Map of Eurasia Geographic large with cities. Eurasia on the map. Eurasia belongs to the islands

The exciting edge of the continent of North America, which occupies the entire continent of the adjacent islands, this part of the planet was named Latin America in the distant historical past to denote the dependent territories of European colonizers. The list of Latin American countries (and their capital) includes 46 states and independent territories that have a lot of common in history, culture and economics.

Almost all countries of the region have access to oceans that wash the territory from all sides. This circumstance contributes to free access to the world commercial space - the export of products and raw materials is the main part of the economy of each state.

In two dimensions

Latin America's countries on the map are located in the equator zone, which divides the territory geographically on the North and South Hemisphere. Proximity to the equator allows you to get a lot of sunlight and heat, which makes it possible to collect the crop of tropical fruits and crops all year round throughout Latin America. The region is the birthplace of many exported cultivated plants.

Combination of antiquity exotic and heritage

Despite the territorial remoteness from the rest of the world, the entire list of Latin America countries and their capital are invariably attractive for tourists all globe.

So, the list of Latin America countries with the capitals:

  • Argentina (Buenos Aires);
  • Antigua (Saint-Jones);
  • Bahamas (Nassau);
  • Barbuda (Saint-Jones);
  • Belize (Belmopan);
  • Brazil (Brazilia);
  • Barbados (Bridgetown);
  • Venezuela (Caracas);
  • Guyana (Georgetown);
  • Haiti (Port-O-Prince);
  • Honduras (Tegucigalpa);
  • Grenada (Saint Georgez);
  • Grenadines (Kingstown);
  • Guiana (Cayenne);
  • Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo);
  • Dominica (Rose);
  • Colombia (Bogota);
  • Cuba (Havana);
  • Costa Rico (San Jose);
  • Mexico (Mexico City);
  • Nicaragua (Managua);
  • Nevis (Baster);
  • Paraguay (Asunson);
  • Panama (Panama);
  • Puerto Rico (San San Juan);
  • Peru (Lima);
  • Saint Kitts (Baster);
  • Saint Vincent (Kingstown);
  • Saint Lucia (Kastri);
  • Surinames (parambarino);
  • Chile (Santiago);
  • Ecuador (Quito);
  • Jamaica (Kingston).

Evergreen wet forests growing on the territory of these countries are striking with their magnificence. Among the variety of animal world there are representatives of only rare breeds here: American Ostrich, Lama Guanako, Leniv. The number of birds varieties and fish is calculated by thousands.

Fertile climate, unusual beaches of black sand, mountain ranges, majestic volcanoes, power of waterfalls, air with aroma of coffee, the riot of greenery at any time of the year is sitting here. But there is another reason for the attractiveness of these places. The entire list of Latin American countries and their capitals - the focus of original traditions and cultures, archaeological attractions, residues of colonial architectures.

Motherland Tango and Maradona

Unlike neighboring countries, the Europeanized Argentina did not keep traces of their stay on the territory of the ancient civilizations of the Indians. Her attractiveness in the other. Here are adjacent to the endless steppes, thickets of forests, mountain peaks; Huge megalopolises contrast with colorful settlements of cattle breeders in the deserted south of the country. People's Solva reads: "If the Lord had decided to settle on the ground, he would have chosen Argentina to realize this desire."

Argentina, Buenos Aires - these words are inextricably linked since the time of economic lifting of the capital. Camera more than forty percent of the population of the country today, Buenos Aires is among the most beautiful cities in the world. This is a city of wide avenues, skyscrapers, elegant embankments, beautiful parks, spacious areas.

In the consciousness of football lovers around the world, Argentina's names, Buenos Aires have long become one for a long time. It is here that you can touch the national tradition of Argentinesers, to their most hobby - football.

Another business card of the country - Argentine tango. Here you can get acquainted with the story of Tango, enjoy the fascinating, sensual movements of the dance couple.

Extraordinary country

Another country of South America - Brazil, which occupies the largest part of Latin America, the country of advanced technologies and leading position in the economy is striking from the first moment, primarily its exceptional atmosphere.

Contradictory, unique Brazil fascinates from the first moment the brightness of the surrounding world, red earth, the aroma of flowering plants, endless expanses and goodwill of the local population.

Natural treasury of the country - Waterfalls Iguazu, Archipelago Fernanda Di Norona - Marine Reserve, famous world name beaches, gentle warm sea. The mysterious, mysterious jungle of Amazonians, called the main "light" of our planet, are invariably attractive, 50% of the land of the land growing in its jungle.

The animal world of Brazil is incredibly diverse - more than 600 species of mammals. Among them are rare individuals who do not occur anywhere else: rodent value with a dog - Capybara, water boating anaconda, tiny monkey toy.

