Skyrim mod AFT Contribunions Management. Companions in Skyrim. Management and features. IV. Bonus clothing

The mod allows the player to take several companions with him at once, make a companion anyone, manage their things, spells, battle style, level. Allows you to pay companions in the isortic or vampires. Companions are now driving a horse, build a camp, bypass traps, ignore friendly attacks, they themselves spend their leisure, change themselves in the urban \\ street / home clothing. Remove the helmet not during the battle. You can manage companion postures, make them dance, and much more.

Any parameter can be finely configured. You can make a magician with a sword, retrain any companion, make it a purely hiller, teach your own spells (including from mods).

DLC are not required, but supported.

How to use?
Activate the mod, wait for about 30 seconds until you add control spells of companions. Select "Help" to get a book with a description of all the options of the Fashion.

The main features of the Fashion:

  • Updated AI CANNOV (bypass traps, wear a helmet, interact with the environment ...)
  • Managing companion equipment (change their armor and weapons, apply clothing sets depending on the situation)
  • Training companions spells (each spell may have its own purpose, condition, frequency)
  • Appeal of companions in thefts, vampires and vampire-lords (with a choice of conditions for transformation, for example, only in battle)
  • Managing the battleship style of companions (and their retractions for this style)
  • Management of the level and pumping companions
  • Remote control of companions (teleport, invisibility, attack orders, incl. Group)
  • Positioning
  • Reincarnation in the body of the companion (only vampires)
  • Secrecy for companions (full invisibility, secret attacks, etc.)
  • Breaking the camp (you can, for example, leave companions in the camp, if you wish to clean the cave alone)
  • Immortality of companions (configured)
  • Teleport companions to himself by battle (configured)
  • Sleep companions anywhere
  • Ignore the animal forms of other NPC (so that for example do not cause turmoil in the city, if you have bushes)
  • Companions can range horses
  • Enlarged portable weight up to 1000
  • Automatic sale of things from the bag of companions (it is not necessary to transfer yourself and run to the store)
  • Companions attack only after the player (useful for stealth, configured)
  • New characters for marriage (list on Fashion page)

The mod translated by 95%, did not transfer the moments where it is not sure about its accuracy. I did not translate debug messages - they are only needed for developers.

This AFT mod is an expansion of the gameplay with respect to companions, everyone knows the well-known UFO mod, and this mod does the same actions, but much wider, you can be used in addition to standard commands that were used in UFO, use team management teams in a more advanced form. and the possibilities, read all the possibilities below. Full inventory control - allows you to take and give anything to your satellite, and also dress it into any clothes. The ability to give various orders to your companions through the dialogue branch. The ability to take up to 5 satellites at the same time. Ability to view full statistics Your satellite. Raise the level of satellites! IN original game Their level automatically holds on exactly with you, but with this mod you can control it! All satellites will be able to ride the horses - you can find a horse in Winterhold stables. No level limit for satellites! All satellites - women will receive new animations (not like men). All satellites can marry / marry. This is only a small part of what makes this mod !!! And the most important thing, the book with all settings and installes will appear in your inventory when you first start the fashion, the book is called "AFT", the book will appear within 30 seconds, so wait and do not panic ahead of time.

Update: 1-66A.
- Fixed the problem When the AFT dialogs line did not appear, it was associated with the translation of some lines in scripts into Russian, in connection with this, the scripts did not work (I wanted it better, but it turned out, my wines)

I. At first work
A. Actions
B. Equipment
C. Boy
D. Magic
E. Posy.
F. Information
G. Installations
III. Refline
A. Actions
B. Transformation
C. Miscellaneous
D. Tools
E. Make a satellite with AFT
IV. Builded clothes
V. Recommendations
VI. Primezhenia
A. Camp
B. Custom spells
C. Submission
D. Clothing
E. Horses
F. Marriage
VII. Famous problems
VIII. Trouble-shooting

