Skyrim new races collection. The most unusual fashion at the race in Skyrima. Eishen bonus skills

So, as follows from the name, this mod adds 9 playable races to the game, generated by someone's unhealthy fantasy. Each is equipped with a description, prehistory and its abilities. I translated all this tops. True, I do not know why. And checked for performance, but, honestly, not further than the first steps of the character. It seems everything works, but in fashion too much of all sorts of personnel so that you can give a guarantee for each of them. If you notice the shoals in the description of the abnormal and clothes - say, do not hesitate to correct. Screenshots I do not give to keep the intrigue. But I note that among these races there are no matter how many people. For those who are not entirely, in the kit there are still mod on Shmouth, and it is better not to wear on humanoid perov. For vanilla beversion, it is also not suitable, only for the added mod.


  • Racial Compatibility


Unpack to where Skyrim is installed. Connect tcra.esm, chocolate elves.esm, demoness.esm, guardians.esm, faun.esm, kerran sha'rr.esm, moxhadowelves.esm, sprigganqueen.esm, unicorn.esm, valkyrie.esm and finally, beastracearmors. ESP (Suddenly!), Which is the same armor I spoke about. TCRA should stand first. If there are problems with physics or animation, unpack to where Skyrim is installed. Three races are equipped with presets for Bodislayd, so who wants to join them their body.

Creating your character in Skyrim, you can choose one of the ten races for him. Each of them, as usual, has its own unique set of characteristics and features. In general, the variability is quite decent. But, oddly enough, even such a variety of geimers seemed little. So, the most active of them developed fashion on races in Skyrim, allowing to use as the main character of surprising creatures, have never met at the expanses of Tamriel. On the most unusual of such modifications and will be discussed in this article.


This mod on races for Skyrima makes it possible to choose an amazing creature as the main character, which is the purpose of man and dragon. Poludracons possess all the advantages of the Nords, but, in addition, can more often use screams, have resilience to poisons and diseases, and also apply an enlarged damage to fists.


Creatures exclusively female, whose pedigree originates from the Nordic Hunter Sairen and his chosen elevations of the ray`. Lunari inherited from their father the ability to virtuoso to handle onions, and from the mother adopted the love of wildlife.

Forest warriors, if you compare them with representatives of other races, have a much greater speed of health restoration, magic and stock. In addition, they have congenital stability to shock, and also has a talent that allows you to protect yourself from diseases and curses.

It is worth noting that this mod on races in Skyrim is made very high quality. In addition to the changed characteristics and new skills, there are also textures for bodies, faces, eyes and hair.


And this mod on races for Skyrim will allow you to transfer the chief hero of the Thief Series in Tamriel. By installing this modification, you will receive a character with already studied abilities for silent movement and sudden murder. In other words, everything you need for thieves and assassins.

In addition, unique equipment made at the highest level included in the mod. Including the kit includes a stylish mask, as well as raincoats, pegs in the wind.


No, it is not all famous kazhiti. This mod on races in Skyrime adds cats to the game, which are much more like people. Yes, they have some wool, and there are tails and sharp claws, but the faces are completely human. By the way, the mod includes four feline races, which differ markedly from each other.

A huge plus of this modification is its excellent compatibility. For example, you can use it simultaneously with the renisers of bodies, as well as mods on tattoos and hairstyles.


And this mod on Skyrim 5 on the new races adds alien hunters from the film of the same name. At the same time, the modification is very effectively affected by the gameplay, because predators cannot use some human equipment. In particular, due to non-standard shape of the head they will not be suitable for conventional helmets and masks.

Fortunately, the mod allows not only to choose a predator as the main character, but also adds to the game of the settlement of other representatives of this race. Killing them, you can take possession of unique equipment and powerful weapons.


Mod on races in Skyrima for those who like the Universe " Star Wars" After installing all the necessary files, you can make your character in the inkrak, as well as get additional bonuses on light and heavy armor, theft, two-handed weapons and the magic of destruction.


Modification allows you to play for cute loli-warrints from the Universe Tera. At the same time, unique bodies for characters are included in the modes (Elin is much lower than humans), voices, hairstyles and a huge range of all sorts of tails and ears.

More importantly, after installing the pack, some NPCs will also be replaced. So, even if you didn't choose Ras Elin for your character, you still meet these little warriors on Skyrim's expanses.


