Movable games of peoples. Moving games of different countries. IV.1. Game "Rouh"

Movable games of the peoples of the world



10 or more people play.

Inventory: chairs in the number of players are installed in a circle, backrests inside.

Game traffic:

Playing (firefighters) are taking care around these chairs under the sounds of music (bubne blows, drum). As soon as the music ships, players must put on the chair, near which they stopped, the subject of clothing. Game continues. When each participant decides 3 items (they turn out to be on different chairs), the alarm sounds: "Fire!". Players must quickly find their things and wear them. Who will turn quickly faster, becomes the winner.

African salts in a circle.


10 or more people play.

Inventory: Sheet from wood.

Game traffic:

Players get up in a circle face to the center. Behind their backs, it goes leading and touching the palms of players leaf. Then he puts the leaf to someone in hand and runs. Player with a sheet - behind him. If the drive runs the circle and can not catch it up, he will fall on his free place, and the player who pursued his player becomes new.



Play 7 or more people.

Inventory: whistle.

Game traffic:

Each player builds himself a depot: outlines a small circle. In the middle of the site there is a leading - steam locomotive. He has no depot. The leading comes from one car to another. To whom it is suitable, he follows him. So all cars are gathering. The locomotive suddenly whistles, and everyone runs to the depot, the steam locomotive too. The player remaining without a place becomes a leading - steam locomotive.

Buffaloes in the pen.


10 or more people play.

Game traffic:

Players get into the circle and take hands. Two or three players stand in the center. This buffalo. Their task is to escape from the circle. They are trying to break through the circle, raising the hands. Rough techniques are not allowed. If you failed to break through one place, they are trying to do it in another. If they manage to them, the buffaloes are those players who failed to hold them.

Sick cat.


Play more than five people.

Game traffic:

One player is a healthy cat that tries to catch everyone else. Each player who was stained should put his hand exactly to the place where he was stained. He becomes also a cat, but the sick and helps a healthy cat when catching. Sick cat can only be a healthy hand. The player who was not stained, wins. He becomes a healthy cat on the next circle.



5 or more people play.

Game traffic:

On the site guys draw a straight line 6-10 meters long. We must move along it, like a rope. It is allowed to keep hands on the sides. They lose those guys who come from the line - "fly from the rope." Rules:

1. One of the players is watching the "routine".

2. The one who came down from the "rope" becomes an observer.



10 or more people play.

Game traffic:

The game participants are divided into two equal groups. Players of each group are held by each other and form one chain with the help of arms bent at the elbows. Ahead of the chain becomes stronger and deft participants - "clockwork". Becoming against each other, "clockwork" also take each other for the arms bent in the elbows and pull each in their direction, trying or breaking the enemy chain, or drag it for the planned line. Rule:

The pull is starting exactly in the signal.

One in a circle.


5 or more people play.

Inventory: Ball.

Game traffic:

Players become in a circle and throw a big light ball to each other while someone won't mistakes and drops it. This player goes into the circle and becomes in the middle. Players continue to move the ball, but try to not grab it in the center, and the ball got into it. If the central player managed to catch the ball, he can throw it into anyone. Who will get, he takes his place. The game is becoming more interesting if it goes in a good pace and fast transmission. It is possible to make a good turnover and jump standing in the center.

Game in the throat.


Play from 6 people or more.

Game traffic:

Players get up all together in a close circle. One remains outside. He tries to get into the circle. To do this, he must pull someone from the circle. Standing in the circle are trying to avoid it and run, like carousel horses, in a circle. If someone is pulled out of the circle, then he leads.

Ball in palm.


Play at least 6 people.

Inventory: ball or pebbles.

Game traffic:

Players are built in the ranks at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. Extracted hands with open palms hold back. One of the players is behind their backs. He has a ball or pebble in his hand. Walking along the Shero, he pretends as if he wants to lower the ball in someone's palm. Players should not look back. Finally he lowers the ball in someone's hand. A player who received a ball suddenly escaped from the rank. Neighbors on the right and left should grab it (or osal) before he moves from the spot. But at the same time they do not have the right to go from the line. If they fail to grab it, he may return to the place, and the game continues. If it is grabbed, it changes in places with the lead.

Find a handkerchief!


Four and more people play.

Inventory: scarf.

Game traffic:

Players choose a leading, which hides a handkerchief, and the rest at this time are closed. The scarf is hiding in a small area that is celebrated in advance. Hiding the handkerchief, the player says: "The scarf is resting." Everyone starts to look for, searches directs the one who hid a handkerchief. If he says "Heat", which comes to know that he is close to the place where the shawl is, "hot" - in close proximity to him, "Fire" - then you need to take a handkerchief. When the seeker is removed from the place where the handkerchief is hidden, then leading warns it with the words "cool", "cold". The one who finds a handkerchief does not speak about it, and imperceptibly sinking to the player who is closest to him, and hits his handkerchief. In the next round, he will hide the handkerchief.

Lion and goat.


10-20 people play.

Inventory: Masks of Lion and goats.

Game traffic:

Choose a "lion" and "goat". The remaining players, holding

Hands form a circle. "Goat" stands inside the circle, "Leo" - for the circle. He must catch the "goat". Playing freely skip "goat", and "Leo", on the contrary, delay. The game continues until the "lion" does not catch the "goat". In case of good luck, they exchange roles or choose another pair.

Treat over your head!


Two people play.

Inventory: Long scarf.

Game traffic:

Two people stand on fours face to each other and tie through both heads scarf. Both players crawl back, trying to drag the opponent behind them. Hands and knees at the same time should remain on Earth. Wins the one who put the opponent's opponent in his side. Loses the player also when he clenches the scarf from his head.

Well, repeat!


Play four or more people.

Game traffic:

Players become a semicircle, in the center there is a leading. From time to time he makes some movement: raises his hand, turns, leans, keeps his foot, etc. All players must immediately repeat his movement. If a player is mistaken, then the leading occupies its place, and the player becomes leading. If several people will be mistaken at the same time, then leading himself chooses who will take his place.



Play five or more people.

Inventory: Stick.

The course of the game. Players lie on the grass face down (in a circle of the head to the head) and closing their eyes. Driving throwsbalteny - 50 cm-covered stick - bushes or thickets so that it can not immediately find it. On the signal of the Water, everyone is quickly jumping around and run to seek a stick. The one who found it first becomes leading.

Good morning, hunter!


10-15 people play.

Game traffic:

Players become in a circle, choose a hunter who walks behind the backs of the players. Suddenly, he touches the player's shoulder. He, to whom they touched, turns and says: "Good morning, a hunter!", And immediately goes in a circle, but in the direction opposite to where the hunter goes. Going around the half-round, they meet, the player says again:"Good morning, hunter!". And both run to take empty place in a circle. The one who did not have time to do is becoming a hunter.

Pull the handkerchief!


10 or more people play.

Inventory: Shawls.

Game traffic:

Two teams are built against each other at some distance. Between them is a trait. Each from behind behind the belt shut up a handkerchief or a cake. By lot, one of the teams becomes driving. At the command of the judge, children move forward (they are on the spot), go to hell, and here the judge shouts:"The fire!" Players run back, and the opponents (driving) seek them to catch up to pull out the handkerchief because of the belt.

Then the commands change roles. The team that will capture a greater number of scarves.

Chrome duck.


10 or more people play.

Game traffic:

Denote the boundaries of the site. Selects"Chrome duck", The rest of the players are placed arbitrarily on the site, standing on one leg, and bent into the knee another leg hold back with a hand. After the words"The sun flares up, the game begins" "duck"jumping on one leg, holding the other leg with his hand, trying to nominate someone from the players. Abandoning helps her osal others. The latter not an awesome player becomes a "chrome camp".


The player who became on both legs or jumped out of the site is considered outstanding.



Play 5-20 people.

Game traffic:

Players are divided into catches and runaways. For every 5 people prescribe one catcher. For the appointment of the head, the catcher go beyond the fields, and running freely located on the site. At the signal, the catcher pursue the rest of the players, seeking one of them to rally. The outstanding must immediately stop (freeze in place), in the position in which he was osal. The one who froze can "release" any player, touching it. The game ends when all players will be awailed. After that, they choose new catches, and the game continues. Rules:

1. You can call the player by touching the palm of any place of the body, except for the head.

2. Fishing, on the inertia ran out beyond the field, is considered to be retired from the game.

Fishing a bag!

(Game of Indians Alaska)

8 or more people play.

Inventory: a bag filled with sand (weighing 200 g for 5-6-year-olds; 400 g - for older).

Game traffic:

Players get into the circle and throw each other bag. Who can't catch the bag, he comes out of the game. Wins the one who remained in a circle.

Option. When throwing a bag, you can call the first syllable of some word, and the catching must complete, for example: weight-on, color-current, etc.



Play more than two people.

Game traffic:

On the ground draw a circle. One player jumps into a circle, the rest surround it, putting on his knees. They try to grab a jump player in a circle behind their feet. Who succeeds, he changes with a player in a circle in some places.



"Karga" translated from Uzbek - "Crow", "Oxak" - "Chrome". Why chrome crow? Because the one who depicts this crows, jumps on one leg. And the second leg is bent and tied, say, belt or handkerchief. (On which leg, the crow, it does not matter).

Close the game that you want. If you are only two, just jump off. If at least three (dad, mom and me) - you can get crazy spots. Many people gathered - arrange a jump relay, crashing into two teams. In this case, the belt or scarf, which is tied up with the leg, moves from one "crows" to another.



This is a Georgian game with jumps, for which several sticks are created like civic bits (no more than 5 cm thick).

Game traffic:

Sticks put on the ground parallel to one another at a distance of half the meter. The more sticks, the harder the game will be. Next to the first stick and the last - on the flat stone: here jumpers can rest (not long!).

A beginner game should, jumping on one leg, bypass the snake all sticks. On the way back it is necessary to jump over the sticks, putting the feet perpendicular to them. And again to the stone - but now the feet are put in parallel sticks. You finish the game, jumping from sticks on a stick.

If I got lost, I was wrong, immediately inferior to the next jumper, and myself, waiting for my turn again, you start all over again.

The winner will be the one who, with a smaller number of attempts, will fulfill all the revised tasks without errors.



"Get a handkerchief" - that's what it means translated from the Turkmen title of this game.

Game traffic:

The handkerchief is suspended on the pole (or tied to the rope, blocked through the branch of the tree). In general, it is necessary to arrange so that the shawl can be raised higher and higher.

The game begins - the scarf can be reassembled, only slightly bouncing (from the runway). This is all possible. A new approach, the scarf raised higher - here you have to try to make it up to it. With each time the task is all the complex, and now for someone, the scarf is inappropriate. In the end, one who managed to jump above all.



The game resembles Zhmurki.

Game traffic:

The eyes tie the eyes, and he begins to jump on one leg in a circle. Other leg he keeps stretched forward. Any child can carefully clap the stretched leg. He stops and tries to guess who hit him on his leg. If the leading guess, the loser player replaces the leading. If not, the game continues, and the leading again starts jumping in a circle on one leg.


( Ukrainian game)

The guys depict storks. Each stork has its own nest (hoop). Driving nests has no. The signal begins the game. All storks stand on one leg, hands on the belt. The leading chooses any nest and jumps into it. As soon as two storks will be in this nest, they both pop up from the nest and run, rich flags at a short distance from the hoop. The one who will return the first thing takes up the nest, and who late - becomes leading.


(Kazakh game)

Children become a common circle. Driving to the side and closes his eyes. One of the participants give a piece of cheese or caramel. When the leading returns, everyone must continuously utter one word: "Mirish", "Mirish". Drinking tries to guess who in the mouth of the cheese. To do this, he is allowed to walk in a circle and listen to each. If he guessed, he joins the playing. A new leading is appointed.

Sake Burts.

(Georgian game).

So in Georgia is a game with a ball and a stick.

Inventory: Wire Gate, Ball.

Game traffic:

2 teams play. Representatives of teams in turn rolling the ball, pushing it with a stick, trying to keep it through the gate (they should be wider than 20-25 cm). Wins a team that swept the ball through the gate is more than once.


(Belarusian game)

Participants are divided into 2 teams and are built in 2 columns. In front of them "Well" (hoops), where to plant "potatoes" (tennis balls). Then get the checkbox and collect potatoes in a bucket or basket. Wins the team before I coped with the task. If the ball rolled out beyond the hoop, the player himself must return the potatoes in the hole.

Safed - Chubac

(Tajik game)

Two teams become one of the shan along the line through one. The distance between the players is 1 meter from each of the players - a wand or kege. The wands of two commands differ in color. By the beginning of the game, the neighbors change with chopsticks. On the signal, everyone should throw as far as possible, according to the second signal - to run behind them. Moreover, everyone should pick up his wand (which neighbor drove). The team wins, all players whose players return to place with their chopsticks.


