Dragon bone weapon in Skyrim. Dragon armor in Skyrima. How to find a dragon armor in the game "Skyrim". Reducing the spelling of school magic

Not in vain The game about Tamriel is often referred to as the third "follaut" with swords and dragons. And engine and panel call console teams Not a drop has changed. Immortality can be obtained by the usual combination of "TGM" letters, which is understandable, is an abbreviation from the phrase of The God Mode.

Those changes that appeared are explained by the difference in the setting of two games and the difference in the types of weapons and armor. Otherwise, to get the first counter-friendly companions, kill everyone around in the visibility zone, to steal the thing without consequences for reputation, you can all the same familiar combinations of letters and numbers. If they are unfamiliar to you, then you can read about them below. The console menu is caused by Tilda (~).

About renovy cheat codes

tGM - Immortality and endless Boezapa

mODPCA - Possiping Points to Stats

mODPCS - Points Add to Skills

addSpecialPoints - Add to Points "Speak".

removefromallFACTIONS - You do not belong to any fraction

rewardkarma - Add or deduction Karma

tMM1 - Fully open card

tCL - Walking through obstacles and walls

tLV - zero foliage on trees

player.Setlevel - Player Level

GetQuestCestCompleted - The appointed quest is considered passed

getXPFORNEXTLEVEL - getting the following level

kill - kill the selected character / animal

resurRect 1 - Resurrection

resetAi - restore the default dialogs - erase the memory of the selected NPC. This command must be applied only if you killed someone, they resurrected and after that he refuses to talk to you.

openActorContainer 1 - open the inventory of the selected bot.

removeallItems - Clear the inventory of the specified bot.

inv - show the contents of the inventory of the selected character.

duplicateallItems Player - copy all items from the inventory of the specified NPC or an object in your inventory.

resetInventory - empty inventory.

setowNership - make the subject of your property

unlock - hacking

To oda to pump a character

Changing the level of skills

To change the skills, the Player.Setav OneHandedPowerMod X command is used, where onehandedpowermod should be replaced by the desired skill from the list, and X is a modifier that changes the skill level.

1) OneHandedPowerMod - one-handed weapon

2) TwohandedPowerMod - two-handed weapons

4) BlockPowerMod - Shield

5) SmithingPowerMod - Blacksmithing

6) HeavyARMORPOWERMOD - Heavy Armor

7) LightarMorpowerMod - Light Armor

8) PickPocketPowerMod - Pocket Stall

9) LockpickingPowerMod - hacking

10) SNEAKPOWERMOD - secrecy

11) AlchemyPowerMod - Alchemy

12) SpeechcraftPowerMod - eloquence

13) AlterationPowerMod - change

14) ConjurationPowerMod - Witchcraft


16) IllusionPowerMod - Illusion

17) RestorationPowerMod - Restoration

18) EnchantingPowerMod - Engagement

Codes for pumping skills

aDVSKILL X Y - Get X (from the list) Skill Y experience

player.SetAV X Y - Get Y Level X Skill (From List)

player.Setlevel X - change the level of the X character (from 1 to 255)

1) Alchemy - Alchemy

2) alteration - change

3) Conjuration - Witchcraft

4) Destruction - Destruction

5) Enchanting - Engagement

6) Illusion - Illusion

7) Restoration - Restoration

9) Block - block

10) HeavyARMOR - Heavy Armor

11) Lightarmor - Light Armor

12) Lockpicking - hacking

13) Onehanded - one-handed weapon

14) Twohanded - two-handed weapons

15) Pickpocket - Pocket Stall

16) smithing - blacksmithing

17) SNEAK - secrecy

18) Speechcraft - eloquence

H IT Codes

To get the necessary item we use the command:

player.additem (Around Code) (number)

