How many pence in one pound sterling. Pound sterling: why "sterling"? Legal payment facility and regional problems

Some ... believe that the name (pound sterling) appeared in the XII century and initially meant literally "pound of pure silver". This is connected with Sterling - an ancient English silver coin. 240 coins had a mass 1 Tower pound (5400 grants, about 350 grams) or 1 Troy pound (approximately 373.24 grams). Large purchases expressed in "pounds sterling."

Do you know what I like most in the movies about the knights, musketeers and so on? The fact that there is no money. Rather, money, of course, is, but they always lie in wallets-bags.

« " The traveler throws a bag with coins on the table, the interpreter nods his head and makes a spring girl sign so that she brought beer.

Or so:

« As a deposit take it" The knight throws a bag with coins on the ground. " When everything is over, you will get the same" The mercenary picks up a wallet from the ground and, satisfied, leaves.

You will get as much. Pretty Delz. And how much was there? Why do the spectators hide numbers, would I like to know? Why do those who pay, are never interested, how much did they have sought? After all, how it could turn the plot, if: " I need a bedside down, breast and more Ale" The traveler throws a bag with coins on the table. The innkeeper unlock the wallet, considers money and, bugger from rage, is accepted shouting: " Get out of here, fraudster. There is enough enough for a half aft aged from a cesspool" Wanderers are removed from the institution. He stands, lonely, on the road and quietly sobs ...

By the way, it is very important that the bags most often throw in order to, probably, emphasize the importance of the cash transmission certificate. " Find me a good stallion in the next village. Here's the money" The wallet abandoned on the table loudly rings the contents, which, undoubtedly, enhances the solemnity of the moment.

In general, this sketch could begin otherwise. For example, so: everything is not like people in England. Showed Cukish Roman dad and created the National Church; previously executed the king; gave themselves a constitutional monarchy, deploying the monarch into the background; Left-sided movement and ... money. Yes, yes, money. The British later moved to the decimal system - only in 1971, which often led to the rage of those who visited Albion to this date. For example, in Russia, the decimal system exists almost with XIII century. That is, from the moment the ruble appeared in the country, which was an elongated silver bar weighing somewhere in 200 grams.

Novgorod hryvnia. Since the XIII century, the name of the ruble has become used to designate these monetary units.

Everything was logical: one ruble was equal to ten hryvnunches, and one grivenik - ten kopecks. From Petrovsky times, admirals, half-defenses, pyats and altyans (three kopecks) began to be minted. However, the ruble consisted of the same hundred kopecks 1. But in England - another thing.

Sherlock Holmes: " Pave! Stand Stand Church of the Holy Monica. Palmedly, if you take in 20 minutes».

Turn to Elizavtian times (second halfXVI century). What we see. There is a pound sterling that corresponds to 20 shillings (designationS. ). However, shilling, damn it, it is not equal to 5 pence (designationd. ) What would be logical, and 12. In other words, in one pound sterling - 240 pence. So consider. In general, in those glorious times were the following coins. 2:

Note: The XVI century has been a huge coin, minedly from pure gold (96%). So it should not be confused by his XIX century, because these are two completely different performed.

Which is characteristic, in the country at that time there were two different coins corresponding to 10 shillings, two - 5 shillings and two - 2 shillings 6 Pensam. Beauty!

Here is another visual coin tableXVIII century (Source:

Irene Adler: " Church of Saint Monica, John. Polginee, if you take in 20 minutes».

Frame from the film "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Treasures agra "

In the second half of the 17th century, gold was brought to England, which was mined in West Africa (then it was called Guinea). From him in 1663 began to process Ginea (guinea. ), corresponding to, damn, 21 shillings.