The most significant architectural structure of Brazil is the statue of Christ-Redeemer with a height of 38 meters on the top of the Corcovado Mountain. The architectural treasure is the capital of Brazilia, a planning resembling a huge butterfly. Not every building is a monument in Ouru-Pretu - the main architectural heritage of Brazil.

Ah, carnival, carnival, carnival

The most colorful, the most inective carnivals in the world are associated with the name of Rio de Janeiro - magnificent, unforgettable, slightly crazy on the days of Carnival from the abundance of the people with the hospitable metropolis of Brazil.

The entire list of Latin America countries and their capital can boast an abundance of attractive places.

In the very center of the Caribbean

Sand beaches in combination with transparent blue water and amazingly beautifully surrounding nature - what could be better for those who want to rest from the fuss of the Island State of Puerto Rico (USA), located in the Caribbean area - Paradise for lovers of relaxation on the lap of nature.

The possibilities of active interaction with the ocean wave provides the center of the surfing. The height of the wave on the ocean expanses can reach 15 meters in certain periods of time. The coastal waters of Puerto Rico, recognized as one of the best thanks to colorful reefs and transparency of water - an ideal place for diving.

The pristine nature of the islands strengthens the feeling of paradise with a variety of flora and fauna of nature reserves and national parks.

Older lovers have the opportunity to get in touch with the spirit of old centuries. Many famous historical sites are located in Puerto Rico. One of the popular places - the castle, located on the territory of the old San Juan, built in 1589, 50 years after the beginning of its foundation.

Uruguay. Brazil's area - 8512 thousand km2, according to this indicator, the country takes 5th place in the world after Russia, and. The population is 159.7 million people, in the form of the board, this is a republic, the capital - (1.5 million inhabitants).

The basis of Brazil's relief is an Amazonian lowland - a huge wetland plain, covered with dense jungle and riversulated rivers.

In the north and south, the Guiangian and Brazilian Plateau are, respectively - plains with a pronounced dry period, located high above sea level. Most of the country is located between and the southern tropical, there is an equatorial and subequatorial, only on the southeastern coast of tropical. The temperature here is constantly high, rarely falls below +20 ° C. In the western part of Brazil, precipitation drops up to 2500 mm throughout the year, on the rest of the territory, the main precipitation falls in the summer.

The population of the country is enough Pestro in its ethnic and racial composition. Before the middle of the XIX century, Brazil was, so the large part of the population is the descendants of Portuguese colonists. Together with other people from them constitute a majority of the population - 55%. Representatives of the Negroid and, Moutique also live in Brazil. In the depths, tribes are preserved at a fairly low level of development. The level of urbanization in the country is very high -78%, the largest cities - São Paulo (16.5 million inhabitants), (10.2 million), Belo-Horizonte (3.8 million).

Most of the country is covered with forests, which makes the forest mining of one of the sectors of specialization for the country. In the jungle, huge stocks of valuable wood, but the unless deforestation destroys unique forests. The government of the country is forced to take measures to preserve the Selva. Brazil is also rich:, manganese, nickel, there are deposits of bauxite, gold.

Brazil is the most significant of South America, its economic development is going fast. Agriculture is at a high level, corn, rice, sugar cane, citrus, coffee, cocoa beans are grown. In addition, industry is developing: mining ,.


Venezuela is a country in the northern part of South America. It has access to the Caribbean Sea (Atlantic Ocean), borders with Guyana in the East, in the south and Colombia in the West. Area - 912 thousand km2, population - 21.6 million people. At the form of the Board, this is a republic, the capital - (3 million inhabitants).

Most of the country is on, in the east there is a Gwiank plateau, in the West - Andes Ridges. The climate is mostly subequatorial, in the north of the country - tropical. Throughout the year, there is warm, precipitation falls from 4000 mm in the foothills of the Andes to 700 mm on a plateau. From the south to the north, the country crosses the Orinoco River, which flows into the Atlantic Ocean. On her influx - the Churun \u200b\u200bRiver, which originates on the Gwianky Plateau, is the highest in the world.

Until 1630, Venezuela was a colony, so most countries have a Spanish origin. The basis of the population is methuses and mulatto, the proportion of the indigenous population is insignificant. A very high level of urbanization is 93%, but for Venezuela, as for many other Latin American cities, is characterized by "false". The largest cities are Caracas, Marakaybo (1.6 million people), Valencia (1.4 million people).

The most important element of the Venezuelan economy is the production and processing of oil, Venezuela is one of the member countries of OPEC. In general, this is with an average level of development of the economy. Other important industries in addition to petroleum - metallurgical, textile, food. Coloring cattle is divorced, rice, corn, coffee, citrus frisms are grown, fisheries developed.