(Ossetian folk game)

To carry out this game, you need to firmly connect the ends of the rope with a length of 2-2.5 m and, drawing a circle with a radius of 2 m on Earth, divide it with a line into two equal halves.

Children from a pair that will be measured by the forces are becoming back to each other, on different sides of the line, at the same distance from it. Each participant "is imputed" to the rope tied to the ring, for its part. He misses the rope under the mouse and pulls it slightly. The rest of the children are closely monitored to, taking the initial position, both participants were at the same distance from the dividing line.

On the conventional signal, the rivals pull the rope, each in its direction. The winner is the child who pulled the opponent to his side of the circle, and then generally pulled him out of the circle.


1. It is impossible to pull the opponent aside, players must "drag" each other only in the direction "Forward".

2. Talking is carried out by all hull, but it is impossible to leap the earth with hands.

The player who fell behind the circle line with both legs is considered the loser.

Predator at sea.

(Chuvash Folk Game)

For this game, you need to fix in the center of the field or the playground of the peg (column). On this pegs, it is put on top of a rope, which is fixed at an altitude of 20-30 cm from the surface of the earth with an unlocking loop. Over the end, the end of the rope is taken away. He presses this end of the rope to his hip and runs in a circle.

The circle formed with the help of a rope is "the sea", and the rope is a "predator". The rest of the children are "fish" who seek to escape from the "predator" - ropes, jumping over it.

The leading can spin the rope then clockwise, then against, then diminishing, then slow down your jog, and "fish", taped "predator" (rope), drop out of the game. The game should be continued until only 2-3 "fish" will remain in the sea. Then you can choose a new leading and continue the game.


1. You can not raise the rope above the hip level, because it will make the game dangerous.

2. "Fish" who jumped out of the "sea" are considered to be the losers.


(Mari Folk Game)

Players are divided into two teams that are lined up opposite the other along the parallel lines drawn at a distance of several meters from each other. Lots are solved, what the team starts the game. One of the players of this team with a scream:"Bilyash!", He heads to the ranks of opponents. Children from another team are waiting for his approach, every child pulls his right hand forward. Walking enough for the hand of any player and tries to drag him on the side of his team, and he rests like all his might.

If you managed to drag the player from another team for the line of my team, he takes him captive and puts behind himself.

Now the player from another team can try his strength. If he is able to drag on his side of the player, whose back is the prisoner, it will be a double victory: he will release a member of his team and capture the enemy. The game continues until one of the teams will capture a certain number of prisoners or the entire opponent team.


1. It is impossible to hide hands behind the back, thus resisting the capture.

2. It is possible to pull the player to yourself any hand, but only_ not two hands immediately.

3. Players can maintain a resistant member of their team only by exclamations or chanting.

4. The prisoner is the player who has crossed the other team with both hands as follows.

Fight roosters.

(Mari Folk Game)

All players should be divided into pairs so that the children of the same age and approximately equal to the forces turned out to be opposite each other. Then the teams are built into two ranks, one opposite the other, so that every child is opposite his opponent. Children become one leg; Other leg, bent in the knee, keep behind with both hands. On the team, all children begin to jump on one foot towards their rivals, putting forward shoulder. Brospopriceing, the opponents pushed each other shoulder, bounce back and again with running faces. If, during a cocktail battle, the player will lose its balance and stand on both legs or gets into his hand, so as not to fall, then it is considered to be a loser, and the couple comes out of the game. When all the couples are finished to compete, calculates how many players from each team became winners in the battle of roosters. This is how the winner team is determined.


1. It is possible only to the shoulder shoulder, other strikes are prohibited.

2. You can push only your rival in a pair.

Rattle carrier hat.


The history of this game dates back to the ancient customs of the mountain peoples, for which one of the main skills was the ability to keep the balance on steep mountain paths. Initially, the game was played as follows: there were two largest stone up to 50 cm high at a distance of 3-5 steps from each other and on top of them put the pole. The player was supposed to transfer the caps of all participants in turn from one stone to another, never cooling and not dropping a single hat. For the game, you can use a gymnastic bench, which will have to walk children during the game. In this game, children can simply stretch to transfer objects in one hand (for example, their panamies), moving from one end of the bench in another and returning back.


1. The player is obliged to quickly transfer all the caps, folded at the base of the bench, on the one hand to another.

2. It is impossible to transfer more than one header at once.

3. The player transfers its header the latter.

4. If the player is tired, he can break, stopping at one edge of the bench, but he is not Must go down to Earth and even touch the Earth to the foot.

Mitten chant.

(Buryat Folk Game)

Choose a leading and sit around it with a close circle or opposite the leading shop, but also so close so that there are no gaps between sitting. Hands all players hold behind her back. One of the players in the hands of a mitten. He starts loudly to sentence: "Gi's Mittens!", At the same time passing the mittens to his neighbor. He, in turn, loudly picks up a song and as quickly as possible transfers a mitten further. The leading points to the player who should show his hands. If the mittens in them, then the loser becomes leading, if not, the game continues.


1. Sings only the one who has a glitter.

2. You can not try to delay your mittens, you need to quickly transfer it to the next player, who immediately begins to sing. This is how the "Cacaofonia" effect is created when several players sing at the same time, with a small time delay.

3. If the correctly indicated the player who has a mitten, he has no right to transmit Its further, and should show the water and take his place.

"Lenok" (Belarusian game)

On Earth, circles are drawing - nests, which in terms of one less than players. Everyone becomes a circle, take hands. The leading in a circle makes various movements, everyone repeats them. By team "Say

linen!" Players occupy nests, the one who did not have time to take the nest is considered to be "planted": his "plant" in the nest to the end of the game. Then the nest is cleaned on Earth, and the game continues. Win the one who will take the last free place.

Kittens (katya)(Belarusian game)

Description. On Earth (Semi) draw line - "Street", meters in Six-eight in front of her - Circle ("House").

After that, the cat is selected. She enters the "house", playing - "kittens" - fit on it for 2 steps, and "Cat" asks: "Kittens guys, where were you?"

The subsequent conversation can pass, for example, as follows: "Kittens": -in Garden!

"Cat": - What did you do there?

"Kittens": the flowers tear!

"Cat": where are these flowers?

The number of questions and answers depends on the fantasy and the intelligence of playing. "Kittens" can give a few answers, but the "cat" chooses one and depending on its content asks a new question. As soon as the "kittens", when responding, allow pause, "Cat" screams: "Oh, you are deceivers!" - And trying to catch any of them. To escape, "kittens" should escape to the street, i.e. to become a line, holding hands. Togo, Whom "Cat" will catch, she takes into the "house". After some time, the rest of the "kittens" are suitable for "home", and everything starts first.

Millet (millet) (Belarusian game)

Description. By lot or simply, at will, choose the "host" (or "hostess") and become one of the ranks, holding hands. "The owner" passes along the Sherngi, stops near anyone and says:

Come to me millet.

I do not want!

Is there a porridge?

Right now!

Oh, you, Lodody! - exclaims the "master" and runs to anyone's rank.

"Lododar" also runs the ranks for this end, but behind the backs of playing. Which of them will grab the hand of the extreme in Sherge, he becomes close to him, and the remaining role is changing with the "master".


1. After the words "Ah, you, Lododr", the owner has the right to make some fraudulent movements and only after that run to any end of the Shero. Competing with him, the player must run certainly to the same end.

2. If the runners are captured by the hand of the extreme player at the same time, then the leader continues the former "master".

Forest, swamp, lake (forest, Balot, Easy)

(Belarusian game)

Description. Draw a circle of such a size so that all playing, and 3 more circles fit in it approximately equal to the distance from the first (when holding a game in the hall, it can be three opposite corners, limited by lines). The first circle (or angle) is playing, and the remaining circles receive names: "Forest", "Boloto", "Lake". The lead calls the beast, bird, fish, or any other animal (you can agree to call both plants) and quickly consider it to a conventional number. Everyone is running, and everyone becomes in that circle, which, in his opinion, corresponds to the habitat, called animal or bird, etc. I (for example, in a circle, meaning the forest, if the wolf is called, in a circle, meaning the lake, if the pike is called ). The word "frog" allows you to become in any circle, because the frogs live in the lake, and in the swamp, and in the forest. We defeat those. Whoever was never mistaken for a certain number of horses.

Hound (Hort) (Belarusian game)

Description. On Earth draws a "cage" - a circle with a diameter of 3 * 5 m. Children are becoming around it - "Hares", who are chosen by the "Hare King" on the persuade. He is part of the middle of the "cells" and says, pointing at each word in turn for each playing:

Hare, hare, where have you been? - In a swamp.

What have you been doing? - Grass blind.

Where did you hide? Under the deck.

Who burned? - Hare.

Who catches? - Hort!

In the last word, all players are running out, and the one. Who fell away the word "Hort", begins to catch them and takes off the caught in the "cage" where they should be until the end of the game. So continues until then. Until all the "hares" are shifted.


1. "Hares" do not have the right to run out of the "field".

2. The "hare" is considered caught if "Hort" grabbed him by the hand or touches his shoulder.

Wolf and kids (VKOV Toshenat) Ukrainian games

Children are played 7-12 years old (5-10 people), at the size of approximately 20x20 m.

Description. At the site draws a circle with a diameter of 5-10 m (depending on the number of players), and around it at a distance of 1-3 m - the circles with a diameter of 1m- "houses" (one less than the number of "goats"). Consider the "wolf". It becomes between the big circle and the "houses". "Cats" are in a big circle. Corresponding to three, they run out of the circle to take the "houses". "Wolf" at this time does not sail them. One of the "goat" does not get a "house". He runs away (between the "houses" and the big circle) from the "Wolf", who seeks to rally. Osalil - changing roles, did not stand - will remain a "wolf", and the game begins first.


1. After the "Three" account, all "Cats"Must be sureflew from a big circle.

2. If a "goat" pursued by the "wolf" 3 times the big circle and the "wolf" will not catch it up, then the "wolf" should stop the chase and stay in the same role to the next con kinder.

Bell (Dzvon) Ukrainian game

(This game has other names: "bell", "ringing")

This game is recorded in Ukraine in the last century P. Ivanov (in the Kharkiv region) and P. Chubinsky (in Poltava region). Nowadays, the existence of the game was found in Vinnitsa and Ternopil regions usually play boys and girls 10-15 years old (sometimes older), 10 and more people.

Description. Holding hands playing form a circle. Driving, selected by read, becomes inside the circle. Laying on the hands of the circle components, he tries to disconnect them, saying: "bov". It repeats it until someone opens his hands, after which it runs away, and two who open hands are catching (salyat) it. Catching becomes leading.

Color (copier) Ukrainian game

Description. Agrees about the boundaries of the site. Consider choose a leading. Playing form a circle. Driving, closing the eye, becomes back to a circle, 5-6 m from it. He calls any color, such as blue, red, green, blue, white. Then turns to players. Those who have clothing called color or some other item are enough for these items so that they have seen leading. Who does not have them, run away from the leading. If he shifts and sustate someone, then the outstanding becomes leading, and the former leading rises with everyone together in the circle. Play several times.

Heron (Chapel) Ukrainian game

Description. By reading is chosen by the leading - "pin". The rest are "frogs". While "Heron"

"Slise" (it is worth leaning forward and leaning hands on straight legs), the remaining players jump on squatting, trying to imitate the movements of the frog. Suddenly the "Heron" "wakes up", makes a cry and starts to catch (squeeze) "frogs". The outstanding replaces the "pin". They usually play 5-6 times.

Toweliko (Rusk) Ukrainian game

Description. According to leading "times. two. Three "right and left pairs disconnect their arms and run towards each other to change places, and the middle pair catches without disconnecting the hands, any of the runners (Fig. 2). A couple, one of the players whose players are caught, changing with them place and role. If you did not manage to catch anyone, they will lead again.

Chrome duck (swing swing)Ukrainian game

Description. The "lame duck" is selected, the rest of the players are placed arbitrarily on the site, standing on one leg, and bent in his knee the other leg hold the back of the hand. After the words: "The sun flares up, the game begins." - "Duck" jumps on one leg, holding another leg with his hand, trying to nominate someone from the players (Fig. 3). Abandoned helps her to sire other, the latter shameless player becomes a "chrome camp".

Square (square) Ukrainian game

Description. Usually the order of the game is determined in this way: "Chur, I first!" - "I am the second!" And so on. Sometimes distributed to read. Each player must perform the following exercises:

1) jump into the center of the square (Fig. 4, a), then the legs on the side of the journey to the walls of the square, not advancing the hell, again jump into the center, then jump forward through the line, without turning, further jump into the center and the line of the square . A player who made a mistake is dropped out of this Kon and waits for the next turn. The exercise without error proceeds to the following exercises;

2) jump in the center on two legs; leap legs to the sides to the walls of the square, not advancing them; again to the center; jump turn 90 degrees, legs to the sides; jump into the center and beyond the square (Figure 4, b);

3) jump on one leg to the center of the square; leap legs on the sides and turn, becoming legs at the corners of the square (Figure 4, B); again jump on one leg to the center and a jump with a turn, becoming legs into other angles; Jump in the center on one leg and jump from the square.