Guinea 1686

This coin existed until 1817, until it was replaced by the golden perfect (20 shillings). However, until the introduction of the decimal system (1971), the amount of 21 shilling continued to be called Guinea. In addition, prices often indicated precisely in these units. And here, of course, there was a catch. Guinea (21 shilling) was almost equal to the pound (20 shillings), but what is obvious, not quite. And on this small difference you could warm your hands. In addition, Ginea was considered more noble money than pound:XIX. A century a true gentleman paid his tailoring shillings, but a lawyer - guinea.

And if you go back to the "confrontation" of Irene Adler and Sherlock Holmes, then the rocky woman laid out a little more than a delayed owner (Palmed \u003d 10 shillings, half a year \u003d 10 shillings of 6 pence).

Frame from the film "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Treasures agra "

And now the main thing. Many often ask what they match, say, 15 shillingsXVI century translated into modern money? The question, of course, a reasonable, but no one can give a unambiguous answer to him. And not because it is too lazy, but for the simple reason that for centuries the attitude of people labor, food and things constantly changed. It is now everything is produced on an industrial scale, but before ...

Yen Mortimer in his book "The Time Traveler 'S Guide to Medieval England "Provides good example. INXIV. the century of the joiner for the manufacture of the table received the same amount of money as it was worth the nails needed to make this table 3. Try now to offer the wizard to work the day for a handful of nails. At best, he will say that you do not respect someone else's work. And at worst, you will laugh in your eyes and go far away. However, do not think thatXIV. century work professional was not valued. Just the production of nails required much more resources than now: material, work, time, and so on.

At the end of XVI a century (200 years after history with the table), the worker received a 4 pens per day somewhere, and in our time the burdening of the worker is about 100 pounds (although, of course, much depends on the specialty, qualifications and companies). That is, 6,000 times more. At the same time, the chicken in the Elizavtian era was worth the same 4 pence 2 (day earnings of the worker), and now for the packaging chicken fillet (700 gr.) You pay 5 pounds (1/20 day income of the worker). So, given these nuances, it is quite difficult to spend the parallel.

In XIX the centuries of salaries rose, but also prices did not stand still. For example, in the 1860s, ordinary hard worker received a day 3 shillings 9 pence, an artisan (carpenter, a mason) - 6 shillings of 6 pence, and an engineer - 7 shillings 6 pence 4. Representatives of the middle class (doctors, lawyers, employees) have earned naturally more. Their annual income ranged from 300 to 500 pounds. And teachers of the highest, so to speak, the discharge and journalists received from 150 to 300 pounds per year. However, the bread loaf at that time cost 7 pence, Pint Beer in a pub - from 3 to 8 pence (ordinary people spent on a drink to the fifth part of their income), a pair of coarse shoes - 11 shillings, a shirt - 1 shilling 4 pence, socks - 9 pence. A worried coat could be purchased for 4 shillings. The ride in London Cebe accounted for 6 pence for Mile.

Keb, London, 19 century.

But those who sought to healthy image Life, had the opportunity to buy a bike for 4-5 pounds. By the way, there were books very expensive pleasure: for a three-grader in solid binding it was necessary to post 31 shilling 6 pence, that is, more than the expensive female dress. So many visited the libraries where the annual subscription cost one Ginje 5.

In a word, the British in most lived, tightening the belt. And in particular, our dear Dr. Watson, who resigned from the army with a pension of 11 shillings of 6 pence per day *. Although his father, obviously, was a man wealthy, since he could afford a clock for 50 gines, which, as you know, first moved to the eldest son, and then to the right satellite of the great detective.

Frame from the film "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Treasures agra "

- And you are a glorious boy. What do you want?
- Shilling.
- And what?
- Two shillings.

- Watson, give him two shillings.

Now I think everyone is clear that Sherlock Holmes frankly mocks his friend, turning towards him with such a request.

* At first glance it may seem that Watson received very good money. But here it is necessary to understand that the retirement was paid only for the first nine months. It was assumed that during this time he would recover health and would be provided independently. So the doctor obviously lived very modestly, because, according to the plot, he got his own practice only many years after dismissal from the army.

