Gesse game in beads Summary. Herman Hesse - a game of beads. Watch what is "game in beads" in other dictionaries

Before us unfolds a distant future. Master of the game and the Hero of Castables Izifef Knecht reached the maximum formal and meaningful perfection in the game of the Spirit. It has no hope to strive for him, and only dissatisfaction is there. Soon disappointment is added, and it leaves the castles to the external cruel world, to serve as a concrete and far from the ideal of a person. He is a master of the Castalian Order. So called society, whose participants guard the truth. They refuse family, property, politicians, money so that nothing can seduce them to distract from the mysterious "game in beads", which they do. This is "game with all the meanings and values \u200b\u200bof culture", the expression of truth. All members of this order dwell in the castles. There is no time in this amazing country.

The name came out of the mythical castal key, which is on the mountain Parnass. This mountain is surrounded by water in which the God of Appolon and Nine Muses will lead dance. Each MUSA personifies one kind of art.
The story is conducted on behalf of the Castalist historian who lives in the distant future. The novel consists of three parts that differ from each other in volume. The first part is an introductory treatise that tells about the history of the castles and the essence of the game in beads. The second part is about the description of the life of the main character. The third part includes the works of Knecht himself; These are poems and three lives. In the history of the castles, the society of the 20th century and its culture is sharply criticized, which has already been completely degenerated. This culture is wearing a term "fuelonistic", and translated from German means "newspaper entertainment article". These "fekelons" are extremely popular in modern times the type of publication. They are stamped by millions and constitute a second-rate fiction. Such newspapers do not give birth to deep thoughts, do not try to figure out some problems that are complexity, on the contrary - they are completely consisting of a "entertaining peel", which is needed by society. The authors of such articles were not only newspaper reporters, but also respected poets and professors from higher educational institutions. The more famous was the author and the more stupid it was wrote, the higher the demand was raised.

The main material for such newspapers served a joke about the life of celebrities. They had approximately the following: "Frederick Nietzsche and Dame fashion in the seventies of the nineteenth century", "Favorite composer's dishes of Rossini", "The role of indoor dogs in the life of famous Kurtyzanok". Sometimes in order to create an article, celebrities interviewed about those or other political events or the advantages and disadvantages of the daughters. But the Faketonists themselves did not perceive their creativity seriously, the atmosphere was impregnated with irony.
However, the majority of not far readers and notions did not have exactly how such newspapers are written and believed everything that it was written in them. Others did not pour out after a heavy working day, guessing crosswords. However, later, the chronicler admits that all the same all these readers cannot be called those who spend time on meaningless guys.

They all afraid of economic and political instability, and they needed to relax and plunge into the world of cheap popular articles, children's crosswords and mysteries. The church could not help them - she did not give them comfort. When people read Fakel et alive, they had no strength to find out the reasons for their fear and get rid of it. Therefore, they lived "convulsively and did not believe in the future." The historian of the castles (in essence - Hesse himself) is convinced that such a civilization is no longer capable and sprinkle herself.
There was a situation that all thinking people and intellectuals united to preserve the traditions of spirituality. They created a new state within the already existing - castals. It only lived in it, and they were given the opportunity to play beads. The castarel becomes partly the Citalace of Contemplation, spirituality. All this allowed to exist technocratic society impregnated with progress and consumerism. For competitions on the game in the beads watches the whole world. The actions and the results of this game were broadcast on the radio everywhere, except for the population itself, where they still ride horses - time in this state froze. The main purpose of the castle is edifying: intellectuals were brought up here than the brain was not clogged with a conjugure and bourgeois thinking. Castline of a kind of antipode of the state of Plato, in which scientists ruled. In the castles, scientists, philosophers and thinkers are free from any oppressive law or power, but it can only get it from reality. The castles did not allow the roots in the very life, and strongly depends on those who have real power in real world. Generals, for example, can decide that castles - unnecessary luxury, or that it is preparing to declare war.

All the castalians serve as a spirit and do not practice life skills. The medieval hierarchy is reigning here - twelve masters, supreme, educational and other colleges. In its ranks, Castalians take boys who differ in particular talent from anywhere in the country. Next, they themselves teach them in schools, find out their inclinations, ability and develop them in music, philosophy, mathematics. Parallel boys learn to reflect and enjoy the game of the Spirit. Then the boys, by this time who have already become young people enter universities, and after their completion they are engaged in science, arts, pedagogy or player. The game of beads is a kind of religion, philosophy and art. It went with some kind of Perso, taught in the city of Kalva music, invented a device with glass beads for his studies. After his improvement, a new, not similar to any other, language appeared. It was created with various bead combinations. With the help of these beads, different meanings and categories could be compared. These classes are meaningless, and are directed not to the creation of something new, but to achieve harmonious improvement by reinpected by the already created combinations and motives.