We are tired of doing well and save people who came to trouble? So, this mod for Skyrima on the race of demons is what you need. As it is easy to guess, the modification will allow your hero to become a real infernal creature that sings horror.

Demons have congenital predisposition to the magic of destruction, as well as masterfully create weapons and impose illusions. In addition, they have immunity to fire and all sorts of diseases.

Various fashion on Skyrima races help diversify game world And expand the capabilities of creating a character. Each nationality has a number of certain bonuses, as well as their weaknesses. Players are not easy to choose from a variety of races, original or added mods.

Let's try to consider the advantages of some of them.


Exceptionally female race descendants of the famous Nord-Hunter and the Elven Lieutenant of the Clan San "Lee. Proximity to nature and rejection of noisy cities - this is what distinguishes the moonar. They create their homes by enchancing the kroons of mighty trees.

On the new race Fashion on Skyrim influence the Nordic Blood, and Elf: Moonrara - Strong hardy women with a characteristic form of ears. They are famous long-livers who inherited military talents of both races.

The moonar is distinguished by quick regeneration and, of course, can handle onions.

Bonus skills:

Shooting +10;

One-handed weapons, two-handed weapons, eloquence, recovery +8;

Blocking, light armor +9.

These mighty women quickly restore forces, health and manu during the battle. Passive talent - elevated (50%) electricity resistance. Another talent, requiring activation (Z) - immunity, which is very reversed when smelting with vampires.

Installation on Skyrim Fashion on Ras Lunar is performed using NMM. To change the character you need to use Showracemenu. For a comfortable editing of appearance it is worth typing FOV30 in the console - the window will become more convenient.

Sand elves

A long time ago, when the curse of Azura has not yet overtake the race of kimers, an expedition from Morrowind was sent to Elsweire to explore the ancient tomb. Together with Caudzhiti conductors, scientists conducted excavations in the middle of the desert.

They managed to penetrate the dungeon when the terrible sand storm hit the passage and the way back was cut off. Losing hope, the cymers wandered for a long time on the tunnels of ancient burial.

In the remote part of the tomb, they discovered the sanctuary of the Vial key.

Hoping for salvation, the kimera called on Daederic Lord and prayed for help. The cunning keykite promised them by his patronage, but, of course, the daedera do not make a free favor. The expedition got out of the tomb, while maintaining all the mined values.

On the surface of the kimera, they found that their skin had acquired a yellow shade and as if she was covered with cracks - it was the memory of the help of Vial. As it turned out, their offspring also received a keystamp.

The expedition participants called themselves as Sandamers, which means "sand elves", and settled in Elsweira. Many centuries later, Skyrim forgot this story. Announced in the kingdom simultaneously with the Dragons of Sandmera, the procedure surprised by local residents.

The sand elves have increased resistance to fiery damage, but we are vulnerable to cold. The poisons act on them only crawled. In addition, Sandmers are strong in the magic of fire.

The plug-in has special bodies, textures and linen.

This is easy to make sure if you download on Skyrim mod on the race of the sand elves. To female characters Lingerie did not wear, the folder files are "optional" over the modification.


This is a few peoples living in inconspicuous corners of Tamrilyl. Their ancestors arrived from Akavir, where they were the slaves of the kaeski. Eishen - Race of the Navnikov.

They choose a secluded life and avoid the bustle of the big world.

In the crowd Eisy, you will not know immediately, they do not differ from ordinary people and often hide their origin. Representatives of this mysterious race for a long time retain youth and quickly recover from wounds. They are very clever, so beautiful fighters are.

Eysh bonus skills:

One-handed weapon +10;

Light armor, blocking, destruction, restoration and witchcraft +5.

Beyond the battle of Eishen is twice as fast as health. Unique races talent - "Reflex": time will slow down (twelve seconds), the reserves will restore (seven seconds). Talent is available once a day.

Modification adds:

46 new eyes;

38 new eyebrows;

15 combat guns;

8 types of faces.

After installing on Skyrim Fashion On the race Eychean renisiers do not need. For sand elves, other bodies are suitable for modifications to which you need to pick up suitable clothing.

It is time to diversify the world of Skyrim by new races - came the turn of my new selection.

And so closer to the case:

Witch Elf Race.

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

Let's start with a beautiful. What could be better than charming elf? And so the mod adds a new beautiful race of the elves to the game, along with the mobility just sweetie.

Dwarf Race.

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

And so from the beautiful to small, more precisely to the gnomes of which for some reason, did not want to make TES in the mystical world. In general, the mod adds the gnomes.