1 http: // www. RUSSIAN - MONEY. RU / HISTORY. ASPX? Type \u003d Content & ID \u003d 1 # Label
2 The Time Traveler "S Guide to Elizabethan England. Ian Mortimer
3 The Time Traveler's Guide to Medieval England. Ian Mortimer.
4 The Spirit Of the Age.: Victorian Essays. Edited by Gertrude Himmelfarb. Yale University Press
5 Daily Life in Victorian England. Sally Mitchell.

United Kingdom strongly traditions. The rules seem to be unshakable, the laws are written as if by the condation of times. Therefore, it is not surprising that the UK until the latter clung to the historically established coin system, different from the majority of the twentieth century states. Schilling was gathered from a dozen pence, and two dozen shillings made up a pound sterling. In fact, the situation was even more complicated, since more than a dozen coins functioned with various names, where the largest (guinea) was equal to the thousands of eight of the smallest (fountains). Lovers of English novels were difficult to understand how the grot differs from performed, and why the performed can not bring those who went to the UK end of the 60s. The inconvenience of the number system created financiers in the markets in the markets, this was played to change the number to change. Moreover, such countries, like Australia and Canada, retaining a portrait of the English Queen on the obverse, moved from pound sterling to a more convenient dollar as a national payment agent. Despite not much of the big period that has passed since "Decimal Day", the catalog of British weather has already gained weighty thickness and volume.

British Penny

February 1971 broke down a detachment of monetary units, leaving only a pound sterling and a hundred of his exchanged pence. A number of currencies of the leading countries of the capitalist world pound sterling represented one of the most significant units, therefore wonder there is no penny that the penny coin was not penny, but pollenni. But inflation is tapping the strongest currencies, so in the modern money row of the half the pennies no longer meet. Penny is the smallest of the UK coins.

Penny's pedigree should be made from the monetary units, which German tribes were brought to the territory of modern UK. Historians argue that the forerunner of singing will serve as a skete, which hardly worked out the role of local money in the seventh century. The birth of Penny occurred in the eighth century, and he gradually became a more popular coin than the skete, which existed before the beginning of the ninth century. First Penny is coin of silver. Only a century later, it began to be minted from copper, and later from bronze.

Since 1985, Penny became the most small coin of Great Britain. It should be noted that in the period from 1971 to 1981, the word "NEW" was minted next to the name of the nominal on the coins, so that they were not confused with the coins of the pore. Of course, the coins were reconstructed by appearance. It is difficult to confuse the preformal penny with a diameter of 30.72 millimeters with a safe one and a half times (20.3 millimeters) new penny. The Bank of England found that the ten-year period is enough for the inhabitants of the United Kingdom to get used to new money, so since 1982, the word "new" is replaced by the capital value of the nominal value ("One Penny").

Since 1992, there has been cheaper of the release of coins when the monolithic bronze penny and two-cap of the coins changed the steel core coated steel core. In order not to rebuild vending machines that react to weight, I had to make the coins of a new generation thoroughly.

The design of the reverse is symbolicly connected with the number "1". There is a fastener grid, crowned with a crown. It was this that was the emblem of the first king in the Dynasty of Tudor Heinrich Seventh. Cardinal change of the design of the reverse coins of Great Britain occurred in 2008. Alternatively decided to leave only the largest of the denominations. Matthew Dent's work was used for the rest with an interesting idea in the contest when the reverse was placed fragments of the royal shield. And the winner of the mint from singing to fifty pence will be able to make an image of this shield from coins.