In this game, the number of jumps and a combination of jumps on one and two legs is strictly not regulated. Playing usually negotiate how much and what jumps make a player in each series of movements. One of them wins, who will first fulfill all types of jumps that have agreed in advance.

Sometimes they play inventiveness: each of the players in turn offers their own option, the rest should repeat it. The winner in this case is considered to be playing who will offer the most difficult or interesting option.

Gray Wolf (Sarah Bure) Tatar games

One of the players are chosen by a gray wolf. Seeded squatting, gray wolf is hiding behind a feature at one end of the site (in the bushes or in thick grass). The remaining players are on the opposite side. The distance between the lines of 20-30 m. In the signal, everyone goes into the forest to collect mushrooms, berries. To meets them leading and asks (children in chorus respond):

You, friends, where are you hurrying?

In the forest dense we go

What do you want to do there

There are raspberries

Why do you need raspberries, children?

We prepare jam

If the wolf in the forest will meet you?

Gray wolf will not catch us!

After this roll call, everyone is suitable for the place where the gray wolf is hiding, and the choir say:

I will collect berries, and welcome jam,

Cute my grandmother will be treated

Here are many raspberries, all and not collect,

And wolves, the bears do not see at all!

After words, not to see the gray wolf gets up, and the children quickly run behind the line. The wolf chases them and tries to stain someone.

He takes the prisoners in the lair - where he hid himself.

Sell \u200b\u200bpots (Chulmack Wen) Tatar games

Playing are divided into two groups. Children-pots, put on their knees or sitting on the grass, form a circle. Each pot is a player

Host a pot, his hands behind him. Walking is behind the circle. The drive comes to one of the owners the pot and starts the conversation:

Hey, friends sell a pot!


How much give you rubles?

Three Give

Driving three times (or so much for how much agreed to sell the pot of his owner, but not more than three rubles) concerns the hand of the host pot, and they start running in a circle towards each other (the circle ride three times). Who will get faster to a free space in a circle, he takes this place, and the lagging becomes leading.

Skok-Croskok (Kuchm-Kuch) Tatar games

On Earth draw a large circle with a diameter of 15-25 m, inside it - small circles with a diameter of 30-35 cm for each participant of the game. Walking stands in the center of the Big Circle.

The leading says: "Cross!" After that, the words players quickly change in places (circles), jumping on one leg. Driving tries to take the place of one of the players, jumping also on one leg. The one who will stay without a place becomes leading.

Clappers (Abacle) Tatar games

On opposite sides of the room or platform, two cities are marked with two parallel lines. The distance between them is 20-30 m. All children are built up from one of the cities in one ranss: the left hand on the belt, the right hand stretched forward with the palm up.

Choose leading. It comes to standing by the city and says words:

Clap and clap - the signal is such a run, and you for me!

With these words, driving easily slaps someone around the palm. Drinking and stained run to the opposite city. Who will faster will be faster, he will remain in the new city, and the lagging behind it leads.

Log place (Bush URS) Tatar games

One of the participants in the game is chosen by leading, and the rest of the playing, forming a circle, go holding hands. Driving goes around in the opposite direction and says:

How the forty arking nobody in the house is not mixed.

Like goose gogoral,

You slam down on the shouldch-run!

Having said the run, driving a slightly hit on the back of one of the players, the circle stops, and the one who hit, rushes from his place in a circle to meet with water. The circumferent circle earlier takes free space, and the lagging behind it becomes leading.

Kurai (Dudge)

Bashkir Games

The game is carried out under any Bashkir folk melody. Children, holding hands, form a circle and move in one direction. In the center of the circle one child, he is Kurachist, in his hands he is kray (long shoe), he goes in the opposite direction. Children walk in a circle, run, perform grandpanes to words:

"Out of our Kurai,

We gathered all here.

Praying with a kuraist.

They ran away who is where.

Hai, Hai, Hai, Hai! On green, in the meadow

We drunk under the courage

Children scatter by the scene on the site, perform the movements of the Bashkir dance under the words: "You are dried up, cheers play, those who are better than dancing, choose"

Child-Kuraist chooses the best performer of movements, he becomes leading.

Rules: Slimming only after the end of words.

Muyush Alyush (corners)

Bashkir Games

At the four corners of the site are four stupa, they are four children. In the center there is a leading. He is about the queue comes to the sitting and

specifies each question:

Mistress, you can escape your bath?

1 Playing answers: "My sauna is busy."

2 Playing answers: "My dog \u200b\u200bwas silent"

3 playing answers: "The stove collapsed"

4 Playing answers: "There is no water"

The leading goes to the center of the site, claps in your hands three times and shouts hop, hop, hop! During this time, the owners quickly change places. The leading should have time to take a free stool.

Rules: Change only after cotton leading. The game can be carried out with a large number of children: in this case, the educator should put as many chairs as playing and make additional answers for the "hosts".

Children stand in a circle in a circle: ahead girl behind the boy driven, in his hand, who has a belt (rope), walks around and pronounces the text:

"Summer has passed, autumn came,

Ducks flew away, geese flew away.

Nightingale sang.


Sparrow fly! "

The child who was chosen by "Sparrow" runs away from leading in a circle, and he tries to catch up and cautiously. If the leading osal is, it takes place by playing, and the outstanding becomes leading.

Rules: Do not touch the running hand, but only a belt. To run away after the word "fly".

Children stand in two ranks on the spot Fay opposite each other. The first team of the choir asks: "White poplar, blue poplar, what is in the sky?"

The second team of the Choir replies: "Motion birds."

The first team asks: "What do they have on wings?" The second team replies: "There is sugar and honey."

The first team asks: "Give us sugar."

The second team asks: "Why do you need?"

The first team calls "White poplar, blue poplar."

The second team asks: "Who choose from us?"

The first team call the name of one of the players from the opposite team. The chosen child runs towards the rivals, who stand, closerly hands hard, and tries to break the opponent's "chain". If he breaks the "chain", then takes the rivals playing from the team to his team, if not, it remains in this team. The team in which the most players turn out to be won.

Kugarssen (Pigeons)

Bashkir Games

Two parallel lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 5-8 meters, circles ("sockets") are drawn along these lines. Children stand in circles ("nests") opposite each other. Leading - "shepherd", with closed eyes It goes between Shero and says three times text:

"Gur-gur, pigeons for all of us one nest"

With the end of words, children change places ("nests") - run into opposite "nests". The shepherd opens his eyes and tries to take an empty "nest". The child's "dove" remaining without a "nest" becomes a "shepherd". Rules: It is possible to change places only when the shepherd utters the text three times.

Ena changed EP (needle and thread)

Bashkir Games

Children are divided into two teams, line up in the columns each other on one side of the site. Before each team at a distance of 5 meters, a landmark (cube, tower, check box) is put. At the signal, the first players ("needles") ride landmarks, return to the team. They are engaged in the next Iphoc ("Thread"), they ride a landmark together. Thus, all team players ("Threads"), in turn, engaging, each friend, ride landmarks. The team wins ("needle with thread"), all players whose players caught and cut the landmarks first.

Rules: playing during running is not allowed to draw hands. If it happened, then the broken rules team starts the game again.

Predator in the sea (Sweetkan Kaiak Tinesre)

Chuvash game

The game participates up to ten children. One of the players is chosen by a predator, the rest are fish. For the game you need a rope with a length of 2-3 m. At one end it makes a loop and put on the column or peg. The player performing the role of a predator is taken for the free end of the rope and runs in a circle so that the rope is stretched, and the hand with a rope was at the knee level. When the rope approaches, the children need to jump through it.

Rules of the game. Both rope fish come out of the game. The child performing the role of a predator starts running on the signal. The rope must be constantly stretched.

On the site drawn or twisted in the snow two lines at a distance of 10 - 15 m from each other. Consider the leading - shark is selected. The remaining players are divided into two teams and become face to each other behind the opposite lines. Across the signal playing simultaneously run from One feature to another. At this time, shark salait ranging. An account is announced out of each team.

Rules of the game. The run begins on the signal. The team is losing, in which the agreed number of players, for example, five. Awned not drop out of the game.

Moon or Sun (Uyokp Hevel) Chuvash games

Choose two players who will capture. They agree among themselves, which of them is the moon, and who the sun. For them, one approach the rest, standing before that aside. Quiet so that others do not hear, everyone says that he chooses: the moon or the sun. He is also quietly spoken, in whose team he should get up. So everyone is divided into two teams, which are built into the columns - players behind their captain, clasping standing ahead for the waist. Teams are dragging each other through the line between them. Talking is having fun, emotionally even when the teams are unequal.

Rules of the game. The team is considered to be the team, the captain of which crossed the line when dragging.

The game involves two teams. Players of both teams are built by the face of each other at a distance of 10 -15 m. The first team says Choir: "Tili-Ram, Tili-Ram?" ("Who are you who you?") Another team calls any player from the first team. He runs and tries to breast or shoulder break through the chain of the second team, ascended by his hands. Then the teams change roles. After the call calls, the team is dragging each other through the line.

Rules of the game. If a running manages to break through the chain of another team, he takes one of the two players to his team, between which it broke through. If the running does not break through the chain of another team, he himself remains in this team. In advance before the game starts, the number of command calls is set. The winning team is determined after the rope is dragging.

Playing get into the circle and take hands. They go in a circle under the words of one of their favorite songs. Driving stands in the center of the circle. Suddenly, he says: "Drain!" - And after that, it runs to catch the running players.

Rules of the game. The leading can make a certain number of steps (by agreement depending on the size of the circle usually three - five steps). The outstanding becomes leading. You can only run after the word is sought.

Needle, thread Buryat games

Playing become in a circle, holding hands. Read the needle, thread and nodules. All of them with each other will run in a circle, they will run out of it.

Shooting on the straw-made bowls of archery on ligaments of straw-made grandmothers or a shield composed of knitting straw or confused ropes, widespread called Surkharban, as one of the sports elements of the National Holiday.

Tabun Buryat Games

Participants of the game become a face of face to his center, hard holding hands, depict horses. In the middle of the circle are foals.

We are looking for a wand Participants of the game become on both sides of the log (benches, boards), close your eyes. The presenter takes a short wand (10 cm) and throws away to the side.

Schagai Nyaialha Buryat Games

Each player takes a certain amount of stones, all in turn throw them up and look, in what position they fell: a tubercock or recess, up or otherwise. Whose stones in the plug will be larger, he starts the game.

He collects all the bones and throws them from a height to the floor so that they fall the bark. Then by clicking the middle finger on one of the stones, it sends it to the next, lying with it in the same position, trying not to touch others. If it does not fall into the scheduled step or others, and also, if there is no longer the same lying in the bone, then the second is coming to the game, etc. With each successful click playing, postpones the broken step. After all the bones are knocked out, each player plays an equal to the smallest number of chosen one of the players. The game is repeated until all walks in the hands of one person.

Hongorookho Buryat Games

One of the participants of the game takes a complete handful of a seedy, throws them up and catches the back of the right hand, again throws up and catches palm. Caught steps are postponed to the side. The remaining bones are collected as: one shogai is thrown up, and while he flies, the playing grabs with the floor as many bones, as was caught for the first time and catches the falling step. If the player manages to catch him on the fly, he lays one bone as a win. In case of failure, the game goes to the next participant. The winner is the one who has more bones will be more.

Grandki-ankle throwing ankle (taranny bones) has many varieties: 1. Several ankles arrange in a row against each other around the edges of the table.

Wolf and lambs One player - wolf, another - sheep, the rest - lambs, the wolf sits on the road, which moves the sheep with lambs.

Azerbaijani games

From the drum or from a pipe (Tebil Ohina)

The leader of the first group is suitable for the second and begins any conversation, ending with his question: "From a drum or from a pipe?" If the leader of the second group answers: "From the twin!" - That is the first group, forming a chain and imitating the sound of a twinkle "s ... at ... mm", passes under his hand stretched out, and he can change the direction of the hand and, consequently, the direction of their movement. If the leader of the second group will answer: "From the drum!" - The first group passes under his hand, imitating the sound of the drum. Passing at hand, all in the ranks are crossed several times.

Then the second group sets the question of the first group, and, depending on the answer, the second group imites the sound of either the twin, or the drum, passing under the hand of the leader of the first group.

Rule. While the whole group of the leader does not pass at hand, it is impossible to change the direction of the hand.

