How to make a strong treatment potion in Skyrim. Skyrim: Alchemy recipes (list). Alchemy is the easiest way to get rich in Skyrim. It is enough to observe a few simple rules - and the ringing of gold coins will be regularly pleased

In each, Khe-Khe, science, there are its subtleties. Alchemy is not an exception so that Mmm .. did not talk about the Lord Magi. I have a list here. Where, where is it, oh, yes, I found. So, this document will help you to live, survive and make money on Skyrim's expanses. Listen, yes dull on the mustache. And remember Try - I do not advise bad:

The cost of produced potions depends on several factors:

  • Alchemy skill. From it directly depends on the power of the resulting effect and the price of potions.
  • Perks (abilities):
    • healer (+ 25% to the power of potions, which restore HP, mana and reserves);
    • pharmacist (+ 25% to the power of positive effects of potions);
    • memorial (+ 25% to the power of poisons).
  • Type effect. The most valuable and expensive of them are:
    • paralysis;
    • magic damage;
    • invisibility;
    • slowdown;
    • increase portable weight.
  • The number of effects: what is more, the more expensive will be made of the drug.
  • The presence of simerly positive and negative effects. Such potions are cheaper.
  • Different ingredients with the same effect affect the cost of potions in different ways. Price dependence is not direct (more expensive component can make the potion cheaper and vice versa).

Below are combinations of ingredients giving the most expensive potions:

  • Finger Giant + Bearded Moss + Bear Claws;
  • Giant finger + wing of blue butterfly + blue mining;
  • Finger Giant + creeping vine + wheat.

Alchemy is the easiest way to get rich in Skyrim. It is enough to observe a few simple rules - and the ringing of gold coins will be happy to rejoice you:

  • With grazing alchemy, the ingredients are easier to buy than to collect. As you know: time is money, and the sale of the entire pair of potions with more than the cost of components will pay off.
  • Learn the Perk "Merchant" (Merchant). Then the buyers pull out an impressive bunch of alchemical ingredients from the honeycomb. For example, bearish claws without this peak cannot be found on sale.
  • Do not sell the potions of the transaction (Barter). Drink them before trading is much more profitable.
  • If you have passed the thief guild branch, then the perfect place to enrich: the ragged flagon tavern. Here is the merchant, in the presence of 4000 coins. Nearby you can find an alchemical table and seller of the ingredients.
  • If you have a pumped skill of alchemy - do not waste time on the selection of "expensive" recipes - make two-component potions: it will be more profitable.

Also, all the vampires in the presence of the necromage (Necromage) perk (Necromage) receive a 25% bonus to potions by cons.

To cook the deadly poison, to become invisible, create a healing potion - all this and much more will allow the skill "Alchemy". Skyrim includes a lot of different skills, but for this entertainment you will clearly spend not one hour. We will tell about how to pump and about all its possibilities in this review.

No potion now

Any player is extremely necessary at least a standard set of elixirs that restore health or magic. Of course, such potions can be found in almost any locations of the game. In addition, elixirs and poisons will gladly sell you all merchants. But this is unlikely enough, because you can find or buy potions can not be completely out of the quantities that you need for passing, especially complex missions and quests. Any strong opponent can kill you in a few minutes if you do not restore health on time. So "alchemy" is one of the most useful skills that are present in the game. And his study should be done, because there are still many other reasons for it.

The main advantages of the skill

First of all, it is an opportunity to increase your health or parameters of strength, endurance, impact, and the like. In addition, thanks to this skill you can quickly earn a lot of money. And this is not all the possibilities that gives the "alchemy" player. Skyrim is a rather dangerous place, and without healing potions, the player will be difficult. Also, thanks to this skill, you can create a poison that will quite seriously increase damage from your weapon. After examining some properties of the ingredients, it is possible to become invisible or learn to breathe under water. List of basic effects:

  • Restoration, increase and regeneration of health, magic or stock.
  • Resistance to fire.
  • Rejection of electricity.
  • Hodged resistance.
  • Invisibility.
  • Water breath.
  • Health damage, stock or magic.
  • Paralysis.
  • Healing diseases.
  • Increase portable weight.