Two pence

If one is penny, then all other nominal rates are pems. Although our modern language allows the phrase "one Pens", to see such for the classics - it's like a brought up a good Russian teacher to read "Zeets", parachute "or" one coffee ". Accordingly," two penny "is two coins one by one Penny. And if the coin one is already "two pens". The date of birth of the modern version of the two pence is February 15, 1971. It was then that the royal mint released this coin in turnover by completing the campaign to transition to the decimal system. First, the material for the workpiece served Bronze, but since 1992 it is a steel coin (93%) coated with copper (7%). Experts, however, pay attention to the fact of the existence of a bronze coin and later years of release (in the catalogs for this specification, the letter "A" is added to the main number ), which was produced for the formation of collectible sets, which included the quality coins "proof".

With this coin a lot is connected interesting stories. Look at the initial reverse. What is there for the crown in the feathers? It turns out that when I enter the nominal in turn, the coat of arms of Northern Ireland was planned there. But the end of the 60s is an extremely nervous period for Northern Ireland. Fresh in memory of Belfast. Armed collisions occur. The troops were introduced, but skeptics swing their heads, they say, soon Northern Ireland will leave the United Kingdom. Therefore, at the last moment, a decision was made: to place a diadem on the reverse of two pence, decorated with ostrich feathers - the coat of arms of Prince Wales. The decision turned out to be inspired. In 1972, the Government of Northern Ireland was dissolved, and the emblem of Northern Ireland was deprived of the official status.

The period of coins with the prefix "NEW" ends in 1981, and only for two pence, in a number of catalogs unexpectedly extended until 1983. The wine here is no longer a policy, but the coat. In 1983, an obsolete stamp was mistaken for chasing a small part of the circulation, where instead of the laid "Two" was concerned about the former "new". UK dressing collectors quite appreciate this error, so "NEW PENCE" 1983 Already traded with outcome equal to several thousand pounds sterling.

Note the fact that the packaging of two pence in bank packaging is carried out by sums equal to one pound. But hurry with this packaging in the outlets. Lovers' plans to disappear cashiers by recalculating trivia from piggy banks in the UK will be toughly unstecrated. It turns out that the amounts are established for some denominations, within which they are a payment agent. For coins one penny and two pence, this amount is only twenty pence. If the periods of the pre-reform coins of the USSR numismatites share the number of tapes in the coat of arms of the Soviet state, then a portrait of a ruling monarch is served for coins of the countries of the Commonwealth of the British Crown. UK has a portrait while changed three times. Note that Arnold Machin created the initial option. From 1985 to 1997, Elizabeth, the second is depicted according to the portrait of the work of Rafael McOloof, and since 1998, Avers coin decorates the work of Ian Rank Broadley's work. Avers is one for all coins of the Commonwealth of the British Crown, which includes such significant countries as Australia and Canada.

Five Pence (United Kingdom)

And this is a pioneer of monetary reform, the purpose of which was the introduction of the decimal system. It is believed that she came to shill shillings. There is a meaning in this, as shilling, and new five pence make up the twentieth part of the pound of sterling. The launch of five-weeks in turnover came on April 23, 1968. Until 1971, these coins were supposed to satisfy the turnover, and to become familiar to the rejection of shillings did not seem to be a nationwide tragedy. Note that Shilling finally left turnover only by 1990. For the "decimal" period, the existence of a five-weekly managed to change significantly. Initially, he weighed 5.65 grams and was in diameter 23.59 millimeters. But as soon as shilling, five pence decreased to eighteen millimeters in diameter and looted up to three grams with a quarter. Since 2012, copper-nickel for billets gave way to steel with nickel coating. Since 2008, the reverse of five pence becomes the central fragment of the overall composition. It is on him that there is a common point where all four coat of arms converge.

Ten Pence (United Kingdom)

In a pair with five penns, the coins of this nominal were advanced detachments in the preparation of the input decimal system. The turnover also appeared on April 23, 1968. A decade with a weight of 11.31 grams and a diameter of 28.5 millimeters was to take a relay chopper from Florin (two-shallling denominations). Florin himself remained in circulation and existed almost a quarter of a century, until July 1, 1993. From the same time, the ten pence change the dimensions, decreased noticeably (weight - 6.5 grams and diameter - 24.5 millimeters). Both five and ten pence of old sizes are withdrawn from circulation along with shillings and florms. To displacing the coins of the previous sample, a giant half-and-half-chaldy circulation was intended, mined in 1992. However, with the date "1992" there are coins of both types. A familiar to us at the pre-reform USSR Melchior was a material for billets until 2012. Since January 2012, ten cents are produced from steel covered with nickel. Modern ten pence on dimensions are similar to American quoters.