1) 0001396B - Armor

2) 0001396A - boots

3) 000D7A8C - boots + 50% of fire resistance

4) 000D7A8B - boots with silent movement

5) 000D7A8A - boots +50 units. Loading capacity

6) 0001396D - helmet

7) 0001396C - Gloves

8) 0001396E - Shield

9) 000D7AF9 - shield + 70% resistance to electricity

10) 000D7AF6 - shield + 70% cold resistance

11) 0010DFA3 - shield + 22% of magic resistance

1) 00013965 - Boots

2) 00013966 - Armor

3) 00013967 - Gloves

4) 00013969 - Helmet

5) 00013968 - Shield

1) 0001393D - boots

2) 0001393E - Armor

3) 0001393F - Gloves

4) 00013940 - helmet

5) 00013941 - Shield

H IT codes on weapons

1) 000139B4 - Cleair

2) 0001DDFB - Cleaner Inferno +30 units. Fire damage

3) 0001DFCB - secreir thunderstorm - +30 units. damage from electricity; Takes 15 units. of magic

4) 000139B5 - Onions

5) 0001DFEF - Loose of the petition - a chance to paralyze target for 6 seconds

6) 0001DFE6 - onions inferno - +30 units. damage from fire; Goes the goal

7) 0001DFE9 - Winter bow - +30 units. Damage from the cold; takes 30 units. stock of power

8) 0001DFF2 - bow thunderstorm - +30 units. damage from electricity; Takes 15 units. of magic

9) 0001DFFC - the sacred onion - undead 40 levels and appears below 30 seconds

10) 000139B6 - Dagger

11) 000139B7 - two-handed sword

12) 000139B8 - Bulava

13) 000139B9 - Sword

14) 000139B3 - battle ax

15) 000139BA - combat hammer

1) 000F1AC1 - Dragon Beach - +40 units. damage dragons and +10 units. damage from electricity

2) 000F5D2D - pale blade - +25 units. damage by cold; Take 50 reserves for the purpose of the goal; Weaker opponents run away for 30 seconds

3) 000956B5 - Vutrad (especially deadly against elves)

4) 000B3DFA - eye shallow eye - fire explosion causes 40 units. damage within a radius of 4.5 m. and settles the goals

5) 000A4DCE - bloody spike - fills the stone a stone if the enemy dies within 3 seconds

6) 00053379 - Lyuty - +15 units. damage by cold; Takes 15 units. reserves of the enemy

7) 000F8317 - cooler - +30 units. damage by cold; chance to paralyze target for 2 seconds

8) 0001C4E6 - Sorrow Ax - takes 20 units. reserves of the enemy

9) 00035369 - Magnus Staff - absorbs 20 units. Magic per second, if the opponent has no magic - absorbs her health

10) 0010076D - Havnorak's staff - within 30 seconds. Inflicts 50 units. damage per second from zipper

11) 000AB704 - Staff Holdira - soothes the weak opponents by 60 seconds. or captures their souls if they are dying

12) 000E5F43 - Jurika Goldurson's staff - inflicts 25 units. damage and takes 50 units. of magic

13) 00094A2B - a ghost blade - +3 units. extra damage, ignoring armor

14) 000AB703 - Curse of the Red Eagle - Goes on the undead level 13 and below, and turns to flight for 30 seconds

15) 0009FD50 - Rage of the Red Eagle - +5 units. Fire damage and set fire to

16) 000B994E - Happy Valdar dagger - + 25% to the chance of a critical strike

17) 0006A093 - Tandil's staff - creatures and people levels level 12 and are not blocked below 60 seconds

H IT codes on dragon cries

pSB - add all the cries of dragons

player.TeachWord (ID Creek) - Add Creek

player.Modav Dragonsouls X - Add X Dragon Shower

player.setav ShoutRecoveryMult 0 - Recharge time for screams

Each cry consists of three words, all words learn individually and added in order.

