Fallout 4 settler mods work. The Settlers Online. Learning the correct construction. Robot cannot be renamed

The first update for Fallout 4, and players are already suffering from a large number of errors and bugs, which we will try to sort out today. Most of them are errors in the code, so it is impossible to work around them, but it will be possible to avoid them.

The settlers don't work

Some players report that after you leave a companion robot in a place with settlers, they stop functioning. There is no way to fix this yet. If you have this trouble, then wait for the patch, otherwise just do not send the robot to the settlement.

Bug with customizing hats for Codsworth

If anyone has forgotten, Codsworth is your old robotic butler. Thanks to the new Automatron update, all robots in the game can be customized, but if you try this with Codsworth, he will lose the ability to wear hats. Even if you don't change anything, the robot will still be defective.

Hostility of own robots

Sometimes it happens that your homemade robots start attacking their master. An explanation for this has not yet been found. If this happened to you, then refrain from creating machines for now and wait for the patch.

Robot cannot be renamed

Many users say that it is impossible to change the name of a robot. After choosing a name, the game resets it again. It is not yet possible to fix it.

Robots disappear inside the Mechanist's lair

Some players complained that their companion robots disappeared inside this location. This happens due to the fact that your ally gets stuck in one of the doors, as a result of which he remains there forever and disappears. Either take your regular companion with you, or save as often as possible.

- first of all, urban planning strategy. Here you need to know not only what to build, but also how and when. In general, many questions are posed to the players by those who designed the city planning system in. However, let's start in order.

After registration, when you get into the game, you will understand that all the tasks that the system will give you cannot be called training. Therefore, you have to reach everything with your mind. The same goes for construction. Roughly speaking, the creators The settlers Online, in terms of construction, simply offer to reach everything with your mind. Therefore, if you have not yet started playing this online strategy, this material will be useful for you.

First, we need a geologist who will search for minerals. You will have to build stone masonry workshops. The more there are, the more stone. However, in the beginning, one should not get carried away with the construction of these buildings. Three will be enough. For a more ergonomic arrangement and acceleration of work, these objects are placed between the stone deposits and the town hall.

With wood, things are a little more complicated. The tree must first be grown, then cut down, sent to the sawmill, and from there this resource will get to its destination. Two sawmills require three foresters and two lumberjacks. Foresters are engaged in planting and growing fir trees, lumberjacks are chopping and sawing.

The next resource is inventory. It's even more complicated here. To obtain it, the player will have to fulfill all the conditions of a special resource chain. First, we need copper ore, which should be mined in the corresponding copper mines. This will be done by a geologist. Further, the ore is smelted into a smelter for ingots. Now we need coal. We are building a charcoal burner. One such structure requires two lumberjacks. When we get charcoal from wood, we can smelt copper ingots. All this is done in the instrumental workshop. And only then we get the tools that are necessary for the implementation of any construction work.

Now we turn to the issue of resource deposits.

Mines - they are depleted. After the mine has ceased to extract resources, it must be dismantled. Thus, we get free space, as well as 25% of the resources spent on the building. The most profitable thing is to dismantle the gold mines.
If the mine has collapsed, then it will not be possible to restore or cash in on dismantling. This is just for demolition.

If on the site of a depleted / non-working mine you do not plan to build something other than a new mine, then a new one can be built in place of the old one without resorting to dismantling. Likewise, dismantling is not required in order to carry out mining and exploration work. As soon as the geologist determines the location of the resource deposits, the mine will automatically yield them. Geological works themselves do not interfere with obtaining construction licenses, such as it would be with open deposits. Well, resources such as granite or marble are mined without mines at all.

As for fishermen, marblers, lumberjacks and hunters, when resources are depleted, they will begin to extract them from distant places, including from captured enemy territory.

At the very beginning of the game, you will be offered six types of coal and copper deposits. The resulting deposits need to be developed using tools to the next level. Moreover, the sooner you improve these deposits, the better. Despite the fact that sometimes at one point there may be several deposits at once, your geologists will always find only one. The same goes for, for example, marble deposits. Therefore, if, for example, two deposits of marble are found in one place, then they can be mined by two marble workers at the same time, who will work in turn with each deposit separately.

Now let's look at the issues of the location of our buildings.

Immediately you need to remember that industrial buildings need to be erected exclusively near the town hall or warehouse. This will save you time. But dwellings can be built on the outskirts, to save space. If you mentor the houses in the center, they will most likely get in the way.