All this will be possible due to the science of "Alchemy". SKYRIM game will also create potions that increase all other skills: recovery, change, witchcraft, illusion, alchemy, engineering, heavy and light armor, pocket theft, destruction, and so on.

Mixing ingredients with each other, you can create decoctions with several positive or negative properties, which significantly increases not only their power, but also cost. If you decide to thoroughly explore this skill, then before learning to study, get a bonus from the "Maga" stone. It is possible to find it near the town of Riverwood. Activation of this keeper stone will increase the speed of studying the "alchemy" skill by 20%. In addition, you will quickly pump all the other types of magic: enchancing, destruction, restoration, and so on.

What is needed for alchemical classes

In order to engage in "potion", first of all, you will need a laboratory created to work with such magic art as "alchemy". Skyrim will provide you with a lot of similar equipment. You can find an alchemical table in every city, as well as in small settlements, in the shops of herbalists or magicians. In addition, such devices are found in quest locations, including dungeons and caves.

In order to create potions and poisons, except for the table, you will need ingredients that include plants, as well as parts of animals and monsters. You can find these components anywhere in an extensive card: the grass and flowers grow near the roads and in the glades, animals and fish in these parts are also a lot, however, like fabulous creatures. In addition, you can find the ingredients in the chests or on the corpses of the defeated enemies. But the easiest way is to buy from traders and trailies, and such characters you will always find on Skyrim's expanses. "Alchemy", "Enchantment" - these are the skills that it costs to immediately start learning and pumping a newcomer. After all, thanks to them you can earn not only experience, but also quite serious amounts. And they will never be superfluous in skyrim game.

Alchemy: Ingredients

The choice of similar ingredients in the game really produces an impression. After all, there are about one hundred diverse parts of plants or animals to create potions here. Sooner or later you will want to learn all the effects of these elements. At first, in the game only the simplest, because more expensive and rare and cost an order of magnitude more, and get them much more difficult. But even to study the first ingredients, you spend a lot of time.

Each component includes four basic effects. And if the first to know will not be easy - it is only necessary to eat the subject, then you will have to suffer from the rest. In this case, the "Experimentator" pepper will help. This skill makes it possible to open more effects when eating items. If you do not want to spend points on it experience, that is, a few more ways to learn about the properties of the ingredients of the skill "Alchemy":

  • Recipes.
  • Work for an alchemical table.

You can buy recipes from any herbal or seller books. From these records, you can conclude about several effects of one or another ingredient. But much more fascinating to conduct research behind laboratory equipment. After all, here you will need to combine two or three components with the same effect in order to get any potion. For example, a monarch wing and blue mining has an increase in health. By connecting these two elements, you will not only open their effects, but also create a potion restoring health.

Rare elements

Of course, spend ordinary flowers or parts of animals, which can be easily and quickly found, is not as scary, like rare ingredients like a fang savage. Such elements are not only rarely falling out, but also very expensive. So you should not spend their wasted. The following are particularly rare elements and their effects in the Skyrim game. Alchemy table (rare ingredients):