In 2200, a new master, Izife Knecht appears, as the entire path of becoming a Castalian. The name "Joseph" is translated as a "servant", and he is really ready to serve as the castles in the name of truth and harmony. The hero is heavier to gain harmony in the game of glass beads, as he makes it clear and understands all the contradictions that the state is permeated. He intuitively runs away from this limit. It does not look like scientists like Tugulurias, this ingenious hermit, which is so faded with sophistication and formal virtuosity, which completely renounced the world. Once outside the castles in the Benedictine monastery of Mariafels and having met the father of Jacob, Knecht is inspired: he begins to think about the history as a whole and its attitude to the state, reflects on the history of the formation of culture and is finally aware of what castles for the real world. While the inhabitants play their beaded game there, they are increasingly moving away from the real world and are already on the threshold of the moment when the world recognizes their unnecessary luxury. The task of Knecht is that the young generation is not brought up in libraries protected by walls, but in the world where harsh laws rule.

So he finally leaves the castles and becomes the mentor of the son of his friend Dezinori. Once, bathing with a boy in a mountain lake, Knecht drives joints from the cold and he sinks. In any case, it says the legend and this is what the Chronicler reader assures. Already never know whether Knecht has been successful in life. Moral is only one - you can not hide from the world in ideas and books.
The same morality supports three bits that are printed at the end of the book and contain the key to understanding the entire work. The hero of the first part, servant, - the vessel of spirituality in the primitive tribe. He does not humble with the obscury and brings himself sacrificing for the sake of the spark of truth. The second was the early Christian rejection Joshiv Famulus. He was tired of his role of consolation and support of sinners, but having acquainted with the confessor who is even older, he remains with him and they carry the service together. The third hero, Daas, does not want to be a victim, does not want to serve, and runs to his own campack, namely, runs away to the old yoga in the forest. It is from such a proposed path the hero Hesse refuses, although it was difficult and in the end he broke up with life.

The brief content of the novel "Game in Beads" retold Osipova A. S.

Please note that it is only a brief content of the literary work "Game in Beads". In this summary content, many important points and quotes are missed.

"Game in beads" - Roman Herman Hesse. Completed in 1943, the novel "Game in Beads", whose analysis we will conduct, contains a description of the "Republic of Spirit" - the castles where the student is taken by the student of the hero of the book Josef Knecht, which eventually becomes the Supreme Master of this Community. Combining the features of the "Roman of Education" (Biography of Knecht), philosophical prose, where the movement of characters is subordinated to the development of ideas, and utopia (created in the twenty-second century after the catastrophe experienced by humanity, the castles threaten its founders as an essay and a culture repository that disappeared from everyday relations People outside this corner of the Earth), "Game in Beads" is read and as a transparent contrasting parallel to the events that happened in the world of 1930-1940s.

Knecht and his antagonist Plinio Dezinore lead throughout the novel argument about the highest values \u200b\u200band the meaning of human existence, sometimes sharp enough to give intriguing interest and tension of a chamber almost misstain story. However, remaining opponents, these basic characters do not enter the conflict, which could be called irreconcilable. At Hesse's gaze, with the philosophical concepts of ancient India and China, the Being is not a contrast, and the unity of the opposite began, - the concept, consistently implemented on the "Games of Beads", which contains special, not related to the action comments that comments are contained. Explain the most important concepts (Tao, Yin-Yang, etc.), hoped from the books of the eastern wise men and the works of Synologists.

Coexistence and interaction of opposites are determined as an alignment acting personsSo the development of the most important collisions of the novel. The castles itself is shown in a dual lighting, turning out to be a stronghold of true spirituality, and the keeper of those cultural reservoirs that do not really gain the importance of the "inside the structure of the people, peace, world history", since the values \u200b\u200bpreviously protected in the citadel to this story were not involved. The discussion between Knecht and Dezinori, concerning the appointment of the castles, as well as the justification of its existence, is read under the sign of the validity of both of these positions: externally incompatible, they appear as complementary to each other and practical equally expressing the copyright look.