Try to build similar buildings next to each other. Structures of the same type can be arranged much more compactly than buildings of different types. In addition, you will save time searching for buildings to improve them. Therefore, always try to reserve extra space for such buildings.

At the same time, dense buildings are contraindicated for warehouses. Build one warehouse in each of the sectors, but leave space. Then, in the process of development, when you reach the 36th level and above, you will need to complete the construction of warehouses in the amount of up to five. Therefore, we plan to build up around the warehouses in such a way that up to ten buildings can be crammed around.

Stone is the main resource. You will need it, especially early on. The more stone you have, the better. To get it, build stonecutters. Their maximum number is not limited. But, for example, the situation with copper mines is worse. They can only be built where the corresponding ore is located.

Instead of upgrading the woodcutter or the same stonecutter to the second level, it is better to upgrade the woodcutter or the marbler.

Remember that buildings, during improvement, stop producing resources. Therefore, count the time and actions. For example, an improvement to the second level will take a day, to the fifth - up to a week.

You will also need wells. In the future, as it develops, the number of wells can reach seven dozen, so immediately plan places for them. It is best to build wells in bulk, away from storage facilities. Wells also drain their resource, so they will need to be rebuilt periodically. If this is not done, then you will lose the settler, who will leave his position. Then he can be attracted for some other work.

And in The Settlers Online, you should pay attention to movement.

For example, the roads that you can see on the map, at least for now, do not in any way improve the movement of people. They are free and there is simply for beauty. But for the placement of buildings, such a thing as a route laid ahead of time can interfere.

If somewhere you have formed a narrow path, then over time it will turn into a real, stone-paved road.
To determine the location of future buildings, make squares by marking the terrain around which to lay roads. It is the roads that will be able to help you in applying markings for future construction work.

Trees after cutting down turn out to be hemp. In their place, the forester grows trees again. He won't do it for empty space nor will the chopper cut down trees at the root without leaving stumps. Therefore, in the game it is impossible to move trees to another place, or simply to eliminate them along with the stumps, despite the fact that the trees and the stumps remaining after them will interfere with construction, but it is quite possible to move through them, without any slowdowns.

One builder builds one building. He leaves the warehouse and goes to the workplace.

Well, here are some tips on building bugs in The Settlers Online so far.

At the initial stages of the game, when completing some tasks, you will be awarded with oak planks and marble. You don't need to spend them. Instead, wait until you are given a task in which you must improve the structures. When you spend resources for a future assignment, then use the tools specifically to improve the mine that extracts copper ore. It is better to start the upgrade from the warehouse. As a result, you will get a capacity of +400 already on the second level, which is quite good.

Sometimes, when a friend looks in your town, the number of values ​​for construction will be at around 75. If the bug has not been cut yet, then you don't need to believe these numbers, in fact, the number of permissions has remained the same. A reboot solves the problem.
If you have one building permit left, but the process of building one building is already in progress, then you will not be able to order the next building until you wait until the current work is completed.

Sometimes you can destroy a natural resource deposit if you first send a mine into construction in its place, but as soon as construction begins, you will give the command to dismantle it. In this case, the resource vein may be lost. If this happens, then you will again have to send a specialist for geological surveys.

Sometimes bugs happen when construction work is stopped. The stop will not actually affect the production stopwatch, but once the work is resumed, the system will sometimes show you the wrong time until the end of the construction.
Well, the most annoying building bug happens when you double-click quickly on the building improvement icon. If you are unlucky, then the resources for the construction will be removed from you in double size, but the building itself will only improve by one level.

Version: 1.8
Translation: Russian

Tired of seeing your settlers walking around doing nothing? No more boring routine! Get the settlers to work!

Update: 1.8
- Added 14 new jobs for settlers (see below for a list of 37 to 50). To be honest, the names of the jobs are just strange, I translated it as it is, what is written and translated, in the game the names may not correspond to the jobs, I cannot just check and compare in the game. Write in comments if the names of jobs do not correspond to the translation and suggest your names.

Update: 1.6
- Added 21 job options (read below the list from 16 to 36).
- Fixed crash of the robot.

More details:
- Create and establish new jobs and make the settlers work, at least they will do something useful (of course, they will pretend that they work, they will essentially not produce anything)
- Now settlers can wash dishes, take inventory, clean up, disassemble Protectron, and so on ...

