Where to find strong Pokémon. How to find and catch the rarest Pokémon. Use baits and incense

AT mobile game Pokemon Go Pokemon are divided into several categories depending on how likely it is to meet them in the wild. Right now, players around the world are trying to compile a general table of Pokemon available in Pokemon Go, taking into account the probability of meeting them, however, for different countries and regions seem to be characteristic



In mobile pokemon game Go Pokémon are divided into several categories based on how likely they are to be encountered in the wild. Right now, players around the world are trying to compile a general table of Pokemon available in Pokemon Go, taking into account the likelihood of meeting them, however, it seems that certain Pokemon are typical for different countries and regions.

To get started, take a look at the following list. These are approximate data on the rarity of all known this moment pokemon. Yes, Pikachu is not that hard to catch - much, much easier than Ditto.

Please note: the level of available Pokémon depends on the level of your character. The higher the level of the trainer, the more interesting Pokémon you can meet.

So, let's figure out what the chance of the appearance of one or another Pokemon right next to you may depend on.

time of day

Players have noticed that Pokémon have their own daily routine. In the morning it may be completely empty around you - or perhaps a Rattata or Spearow will appear somewhere nearby - and in the evening a Charmander or Bulbasaur may walk along the path. In other words, it is not enough just to bypass the route you are interested in once a day - you need to see what is happening in the same places in different time days.

certain place

It's no secret that Pokemon Go developers have been distributing key points not entirely by accident. PokeStops will almost certainly be tied to some more or less well-known places, and certain types of Pokemon may prefer very specific places. There is no specific list correlating the type of Pokemon with a specific location (forest, park, river bank or cemetery) yet, but this is only a matter of time. Keep in mind - if there is a brood of Pidgey in your forest, then most likely in a nearby park there will be the same story.

Use baits and incense

If the mountain does not go to the pokemon, then the pokemon goes to the mountain. With the help of baits and incense, you can attract the attention of very interesting Pokémon. Here you need to understand a few things: firstly, the effect of incense affects not only you, but also all nearby trainers, and incense lasts only 30 minutes.

The bait is much more powerful than incense, but it is static - choose a place wisely - lasts the same 30 minutes and can also be used by other players. Both baits and incense can be purchased from the Pokemon Go in-game store.

How to find Pokemon in Pokemon GO? Perhaps this question is more relevant than ever, especially given the onset of cold weather for some coaches. Of course, you can use one of the or excellent Pokemon GO tracker called. However, not all players consider it acceptable to use third-party applications, and someone simply fears a ban.

Fortunately, Pokemon GO has two built-in Pokemon trackers: “Nearby” and . The wide-scale launch of “Nearby” took place on November 30th and this tool is not yet available to all coaches. “Sightings” is already familiar to us - after all, we have all used it for several months.

Today we will talk about how to use Sightings and, most importantly, the new Nearby to find and capture Pokemon in Pokemon GO.

Once you've installed and logged into Pokemon GO, you can see a small rectangle in the bottom right corner of the screen. This rectangle displays three Pokémon that are close to your trainer (if you haven't caught or met a certain Pokémon before, it will be displayed as ).

If you click on this rectangle, you will be presented with a group of up to 9 nearby Pokémon. Accordingly, if there are no Pokemon nearby, then you will not see any Pokemon in this list. This screen is the “Nearby” & ​​“Sightings” screen.

If you have already become the proud owner of the new tracker “Nearby”, then on this screen you will be able to see up to 9 Pokémon next to the icons of nearby Pokéstops where they can be found.

Note: The Pokémon will spawn for 15 minutes at a specific location. In autumn, the spawn duration was extended to 30 minutes. After that, the Pokémon disappears. The Pokemon does not disappear from the location if it is caught by one of the trainers - it will be available for capture by any trainer until its spawn time expires.

Once a Pokémon disappears (a Pokémon despawn), it will automatically be removed from the Pokémon list on the “Nearby” & ​​“Sightings” screen. Also, a Pokemon can disappear from this list if you move too far away from it (200-300 meters).