Children and rooster Azerbaijani games

One of the players depicts a rooster. The rooster comes out of his house, walks around the site and three times quacket. Players in "houses" (drawn with chalk circles with a diameter of 1 m), in response:

Cockerel, Cockerel,

Gold scallop!

That you get up so early.

Do you want to sleep?

After that, the rooster quackets again, claps the wings and begins to catch children

she, who, coming out of his house, run on the site. If it did not work out to catch the guys, he again depicts a rooster.

Raisinka Azerbaijani games

The circle is drawn on the site (the diameter of the circle depends on the number of players) * children are divided into two equal groups. On the lot, one team enters the circle, the second remains for the circle. Multiple players of the second team give balls (raisins), but so that those who stand in a circle did not know, who has a ball. Children with balls are conditionally numbered, but the number of each player should know only a player and leading. All go in a circle. Driving calls the number of one of the players. That quickly throws the ball, trying to walked the player in a circle. Awested player drops out of the game. If the ball does not fall into the player, he himself drops out of the game, and the ball transfers to another. The game continues until one person remains in the team.

At some distance from each other two lines are held. The same line builds boys, in another - girls. Leading between them. The team of boys - "Night", and the team of girls is "day". By team

de "Night!" Boys catch girls, on the team "Day!" Girls catch boys. Awarded to the opponent's team.

For the game you need two balls of white and black (or any other color, but not identical). Players are divided into two equal commands, each of which is selected presenter. One master gives the ball white, another black.

According to the signal leading throws your balls as far as possible. On the second signal, one player from each team runs behind their ball. Winner, i.e. He who quickly brought the ball to his lead, gets a point. Wins a team who scores more points.

Armenian games


Purpose of the game: Development of attention, dexterity, reaction speed.

On the playground The line is drawn - the rods, one side of which the selected shepherds and sheep are assembled, and the wolf sits on another. Sheep stand behind the shepherd, clasping each other for the belt.

The wolf turns to the shepherd with the words: "I am a mountain wolf, I will take!" The shepherd replies: "I can't give a brave shepherd." After these words, the shepherd wolf jumps over the streams and tries to reach sheep. The shepherd, putting his hands to the sides, protects the sheep from the wolf, not allowing him to touch them. In the case of good luck, the wolf takes extraction with you. The game begins first, but the roles change.

Rules of the game:

Treating stick

Armenian games

The goal of the game: the development of force, excerpt, strengthening the muscles of the body.

Two players sit on the floor against each other, resting the feet. In the hands they take a stick (you can rope, strap, or just keep hands). At the same time, one hand is in the middle of the stick, the other with the edge. At the signal, players begin to pull each other, trying to raise the opponent of a feet.

Game Rules: Wins the player who manages to raise the enemy to his feet. The winner has the right to continue the game with the next player.


Armenian games

Purpose of the game: Development of intelligence, dexterity, consistency of movement.

Players are divided into two teams. The lot is determined by which the team will protect the fortress, and what to attack.

The center of the game site is put on the board (stone, rug). This is the fortress.

At the signal, the defenders surround the fortress at a distance of 2-3 m and protect it from the opponents attack. The attackers diverge in different directions. The fortress fenced conquered if someone from the players comes foot on the board and will not be caught by the defender.

The attackers make up various plans of siege, suitable for defenders and distract them every way. Thus, the attackers seek to break through to the fortress, and defenders try to catch them. Defenders left for the broken line drop out of the game. The striker who managed to break through the chain of defenders, but did not have time to put his leg on the board before it was caught, the gag leaves the game.

Rules of the game: the attacker is counted the point if they conquer the fortress. If all the defenders are caught by defenders, the players change places, but it does not receive a point. The command that dials the set number of points (for example, five) is defeated.

Fire kidnappers

Armenian games

Purpose of the game: Development of agility, speed; Strengthening the bone muscular apparatus of the legs.

On the playing area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangular shape (length - 30-40 m, width - 15-20 m) in each corner the circle is drawn with a diameter of 2-4 m. Circles denote the fortress. Inside the game site, the danger line (or fire lines) is still 2-3 meters long. The players are divided into teams of 10-15 people. Each team is located along its danger line. Teams choose captains and a distinctive sign (element of the national costume). A team of the first game is chosen by lot. On a certain signal, the captain of the team, a beginner game, comes to opponents, a light blow on the hand of any of the players takes fire and runs away to its border. He runs after him, trying to catch until the first player delivers the border. If the runaway player is caught, he becomes a prisoner and put him in the opponent's fortress. If it fails to catch up with the runaway, and the catching player reaches the danger line, then another player runs out of the opponent's team and tries to take captive.

Rules of the game:

The game continues until all the players of any team will not be in captivity;

The pursuer must catch up with the enemy to the danger line, from where the game began;

The pursuer, caught up with the runaway, becomes a carrier of fire. He can approach the enemy's rank and, hitting any player by hand, kill back to its border as a beginner game;

Prisoners are exempt when their friend, having received fire from the opponent, is unhindered in the fortress and concerns their hand: they all quickly run to their border.

In the middle of the playing area at a distance of 2 m two features are held. For them at a distance of 10-15 m, two more features are held. Two teams are selected: flowers and "breeches". Each of the teams stands before the inner line face to the opponent team.

The game starts "Flowers", choosing a name in advance - the name of the flower. They say: "Hello, breeze!" "Hello, Flowers!" - A breeze answer. "The breeches, breeze, guess our names," says "Flowers" again.

"The breeches" begin to guess the names of "colors". And as soon as you guess, the flowers run on the second line. "Wind" catch them up.

Rules of the game:

points are determined by the number of caught colors; The winner is determined by the agreed amount of points; After one game, the teams change roles.

10 or more people play.
Chairs in the number of players are installed in a circle, backs inside. Playing (firefighters) are taking care around these chairs under the sounds of music (bubne blows, drum). As soon as the music ships, players must put on the chair, near which they stopped, the subject of clothing. Game continues. When each participant decides 3 items (they turn out to be on different chairs), the alarm sounds: "Fire!". Players must quickly find their things and wear them. Who will turn quickly faster, becomes the winner.

African salts in a circle


10 or more people play.
Inventory: Sheet from wood.
Players get up in a circle face to the center. Behind their backs, it goes leading and touching the palms of players leaf. Then he puts a leaf to someone in hand and runs. Player with a sheet - behind him. If the drive runs the circle and can not catch it up, he will fall on his free place, and the player who pursued his player becomes new.



Play 7 or more people.
Inventory: whistle.
Each player builds himself a depot: outlines a small circle. In the middle of the site there is a leading - steam locomotive. He has no depot. Driving goes from one car to another. To whom it is suitable, he follows him. So all cars are gathering. The locomotive suddenly whistles, and everyone runs to the depot, the steam locomotive too. The player remaining without a place becomes a leading - steam locomotive.

Buffalo in Podle.


10 or more people play.
Players get into the circle and take hands. Two or three players stand in the center. This buffalo. Their task is to escape from the circle. They are trying to break through the circle, raising the hands. Rough techniques are not allowed. If you failed to break through one place, they are trying to do it in another. If they manage to them, the buffaloes are those players who failed to hold them.

Sick Cat.


Play more than five people.
One player is a healthy cat that tries to catch everyone else. Each player who was stained should put his hand exactly to the place where he was stained. He becomes also a cat, but the sick and helps a healthy cat when catching. Sick cat can only be a healthy hand. The player who was not stained, wins. He becomes a healthy cat on the next circle.



5 or more people play.
On the site guys draw a straight line 6-10 meters long. We must move along it, like a rope. It is allowed to keep hands on the sides. They lose those guys who come from the line - "fly from the rope."

1. One of the players is watching the "routine".
2. The one who came down from the "rope" becomes an observer.



10 or more people play.
The game participants are divided into two equal groups. Players of each group are held by each other and form one chain with the help of arms bent at the elbows.
Ahead of the chain becomes stronger and deft participants - "clockwork". Becoming against each other, "clockwork" also take each other for the arms bent in the elbows and pull each in their direction, trying or breaking the enemy chain, or drag it for the planted line.

The pull is starting exactly in the signal.

world peoples nations game game game game game game game game different games games games games games games games

Moving games of different peoples.

Kalmytskaya Folk Game "Circling around Kolyka" (Gus Erglgen)

A small peg is driven into the ground, one of the players holds his right hand and starts spinning clockwise. At the same time, the player is trying to get his left ear with a right-handed ear.

The game requires a big dexterity and flexibility.

Rules of the game: Asserting five or six more circles are considered winners.

We draw the clock, we will arrow and you.
Who quickly circle will pass, the place is the first will take.

Bashkir folk game "Yurt" (Tirma)

The subgroups of children of four people form a circle near the rolled handker, which lies on the ground. Holding hands, children go around a variable step under national music. Music ends, and children must deploy scarves. For four end, raise it high above your head.

Wins a group of children, the first to build a yurt.

Circling dry sand, kids are circling in a dance.
House build no boards, so forces on the outcome.
But they thought up and mig for the construction all took.
Who will quick to build yurt? Want first? Shell!

Dagestan Folk Game "Blind Bear" (Sokujur Ayuv.Betsab qi.)

Playing children are freely placed on a limited area. Each player has two sticks: one smooth, the other with the teeth. Players choose a leading bear to whom the eyes tie. They are driven by a gear stick - a smooth and sound. The bear goes to the sound, trying to stain someone from playing children. The one whom the bear will burn, becomes leading.

Evil dogs on the bear pounced,
He spins and roars.
Though blind, but try to get caught,
Immediately in the shred ruins.

Tatar folk game "Fox and chick" (Telki Ham Thavucklar)

At one end of the site are in the chicken coop of chickens and roosters. On the opposite - fox. The chickens walk on the site, pretending that the grains be cooled. When fox sneaks to them, roosters shout ka-ka-ku. On this signal, everyone runs to the chicken coop, the foxes rush behind them, who tries to stain any of the players.

Kura walks on the meadow, next to them a rooster.
It goes the birth gait, golden scallop.
Fox burst unnoticed, rushed on chickens, those in a moment
They shouted into the chicken coop run straight.
Who is not deft, not in a hurry, does not run away from the fox.

Belarusian folk game "Mill" (Mlyn)

All players become in a circle at a distance of at least 2 m from each other. One of the players gets the ball and transmits it to another, that third, etc. round. Gradually, the transfer rate increases. Each player tries to catch the ball.

Rules of the game. The player who missed the ball or threw him wrong, dropping out of the game. Wins the one who remains in the game last.

Mill spinned, sprinkle wings.
Mill-loot, knots slowly.
But sukhov fits, it will work faster.
Blowing, blowing the breeze, quickly catches the ball player.
Who did not catch his ball, he probably tired.
He will take a look at the other on the others.

Chechen folk game "Buzza" (Bobesch)

Two girls sit against each other's chairs. Feet stretch forward, socks up, socks connect and turns the bridge. The duck is chosen, the rest of the children are duck. Soil is called his ducklings. Ducklings are lined with each other after duck and step over the bridge, trying not to hurt him. The one who comes to the bridge comes out of the game, the rest are moving to the other side. The duck again builds his own ducks, and they step over the bridge, but the bridge is higher (the girls put the leg to the leg and connect them). Play can from 10 to 12 people.

Rules of the game. Purchase should be carefully lifting legs.

Duck called ducklings and put everyone in a row.
Mask-rus-rus follow me and do not go from the road.
And they went the path item is important with children bravely.
There is a pavement ahead through fast rods.
It is necessary to go through that bridges, and not just bypass.
Do not stumble, do not fall, so it is possible and the abyss.

Tatar folk game "Skok-Croskok" (Kuchtem-Kuch).

On Earth, the large circle of 15-25 m with a diameter of 15-25 m, inside it - small circles dia.

30-35 cm for each participant of the game. Walking stands in the center of the Big Circle. Ring says: "Cross!" After that, the words players quickly change in places (circles), jumping on one leg. Driving tries to take the place of one of the players, jumping also on one leg. The one who will stay without a place becomes leading.

Rules of the game. You can not push each other from the circles. Two playing children can not be in the same circle.

We will take our mugs, we will be comfortable in them,
But, having heard "Crosok", quickly throw ride.
On one leg, I want to jump in another circle.
You have to get ahead of everyone, I do not want to drive.

Tajik Folk Game "Meal Game" (Guungakbozy)

Players sit in a circle. Choose leading. He also sits in a circle along with children. Driving slowly pushes a player's shoulder with the right (or left) side from himself. He, in turn, conveys this movement to a neighbor in a circle, and it continues until the movement returns to the water.

Meaning of the game: Make a neighbor to speak or laughing. If he laughed or spoke, it comes out of the game.

Rules of the game: the losers should sing or dance at the end of the game.

We will play with you, you are a little and I dumb.
Words in the "Silent" game do not need to play and so we are happy.