I. At first work

When you first download the fashion and entering the game, you will have the book "AFT settings" and 2 spells "AFT commands", these are remote commands for companions and "make a companion through AFT", using this spell you can make a companion of any NPC, With the exception of important, quests NPC. Read the book and read all the features, then simply hide the companion and communicate through the dialogue, in the dialogue branch there will be a new common line AFT control, in this option contain all dialog branches Fashion and all mod settings, then everything is already at your discretion.
- This mod is designed for skyrim games version You must make sure that you have this version or later you have installed to avoid possible collapse and departure of the game. You can find your version of the game by clicking ESC and looking at the leftmost corner of the save / download menu.
- If you first use AFT, you need to dismiss all your companions (including animal satellites), using the phrase in the dialogue "" It's time to part "", and then again ask them to join you before the AFT installation menu will be affordable .
- when updating with previous version AFT, then it is recommended to get around all its current satellites and remove / add them weapons from their inventory to avoid possible blocking the use of weapons or problems associated with their AIs that could occur during the update process.
- Tips messages appear when you first use most AFT options. You can reset or disable prompts and warnings through the AFT \u003d\u003e settings submenu.


A. Actions:
- At the top of the menu are actions aimed at a specific satellite, with which you currently talk. At the bottom of the menu are actions that will apply to all satellites next to you.
- Concrete actions include camp breakdown, horses care, sleep, dancing, free movement in a specific area, dismissal, etc. General actions include expectation, following, call, switch to secrecy and rest mode. When satellites expect, they hold a certain position and ignore the battle. When satellites rest, they are fluent in some limited area and can protect the player and attack themselves. Special actions are available to the player if it is short or vampire.
B. Equipment:
- In this menu, you can control the equipment and equipment of your satellites. Tell your companion so that he wore a helmet only in battle. Ask a satellite to pick up the duplicate items from your inventory (except arrows, bars, stones of shower and roots Nurne). Instantly pick up everything he does not use. You can also manage satellite clothing. If such control is included, the satellites receive a backpack, in which the objects unused now are stored now. This allows you to make them use specific clothing or weapons. Additional clothes can be turned on or off through the menu more ... You can designate up to three types of clothing: standard equipment, urban clothing and clothing for home. When you move to a new area, your satellites are automatically changed into clothing in accordance with their lists.
- To facilitate access to a backpack, a new command "Open your backpack" appears in the root menu, if the satellite inventory is turned on. You better use this command instead of "" I want to exchange things with you "" if you do not intend to revise or update their clothes.
- Quick access to the backpack via the dialog can be disabled through the installation menu if you want it.
C. Fight:
- By default, AFT does not control the level, characteristics and skills of satellites. If you want AFT to control these things, you need to choose a combat style for a satellite. After that, its characteristics and skills are redistributed in accordance with its current level and selected style. Combat style is strictly observed. Owning two-handed weapons will not use onion or magic, and the archer will not use magic and melee weapons. Ranger can use both onions and a melee weapon, but will not use magic. Choose a common style if you do not want AFT to limit the combat satellite style, but want AFT to synthetically increasing the satellite characteristics when it is raised.
D. Magic:
- AFT supports two types of spells: standard and optional. You can train your satellites by any of them in this section. Standard spells are controlled by Game AI, additional spells are controlled via AFT. You can combine up to four additional spells to use them in different situations during battle. Most of these spells can be used once for the fight, although treatment spells can work several times.
- If your satellite knew the spell before joined you, AFT could not remove it, but you can still turn off the use of magic for a satellite or choose a combat style sword and magic for it. Custom spells from installed mods are supported. Using a vampire / vampire-lord spells can also be switched in this section.
E. Poses:
- You can ask poses by satellites to add atmospheric in the house or camp. The new team "dismiss, but leave so" allows you to dismiss the satellite, but it will remain in this place in the former pose, or dancing.
F. Information:
- Contains the automatic / manual level enhancement switch and menu items to select and enhance the characteristics when manually enhancing levels. Also contains commands for checking characteristics, skills, spells, resilience and behavior of AI of your satellites. In manual mode or when choosing an Aft combat style adds 200 additional points to the characteristics and another 3 additional points with each level increase. Magic classes receive additional multipliers to magic at levels 31, 51 and 61. If you do not want such an increase, you can disable the reinforced satellite characteristics in the setup menu.
- AFT does not add character characteristics, it only shows those abilities that they already have. In this case, the abilities will not be available until the character reaches the required level.
G. Settings:
- At the top of the settings menu, you can find settings for a specific character with whom you are talking. Will he recharge the enchanted weapon? Does his immortal? Will he stay from you at the distance? At the bottom of the menu there are settings that extend to all satellites. Should satellites ignore fire on their own? Will they teleport to you with naked weapons? Will the weight of their inventory be limited, will their characteristics be strengthened? Will they avoid traps and ride extra horses? Will those surrounding ignore transformed brutally forms of your satellites? You can also disable prompt messages and warnings or reset AFT to cancel all changes made with satellites.