How to use the new “Nearby” tracker in Pokémon GO

The new “Nearby” system is coming to an increasing number of trainer devices. With this system, you can see Pokémon that are near nearby PokéStops.

How to use "Nearby"?

  1. Select the Pokémon you want to track
  2. Click on the "paws" button to start tracking the Pokémon

The map will then zoom out to show the PokéStop that is next to the Pokémon you're tracking. A red paws icon will appear above the PokéStop.

Also, the icon of the Pokémon you're looking for will emit "radar rings" on the new tracker screen, so you don't accidentally forget which Pokémon you want to catch.

Now you just need to get to the required PokéStop and catch the desired Pokémon. If the Pokémon does not immediately appear near the PokéStop, walk around the PokéStop. If the Pokémon hasn't spawned, it's possible that it has already disappeared (Pokémon despawn).

You can only track one Pokémon at a time. At any time, you can stop tracking a Pokémon and start tracking another.

This is how you can stop following a Pokémon at any time:

  1. Click on the "Nearby" icon in the lower right corner
  2. Click on the pokemon you want to stop tracking
  3. Press the paws button to stop tracking

How to use "Sightings" in Pokémon GO

If you haven't had a chance to use the new "Nearby" yet, or if you're too far away from the PokéStops, you can turn to the well-known "Sightings" tracker.

In this case, by clicking on the rectangle in the lower right corner, you will simply see a few Pokémon that are close to you (200 - 300 m).

Previously, some trainers believed that the higher a Pokémon was on the "Sightings" list, the closer it was to the player. However, it is not. Even for two trainers who are at the same point on the map, the order of the arrangement of Pokemon on the “Sightings” screen can be completely different, which indicates randomness in the arrangement of Pokemon on the tracker screen.

Rare Pokemon still appear most often in the top row, but this is not always the case. Therefore, sometimes it will not be superfluous to click on the tracker icon to see all the Pokémon that are nearby - what if the game has something to surprise you with?)

Using “Sightings” is not very convenient. You just need to walk (radius 200 -300 m). If you find a Pokemon, great. Pokemon disappeared from the menu - gone in the wrong direction. However, if the place is familiar to you, then you already know the spawn points in this area. Then it is clear to you where to catch the Pokemon if it appeared on the tracker screen.

Rings around the trainer on the map in Pokemon GO

When you move in the real world, your character also moves within the game. At this point on the map, a small gray-purple radar ring comes from your trainer. In fact, this is the radius within which you will be able to meet the Pokemon with your own eyes and catch it.

In addition, small greenish “rings” may also come from the tracker icon in the lower right corner. This signals that the tracker is being updated - some new Pokémon may have appeared near you, or, conversely, the one that was already gone. In any case, you should not ignore these signs - you never know what Pokémon just appeared next to you.

Most often, trainers get older Pokémon evolutions using candy and previous Pokémon evolutions (as well as). However, evolved Pokémon and rare Pokémon can also be found in the wild.

Rare Pokémon can usually be found in Pokémon nests (and the location of the nests in turn can be found in )

Pokémon evolutions can spawn in the same areas as their forms, but they will be much less likely to be caught. "Sightings" and PokeAlert to help you)

Pokémon with higher CP will be harder to catch - you can use a berry or better ones to make it easier for you.

How do you prefer to look for Pokemon in Pokemon GO?

Update 02.06.2017: improved version of infographic added

Two months ago, the Silph Road research team released the results of their research into the rarity of Pokémon when hatched from an egg.

The information is currently updated. Some Pokemon stopped hatching from eggs, some began to hatch much less often.

Pokémon that stopped hatching from eggs

The following 6 types of Pokémon no longer hatch from eggs:

  • Tentacool
  • Wooper
  • Psyduck
  • Sandshrew
  • paras

These Pokémon stopped spawning in eggs at or shortly after the start. Eggs that were obtained and hatched in subsequent periods of time (including during) clearly did not contain these Pokémon.