The composition of the novel "Game in Beads" Hesse is designed to embody such a year the multiplicity of admissible readings and possible interpretations of the main conflict content. Behind the extensive preface of the publisher, which reports the most significant information about the meaning of the ritual, known as the game in the beads (or games of glass beads), follow several bits of Knecht and his poems. Among the three versions of the possible fate, which are invented by Knecht himself, is distinguished by the "Indian", where the hero, like a master of castles, also leaves the world, settling in the forest in Yoga, but, unlike Knecht, carefully protects its fluttering, becoming a complete rejection declaration. Suit and aimless worldly life, which is deprived of a moral landmark, and thus excuses. In contrast to the Knecht, a very clean contemplation, which is recognized by the law and the norm in the inhabitants of the Castatalogy, the Hero of the Indian version of the Dasa, chooses absolute passivity, becoming the personification of Eastern world-world opposite to the activities of the European Spirit. For Hesse, neither knecht, nor the DAAS, which make a fundamentally different choice, cannot, however, attach to possession of the ultimate truth. The absolute truth is understood by the writer as a chimera, and Knecht, completing his way, formulates a very important writer thought that they are not important, as a result, most often appearing with one-sided or illusory, and the ability to "make reality", while maintaining human dignity.

This ethical imperative encourages Knecht to leave the world when he heard the secret call of his student, and forever plunged into the ice waters of the mountain lake. The meaning of the epilogue "Games in Beads" was deciphered as a dissolution of the hero in the natural element, which always possesses a henodibular attractiveness against the background of sophisticated, but impassive clarification, or as an acquisition of Nirvana, or as a sacrificial death, presented by the hero's decision to go to people from their customs insulation. The final is open to a variety of interpretations, as required by the polyphonic principle of building a novel, in this respect of the kindred art of Dostoevsky, who attracted Hesse from the young age (an article about Idiot, written in 1920, was crowned with the conclusion about the inherent "magic thinking" invested by Myshkin, That is, the ability to "feel the interchangeability of the spirit and nature, spirit and freedom, good and evil" - a gift that Knecht is generously endowed).

The most important stimulus, which determines the character of the decisions of the hero in situations that the fatefulness for him is not a peacefulness that gives an enlightenment, but an eternal spiritual concern, underlined in the texts of Hesse, who serve as an autoommentary to his novel. Objection to those who have reduced the meaning of the story told on the pages of the Games in Beads, to the preaching of the Stoicism, the dosage "principle of the misconception" and the departure from irreparably degraded world, Hesse more than once indicated that it was made too much European in Eastern life, although it was made And indeed, always maintained a greater attraction for him.

The idea of \u200b\u200bministry remains dominant in the mind of Knecht, regardless of the circumstances in which it is located. Noble, although in many respects and naive attempt to build an impeccable harmonious world when the reality is in the power of the tragic chaos, was not only a subjective spiritual need for Knecht, but he expressed his desire to create a culture bastion and intellectual chain, recalling that the highest senses of human existence, as And the highest moral criteria predetermined by them are preserved at all times.

The action takes place in the distant future. The infallible Master of Games and the Hero of Castatalogy Izifef Knecht, reaching the limits of formal and meaningful perfection in the game of the Spirit, feels dissatisfaction, and then disappointment and leaves the castles in the harsh world beyond its limits to serve concrete and imperfect person. Castalist Order, whose masterrome is a hero, is the Society of Guardians of Truth. The members of the Order are refused by the family, from property, from participation in politics so that no mercenary interests can affect the process of the mysterious "game of beads", which they indulge - "Games with all the meanings and values \u200b\u200bof culture" as the expressions of truth. Members of the Order live in Castatia, an amazing country, which is not authority. The name of the country comes from the mythical caustal key on Mount Parnass, whose water of God Apollo leads dance with nine muses, personifying art types.

The novel is written on behalf of the Castalist historian from a distant future and consists of three unequal parts by volume: an introductory treatise on the history of castles and games in beads, the lives of the main character and the works of Knecht himself - poems and three lives. The history of the castles is set out as a sharp criticism of society of the XX century. And his degenerate culture. This culture is characterized as a "feuethnotic" (from the German meaning of the word "Faketon", which means the "newspaper article of an entertainment character"). Its essence is the newspaper reading - "Fakeno" as a particularly popular type of publications manufactured by millions. They do not have deep thoughts, attempts to understand complex problems, on the contrary, their content is a "entertaining nonsense", which is in incredible demand. Withdrawal of such tinsel were not only newspaper smokers, there were poets among them and often professors of higher educational institutions with a glorious name - the more famous was the name and more stupid the topic, the more there was a demand. The favorite material of such articles was a jokes from the life of famous people under the headlines like: "Friedrich Nietzsche and Dame Fashion in the seventies of the nineteenth century", "Favorite dishes of the composer of Rossini" or "The role of indoor dogs in the life of famous curtains". Sometimes the famous chemist or pianist asked about certain political events, and the popular actor or ballerina - about the advantages or disadvantages of the idle lifestyle or the cause of financial crises. At the same time, the intelligent of the fechelonists themselves swore over their work, permeated by the spirit of irony.