Creek ID

1) 46B89 / 46B8A / 46B8B - Call of the Dragon

2) 13E22 / 13E23 / 13E24 - ruthless power

3) 602A3 / 602A4 / 602A5 - Ice form

4) 6029A / 6029B / 6029C - Thunderstorm Call

5) 20E17 / 20E18 / 20E19 - Fire Breathing

6) 48ACA / 48ACB / 48ACC - Time Slow

7) 2F7BB / 2F7BC / 2F7BD - rapid jerk

8) 60291/60292/60293 - Friendship with beasts

9) 3291D / 3291E / 3291F - element rage

10) 32917/32918/32919 - Accident

11) 5D16C / 5D16D / 5D16E - frosty breathing

13) 5FB95 / 5FB96 / 5FB97 - Disarmament

14) 3CD31 / 3DC32 / 3CD33 - Clean sky

15) 51960/51961/51962 - Call valve

16) 44251 / 44252/44253 - Dragon

17) 60297/60298/60299 - death sentence

18) 60294/60295/60296 - Aura whisper

19) 6029D / 6029E / 6029F - Mir Kin

20) 3291A / 3291B / 3291C - fright

H accement objects

PlayEnenChantObject (Deference ID 1) (enchantment ID 2) - Create an item with selected effects (Indicator ID) optional)

1) the subject must be without improvement

2) no more than 2 entries

3) Enchantment depends on the skill of the same name (better than 100)

Improving the skills of the subject

1) 0008B65C - Alchemy

2) 0007A0FE - shooting

3) 0007A104 - Trade

4) 0007A0F3 - block

5) 0007A0F9 - Heavy Armor

6) 0007A0FB - Light Armor

7) 0007A0FC - hacking

8) 0007A0FF - one-handed weapon

9) 0007A106 - two-handed weapons

10) 0007A100 - Pocket theft

11) 0007A102 - Blacksmithing

12) 0007A103 - secrecy


1) 0007A0FD - Mana

2) 0007A0F8 - Health

3) 0007A105 - stock of forces


1) 00048C8B - Fire

2) 00048F45 - cold

3) 00100E60 - Diseases

4) 000B7A35 - all magic

5) 000FF15E - poisons

6) 00049295 - electricity

Reducing the spelling of school magic

1) 00109634 - Recovery

2) 00109633 - Illusions

3) 00109631 - Destruction

4) 0010962F - witchcraft

5) 0010962E - Changes

H flashing weapons in Skyrim.


1) 0004605A - fire

2) 0004605B - \u200b\u200bcold

3) 0004605C - electricity

4) 0010582E - Nordam

5) 00105831 - animals

6) 000FEFBC - Light of Meridia - burns the goal on X units, and when murdering undead gives a chance of a fiery explosion, which destroys or drives the undead nearby


1) 000AA155 - Health

2) 000AA156 - Magic

3) 000AA157 - Power


1) 0005B44F - magic

2) 0005B450 - stock forces


1) 0003B0B1 - Additional damage at night

2) 000AcBB5 - Exile Daedron

3) 0001EA77 - Fear

4) 0005B46B - scaring undead

5) 0001EA6E - paralysis

6) 0004DBA3 - Capture of the Soul

7) 001019d6 - increases blacksmithing and causes damage with electricity

8) 0002C593 - elemental rage - an increase in the speed of attack

H IT furniture codes for home

1) 00030091

2) 0003B41E.

3) 0003B420

4) 000Fedb9

5) 000Fedba.

6) 000Fedbb.

7) 00042AC8.

8) 00042B67

9) 00042B02.

Wooden dear

1) 0006B36B.

2) 000D8E98

3) 000D8E99

4) 000Fedc2.

5) 000FedC3

6) 000Fedc4.


1) 0002FBC7

2) 000F4B4E.

3) 000F4B4F.

4) 000FF134

5) 00066014

6) 0003B428.

7) 0003B427

1) 000Fedbc.

2) 000FedBD.

3) 000FedBe

4) 0003B6E8.

5) 000F5101

6) 000F5102.