3,081 eggs were part of the study - and none of them contained data from 6 Pokemon species.

Pokémon that hatched less frequently

In addition to the 6 Pokémon that no longer spawn in Eggs, 2 Pokémon are now less likely to spawn in Eggs.

  • Dratini - Was became
  • Pineco - Was "common" became "uncommon"

Even though Dratini and Pineco hatch from 10 km eggs, the chance of them hatching was quite high. They are still quite easy to get from eggs, but now they will come across in eggs a little less often.

In addition, it was previously not entirely clear how rare Skyter was. Now it is obvious that, as before, he now belongs to the group "rare" ("rare")

New Pokémon Rarity Table (Hatching Eggs)

Hidden under the spoiler is a great infographic with information about the chances of hatching certain Pokémon from eggs.

Approximate chance of getting each egg - “Approximate chance of getting each egg”

Chance to hatch each Pokemon from a 2.5.10 km

Pokemon do not hatch from eggs - Pokemon that do not hatch from eggs

Never hatched - never hatched

No longer hatch - no longer hatch

Rarity group Pokémon


“Are there even rarer Pokemon than those that belong to the type “Ultra Rare”?

Current evidence suggests that there is an even more “elusive” category of eggs that can be called “Ultra-Ultra-Rare”

However, to say something for sure, you need to continue research - there is not enough data yet.

Hypothetically, this group includes Shuckle, Wobbuffet, Dunsparce and Girafarig, which have half the hatching chance of the Ultra-Rare group. However, so far this is extremely inaccurate information.

What do you think, is it worth removing even more Pokémon from eggs in order to increase the chance of hatching more interesting individuals?)

If you ask any person what the name of the game is, where to look for Pokemon, then, of course, everyone will answer without a hitch - Pokemon GO. This is mobile app in recent times became the most popular entertainment around the world. In this small guide, we will tell you where and how to look for Pokemon in Pokemon GO, and also reveal some of the secrets of the game.

catch everyone

It is already known that the Pokemon GO universe has about 150 creatures. And since the franchise's motto is "Catch 'em all," most gamers can't stop looking. So if you want to be successful in this business, then it will be useful for you to know where and how to look for Pokemon. First of all, it is worth understanding that a creature can appear anywhere. You can catch Pokemon on a busy street, as well as in nature, in a cafe, cinema, or even at home.

Ordinary creatures, such as rats, birds or caterpillars, can be found in any park or in a flower bed near the entrance. But rare pets will have to be thoroughly hunted. Many players arrange real forays into industrial area, to water bodies, and far beyond the city limits.

Starter Pokémon

Each player will receive the first pet at the very beginning of the game. In this case, you can choose one of three Pokemon: Bulbosaurus, Squirtle or Charmander. Each of them has its own abilities and skills, so the choice should be approached with all caution. After you get your first pocket monster, the game will give you complete freedom of action. From this moment, most players think about how to look for Pokemon in the city.

Unfortunately, the zoning of the game does not work perfectly yet. So don't be surprised if you find a Pokemon in the middle of the street that definitely shouldn't be here. And at the same time, in an area that seems in all respects suitable for searching, you may not find creatures.

How to find Pokemon in Pokemon GO?

There are several ways to search. First of all, you can just circle around the city, hoping for good luck. Of course, no one says that such tactics do not work, because many players have acquired pets due to a fortunate combination of circumstances. But a much greater result will bring the search for specific monsters in the footsteps. How to find Pokemon in this way? You will learn about this in the next block.

In pursuit of a pet

First of all, select the Pokémon closest to you in the Nearby tab. After that, count the number of tracks leading to the creature. Now you need to go in search of a monster, which will take place according to the "hot-cold" principle. Moreover, if the number of traces increases, then you have chosen the wrong direction. Go back and go the other way.

Remember that you are playing in the real world, and the tracks, pedestrian crossings, as well as ditches and other obstacles have not disappeared, so be careful. In addition, Pokemon GO in Russia is quite “raw”, so many users complain about the frequent “freezing” of servers. So if for a long time the number of tracks is kept at the same level (3 paws), then there may have been problems with the game, and it is worth waiting until the connection is established.