Nurne root (scarlet)Health RemovalDamage to enduranceInvisibilityRejection of magic
Large hornsRestoration of enduranceEnhance enduranceSlow
Hardwood heartReplenishment of magicParalysisIncreased mana reserve
Eye SablezubaReplenishmentHealth damageVulnerability to poisonAdding Mana
PearlRestoration of enduranceImproved blocking skillMana restorationReaching electricity
Ice ghost teethSusceptibility to coldImproved wearing heavy armorInvisibilityPlancy susceptibility
Fang SablezubaAdding stock of powerImproving heavy armorImproving blacksmithingPeliva susceptibility
Beak YastrebaFill the stock of powerRejection of the coldIncrease portable weightReaching electricity
Lunny Sugar.Susceptibility to fireRejection of the coldMana replenishmentIncrease the speed of regeneration magic
Little pearlReplenishmentRejection of the cold
Little hornsSusceptibility to poisonSkill Improvement: RestorationLong endurance damageDamage xp
Bear clawsReplenishmentIncreased health stockImproved skill: one-handed weaponDisturbance of mana recovery
Frosty saltSusceptibility to fireRejection of the coldReplenishment of magicImproving skills: witchcraft
Fiery saltSusceptibility to coldFire resistanceReplenishment of magicImproved Magic Regeneration
Finger GiantDamage to enduranceHealthDamage to the recovery of endurance
Heart daederaReplenishment of healthDamage to the recovery of enduranceDamage manFear
Salt emptinessRejection of magicHealth damageEnhance mana
Pucked tusk MammothReplenishmentImproving skill: secrecySusceptibility to fireFear
Human meatHealth damageParalysisMana restorationImproving skill: secrecy
Human heartHealth damageEnd of magicDamage to the regeneration rate of magicRabies
Yellow GornoclassImmunity to poisonIncreased health stockImproved skill: restorationDamage to the recovery of endurance
Wing Moth ancestorReserving stock of powerImproving skills: witchcraftDamage to the recovery rate of magic
Glowing flowerImmunity to magicFearIncreased health recovery speedParalysis
Mustache Corusa HunterReserving stock of powerImproving skills: witchcraftDamage to the regeneration of magicSkill Improvement: Engagement
Poisonous flowerHealth RemovalFearIncrease portable loadsSlow
Salmon caviarWater breathImproving the reserve of magicFast recovery of magicRestoration of endurance
Egg YastrebaRejection of magicWater breathTightening endurance damage
MalwareObservation of health scaleEndurance devastationEmptying magicLong damage to health
Wood burned SpirigganaSusceptibility to fireImproving the skill: changeDamage to the recovery of magicSlow
Jelly NeschaParalysisIncrease portable loadsRestoration of enduranceFear
Jelly ash jumperReplenishment of healthSkill Improvement: Light ArmorReaching electricitySusceptibility to cold
Imperial umbrella mossHealth RemovalIncreased magicImproving health recovery speedImproving the skill: two-handed weapons
Kabani KlykIncrease the stock of powerIncreased healthImproving the skill: blockingRabies
Root tramSusceptibility to electricityIncrease portable loadsMagic damageSlow
Ash drivingEndurance devastationFire resistanceImproving the skill: EngagementMana devastation
Ash creeping vineDamage to the stock of powerInvisibilityRejection of fireImproving the skill: destruction
Pod of ash grassRejection of fireSusceptibility to electricityImproving the skill: hackingIncrease secure
Feathers of Felsadskaya KrachkReplenishment of healthImproving skills: light armorHealing diseaseImmunity of magic

Here, perhaps, all rare ingredients that will be needed to study the skill "Alchemy". Recipes of potions can be created by itself, knowing these basic parameters.

We pump out skill

You can increase the rank of this skill in several ways in the Skyrim game. How to pump "alchemy"? First of all, you must always do it, because the level of this skill is growing from creating potions and poisons. At the same time, the stronger than the experiment, the more experience you get for the creation of such a "bravery".

In addition, strong potions are more expensive, so you will earn on their sale a lot of gold, which you will come in handy in the passage of the game Skyrim. How to pump "alchemy" quickly? In some locations, you can find books, reading the experience of this skill. List of publications:

  • "Playing for lunch."
  • "Song of Alchemists."
  • "Manimaro, king of worms."
  • "De Rruum Dirlynis".
  • "Skyrima plants guidebook.

You can find these books in any location of the game, including houses of characters, chests and cache in caves or bookshelves in the castles. In general, do not be lazy to search the surroundings in search of these useful items. In addition, it is possible to increase this skill, performing special quests of the game Skyrim, "Outdoled Alchemy" is one of them. When this task is performed, your skill level in this ability will immediately increase.