Twenty Pence (United Kingdom)

The decade of walking new coins showed the inconvenience of an empty gap between the rates of ten and fifty cents. Fill it - here's calling the new nominal in appeal from June 9, 1982. Copper-nickel blanks have difference from other nominal value in the form of an increased copper content (84% against 75%). The shape of the coin was borrowed from "Filnica" - the same sevenginous ridge. Such a form is designed to separate it to the touch from other denominations (with a fifty-billion one, it is not confused due to the difference in dimensions).

2008 gave numismat interesting curtain. From this year, fragments of English and Scottish Lviv are minted on the reverse. But the fact is that on the coins of the previous release, the date of the chasing was located on the reverse, while the new design does not imply it. The date moves safely to Avers. But the accident interfers: a minor part of the circulation is minted by a stamp of an old sample. As a result date is absent and on the reverse, and on the obverse. Experts estimated that the circulation of the coating was less than a quarter of a million. And they all went into circulation. So catch the twenty hyphencing without a date will be great luck.

Note that in the "decimal" period existed and denominations twenty five new pence. But it was a chasing exclusively jubilee coins In 1972, 1977, 1980 and 1981. Since 1982, the task of this nominal was transferred to twentyipens.

Fifty pence (United Kingdom)

On October 14, 1969, a coin was launched in the profile of five- and ten-perception rates in the turnover of fifty pence. This is the first coin having the form of the sevenfound ridge. In the mathematical description of this sevenginous, we can read the following properties: "The parties are not direct, but are curved so that the center of curvature on the opposite top of the coin." Numismatizes are not explained not so precisely: "The coin does not have a fixed radius from any point, but it has a fixed diameter and a minimum size of the coin." The initial reverse of the coin had a portrait of a proudly seated woman, because of which lion peeks. This Britain is an analogue of the American Lady of Freedom and French Marianna. Practically, this is the only surviving portrait of Britain on the weather after the transition to the decimal system. But the work of Christopher Ironside had to go into the past. Since 2008, on the project, Matthew Dent on the reverse is minimized by the lower part of the royal shield.

One pound sterling

It seemed that the epoch, in which the pound sterling will be not a banknote, and the coin will never come. But time in all makes adjustments. Inflation was inflounted by the British pound, and by the beginning of the eighties it became clear that in the turnover, this denomination is more profitable to submit to the coin. The launch of the pound chasing was announced in the summer of 1981. Really, everyday coins appeared on April 21, 1983. The solid denomination differed sharply from pence on an impressive weight (all the time did not have enough to ten) and the color (the yellow shade provides the fourth share of zinc in the overall alloy of coins). Avers, as usual, is a portrait of the queen. Reverse to describe extremely difficult, as it is not a constant. Every year it changes. If the state coat of emblem was blocked in the first year of release, then after the reverse, the symbols personify the components of the United Kingdom were represented. At first, flowers were involved, then heraldry, followed by famous bridges, and after - the emblems of the capitals. However, the plant topic was resumed. According to Matthew, from 2008, the royal coat of arms is located entirely on the reverse of the pound sterling.

But here I ran in 2017, and the royal mint transformed round pound coins into a silver-gold twelve, updating the portrait of the queen and replacing the drawing on the back. New trends are primarily aimed at protecting fakes, which in turnover already has three percent of the total number of coins of this nominal. The renewed pound sterling will become the most protected coin in the world. The reverse includes the union of the four parts of the British Empire in the form of fourth plants on one field. This option was the winner of the competition, and won the contest David Pierce, who was only fifteen by that time. "The moon yard produces four thousand coins per minute," British media broadcast with delight. The old pound of round shape will very soon lose the status of a payment agent and leaves the turnover.