Bashkir folk game "Sticky hemp" (IEBESKEK Builder).

Three four players are squatting as far as possible from each other. They depict sticky hemp. The rest of the players run on the site, trying not to fit close to hemp. Penchis must try to touch the children running.

Rules of the game. Hemps should not get up from the places.

At the gland, the river suddenly appeared hemp.
Someone poured them with a resin, filled top to bottom.
Bypass them, nor touched, neither
We will find a penene dry, destroyed on it.

Yakut folk game "White Shaman"

Playing go in a circle and perform different movements. In the center of the circle - leading. This is a white shaman - good person. He becomes kneels and beats in the tambourine, then comes to one of the players and gives him a tambourine. The received tambourine should repeat the rhythm lost to the rhythm.

Rules of the game. If the tambourine received incorrectly repeats the rhythm, it comes out of the game.

Above the water is the fog, the bellows in the tambourine beats the shaman,
That will be faster, it will suddenly silenced.
Let the motive try to try another.
You take and repeat, begin "times, two, three."

Jewish folk game "Find Afikoman"

Children playing in Easter evening playing this game. At the beginning of the evening, the father takes one piece of mattsy and clears it into two parts. A smaller piece is called Atikoman. Father tells the children that he will hide atcoman now, and they will have to look for him, finding a prize will receive. Children are looking for Atikoman during the evening.

Rules of the game. All children take part in the game. Found atcoman receives a prize at the end of the evening.

I break the pellet, the hidden is smaller from you.
Look for her a little, where she lies now.
Who will find Afikoman, he will receive a prize in his pocket.

Azerbaijani folk game "Day and Night" (Gedja Ve Gunduz).

At some distance from each other two lines are held. The same line builds boys, in another - girls. Leading between them. The team of boys - "Night", and the team of girls is "day". On the team "Night!" Boys catch girls, on the team "Day" girls catch boys.

Rules of the game. Available children go to the opponent's team.

The night will pass, the day will come. The light will come, retreat the shadow.
Catch up the sun's sun and can not catch up with them,
To complete the lukshko of these lights to gather.

Russian folk game "Winning"

Children are built in two ranks opposite each other, chanting their hands in the cross position on the cross. At the signal, the first rank goes to the meeting of the second Sherge, which stands on the spot, and bowed to her. Then departs at the initial position. Also makes the second rank. At the signal, children begin chaotic moving around the site, and then sit down. At the signal, children should be built into the ranks.

Rules of the game. The team wins that quickly and correctly build.

there is antique game, called "woven".
We are hunting to play it, it's not lazy to play her.
Once a woven, two wovers, with the sun in the shadow.
Sit down, rest and play again.

Games of different nations

Children play games everywhere: both in the vicinity of Kalahari desert, and in the extreme north. Some of the games are known everywhere and do not have a clear territorial accessory (hide and seek, Zhmurki).
But there are games that even children of the neighboring area are not suspected. And, of course, every nation has its original national games.
Here are some of the games in which the children of neighboring countries play.

Lithuanian game: Quint
Five people participate in the game. On earth or asphalt, a rectangular square with a side of 10 m is drawn. Four participants become in the corners of the square. In the center of the square draw a circle with a diameter of 1.5 m, the fifth player becomes in it - Kwint.
Corner players thrown into it the ball, and Quinta tries to dodge the ball without going beyond the circle. The player who fell in Quint takes his place.

Ukrainian game: Storks
6-8 people participate in the game. They depict storks. All storks become one common circle. Each stork outlines around itself a circle with a diameter of one meter - nest. Watering does not have a nest, it stands in the center of the circle.
According to the signal of water, all storks raise the right leg and stand on one left.
Drinking in a circle on one leg, choose any nest and jumps into it.
As soon as two storks will be in the nest, both of them should jump out of the nest and, jumping on one leg, to come into a common circle - one right, another on the left; Foot is allowed to change.
The remaining storks can lower the leg at this time. The one who returns to the nest first occupies his late becomes leading.

Tajik Game: Safed - Chuba to
Plays an even number of participants, not less than 6 people. Players are built into the ranks and calculated by numbers.
Even numbers will be one command, odd - the other. Distance between players 1 m.
Players of each team give out small sticks painted in a certain color. Each chopstick is a player number.
The players remember the color of the sticks of their team and change them with a neighbor.
On the signal, everyone should throw sticks as far as possible, along the following signal to run behind them. Everyone must find and pick up their wand (which threw a neighbor). If on the way there are sticks of someone else's team, they can be thrown even further.
The team wins, all players whose players return to place with their chopsticks.

Turkmen game: Aksak - Tauk ("Chrome Chicken")
Playing are divided into teams of three people and become along the start line. Standing with the edge in every triper are taken by the hands, and standing between them drops his left leg on their connected hands and his hands puts them on the shoulders.
At the signal, each triple on five legs is sent to the finish line, which is at a distance of 20-30 m from the start.
The Troika defeats, who came to the finish line.

Belarusian game: Spe
In the center of the field there is a wooden bar-sleeper, next to it becomes driving, and around the other players with bats in their hands.
Their task is to throw a bit and get into a sleeper to it so that it will go as far as possible from the center. If someone from the players succeeded and the sleeper rolled back far, the leading should run up, take it and install it again in the center of the field. At this time, players flee their bits and pick them up.
Driving, installing a sleeper, should try to capture any of the bits, ahead of its host. If he succeeds, he becomes a player, and a player who has not managed to return his bat, "leads. (Sticks flying into a sleeper, can hurt a leading, so he needs to be attentive to not fall under the bits).

Latvian game: Balutny
This game is best to play in summer on the forest cleaner or in the park.
All participants fall on the grass down face and close their eyes. Drinking as far as possible throws the bat (Baltehena) into the bushes or thickets of herbs so that it is difficult to find it.
At the signal of the leading players get up and run to sort balthenas. Founding it becomes the lead.

Armenian game: Berd ("Fortress")
Berd in Armenian means "Fortress". The game is designed for a large number of participants, it can be played in the yard or on the playground.
Two teams participate. One of them is the defenders of the fortress, the other-value. Defenders are located around a large stone or hemp, you can use a wooden chock - it will be a fortress. The attackers dispersed all over the site. According to the striker, they seek to penetrate the "fortress" and capture it. The fortress is considered to be taken if the striker touched her hand or stepped foot. For this team of attackers gets a point. Defenders of the Fortress are striving to ie the attackers.
The awesome striker drops out of the game. Attacks can take advocates in captivity. To do this, you need to lead the defender away from the fortress, and then run between the fortress and the defender.
If the attacker managed to make such a jog, the defender is considered prisoner and drops out of the game.
If there are few defenders left, they are allowed to come together into a more dense circle, if there are few attackers left, the teams are proposed to change roles, accrued one point.
The team wins, previously scored 5 points.

Hungarian game: one in a circle
Players form a circle, with a diameter not exceeding 10 m. The center of the circle becomes driving. Players throw each other a little ball. Drinking tries to intercept him. At a convenient moment, any of the players can throw the ball in a leading.
If you did not manage to dodge the ball, it remains in the center of the circle.
If he managed, he leaves the circle, and his place occupies a player who thrust the ball.
If you managed to intercept the ball, thrown into it, or during the transfer from the player to the player, he can throw the ball in any player.
If it falls - the player will take his place if not - it remains to go further.

If your child is not able to show on the map of Pakistan or Armenia, and you really want this, organize the opposing games of the peoples of the world, popular among small residents of distant countries for him and his friends. But before invite the guys to find these states on the globe, and then tell us about the culture and customs of people inhabiting them, about the nuances And then familiarize them with the rules of cheerful games of the peoples of the world.

Children's mobile funny Games from around the world

Children's game from Chile: "Run, Guaracha, Run!"

Explain the young company that in Chile, the state in the south-west of South America, they speak Spanish, and "Guaracha" - the word that is not in the dictionary is invented for fun.

The number of players: five and more, age from 5 years and older.

What will take: a handkerchief.

How to play: Children sit in a circle. To look out forbidden. The task of the lead, which is around the circle, imperceptibly put on the back of one of the handkerchief players. If the child felt it, he should catch up with the lead, and he drops out of the game. If you can't catch up, the game continues without a stratum participant.

Children's game from Greece: "Agalmat".

Greece, the state in the south of Europe, famous for antique marble statues. Find the most famous ones on the Internet and demonstrate the young Food company before the game.

Number of players: Four and more, from 10 years and older.

How to play: One of the players stands with closed eyes in the center of a large open platform and slowly considers up to ten. The rest at this time are trying to accept the posture of any statue you like. For the reliability of the image, it is not forbidden to use fir-handed items - sticks, balls, and so on.
"Agalmat" ("statue" in Greek), - shouts leading, and players freeze. If the "statue" did not hold the balance, it drops out, leading tries to make players. The most persistent declare new leading. it perfect game For the development of coordination of movements.

Children's game from PakistanA: "Top - bottom"

Young inhabitants of Pakistani cities, states in South Asia, love to laugh and scream. This cheerful, mobile game helps them splash out excess energy.

The number of players: four and more, from 4 years and older.

What will take: an outdoor area with hemp, slide, swings, stones or strong benches.

How to play: If the lead shouts the word "bottom", it is impossible to stay on Earth - you need to jump on the pennies as soon as possible, the bench, the hill ... If the "Top" team sounded, everyone should go down to the ground. The one whom "caught" becomes the lead.

Children's mobile game from Ghana: "Pilolo!"

Little residents of rural areas of Ghana, state in West Africa, few toys, but they find a lot of ways to have fun.

Number of players: six, from 4 years and older.

What you need: sticks, pebbles or one coin on the player.

How to play: Assign the lead and judge, define the finish line. Children turn away and wait for the lead to hide coins or pebbles. When he shouts "Pilolo!" ("Search!") The judge includes a stopwatch, and players find coins and run with them to the finish. Rent first gets one point. Then they collect coins, prescribe new leading and judge, and the game continues. He wins the one who scored more points (remember who how many points, - the duty of the judge).

Children's game from the UK: "Get a gift"

This fun in the inhabitants of the island state in the north of Europe is very popular, especially at the birthday celebration. A gift in bright packaging is transmitted to the music.

The number of players: five and more, from 4 years and older.

What will take: a surprise gift, colored paper, music.

How to play: Pack funny toys in several layers of paper of different colors, put the children in a circle and turn on the music. The gift is transmitted in a circle until the presenter turns off the sound. The child, in the hands of which turned out to be a surprise, removes the first layer of paper. The game continues until the package is completely removed. The gift gets the winner, and the new souvenir is lacking in a circle. Adults must take care that the gifts get all players.

Children's game from Australia: "Skipper-Kangaroo"

Australia is a country, and the continent, where inhabit amazing animals: the Tasmansky Devil, Linkos, Wallaby, Vombat, Koala, Kukabar, and, of course, the loves of all kids - Kangaroo.

The number of players: five and more, from 3 years and older.

How to play: Children sit in a circle, the presenter asks one of them to go out in the middle, sit down on the floor, lean forward and close the eyes - this is a sleep kangaroo skippira. The rest are hunters. The lead calls the name of one of the children, he admits to "Kangaroo" and says: "Guess who caught you?" If the child called the name "Hunter", players change places.

The game continues until all participants visit the kengurushku. This game is popular in Australian kindergartens: it helps children quickly get to know each other and develops hearing.

Children's game from Armenia: "Battle of eggs".

This game is very popular in Transcaucasia, where one of the former Soviet republics is located. Ukrainians are familiar as Easter.

Number of players: Two, from 3 years and older.

What you need: a pair of cooked eggs boiled.

How to play: becoming a face to each other, the children lightly come across the eggs with acute ends, until one of them cracks. Then repeat the battle, but already stupid ends. Experience shows that steep eggs crack only after 3-4 shots and do not pour at the same time. The winner gets both eggs. After the game, the trophies are used to prepare lettuce or sandwiches for the entire company.

Thank you for your attention, play with your children - it will benefit everyone!

Folk standing games

During the historical path, each people develop their original features of the national culture. Help the children to comprehend the originality, beauty, the harmony of cultures of different peoples are called folk moving games. This is the great cognitive and educational importance of national games. Moreover, it is quite obvious that familiarity with cultural traditions improves the aesthetic taste in children.

National games play a big role in physical Development Children. They raise the will, courage, striving for victory.

It will be important to the remark that folk-free games were the basis of all subsequent games.

Russian game "Korshun"

Among the players are distributed roles: one becomes a "crucible", the other - "chicken", all the others - "chickens". "Chickens" are built into the column for "chicken" on fashionable, hard holding each other's belt. The game begins with dialogue:

Korshun, Korshun, what's wrong with you? - Chicks ask "chickens".

I lost your shoes, "Korshun answers.

These? - Chicken and following her "Chickens" put the right leg to the side.

