Lure module pokemon go won't activate. What is Lure (Lure-bait) module. How Incense lure works

All Lure Module lures in Pokémon GO

Bait Lur Module summons additional Pokémon for 30 minutes. On some, the Lure Module effect can last up to several hours at a time. Decoy modules are placed in the Pokéstop and cause an increased spawn of Pokémon that can be seen by everyone within range. These lures are available for purchase with Pokécoins in the in-game store.

The Pokémon summoned by the Lur Module are distinguished from others by the pink circle below them. After placing the module, the first Pokemon appears immediately, and then, the others will spawn every 3-5 minutes. Pokémon will disappear shortly before their next appearance.

Appearances are influenced by the weather, biome and Pokémon that are found in the area. Any Lur Module bait will not attract Pokémon nests. If you use the bait module in the so-called dead zones and in the wilderness, then Pokémon will appear more randomly from the pool. This way we will meet more variety and rarer Pokémon.

In addition, three brand new bait modules have been added in. The Glacial Lure, Mossy Lure and Magnetic Lure modules are available for purchase now in the play store. And a little later, this season, you will receive as a reward for completing new special quests. These new items will also give us the ability to evolve Glaceon, Leafeon, Magnezone and Probopass.

Let's take a closer look at them.

Lure module

  • How to use Lure Module bait? To activate the decoy, you need to click on the Pokéstop and select an empty space above the disk, and then place your module there.
  • It will allow additional Pokémon to appear within the PokéStop range.
  • Pokémon will spawn approximately one every three minutes.
  • You can get the Lure Module through the in-game store, special quests and as a reward for increasing the level of the character.
  • The module attracts Pokémon to PokéStop for 30 minutes. During some events, the duration of the action reaches several hours. The effect benefits other Pokemon GO players nearby as well.

Glacial Lure Module

Glacial Lure Module

  • The ice module of the decoy attracts Pokémon of the water and ice types. For a general presentation, we will show some of them:
  1. Squirtle - Squirtle;
  2. Dewgong - Devgong;
  3. Lapras - Lapras;
  4. Sneasel - Sneasel.
  • In addition, it will come in handy for the evolution of Pokémon, such as:
  1. Glaceon - Glaseon.

Magnetic Lure Module

Magnetic Lure Module

  • The magnetic module attracts electrical, steel and stone Pokemons. For example:
  1. Pikachu - Pikachu;
  2. Magnemite - Magnemite;
  3. Geodude Alola - Alola Geodude;
  4. Voltorb - Voltorb;
  5. Magneton - Magneton.
  • Evolving Pokémon with Magnetic Lure Module:
  1. Magnezone - Magnezone;
  2. Probopass - Probopass.

Users have tons of opportunities to speed up the passage of levels and the capture of Pokémon using the Lure Module decoys. Why do this if you can just catch the first animals along the way? Everything is very simple: depending on the level of the Trainer, he develops, he can pump his wards, present his Pokémon in fights in the Gym, capture and control game objects, and receive poke-money for this. Avid Pokemon fans want to catch the animals they need as soon as possible, while not everyone can afford to stomp several kilometers in one direction for the sake of another exhibit in the collection. In order to make it easier for the player, the authors of the application have created special ones that allow the Trainer, while staying in place, to lure and catch Pokemon.

What is Lure Module

The Lure Module in the game, which you will find in the Pokémon Go game menu, as opposed to the decoy " Incense"(Incense, incense), attracts animals not to a specific location in which the player is located, but to a pokéStop. In fact, the work of the module lies in the fact that the Trainer leaves him at the pokéStop (this is often a visited, well-known place in the district - a restaurant, bank, park, monument, fountain, etc.), where he attracts those who have lost cyber monsters.

How Lure Module differs from Incense

The difference between the module and the bait is that the effect of its work can also be used by other Trainers on the PokéStop, or nearby. In turn, incense bait works exclusively in favor of one, specific hunter. From these considerations, we immediately note that it is beneficial to use the module in the game if you have already reached the 5th level, joined one of the, and together with the "colleagues" playing with you on the same side, you can go to the pokéStop and catch ...

So how exactly is the Lure Module different from incense or Incense?


  • 1) You can use the module exclusively on PokéStop;
  • 2) The effect of the action is not exclusive, but applies to all players near the pokéStop;
  • 3) Increased performance for the Trainer.


  • 1) You can use the bait anywhere;
  • 2) Exclusive effect for only one Trainer.

It follows, as already mentioned, that it is beneficial to activate the Lure Module if you are a member of the team. At the same time, as a bait, it works better when the Coach plays alone. The cost of the module for one player is also too big - it is better to pay for it in a bundle.