Two pounds sterling

The beginning of a glorious path of nominal three pounds found in three horses of a memorable coin. At the same time, two-pound coins with a diameter of 28.4 millimeters were released and a weight of 15.98 grams of nickel alloy with brass, from 917 samples 925 silver and 925 silver. Looking at the thistle, it is difficult to understand why this coin is included in the category "Sport". It turns out that this is not an error. We are not just a symbol of one of the United Kingdom, and the emblem of the XII game of the Commonwealth of Nations, which in 1986 were held in Scotland.

Researchers observed the appeal of this nominal. According to the results of their work, they decided except commemorative coins Enter and regular the same nominal. However, the regular version had a significant difference - he became the first representative of the Bimetal in the UK. The outer ring consists of a triple alloy (76% copper, 20% zinc, and 4% nickel). The inner ring was Melchior. The coin is heavy - twelve gram with a diameter of 28.4 millimeters. The launch of the coin in turnover came on June 15, 1998. Interesting fact It is that the coins with the date "1997" arrived in turnover, on which Elizabeth the second was performed by Rafael McLow. Coins of 1998 chasing and over time have Queens Portrait of the work of Iaan Rank Broadley.

A complex drawing of the reverse his creator Bruce Rushin explained this: we see the transition from the Iron Age, which symbolizes the external ring, to the age of the Internet and new technologies. If you look closely, we will see in the center of the coordinated work of nineteen gear rings. According to the laws of mechanics, such a device could not function due to the odd number of gears. But Bruce Rushin is, apparently, was not embarrassed. Between the gears and the outer ring, we observe the pattern created by fragments of printed circuit boards.

In the turn, we can see the coins of five-founded dignity. But they already belong to the category "memorable", so we will tell about them in the following articles.

Recent prices for the auctions for coins in Russian rubles

PhotoDescription of the coinG.VG.F.VF.XF.AU.UNCProof.

1 pound (pound) 2016 United Kingdom
- - - - - - - -

1 pound (pound) 2016 New United Kingdom
new (12 coal), no sign
- - - - - - - -

2 pounds (pounds) 2001 United Kingdom

from 244 to 287 rubles.

- - - - 244 - 287 -

2 pounds (pounds) 1997 United Kingdom

from 266 to 323 rubles.

- - - - 266 - 323 -

2 pounds 1998 United Kingdom

from 161 to 1 183 rubles.

- - - 203 161 195 373 1 183

5 pence (PENCE) 1990 United Kingdom
new Type (Small diameter and weight - 18 mm, 3.25 gr.)

from 17 to 67 rubles.

- - - 17 67 - - -

"His sorry was ten shillings a week, and the family barely reduced the ends with the ends."
"He bought bread and cheese on several pence and had breakfast."
"If you deliver this letter to the address, get guinea."

"What is the difference between a pound from Guinea and how do they relate to crowns, pens and shillings?" - There is a question from any modern reader.

Today, in most countries, a decodental monetary system has been adopted: there is a major monetary unit that is equal to hundreds of small units. The United Kingdom switched to a ten times system only in the second half of the twentieth century. The main currency was the pound sterling, a translating coin - Penny. From the time of the king of Karl the Great and until recently, there was such a confusion in the monetary system that it could, perhaps, only the British themselves, characterized by accuracy and pedanticity in everything.

Let's try to figure out and we.

Until 1971, the ratios between monetary units looked like this:

In one pound, therefore, there were 4 crowns, or 8 half acrons, or 10 florins, or 20 shillings, or 240 pence, or 960 fountains.