Teaching - light

Enhancing the "Alchemy" skill (Skyrim) is possible when buying knowledge from teachers. There are several of them:

  • Lami - a character living in Morphala.
  • Arkady - Alchemist from the city of Wetran.
  • Babetta - Character of the "Dark Brotherhood" faction.

Such lessons are not suiced, but they quickly pay off. After all, the higher the skill, the potions are stronger and more expensive. At the same time, you can always buy ingredients from the merchant, create a lot of potions and pay them for the doctrine. Further, you will learn how to get a lot of gold in the game Skyrim with the help of "potion".

Opportunities "Alchemy"

In order to earn on this skill, you need to create more valuable and expensive potions. Very well, if by the time you decide to study it, the skill "Enchant" will already be mastered. After all, thanks to him, it is possible to impose effects on clothes that increase the strength of the potions created. It is also necessary with each increase in the level of pumping the Perk "Alchemik", which adds the power of poisons and scales of your preparation. In addition, study the entire branch of the skills, because to pump all the effects will be pretty difficult, as you have to spend experience points and on other abilities in the Skyrim game. Alchemy skill includes such peppers:

  • Healer - improving the effects of health, endurance and magic by 25%.
  • The provision is an increase in positive effects by 25%.
  • The poisoner is an increase in the power of the poisons by 25%.

So decide what exactly you want to make, and waste the points of the skill on this perk.

Creating expensive potions

Not all poisons and decoctions can be sold favorably, but some of them will bring considerable income to which you can count on learning the "Alchemy" skill (Skyrim). Recipes Dear:

  • Paralysis.
  • Slowness.
  • Damage to the speed of recovery of magic.
  • Invisibility.
  • Increase portable weight.

It should be borne in mind that the more effects there are decoction or poison, the more expensive it can be sold in Skyrim stores. Alchemy's potion, which contains both negative and positive effects, It is cheaper, so consider it when creating decoctions. In addition, to create an expensive potion, a certain set of ingredients will be required. After all, elements with the same effects in different ways affect the cost of poison or healing elixir. And it is not necessary that the expensive ingredient will increase the price of the potion, as there is an indirect connection here.

The most expensive elixirs and poisons:

  • Bear claws, bearded moss, a giant finger.
  • Finger Giant, blue mining, blue butterfly wing.
  • Creeping vine, wheat, a giant finger.
  • Lyut mushroom, human heart, hot root.
  • Finger Giant, juniper berries.
  • Glowing dust, glowing moss.
  • Flashing, creeping vine, Mora Tapineella.
  • Fiery salt, snow berries,
  • The wing of the lunar moth, vampire ashes, hawk feathers.
  • Eye Savlezuba, Bearded Moss, Bear Claws.
  • The dust of the vampire, honey honeycombs, wing of the lunar moth.
  • Garlic, salt, poisonous bell.

How to increase profit from potions

First of all, you will need ingredients in order to make money on the skill "Alchemy". Skyrim - the game is huge, and you, of course, will be able to find a lot of items necessary for the potions. But it will take a lot of time, so it's better to still acquire the ingredients from merchants. In order for the deal to be profitable and buying quickly paid off, pump the skill "Trader" from the branch of the ability of "eloquence". In this case, the cost of acquisitions will significantly decrease, and your potions will grow slightly in price. In addition, without pumping this pepper in stores it will be impossible to find some rare ingredients. For example, it will be available only when taking this skill.

Assist a little to work out and elixirs that increase the skill of "eloquence", only they need to be not sold, but drink before the transaction. Then the prices will become much more profitable, and the purchase of ingredients or receiving lessons does not hit you on your pocket. An ideal place for sale will be the tilt of thieves in the Riephene "Brown Flask", of course, if you passed the range of quests for this guild. Then there will appear the merchant, in the pockets of which 4000 coins will constantly attend. In addition, the seller has a huge selection of ingredients, and there is an alchemical table nearby. So it can be easily and quickly converted its gold into your potions.