Yes! - Screams "Korean" and rushes to catch "chickens".

"Chicken" protects "Chickens", not pushing "Korean". Caught "Chicken" coming out of the game.

Russian game "Washing chains"

Two ranks of children, holding hands, become against each other at a distance of 15 - 20 m. One rank of children shouts: "Chains, chains, break us!" Another asks: "Which of us?". The first, having consisted, answers: "Dima". Dima runs away and tries to break the second row. If you break up, then takes into your ranks that a couple of participants he broke. If it does not break, then it gets up in a car, which could not be broken. The team wins where more players turns out.

Russian game "Bouncers"

Participants are divided into two teams: leading and playing. The rectangle is outlined - "City". From the opposite sides are the leading. They have a ball. In the middle of the "cities" stand playing. Leading alternately throw the ball in playing, trying to get into them. Who hit the ball, he drops out of the game. Which of the children caught the ball, the "candle" is counted, i.e. He may remain in the game when he gets into it. Also, your "candle" can be given to someone from those who already knock out. The leading alternately throw the ball until they choose all the players, without crossing the line of the "city". Then the commands (leading and playing) can change places and continue the game.

Karelian game "I am" ("Olenta")

The game is carried out on a platform with a length of 50-60 m and a width of no more than 10 m. Players are divided into two equal commands and with the help of lots determine which of them will be first. In the middle of the site, 2 lines are designated, with a distance of 2 - 3 meters, behind which teams in the ranks are built against each other. The game begins with the fact that the players of the runaway team together clap into their hands, turn quickly and rush to their edge of the site. A leading team rushes for them, trying to touch any running, before he crosses his line. The player whom hershed must say loudly: "Deer!" ("I am!"). After that, he and his whole team unfold and accepted to catch players of a leading team, seeking to escape by the line at the end of their place.

The game continues until one of the teams will be able to escape on the line. Then lead another team.

Tatar game "Sell Flowers" ("Chulmack Prices")

Playing ("Sellers") form a circle driving - behind the circle. Driving, approaching one of the "sellers", begins to trade:

Hey, friend, sell flower.

Buy ...

How much give you rubles?

"Seller" calls the figure not more than 3.Well of this leading concerns the hand of the flower owner as many times as the "seller" agreed to sell a flower; Then the driven, and the "seller" circle the circle towards each other corresponding to the number of times. Who will faster to free space, becomes a "seller", and the player who remains without a place - leading.

Turkmen game "Hold for the tail" ("Chuiri Tuddy")

The game requires the distribution of roles: driven - "Wolf", all other players - "Sheep". Driving is located in the center of the circle, which form "sheep". "Wolf" pretends to sleep, "sheep", moving in a circle, sing some song. Gradually, the "sheep" slowly begin to converge towards the center, trying to touch the "wolf". "Wolf", unexpectedly jumping, takes the "sheep". It is important to remember that the leading can start the game only after one of the sheep touch him. Caught "Sheep" becomes a "wolf", and the game continues in the same way.

Georgian game "Sugreoba"

Each player in the hands of Sahra (thin sticks with a diameter of 1 cm, a length of 70 - 80 cm.) Playing lay them on the ground with a range of 50 cm. The more participants, the longer a row of sticks, the more difficult and more interesting game. At the beginning and at the end of the row are plane stones. They are a kind of place to relax, which is given no more than 1 min.


    The participants of the game should take turn, jumping on one leg, bypass the snake all sticks. (The task can be performed three times).

    Players must jump over all sticks, putting the foot perpendicular to them. Returning back, you should put the feet in parallel sticks.

In the course of the game, new tasks with a new location of sticks may be invented. At the same time, new rules are mandatory for all. Wins the one who will fulfill all the exercises without errors. Completed drops out of the game.

Yakut game "Bulchuta" ("Hunters")

The game is carried out on the ground with clearly designated boundaries. From among the players, the even number of "hunters" ("Bulchut") is selected, for example, by 20 participants of 8 "hunters".

The game can be organized in different ways. In one case, the "hunters" are divided into pairs and form "Arkan", taking hands. With the help of "Arkana" "Hunters" can catch any player. To whom a caught player stands face, so he forms a new "Arkan". The task of each player is to free themselves from "Arkana" as quickly as possible or never to visit the role of "hunter".

In another case, each caught player becomes a "hunter", therefore, Arkana gradually increase. The game ends when the last player becomes a "hunter".

Attention! During the game, it is forbidden to lay off the fields of the field, you can catch "hunters".

Khakassky game "Ala Huy" ("Motley Baran")

The game "Ala Huy" is still known as Sakhtangchy ("Watchman").

All players become pairs, take hands, line up in the column. Ahead of the column is "Ala Huy" or "Watchman". He looks forward and keeps the first pair. At this time, the last couple is divided and runs forward. "Ala Huyu" should have time to grab them while they did not overtake him. If he does not catch the running, they become ahead of him. If he grabbed someone, then the remaining player takes his place.

Uzbek game "Tea-tea!"

All players are located on the site (10x12m), circled by the line. Driving screaming: "Tea tea!" - And, lifting your hand, runs on the site. The remaining players must catch up and touch him with hand. The player who managed to touch, becomes the "starting". He, too, shouting: "Tea-tea!" - Raising your hand, runs on the site. The game resumes. That player who is manifested for a long time remaining not caught, is considered the winner.

Rules of the game: Playing should not go beyond the site; Violating rules do not take part in the game during one construction.

Belarusian game "Lenok"

On Earth, circles are drawing - nests, which in terms of one less than players. Everyone becomes a circle, take hands. The leading in a circle makes various movements, everyone repeats them. On the team "Soray Len!" Players occupy nests, the one who did not have time to take the nest is considered to be "planted": his "plant" in the nest to the end of the game. Then the nest is cleaned on Earth, and the game continues. Win the one who will take the last free place.

Ossetian game "Chepena"

Choose the master (need). He starts the game:

Left leg, needed! (Bounces on his left left)

Goy, Goy, Chepe! (Children respond and repeat the movements of the lead)

Right leg, needless! (Jumps on the right foot to the right)

Goy, Goy, Chepe! (Children repeat the same)

Come forward, needless! (Go ahead, raising his hands)

Goy, Goy, Chepe! (Kids go small steps forward, raising up hands)

Let's go back, needless! (Small steps go back with his hands lowered)

Goy, Goy, Chepe! (Children repeat the same)

We all walked, needed! (Dance begins)

Circle, Circle, Chapena! (Children start a circular dance for Ossetian music)

Attention! The pace of the game should constantly increase.

Latvian game "Swelto"

Playing become in a row. One of the participants of the game remains out of the row - he is sieve. Scheto fits K. standing first in a row player and says:

This, this, sieve!

He asks:

What do you want, sieve?

The solido answers:

Small flour.

Playing to which the player applied, says:

Run for her!

After that, the "Swelto" runs after the participant of the game, standing in the last one, and tries to catch it. He runs away and strives to get up first in the row. If he succeeds, he is saved. If the "sieve" caught the runaway, then they change roles, the former "sieve" becomes first.

Rules of the game: You can not run out of a number before all words will be pronounced.

Lithuanian game "King of animals"

All playing - "Beasts", one of them - the "king of animals." Every "beast" must say "King" its name, but so that others do not hear (tiger, wolf, hare, etc.). "Beasts" are built in one row opposite the king a few steps away from him. At the feet of "King" lies the ball. The "king" calls some beast, he should run, and the "king" tries to get into it with the ball. If the ball falls into the beast, he goes to the king and helps him (brings the ball and others). After the king calls two or three animals, he says: "I catch all the animals!" All run, and he tries to get into someone.

Rules of the game: "King" must throw the ball without leaving the outlined line; The new king is chosen after the three or four beast are caught.

Kazakh Game "White Bone"

The participants of the game are in the rank, take white bone (you can use the rubber ball, wooden key, carved sticks, etc.) and sang:

- White bone - a sign of happiness, key,

Fly to the moon

Before white snow vertices!

Foresting and happy

Who will find you in the moment!

After that, the presenter throws the bone for the ranks of the players. At this moment, no one should look back in order not to see, in which direction the bone flies. When the bone falls, the presenter announces:

- Look for bone

Find the happiness of speedy!

And will find him

Who is faster and catcha!

The goal of actions is to quickly find the bone and imperceptibly to bring it to the lead. If the rest of the participants notice it, they pursue the player and, slightly hitting the shoulder, take the bone, then also run to the lead.

In order to be unnoticed and without obstacles to convey the bone to the lead, it is necessary to show dexterity, smelting and resourcefulness. One player under the pretext that he cannot find a bone goes to a leading step, thereby distracting the attention of rivals in various ways (for example, it says loudly, pointing to another, and claims that the bone allegedly has him, etc.) . If the player found a bone, i.e. it turned out to be a lucky way, then the whole group or one of the group fulfill his desire: sing songs, they read poems, imitate the voices of animals.

Rules of the game: a seen player with white bone is obliged to immediately convey it; Look at the bone transmission; It is only allowed only after the leading signal; The one who violates the rules of the game is punished with the winner of the winner.

Mass games

Mass games are very popular in the conditions of the All-Russian Children's Center "Ocean". They can be used in the conditions of a closed hall, and outdoors. In the course of the organization and conducting such games, moral and volitional qualities are formed, organizational skills are produced. The main task of organizing mass games is to train children to maximize their imagination. The work of the imagination stimulates the game process.

"Vaska - Petki"

The presenter divides the entire hall for two teams, one - "Petki", the other - "Vaska". Next, all sing together:

On solar cleaner

Worth a green house

And on the porch house

Sits funny dwarf.

The lead asks: "What is your name of the dwarf?", - and shows one of the teams that corresponds to the patter:

Petka! I have a cage shirt,

I came to you kids

To eat a candy.


Vaska! I have pants in polka dot,

I came from a fairy tale

Because I'm good.


All this is held several times, the presenter shows that one, then another team, then on both at once, and one of them should shut up another.

"Hedgehogs, Hedgehogs"

The lead asks for the participants of the game: "Who is more friendly: girls or boys? Do you want to know? This will help you the game. We repeat all the words and movements together:

Two oaths (clap),

Two tribe (toggle),

Hedgehogs - Hedgehogs (perform a movement, resembling bulbs) ...

Ask - Aviced (one fist is knocking differently),

Scissors - scissors (perform the movements of cutting scissors),

Running on the spot, running on the spot (imitate running),

Bunnies - bunnies (depict bunnies clapping ears) ...

Well, friendly, well, together ... "

After these words, the girls shout loudly: "Girls !!!", - boys: "Boys !!!" - and then scream together together. The lead, summing up the game, says that everything turned out to be friendly when everything was shouting together.

"We and you are one family!"

The presenter proposes to repeat everything together text and movement to it.

We are with you - one family:

You, we, you, I.

Touch the nose of the neighbor on the right,

Touch the nose of the neighbor on the left

We're friends!

We are with you - one family:

You, we, you, I.

Hug the neighbor on the right

Hug the neighbor on the left

We're friends!

We are with you - one family:

You, we, you, I.

Neighbor pinch on the right

Neighbor pinch left

We're friends!

We are with you - one family:

You, we, you, I.

Kiss a neighbor on the right,

Kiss a neighbor on the left

We're friends!


The presenter offers everyone to repeat the text together and perform the corresponding movements:

We are lion hunters

We are not afraid of him:

We have a huge gun

And the sharp sword - Wow!


Under it is not involved,

Do not fly over him


We are lion hunters

We are not afraid of him:

We have a huge gun

And the sharp sword - Wow!

Oh, what is it? Oh, what is it? Oh, what is it?


Under it is not involved,

Do not fly over him

His can not get around: the road is direct!

Vzhik - Vzhik - Vzhik!

We are lion hunters

We are not afraid of him:

We have a huge gun

And the sharp sword - Wow!

Oh, what is it? Oh, what is it? Oh, what is it?


Under it is not involved,

Do not fly over him

His can not get around: the road is direct!


We are hunting on a lion,

We are not afraid of him:

We have a huge gun

And the sharp sword - Wow!

Oh, what is it? Oh, what is it? Oh, what is it?


Under it do not specifice,

Do not fly over it,

It is not formed: the road is direct!

Schshsh Shshsh Shshsh!

And now, finally, Leo himself: "R-R-R!" Throughout the game, the emotions of the players grow up, so at the end of the whole hall with the sound "R-R-R!" It shouts together with fear and shows how he runs away from the lion in the desert, the sea, the forest, the swamp, accompanying his way of the sound-shushning "Shshh!", "Bul!", "Vzhik!", "Chap!". In conclusion rubbed forehead, showing how nice they hunted.