7) 00042AC7.

8) 000f50fd.

9) 000F50FE

Wooden expensive double

1) 0006B3D3

2) 000D9D57

3) 000F50FC.

4) 000FedBF.

5) 000Fedc0.

6) 000Fedc1


1) 000C2A0E.

2) 000F50FB.

3) 000F50FA


1) 00066023

2) 000F50FF.

3) 000F5100.

Wooden dear

1) 000C2A00.

2) 000C2A03

3) 000C2A02.


1) 0001EE50.

2) 0001EDF6.

Stone ordinary

1) 0002FCBB.

2) 000289D8.

3) 00066015

Stone expensive

1) 0005E50F

2) 000FF516.

3) 000FF508

4) 000FF50E.

5) 00060FD5

Ordinary wooden

1) 0006B691

2) 000C2A01

3) 0010E42F.

4) 000C674D.

5) 000C674C.

6) 000C8DB9

7) 00021375

8) 0003B445

9) 0003B46F.

10) 0003B487

11) 0003B4B3.

12) 0003B4B1

13) 0003B4B5

Iron chairs

1) 0001EDF7

2) 00027EC2.

3) 00027EC3

4) 00027ED7

5) 00027ED8.

6) 00027ED9

7) 00027EDa

8) 0001EE09

9) 00027EF2.

10) 00027EF3.

11) 00027EF4

12) 00027EF6.

13) 00027EFB.

14) 00027F01


1) 0002FCB9

2) 00102733

3) 0004B781

4) 0004B782.

5) 0002FBC8.

6) 000EFFDA

7) 0004B780

8) 0004B77F.

9) 00063DF0.

10) 0006E7A9

11) 0006E7AA

12) 0006E7AB

13) 0006E7AD.

14) 0006E7AC

15) 0006E7AE

16) 00066024

17) 0006E7AF.

18) 0006E7B0

19) 0006E7B1

20) 0006E7B2.


1) 0007FBC2

2) 00107354

3) 00107352

4) 00107351

5) 00107355

6) 00107353

7) 000B244B.

Stone thrones

1) 0005E511

2) 001075fe

3) 000267D3

4) 0010F636

Wooden ordinary

With 1 bench:

1) 000C84D6.

2) 000C07F2.

With 2 benches:

1) 000C84D9

2) 000C07F3.

With 6 benches:

1) 000C0C2C.

Stone ordinary

With 1 bench:

1) 000F5B9B.

2) 000F5B9A.

With 2 benches:

1) 000F5B9c.

2) 000F5B98.


Wooden cheap

1) 00024CA4 - Buffet

2) 00024CA5 - Dresser

3) 00042DBB - Dresser

4) 00024CA6 - bedside table

5) 00042D91 - bedside table

6) 00024CA7 - wardrobe

Wooden ordinary

1) 00015Bab - buffet

2) 00021364 - Buffet

3) 00021365 - Dresser

4) 00021366 - bedside table

5) 0007DF28 - bedside table (long)

6) 000813B8 - Sabjorn Dresser

7) 00021362 - Wardrobe (high)

Wooden dear

1) 000C4D4E - Dresser

2) 000C4D4F - Dresser

3) 000E317B - bedside table

4) 000C2A06 - bedside table

5) 000C2A05 - wardrobe (small)

6) 000C2A04 - wardrobe (normal)

7) 0006B303 - wardrobe (high)

Wooden ordinary chests

1) 0006EA48

2) 000E3EA1

3) 000F3923

4) 00081DD9

5) 00021363

6) 0001D13C.

7) 00020662

8) 000D30CC - investigator chest

9) 000D8E4B - Cheerholder Cheerbird Chest

10) 000D8E4C - Cheerholder Cheerbird Chest

11) 000D8E4D - Cheerholder Train Chest

12) 000D882F - Cheerbreaker Cheerbird Chest

13) 000D8830 - Cheerchik Cheerchik Guild thieves

14) 000D882D - Cheerholder Cheese

15) 000D8831 - Cheerholder Cheerbird Chest

16) 000D882E - Turning Chest of Guild thieves

17) 000D54C5 - Cheerholder Cheerholder Tast Guild

Wooden dear

1) 000BCD2C.