How to use the Lure Module

This tool is pretty easy to use. If you have it in your inventory ("Items" in the game menu), you just need to go to this section and place the bait on the nearest pokéStop where you are comfortable. This contraption will work for half an hour, during which you can catch a lot of monsters around the game object. The activity of Pokémon will end simultaneously with the end of the module.

How to get the Lure Module

Where can I get the module for luring Pokémon to PokéStop?

The Pokemon GO game is designed in such a way that allows players to receive different tools as a reward for the kilometers traveled, levels, and other achievements. Often, a Lure Module or incense bait is dropped as a bonus. So, you can get the usual bait in your arsenal of items (items), for example, for a visit to a pokéStop or capture. Meanwhile, the module is harder to get. As a bonus, Coaches are entitled to it only for completing several levels in the game.

Also, the bait module can be bought for game Poke-coins. One module will cost 100 coins, and a set of eight lure, according to the laws of wholesale, will be 680. Compared to other tools in the game, this is quite an expensive pleasure, therefore, having a module in your arsenal, think about how to properly dispose of it.

Have a nice game and easy Pokémon hunt for you!

Lure (Lur) -module is one of the bonuses in Pokemon game Go. It should be noted that the module does not lure those who are visible in the area, but makes new ones appear exactly in this place. Unlike, the lure is not mobile and is installed exclusively in places. This is a good way to end the hunt for those who are already tired. Just place the Luhr on the PokéStop next to the benches and wait. However, not all fishing spots are effective, so it is quite possible that the lure in a residential area of ​​the city will not be of interest.

How to get a lure module

Free lure modules are given upon reaching level 8, 10, 15, 20 and 25. Sometimes Lur modules drop out of PokéStops, but this is a very rare phenomenon that is observed only at the highest levels of the game.

Those who wish to receive the bonus earlier are given the opportunity to buy it in the store. The cost of 1 lure module is 100 Pokécoins (1 USD). Buying 8 lure modules will cost 680 Pokécoins ($ 5).

Pokémon can be obtained by beating off, placing your Pokémon on free slots or occupying empty halls. Every time you unsuccessfully attack your gym, all Pokémon in it will receive 10 Pokécoins. It is important that you can only put one of your Pokémon in one training room.

Thus, by placing your Pokémon in the three gyms closest to your home, you can collect the necessary 100 coins in 4 days. It is not necessary to choose the nearest halls, but if the enemy forces you out of there, you can quickly return and resume leadership.

How to use

To install the lur module, you need to be in the vicinity of the pokéStop where you intend to throw the bait. Once you open the PokéStop, you will see a large round photo of the PokéStop and a small white pill-like icon (1) above it.

If you get close enough in the PokéStop, the icon is activated and when you click, you will see the number of LUR modules in your backpack. You can activate the bait by clicking on it.

The lur module is active for 30 minutes, regardless of the proximity of the player who installed it. The number of players who are in its field of action does not affect the effectiveness of the lure module, so do not drive other players away from the point, but rather try to make friends. Perhaps you will find a new friend of interest and be able to hunt together, which will make the process more interesting.

You can even see the active LUR modules from home: the PokéStops where the LUR modules were installed are enclosed in a pink circle and emit pink petals (purple in some phones).

By clicking on the lur-module icon, you can see the nickname of the player who activated it.

But they only act at a certain distance, so to intercept rare Pokémon, you will have to go there.

Operating principle

The influence of the lur-module extends to all players who fall into the field of action: the attracted Pokémon will be displayed for each trainer. It must be remembered that each Pokémon appears individually, so it makes no difference who is the first to grab a wild pocket monster. Thus, the developers made sure that Pokemon Go did not cause rivalry and quarrels. But, at the same time, the duration of the activity of the Pokemon is limited (on average 10 minutes), so grab your Pokemon faster, otherwise it will disappear.

Rare and wild high-level Pokémon appear near the Lur-modules (especially those located in the city center), so it will not be superfluous to treat them with berries or use stronger ones, otherwise the Pokémon will simply evaporate during the catching process.

Features of this bait

The lur module is a rather rare bonus, so you shouldn't use it in an area where rare Pokémon never spawn. Yes, this is a decoy, but it is more active where the developers put interesting Pokémon. Therefore, in each capital, dozens of Lur-modules are constantly operating at the same time. Players can be seen gathering in groups, bringing blankets with them, or occupying any steps in the shade of trees and buildings.