Argentina - the second largest country in the country is located in the southern part of the mainland. It borders in the West with Chile, in the north with Bolivia and Paraguay, in the northeast - with and Uruguay, has access to the Atlantic Ocean. Square -2763 thousand km2, population - 34.6 million people. At the form of the board, this republic, the capital - Buenos Aires (11.8 million inhabitants).

April 30, 2012.
Contour map of Eurasia. 7th grade. Posted by: Grade 7
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Contour map of Eurasia. 7th grade

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Collection of cards of Eurasia in Russian. Political, geographical, physical and satellite maps Eurasia.

Detailed maps Eurasia can be increased. Full sizes of Eurasia cards are optimized to a maximum of 1 megabytes.

Satellite map of Eurasia Google in Russian:

Political map of Eurasia in Russian:

Detailed map of Eurasia with countries in English:

Map of Eurasia with cities and capitals in Russian:

Physical map of Eurasia in Russian:

Geographical map of Eurasia (map of Europe and Asia) in Russian:

Contour map of Eurasia:

Turned map of Eurasia:

Map of Eurasia with population density:

The map shows the density of the population in Eurasia.

Each point corresponds to the number of population in 100 thousand years.

Mainland Eurasia - The largest on the planet. He ranks a third of all land sushi. Eurasia consists of Europe and Asia, the separation between which passes through the Ural Mountains.

Eurasia lives three quarters of the inhabitants All the globe. The distribution of the population of Eurasia can be viewed above on the Eurasian population density map (density is shown in red).

The maximum population density of Eurasia is located in the eastern part of China, throughout India and Central Europe. Square Eurasia 55 million square meters km.

5 billion 262 million people live in Eurasia, this is about 70% of the world's population. The mainland of Eurasia is located about 90 countries of the world.

See also:



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Map of Eurasia

Detailed map of Eurasia in Russian. Examine the map of Eurasia from the satellite. Close and view streets, houses and attractions on the map of Eurasia.

Eurasia - The largest mainland on the planet.

More than 75 percent of the population lives in Eurasia, about 5 billion people. Naturally, Eurasia began mainland relatively recently, only at the end of the 19th century. Before that, he was called just Asia.

Eurasia It is not only the biggest mainland, but also the most densely populated.

On this continent - 80 countries.

Almost the entire territory of Eurasia is located in the northern hemisphere. Almost for the entire territory, the mainland is characterized by a moderate climate, but in some areas there are arctic and subarctic climatic belts, since these regions are located for the polar circle.

Eurasia - It is also the only mainland, surrounded by four oceans - Atlantic, Indian, quiet and ice. In addition to ocean waters on the mainland, many other water bays - bays, seas, lakes, straits.

The west coast of Eurasia is much stronger than east.

What else to see:

  1. Cards of countries of the world
  2. Capital World
  3. Map of the world from the satellite
  4. Political world map
  5. World map geographical
  6. World map online

Contour Cards Geography Answers Grade 7 Contouring Maps Kourbi 2011

Choose a suitable Reshebnik edition

  1. Contour cards in geography Grade 7 contour cards Kourbi 2011
  2. Contour cards in geography 7 Class Kourbsky 2013
  3. Workbook in geography Grade 7 contour maps Kourbsky 2015

Ready tasks

Australia and New Zealand
Atlantic Ocean
Climatic belts and fields of the world
North America
Countries of Foreign Asia
Countries of foreign Europe
The structure of the earth's crust
South America

Reshebnik on geography for the 7th grade is an integral part of the modern educational process.

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Maps of Eurasia

In order to increase or download the map, click on the image or on the "Enlarge" link.

Political map of Eurasia in Russian

Card size: 3759x3321 px (pixels)
File volume: 5.39 MB
Language: Russian
Image format: jpg.

Map of Eurasia with countries and capitals

Card size: 3162x2821 px (pixels)
File volume: 2.84 MB
Language: Russian
Image format: jpg.

Physical map Eurasia

Card size: 2700x2050 px (pixels)
File volume: 2.71 MB
Language: Russian
Image format: jpg.

Eurasia on the world map

Card size: 2018x1000 px (pixels)
File volume: 403 KB
Language: Russian
Image format: jpg.

Collection of cards of Eurasia in Russian. Political, geographical, physical and satellite maps of Eurasia. Detailed maps of Eurasia can be increased. Full sizes of Eurasia cards are optimized to a maximum of 1 megabytes.

Satellite map of Eurasia Google in Russian:

Detailed map of Eurasia with countries in English:

Map of Eurasia with cities and capitals in Russian:

Physical map of Eurasia in Russian:

Geographical map of Eurasia (map of Europe and Asia) in Russian:

The map shows the density of the population in Eurasia. Each point corresponds to the number of population in 100 thousand years.