In the rules of the game, the presenter reports: "With the word" dressed, "you need to hug yourself, and with the word" unwinding "- the hands of dilute on the parties." The words of the master can be as follows: "Dressed - unwound. Dressed on the neighbor on the left - it turned out. Dressed on the neighbor ahead - unwound. "

"Sneezing elephant"

The lead asks children about whether they heard how the elephant sneezes, and offers them his sneezing to listen. For this, he divides all playing three groups. According to the signal of the lead, the first group begins to shout: "Drawers!"; Second: "Cartifiers!"; Third: "Drop!" Multiple rehearsals are held. First, the groups take turns pronounce words. Then the beginning of the game is announced. At the signal of the leading group, simultaneously begin to scream loudly. After that, the lead says: "Be healthy!".


The presenter at the beginning of the game may ask the players if they have been at races, and offer to visit them in the role of horses. The game begins with the words: "on start, attention, march!"

"Horses" rooted with hooves on the road (everyone performs alternate cotton with the right and left hands on his knees),

Suddenly - the barrier (hands raise up and hit the knees),

Picked up the swamp (delayed alternately and left cheeks),

Double barrier (hands raise up and hit your knees, and so 2 times),

Stressed on the pavement (fists beat ourselves on the chest),

On the sand (Trute palm of each other),

Triple barrier

On the way to.

And now the finish line is already visible. Who is faster?

After all the players reached the finish line, the lead offers participants to put their right hand on the neighbor's head on the right, stroke the head and say: "Good horse! - Then stroke my head myself and say, "I still better!"


Leading with one hand depicts a wave, and the other is a fish. As soon as the "fish" is shown out of the water, participants need to catch it with cotton. Laughter and fun are guaranteed!


The presenter offers to all participants to felt in the ability to clap. For this, he says how many times it is necessary to clap. According to the leading signal, everyone starts to clap the specified number of times as quickly as possible. There is a small competition between the participants and the lead, while the amount of cotton presenters constantly increases.

"Silent" song "

The presenter offers everyone to sing together and perform the corresponding movements:

Tea (hands stretched parallel to each other, draw in the air vertical lines)

With a lid, (make a horizontal line in the air)


With a bustle, (hand compressed in a fist)


With a hole, (index and thumb depict a hole)

With holes

Couples comes (imitate the steam movement).

Then text and movements are repeated from the end:

Pairs goes off holes

A hole in the shishchka

Crying in a cap

Lid in chairs.

Next, the lead offers the first word not to sing, but only to show movements to it. Then they do not sing the first and second word, etc. It is important not to merge, but correctly fulfill a silent song to the end.

"Bought a grandmother"

At the beginning of the game, the presenter gives the installation to memorize words and the corresponding movements, because Throughout the game, they will be repeated, and it is important not to be mistaken.

Words leading:

I bought my grandmother for himself a chicken (2 times, all together alternately hit the right and left hand on his knees),

The chicken in the grains of kuda-eta-tach (2 times, mimic the cracking of the grains from one palm to another).

After that, the last line of the previous phrase will be added to each new two-perception, for example:

I bought my grandmother to the clarification (2 times, alternately hit the right and left hand on the knees),

Duck up-te-try (2 times, make a "snake" from ourselves),

Chicken on the grains of somewhat-takh.

I bought my grandmother to myself turkeyonka (2 times, alternately hit the right and left hand on the knees),

The turheson feet-chickpeas (2 times, leaning forward, they will be right, then left shoulder),

Duck te-te-te-try

Chicken for grains of kuda-tah-tach.

Examples of subsequent phrases:

Pigstocks Khryuki-Gryuki (show with hands at the level of nose Pyatin pig);

Cowful flour flour (depict the horn of the cow);

Zhushka Cocci-Tsque (makes the movement by hands, as if they keep the bridle)

and etc.

"Aram Self-Sam"

The lead offers everyone together to sing a song 3 times, while performing the corresponding movements:

Aram sam himself, Aram Self-himself (everyone claps themselves on his knees),

Guli-Guli, Guli-Guli (imitate feeding blue with both hands, holding the right - above the head, left - under your head),

Aram sam himself, Aram Self-himself (everyone claps themselves on his knees),

Oh, E-e, Oh, E-e (makes East Move hands);

Aram sam himself, Aram Self-himself (everyone claps themselves on his knees).

Guli-Guli, Guli-Guli (imitate feeding with pigeons with both hands, holding the right - above the head, left - under your head)

Aram Self-himself, Aram Self-himself (clap the neighbors to the right of the knees),

Guli-Guli, Guli-Guli (imitate the feeding of pigeons with both hands, holding the right - above the head, left - under your head).

Oh, E-e, Oh, E-e (makes East Move hands);

Guli-Guli, Guli-Guli (imitate the feeding of pigeons with both hands, holding the right - above the head, left - under your head),

Aram Self-himself, Aram Self-himself (clap the neighbors to the right of the knees),

Oh, E-e, Oh, E-e (makes East Move hands);

Guli-Guli, Guli-Guli (imitate the feeding of pigeons with both hands, holding the right - above the head, left - under your head),

Aram Self-himself, Aram Self-himself (clap the neighbors to the right of the knees),

Guli-Guli, Guli-Guli (a neighbor's head imitates the feeding of pigeons with both hands, holding the right - above the head, left - under his head)

Aram Self-himself, Aram Self-himself (clap the neighbors to the right of the knees),

Guli-Guli, Guli-Guli (at the head of the neighbors on the left imitates the feeding of pigeons with both hands, holding the right - above the head, left - under his head).

Oh, E-e, Oh, E-e (makes East Move hands);

Aram Self-himself, Aram Self-himself (clap the neighbors to the right of the knees),

Oh, E-e, Oh, E-e (makes East Move hands);

Guli-Guli, Guli-Guli (at the head of the neighbors on the left imitates the feeding of pigeons with both hands, holding the right - above the head, left - under the head),

Aram Self-Sam, Aram Self-himself (clap their neighbors on the knees).

The tempo of execution must be constantly increased!

"I am a musician"

The presenter speaks the phrase and performs the corresponding movement towards it, then offers to repeat it in the hall:

I am a musician (shows himself);

We are musicians (driven by the hall);

We-musicians, Campl - Talents.

I can play (shows himself);

We are able to play (goes around the hall).

We know how to play Bubne (emphasis on "e"; raises both hands up and left),

The tambourine (7 times; claps up and left with hands raised),

After that, the presenter begins to repeat the text first, but a little faster, with the second part of each time it changes.

We can play on the pipe (depicts the process of playing the pipe),

Pipes (7 times; depicts the game of the game on the pipe),

Haye (spreads hands in different directions).

We know how to play the belly (emphasis on "E") of the neighbor on the left;

We know how to play Pyatk (emphasis on "E") of the neighbor on the right;

We know how to play on the nerve (emphasis on "E").


Host: "How fast time flies! The clock is a necessary subject for each of us. Let's listen to all together, how the clock go, and let's see what happens if we appeal to them casually.

Rules of the game: For one cotton, the right side of the hall speaks by the choir: "Tick." Two cotton left side of the hall responds: "So." The host first correctly alternates cotton, then gives two cotton two times in a row, then two times one by one.


The lead offers children to learn songs:

We dance together

Tra-ta, tra-ta

Merry dance ours -

This is "Lawat".

Our hands are good?

All: Good!

Host: Does the neighbor?

All: Better! (taken by arms and sing a song at first).

Then the lead asks: "Our ears are good?"

All: Good!

Host: Does the neighbor?

All: Better! (take each other for the ears and sing first the song).

The lead can ask such questions: "Our heads are good?", "Our knees are good?" etc.

"Hee hee, ha ha"

The presenter proposes to repeat with him words and movements to them:

Four (omit left hand down to the left),

Five (raise your right hand up to the right).

Haha (deviate back).

Times (raise your right hand up to the right)

Two (raise the left hand up left),

Three (lower right hand down to the right),

Four (omit left hand down to the left).

Hee hee (slightly lean forward),

Haha (deviate back).

Times (raise your right hand up to the right)

Two (raise the left hand up left),

Three (lower right hand down to the right).

Hee hee (slightly lean forward),

Haha (deviate back).

Times (raise your right hand up to the right)

Two (raise the left hand up to the left).

Hee hee (slightly lean forward),

Haha (deviate back).

Once (raise your right hand up to the right).

Hee hee (slightly lean forward),

Haha (deviate back).

All shout together: "Ha!".

The pronunciation pace must be increased from the population of the couplet.

"John Brahms fight"

The presenter suggests singing with him a song:

John Brahms fight smeared skis,

John Brahms fight smeared skis,

John Brahms fight smeared skis,

And went to the Caucasus. Oh, John!

Then the presenter makes the installation not to pronounce the last word "skis" in each line, but in this place cotton with hands; Next time replacing cotton two last words in each row, and just every time, repeatingily only words: "And I went to the Caucasus. Oh, John! " As a result, 15 cotton and words are obtained: "And drove into the Caucasus. Oh, John! "


The presenter proposes to repeat the words and moves to them:

Oh-la-tarira! (hit the knees on the lap).

Oh-la-ku! (Speaking "Ku-ku", make a click of fingers).

"Cuckoo" can cook ten or more times, while the pace is accelerated each time.

"The deer house is big"

The presenter learns the words with children and explains that every word beats the corresponding hand movements. The pace is gradually increasing when the song is re-executed.



The deer house is big.

He looks into his window.

Hare on the forest runs

At the door to him knocks.


"Knock Knock,

Door open.

There in the forest

Hunter evil!

Fast doors open,

Come on the leg. "

hands over your head depict the roof of the house;

in parallel with hands in front of the face show a square window;

depict running on the spot;

depict a knock on the door with a cam;

knock on the right foot about the floor;

open the door;

right hand with outperfilled thumbs show back;

depict the hands of the gun;

right hand imitate an invitation to the house;

hands exhibit forward with palms outside.


Roles actors


Old man

Old woman







A fox

"No problem!"

"It's not meant to be!"


"Sure sure!"

"Tea, coffee, dance!"

"What time is it now?"

"I'm going home ..."

"What are you doing here?"

"I am not like this!"

After distributing the roles, the presenter tells the fairy tale "Kolobok". When he calls someone from the heroes, the team with the appropriate name must quickly say their phrase. The task of the lead: tell the fairy tale as interesting as possible and confusing.


The lead divides all participants of the game for teams corresponding to the roles, while calling phrases for them:

Roles actors









"Oh, Mahina!"

"Tyx - C!"

"Would kill!"

"I'm ready!"

"Lai Lai-Lai!"

"Well, I can't sleep on me, well!"

"By screws!"

Having distributed the roles, the presenter tells the Fairy Tale "Repka". When he calls someone from the heroes, in a team with the corresponding name should quickly say his phrase. The task of the lead: tell the fairy tale as interesting as possible and confusing

Ksenia Gorbushin
Card file of moving games of the people of Russia

Russian folk game


Stroke Game: Playing get up in pairs with each other. There is a water-burner ahead. All pronounce the words:

Gori, Gori clearly,

So as not to go out.

Look at the sky:

Stars are burning

The bells are ringing.

Once, two are not rave

And run like fire!

After the last words, children standing in the last pair run from two sides along the column. The burner tries to stain one of them. If the running players managed to take each other by hands before the burner stains one of them, they get ahead of the first pair, and the burner burns again. If you manage to stain, the one who remained without a pair, burns.

Nenets game


Stroke Game: Playing go in a circle with an appropriate step. Hands make uniform lobs forward-back and back and on every step they say Heiro. The pilot Sun sits squatting in the middle of the circle. Everyone scatter, after the signal "the sun".

The game peoples of North


Stroke Game: Children are divided into teams (the number of teams depends on the number of children). At the opposite end of the site on the rope fish fishes(Butaforsky, on the signal you need to easily disrupt the fish, return to the team and put in a bucket. The team wins, in whose bucket of fish will be more. The game time is 1 minute.

Russian folk game

"Swan geese"

Stroke Game: On the playground, two lines are drawn at a distance of 15-25 m (depending on the age of playing). From among the players is chosen "wolf" (less often - two, which stands between lines. At one line there are other participants - "Geese", and after another - educator (shepherd).

Shepherd drawn K. goose: "Gusi-Gus!"

Geese answer:


Do you want?

Yes Yes Yes!

Well fly!

We can not! Gray wolf under the mountain, does not allow us home!

Well fly, as you wish, only wings take care!

After these words geese rush home from one line to another, and the swollen wolf (wolves) try to catch ( "Spot") As much as possible geese. Caught by geese wolf leads to its lair.

After two or three such "Flights" It is chosen a new wolf, and caught geese returned to the game that begins first.

The game peoples Dagestan


Stroke Game: Water tie eyes, he begins to jump on one leg in a circle. Other leg he keeps stretched forward. Any child can carefully clap the stretched leg. He stops and tries to guess who hit him on his leg. If the leading guess, the loser player replaces the leading. If not, the game continues and drive again begins to jump in a circle on one leg.