Most of the uninitiated readers all took for a clean coin. Others after hard work, they spent their leisure to guessing crosswords, bending over squares and crosses from empty cells. However, the chronicler admits that they played in these kindergarten-riddles or reading feuilutes should not be called naive people who are passionate about meaningless guys. They lived in eternal fear among political and economic shocks, and they had a strong need to close their eyes and escort from reality into the harmless world of cheap sensationality and children's mysteries, for "the church did not give them consolation and spirit - tips." People who have read the Fakels who have listened to the reports and gose the crossword puzzles did not have time and strength to overcome fear, deal with problems, understand what is happening around, and get rid of the "feuilotonic" hypnosis, they lived "convulsively and did not believe in the future ". The historian of the castles, followed by the author, comes to the conviction that such a civilization exhausted himself and stands on the verge of crash.

In this situation, when many thinking people were confused, best representatives The intellectual elite was united to preserve the traditions of spirituality and created a state in the state - campala, where the Favorites indulge in the beads. The castles becomes some kind of contemplative spirituality that exists with the consent of the technocratic society, permeated by the spirit of profit and consumerism. The competitions for the game in beads are broadcast on the radio for the whole country, in the same castles, whose landscapes resemble southern Germany, time stopped - there are horses. Its main purpose - pedagogical: the upbringing of intellectuals free from the spirit of conjuncture and bourgeois practicalism. In the well-known sense of the castles - this is opposed to the state of Plato, where the authorities belong to the scientist ruling world. In the castles, on the contrary, scientists and philosophers are free and independent of any power, but it is achieved by the price of separation from reality. Castatia has no durable roots in life, and therefore its fate is too dependent on those who have real power in society - from the generals who may consider that the monastery of wisdom is an excessive luxury for a country preparing, for example, to war.

Kastalians belong to the Order of the Summer of the Spirit and are completely divorced from life practices. The Order was built on the medieval principle - twelve masters, the Supreme, educational and other colleges. To replenish their rows, the castles across the country take talented boys and teach them in their schools, develop their abilities to music, philosophy, mathematics, teach to reflect and enjoy the games of the Spirit. Then young men fall into universities, and then dedicate themselves classes with sciences and arts, pedagogical activities or a game in beads. Game in beads, or game glass beads, is a synthesis of religion, philosophy and art. Once upon a time, a certain Perro from the city of Kalva used on his music on music invented by them a device with glass beads. Then he was improved - a unique language was created, based on various bead combinations, with which one can endlessly compare different meanings and categories. These classes are fruitless, their result is not to create something new, only varying and overclocking known combinations and motives for the achievement of harmony, equilibrium and perfection.

Around 2200, the Magister becomes Joseph Knecht, which has passed the entire path that the castalians pass. His name means "servant", and he is ready to serve the truth and harmony in the castles. However, the hero only for a while acquires harmony in the game of glass beads, for he fully feels the controversy of the castalist reality, it is intuitively tried to avoid caustal limitations. He is far from scientists like Tugularius - a single-lone genius, extinguished from the world in its hobby sophistication and formal virtuosity. Stay outside the Castatalogy in the Benedictic monastery of Mariafels and the meeting with the Father Jacob have a great influence on Knecht. He thinks about the paths of history, about the ratio of the history of the state and history of culture and understands what the true place of castles in the real world: while the castalians play their games, the society, from which they go further, can consider emasculations with a useless luxury. The task is that Knecht believes to raise young not behind the walls of libraries, but in the "world" with its harsh laws. He leaves the castle and becomes the mentor of his friend's son Deesignori. Swimming with him in a mountain lake, the hero dies in ice water - so reads the legend, according to the chronicler, leading narration. It is not known whether the success of Knecht would be successful, one thing is clear - you can not hide from life into the world of ideas and books.