III. Spells

Select the Satellite Management command on the Talent tab of your Magic menu and use it by pressing the talent use button. This will call a menu comprising:
A. Actions:
- Actions include a call, secrecy, stop! and rest.
- Call teleports to you all your current satellites, forcing them to stop the battle, if necessary, and translates them into the following mode. Unlike teleport with nude weapons, satellites teleport to you, even if they are in standby mode or sleep.
- secrecy activates stealth mode. When this mode is active, satellites become invisible not heard and do not attract attention. They ignore any fight until you get damage from a hostile character. You can disable secrecy mode by selecting this action Or delivered weapons standing. If you get squatting (in secrecy), the secrecy mode will not be completed. Host mode during rest may change to a secretive attack, which can be used to coordinate the attack on a suspect enemy.
- Stop! Disables combat AI satellites. Standing / waiting satellites will stop the battle and will not defend themselves. After the stop, the state "Stop!" Change to the state of "follow". On this action of the Stop team! Ends.
- Team rest tells satellites, that everything is in order and you can relax. Especially for those players who do not want to use the possibility of automatic satellite holidays.
B. Transformation:
- This command is only available when the player is closed or has a set Dawnguard supplement. Use it to adjust the change in the shape of a short or vampire-lords and turn them back to people.
C. Miscellaneous:
- In the section of different you can find a link to this instruction.
- You can dynamically switch the AFT settings of the dialog menu. Also from this menu you can switch the automatic recreation mode. The diagnostic mode contains tools to help diagnose problems and conflicts of mods, as well as determine incorrectly operating satellites. Normal users do not need to activate this mode.
D. Tools:
- In this menu you can find lost satellites and correct some problems in AFT. "Call all" can be used to call to the player of all living satellites you have ever had. This command can be used only 3 times in one game week. Reset AFT works in the same way as a similar command from the dialog menu.
E. Make a satellite with AFT:
- The use of this spell on the character will add the topic "Management through AFT" to its dialogue. It is not recommended to apply it to characters marked as "immortal" (like Yarls), or to those characters that will become potential satellites at some point in the future. If you try to do this, a warning will be displayed, but the AFT will not cancel this action and will continue to work if you still want it.

IV. Bonus clothing

You can access bonus clothes through the Equipment menu by selecting there "Change to bonus clothes." It will add clothes to the satellites inventory and make them dress it. You can delete it from their inventory and again select this menu item to get another copy of it. This will allow you to move into this clothing of all our satellites.
- By default, AFT includes the clothes of a nocturnal for women and leather clothes of the thieves guild for men. This is done to reduce the size of the mod and better compatibility. Additional sets of bonus clothing, if they are created, will be presented on Skyrim Nexus. Just search there "AFT"
- Additional packages of bonus clothing will not spread through Steam Workshop.

AFT uses the dialog system as the main interface. The author recommends using modes for improving dialogs so that the AFT menu items are clearly visible and after their first use. For example, improving the "EZ2C" dialog menu can be found on Skyrim Nexus.