Cheats and codes

It is no secret that in Skyrim there are commands that allow you to get everything at once. Of course, such a way of pumping skills or extraction of valuable resources is not considered particularly "honest", and many players avoid using codes and cheats in their game. But if you want to quickly pump the skill "Alchemy", without bothering the creation of potions, then this method will become the best option For you. In order for them to use, first of all, you must install the default keyboard layout and open the console. You can do this with the "~" key. Next, in the opening line, you must register such a command: Player.Setav Alchemy 100. This cheat will allow you to immediately study the skill to a hundredth level, but does not activate all the peppers - you have to do it yourself.

Traveling through the huge expanses, you will constantly walk magic potions and various ingredients. The very first jars of healing and replenishment of the reserve of magic are waiting for us immediately in Helgen, at the time of the "learning" passing. In the first cave, you will meet with frosty spiders, from the corpses of which you can collect eggs. And the walls will grow numerous mushrooms, plants, moss and other nonsense. Why is it all necessary for?

Any ingredient you will find during wanderings can be used in the manufacture of potions or poison. At first glance, newcomers may think that potions and poisons are useless - drank the potion of health and enough. But this is not true, because the potions are one of the most important consumables for your character, and also can not only restore health and endurance, and significantly strengthen you with battle, or pump a certain skill. Perhaps you will be frightened by the number of alchemical ingredients to which you buy here and there, but you should not be afraid, everything is easier than you think! Let's figure it out what is alchemy and how to create potions and poisons. All jars with poisons, "killes" and reinforcing potions are created only on an alchemical laboratory. This station can be found anywhere in caves, abandoned mines, shelters witches and alchemists, taverns, and in almost any city. In Weitran, for example, one of the laboratories is in the dragon limit.

Here you will definitely visit, as soon as you begin to pass the story chain and tell the Yailla Waitran about what is happening in Helgen. But do not rush to rejoice, one alchemical station is not enough!

Magic flasks cannot be made from the air, here we will need the most ingredients that you collect around the world. This is where the difficulty of this crafting begins, which immediately scares many. Each ingredient gives its own unique effects, originally unknown to the player. Only the "Esieving" reagent, you can recognize its first effect. The rest are opened by experimenting and creating potions.

In addition to traveling, materials can also be bought in the store, which can also be found in almost every city. And if you specialize in pocket thefts, you can try to paint from the store or pockets of the host of the institution. Please note that this store also has another alchemical station. As mentioned earlier, you can find them anywhere, and even buy one to my house. It does not matter, the house of winds in Weitran or its own home that becomes available in one of the additions.

Having spent time on the collection of rare reagents from around the world, Dovakin will be able to create very powerful potions, which will significantly increase your characteristics, immediately restore full health, mana, stamina and much more.

By default, all potions recipes are hidden. Before the recipe appears, you need to test it to test it. You can eat everything you see to know the effect, or take advantage of the recipe that will be guaranteed to give you the right potion. Below will be provided with a table of recipes for the most popular and necessary potions.

Having learned the reagent effect, or reading the recipe, you just approach the alchemical table and create the necessary potion. If you have tried a lot of materials, then the List of the potions will be displayed on the left, which you can create now. By choosing the desired recipe, you can see what it is for him and, if necessary, buy the necessary goods in the store.

Most often, only two reagent is required to create a potion, although in rare cases you can create a powerful elixirs of four parts. The more materials you try and the more crafts, the more different jars can create. Do not be lazy to experiment and combine everything with everything. Thus, you can find the most effective potions, as well as to significantly pump the skill of skill.

In addition to creating poisons and potions, the level of alchemy can also be pumped in books that are scattered around the world. The higher your level of skill and the better the peers you pump out, the better effect you get.

