions: the Tatra Mountains (part of the Carpathians), Mazury Lake District (plateau with lakes), Slovinsky National Park, Bieszczady Mountains, Lake Morskie Oko and the Belovezhskaya Pushcha nature reserve.

In Krakow, it is worth visiting the Wawel Castle, the Old Town, St. Mary's Church, the Cathedral of Saints Stanislaus and Wenceslas and the oldest part of the Jagiellonian University (Collegium Mayus).

Gateway to the Auschwitz concentration camp

In Warsaw, it is worth seeing the Royal Palace, the Palace of Culture and Science, Wilanow and Lazienkowski Palaces and the Jewish Cemetery. In Gdansk, it is worth looking at the Church of the Virgin Mary and the Westerplatte Peninsula, in Wroclaw - at the Town Hall and the Church of St. Mary Magdalene.

Among the sights of Poland, it is worth highlighting the city of Malbork (Marienburg), the Wieliczka salt mine, the Jasná Hora monastery in Czestochowa, the Oliwa Cathedral in Oliwa, the Ksenzh castle (Fürstenstein) near Walbrzych and the museum of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp (Auschwitz).

There are also numerous resorts in Poland: ski, climatic and balneological. The most famous resort towns- Zakopane, Augustow, Dombrowno, Ustron, etc.

Tourist notes

Gulrypsh - a summer cottage for celebrities

Is on Black sea coast Abkhazia, the urban-type settlement Gulrypsh, the appearance of which is closely associated with the name of the Russian philanthropist Nikolai Nikolaevich Smetsky. In 1989, due to the illness of his wife, they needed to change the climate. Case decided the matter.

First of all, a tourist who is going to visit Poland sends a map of this country to a bag with things or the glove compartment of a car. With modern interactive technologies, this issue is solved even easier - with the help of a virtual detailed map of Poland.

Such a map will help you find everything: shopping facilities, cozy cafes, unique places, cultural and sports centers, banks. And, most importantly, if you have to drive your own car, the map will not allow you to go astray.

For Russian-speaking tourists, the map of Poland in Russian with cities and by road... Here it will be possible to find large and small geographical objects, moreover, with a detailed plan of the location of the streets.

The purposes of tourist trips can be very diverse, and a map of Poland will help to realize any ideas, becoming a kind of reference book - an index.

For those interested in the history and culture of Poland, the map will tell you where the main historical and cultural buildings, ancient palaces and parks are located. Such tourists should look for Krakow and Lodz, Lublin and Wroclaw on the map. These cities have a special spirit of the times and Polish traditions.

Believers will undoubtedly want to see the tallest statue of Jesus Christ in the world. To do this, you need to find the city of Swiebodzin on the map.

A virtual guide will guide you through the places of military glory and bow your head to the victims of the war in Auschwitz.

Shopping tourists can find addresses of supermarkets and shopping centers on the map. If you need to make bargain purchases, then it is best to go to cities such as, or Terespol.

The virtual map of Poland with symbols in Russian is also convenient because it is offered in several interactive versions:

  1. Atlas
  2. As a bump map
  3. As a satellite map

Of greatest interest to tourists may be the map in satellite mode opening up opportunities detailed review cities and even virtual travel along a given route. Thus, it is possible to develop an optimally comfortable travel plan for the cities of Poland.

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Satellite map of Poland. Explore Poland satellite map online in real time. Detailed map Poland is based on satellite imagery high resolution... As close as possible, a satellite map of Poland allows you to explore in detail the streets, individual houses and sights of Poland. The map of Poland from the satellite can be easily switched to the regular map mode (diagram).

Poland- one of the largest countries in Europe. In terms of area, it is the 9th European country. In the north, Poland is washed by the waters of the Baltic Sea. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. The state language is Polish.

Thanks to the oceanic air masses, the climate in Poland is very mild. Therefore, Poland's winters are cold and frosty, while summers are hot and sometimes cool. The average temperature in winter is -4C ...- 6C, with frequent snowfalls. The average temperature in summer is +17 ... + 19C. The peculiarities of the Polish climate are frosts in May, the arrival of early spring and the late onset of autumn.