The pound sterling is the main monetary unit of England since 1694, when the issue of relevant banknotes began. However, the Word itself appeared much earlier, in the 12th century. And it meant, oddly enough ... Pound sterling! Sterling was called a small silver coin, so small, which was considered sometimes on the weight.

Performed - gold coin, minced since 1489 and equal to 20 shillings. It is easy to see, the perfect was a coin that corresponded to the paper pound of sterling.

Guinea is a gold coin, which was first minted in 1663 from Gold brought from Guinea. She appreciated a little more expensive than the pound and perfect. Until recently, if somewhere in financial calculations a sum of 21 shillings appeared, it was automatically renamed in Gin.

Penny is a small coin that arose in the VIII century. She was minted first from silver, with end of XVIII century - from copper, and from the second half of the XIX century - from bronze.

In 1849 an attempt was made to bring the monetary system of England to ten times. Then the flora occurred equal to one tenth pound. However, nothing has changed, except that another type of coins that went along with traditional shillings and crowns appeared in the country.

The inhabitants of the United Kingdom themselves were not confused in this complex system. Even on the contrary, it had some peculiar convenience - to know the calculations in pounds and Guineas and never kept a fountain in the hands, and the poor did not see anything larger pence and shillings.

In 1966, the British government wondered about monetary reform. But to carry out the reform quickly - meant to destroy the centuries-old habitual gesture of English life. Therefore, only after 3 years, in 1969, the inhabitants of Great Britain were represented by a coin in 50 pence - the first step towards a decimal system. In 1971, the country officially switched to a decimional system, but until 1982, old and new coins were walking in parallel. New, "Deciminal", pences could be distinguished by the "New Penny" inscription.

In modern english language To refer to the amount of money, the word pound is used (for example, this car costs 10,000 pounds), and for the differences between the British currency from the currencies of other countries - the word Sterling (The Dealer Bought Sterling and Sold US Dollars). In a spoken language, the word quid can be used to designate the entire pound of sterling.

Penny / Pence / Pound

Modern British pound sterling consists of 100 pence. The minimum on the nominal coin - 1 Penny (One Penny), in the plural - Pens (Pence) there are coins with a face value 5, 10, 20, 50 pence (Five / Ten / Twenty / Fifty Pence), 1 and 2 pounds (One Pound / TWO POUNDS). The symbol of the notation of pence is the English letter "P". From here, the tradition went to call pens in colloquial speech, i.e. not "Fifty Pence", for example, and "Fifty Pee".

Images even on coins of one dignity are very diverse, depending on the year of release. And in 2012 many coins appeared with Olympic theme. At the same time, the shape and size of coins are preserved.

There is a banknote in the appeal of 5, 10, 20 and 50 pounds. However, electronic money is much more often used - bank cards. Although, if necessary, find an ATM to cash out it is not difficult. When you take money abroad, the bank, who issued a map, takes a small commission for the operation. When paying purchases, the Commission is not charged.

Pound sterling- National currency of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Reserve currency. One of the main currencies in the Forex market. Now in the 4th place in terms of currency reserves.

Pound symbol and code

UK Currency Bank - GBP (Reduction of the official name - Great Britain Pound).

Pound is indicated by a symbol £ (U + 20ba) - a handwritten title Latin letter L with 1 or 2 horizontal strokes.


Sterling in the XII century called English silver coins. 240 sterling weighed a little more than 373 grams - it was a pound. In Latin Pondus - weight, severity. That is, initially a pound sterling really meant "pound of pure silver".

There is a visible connection with the Staroangal Lexemy Steorling - "Star". It was the stars who portrayed silver coins produced in Normandy.

Easterling Silver (Literally: Silver from Eastern Lands) - Wear-resistant coins made of durable alloy of silver, created in the north of modern Germany - those territories were previously called Easterling.

Brief history of the British pound

Presumably pound appeared in 1158 by the decree of Heinrich I. He deprived the jewelers of the right to issue, with whom they often fraud.