2) 000BCD2F.

3) 00099A50

4) 000F8476.

5) 000EF578

6) 0008EA5D

7) 0002064F.

8) 0007AA90.

9) 0008B1F0.

10) 0008B1F1

11) 00020671

12) 00020672

13) 00020658

14) 000774BF.

15) 00020667

16) 000774C9

17) 00020664

18) 0002065d.

19) 00020661

20) 000DDEF7 - Train Celebre Sein

Iron long chests

1) 0006EA46

2) 0003C50F.

3) 000A7922.

4) 0006B30E.

5) 000C4493

6) 00081DD8.

7) 000D89C6.

8) 000F68AE - Chend Chend Chend

Stone chests

1) 00020652

2) 00094F0E.

3) 000B1176

Unusual chests

1) 00108B2F.

2) 00020650

3) 00094F10.

4) 00020653

1) 000F1F66

2) 000FCB25

1) 0002069A.

2) 000F3AF7

Decorations for home

1) B2456 - Dragon Head

2) 3FA65 - Elk Horn

3) D9285 - Crab

4) D9276 - goat head

5) 3858F - Fish

6) DD9E0, DD9E1, CF264 - Elk Head

7) D928F, D928D - Cat Head

8) D9289, D9288 - Wolf Head

9) D9287, D927D - Animal Head

10) D8282, D9281, D927F - Bear Head

11) 93D39, 93D3B, 93D3D, 93D3F, 93D41, 93D43, 93D45, 93D47, B7E3E, B7E40, BF9CF, BF9D1, BF9D3, BF9D5 - Square carpet

12) 95498, 954a3, 954a4, 954a5 - Round carpet

13) 5C015, 5C016, 5C017 - animal skins

14) 7EA42 - Wall Candles

15) 1F24A - Desktop Candle

16) 5AD5B - Lamp for the ceiling

Video: Cheat codes for glasses abilities in Skyrim

Like, if it was useful


Adds a set of weapons with two versions of the texture. One set dirty and a little rusty, another clean with small wear traces. The kit includes onions, arrows, battle ax, sequirs, combat hammer, two-handed sword, one-handed sword, mace, hammer and dagger. The dirty version has at the end of the prescription "(rusty)." There is a version without left-leist.

Update: 1.01.
- Now the archive of the Fashion can be installed through NMM / MO managers
- Option of fashion without left-sheets is now added separately.

Where to find:
They can be created in the blacksmith in the Dragon section. Clean weapons have a damage for 2 points superior daederic, the worn version of the damage is equal to him. Weapons can be entered and sharpened. Worn versions begin to appear in the game at the 40th level and can be interposed into clean. Also added two chests, both are well hidden. One is on the way to the wind peak, and the other somewhere around the exit of it. The first contains a rust version, the second is clean. There is a version of the ESP file without left-sheets, in a separate folder.

Using NMM or manually: Extract the contents of the archive to the Skyrim / Data folder

Skyrim Le.

The weapon in the world Skyrim is divided into three classes: two-handed weapons, one-handed weapon and rifle. One-handed quickly hits and causes medium damage, two-handed weapons are slower, but the damage is more. Onions are a long-range weapon that shoots arrows.
The one-armed weapons include:
. Elf, steel, orcohy, glass, ebonite, daederic, bone and iron dragon swords .

Orching, Steel, Elf, Ebonite, Daederic, Dwemer, Dragon Bone, Glass Bulaw. but .

Iron, elf, glass, ebonite, daederic, heavenly steel, dragon bone, dwell combat, oroch, steel combat and nordic combat topors

Dwell, orcohy, ebonite, steel, daederic, glass, elf, dragon bone, heavenly bone, iron daggers .