Mainland Eurasia - The largest on the planet. He ranks a third of all land sushi. Eurasia consists of Europe and Asia, the separation between which passes through the Ural Mountains.

Eurasia lives three quarters of the inhabitants All the globe. The distribution of the population of Eurasia can be viewed above on the Eurasian population density map (density is shown in red). The maximum population density of Eurasia is located in the eastern part of China, throughout India and Central Europe. Square Eurasia 55 million square meters km. 5 billion 262 million people live in Eurasia, this is about 70% of the world's population. The mainland of Eurasia is located about 90 countries of the world.

1. Fill in passages in sentences

Eurasia is the largest mainland. Its area along with the islands - 53, 4 million km2. Eurasia stretches from north to south by 8,000 km, from the west to the east - by 16,000 km. Eurasia is washed by the water of the Northern Iskoy, the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. In Eurasia, two parts of the world are distinguished: Europe and Asia.

11. Before you climatic diagrams (Fig. 28). Determine what types of climate they relate.

1-moderate moderate continental

2-subtropical Mediterranean

3-tropical continental

4-subtropical monsoon

12. Determine the climate type by description

1. In the summer, moderate air masses are dominated, in winter - arctic. The sediments fall mainly in the summer. They are associated with the arrival of temperate air masses.

Subarctic climate

2. In the summer, equatorial air masses are dominated here, and tropical in winter. Summer drops out, winter dry.

Subscance climate.

13. Determine the type of climate in the following indicators: The average temperature of January -28 ° C, July + 18 ° C, the average annual precipitation is 350 mm.

Moderate continental climate

15. Subscribe to contour map. Extreme points of Eurasia.

16. Sign on the contour map of the oceans and the sea, bays and spills off the coast of Eurasia.

17. Sign on the contour map large islands belonging to Eurasia. Which coast of the mainland is the largest number of islands?

18. Apply to the contour card and sign the flow from the shores of Eurasia.

19. Sign on the contour map of Eurasia Mountains, plains, rivers and lakes mentioned in the text §45-46 textbook.

20. On the contour map of Eurasia, we mark the borders of the states about which there is a question in the textbook, and sign them. Sign also the capital of these states.

Eurasia relief is characterized by greater complexity and diversity, which is associated with the heterogeneity of the tectonic structure.

23. Famous zoologist and traveler B. Grimek wrote: "The pristine nature should be preserved at least than we beat the paintings of Rafael, Cologne Cathedral, Indian temples; If you wish, you can restore ... Destroying or putting at risk of destroying many types of animals on Earth, people expect a nature that does not only surround us, but also themselves. "

How do you understand the words of the scientist? Express your position.

Words of scientist truth. Often, people betray great importance to those things that really have it. We still have the opportunity to admire the real natural landscapes, the beauty of nature. However, if you do not take care of nature, subsequent generations, our children and grandchildren will be deprived of such an opportunity.

26. What letter on the map (Fig. 29) indicates the Pyrenean Peninsula?

BUT); IN); FROM); D)

27. Eurasia washed the water of the bays:

1) Bengalsky; 2) Biscay; 3) Mexican

1) Bengalsky; 2) Biscai

28. Eurasia includes Islands:

1) Borneo; 2) Sumatra; 3) New Guinea

1) Borneo; 2) Sumatra.

29. Choose too much:

1) Turan lowland; 2) Mesopotama lowland; 3) Amazonian lowland

3) amazon lowland;

30. What letter on the map (Fig. 30) indicates the mountains of Himalayas?

BUT); IN); FROM); D)

31. Select unnecessary:

1) Rhine; 2) Elba; 3) Darling; 4) SENA

3) Darling

32. What letter on the map (Fig. 31) indicates the Yangtze River?

BUT); IN); FROM); D)

Climate type Territory

1) Arctic a) Pyrenean Peninsula

2) Subarctic B) Wrangel Island

3) Moderate c) Kalimantan Island

4) Tropical d) Iceland Island

5) subtropical D) Island United Kingdom

6) subequatorial E) Industan Peninsula

7) Equatorial

3 - a, g, d

34. What letter on the map (Fig. 32) indicates India?

BUT); IN); FROM); D)

Country Capital

1) Mongolia a) Delhi

2) India b) Tehran

3) Iran c) Ulan Bator

4) China d) Kabul

5) Afghanistan D) Beijing

37. Choose a sure approval.

1. Natural zones in Eurasia are elongated in the meridional direction.

3. The monsonic climate is distributed in the West of Eurasia.

2. Eurasia is washed by all the oceans of the Earth.

38. Which of the statements is correct?

A) the wet place on Earth is Cherrypundy.

B) On the territory of Eurasia there are all natural zones.

1) is true only a;

2) is true only b;

3) both are true;

4) both are incorrect