Chuvash folk game

"Predator in the sea"

For this game you need to fix in the center of the field or the pad of the peg (column). On this pegs, it is put on top of a rope, which is fixed at an altitude of 20-30 cm from the surface of the earth with an unlocking loop.

Stroke Game: Over the other end, the rope is taken away. He presses this end of the rope to his hip and runs in a circle.

Circle formed with the help of a rope is "sea", and the rope is "predator". The rest of the children - "Fish"who seek to escape from "Predator" - Rope, jumping over it.

"Ring" can twist the rope then clockwise, then against, then diminishing, then slow down your jog, and "Fish", Ob. "Predator" (rope, drop out of the game. The game should be continued until the sea will not remain 2-3 "Fish". Then you can choose a new leading and continue the game.

An important rule:

1. You can not raise the rope above the hip level, because it will make the game dangerous.

2. "Fish"jumped out "seas"are considered losers.

Bashkirskaya folk game

"Yurt" (TIRME)

Stroke Game: The game involves four subgroups of children, each of which forms a circle in the corners of the site. In the center of each circle there is a chair on which a shawl with a national pattern is hanged. Holding hands, everyone goes four circles variable step and sing:

We, funny guys

We will collect everything in a circle.

Let's play and drink

And we surround the meadow.

On the melody, without words, the guys variable moves into a common circle. At the end of the music, they quickly run to their chairs, take a handkerchief and stretch it above the head in the form of a tent (roof, it turns out.

The main rule: With the end of music, you need to quickly run up to your chair and form a yurt. Wins a group of children, the first to build a yurt.

Bashkirskaya folk game

"Sticky Hemp" (Yebeskek Bunder)

Stroke Game: Three-four players sit down as far as possible from each other. They are depicting "Sticky Hemp". The rest of the players run on the site, trying not to fit close to "Hemp". "Pohenka" Must try to touch the children running. Putted become "Hemp".

The main rule: Hemps do not have to get up from the places.

Buryat folk game

"Needle, thread and nodules" (Zun, Tuck, Zangilaa)

Stroke Game: Playing become in a circle, holding hands. Read the needle, thread and nodules. All of them with each other will run in a circle, they will run out of it. If the thread or nodules tear off (behind or incorrectly ran out for a needle from the circle or ran into the circle, then this group is considered a loser. Other players are selected. The troika wins, which moved quickly, deftly, correctly, without lagging at each other.

The main rule: Needle, thread, knots are holding hands. They should not stay in time and release from the circle and immediately close the circle.

Dagestan folk game

"Nadya dad" (Dad guy. T / Agadur Lie)

Stroke Game: Jigit boy sits on a chair. For eight - ten steps away from it, they take a leading, turn face to Jigita to lead oriented, where he sits. Water tie the eyes, turn around the dad in hand. He must make a certain number of steps and put on dad on jigita. The remaining participants of the game are considering out loud the steps of the leading and hurt for it. When repeating the game, other children are appointed to the role of water and jigitis.

The main rule: Driving should not be seen; Playing should not help lead, prompt him.

Dagestan folk game

"Raise scarf" (Yavlukan Gother. Kverbats / Borch)

Stroke Game: Players become in a circle, in the center of it put a head scarf. National melody sounds, all dance Dagestan Lezginka. With the end of music, each participant of the game tries to first raise a handkerchief.

The main rule: You can not reach for a handkerchief and get out of the circle before the music stops.

Kabardino Balkar Game

"Cranes-cranes" (Kura-Karu)

Stroke Game: In the game, the leader's leader's head, which is chosen by reading, sings or speaks by a recitative following the words: "Cranes-cranes, argue arc". All playing in the process of measured walk are built in the form of an arc. Then the leader, speeding the tempo, continue: "Cranes-cranes, get the rope". Children quickly, not lowering hands, are rebuilt into one column for the leader, which all participates their steps on the side of the song. "Cranes-cranes, sow like a snake". Reniece Guys begins to make smooth zigzags. The leader is next sings: "The snake turns into the ring", "Snake straightens" etc.

The main rule: Exercises are performed in an all-growing pace, passing to run until the string is collapsed. When playing confused, the game starts again.

Kalmytskaya folk game

"Hyperships" (Buldat Pleaggen)

Stroke Game: on forest edge (in the forest, in the park) Playing negotiate where you can hide: Behind the bushes, bumps, trees. Two groups are formed, one of which is scattered by the swarming and hides, and the other is started in search of the hidden. In the future, players change roles.

The main rule: It is impossible to peel, while one group of children hides. You can specify the time during which all players should find (for example, having learned up to 10).

The game peoples Komi.

"Stop, deer!" (Fuss, Cor)

Stroke Game: Playing are in different areas of the site (borders of it are indicated). The shepherd is selected. Having received a wand, it becomes in the middle of the site.

After the signal "Run, deer!" everyone runs through the site, and the shepherd tries to catch up with someone from playing, touch him with a wand and to tell: "Stop, deer!" The one who touched the wand is departed. The game ends when the shepherd will catch five deer.

The main rule: You can only scatter on the signal "Run, deer!" The outstands are departed. I need to smear carefully.

The game peoples Komi.

"Catching deer" (Koryasos Kutal)

Stroke Game: Among the players choose two shepherds, other participants - deer. They become inside the outlined circle. Shepherds are behind the circle against each other. By signals of the lead "Once, two, three - catch!" The shepherds take turns throw the ball in deer, and they run away from the ball. The deer in which the ball got was considered caught. After four or five repetitions, the number of caught deer is calculated.

The main rule: The game needs to start only by signal. You can only throw the ball in the legs of playing. A direct hit is counted, not after the rebound.

The game peoples Komi.


Stroke Game: on the site draws two lines at a distance of 3 - 4 m one from another. Playing, divided into two teams, become behind these lines face to each other. One of the plays on your own and consent comrades with a cry "Bilyash!" Runs to another team, each participant who pulls forward his right hand. The runner takes someone from the opponents command and tries to drag it through the platform for his line. If he succeeds, he puts the captive behind him. If it turns out to be behind the enemy team, it becomes its prisoner and is located behind the player who pulled it to his side. The game continues, the player of the striker sends another team. The game ends when one team will respond with all the players of another team.

The main rule: You can only drag the opponent with one hand, it is impossible to help the other hand. No one should pull the hand stretched forward. If a player who has a prisoner pulls on his side the opposite team player, the captive is released and returns to his place in the team.

Mordovskaya folk game

"Circular" (Kunsem's ball. Topsal Tops)

Stroke Game: Playing drawing big circle, are divided into two equal teams and agree who will be in a circle, and who is around. Those who remain for the circle, trimming evenly, try to get the ball in children in a circle. If someone in a circle manages to catch the ball, he tries to get to them in any child behind the circle. If he succeeds, then he has a point in stock, if missed, it comes out of the circle. When the ball stains all children, playing changing places.

The main rule: The ball can be caught only from the air, it is not considered from the ground. Awards come out of the circle. The child who caught the ball and hit the player for the circle remains in a circle.

North - Ossetian folk game

"Talking" (Baena Maja Khiaazt)

Stroke Game: Through the middle of the circle with a diameter of 4 m, a straight line, dividing it into two equal parts. On both sides of the line the backs of each other are two participants of the game. They wear a ring from a rope with a diameter of 1.5 - 2 m so that it passed at hand. Satisfied, participants feed the body forward so that the rope is slightly stretched. At the signal both players begin to pull each other from the circle. Who will pull out from the circle, he won. At the same time, several pairs can compete.

The main rule: Start pulling the rope should be at the same time by the command "March!". It is necessary to pull only forward due to the housing and legs. It is forbidden to rely on the earth.

North - Ossetian folk game

"Zhmurki" (Hoyyr Marshta)

Stroke Game: Waterproofing eyes. Then players alternately hit the palms of his elongated hands. At the same time they whisper ask: "Who am I?" The leading should guess which of the players hit him. If he guesses, then the one who hit, becomes leading. If the way three times in a row will not be able to guess who concerned his palms, then the new leading is chosen. Game continues. It can participate simultaneously several groups of children.

The main rule: Palms of the leading should not be concerned at the same time several participants. It is impossible to prompt.

Tatar folk game

"Sell pots" (Chulmack Wen)

Stroke Game: Playing are divided into two groups. Children-pots, put on their knees or sitting on the grass, form a circle. For each pot there is a player - the owner of the pot, his hands behind him. Walking is behind the circle. Drivening comes to one of the owners pot and starts conversation: - Hey, friend, sell a pot!


How much give you rubles?

Three give.

Driving three times (or so much for how much agreed to sell a pot of his owner, but not more than three rubles) concerns the hand of the owner pot, and they start running in a circle towards each other (circle ride three times). Who will get faster to a free space in a circle, he takes this place, and the lagging becomes leading.

The main rule: It is allowed to run only in a circle without crossing it. Runners do not have the right to touch other players. Running starts in any direction. If he began running to the left, the stained must run to the right.

Tatar folk game

"Grey Wolf" (Sarah Bure)

Stroke Game: One of the players are chosen by a gray wolf. Squatted, gray wolf is hiding behind a feature at one end of the site (in the bushes or in thick grass). The remaining players are on the opposite side. The distance between the lines of 20--30 m. On the signal, everyone goes into the forest to collect mushrooms, berries. Towards them goes leading and asks (Children answer):

You, friends, where are you hurrying?

We go to the forest dense.

What do you want to do there?

There are raspberries.

Why do you need raspberries, children?

We will prepare jam.

If the wolf in the forest will meet you?

Gray wolf will not catch us!

After this roll call, everyone is suitable for the place where the gray wolf is hiding, and the choir speak:

I will collect berries and weld jam,

Cute my grandmother will treat.

Here are many raspberries, all and not collect,

And wolves, the bears do not see at all!

After words, not to see the gray wolf gets up, and the children quickly run behind the line. The wolf chases them and tries to stain someone. He takes the prisoners in the lair - where he hid himself.

The main rule: The depicting gray wolf can not pop up, and to run away all the players than the words will not see. You can catch the runaway only to the bottom of the house.

Tatar folk game

"Skok-Crosok" (Kuchtem-Kuch)

Stroke Game: On Earth, the large circle with a diameter of 15 - 25 m is drawn, inside it - small mugs with a diameter of 30 - 35 cm for each participant of the game. Walking stands in the center of the Big Circle.

Driving says: "Crosok!" After that, the words players quickly change in places (circles, jumping on one leg. Drinking tries to take the place of one of the players, jumping also on one leg. The one who will stay without a place becomes leading.

The main rule: You can't push each other from the circles. Two players can not be in one mug. When changing places, the circle is considered to those who used to enter it.

Udmurtskaya folk game

"Water" (By Murt)

Stroke Game: outlines the circle is a pond or lake, river. Selected leading - water. Playing run around the lake and repeat the words: "There is no water, and there are a lot of people". Water runs in a circle (Lake) and catches playing that fit close to the shore (circle lines). Caught remain in a circle. The game continues until most players are caught.

The main rule: Water catches without going beyond the circle line. Those who caught those who caught fishing. They help water.

Udmurtskaya folk game

"Gray Bunny" (Pure Kechpy)

Stroke Game: Square is drawn on the site (6x6 m) This is a fence. One of the sides of the fence sits a bunny. Dogs (ten players) A semicircle is 3-5 m in the opposite side of the fence. Participating in the game speak: "Bunny, bunny, why did the garden come in? Why did my cabbage ate? "

For the last words of the bunny makes a jump from the fence and tries to escape. Dogs catch it, surrounding with the clutch hands.

The main rule: The hare is considered caught with a complete closure of the circle. Logging from under the hands with subject circle, the hare is not right.

Udmurtskaya folk game

"Catching" (Tybaben Shudon)

Stroke Game: Playing stand in a circle. One of them pronounces counting:

Five beards, six beards,

Seventh - Grandfather with a beard,

The one who comes out is catching up players who run out in different directions. Touching by the hand of one of the players, the catcher says the word Trubs. Caught coming out of the game.

The main rule: When three or four players are awailed, everyone is collected again in the circle and read the new leading.

Udmurtskaya folk game

Player game (Kyshetten Shudon)

Stroke Game: Playing get up in a circle of couples, each other. Choose two leading, one of them give handkerchiefs. The signal leads with a handkerchief runs away, and the second lead is catching up with it. The game passes around. The driven with a handkerchief can pass the handkerchief to any player standing in a pair, and get up in his place. Thus, leading with a handkerchief changes. The presenter remaining without a pair is catching up with a handkerchief.

The main rule: Playing runs away only when he gets handkerchief. When the driven with a handkerchief is caught by the second leading, the second leading handle is given, and the next lead is chosen from among children standing in pairs. The game begins on the signal.