The two-handed weapons include:

Bone Dragon, Daedric, Ebonite, Nordic, Heavenly, Oral, Steel, Iron, Dwemer, Elfi, Glass two-handed swords.

Bone dragon, ebonite bone, iron bone, coucting bone, elf bone, orcohy bone, glass bone, daederic bone, steel bone mobile hammers .

Iron, Dragon Bone, Daederic, Steel, Orching, Ebonite, Dwemer, Heavenly Steel, Nordic, Glass secrei .

The bows include:

Long, ebonite, daederic, dragon bone, hunting, elf, orochi, nordic, glass and coumen luki. .

In addition, one species of weapons are magic Social .

So how to find good weapons The game is quite difficult, you can make it easier to yourself this process, applying the following cheats:

Getting the necessary weapons:

player.Additem [Code_Article] [Number]

Example: Player.additem 000139a3 1 - Get 1 glass one-handed ax

A set of imperial weapons:

00013841 - LUK.
. 000135B8 - Sword
. 000139A5 - Luk.

Set of elf weapons

0001399E - Dagger
. 0001399C - Combat Ax
. 000139A0 - Bulava
. 000139A1 - Sword
. 000139A2 - Combat Hammer
. 0001399F - big sword
. 0001399D - LUK.

Set of glass weapons

000139A7 - two-handed sword
. 000139AA - two-handed combat hammer
. 000139A9 - one-handed sword
. 000139A3 - one-handed ax
. 000139A8 - Bulava
. 000139A4 - two-handed ax
. 000139A6 - Dagger

Set of daederic weapons:

0001DFEF - the bow of the petition is a chance to paralyze the target +6 seconds.
. 0001DFCB - secreir thunderstorm - +30 units. damage from electricity; Takes 15 units. of magic.
. 0001DFE9 - Winter Bow - Damage by cold +30 units. And to the stock of the forces -30 unit ..
. 0001DDFB - Cleaner Inferno - Damage with fire +30 units. Goes on the enemy. 0001DFF2 - bow thunderstorm - electricity damage +30 units; - 15 units. Magic at the enemy.
. 000139B5 - LUK.
. 000139B6 - Dagger
. 000139B4 - secrei
. 000139B7 - two-handed sword
. 000139B3 - battle ax
. 000139B9 - Sword
. 0001DFE6 - Bow Inferno -. Damage with fire + 30 units and set up target.
. 000139B8 - Bulava
. 000139BA - combat hammer
. 0001DFFC - the sacred onion - undead 40 levels and below falls into flight for 30 seconds.

Common weapon set:

00013995 - Luk.
. 00013993 - Combat ax
. 00013996 - Dagger
. 00013998 - Bulava
. 00013997 - two-handed sword
. 00013999 - Sword
. 00013994 - secrei

Orochier weapons

0001398d - Luk
. 0001398F - two-handed sword
. 00013990 - Bulawa
. 0001398E - Dagger
. 0001399A - combat hammer
. 0001398C - secreir
. 00013991 - Sword
. 0001398B - battle ax

Set of ebonite weapons

000139AF - two-handed sword
. 000139AC - battle ax
. 000139Ae - Dagger
. 000139B1 - Sword
. 000139B2 - Combat hammer 000139B0 - Bulava
. 000139AB - secoire
. 000139AD - LUK.

Set of rogue weapons

000SDE9 - Sword
. 000CEE9B - LUK.
. 000SS829 - Topor
. 00013992 - Combat Hammer

Ancient Nordic weapon

0001C864 - Molot.
. 0002C66F - Sword
. 000AE087 - Heath Gaces
. 000236A5 - two-handed sword
. 0002C672 - Topor.

Set of nightingale arms

000F6527 - Blade
. 000F652C - LUK.