What is available:
- In order for the settlers to work, you need to make and place jobs / objects
1. Workstation 01 - Mailbox
2. Workstation 02 - Pipeline
3. Workstation 03 - Floor cleaning
4. Workstation 04 - Stand
5. Workstation 05 - Toolbox
6. Workstation 06 - Table with filing cabinet
7. Workplace 07 - Kitchen - Washing dishes I
8. Workstation 08 - Science (table with a microscope)
9. Workstation 09 - Sweeping
10. Workstation 10 - Christmas tree (Christmas tree decoration)
11. Workstation 11 - Radiator (battery repair)
12. Workplace 12 - Kitchen - Washing dishes II
13. Workstation 13 - Inventory
14. Workstation 14 - Protectron (robot repair)
15. Workstation 15 - Carpet
New in version 1.6
16. Workstation 16 - Console
17. Workstation 17 - Machine
18. Workstation 18 - Console II
19. Workstation 19 - Toilet
20. Workstation 20 - BBQ
21. Workstation 21 - Hammering
22. Workstation 22 - Hammer
23. Workstation 23 - Flamingo
24. Workstation 24 - Landing
25. Workstation 25 - Arbitrary knock
26. Workstation 26 - Washing a pre-war car
27. Workstation 27 - Post-war car wash
28. Workstation 28 - Truck
29. Workstation 29 - Cleaning the motorcycle
30. Workstation 30 - Motorcycle II
31. Workstation 31 - Roses
32. Workstation 32 - Cutting bushes
33. Workstation 33 - Uprooting
34. Workplace 34 - Painting
35. Workstation 35 - White roses
36. Workstation 36 - Weeding
New in version 1.8
37. Workplace 37 - Craftsman
38. Workstation 38 - Scanning
39. Workstation 39 - Console
40. Workplace 40 - Super mutant
41. Workstation 41 - Synthesis
42. Workstation 42 - Rust
43. Workstation 43 - Screwing
44. Workstation 44 - Panel
45. Workplace 45 - Energy
46. ​​Workplace 46 - Security Guard
47. Workstation 47 - Kitchen Blues
48. Workstation 48 - Trash Recorder
49. Workstation 49 - Warming up
50. Workstation 50 - Pre-heating

Where to get:
- In the Workshop, in the Resources - Miscellaneous section, place it in the right place and assign an NPC to the object.

Read about the correct construction of settlements in Fallout 4. Learn to manage their inhabitants, resources and develop your own cities in destroyed territories.

Settlers in Fallout 4

Fallout 4, like other versions of it, isn't just about grueling battles. You can also choose the path of creation, developing your own peaceful infrastructure in the vast expanses game world... In Fallout 4, the maximum number of settlers living there happily depends on how much the town being built will be provided with everything necessary for life. It is happiness that is the measure of the success of a settlement.
To create comfortable living conditions, the village must be provided with important resources.

The main resources of the settlement.

To understand what determines the happiness of settlers in Fallout 4, you need to consider the main factors of happiness in human life. First of all, these are physiological needs.

Sleep is one of the most important components of human performance. That is why it is necessary, first of all, to provide the settlers with good sleeping places. Use the item "Beds" of the "Workshop" menu and set the required number of them. Life is impossible without water, provide the inhabitants of the settlement with it in sufficient volume with the help of a water pump. Remember to connect the water pump to a power source. And of course, settler food also plays a key role in Fallout 4. It is necessary to breed forage crops, having previously collected them for cultivation. Having chosen a place for landing, you must use the appropriate menu "Workshop". The task of Fallout 4, how to feed the settlers, as we can see, is not easy, but with the right planning, it can be solved.

Settlement development

The resources of the village need to be constantly replenished, so you need to know how to make the settlers work in Fallout 4. First, we select an unoccupied resident and approach him. Press the [E] key on the keyboard, then we approach the object on which we want to use the selected character, and by pressing the [E] key again we assign the settler to work in Fallout 4.

In addition to sending them to work, you can learn how to assign tasks to a settler in Fallout 4 to complete a wide variety of missions, for example, guarding objects or obtaining important resources, in particular, water. For the effective development of the city, you need to carefully monitor its inhabitants so that they are not only provided with everything they need, but also hang around idle. It is important to find unemployed settlers for fallout 4 and decide on their purpose.
Fallout 4 has a specific settler limit. Its value is calculated by the sum of the player's Charisma, to which is added 10. This is not always convenient, since it prevents the development of the settlement when this limit is reached. There is a special mod to overcome these limits. After installing it, the question of how to remove the limit on settlers in Fallout 4 is removed.