Poland is a country with an amazing atmosphere, many of whose cities keep not only the architectural buildings of the past, but also the spirit of that time. Despite the fact that during the Great Patriotic War Warsaw was completely destroyed, today this city in its architecture resembles a medieval capital.

But the most visited and most beautiful Polish city is Krakow, which practically did not suffer during the war. Everything in Krakow breathes history. In this city, you can see green parks, old churches, ivy-covered castles. Another interesting Polish city is Gdansk, where you can see the Town Hall, the Golden Gate, built in the 17th century, and the largest Gothic church in all of Poland.

Tourism in Poland is quite developed. There are many wonderful places in this country for beach holiday on the Baltic coast, where in summer tourists come from all over Poland and neighboring states. Ski resorts are also very popular. The most famous winter recreation centers are Beskydy, Krkonose and Zakopane.

Youth recreation centers are resorts on lakes, which are also huge in Poland. Agritourism is also popular in this country, which implies outdoor recreation in old estates.

The map can be enlarged or reduced

Poland on the map of Europe from the satellite

The Republic of Poland is a large European state pursuing a mono-ethnic policy. 98% of the population are Poles, the rest of the nations in the country have refugee status. They practically have no rights. Not only can they not vote, but even do any business and just work for a salary. If any of the refugees are in Poland, then only temporarily - in transit. You can live only at the expense of foreign charitable organizations.

In Poland, people travel long distances mainly by rail. The autobahn system was not at all developed. From 1990 to 2001, only 138 kilometers of motorways and 38 kilometers of highways were built. But the twenty-first century has imposed its own requirements and these requirements are being actively implemented in the form of 2,000 kilometers of motorways that crossed Poland from north to south and west to east. Until 2015, another 500 kilometers of autobahns are planned.
The most important roads in Poland are motorways - on maps they are designated with the letter A - Autostrady. There are also high-speed roads - with the letter S (Drogi Ekspresowe) There are main roads of the main direction and just the main roads. Designated as DP and DG respectively Local roads are designated with L. There are also connecting roads D


Agriculture is well developed in Poland. About 2 million farmers have mostly small plots of land, about 15 hectares. Therefore, we are forced to specialize in every possible way and supplement income with crafts. For example, it would seem almost impossible to build wooden houses in low-wooded Poland, but, nevertheless, Poles are doing this too. They buy round timber and turn it into timber and frame blanks at sawmills. Sawdust is used for the production of fiberboard and chipboard from which the inner walls of the rooms are made. So wooden houses are in demand.

The Republic of Poland is a state in Central Europe. Borders with , . From the north, Poland is washed by the Baltic Sea. Area - 312 679 sq. km, population - about 39 million people, capital - Warsaw.

The relief of Poland is varied - low-lying in the north and in the center. There are wide sandy beaches on the Baltic coast. In the west and north, in the forest and hilly areas, there are thousands of lakes, the area of ​​the largest of which (Sniardva) is 113 square meters. km. In the south of Poland there are mountains and hills. Mount Sniezka with a height of 1 603 m is the highest point of the Sudetenland, and in the Tatras the highest peak in Poland is Mount Rys (2499 m). Forests and numerous rivers are also typical for Poland, among which the two largest - the Vistula and the Odra - stand out.

The fauna of Poland is diverse. Lynxes, moose, wild boars, wild cats, deer, bison are found in the forests. In the mountains, you can find a wolf and a bear.

The climate is mild, formed under the influence of sea air masses. In summer, westerly winds bring coolness and rain to Poland, and snowfalls in winter. Heat comes from the east in summer, frost in winter. In July, the average is +18 ° C, in January -4 ° C. The amount of precipitation depends on the height of the area above sea level. The minimum amount (up to 500 mm) falls in the Gulf of Gdansk, the Lesser Poland lowland, and part of the Vistula valley. In the south, in mountainous areas, the maximum precipitation falls - up to 1,800 mm. The Polish climate is characterized by frosts in May, late autumn and early spring.