The same thought is confirmed by three lives entering into a book and giving the key to understanding the work. The hero of the first, servant, - the carrier of the spirituality of the primitive tribe among obsolesia - does not humble and sacrifice himself so that the spark of truth does not fade. The second, the early Christian hermit Joseph Famulus (Latin "servant") is disappointed in his role to the comforter of sinners, but having met the older confessor, together with him still continues to serve. The third hero is a dasa ("servant") does not sacrifice himself and does not continue the ministry, but runs to the forest to the old yoga, i.e. it goes into his campala. It was from such a way that I found the strength to refuse hero Hesse Izef Knecht, although it was worth his life.

Option 2.

Distant future. The main character - Master of the Kastali Order, dissatisfied with life, who decided to leave to serve a imperfect person. This Order is the Order of the Guardians of Truth. His members, at the entry, forced to abandon family ultrasound, political games, and everything could affect the mysterious "game in beads." Over the country casting is not authority.

The name of the castareve occurred from the castal key located on Mount Parnass. According to legends, His Water Apollo leads dance with muses. The novel consists of three different parts by volume. The prehistory is permeated by a sharp criticism of the society of the twentieth century. The culture of those times is considered as superficial, without understanding to the essence of the problem. The named "feueththonic", this culture was compared with the publishing publishments of the Faken. This is such a fiction, without much sense and theme. Particularly loved by themes were curiosities from the life of influential and famous people. They wrote and published such works not only poets, but also newspaper writers. Sometimes the authors themselves treated her creativity. But the ordinary reader all this seemed absolute truth. Some, after their workload, spent time on crosswords. The author acknowledges that it is not naive to call such people.

They lived life, fear of economic and political crises, there was a desire to escape from reality in the world of childhood and the game. In order not to confuse the spirituality and the traditions acquired by the centuries, the intellectuals united and created the campaign - the state in the state. Favorites of this state indulge in the game in beads. These games were broadcast on the radio in the castles. The goal of the game was to raise intellectuals. The fate of the castles depended on the authority, in whose hands she was. Her residents were completely fenced from life practice.

Supreme, educational colleagues and twelve masters existed in the country. They defined talented boys, taught them and developed their talents. At the end of learning, the young men were devoted to science, pedagogy or a game of beads. In essence, the game in the bead did not bring any real fruits. It was a comparison of different meanings and categories, various interpretation of the same concepts, all this was done for the achievement of perfection. Some Perra came up with the game with glass beads, and then was invented a tongue based on various combinations of beads. At about 2200, Magister became Izifef Knecht. He clearly feels the contradiction of reality and wants to protect himself from her limitations. Meeting with the father of Jacob and finding the monastery of Mariafels, have a huge impact on the consciousness of Knecht. He understands the defeated castles, soon it can be not the necessary luxury society. In his opinion, education needs to be engaged in practice, and not in Castalist libraries. The hero dies in icewate Lake.

The reader does not recognize whether the success of Knecht has achieved, he will continue his undertakings. The conclusion is: you need to live a reality, not hiding behind the illusions from the world of books. At the end of the book, the reader opens three lives, explaining the very essence of the work.

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Summary Game in Bead Hesse

Herman Hesse

"Game in beads"

The action takes place in the distant future. The uncompromising master of the game and the Hero of the Castatabus Izifef Knecht, reaching the limits of formal and meaningful perfection in the game of the Spirit, feels dissatisfaction, and then disappointment and leaves the castles in a harsh world abroad to serve concrete and imperfect person. Castalist Order, whose masterrome is a hero, is the Society of Guardians of Truth. The members of the Order are abandoned by the family, from property, from participation in politics so that no mercenary interests can affect the process of the mysterious "game of beads", which they indulge - "Games with all the meanings and values \u200b\u200bof culture" as the expressions of truth. Members of the Order live in Castatia, an amazing country, which is not authority. The name of the country comes from the mythical caustal key on Mount Parnass, whose water of God Apollo leads dance with nine muses, personifying art types.