Heinrich I entered the system of measuring regions. Wooden polished rails served money. The nominal marked with scubons. Half of the rail was in the go, the second was kept in the king as proof of authenticity. Such a measuring rail could pay taxes. This monetary system has successfully functioned more than 700 years.

The first coin was released in England in 1489 - it was golden perfect. The last such solvent coin was created in 1982.

Since 1663, the main gold coin in the country - Guinea (21 shilling - 1 pound plus 1 shilling). She was minted until 1813.

Since 1694, paper bills are printed (since then the name has been established). Total control over the emission of the coin set Elizabeth І.

For a long time, the pound was fluent on silver or gold, and only in the 20th century they refused.

  • by 30% (in 1949) due to an unsuccessful attempt to introduce binding to other currencies;
  • by 20% after the liquidation of the Gold Standard;
  • by 14% (in 1966);
  • 25% after another attempt to tie a pound to someone else's currency - this time to the German brand (in 1988).

Since 1946, the British pound is a freely convertible currency (that is, there is no restrictions on foreign exchange operations). It is also one of the 17 CLS clearing currencies (international calculations are carried out without recalculating other money).

Banknotes and coins

On all the money of Great Britain, the Queen of Elizabeth II Porter was placed on Obverse.

Now only 4 bills are used: 5, 10, 20, 50 pounds. In the course of the 2-Series - E (after revision) and F. The last series has kept the size of the banknote and the portrait of the queen, however, has a different design and additional security measures: kinegramma and luminescent protection.

Since 2016, it is planned to create polymer banknotes: cleaner, safe and wear-resistant. In 2015, such were used in 48 countries.

1 pound sterling - 100 pence.

  • 1 Penny;
  • 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 pence;
  • 1, 2 pounds.

Pension coins retain solvency only within a clearly indicated amount. For example, coins in 50 pence can pay for goods or service worth not more than 10 pounds.

1 pound - Photo

Coin value 1 pound is produced since 1983. It differs from the coins of less value with a thickness (3.15 mm), weighing (9.5 g) and characteristic yellow. Copper from alloy copper, nickel and zinc.

On the coins of the last series, the coat of arms of Great Britain is depicted, he was carved on the churt: Decus et Tutamen ("Decoration and Protection").

In 2017, coins of 1 pound will change drastically for the first time in 30 years. Will have 12 faces, to be minted from 2 metals newest technology. The author of the design - 15-year-old David Pierce - offered to portray the coins with a face value of 1 pound 4 of the plants, each of which symbolizes one part of the UK: a rose, thistle, shaded and leek.

The current version of the 1-pound coin is easy to fake. It is believed that about 3% of the coins of this nominal - fake (approximately 45 million pieces).

What pounds look like

The portrait of feminists Elizabeth Fry, which became famous for prison reforms was placed on a bill of 5 pounds. In 2016, the former Prime Minister of England Winston Churchill should appear in 2016.

10 pounds of the E series (after revision) keeps the portrait of the author of the evolutionary theory of Parlz Darwin (in the former version - writer Charles Dickens).

The old 20-pound billing (it shows composer Sir Edward Elgar) withdrawn from circulation in 2010. It was replaced by banknotes with a portrait of Economist Adam Smith - from new Series F.

In 2014, the solvency of bills of 50 pounds lost the solvency, on which Sir John Hublon was depicted - the first president of the Bank of England. On the banknote of the new series - Matthew Bolton (industrialist engaged in the release of steam engines) and James Watt (Scottish inventor who invented a steam engine).

The pound attitude to the dollar is determined in the international foreign exchange market and constantly fluctuates. 1 pound in dollars as of May 2019 - approximately 1.25.

At the beginning of the twentieth century 1 pound was 4.9 US dollars. The course fell to $ 2.71 in 1966, then up to 1.57 US dollars in 1976. The historical minimum is 1.05 US dollars for 1 pound sterling (1985).

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