Vi. Notes

A. Camp:
- The camps breakdown team will only work in external cells. The camp will be rolled automatically after 24 hours or your team. If you break the camp in an uncomfortable place, you can get stuck. If this happens, use a quick journey or press the "T" key and wait 24 hours ...
B. Custom spells:
- You can teach your companions spells from other mods, but keep in mind: if you delete the mod or mode of downloading mods will change, you will have problems. At best, the satellite simply will not be able to use this spell more. In the worst case, the save game will be spoiled and you will not be able to boot from it. Test satellites Custom spells on your own fear and risk!
C. Submission:
- The ability to use the "subordinate guard" appears only if you are a vampire. As soon as you get it, it will continue with you even after healing from vampirism. During submission, you will force the satellite to get your weapon or will prepare your spells. Submission ends if he dies, moves too far from the player, or you remove your weapon.
D. Clothing:
- Clothes for the city and home can be enabled through AFT - Control -\u003e Equipment -\u003e More ... If the inventory management is enabled.
- Clothing supports custom objects like hoods and raincoats.
E. Horses:
- There are 5 places where you can buy horses in Skyrim: Waitran, Windhelm, Ripten, Marcart and Solitude. Satellites can normally ride horses purchased in the stables of these cities. Also, AFT provides the ability to use one additional horse. In this case, the latest horse you used, which has not been acquired in the listed stables is considered. The most popular example is tehkin.
F. Marriage:
- Additional options By numerous requests include the possibility of marriage with Illya, Arania, Eola, Ugor and Lydia. The Eric Terrible Killer, Holder and Atar are also included.

VII. Famous problems

When wearing a ring or necklace with female bonus clothing, hands or neck can disappear by default.
- Avoid using Nordic arrows (appearing in DLC DragonBorn) by your satellites - it can lead to "freezing" games.
- If you persuaded Seraran to cure vampirism, and it does not appear in the fortie guards of dawn or in the wcrovear castle from 3 to 5 days, you can take advantage of:
- Talent Satellite Management \u003d\u003e Tools \u003d\u003e Call all
- Some custom / added DLC satellites are very difficult to dismiss (an example - horse rude from Dawnguard). For the dismissal of satellites that continue to follow you, no matter what, do the following steps:
1: AFT Settings -\u003e Actions -\u003e Allitone [How Default]
2: Use their usual dismissal dialog
3: If nothing helped, use the AFT settings -\u003e actions -\u003e dismiss, but leave here, the last way is triggered almost always
- Finally, AFT sometimes can only determine that the weapon is discharged. If you find such a weapon in your companions inventory, you will have to charge it yourself.

VIII. Trouble-shooting

If the AFT looks like non-working, move it below in your download list (give it the highest priority). If this does not fix the problem, try to start the following test:
- Start new game with Helgen. As soon as your hands in the game are released, open the console by pressing the Tilda keys (~ \\ `) and use the following commands to spawn about you three satellites, then check the AFT settings:
\u003e Player.Placeatme 000A2C8F.
\u003e Player.Placeatme 000A2C8E.
\u003e Player.Placeatme 000A2C8C.

Additional Information:
1. Cerana:
- If there is a desire to use Seraran as a companion, the mod must be disconnected from the start of the game. The fact is that during the delivery of it in the Castle of Wolf, it is considered a standard gaming companion, but in the castle itself the game eliminates it from satellites. Similar "violence" Scripts Fashion are not kept, and therefore it is often buggy - the satellites disappears by their clothes and other equipment, the settings, etc. disappears. Sometimes the mod can even completely cut off at all. The only way Combating this, which I found: Play with a fashionable mod until Searan wants to go with you. After that, you need to persist, get out of the game, connect the mod and enter the game again - the line will appear in the dialogs about the possibility of control through AFT, which can be used. (And you can not use, scoring specifically to seeran and using this mod to control other satellites.)
Yes, Searan and other satellites from time to time aggregate each other even when the ignoring of the "friendly fire" is turned on. It is usually happening when one of them is weapon or inadequate magic chains the player. A similar garbage continues until the completion of the Dawnguard line, when all sorts of quest marks are removed from Cerana, and it becomes an ordinary game companion.
2. Equipment management:
- Every satellite has three originally empty containers, of which the equipment is taken for different places. If there is a desire to use the armor, clothing or weapons from the satellite, clothing or weapons, they must be pre-removed from him and only then put into the appropriate container already from the player container.
- Clothing for the city is used only in those cities that are separate loadable locations (i.e., in other words, have a city gate: Waitran, Riften, Marcart, Windhelm and Solitude).
3. Raising level:
- There are options for manual and automatic level raising. Automatic better. First of all, the fact that all levkapups are removed here, and the satellite level rises together with the level of the player, up to infinity.