Klinkov weapon set

0003AEB9 - Sword

Set Unique weapons With bonuses

000AB704 - Staff Holdir - Soothing of opponents for 60 seconds or capture their souls after death, if they are weaker.

000F1AC1 - "Beach Dragons" - damage dragons +40 units. ; . Damage with electricity +10 units.

000A4DCE - Bloody Ship Staff - fills the shower stone when the enemy dies within 3 seconds.

0001C4E6 - "Sorrow Ax" - takes 20 units. The stock of the enemy.

0010076D - Staff "Staff Havnorak" - within 30 seconds. Inflicts 50 units. damage per second zipper and also applied to the surface.

000F8317 - Cooler staff - +30 units. damage by cold; Chance to paralyze target for 2 seconds.

0009FD50 - "The Rage of the Red Eagle" -. Fire damage +5 units and arson enemy.

00035369 - Staff "Staff Magnus" - - 20 units. Magic per second, if the opponent has no magic + absorbs his health.

000f5d2d - "Pale blade" - damage by cold +25 units.; -50 stock for strength; draws to flight for 30 seconds.

00053379 - "Luty" -. damage by cold +15 units and -15 units. to the stock of forces.

00094A2B - Dagger "Phantom Blade" to an additional damage + 3 units. Ignoring opponent's armor.

000B3DFA - Eye Melka's eye - Fiery explosion causes 40 units. damage within a radius of 4.5 m. and set fires target

000E5F43 - "Staff of Yurik Goldurson" - inflicts 25 units. damage and -50 unit. of magic.

000AB703 - "Curse of the Red Eagle" - sets on undead level 13 and lower, and turns to flight for 30 seconds.

000B994E - "Happy Valdar Dagger" - to the chance of a critical strike + 25%.

000956B5 - Bulava "Wutrad" - causes more damage to elves.

0006A093 - Staff "Tandyla's staff" - creatures and people level 12 and below will not be fighting with you within 60 seconds.

Briefly about add-on

With the release of the first DLC "Dawnguard" for the loved many games from the series Elder scrolls., players have gained the opportunity to extract the dragon weapons and armor, almost entirely and fully consisting of dragon bones. In addition, the developers also added the ability to create them.

But, of course, only in the presence of appropriate resources and skills (100th level of forge and pumped ability in the development branch of the Dragon Armor).

Dragon weapons in Skyrim, with his arrival in the world of the game, took the first place in it in the number of damage caused, but even if the damage you still seem too small, then you can always improve your weapon, using a grinder, naturally, if available One dragon bone.

The weight of this weapon is also noticeable above, not to mention the transient price for it

For the forging of such powerful weapons, materials are needed, which are far from the most simple way It is possible to get more specifically - the dance of the dragon, the ingots of the ebonite and slices of the skin are necessary. Creation of arrows can be engaged in a blacksmith, in case you have at your disposal at least one option (1 is full \u003d 24 arrows).

List of weapons

Below is all the dragon weapons in Skyrim at the moment:

Dagger from the Dragon bone - has the highest characteristics of its class. It requires: x1 Dragon bone, x1 piece of skin;

You can find it on cautors living in Cairo shower

The sword from the Dragon bone - has a powerful damage, but is inferior in the characteristics of the miracle sword. When pumping up to a forties, there is a small chance of accidental finding in various things. From the 41th level, its enchanted option may be caught.

It requires it: x1 Dragon bone, X1 ingot of ebonite, x1 piece of leather;

The battle of the Dragon bone is the most powerful and very heavy among its class.
When pumping up to a forties, there is a small chance of accidental finding in various things. From the 41th level, its enchanted option may be caught.
You can find it on cautors living in Cairo shower.
To create it, it is required: x1 Dragon bone, X1 ingot of ebonite, x2 piece of leather;

Dragon bone bulb is the most powerful and heavy weapon among its class.

