Team to change Steam Aydi. How to change the region in Steam. How to change region download in the style

Steam is an international gaming platform operating in different countries and continents. And as any global service is systematized for regional blocks. This applies to both servers from which download and various settings are loaded: Interface Language, Set available games, prices and currencies for payment on the trading platform. The latter is especially true, since there are decent differences from the region to the region.

The ability to change the region in the style is created in order to continue to be able to freely use the service when changing the place of residence. And the binding to a certain country itself is also explained as care about users. For example, being on a business trip and going to Steam Store, you will see the same ruble prices as at home. But the problem is that in some countries the game is much cheaper than in European or USA. And part of the CIS countries is attributed to Europe. Accordingly, often gamers, before the introduction of regional restrictions, they bought content in foreign stores to save at the price. And the time has come when the platform developers seriously undertook to regional control.

Changing region

It is legally provided only by the following order of change in the country of residence:

There are a number of important points that you need to know:

  • It is impossible to change the country for many times. You will not be able to do this if you have already changed the country over the past two weeks. Or if over the past two days you paid content in the store in the previous country.
  • If you pay payment The previous country, it will automatically change in the account.
  • The Steam Support Service can request your documents confirming accommodation, for example, a passport with registration.
  • For any suspicious actions for changing the region to your account, you can be charged.
  • Some games are available only for a particular region. In such games will not work, if you move to the country where it is not available.

On the Internet there are many tips from gamers who managed to deceive the service with a proxy or VPN. The essence of the method is that you are connected to a remote computer and you already go online, in particular, in Steam. VPN customers are different, free and paid with advanced features, but their use is reduced in general to the following:

The minus is that this simple method is familiar with the platform developers. They constantly track the proxy and can block certain IP. If it is found out that you used VPN, you will fall into the ban and you will not be able to use Steam services. For example, if you have always done purchases in one region before, and then changed to another and paid payment from the e-wallet, you may be asked to confirm the fact of living.

If you still decide to change the region using VPN, use electronic wallets to pay, where it is more difficult to trace the regional affiliation than the bank card.

Without a violation of the rules of the service, you can buy a game from a foreign shop in this way:

IMPORTANT. You will not be able to install content that is not intended for your region. Each game has its own settings on this score, and all restrictions are indicated in the descriptions in the store. Your friend will not be able to make you a gift forbidden to use in the recipient country.

Changing the Load Region

Changing the accommodation region is often confused by changing the location of the download. When downloading the game, you choose the nearest server from which everything will happen. As a result, the download speed is often reduced in countries where many players, due to the high load on the server. Changing the region of downloads can be absolutely legally and without restrictions:

These are the basic recommendations when working with regional settings. You can change your location for a new region in the Steam service if you left for a long time, but on the journey continue to play the system. Or you can try to trick regional restrictions using this setting. And with the help tool for selecting the download region, you can significantly speed up this process. Write in the comments about your experience changing the location settings, including when using a VPN, and how realially you can speed up, choosing servers manually.

Many gamers often torment the question, can I somehow change the currency in the style? Fortunately, this is possible due to several ways.

Method number 1 (for those who live in Russia)

To find out how much such is a game in rubles, you must go to the official page of the product in Steam (you must not be logged in) and add the following characters in the address bar - "? CC \u003d RU", then update the page. The price of the game will be indicated in rubles, but unfortunately, you will not buy it for this currency.

Method number 2 (those. Support)

If you are often traveling, and you have to deal with different currencies, then the most simple option will be written for you in those. Steam support by choosing a pre-heading "Purchase and payment / purchase from abroad and a change of wallet currency". In the letter, you must specify why you want to change the currency to which data, confirming personality, and other information, if you need Valve employees. The answer to the letter, as a rule, comes in 2-3 days from the date of dispatch. Please note: it is not a fact that support for steam will change to you currency, and therefore there are no guarantees.

Method number 3.

    • Go to the settings of your profile, and then click the Edit Profile button;
    • Select Russia Russia (if you want to change the currency to rubles), and save the changes;
    • Go to the "Account" section and select the Region of the Russian Store;

  • Now the wallet will remain in dollars, but the prices in the store will be displayed in rubles;
  • Using WebMoney (how to do it, read) Put 100 rubles to your account;
  • Now buy any game in Steam, after which the currency in the wallet will automatically be swapped on the ruble.

Method number 4.

    • Go to the site;

  • Select the type "Get free" if you do not want to buy this program;
  • Enter your left email address and click "Get Activation Code";
  • On the site download the VPN client, and then install it;
  • Run the VPN Monster program, and then click "Activate";
  • In the Activation field, insert the code from the message that should have come to an e-mail;
  • Wait until the program is activated (about a minute), and then select Russia in the list and click "Connect";
  • After 2-3 minutes, the VPN connection will be connected (for a few seconds there may be the abyss of the Internet);
  • Run the client to the Steam (during the VPN connection, the client must be turned off) and log in to your account where you want to change the currency;
  • Now log in to the "Account" section and click "Change the Country of Accommodation";
  • In the list of countries, Russia has now appeared (or the country that you specified in the VPN connection). Choose it;
  • Fill in all the fields by specifying any data, and then confirm the action;
  • If you chose Russia, your main currency in the wallet and the store has changed to rubles. You can remove the VPN Monster program, it will no longer need you.

This method is the most difficult, but also most effective that is suitable for all countries. However, use it at your own peril and risk, as it is unofficial, and therefore Valve can block your account.

Why change currency in steam

Everything is very simple - prices for games. The fact is that in the regions where the currency is exhibited in dollars, prices are much more expensive (by 20-30%) than in rubles on the rate ratio. That is, if you change the currency to rubles, you can safely save on the purchase of games and in-game items. Thanks to this, it will also be more profitable to resell objects on the trading platform (how to do it).


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Steam enjoys many people around the world. The service is built in the control system that sets certain settings depending on your area of \u200b\u200bresidence. From the prices of the region, prices will be displayed in the Steam store, as well as the availability of certain games. It is important to know that the games purchased in one region, for example, in Russia, cannot be launched after moving to another country. For example, if you lived in Russia, we used a lot of time, and then moved to the European country, all games on your account will be impossible to run until the region is changed. On how to change the country in Steam, read further.

How to change region download in the style

Under the change of the region, you can also understand the change in the game load region. This setting is responsible for the server that will be used to download the clients of the Games. Changing the game download region is done through customer settings. You can read more about this. in the relevant article . The correctly selected region allows you to increase the download speed of the game several times. Thus, you can save a decent amount of time when downloading a new game.

Now you know how to change the region of accommodation in the style, as well as how to change the region to download games. These settings are extremely important in order to be comfortable to enjoy the game service. Therefore, if you move to another country, the first thing you need to change the region of your stay in Steam. If you have friends who use versions and also love to travel around the world, share these tips with them.