This bonus is useful in that even players who have used up their lure modules can use the influence of strangers without negatively affecting the latter for other players. So, the main features of the lur-module:

  • simplifying the process of catching rare Pokemon;
  • there is no need to look for Pokémon and walk around, but this interferes with hatching and earning bonuses for the kilometers traveled;
  • group use of the bait does not affect its effectiveness and each on occasion can catch a Pokémon lured by the lure module;
  • 30 minutes are given for use, which is enough to catch Pokémon and not get tired of waiting;
  • you can always take advantage of the effect of someone else's lure module and chat with other players;
  • the bonus is rarely given, which leaves room for an exciting and active search for Pokémon;
  • living in the city center with the accessibility of the pokéStop from home, you can activate the lur-module without leaving the street, which is especially important at night, when very rare Pokémon appear, but it is dangerous to wander through the back streets.

It is effective to use Lur-modules if companies of trainers are going to hunt. By installing them in turn, you can spend the whole day catching wild Pokémon without getting up. But the principle of operation of the lur-module contradicts the very essence of the game, which is why they are given so rarely. Pokemon Go was developed with the aim of "revitalizing" the younger generation: to get people to walk and meet like-minded people.

While playing, you can enjoy the landscape, see new sights, visit places where you haven’t been before, because Pokemon Go doesn’t make you constantly stare at your phone. It is enough to turn on the vibration alert mode and pay attention to catching Pokémon for just a minute, and then again communicate with the outside world.

How to use the Lure module? Do you already know what PockeStop is for? You can get bonuses and various chips from them around the clock, but that's not all. For more details, read a separate article. They can be used to use special components that attract Pokémon to PokéSteps. If you haven’t heard about the modules yet, it’s not surprising, the players do not often see them, and they cost a lot of money. Some are given for raising the level of a trainer - Incense. Others are rarer and they are given for free only for increasing several levels. Basically, players buy them for real money, exchanging for Pockecoins (Pokécoins), internal game currency... One such item can be bought for 100 coins, and 8 for 680.

PokéStop with activated Lure module

Features of Lure modules (baits).

This component is activated at the PokéStop and the result of its activation can be seen and used by all players, other baits can be turned on at least at home, then all the Pokémon will only go to you. Lure disposes to collective game and is activated only on PokéStops, in in public places... At the moment of activation, the PokéStop begins to erupt with fireworks in all directions. So it's hard not to notice.

By activating Lur bait, you lure any ( even rare) pokemon. Each of the players in the vicinity also gets the opportunity to use your bait, but there is no conflict of interest !!! Each trainer sees their Pokémon.

Therefore, it is so profitable to be in some park like VDNKh, or at Kitay-Gorod. There, every minute someone activates the Lur module and everyone around just sits and rocks their characters.

How to use the Lure module.

It is quite simple to launch it, go to your inventory, place the component on the PokéStop slot. Be prepared to stay in place for 30 minutes, this is how long one module works. There is a high chance of getting rare pokemon, it can come immediately, or maybe by the 29th minute, so use this item wisely when you can fully surrender to the gameplay.

I strongly recommend stocking up on Pokeballs (balls) in advance, because it will be a shame if you run out of them at the most crucial moment. Personally, before activating Lur baits, I throw away everything unnecessary from the inventory (even the first-aid kit).

The Lure module is used in Pokemon Go to lure Pokemon to a specific PokéStop, rather than running around in search of a wild, confused creature. Unlike the bait in Pokemon Go, the Lure module is installed on the PokéStop and every player who is next to it can enjoy the fruits of the Lure module. Its use is especially justified when you have the opportunity to collect several "brothers in arms", come to the PokéStop, use lure - and wait for the Pokémon.

How to use the Lure module in Pokemon Go

The Lure module is extremely easy to use. It is enough to find it in your inventory (if you have one) and place it on the PokéStop. It will run for 30 minutes. At this time, there will be increased Pokémon activity around the PokéStop. What is the difference between the bait and the lure module?


  • activates anywhere
  • effective only for one player who activated it
  • valid for 30 minutes

Lure module:

  • activated only on PokéStops
  • effective for all players near the PokéStop
  • valid for 30 minutes
  • has increased efficiency

As you can see, the lure module is good when you have a group of trainers, while the lure is more suitable for single use. And the lure-module for one player is also expensive.

How do I get the Lure module?

Quite often, your trainer will receive bait as a bonus for leveling up or visiting a PokéStop. Lure-module, meanwhile, is a rarer thing - a player can receive it every few level ups.

A Lure module costs 100 Pokécoins, and 8 modules cost 680 modules. As you can see, the price is not that cheap, so if you have a lure module, spend it wisely.

I hope you figured out how to get and use lure modules.