This modification is the portion and further development of ideas. popular Fashion For ordinary skyrima - Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks.

With the help of it, you can led with you a few satellites, manage their equipment - clothing / armor, battle style, appoint a house, raise the level, make versolphs or vampire lords. Satellites will be able to ride horses, break the camp, avoid traps, ignore friendly fire, automatically rest, automatically change clothes on the usual / urban / home. Automatic switching of helmets, the ability to assign certain poses to a satellite and even force them to dance.


Many players write that they do not work, however, our translators worked fine (see screenshots). Many Nexus players also report that the mod does not work, so at the moment - how lucky. We are waiting for corrections from the author.

How can I use Fashion Functions?
In your inventory you will find a book about modifications. After installing the mode, it may take up to 30 seconds to appear there.

The maximum number of satellites is increased to 30

Improving AI:

Satellites avoid / ignore traps, interact with the environment, remove and dress helmets, recharge the weapons, forgive you from hitting them. All these things are optional.

Satellite clothing control:

When setting up the clothes of satellites, they have a backpack. After that, you can assign certain items and weapons that they must use, and everything else will go to the backpack. IAFT includes 3 custom clothing set. A set of clothes is a list of items from a backpack. There is also a standard list for the city and for home. When the gaming zone changes, IAFT will automatically equip and remove objects from / in a backpack, so your companion will wear a set of clothes in a certain place.
You can include on the list of equipment items from mods.

Satellite training with new spells:

IAFT supports two types of spells: conventional spells and non-standard spells. You can train a satellite to any of these types of spells, equipping the desired spell and selecting the option in the Magic menu.

Conventional spells use standard battle games. However, you can also create 4 "non-standard" spells that can be customized, for example, the satellite will create them under certain conditions. This is especially useful for cleric characters.

Spells are supported from supplements.

Dismissal satellites

You can let go of the satellites, but at the same time order them to remain in the current place. It is useful if you need to keep all satellites in one place, for example, in your home.

Turn the satellites in the Vervolphs!

If you are Vervolph, just order them to drink your blood. Then you can configure the conditions under which they will change the form.

Turn satellites in vampires!

If you are a vampire, you can turn your satellites in vampires. At the same time they will receive certain resistance and spells

Turn satellites in vampire lords

There is such an opportunity too. With its help, your companions will be able to turn into vampire lords.

Monitoring the battle styles of your satellites

New battle styles for your satellites, such as "magician with a staff" or "Combat Mag", in addition to this, your satellites increase the level without limiting the ceiling, as it was in the original.

Raise the level of satellites

IAFT supports automatic and manual increase in the levels of your satellites, in the second version you can determine what the characteristics of your satellites will go, as well as their skills glasses.

Command satellites in battle remotely

Improved commander power will allow you to manage your companions in battle. Order them to attack or retreat, call them to themselves or even command them to change the shape.

Poses for satellites

Manage the poses of your satellites. You can assign a satellite with a specific posture and leave it in this form. A good option "decorations" of your homes.

Align in your satellite bodies

Ensure to the satellite body (even if it is in the form of the Vervolf), and when it fell, go back to my own body, hidden around the corner.

Stealth mode

The force that will make all the satellites are invisible and inadmissible until you notice. Excellent feature for dark fraternity missions.

Ask satellites split camp

The easiest awning, sleep bags, as well as fire. Include Superior AI and tell me the satellite to wait for you in the camp if you want him to interact with him

Option: Satellites can not die

For those who do not like to reboot

Option: Satellites catch up with you when you get a weapon

Follow the player on the complex landscape of Skyrima may be problematic. Fortunately, now satellites will be able to catch up with you at the moment when you get weapons. It is useful if you suddenly surrounded the enemies.