Catching creatures

We figured out how to look for Pokemon, now let's discuss how to catch them. Finally you have found a new pocket monster. Now press the Pokemon with your finger so it will appear in full height. Next, you need to hold the pokeball and point it at the creature. In this case, you must definitely get into the green or yellow circle. If the attempt was successful, then you can watch how the trap draws the Pokémon. In addition, the pokeball should close, and this will mean that the monster is caught.

But do not be too happy about the victory, because the creature will continue to resist, and may even break free. At the same time, it depends on the rarity and strength of the Pokemon whether the monster gets out of the trap. Stronger creatures must be caught using special improved Pokeballs, which can be purchased in the game store.

Special programs and add-ons

The game where Pokemon are searched - Pokemon Go - has acquired many applications and additional services that help all users better understand the search mechanics. The main set of such projects is concentrated on the main idea - "catch them all." The essence of such applications is quite simple - users share information about where and when they caught a particular monster, after which this information is plotted on a map.

The absolute leader of such services is Poke Radar. This app for iOS platforms displays a map showing the locations of the captured Pokémon. Players can only study the map and, hoping for a lucky break, go in search.

Since the “settlement” of monsters is quite dense, for convenience, Poke Radar has acquired a filter that allows you to select and search for a specific Pokemon. In general, the application is quite useful and convenient, but you should not trust all the coordinates, because the database is unofficial, and therefore, many "unscrupulous" users enter false information.

Owners of the Android platform should not be upset, because many additional applications have been created for them to make it easier to find Pokemon. Of course, many of these services today are not as developed and advanced as Poke Radar, but by going to Google Play, you can pick up useful program like Poke Live. This application searches for Pokémon closest to the user and indicates their location on the map. The only drawback of the program is that the search area is limited to the surrounding area. That is, you will not be able to see Pokemon living on the other side of the city and, based on this data, lay a successful route.

Today there are many useful applications. These include Pokevision, Pokeflex, Pokefind, PokeCrew, and more. However, they are all free. But it should be borne in mind that in our country the game appeared relatively recently, so the data presented on these servers is still incomplete. But they can also provide useful information.

Classification of pocket monsters

There are currently 18 types of creatures in Pokémon Go. Where to look for pokemon depending on the classification? First of all, you should deal with the range of a particular type of creatures. As you know, the game divides the map real world on certain areas - biomes. Each of these areas is inhabited by one type of Pokémon. And depending on the type of creature you want to find, you need to go to the area most suitable for searching.

Where to find Fighting-type Pokémon?

Pocket monsters like Machok or Primeape love to get into a fight. So that the best place stadiums, sports centers and halls will be used to search for this type of Pokemon.

water type

The name itself speaks about where to look for Pokemon of this species. Creatures like Slowpoke and Squirtle prefer to settle near water. So you need to look for them near rivers, streams, lakes and on beaches.

magic type

Creatures of this species prefer to settle near places of interest, as well as in cemeteries and near and inside churches.


Pokemon of this type, as well as magical ones, live near attractions. So to find them, check the marks on the map.

ground pokemon

To search for such creatures, it is better to go to parking lots and playgrounds. In addition, these Pokémon can be found near roads, as well as near muddy streams and canals. In general, any urban landscape definitely attracts Ground-type Pokémon.

stone type

This type of Pokémon can be found near parking lots, train stations, highways, and any large buildings. In addition, such creatures like to settle in large shopping centers.

ice pokemon

In order to find creatures of this type, it is not necessary to go to the frozen corners of our planet. In warm countries, ice creatures nest in the grass that grows near bodies of water. If you're looking for Pokémon in a colder country, look for any icy surfaces.

flying monsters

Most often, Pokemon of this type live near agricultural land. In addition, you can find these animals in parks, forests, gardens, on playgrounds, as well as places where there is a lot of grass.