The novel is written on behalf of the Castalist historian from the distant future and consists of three unequal parts: the introductory treatise on the history of the castles and the game of beads, the lives of the main character and works of Knecht himself - poems and three lives. The history of the castles is set out as a sharp criticism of society of the XX century. And his degenerate culture. This culture is characterized as a "feuethnotic" (from the German meaning of the word "Faketon", which means the "newspaper article of an entertainment character"). Its essence is the newspaper reading - "Fakenon" as a particularly popular type of publications manufactured by millions. They have no deep thoughts, attempts to understand complex problems, on the contrary, their content is a "entertaining nonsense", which is in incredible demand. With writers of such tinsel were not only newspaper smokers, there were poets among them and often professors of higher educational institutions with a glorious name - the more famous was the name and more stupid the topic, the more there were demand. The favorite material of such articles was a jokes from the life of famous people under the headlines like: "Friedrich Nietzsche and Dame fashion in the seventies of the nineteenth century", "Favorite dishes of the composer of Rossini" or "The role of indoor dogs in the life of famous Kurtyzanok". Sometimes the famous chemist or pianist asked about certain political events, and the popular actor or ballerina - about the advantages or disadvantages of idle lifestyle or the cause of financial crises. At the same time, the intelligent of the fechelonists themselves swore over their work, permeated by the spirit of irony.

Most of the uninitiated readers all took for a clean coin. Others, after heavy work, spent their leisure to guessing crosswords, bending over squares and crosses from empty cells. However, the chronicler admits that the riddles who played in these children's games or reading feuilutes cannot be called naive people, enthusiastic meaningless guys. They lived in eternal fear among political and economic shocks, and they had a strong need to close their eyes and escape from reality in the harmless world of cheap sensationalism and children's mysteries, for "the church did not give them consolation and spirit - tips." People who have read the fechens who have listened to the reports and guessing crosswords did not have time and effort to overcome fear, understand the problems, to understand what was happening around, and get rid of the "feuilonic" hypnosis, they lived "convulsively and did not believe in the future " The historian of the castles, followed by the author, comes to the conviction that such a civilization exhausted himself and stands on the verge of crash.

In this situation, when many thinking people were confused, the best representatives of the intellectual elite united to preserve the traditions of spirituality and created a state in the state - campack, where the Favorites indulge in the beads. The castles becomes some kind of contemplative spirituality that exists with the consent of the technocratic society, permeated by the spirit of profit and consumerism. The competitions for the game in beads are broadcast on the radio for the whole country, in the same castles, whose landscapes resemble southern Germany, time stopped - there are horses. Its main purpose - pedagogical: the upbringing of intellectuals, free from the spirit of conjuncture and bourgeois practicism. In the well-known sense of the castles - this is opposed to the state of Plato, where the authorities belong to the scientist ruling world. In the castles, on the contrary, scientists and philosophers are free and independent of any power, but it is achieved by the price of separation from reality. Castatia has no durable roots in life, and therefore her fate is too dependent on those who have real power in society - from the generals who may consider that the monastery of wisdom is an excessive luxury for a country preparing, for example, to war.

Kastalians belong to the Order of the Summer of the Spirit and are completely divorced from life practices. The Order was built on the medieval principle - twelve masters, the Supreme, educational and other colleges. To replenish their rows, the castles across the country take talented boys and teach them in their schools, develop their abilities to music, philosophy, mathematics, teach to reflect and enjoy the games of the Spirit. Then young men fall into universities, and then dedicate themselves classes with sciences and arts, pedagogical activities or a game in beads. Game in beads, or game glass beads, is a synthesis of religion, philosophy and art. Once upon a time, a certain Perro from the city of Kalva used on his music on music invented by them a device with glass beads. Then he was improved - a unique language was created, based on various bead combinations, with which one can endlessly compare different meanings and categories. These classes are fruitless, their result is not to create something new, only varying and overclocking known combinations and motives for the achievement of harmony, equilibrium and perfection.

Around 2200, the Magister becomes Joseph Knecht, which has passed the entire path that the castalians pass. His name means "servant", and he is ready to serve the truth and harmony in the castles. However, the hero only for a while acquires harmony in the game of glass beads, for he fully feels the controversy of the castalist reality, it is intuitively tried to avoid caustal limitations. He is far from scientists like Tugularius - a single genius, extinguished from the world in his hobby sophistication and formal virtuosity. Stay outside the Castatalogy in the Benedictic monastery of Mariafels and the meeting with the Father Jacob have a great influence on Knecht. He thinks about the paths of history, about the ratio of the history of the state and history of culture and understands what the true place of castles in the real world: while the castalians play their games, the society, from which they go further, can consider emasculations with a useless luxury. The challenge in that, Knecht believes to educate the young not behind the walls of the libraries, but in the "world" with its harsh laws. He leaves the castle and becomes the mentor of his friend's son Deesignori. Swimming with him in a mountain lake, the hero dies in ice water - so reads the legend, according to the chronicler, leading narration. It is not known whether the success of Knecht would have succeeded on his path, one thing is clear - you can not hide from life into the world of ideas and books.