To create it, it is required: x2 Dragon bones, X1 ebony ingot, x1 piece of leather;

The double-handed sword from the Dragon bone - has the highest damage among other two-handed swords, including those added in other add-ons from official developers.
When pumping up to a forties, there is a small chance of accidental finding in various things. From the 41th level, its enchanted option may be caught.

You can find a two-handed sword on cautors living in Cairo shower.

To create it, it is required: X4 Dragon bones, X1 ebony ingot, x3 Skin Skin;

Dragon's bone secreir - has the most powerful damage among other sekire, including those added in other additions from official developers. The only drawback is much weighs.
When pumping up to a forties, there is a small chance of accidental finding in various things. From the 41th level, its enchanted option may be caught.

You can find it on cautors living in Cairo shower.

To create it, it is required: X3 Dragon bones, X2 ingot of ebonite, X2 piece of skin;

Two-handed combat hammer from the Dragon bone - has powerful characteristics among other two-handed combat molot, yielding only "Dubin Giant".
When pumping up to a forties, there is a small chance of accidental finding in various things. From the 41th level, its enchanted option may be caught.

Find two-handed combat hammer on cautors living in Cairo shower.

It requires: x3 Dragon bones, x2 ingot of ebonite, x3 piece of leather;

Dragon bone bow is the most powerful weapon of its class.
When pumping up to a forties, there is a small chance of accidental finding in various things. From the 41th level, its enchanted option may be caught.

You can find onions from the dice of the dragon on cautors living in Cairo shower.

It requires: x2 Dragon bones, X1 ingot of ebonite;

Street from the Dragon bone is the most road and a powerful arrow in the game.
There is a small chance to find in containers, but only from the 46th level.

Of the three caretakers, one of them may have boom data. The caretaker themselves live in Cairo shower. Same,
sometimes the booms can fall from the centurion of the dwells.

In the first add-on (DLC) to TES V: Skyrim - "Dawnguard" Added weapons from dragon bones, and the possibility of its creation (for this you will need 100 blacksmith and open ability dragon Armpeople). This type of weapon is the most powerful in the game, and now you can fit in full dragon set: in armor and weapons.

To create any dragon weapons, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bskin strips, ebonite ingots and dragon bones.

To improve dragon weapons, you need dragon bones.





Attack speed


For Kraft

Dragon Dragonbone Dagger

Dragon bone, skin strip

Dragon Bone Sword (DragonBone Sword)

Striped skin, ebonite ingot, dragon bone

Battle ax DragonBone War Axe

2 leather strips, ebonite ingot, dragon bone

Dragonbone Mace (DragonBone Mace)

Striped skin, ebonite ingot, 2 dragon bones





Attack speed


For Kraft

Two-handed sword from dragonbone dice (DragonBone Greatsword)

3 skin strips, ebonite ingot, 4 dragon bones

Dragonbone Battleaxe Clea

2 leather strips, 2 ebonite ingots, 3 dragon bones

War Hammer from Dragon Bone (DragonBone Warhammer)

3 skin strips, 2 ebonite ingots, 3 dragon bones

Dragon Bow Bow (DragonBone Bow)

Ebonite ingot, 2 dragon bones


* Click on the picture to enlarge.
** It can significantly change from pumping skills of ownership of a particular type of weapon.

ID: Identifier Item. Using the Player.additem ### 1 command, you can add any item where ### - Item ID.

XX: The sequence number of the addition number. To find out this number, you need to open the console and click on any NPC from the supplement, the first two digits id - and there is a necessary number. You can still go to Launcher -\u003e Files and calculate how the DawnGuard addition is underway: if the second is 02, if the third is 03, etc.

Dragon weapons are a little better and harder than daederic weapons. While it is cracked easier.

Comparison of damage

I was immediately interested to find out how different damage differs between daederic and dragon packed weapon. See results:

The difference is practically zero. In practice, it will not be exactly noticeable. What we can conclude that the choice between what type of weapon is to wear is an exceptionally taste case, but not practicality.