Void Elf Race.

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

And here again elves. These are some strange (see screenshots), but they have unique increases and abilities.

Green Orcs.

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

"The orcs must be green", this slogan has already taken out of me: the fans of the Varcraft and Oblivion are just shocked, because in the original orcs differ from people only the presence of fangs and a slightly slightly tint of the skin, which can be explained by the adaptation of the body to the appearance of dragons. In general, the mod makes the orcs green, such as those were in 4 parts of Tesa.

Dovagonian Races.

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

Very original, in kind, race. Something similar to Agronian with dragons heads. Parotnaks and Aldunes finally sat on the ground and was able to move without wings on two limbs.


New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

He is back. Geralt from Rivia returned. Just as he got to Skyrim and hit the execution, the mystery of nature. This character does not need a representation, everything is so clear if you are not very bad.

Mondschatten Elfen.

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

Again elves. How can? Apparently models again lacked busty elf. In general, the race is very beautiful.

I present to you another race, namely the seductive.

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

Blessed one of the goddesses of Dibella is born only to women, embodying powerful beauty and destructive magical power.

The seductors are known as the destructiveness of male hearts, they are afraid and respect all Tamriele. Nobody opposes their hypnotic charm.

Features of the race:

Mayhem - Madness: Makes all enemies to fight with each other.

Destructive harmony: uses beauty to calm enemies.

Please note: these spells are 10 times stronger than the usual illusion spell.

Maehem - Madness, will make friendly NPS (with the exception of companions), but they will attack you in the end when the spell is completed, (or they may accidentally attack anyone).

Please use only in dungeons or in the wild, in other places at your own risk.

Racial resistance:

Holy Blood: Blessed Saints are born with resistance to diseases.

Please note: you can only turn into a werewolf, but not a vampire. It can cause problems if you want to play in the future in DLC DawnGuard with a vampire expansion.

There is no guarantee that this mod will work with it stable. If you want to play like a vampire, then this mod is better not to use for the GG, you can only use companions with these mod.

1) Companions.

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

The mod adds 5 new companion to the game! Who will gladly share your adventures!

The location of companions:

Five companion are available for play: Vixen, Eliza, Sasha, Jasmine and Chloe.

You can use any of the five seductants as a satellite, finding them in the temples throughout Skyrim:

Vixen: Kinaret Temple in Weitran

Eliza: the temple of the gods in Solitude

Sasha: Temple of Talos in Windhelm

Jasmine: Dibella Temple in Markat

Chloe: Mary Temple in Rift

2) armor.

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

This mod is not just a boring mod on race! He also adds new armor specifically for this race!

There is something to choose from: Seth seducer and Seth Vixen both set you can read in any blacksmith in the "Ebonite" section.

Forging recipes are pretty simple: leather, leather strips, linen fabric and ebonite ingots. Everything is easy to find.

Seth seducer includes:

amulet, belt, boots, high boots, hand bandages, wrapping, cloak, gloves, long gloves, hand straps, hips straps, shorts.

Seth Vixen includes: collar, leggings, sleeves, panties.

For both sets there are several color options: black, red, green) Color options are created on a tanning machine.

3) Press the appearance.

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

There are five beautiful presets (the appearance settings in the Nordic race).

If you liked one of five companions and you want to use her appearance for your character, then this mod will help you and this!

Just install the mod and when creating a character, click in the settings of the seductive races. For a complete coincidence, you need to install all the necessary mods.

On the installation, problems, as well as many other nuances of fashion read in Readme in the archive with a mod.

Many thanks!

Lich-King for the translation of such a wonderful fashion and permission to lay it on our site

The next fashion adds the race of skeletons to the game. Looks very funny

One-handed: +10.

Two-handed: +5.

Forest: +5.

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

New races for Skyrim (Favorites) (updated, added two new fashions (14.08.2015))

And so on this selection approached the end, I hope everyone found what I was looking for, or at least something found. But that's not all, I am glad to present you your author's F.A.Q. By installing mods that I still add. It contains all questions related to installing mods that I managed to find if I don't write that I will answer.

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Description: Adding a total of 180 presets to create a character replaces vanilla presets affected all races except Argonian incompatibility: this mod contributes to the majority of races and, of course, will conflict with other modes, changes in races. Installation Place the ESP in the Skyrim \\ DATA folder, activate the plugin in the launcher. Remove remove ...