The same thought is confirmed by three lives entering into a book and giving the key to understanding the work. The hero of the first, servant, - the carrier of the spirituality of the primitive tribe among obsolesia - does not humble and sacrifice himself so that the spark of truth does not fade. The second, early Christian hermit Joseph Famulus (Latin "servant") is disappointed in his role as a comforter of sinners, but, having met the older confessor, together with him still continues to serve. The third hero is a dasa ("servant") does not sacrifice and does not continue the ministry, but runs to the forest to the old yoga, i.e. it goes into his campala. It was from such a way that I found the strength to refuse the hero of Hesse Izef Knecht, although it was worth his life.

Distant future. The main character - Master of the Castalian Order, dissatisfied with life, who decided to leave to serve a imperfect person. This Order is the Order of the Guardians of Truth. His members, when joined, forced to abandon family bonds, political games, and everything could affect the mysterious "game in beads." Over the country casting is not authority.

The name of the castareve occurred from the castal key located on Mount Parnass. According to legends, His Water Apollo leads dance with muses. The novel consists of three different parts by volume. The prehistory is permeated by a sharp criticism of the society of the twentieth century. The culture of those times is considered as superficial, without understanding to the essence of the problem. The named "feuethnotic", this culture was compared with the positive posts of the publishing. This is such a fiction, without much sense and theme. Particularly loved by themes were curiosities from the life of influential and famous people. They wrote and published such works not only poets, but also newspaper writers. Sometimes the authors themselves treated her creativity. But the ordinary reader all this seemed absolute truth. Some, after their workload, spent time on crosswords. The author acknowledges that it is not naive to call such people.

They lived life, fear of economic and political crises, there was a desire to escape from reality in the world of childhood and the game. In order not to confuse the spirituality and the traditions acquired by the centuries, the intellectuals united and created the campaign - the state in the state. The chosen of this state indulge in the game in beads. These games were broadcast on the radio in the castles. The goal of the game was to raise intellectuals. The fate of the castles depended on the authority, in whose hands she was. Her residents were completely fenced from life practice.

Supreme, educational colleagues and twelve masters existed in the country. They defined talented boys, taught them and developed their talents. At the end of learning, the young men were devoted to science, pedagogy or a game of beads. In essence, the game in the bead did not bring any real fruits. It was a comparison of different meanings and categories, various interpretation of the same concepts, all this was done for the achievement of perfection. Some Perra came up with the game with glass beads, and then was invented a tongue based on various combinations of beads. At about 2200, Magister became Izifef Knecht. He clearly feels the contradiction of reality and wants to protect himself from her limitations. Meeting with the father of Jacob and finding the monastery of Mariafels, have a huge impact on the consciousness of Knecht. He understands the defeated castles, soon it can be not the necessary luxury society. In his opinion, education needs to be engaged in practice, and not in Castalist libraries. The hero dies in the icy waters of the lake.

The reader does not recognize whether the success of Knecht has achieved, he will continue his undertakings. The conclusion is: you need to live a reality, not hiding behind the illusions from the world of books. At the end of the book, the reader opens three lives, explaining the very essence of the work.

Herman Hesse

"Game in beads"


E.Markovich "Herman Hesse and his novel" Game in Beads "ยป

Already in the name of this book, smart and bitter irony. "Game in beads." Not a matter, but a game of empty glass. After all, nothing but the spiritual aspirations of scientists and artists, their studies, their exercises of theory, science and art, the author dared to call the game. What is these aspirations? - as if asking a question of Hesse. Indeed, just a game or vital necessity? Or maybe a kind of new religion for intellectuals? What should spiritual activity be served in order not to turn into an empty game? How are the Keepers of Higher Spiritual Culture with those who create material values? What is the basis and role of true "spirituality" in our age?

We have a deep philosophical work of one of the largest German writers of the 20th century, thinking about the fate of peace and civilization, about the fate of what is especially close to him - about the fate of art. And these are not cold reflections: for an externally calm story, the innermost question is hidden: "What will happen to spirituality, what will happen to art in modern world? " So, with a person, for for Hesse Hesse, the fate of sciences and arts is inextricably linked with the fate of a person, with the conditions for the development of the human person.

Like most honest writers of their time, Hesse deeply realized the hostility of the bourgeois society of the 20th century by the development of man and artist. For more than half a century creative path, he was looking for an exit from a dead end in his own way, in which society turned out to be. A peculiar result of these searches was the novel "Game in Beads", in which the amazing creation of Hesse appears in front of the reader - the country of castles, the country of intellectuals - the spiritual elite of the future, selflessly indanguible game of beads.

The name of the castles originate from the mythological calestal key on Parnassa, in clear water of which, according to legend, Bor Apollo drove round dances with nine muses, Hesse himself pointed to the connection of his castarem with the "pedagogical province" Goethe, who appeared and the novel "Years of Wilhelm Meister Wilhelm" (1821). Thus, Hesse emphasized his deep respect to Goethe - the classics and the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe German culture of the past - and its continuity towards this culture. For Goethe, Mozart and other great artists of the past were for Hesse the personification of that genuine "spirituality," which he grief about the fate.

In the center of the work of Hesse - detailed story Life of a kind of master of the game, first a worthy representative and a hero of the castareve, and then her apostate. No wonder called "Game in Beads" there is still a subtitle: "The experience of the life of Josef Knecht, a master of the game, with the application of its own writings." The whole book is written alleged on behalf of the Castalist historian from a distant future and only "published by Herman Hesse." The famous reception of "removal", when the author hides under the Publisher's mask (in German literature, Jean Paul Richter, Karl Immerman, Hoffman, etc.), helps Hesse to create the illusion of documentary, even scientific accuracy in describing people, events, countries and countries Epoch created by his imagination.

The name "Roman" applies to the "game of beads" very conditionally, even given the changes that this traditional form in our century has undergone. Undoubtedly, "the game in beads" is not utopia "the usual sense of the word, which was repeatedly reminded by Hesse himself, not attempting to somehow foresee the future, as it is characteristic of modern science science fiction writers. Rather, it is "Roman-Parable", "Roman-Allegory", and in the literature of the 20th century it is more correct to put it next to some works of Thomas Mann, an artist, in many ways close to Hesse. "I have been working on the" Faustus "for a year," wrote T. Mann Hesse, after reading the "game in beads", "... it's impossible to imagine anything more excellent, and at the same time resemblance is amazing how often it happens between the brothers."

But "Game in Beads" is also a whole conglomerate of genre forms within a single work. Here is a political pamphlet, and a historical composition, inserted poems and novels, legend and life, German "Roman about Education". Mostly, these traditional forms are used with a significant part of parody, with the "Game" element. At the same time, Hesse revitalizes and continues some very old traditions: so appreciates them to the educational story of the XVIII century (Voltaire, Swift), the German novel-life XVII century (Grimmelshausen) and others. The creation of Hesse seems deliberately archaic and amazingly modern.

The complexity of building, the wealth of symbols, the game name, the ter mines and the concepts of many and many areas of spiritual life - all this may at first stun the reader. But there is no unity, the amazing thoughtfulness of this big work. Different motifs seemed to be merged by hand of the Master-conductor and a slender symphony. By the way, the criticism has repeatedly noted the similarity of the composition "Games in Beads" with the composition of the musical work, in which the history of Knecht passes as if the main musical theme. At the same time, the entire "spiritual story of the writer himself, his search, his meditation about the most important thing for the Negro and his contemporaries is coming to life.

"The game in beads" was created in the dark years of fascism in Germany and was completed in the 1943th - the turning day of the Second World War. In one of the letters in January 1955, Hesse himself said that the castarel was his referring to Fascism, an attempt to reclaim spirituality in the "plague, poisoned world." At the same time, Hesse put the question of the need to save the "spirit", that the sake of this salvation, the intelligentsia should leave his isolated campaign (in other words, all the same notorious "ivory tower") and gain their "ministry" in the world Practice.

Published "Game in Beads" was in neutral Switzerland, where Hesse lived. Interest in the new large work of a recognized writer and thinker was extremely great. Roman spawned contradictory interpretations and sharp discussions; Not everyone, for various reasons, he was understood and accepted, but he excited all the readers. Disputes around "Games in Beads" did not subside and after the war, when the novel first became available to the German audience: significant contradictions undoubtedly gave the ground for different interpretations. But at the same time came wide recognition. About the "amazing gift", which Hesse made the intellectual world and he personally with his "great mature and rich monument", wrote Herman Hesse at the beginning of 1945 by his friend Thomas Mann. In 1946, Hesse was awarded the Nobel Prize.