Option: Ask satellites sleep anywhere

Happiness for vampires, which need easy snack

Option: Satellites in the modified form are ignored.

Can you walk with two Lords Daedra, so what is the difference to people, if you have a Vervolph with you? This option prevents your other characters on you if you have a Vervolph or Lord Vampire in the detachment.

Option: Satellites ride riding

Amazing how much this is an atmospheric option.

Option: Load capacity for satellites - 1000

Complete a couple of quests entirely before a visit to the merchant.

Remove duplicate from your inventory:

Satellites can automatically pick up duplicate things from your inventory. (Some items like arrows, soul stones, nirne roots and bastards are ignored)

Satellites can sell items themselves

Saves you time when you have 5 satellites serving 5,000 units of weight. You can combine with the removal of duplicates.

Option: Control of satellite aggression

Does not give satellites to attack people if you are in secrecy mode

Option: Control of satellite courage

Does not give satellites to fall out of battle

Option: Control of the moral satellite

Never bored that the satellite refuses to do what you say to him? With this option, such a problem will not be.

Additional marriage options.

Illy, Arana, Eol, Ugor and Lydia can now become your spouses. Also Eric, Golder, Atar.

The ability to remove the bow of the satellite.

What to say here. On the back can interfere.

Support for bonus clothing

Custom clothes that your satellites can wear

Small fixes:

Lydia will no longer sit in your room in the house Warm windslike some frk.

Standard, simply move the file files to the DATA folder and plug in the game, or set using your favorite modification manager.

Modification translators:

This AFT mod is an expansion of playing gameplay with respect to companions. AFT can support a maximum of 32 satellites. Full inventory control - allows you to take and give anything to your satellite, and also dress it into any clothes. The ability to give various orders to your companions through the dialogue branch. The ability to take up to 15 satellites at the same time. The ability to view the full statistics of your satellite. Raise the level of satellites! In the original game, their level is automatically held on the exactly with you, but with this mod you can control it! All satellites will be able to ride the horses - you can find a horse in Winterhold stables. No level limit for satellites! All satellites - women will receive new animations. All satellites can marry / marry. This is only a small part of what makes this mod !!! And the most important thing, the book with all settings and instaltings will appear in your inventory when you first start the fashion, the book is called AFT, the book will appear within 30 seconds.
- version of the game
- All DLC are compatible, but optional, but without DLC, you will not have some options and features.

Any parameter can be finely configured. You can make a magician with a sword, retrain any companion, make it a purely hiller, teach your own spells (including from mods). Requirements:
DLC are not required, but supported. How to use?
Activate the mod, wait for about 30 seconds until you add control spells of companions. Select "Help" to get a book with a description of all the options of the Fashion. The main features of the Fashion:

  • Updated AI CANNOV (bypass traps, wear a helmet, interact with the environment ...)
  • Managing companion equipment (change their armor and weapons, apply clothing sets depending on the situation)
  • Training companions spells (each spell may have its own purpose, condition, frequency)
  • Appeal of companions in thefts, vampires and vampire-lords (with a choice of conditions for transformation, for example, only in battle)
  • Managing the battleship style of companions (and their retractions for this style)
  • Management of the level and pumping companions
  • Remote control of companions (teleport, invisibility, attack orders, incl. Group)
  • Positioning
  • Reincarnation in the body of the companion (only vampires)
  • Secrecy for companions (full invisibility, secret attacks, etc.)
  • Breaking the camp (you can, for example, leave companions in the camp, if you wish to clean the cave alone)
  • Immortality of companions (configured)
  • Teleport companions to himself by battle (configured)
  • Sleep companions anywhere
  • Ignore the animal forms of other NPC (so that for example do not cause turmoil in the city, if you have bushes)
  • Companions can range horses
  • Enlarged portable weight up to 1000
  • Automatic sale of things from the bag of companions (it is not necessary to transfer yourself and run to the store)
  • Companions attack only after the player (useful for stealth, configured)
  • New characters for marriage (list on Fashion page)
The mod translated by 95%, did not transfer the moments where it is not sure about its accuracy. I did not translate debug messages - they are only needed for developers.