Types of potions

All enclosable elixirs are divided into several types:

  • Recover parameters - These are the most basic jars that you will often be used in battle. These include the potions of health, magic and stock forces. The potion level depends on how much it will restore it.
  • Increased parameters - Strengthening potions that will increase your maximum health, endurance or mana. The potion on the power of the forces is ideal for any warrior of the melee, and the potion on magic is to all spellcasters.
  • Enhance skill - These potions will help you not only in creating weapons, armor and confirmation, as well as in battle. Increase the indicator of two-handed or one-handed weapons, and the difference in the damage will immediately become noticeable.
  • Poison - I can smear the melee or arrows with poisons to poison the enemy, cause a negative effect, apply more damage or mislead. Most often, the archers use poisons, because constantly use the poison in the near battle is extremely uncomfortable.

Recipes of potions

For those who do not like to experiment and recognize recipes, I will make a table of recipes of the most popular potions, which the player has to often use. Each potion has several variations due to different effects of reagents, so if you accidentally stumbled upon an alternative recipe and it is much easier for you to krafting it - do not think and immediately use it!

On the right side of the table will indicate materials from which this potion can be screaming. It is enough to combine 2 anyone to get the desired result. Therefore, I advise you not to be lazy and collect everything you find. As you can see, each subject has its own purpose and one day he will come in handy.

Try the ingredients, pump alchemy, do not be afraid to experiment and create new more powerful potions and poisons!

Ilusion is useful in circumstances. The most useful of ripes is invisible and calm, but the problem is in LVL. At the "maximum" level, after 80, Ilyusy almost do not act, that is, to calm down, pour out, it will not work out almost half of the enemies, but and those whom such magic can be removed without an opinion. True, I am now quit, a quiet caste of ripes is very useful to hidden, invisibility is always relevant, well, the calm is useful when they hurt randomly NPS. But the military class, the magic of the Ilyuszi is not needed at all, it is especially if its most intelligent invisibility spell can be replaced by the potion from Toyja alchemy. The Magic Iluzzi itself is more suitable for harvester maps without grazing secrecy, or without a convenient ECCORT. I consider the school to be more useful, it is more auxiliary and always useful under circumstances, the same resistance to magic that it is very necessary to increase through the peppers. Particularly distinguished by paralysis spell, out of the fight enemy. But according to the style of the game for Assassin, Ilyusuza is more in demand, although it is quite acceptably overlapping the potions. It is better not to rocked the pampering of the Ilyusy and spend the peppers on more productive branches. If Magic is like that, it is better to pump witchcraft, but it's not so necessary. The same attributable creatures for distracting attention can be called upon and with the help of staffs, the staff may well replace any need for magic. True with the most magical build, the staff does not compare, less damage, weaker than creatures, weaker treatment, almost stupid Ilyusy.
From Russ.
Here it depends on whom you are going to develop.
If warriors then Nord, Danmer, Orc. The first two resist is 50% of the cold and fire, and at the orcs, the Berrill skills will be delivered to the orders of the opponents, although the ability to use once a day.
From magicians only Bretonetonian, 25% resiston from all magic + bonuses from the perks of the bracer Magic School of change + Abinox from the passage of the quest Mary + Lord Stone and eventually will be the limit resister of magic in the game 85%, and this is without clothes. As a result, no magician in Skyrim will be quite a formidable opponent. And on the legendary complexity of the magicians the most damaggers.
From Asasins, thieves and archers. Bosmer. Caddle, an argonian. The memory with its resistance to poisons and diseases 50% is quite good archer. Cadets from the register abhipot night vision and a quiet step, make it the best breach of the game, or Assassin, well, and argonian, so simply, it is often used for bilded type of an adventurist.
Sometimes I use Imperts, from the Rosic Abinkin worth only the displaceable opportunity to find more gold, Ie, to download a merchant from him who can easily and quickly earn the stakes on initial levels, selling any merchant any product, even stolen.