When building several settlements, the task inevitably arises, as in Fallout 4, when it is necessary to relocate settlers to places where there are not enough human resources. To do this, use the [R] key and indicate the location to move. In order to collect settlers in the right place at some specific time in Fallout 4, a bell is installed there. This is very convenient for village management and job assignment.

Settlers in Fallout 4 are characters who roam the Commonwealth in search of a better life and a place to settle and be happy. As the settlements grow the main character, they are joined by more and more settlers, thereby expanding the settlements, but you need to be careful, the more settlers, the more needs they have, and if you do not provide them, then an outflow of residents is possible, or even the settlement is out of control of the protagonist.

For convenience, use summary :

General information about the settlers in Fallout 4

Usually the settlers are nameless, but the main character has the opportunity to recruit various residents of the Commonwealth into their settlements, for example, traders Ron Staples, Jolly Larry or Dock Anderson (you can read about this in the article: "Fallout 4 traders"). All settlers in Fallout 4 participate in the life of the settlement, work in the fields, go on guard, work in shops, while recruited settlers bring more "protection" or "food" than regular settlers, in addition to this, only recruited settlers can be assigned to some types of work ...

Requirements for new settlers in Fallout 4

Each settler must be provided with a minimum set consisting of: a berth, 1 point of water, 1 point of food, 1 point of protection. If these conditions are met, then the level of happiness will grow, if not, then it will fall accordingly, while the settlement may get out of the control of the protagonist. These are the features of settlement management in Fallout 4.

Be careful, the level of happiness corresponding to 10-20 points is considered critical, so do not let it fall to such a "bottom".

What is the level of happiness?

The level of happiness of a settlement is a kind of status, the level of prosperity of a settlement, the higher the happiness, the better the settlement is. An important fact is that the level of happiness does not change instantly, for example, if your house in which the settlers' beds are located burns down, the level of happiness does not drop instantly, you will have time to correct the mistake.

It is interesting: there is an opinion on the network that the decor increases the level of happiness, but as practice has shown, this is not so, more precisely, ordinary "decorators" have little effect on the level of happiness, but if you really increase the comfort of the settlers, for example, replacing the sleeping places with more comfortable ones, then the level happiness will rise.

When the standard of living of the settlers rises, you should not forget about their protection, the steeper your settlement, the sooner raiders will raid, you should always remember this!

Here are some ways to really increase happiness in your settlement:

  • Visit him more often, in general, try to increase the level of your presence in the settlement, this will inspire them;
  • Open shops in the settlement;
  • Bring animals to your settlements;
  • Open a hairdresser in your settlement;
  • Install exercise equipment in the settlement.

With the help of these simple methods, you can still raise the level of happiness of your settlers.

Shops and animals in settlements

If you open a store in a settlement, then the level of happiness in this settlement will increase, here is an approximate change in the level of happiness from the type and level of the store:

  • Shop: "Medicines":
    • small shop - 10;
    • average store - 20;
    • large store - 30;
  • Food and Drinks store:
    • small shop - 15;
    • average store - 20;
    • large store - 40;
  • Shop "Armor and Weapons":
    • small shop - 8;
    • average store - 10;
    • large store - 10;
  • The presence of a merchant in the settlement - from 10 to 15;

It is important: Be sure to assign settlers to the shops, someone must work there, otherwise the increase in happiness will be zero.

The animals that the protagonist can bring to the settlement increase not only the level of happiness, but also the level of protection, which is very important. The following are the levels of happiness and protection from various animals that are available for recruitment in the vastness of the Commonwealth:

  • Domestic cat:
    • happiness - 10;
    • protection - 0;
  • Gorilla:
    • happiness - 20;
    • protection - 10;
  • Landfill dog:
    • happiness - 10;
    • protection - 5.
  • Residents of your settlements can have weapons and armor, this can be done through an exchange, while if a settler sees a gun in battle that is better than him, he can exchange his own for a new one;
  • During an attack on a settlement, its inhabitants can use power armor, but they do not know how to put it in place after the completion of the attack;
  • Some types of weapons are not familiar to the settlers and they cannot use them, an example is the injection carbine;
  • The main character can kill his settlers, though this will not lead to anything good.

This is all the information that we were able to collect from various sources.