Such Pokemon prefer to settle near farms, in gardens, forests, parks and playgrounds. In general, any area with dense grass will do, even a flower bed near your house can become a home for an insect.

regular pokemon

Such pocket monsters can be found anywhere and even in your apartment.

fiery creatures

To search for such creatures, it is not necessary to climb into the mouth of a volcano and look for sources of open fire. types prefer to live in residential areas, but they choose warm and dry places. In addition, you can find such monsters near the beaches.


This type is very rare and few players can boast of capturing them. These Pokémon spawn randomly near churches, and some trainers have reported catching these creatures at night in parking lots.

Psychic Monsters

Some Pokémon of this type, such as Abra, can be found in grassy areas, but such locations do not apply to the whole species. Highly likely to find psychic pokemon possible in residential areas, but only at night. In addition, there is a great chance of meeting with a similar monster near and inside hospitals.

Steel creatures

These Pokemon are most often combined with another type, which greatly simplifies their search. After all, such combinations significantly expand the search area due to the additional type. Steel Pokémon can be found next to large buildings, as well as near train tracks and forks.

grass pokemon

The name itself tells you where to look for this type of GO Pokémon. Such creatures prefer to inhabit areas with dense grass, such as forests and farms, as well as parks, gardens, and golf courses.

Electric monsters

You can find such creatures only in industrial areas, as well as in schools, institutes, colleges. In general, to search for an electric Pokemon, for example Pikachu, you need to go to a place with a high content of concrete.

Poison monsters

Of course, you don't need to go to polluted and dangerous areas to catch such creatures. After all, you can find poisonous Pokemon in places with high humidity. For example, in ponds or lakes. In addition, this type of monster sometimes appears in the industrial areas of the city, as well as in large buildings, but this happens quite rarely.

This concludes our overview of where and how to find Pokemon in Pokemon GO. We hope that our tips will help you find as many creatures as possible, thanks to which your collection of pocket monsters will become the richest and most diverse.

One Reddit user recently wrote that he was able to catch every Pokémon available in North America. Their number was 142. And where are the rest of the rare Pokémon in Pokemon GO?

Finding the three Pokémon that the player failed to catch is well known. Farfetch'd lives in Asia, Kangaskhan in Australia and Mr. Mime in Europe. Therefore, book a plane ticket - and go!

6 rarest pokemon

The remaining 6 Pokémon have not yet been caught and it is not yet clear where to look for them. Here are the names of these sympathizers: Ditto, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo and Mew. Now we will talk a little about them, and maybe you will understand where you can catch these rare Pokémon.


Ditto can transform its cellular structure and take on other forms. However, if he tries to do it “from memory”, there is a high risk of mistakes and ridiculous situations =)


Articuno is a legendary bird Pokémon with the power of ice. The flapping of her wings chills the air around her and strikes terror into the hearts of her enemies. According to legend, when it flies by, it snows.


Zapdos is a legendary bird Pokémon that can control electricity. It usually lives in thunderclouds. She can draw incredible power from lightning bolts.


Moltres is a legendary bird Pokémon that can control fire. If this Pokémon is hurt, it can immerse its body in the hot magma of a volcano to heal itself.


Mewtwo is a child of genetic engineering. Despite the fact that Mewtwo was created by human scientists, they forgot to endow him with a compassionate, feeling heart.


Mew is said to be the "genetic bouquet" of all Pokémon. Mew has the ability to turn invisible even if he gets close to people.

How to catch a rare pokemon?

No doubt, after reading this article, you will be wondering: “Where can I capture these legendary, rare Pokemon in Pokemon Go?”

So far, we cannot answer this question. In the original trailer for Pokemon Go, we can see how several trainers have gathered in Times Square and are trying to catch Mewto. Some players believe that the developer Niantic will organize mass events (like Ingress), during which it will be possible to catch legendary and rare Pokémon. Whether this is so, time will tell.

Today we learned which Pokemon in Pokemon Go are the most rare at the moment. Or maybe your rare Pokemon is walking around the nearest supermarket right now?)

And finally, watch a video about rare Pokemon: