Splinter Cell Double Agent Passage. TOM CLANCY'S SPLINTER CELL: Double Agent: Passage. Sound and light

The passage is oriented, first of all, at a hundred percent result in the "Stealth column" and on as many points as possible, the number of points for the rest of the positions: the number of corpses raised by the alarm found bodies and so on. Separately stipulate the moments where you will have to make a choice between bad and good guys, and the detailed manual for solving some puzzles is given. Designed for an experienced player in Stels.

Before jumping out of the aircraft, go to the computer in the cabin and refer to a letter from Sarah. You still do not know that this is a farewell letter of Sam's daughter, but we will not run forward.

Penetrate the station

Spread and jump into the atlantic ocean's jets. Dive and swim on the red light on the left (the "E" key acceleration). Here you will be waiting for John, which in your appearance will swim in the tunnel. Enjoy him and see how a young man shares with one of the guards. Let's hope that this is the first and last victim of this mission.
When John gets on the shore, pop up and snap. You will find yourself in the hole. Since we are not going to kill anyone, wait until the second guard turns back to you, and choose from the corner (the "Control" key). Hide in the shade of the pipes so that no one notice you. Lambert will report that the plans changed, and terrorists appeared at the station. Otherwise today Monday.
Surface yourself to the house with a light bulb above the entrance. Fill the light bulb and go to the house. Close the door behind you! In the house you will find a sleeping guard and sound grenade. Take a grenade, touch up the guard's laptop, and also deploy the generator cable to turn off the power supply of the station. As soon as you do it, the guard on the street will be interested in a house, so choose from inventory smoke Shashka And carefully open the front door. So there is - the guard stands right in front of the entrance. Throw the checker to the left, away from the fence and when the guard goes to check what's the matter, quickly run to the right where John is waiting for you.
Help John to shield through the fence, and then on your own thread through the grid. Once on the other side of the station, pick up the stairs to the platform, jump and, having grabbed your hands for the cord stretched by someone, go to the enemy territory.

Road to the ventilation mine

Surride on the roof behind the back of the guard, but let him calmly go right. Jump onto the platform and follow the guard to the stairs. Go down to level below. Two guards will come out of the gate behind your back and start talking. While they are busy, loss through the railing and jump onto the ground. Cut the open container (you can get mine in it, but we have nothing to do with it) and we will deal with the left to the generator hanging on the wall next to the fence. Put the cable to turn off the power of the fence and right here, without departing from the cash register, pass through the fence.
Quickly jump onto the ground and squeeze to the left wall of the fence. Go through it to the very end until you see a security guard with a flashlight. Do not hurry, let him play a chance in the trail, and when he turns her back to you, quickly go to the right and take the ladder to the top. Then, on another Lestenka, get to the top of some tank where you must jump and cling to your hands for the pipe. Now wrap the pipe with your feet and enjoy to the building on the left.
Below you will see a madman John, but do not attempt to save it. Cesar - Cesarean. Click to the end of the pipe, shut down the legs down and grab your hands for the railing. Purchase through them and run to the building ahead. Find over the ventilation shaft. Here you are on the basis. John?!

Sabotage launch warheads

I repeat, but John is not able to help, it's not worth spending time in search of a workaround.
Click to the platform on the left and lift through the railing. You have ten minutes to stop the launch of the rocket and carry legs. Lambert has already sent cavalry for you, so I advise you to hurry.
The surest way of sabotage is the next. Go through the platform to the end and find the staircase. Go down to level below. There is also a staircase here, but do not rush to go down on it. Wait for you to raise the guard with a flashlight. Let him examine the platform and, leaning toward him behind the back, go down after the stairs. As soon as it is right, immediately turn right and cut down the light over the warhead. Then turn the valve to push the bridge leading to the warhead. Now turn on and stand up on the platform nearby - this is a kind of elevator. Click on the button and climb to the level where the bridge extended by you is located.
Now you need to open a warhead control panel. The remote is located in the household on the left, where the worker is sits slightly. We'll have to recruit it. So, cut down the light in the cabinet at the time and when the working leaves it, quickly sharpen inside and press the button that opens the control panel on the rocket housing.
Get out of the cabin and cut down the light over the warhead. Make sure the worker is not next to the warhead and run to it. Pick up the correct code to the control panel and sabotize the launch. Excellent, now quickly turn the head to the right, where a staircase is located in the steps from the rocket housing. Climb on it and lift your head to the ceiling on the left. Soon you will see the Lambert helicopter from which you will reset the rope. Grab up for the straw and carry legs. The mission is passed!

Alternative ways:

The gate leading to the ventilation shaft can be opened in two ways: either choosing the code on the lock next to the goal, or with the help of a computer in the guardhouse of the guard, but then you will have to deal with him and with his partner, which is undesirable.

The rocket can be neutralized and faster. From the top platform, descend one level down and pick up the cockpit. Turn the lever and move the crane. Go to the platform and try to the end where you will see the pipe. Climb on it under the ceiling and use the left. Soon you will have the opportunity to hook the cats and go down your head to the control panel. To not be noticed, along the way, cut down the light from the guard on the platform on the left. Below, you have to neutralize the worker who stuck near the panel. The problem is that the working is extremely nervous type, and from the first time you can hardly succeed.

Second-US Mission, Kansas, Federal Prison Ellsworth, February 1, 2008 - Prison Bun

After Jamie Washington gives you a knife, go to a poster on the wall and make it a slight movement of the hand. Behind the poster you will see a hole in the wall. Close to the tunnel and enjoy in the mine. Through the pipe, pick up the top level and fill it into another ventilation shaft. Soon you will find yourself under the ceiling on the ventilation box. At the bottom of the cameras already come riots, but they should not worry you. Go on the box to the left and with the help of a knife, open the flaps of the next ventilation mine.
When you crawl through the mine, then at the bottom of the grille will see the head of one of the guards, so try not to noise. At the end of the tunnel, open the hatch and silently jump into the guard room.

Guard Room and Path to the Hall, where there is a shootout

The guard will notice the open hatch, but it does not risk what it does not take. While you are in the shade, the guard will not notice you, so take advantage of the situation and get rid of the computer on the table. Find out the code (1403) from the door, which coincides with the code on the cabinet with a weapon located at the right wall of the room.
Sour back to the locker and enter the code. Weapons You, True, do not find, but you will be able to solve three smoke raids. Now the most difficult thing is to imperceptibly leave the room. You must act more quickly. First, hide in the shadow next to the locker where the weapon is stored. When the guard goes past you and go to the table to dig there, quickly throw to the door and, using the launder, unlock the castle. On the other side of the door, you will see the second guard, but it will move towards you, so do not lose a second, jump out on the staircase and roll down the cube.
Once at the bottom, go along the corridor and find the coded lock panel. Enter the code quickly enter the room and hide behind the table on the left. The next moment the guard will enter the premises and notice the open door, but it will not be alarmed.
Give the guard to leave, and then quickly disconnect the metal detector and deploy the generator cable on the wall on the right. Then hide in a niche to the left of the metal detector and wait until the guard returns to the room. As soon as he turns back to you, slip through the metal detector in the corridor. In the corridor, turn off the light, and how quickly you will break the lock on the door leading to the hall where there is a fight between the prisoners and guards.

Tower and roof

Since you were in the very thick of events, you especially nobody pays attention, although this does not mean that you will not be shot. Hold onto the right wall and get to the opposite end of the hall, where they are armed with prisoners. Purchase through a serving table and carefully arouse right. You will see a staircase ahead, but we will not go through it - too risky. Your goal is the door in the upper right corner of the screen. To get there and at the same time do not get into the eyes of the warring sides, get a smoke checker and throw it in the center of your alleged way to the door. Under the cover of smoke, get to the door and enter.
You ended up at the low level of the sector A. Your task is to climb the very top of the tower ahead.
As soon as you enter the room, from which there is a door to the tower, hidey under the staircase, as the guard will move with a flashlight. Give it to pass by you, and then pop out from the shelter, climb the ladder and run up to the door to the tower. Break the castle and enter.
Inside the tower, do not rush to climb the stairs, wait into the shadows until the guard goes down with a flashlight. When he goes back to the way back, to go behind his back and climb to the level of computers, and on the left on the wall hanging a rifle shooting with rubber bullets. Take the weapons and cartridges, then quickly hide under the table with a computer.
When the guard returns, he will high in your direction, but pretends to notice anything. Let the guard go away, and go up the stairs to the next level, where the computer is responsible for controlling the door of the cameras.
Pick up the code and open all the chambers of the sector A. Excellent, now rise another level above and call the elevator. Climb on the last floor. Here you are waiting for two guards, so do not yaw and see where they go to not face them.
From the elevator go to the left and find the hole in the broken window on the right. Take a rift on the roof over the drain pipe.

Saw Jamie

At about the middle of the way, Jamie will report that he has problems, and you will have a new task: "Save Jamie from the guard." To fulfill this task, you should get into the roof as quickly as possible and run up to the improvised bridge, perched from the top of the tower on the roof of the neighboring building. Ahead through the hole in a broken window, you will see Jamie, who holds a guard on the fuskem. Run and save him is an ungrateful matter, so get the rifle with rubber bullets and, when the guard will be directly opposite the holes in the window, shoot!
As soon as the guard falls, run on the bridge and join Jamie. Then, as quickly as possible, jump into the bottom level of the roof, and, trying not to get under the helicopter searchlight, hung over your head, run to the building on the right. Job on the narrow aisle between buildings, go to the house on the right, and climb the roof on the stairs. Everything you are free! The mission is passed!

Alternative ways:

From the hall, where there is a shootout, you can climb the stairs. To do this, throw one smoke checker on the staircase in front of the entrance to the second span, and the second one will spin. Under the cover of smoke, you can climb the stairs unnoticed. One trouble, at the end of the stairs you will be waiting for the door, to open which you can only with the help of a chip chip in the clothing of guards. Therefore, either you will have to stun the guard, patrolling the third span, or to drag the corpse of the guard, drawn by the entrance to the stairs, and make it much more complicated than it seems.

The rules of behavior in the lair of the enemy are as follows: perform all the tasks that the terrorists gave you, then all tasks for Lambert, and in the remaining time are trying to perform additional orders and not be caught in places where you should not be in the idea.
After arriving at the headquarters of terrorists, go for Jamie (do not lag, but do not overtake him not to lose confidence). After you show where you sleep, you will be tired of the Moss. Go behind him and he will lead you a training room. Your task is to pass the bar of obstacles, after which it is possible to open a safe and wait for the arrival of the Moss, which promises to appear in twenty-five minutes.

Bar of obstacles, hacking safe and tire

Pass the bar of obstacles (I think you will cope and without tips) and run up to the safe. The principle of hacking the safe is as follows: Choose one of the directions - "right" or "left" in which you will rotate the laundr. Adhere to the selected direction until you hear a click, and the left extreme wheel will not become green, which means that it is in the right position. Now change the direction of rotation and install the central wheel in the correct position. Repeat the direction of rotation again and install the last wheel. If everything is true, the safe will be opened.
Get out of the room with a safe and through the hatch, select to the beginning of the obstacle course. Next to the queue - tire. Come and take a rifle in your hands. Your task is to knock out 75 points for 30 shots. This is not difficult to do, as the center of the target is 5 points, the edge is 1 point, and the fact that between them is 3 points. As soon as select the required amount of points, go to the tasks of Lambert.

Roof Antenna and Buchus Installation

Get out of a tire and go to the left. Soon you will see the lip, where the only girl is the terrorist Enrica. Talk to her and go past Lazarene to the stairs by the wall. Relieve upstairs, where two are busy with the fixing blades of a huge fan.
Do not make sure, carefully go behind them and dive into the ventilation mine, from where you can climb the roof on the stairs. But do not rush to get out of the roof, as the guard, standing in the parapet, can notice you. Give the guard to move a little left and when it turns back to you, get out of the roof and quickly convey to the right where the service carries another terrorist.
Follow the back of the terrorist, but on the half of the way, leave it alone and hide behind the boxes on the left. When the terrorist comes to the end of the roof and stop at the wall, back to you, quickly go forward and turn left into the open door in the fence.
Here you will find a shield with an antenna transmitter. Install the bug on the transmitter and go back the same way as they came.

Trojan horse and server room

Go down the stairs to the room where a huge teleexer hangs on the wall. Go straight along the corridor and turn right. Here you will see Jamie, which will open the door using the code lock and go to the server room.
Make sure that there are no witnesses nearby, turn off the room in the room and select the code to the code lock. Come and immediately turn left. Watch out through the railing and squeeze to the left wall. Go through it to the end and pay attention to the camera above the input to the server.
Wait until the server will come out annoyed Jamie and waiting for the camera when the camera will not look into your direction, take out to the doors. Come in the server and get to the ladder leading to the exaltation where two terrorists work.
Native space to the left of the ladder and find the hatch. Open it and descend down. You were under the elevation. Wait until one of the terrorists leave the server, and the other will take on their affairs on the computer. Go through the end of the tunnel and, opening the second hatch, select on the exaltation. Go to the nearest terminal and download the virus into the system. Come back the same way as they came.

Medical Terrorist Files - Additional Task

To get medical files of terrorists, go to the lazaret and make sure that Enriches in his office considers something in the microscope. Come to the door of the office and break the castle. Carefully adjusted to the office and close the door behind you. On the tiptoe, pull the girl's back. To start hacking her computer, and then scan the medical files lying in the bedside table on the right. Then you get out of the office as quieter and close the door behind you. Everything, you can now return to the obstacle course, where Moss is already waiting for you.

Helicopter pilot - execute or pardon?

After meeting with Moss, he spends you in torture, where Emil Dufrasne orders you to kill the helicopter pilot, and Lambert will insist on pardon. If you want to enroll in trust in terrorists, then kill the pilot, if you do not want to paint your hands, then just shoot the wall. The mission is passed!

Mission fourth - Russia, Okhotsk Sea, 200 km from Siberia's coast, February 5, 2008 - death under sail

The only mission, where for passing you must cut the ship's team, and otherwise you do not count it. But it is still necessary to get to the ship, so let's talk about it later.

Parachute jump and trail

After Sam jump out of the aircraft, you look a little, and then a pictogram with a parachute image will appear. Twist for the ring, but ... parachute will not open! But do not panic, we still have a spare place. As soon as the pictogram appears for the second time, twirl the ring and land.
After landing, you should pick up your things as quickly as possible, since your jump has not left unnoticed, and two with automatic machines are already planted on Iceberg.
To pick up things and not raise an alarm, you must act very quickly. So, as soon as the management goes, run forward, jump, recycle and create the second one as quickly as possible on the right of the icy hormick on the right. Load to the edge and hang on your hands above the cliff. Do not move, otherwise you will notice.
Listen to the conversation of two soldiers, and then when they will differ on your searches, choose Iceberg and run to your things. Collect scattered detonators and jump in the swallow into the water on the right. The first part of the path behind.

Enemy camp and mountain

Sweep under the ice and when Sam notices the hole, sleep, put the ice and drag the soldier to the bottom. Do not emerge. Swim further until you see another hole with the soldier. Take off to the bottom and it (if you cannot play stealth, we will get a maximum of pleasure). This time also stay under water and swim right and until the end of the reservoir. There carefully naply and see where the guard is walking near the snowmobiles. If he turned back to you, then quickly selected ashore and run to the tent on the left. Cut it on the left side and hide behind the boxes to be behind the back of the soldier, heating his hands by the fire.
Writing a good time, sneak to the soldier and grab it. Take it to the water and just enter the water so that it goes to the bottom.
Sweep a little left and choose. Return to where the soldiers grabbed, and use his computer to blow up a piece of icy mountain near the snowmobiles.
Jump into the water and swim under the ice to the hole on the left. Tear the ice and selected ashore. Hide behind a snowmobile and watch the soldier who walks near the ones formed on the left. When the soldier goes to the right and bends down to a snowmobile, choose from shelter and gently slide into the water. Sk up and swim on the tunnel on.

Two boots and lower ship deck

You will have two holes tightened with ice. Over one costs soldiers, over yet anyone. I am not in vain saying "while", because you should wait for you a little like a soldier will appear above it. I advise you to deal with him first of all, since if you stick to his comrade, he will be able to notice you.
Obschery with both soldiers and jump into the water. Do not touch the guy in the boat, he did not do anything bad. Swim right and selected ashore. Grab your hands for the cord and climb the ship.

In corpses

Passing this mission for the first time, I got to the last stage, without removing any member of the crew, then I had to seriously regret, as I did not count the task. Do not repeat my mistakes. They said - deal with the team, here you are talking. Without amaway!
To begin with, clean the lower deck. Take advantage of a sudden flying trust to quiet to selected victims. Tactics here are simple: I chose the sacrifice, drunk back, grabbed, dotted to the place where you climbed the ship, stunned, wrapped on the shoulders and dropped down from the ship - so at least no one can find the corpses.
When the bottom becomes free, run along the stern to the mast with the staircase. Rear to the very top. Check that on the deck, where are you going to go on the cord, there was no one. Go down and on the pipe, remove to the upper deck.
Here grab your hands for the railing and hang under the soldier talking about the radio. His name is Andrei, or rather called. As soon as he finishes the conversation, grab it and move it through the railing. Close to the roof of the tanker and find the antenna.
Open the control panel, select the code and contact Lambert. Then pass the tanker frequency for terrorists. Both hare was killed.

Gas attack and path to the machine department

On the roof of the tanker, find the ladder leading to the ventilation box. Open the hatch upstairs and use the cable down. Try to convince terrorists, but they are adamant and will require you to let you go on the ventilation system.
There is nothing to do, throw a gas grenade into a ventilation mine. Now go to the wall and jump, so that Sam can grasp by the edge of the ledge. Tighten on your hands and enjoy the narrow tunnel on the deck.
At this time, you will be informed that the captain completely mad from fear and plans to blow up the ship. You need to stop it.
Return to the upper deck of the ship and, dropping through the railing, do the way to the bottom deck. Finish the sweep of the lower deck. I do not think it will be a problem for you, but I will still stop on the couple of individuals.
One of the soldiers took a strategically advantageous position at the top of the stairs and does not leave his post for a second. It is almost impossible to get to him, to kill from a distance - this is not our work method, so leave it alone. I am not kidding, the fact is that you need to remove ten members of the crew, and on the ship there are at least fifteen people on the ship, so there will be enough cannonous meat and without this paranoid.
The captain ran away by the aisle on the left side, where the crane was previously blocked. Three roaming on the opened territory: one sits on the mast, two roam down. First you will meet a lonely soldier who can be easily stunned and hide in an open container on the right. The main thing is to make sure that you do not notice the fighter on the match.
Now you need to somehow climb the stairs and at the same time do not run into a soldier. I propose to cut the spotlight on the mast, illuminating the staircase and under the cover of darkness to rise upstairs. First, rub with a guy on the deck, and then climb on the mast and degrade the watch. Now quietly go down to the deck and go down to the open hatch of the machine compartment.

Machine compartment and captain of the ship

Go through the first doors and move on the bridge left. Put at the end of the bridge and wait until the sailor in the white form goes away from the console, followed by it. Go to it behind your back and stun. Go down to the down level and go through the next doors to the next compartment.
As soon as you go, go to the right and hide in the dark, as soon the sailor will appear with a flashlight. When he turns his back to you, stun him and hide in the dark. Go to the doors at the end of the compartment, but do not rush to go out. First, take off the light on the left, and then go through the doors, as otherwise you will notice the sailor at the top level.
You found yourself in a compartment with a working screw. Stop the screw with the remote control of the wall and jump into the water. Weigh the tunnel in the next compartment and choose the elevation in the center.
Over your head walks the captain with a burning signal rocket, and in the compartment itself there is an unbearable gas smell. The captain was accurately crushed, so you should neutralize it earlier than he blows up the ship.
Hang on your hands under the bridge, where the captain wanders, and when it goes past you, joil through the railing and grab the madman. Stun the captain and take the long stairs to the top. Open the hatch to get on the landing pad, where the helicopter is already waiting for you. The mission is passed!
Do not worry if you do not get a 100% result, since for an incomprehensible reason, even if you hide all the bodies, two or three found bodies will be indicated in the report after the mission. As they say, it is impossible to understand it, it is just necessary to keep in mind.

Alternative ways:

There are many of them, as you can remove enemies in various ways.

It is possible to climb the tanker on the lift located on the left of the dam on the tanker board, but there are two problems. First, you will have to clean the soldier in the rubber boat, and secondly, two you are waiting at the top, so the way on the rope is preferable and safer.

Unlike the previous mission, in China everything will be much more interesting. So, after the pilot is enough to hit, the control of the helicopter will turn to you. Do not be scared, no one will force you to fly, this is not a simulator. All you have to do is to level the helicopter and bring it to the skyscraper ahead. After a successful landing, you will be left on the helicopter area under torrential rain.

Path to the hotel and recording of the meeting of terrorists

As soon as Moss and Emil will leave, the good guys will ask you to record the conversation of terrorists on film. To do this, you must cross the well-protected roof than we now and do.
The shortest way. Go to the boxes on the left. Stand on them and jump to grab your hands for the railing. When the guards begin to talk, live alone through the railing. Tell the house on the roof and climb on the roof. Staying in the shade, sneak up to the cord, grasp it and go down.
On the roof, jump on the ventilation box. Then, on the boards, depart on the roof of one of the trailers. Slesh yourself and jump onto a pipe, walking along the wall of the building on the left. Climb to the top of the pipe and, grabbing hands for the cornice, use the right. Jump down and go to the crane control panel. Select the code and turn the crane. Then climb the crane and go through the end of the boom. Strengthen the cable and start going down.
When you get to the first cradle, sneeze and hang on the cornice. Use left until you see a neon tube, reinforced vertically on the very edge of the building. Go down on it at the level below and stand up on the cornice. Your task is to pass by the windows of the restaurant so that you do not notice. Make it is quite simple, as most visitors are already resting in the salad. Go past the window when no one looks at him. At the end of the cornice, strengthen the cable and prepare the microphone.
Start descending down and when you reach the room where negotiations are held, hover the microphone on the talking terrorists to start recording. Alas, even if you, like me, will be able to fully write a conversation, you still will not cover the task, because it was so conceived according to the script.
The record will break, but all because someone noticed the arrow of the crane and suspected a non-carry, and you need to urgently tear claws. As soon as possible, go down to the cradle and immediately start moving to the left. At the first time, sway and hang on the cornily. Climb to the very end of the eaves and zerite, sprinkling with the wall. If you stay standing on the cornily, you will not be able to pass by the closed staples, and people from the helicopter will be seen.

Hacking safe in Emil's room

Soon the fortie will open above, but you must overcome the desire to throw out the guard through it, since then do not see you one hundred percent result as your ears. Therefore, we wait until the guy leaves, and only then we climb into the window. Staying in the shade, go to the left and open the hatch in the floor. Jump out in the hatch and go through the tunnel until the next hatch. Select to the surface. You found yourself in the laundry.
To pass by the guard, cut down the light above the door on the left. When in the laundry it becomes noticeable darker, quickly run up to the generator on the wall on the left and deploy the wire. Everything, now the night has come accurately. While the guard finds out what was the matter, run to the left, turn over some cars and find the entrance to the mine with a staircase leading up. Rear to the very top and jump into the ventilation mine.
Soon you will find yourself in the closet. Jump down and turn off the light. Get out of the cabinet, which will be in the Emil Room! This is good luck!
Stay in the shade behind the screen and wait until the worker in a white suit leaves the negotiation room. As soon as it goes past you, quickly go to the meeting room and squeeze towards the left wall.
In the hallway to the left you will see Emil, but do not worry, it will extinguish the light (thanks, dear) and goes to the next room. Run to the hallway and turn right, where Emil left. The left wall you will see the safe!
Attention! If for some reason you will not work with the buttons that are responsible for turning the bed to the safe, then either reboot the game, or try simultaneously press the "right" and "down" keys, "left" and "down". Sometimes, the problem can be solved by simply pressing everything in a row, including the mouse buttons.
When you figure it out with a safe, take the red mercury sample and close the safe. Get out of the room through the main doors and turn right.

Path to the Room of the Good Doctor

You need to get into the room of Dr. Atwhan, and it is a couple of floors below. Wake yourself right by patrol and locate the door leaning towards the wall. Another friend wanders nearby, so do not make sure. If the guard costs you with your back, then just go into a room with a computer, and on the ladder climb the very top of the hotel. If the guard is in the room, then let him go from there, but do not stay, since his partner can return to any second.
Once on the roof of the mine with elevators, damping the cable and go down on the metal bridge. At this time, the Chinese New Year will come and the hotel will clarify the searchlights. Very not on time, but do not be discouraged, we did not overcome this.
From the metal bridge, jump onto the roof of the elevator riding down. From the roof, depart on another bridge and again wait for the elevator. Go to it even lower and go to the bridge. Do not rush, because at this moment the guard will come to the window to the window.
Give him a document and when he turns to leave, jump into the window and deliver a gun. Define the camera over the elevators and run right. Staying in the shade so that you did not notice the guard with a flashlight, we will only go to the doctor number and enter.
In the room four. I admit that it is possible to go through this place, without cutting down any of the guys, but the problems with the control of the launder do not leave a different way out, how to arrange children a quiet hour.
To begin with, cut off the guy who rushes between the room with a safe and computer. Grab it and drag into the shower. Stun and deal with a guy who wore a safe. Take it up in the same shower. Now pull out one of two guys from the next room, and maybe he will come out. Stun it and hide in the shower. With the remaining do the same.
Go to the safe and open it (you need to do it from the first time to stay at the doctor). Take the paper and save the game. Now we will kill a good doctor.

Killing a good doctor

You can kill him as you like, but by way and errors I came to the conclusion that the most effective is a mine on the wall. So, leave the room and turn left. Staying in the shade, get to the next dark segment of the wall and install the mine (if the guard with a flashlight passed by you, let it return to him to be a victim of the explosion). Return to the doctor's room where the helicopter arrived with an impatient Moss on board. At that moment, when you will be near the saving cord leading to the helicopter, an explosion should sound. Good doctor will go to the forefathers, and you will get a 100% rating. The mission is passed!

Alternative ways:

Other murder methods of the doctor lead to the loss of one hundred percent rating, since you spend precious time. For example, you can shoot a wall next to the elevator with a velcro camera and poison Dr. Gas, but it will not kill him and have to go and finish that it will take too much time. You can also remove the doctor from the rifle, to do this, while staying right in the doorway door, hover the an optical sight to the elevator cabin and shoot the sacrifice that will not even have time to understand what happened.

After talking with Lambert, come back to the headquarters. You must quickly return to the building, otherwise forgive one hundred percent result.
Relieve under the truck and wait for people in the yard to the left of the left and will take care of their affairs. Roll out from under the truck and, holding in the shade, go to the entrance to the headquarters, where Enriches will meet you.
Go for Enrika and listen to her requests: to attribute the body of the pilot to the stove, make ten min for Kinshasa and so on. In the end, Enrica will lead you to the lower level of the headquarters, where the mechanism is located for the manufacture of mines. Leaving you alone, Enriches will suit the door to the left and voice will open the castle. Lambert wants you to record the voices of the most important terrorists and took advantage of the records to open the previously closed doors.

When Enriches leave, hide in the shade and take the microphone. Hover the microphone on the glass wall, which is spoken by Enrik and Emil, and write down their voices. Now go to the mechanism on the left and make ten minutes. Make it is not too difficult, especially since you have 15 charges, which means that you have the right to five mistakes.
After the mines are ready, go to the door and use the entry with Emil's voice to open the lock. Come and climb the stairs to the top.
Fill light and look through the glass in the door to the next corridor. Wait for the patrol in the corridor to turn your back and quickly slip into the room.
Pass the sleeping guard and roll into the corridor on the right. Fill light, and how fast you will break the lock on the door. Go further and select the code to the door of the Emil Office. Come in and immediately go to the door on the right to get into the corridor with two doors. Find Emil's bedroom and scan it a personal matter. Then go back to the door of the office and carefully look into the room. If Emil and Jamie is still there, then wait when the CHAKARIK will leave, and the boss of terrorists will sit on the sofa with his back to the door.
Come into the office and quickly go to the balcony to the right, as Emil will decide to stretch his legs. Wait on the balcony until he goes to the room and fall to sleep. Then go to the office, and it's carefully aimed. Discover the safe, scan the drawings for Lambert and take a personal business from the bedside table. Hack a computer and find out the access code into the Enrique laboratory.
Get out of the office and return to the corridor where the guard goes. This time two will be waiting in the corridor, since the sleeping guard will wage.
Staying in the shade, proceed into the corridor to the right and turn off the light. Break the castle on the door to the left and enter the room where Dayton is sleeping. Take out the microphone and write the voice of Dayton when it starts talking in a dream. Finally, pick up files with personal cases of two bedside tables. Get out of the room and come back to the staircase leading to the room where you made mines.

Return to the headquarters headquarters. Climb the top level and find a secluded corner. Call the microphone and write down the Moss's voice (Monkey-like guy, whom Sam calls "Mousse", that is, "Elm"), when he starts grumbling under his breath.
When Moss's voice is recorded, go to Lazare and find the body of the Unfortunate Pilot. We take it on the shoulders and come back to the main hall. Go down and turn into the first corridor on the right. Pass past the room where the pilot was tortured, and turn right. Go down on the metal staircase down and go through the passage to the right to get into the storage. Put the pilot corpse on the elevation next to the stove. Return to the room where you made mines and wait for Enrique arrival. The mission is passed!

Alternative ways:

After you scan the drawings in the Emil Office, you can go to the balcony and go down to the headquarters. If you cross the courtyard and take the green boxes under the window of a neighboring building, you can climb into the bedroom Enriki through the window. As soon as you do it, the girl will enter the room and Sam will not be left anything else, how to seduce her. Poor Sammy ...

This is a detailed passage of Splinter Cell Double. Agent is designed for inexperienced players - experienced unlikely to need such assistance. But some basic skills at the player should be - for example, it is necessary to know that every body of a stunned or killed enemy is required to hide so that no one finds and not raise the alarm. Also worth how to make SPLINTER CELL DOUBLE Agent saving - it will significantly save your time. In the game after each mission, the rating of its execution is calculated - each corpse, each stunned man, each broken light bulb this rating. Simply put, only some can play at one hundred percent result, the rest of the SPLINTER CELL DOUBLE AGENT strongly recommends playing at your own pleasure, not paying attention to the rating. He still will not give anyway. Therefore, boldly remove all those who interfere. Also, this passage of Double Agent will tell you about the key moments of this nonlinear game, where Sam will have to make a choice between government and terrorists, we describe the possible consequences of certain actions.

First game Splinter. Cell Double Agent will invite you to choose the level of complexity. They, in contrast to the previous parts, will be presented three (previously there were only two).

  • Easily - This level is intended for those who first sees the game Splinter Cell. The consequences of your actions will be more than excuse. If you even more or less familiar with the game, do not choose this level of difficulty - it will be just not interesting.
  • Normal - And this level is already for experienced players in Splinter Cell. Each of your act will cause significant response. From small - if you forget to close the door, the enemies will start looking for you, and to large - the failure to fulfill this or that task will entail a noticeable decline in the employer's confidence.
  • Complicated - Designed for experts of the game Splinter Cell, thirsting for special tests. Your resources are limited, and all the consequences of your actions will be cruel.

Based on the above, for the average player, the choice of the usual level of complexity will be optimal. Also, the Sell Splinter will also immediately tell, which means the names of the Employers Sam - the NAM and ADB.

ANB - National Security Agency. This is our old good employer on whom we have worked for all previous parts of the SPLINTER CELL series games. In tasks from different structures that are directly opposite to each other, it is better to give priority to the tasks of the NSA. Although how to act, the player himself decides. In addition, if the level of trust of terrorists reaches zero, the game will end in failure.

ADB - Army John Brown. A terrorist organization in which Sam was introduced to destroy it from the inside. The organization is very powerful and dangerous, has technical innovations, a serious personnel composition and excellent weapons. By the way, John Brown is a real historical figure, was a wrestler for the rights of slaves. And he was famous for the fact that he made a bold plaque to the army arsenal for arming his army of the associates, but was caught and heated in 1859.

Now let's start by description passing splinter. Cell Double Agent.

First Mission - Iceland, 20 km from Akurea, September 3, 2007

Tasks (all - from the National Security Agency)

  • Explore the geothermal station;
  • Penetrate the database without raising the alarm;
  • Penetrate the station without raising anxiety;
  • Prevent the launch of the rocket;
  • Get to helicopter to escape.

Start of task

This mission Splinter. Cell Double Agent begins in the aircraft of the National Security Agency (hereinafter referred to as NB). We have to jump out of it in the water - do not worry, Sam's costume is reliably insulated, also in the kit there is a technical novelty, a sort of filter that mines oxygen from the water - they will not fall under it. Before packed down, you can approach the computer located in the cabin and read the letter to Sam from his beloved daughter, Sarah. As it turns out later, this is her last letter. But Fisher does not know about it yet.

Penetration of geothermal station

Come to the hatch and jump down into the water. There we will already wait for the young Sam Sam's partner on this mission, John, shown earlier in the video. Yunets seeks to impress his experienced Fisher's experienced warrior, constantly running forward, hurrying, etc. As you will see later, very in vain. But we will not rummage. Under water, swim to the light of red, you can use the acceleration - the "Use" key. To the left of the landing site will be a high dam, but it has a small hole-tunnel for water intake - follow in it for John. When we float through the tunnel, you will see how a partner deftly snapped into the surface to the surface, grabbed the opponent, turned her neck, threw in the water and went into the shadow. Sam also did not hurt - he will get a second guard. So that he is not confused under the legs in the future, the passage of Double Agent recommends entering the John Example - to dig out of the hole (the water is dark, you will not be visible until you leave for the ice!), Find your enemy by whistle (x button) when it is suitable - Press the "Use" button to tighten the victim under water. By the way, the trick looks very spectacular! After eliminating the second guard, choose from the hole on the surface. You will see a small courtyard, in which the passage to the neighboring territory of interest to us, closes the fence from the metal grid. But not just a fence, but a fence under electrical stress. Therefore, the passage of SPLINTER CELL DOUBLE AGENT advises not to try to jumble through it, but immediately go to one-room building nearby - there is a generator. In addition to the generator, you will see the sleeping guard in the room, its laptop (there is nothing particularly useful in it, but you can dig) and sound grenade. At the entrance of Lambert will report a curious news - several more terrorists arrived at the geothermal station. Fisher's proposal to remove the young partner from the task the bosses ignored (John is not trained in such cases). Guard Passage Double Agent recommends not to kill better, still does not interfere, although you know better. Probably, it is still easier to simply sneak by - our goal, the generator is in the opposite corner of the room. There, going up to the wires, the actions window will appear - press "Use" to SAM to cut the cable, shutting down the generator and turning off the electricity supplied to the fence. In case you did not kill the very first guard, which the passage of the game Double Agent recommended tightening the water from the corner, he will now go to this building, be careful. If you have eliminated it, we boldly leave here to the very obstacle, which was under electricity. There, John's thirsty actions have already been beneficial - he will ask to help him move through the fence (which is unhappy!). To help, just come to the barrier, Sam will do everything without your participation - it will come in, put the hands for the partner, and will suck on the elevation of the fence. Now jumble yourself through the barrier, since I don't need to help Sam in this. There are a small staircase on a similar elevation next door to John, you will see the rope, stretched between this the most elevation and the base of terrorists. Jump up to grasp for this rope, and enjoy the view from the height at the station until Sam slips down.

Path to the ventilation mine

After a few seconds of this exciting journey, Sam jumps from the rope to the roof. Ahead will patrol the locality guard - you will have several options what to do. You can eliminate him with a firm head. Sll Sll double agent will recommend simply jumping from the roof to it to stun in this way. And you can just slip past. Anyway, you will see a little right to see the stairs down. Without raising noise (there is a task of inconspicuous penetration!), Go down on it. Below is a few more guards. One will be in the video surveillance room, two more - near the gate, through which we need to get further. One of these two securities is at an open container (in which there is a wall mine, but it is actually useless in this mission), the terrain patrols with another circles. The one that the container knows the code of access to the castle on the gate - you can interrogate. But to penetrate these same gates is not difficult - the game Splinter Cell Double Agent will provide a solid choice of methods. Therefore, you can simply jump from the stairs to the container, from the container - on the head of the opponent to stun. Passage of a double agent recommends dragging the body into the shadow. Also, beware of video surveillance cameras. John meanwhile the task is given to turn off the ventilation so that Sam can go through it to the station. More ways to open the gate - the computer in the video surveillance room (do not forget that there is another guard!), Or come to the generator (a little left of the gate), cut the wires on it to turn off the gate power - so you can not even open the gate Through them. One way or another, being in the next yard for the fence, you will see two more guards on this territory. Moreover, with flashlights, so the passage of Double Agent recommends that either quickly eliminate them, or simply do not fall on the eyes. We need to go through a straight line, where there is a small staircase for exaltation. Rising, you will see another, leading on top of some tank. Look at the target building directly - the guard will be released on the exaltation. The passage of Splinter Cell Double Agent recommends removing it directly from here to get to the destination without any problems. Now Sam must grab his hands for a pipe that passes from here directly to the geothermal station. In order not to cling to the legs for a small fence, grab them also for the pipe, and we use in this way forward. Do not forget to make Splinter Cell Double Agent saving. Below will see an inexperienced partner who will now make his last error In life - he will break forward again, without waiting for Sam. Do not get distracted by it, put in the end of the pipe, shut down the legs down and grab your hands for the railing. Now it remains to move through them and run to know ahead. Log in one - ventilation shaft. Cock it. Now you are already on the basis.

Cancel the launch of warheads and evacuation

We barely enter the building through a ventilation mine, you will see the left of the "entrance" of John. A young partner stands under the spirit of an enemy machine, raising his hands up. Since he does not respond to questions of terrorists, they shoot it. So, did not pass Sam, but he died himself. But after all, he was warned in order not to be in a hurry to enter you ahead ... By the way, there will be no chance to save him. At all. It is a script, you will not share anything with him, John will die, like it to you, or not. The passage of Double Agent recommends not to spend time to find a workaround - it does not exist. Shortly after the shooting of John, the terrorists are inflicted and launching a rocket with a warhead. Start a countdown timer - seven minutes before launch. Just how much time you have to prevent it! Enemies, as for such a small area, will be quite a lot - seven people. The passage of the game Double Agent recommends that they immediately kill them immediately, so as not to be distracted later - then you will have an impressive reserve of time, and no one will prevent freely evacuated. After you figure it out with terrorists, make a direct task to prevent startup. There are two ways. In the first case, you need to get to the top platform, come down one level from it down, turn the crane, then clutch the cats to the beam from above. It can be descended from it first to the lower level, where you need to open the rocket control panel, then climbing the rope again, climb the level above to cancel the launch itself. This method is not the easiest for novice players, therefore the passage of Splinter Cell Double Agent will describe the second, simpler method. You must first open the control panel of the warhead. There is no problem to get there if you cleared the terrain from enemies - turn the valve to activate the bridge leading to the warhead. Now take off and stand up on the platform nearby - it is like an elevator. Press the activation button and rise to the level where the bridge extended by you is located. Now you can open the war control panel itself. And the remote is in the household on the left. Now get to it, press the "Use" button - a small SAM device window will appear, which will be divided into four sectors, and different numbers will fill in each. As time passes, some numbers stop in each of the sectors - it is necessary to bring the cursor and click on them to fix them. At all this time it will be limited, the passage of Splinter Cell Double Agent advises to hurry. Although here you can easily have time, but in the future, such hacks will have to be carried out in a much faster time frame. When successfully fixes the numbers in all four sectors, the launch of the missile will be canceled, but the new timer will start - 60 seconds, this time before the self-destruction of the warheads. Get ready for evacuation - through the open rocket mine, we will lose the rope from the helicopter, to which you need not only to have time to reach, but also to have time to get up. To get to the rope, look to the side of a little right from the control panel of the rocket - you will see a small staircase, leading up. Rise on it, and turn the left - it is there that will be a rope. Raise up. Now the first mission is passed!

While in the head of Tom Clansey technotriral workers, and the French gigant Ubisoft does not get tired of rejoice in the level of sales, the diversion with experience Sam Fisher will be with us. I did not have time to go out the fourth part of the game, as was announced about the development of the fifth.

But this is in the future. Now Sam Fisher is again with us and ready to tell about his adventures for the fourth time. The third part, the "chaos theory", pleased with excellent dialogues and a modified gameplay. Left within the framework of the classic Stealth-Action, the developers were able to make the game deeper and much more serious.

In the fourth part, the gameplay has changed even stronger. The main innovation is the game at once to two sides. Now Fisher is a double agent. He is forced to simultaneously perform orders of government and terrorists. And often - opposite.

So you have to choose. Moreover, leaving aside a moral aspect of the selection, we note that the failure of the order leads to the loss of trust by the employer. In general, everything is not easy. In the light of this, such innovations, as almost completely eliminated interface, no longer cause as much surprise.

Game concept

TOM CLANCY'S SPLINTER CELL: Double Agent - Classic Stealth-Action. It does not need to run around the levels with a gun at the vergement and shoot everything that the slightest signs of life takes. The gameplay is based on hidden passage. There is a goal, and it needs to be performed without raising noise. Ideally - slip into this goal so that no one noticed you at all. It seems like everything is calm. This is then the enemies discovered that he is restless: the general is dead, the data is stolen, the submarine went to the bottom. And it's late late - the saboteur is far away and not catch it.

But it is ideal. In fact, the game can be passed differently. It is possible, as already mentioned, no one is touching, imperceptibly slipping. Or cut opponents without raising excess noise. Would you like - get a rifle with a gun and accurate shots In mind, remove the enemies. Let Fisher reserves the clad corpses behind him. You can generally act very brazenly: throw the enemy with grenades and, without tiling, shelling out of the assault rifle or shotgun.

Combine the specified ways of passing. The developers hint to you, how to act and what to do. But the choice remains behind the player.

I advise you to try to achieve 100% of the rankings at the first pass. In addition to moral satisfaction, the rating does not give anything. Get the highest assessment great, but we are playing for pleasure. Results can wait. After all, in pursuit of them, you can miss the unique feelings and do not understand the main thing in the game. The fight of the predator and the victim.

Therefore, my task is not easy to show how to be an effective Sam Fisher. It is much more important to tell about small details, decompose the game from A to Z, so that you can understand and feel every moment.

Hand-to-hand fight

The most pleasant way to eliminate the enemy is to paint and put a decisive blow. To do this, it is necessary to get closely, without raising noise and not attracting attention. For this there are dozens of ways. We will talk about them later. In the meantime ...

So, you got to the enemy at the distance of the blow and prepared. What to do: kill or just stun? If you drop the rating (fines are given for both, only different numbers), it is a moral dilemma. Someone likes to let the blood of each oncoming terrorist. Someone, on the contrary, prefers to stun, but keep alive. Let's start with a humane approach.

How to stun the opponent

Most an effective way Stunned the enemy - to die from behind and strike a fist on the back of the back. The guard publishes a quiet "snap" and crashes on the Earth a shapeless bunch.

Beat better from behind. Of course, you can still in front or on the side, but at the first version of Fisher guaranteed to notice. The second significantly increases the chances of detection. Even if the enemy does not have time to shoot, he can shout for goodbye, having warned the comrades. After that, you will have to quickly reter to a safe place or download the saved game.

Therefore, it is still in the back. And do not desperately turn the legs. The enemy will appreciate and meet with hot lead. However, constantly crawling like snail, it is also not worth it. The clock tires to stand up to you, unfold and, seeing the fighter in latex, mask and with an arm at the shoulder, will make the appropriate conclusions.

Best do so. If the opponent is a decent distance, run to it, nourished until the distance is reduced to 4-5 meters. Here you need to be especially attentive: the enemy can easily hear you. Therefore, dramatically drop the speed and slowly steal for the victim.

Carefully follow his movements. If he is going to turn, quickly run up and strike. Of course, there is a risk that the enemy will have to shout. But if you work quickly, the chances of success are great.

If the enemy is not going to rotate - approach the distance of the blow. You will learn about the result when Fisher will change the pose. He will prepare for a blow and takes a little a little behind the back. Press the right mouse button to receive.

Leave the body to lie on the ground - not the most successful idea. The partner will never be interested, where his comrade disappeared, but by a colleague lying without consciousness, it will not be accurate. So lift the body (key Spacebar.) And drag in a dark angle. For funny, it is better to move in squatting. Slowly, but reliably.

Traveling through pipes is safe: opponents rarely look into the sky.

Do not throw the body where it fell, guided by logic - the deeper the pit, the harder it is to find. In principle, you argue correctly, but the fall from a high height or in the ice water will turn the wounded in the dead man, that the game naturally equates to the murder. The penalty to the rating is attached.

You shouldn't throw my sacrifice in the first alley too. If the body is noticed, the victim will lead to feel and immediately organize searches. Try to hide the defeated enemies in dark corners, where no one looks at. Or in small rooms. For example, the bathroom is perfect. There usually nobody comes.

It is interesting: If you want to have a little fun, throw five or six bodies into the room and hide the guard there. Let the electronic nerd cross the seen.

Of course, if you are fundamentally not leaving enemies in consciousness, then you can not worry much. Who will find the body, if after hitting everything is resting, that is, it's a magnitude? That's right - no one. However, it is still not a reason to scatter the bodies in the middle of the street. Like anything.

But before you stun the guard, it can be interrogated. To do this, sample from behind and when the icon appears with the capture image, press the action key. Fisher grabs the enemy, put his knife to her neck and twists his fingers.

It is interesting: Thus, it is interesting to steal soldiers from those that walk in two or three people. To see later from afar, as a partner puzzles in the back of the head.

You can take the unfortunate in the angle or interrogate in place. Having received the necessary information, click the right mouse button to cut off the prisoner. If you press and hold the right mouse button, Fisher will immediately throw the body on the shoulders, which saves time.

How to kill the opponent

It seems to be a capital truth: each diversion must be able to use the knife. But the developers thought to it only in the "chaos theory". Previously, apparently, the age rating of 14+ did not allow Fishera to frankly whitish. So I had to be satisfied with the fellows. Stretching justice players expressed a protest, finishing enemies with accurate shots in the head.

It is interesting: Reset the body from the height was also not easy. The epic with throwing out the corpse into the window could continue for 15-30 minutes. Because it was worth at least a heel to cling to the floor, how the body hung in the air, having spoiled on the laws of gravity.

Starting with the "chaos theory" Sam Fisher kills enemies with a knife. To do this, approach the distance of the blow and press the left mouse button. Steel blade will enter the body and interrupt someone's life. The enemy at the time of death makes a quiet cry to attract the attention of comrades. But he will succeed only if someone is spinning nearby.

Attacking from behind, clamp the left mouse button, and Fisher will immediately throw the body on the shoulders. In general, playing with a knife, you can act more active. Suddenly pop up from behind the corner and beat the enemy in the chest. You can no longer worry about the rating. For murder in any case, there are a lot of points, so you don't have to dream about 80-90%. The main thing here is that the enemies did not obey. And that the enemy shifts before death, trying to raise the alarm, completely unimportant.

Do not want to risk? Then capture the enemy from behind, turn into a secluded place and press the left mouse button. Sam hit the knee will break him the spine. The cry will not definitely. Such a body can be chosen anywhere. Even from the highest floor. You have already received my fine.

Remote Boy

If you are tired of sneaking to the enemy, you can get it from afar. This will help you SC Pistol, SC-20K Rifle, grenades and remedies that can be found at the level.

Hand-to-hand fight looks like a spectacular, but there is its own charm in the sneaks. However, long-range weapons are much more effective. You do not have to turn around the victim, constantly risking to be noticed. Got a rifle, aimed - shot. You can pick up the body.

Methods to kill / stun the enemy in hand-to-hand combat was a bit (grab and hit or just hit). The long-range weapon offers a greater choice. Especially when you need to stun. Eyes do not scatter, but close to it.

How to stun the opponent

Almost all methods of stunning the enemy are associated with an assault rifle of SC-20K Rifle. More precisely, with an additional attack. Choose the type of ammunition ( left Ctrl), get weapons ( key E.) and shoot ( right mouse button). Alternative attack does not work when using an optical sight.

You can turn off the enemy by a firm shot from the electric shock. Or charge two rubber bullets. Shot a gas grenade that sues everyone in the district. Or run the camera-velcro, attract the security guard to sound and release gas.

There is another way to stun the opponent. It is unlikely that you will often apply it, but you need to know. Find a glass bottle and throw an opponent in the head. If you forget about the crash of a broken bottle, which can attract attention, this is a great way to save ammunition.

In the second mission you will find a shotgun shooting rubber bullets. He stuns perfectly with opponents. However, further in the game shotgun does not occur, so it is impossible to consider it a full-fledged weapon.

If you have disconnected the soldier and this was noticed by comrades, there is a chance that they will not raise anxiety, but will get the weapon and begin to carefully search the territory. This can all be limited to. Another thing, if the enemy noticed how they shot. But then the alarm will definitely raise, at the same time opening fire on Fisher.

How to kill the opponent

So we got to firearms. What to shoot in enemies? SC Pistol produces less noise when shot, which reduces the risk of being noticed. But the shooting distance was seriously tamed. It is necessary to sneak at a distance of 2-3 meters so as not to wove.

Here we are at the headquarters of terrorists. Now you need to achieve their confidence.

It seems to me that if you have crashed so close, it is easier to run up and hit the knife. In this case, the hand will definitely not get drogle. The knife will always find a goal. In addition, if you destroy the bulbs from a pistol, the cartridges will miss.

But the pistol is convenient to shoot, hanging on the pipe. The rifle will not be able to use as a replacement. With a pistol you can make such a maneuver. Two hourly patrol the surroundings. Grab the extreme, take out weapons ( key E.) And shoot in the back of the goal.

The rifle has excellent shooting range, which allows you to shoot in the head with a decent distance, remaining invisible for enemies. Especially if you do not disperse an optical sight. Get the weapon, click key 1.To turn on an optical sight. Press right mouse buttonTo delay your breath, and shoot.

That's just hitting the bullet to the head for some reason perfectly hear the opponents standing nearby. Surprisingly, they pay less attention to the shot of a gun. However, if the enemy did not immediately raise the alarm, but began to turn his head suspiciously, you can safely shine my eye bullet. While the hour will reach the body and announces the surroundings of the extruded screams, two minutes will pass.

In the extreme case, you can use a shotgun or grenades. From the first a lot of sound and little sense. Is that keeping defense in narrow corridors or doorways. From the second screens even more, but also benefits too. Especially if you first blind the enemy with a light grenade, and then throw the discontinuous one.


The developers promised that Arsenal Sam Fisher in a number of missions would be seriously cut off. They say, terrorists are not a state special service and they do not have access to modern weapons. Only capable of stealing nuclear submarines in the steppes of Belarus.

Fortunately, with such ideas refused. Yes, there are levels where you do not have to shoot at all. But completely for a different reason. The set of weapons remained the same: SC Pistol and SC-20K Rifle. But, following the glorious tradition, some characteristics have changed.

SC Pistol

Old good pistol, which we know from the first part of the game. Sam Fisher's best friend. You can say perfect weapons. The limit of perfection was achieved in the "chaos theory". Therefore, players familiar with the previous parts will instantly remember what SC Pistol is and how to use it.

In order not to break, you need to reveal the spare parachute on time.

The gun still remains the best choice if you intend to pass the level without leaving the mountains of the corpses, but while shooting the key sentries, which are difficult to bypass the side. SC Pistol produces much less noise when shooting than SC-20K Rifle. It allows you to use it close enough from the enemy, without fear that after the first "cotton" will rise alarm and the protection will be frightened from the whole card.

Before shooting, sit down (although with a certain skill, you can get and standing in full growth) and, having caught my head in the sight, click on the trigger. There is only one problem - the clocks love to twist head, so do not forget to record before the shot.

If you are killing, use a gun to split the bulbs and other light sources. Agree that it is much more pleasant to rush in the dark, rather than run under the light of the searchlight, constantly waiting for a screaming and queue in the back. Just remember that it is necessary to shoot for sure not to miss. Otherwise, the guard will go to see what is happening.

Try to sneak as close as possible to break the bulb from the first hit. They are small enough, so they scratch - spit once. This is true, does not apply to searchlights. It is difficult to miss even from a decent distance.

But broken light bulbs are not only superfluous on the part of the protection. They will quickly calm down (even the most restless blow to the knife in the back). For damage to property give free points. 1 Light bulb - 1 percent. Therefore, if you want to complete the level with a 100% rating, this option is not suitable.

You will have to use EMP, an instrument for creating an electromagnetic pulse. Devices attached on a gun. Take a light source in the sight and click the right mouse button. The light bulb will go out for 20-30 seconds.

And no noise. If you miss, you can repeat the attempt without fear that they attracted attention. Emp acts on a decent distance, so it is even more convenient to use it than a pistol. Just need to remember that the light bulb will light up after a while. But this is right, little things.

Similarly, using EMP, you can turn off the chambers for 20-30 seconds. The allotted time is more than enough to run. However, the cameras do not twist anything else, therefore there is no special choice. Is that to sneak by them when the lens turn away to the side. But it is not always possible.

At the same time you can disable computers and other electronic equipment. Only usually benefits from it. It seems to be a crash published by the computer, distracts the enemy, allowing Fishera to sneak by ... but there is no confidence.

SC-20K Rifle

A special embodiment of the assault rifle created for sabotage units. It has smaller dimensions, as well as a silencer of sound and outbreak, which allows you to destroy the enemy, without raising noise.

Grabbing the enemy, you can arrange a questioning to him.

SC-20K Rifle can fire in automatic and single mode. The first will come in handy when you need to eliminate the opponents group. Intelligence in the body only wounds the enemy, and in order to finish it, two or three bullets will be required. Therefore, shoot short queues so that there is no big scatter.

Single shooting mode is useful if you want to remove a lonely watch. Accurate shot in the head, and the corpse is ready. There are craftsmen who for a fraction of seconds can hit two enemies at once. But it is difficult, especially if the game is slowing down.

To be easier to go, use an optical sight. To do this, get the weapon ( key E.), turn on optics ( key 1.), keep your breath ( right mouse button) And shoot in the head. Just do not pull, otherwise Sam Fisher will exhale and have to wait for a while to restore the breath.

Rifle assault, but I advise you to use it as a sniper. Dissolved shootings are great, that's just what is the then Splinter Cell? I used to use SC-20K Rifle, when it is too difficult for the enemy (or lazy) to paint, and not to get out of the gun.

But on this advantages of SC-20K Rifle are not exhausted. Otherwise, what is the felt from the rifle, if it is useless for players who achieve a high rating. If you do not want to kill, use additional ammunition that are immobilized by the enemy.

  • Sticky Shocker.. Electrical charge is the best way to disconnect the enemy, without raising noise. When the projectile hit the enemy receives a blow to electricity and after a second convulsion falls to the ground. You can do what you want with him.

The shell flies in a straight arc, which eliminates the possibility of deviation when shooting for greater distance. Of course, shooting range with electric charge is much lower than the usual bullet. Although this distance is enough to eliminate the enemy without any problems.

Take care of Sticky Shocker and do not waste trivia. Remember, this is the most reliable way Crop the opponent with a long distance. In the "Theory of Chaos", if you shoot in the reservoir, the charge of electricity hit all opponents. Now such pants are not allowed. However, before such a trick was rare, therefore it is not particularly sorry.

  • Airfoil Round. Rubber bullets are the second type of not deadly weapons. In general, they are correctly called traumatological cartridges, but in reality they act completely differently, so the comparison is inappropriate.

If in the previous parts rubber bullets stunned the enemy from one strike, then for some reason in Double Agent only from two. After the first hit, the enemy will lose the orientation for a second and will not be able to call for help. You can finish the second shot or run up and grab the neck.

That's just why? Is it possible to arrange interrogation. But I doubt that this is generally useful. The time of disorientation is too small, so you need to shoot with a close distance to have time to run up. I can not remember the enemies that would be required to interrogate, but it was impossible to sneak to them from the back.

Perhaps it will seem to you that rubber bullets became inconvenient to use, but it is not. Pluses much more. First, you can have time to stun at once two opponents. Fast shot in one, then in the second. Then finish.

Secondly, now the cartridges lie on earth for some time. Therefore, if you quickly run up, you will receive ammunition back (then, apparently, wild ants are dragged them). If you collect on time, there will never be problems with rubber bullets, and therefore with opponents.


The choice is four types of grenades: light, fragmentation, smoke, sound. Each pomegranate is useful in a certain situation. You can generally go through the game without using them. Let everyone decide: he needs grenades or not. Just remember that Sam Fisher is a lonely sabotage, and not a special forces squad.

Flashbang Grenades.

Light grenades are designed to blind and disorient the enemy. Use them easy. Find potential victims. It is desirable that this was a detachment of opponents, why for one to spend? Throw a grenade, hide in the shelter or just turn away so as not to blind in the explosion.

After "cotton" eliminate enemies in any convenient way. Only hurry, you have five to six seconds before the enemy gets away. As practice shows, during this time you can have time to cut two or three soldiers. If, of course, the distance is not too big. Do not have time to reach? Then shoot from the rifle. Three exactly take off, and if you hurry, even four.

Plus the light grenades in the fact that the enemy does not have time to escape to the explosion. Even if it is in the open space and there is where to hide. The minus is that the light grenade attracts unnecessary attention. The "noise radius" is much superior to the "radius of defeat". Therefore, if there are soldiers nearby, they will certainly hear the roar and raise anxiety.

Frag Grenades.

Conventional grenades in Splinter Cell useless weapons, except that you decide to arrange a cheerful shootout on a separate level. One taught throw can be laid a bunch of people. But then forget about silent passage.

Throw grenades into closed spaces, from where the enemy does not have time to escape. For example, a few guards lured into the room and threw a "gift." If you do notice nearby, you will be able to observe the fun juggy of enemies in search of shelter in a second before the explosion.

If you try to throw in an open area, most likely, by the time of the explosion there will be no one. We scatter around the bushes and start happily to shoot on Fisher. To stop the ability to hide, first throw a light grenade. Then no one will run away.

Smoke Grenades.

Smoke grenades can be used in different ways. For example, to create a veil and unnoticed to slip past the sentries. However, the cloud of smoke will make anyone anyone. Therefore, then you have to lie down and wait until the enemy calms down.

The question remains: Are they really needed? Light bulbs can be broken from the gun or turn off the electromagnetic pulse. In most cases, this is more than enough. Of course, the enemy will also suspect the wrong one, but will calm down faster.

Agree that the extinguished light bulb looks less suspicious than it is not clear where the smoke checker comes from. The game has several cases when you can apply a smoke grenade for disguise. Many light sources, opponents in different places from which the large territory is visible. Yes, you can apply. But remember that there are always workarounds.

It seems to me that smoke grenades need to be used if you prefer strength solutions to eliminate enemies. For example, they decided to shoot a squad of soldiers, but do not want to raise noise. Throw them Smoke Grenades and wait until the area is tightened by smoke. Take away the rifle, turn on the heat mode and the exact shots in the head take off one opponent after another.

Alternatively, turn on the thermal mode and, whaling in smoke, cut out one opponent after another. Only it is a little more dangerous. You can face the opponent face to face. Or even so. Grab the soldier, pull out the corner and arrange the interrogation while comrades are trying to understand where the colleague was liked.

Sonic Grenades.

Sound grenades stun the enemy, forcing it for a while to forget about everything except the tearing eardrums. Very specific weapon. Enemies in Double Agent, apparently, have some inhuman health, because they come to themselves after 1-2 seconds after the explosion.

It is clear that during this time you can have time to cut one, the maximum of two opponents. From the rifle, you just have time to shoot, but it is far from being to run. So small time imposes a restriction on the use of sound grenades.

I found it only one application. If you do not want to kill opponents or there are too many of them (it is impossible to imperceptibly eliminate) and they are so that they do not slip past, then there will be sound grenades.

Throw a grenade to your feet and immediately after the explosion run into the shelter. Of course, anxiety will rise, and the enemy will begin to search the terrain. But if you work well, the soldiers spine a little and calm down.

Prize equipment

A significant part of the equipment goes as a reward for the performance of special missions. Starting the game, look at the tasks and pay attention to the instructions marked with an asterisk. It's them.

By completing such tasks, you will receive additional equipment. Usually it is simply improved versions of old devices. But sometimes there are unique items. New equipment is automatically taken to the mission, unless this is a task in the headquarters of terrorists. You can also replay covered levels with new devices.

The equipment is attached not to a specific task. There is a general list, and when executing a task, an object is issued according to the numbering. Suppose you played the first mission and performed one task with an asterisk, and the second missed. Then passed the second mission and completed two tasks with an asterisk. As a result, you have the first three subjects from the list. Then they beat the first mission (by the way, at the same time you can use open prize equipment) and overcame the missed task with an asterisk. In a reward, you will receive a fourth subject from the list.

Emp Grenade

Pomegranate is designed for mass derivation of technology in a small space. All the electronics after the explosion for a while stops working. It looks funny: when the bulbs suddenly goes, computers, and security, unrearded the favorite TV series, starts panicing.

Plus the grenades are that the enemy does not hear the "explosion" or hears, but from a very close distance. His attention is more likely to attract the sound of hitting the floor. But it is rare. Usually the security is worth and does not suspect. Here is a massive disconnection of electronics accurately attract attention. Be prepared that you have to hide and wait when the enemy calms down.

It is better to just run a dangerous place and leave enemies alone with suspicions. After all, we turn off the bulbs and cameras to quietly go past or get to the enemy. View how the security searches the room, it is interesting, but no benefit.

The benefits of electromagnetic grenade is doubtful. Light bulbs and cameras are more convenient to disable EMP on a gun. So you will attract less attention. In addition, the garnet does not get light sources that are fixed at high altitude.

Explosive Sticky Camera.

Camera Velcro is an indispensable satellite Sam Fisher throughout the games. Select the rifle, extra cartridges - Explosive Sticky Camera. Take the weapon of via use, aim and press the right mouse button to shoot the chamber.

At such moments, Fisher is accompanied by helpless.

The velcro camera will attach to the surface and will display the image on the Opsat screen. You can twist the mouse to inspect the territory. Protection usually does not respond to the camera, unless you charge it with my eyes. According to developers, Explosive Sticky Camera is primarily intended to inspect the territory from a safe distance.

It is difficult to say that it is more convenient to do: explore the territory or eliminate the enemy. Whether Double Agent Stealth-Action from the first person, then intelligence would be vital. For the corner not see, the upper tiers can not really visible ...

But the "double agent" is a stealth-action from a third party, and to look at the angle (or on the second tier), it is enough to twist the mouse. Or just cling to the wall and look. There is also an excellent three-dimensional radar, which displays a bunch of useful information ... about exploration, therefore, you can forget and never remember.

But the camera-Velcro is convenient to distract clocks. Suppose it is a security guard, and you will not slip past him. Shot the camera and pressed the right mouse button. The device will publish the clicking sound, which will attract the attention of the enemy. While he is stealing with a terrible view to the noise, quickly pick up and crack the back in a fist.

Or press the left mouse button to release the stream of paralyzing gas (although there will be many noise, unnecessary people may take away). The guard, smelling chemical poison, instantly falls down to sleep.

But then you lose the camera-velcro. If you do not use gas, it can be chosen. If you decide to put the enemy, try to grab two-three so that it is not disappointed for the spent device.

Ultrasonic Emitter.

Extremely useful device, if you want to get around the enemy imperceptibly, avoiding hand-to-hand combat. It acts like that. Take out the device, look at any surface and press the left mouse button. At the point of sight, the strange sound is published in an unknown way, which attracts the attention of security.

In the missions where it is necessary to intelligently search the headquarters of terrorists, Ultrasonic Emitter is almost indispensable. Protection to kill is prohibited, to bypass imperceptibly problematic. Then you use an ultrasonic generator. Let them seek what and where it rattles.

Fully benefit from the ultrasound generator, you will rate when you are close to failure. One click of the mouse will send back the enemy detachment, which confidently moved to the shelter Sam Fisher. After this you want never to part with Ultrasonic Emitter.

Wall Mine - Stun

Modernized wall mission. When the enemy comes closer, the traffic indicator will work, which will drive the mechanism. Only instead of a blowing explosion produces a cloud of gas, a sleeping enemy.

Useless device if you want to complete the level with a rating of 100%. When the mechanism is triggered, such noise is that the guards instantly raise the alarm. Renting to the place, they will see the comrades unconscious.

If the rating does not matter for you, then you can use the wall mine. If you try, under the charge you can lure several opponents. But with this so much troubles, which is easier to shoot with a rifle or cut in a hand-to-hand fight.

Electronic Lockpick.

Electronic locks allow you to open locks, bypassing the mini-game. Convenient, there is no dispute. But it seems to me, the game slightly loses sharpness. When you know that a security guard is now suitable, and you still have a lock ... Stormy emotions are guaranteed. But improvements are issued in a compulsory, and will have to use new hoes anyway.

Gas Grenade

Gas grenades were already in the first part as an additional ammunition for SC-20K Rifle. Throughout all games, the charges practically did not change. The principle of operation remained the same. He fired under the feet to the enemy, waited until he was in full breasts the sleeping gas, and went thawing the body. What however, is understandable - it is difficult to come up with something original.

In Double Agent invented. Now they are available as ordinary grenades. It would be better not to come up with. Gas grenades are practically useless. First, they explode loudly, which attracts the attention of enemies. Secondly, they have a small radius of defeat. Soon one, at best two. And that if they stand closely, coming to each other on their feet.

It is better to do without gas grenades. The only case when they can be applied: a lone opponent, standing on a well-lit place, to which it will not be possible to sneak imperceptibly. But this, you see, rarity.

EMP Device.

Advanced version of the EMP device that is attached on a gun. Now the device after the electromagnetic pulse recharges much faster. Useful improvement. Much easier passes the area in which many light sources are installed.

These are the wonderful names among Russian courts.

Wall Mine - Flash

In Double Agent, there are quite a lot of low-oiled equipment (although it is more accurate to say, "not entering the game concept"). It was enough in the previous parts, but now there is some kind of trouble. First place you can safely give the wall blinding mine.

First you need to find a good place and put a mine on the wall. Then lure to the charge of the enemy. After the explosion to run up to the enemy and stun with his fist. Shock will pass in five to six seconds, so you need to hurry.

Why so much troubles, if you can just lure the opponent whistle and stun with a blow from behind. Yes, variants are set. And every much easier performed, rather than lubrication of the enemy under a blinding mine.


The shotgun was first added to the "chaos theory". If you remember, it was in the third part of the developers decided to a risky experiment. Before starting the mission, you could choose the modification of the rifle. During the game SC-20K, the key turned into a strengthened assault key, sniper rifle or shotgun.

Have a sufficiently dubious innovation, not aspired by players. Therefore, the developers did not further develop the idea, but the shotgun was still left. Now he refers to prize equipment.

The shotgun will need if you decide to make the road lead and do not care about the disguise. But even in this case, he loses the rifle. No accuracy, but the root of the entire card.

The only option when he can come in handy, - Fisher drove into the angle, and the enemy moves to shelter. If the distance is small, you can put a detachment of enemies. It is especially convenient to keep defense in the rooms. They took the doorway on the sight and shoot when a curious fruit appears.

Hacking Device.

Software change - a great deal. After unknown, where the device for hacking electronic systems is downloaded faster to search for "constant numbers". Useful improvement. Breaking will become easier.


The usual smoke grenade is only shot from SC-20K. As for smoke grenades and their benefits, we have already spoken. So what's the differences? Yes, practically in anything. It flies faster from the rifle, and you need to take into account the trajectory of the flight. However, the stock of the pocket does not pull and the ammunition is not unnecessary. Suddenly come out?

Sonic Grenade for SC-20K Rifle

Sound pomegranate for rifle. Acts in the same way. The enemy loses orientation for a few seconds. During this time, you must slip by or cut down the head.

However, I liked the sound grenade from the rifle a little more. It is convenient to distract lonely sentries. It will be useful, but still use it.

Hacking Device - Force Hack Upgrade

After this improvement, you can not bother myself a mini-game when hacking a computer, but immediately cut off the protection system. Press one button, and the rest of the program will make it myself. For the reluctance to catch a differ on the monitor panel of impatient players are punished with fines to the passage rating.

Contliminate improvement. Even if you forget about the penalty to rating, the aggressive hacking security system raises an alarm that can attract unnecessary attention. Use Force Hack Upgrade (if, of course, not sorry for rating) on \u200b\u200bcomputers, by which the security is constantly walking, and hack them in the usual way you do not have time.

EMP GRENADE for SC-20K Rifle

Electromagnetic grenade for SC-20K. Still for 20-30 seconds, it turns off all the electronics that has occurred to the explosion radius. It is more convenient to appeal than the usual grenade, and it flies faster. You can use as an emergency way to disconnect electricity. Noticed that the light bulb will soon light up, and launched an EMP grenade. But it costs it only if the gun does not reach.

Gas Grenade for SC-20K Rifle

Gas grenades for a rifle are much helpful than the usual option. Let them explode loudly, but they are more convenient to use the gas cloud covers a large area. Yes, it is still noisy weapon. But in one shot, you can put a detachment of enemies. It is unlikely that you often use gas grenades, but they can really help out in a dangerous situation.

Frag Grenade for SC-20K Rifle

Burst grenade for SC-20K. Acts the same as usual: an explosion, noise and, if lucky, dead bodies. Only now the charge due to the shot from the rifle flies much faster, which gives additional chances of hooking someone. Every while, maybe, do not finish off, but someone is exactly hooked.

But it is better not to risk and first stunned the enemy or light, or a sound grenade. And then charge from the bait grenade launcher. But then no one will go away. Do not forget that such a maneuver will not pass unnoticed and the protection will compete to check what happened. So cook the second grenade ...

Night Vision.

The last improvement is so unusual that it should be achieved in obligatory. Let it practically do not affect the gameplay, but the most cardinal. So attention. Drumroll!

After improving the device night via, instead of a turbid green image begins to show ... a turbid color image. The benefit of this is no. But after three parts of the Green Kingdom, see this extremely unusual. Bright impressions are guaranteed.

In the color mode, night visiona is even more difficult to navigate in space. Because of the changed gamma, it is sometimes difficult to determine: this section is dark or, on the contrary, light, and how light it is light or dark? This is a matter of habit that comes with time. But it is easier to consider the light bulb on the back of Fisher. Now you definitely do not have to switch between modes of vision.

Main moves

SAM's basic movements have not changed from the first part of the game. He can move exactly standing or squatted. In the first case, Fisher is easier to notice and it produces more noise, but it moves faster. I advise you to climb full growth only if you know exactly that the enemy will not notice you. In addition, when shooting, the accuracy is reduced.

In the second case, the speed of movement is reduced, but Fisher is difficult to notice noise from it less, and shooting accuracy increases. Remember: If the opponent still notices the flash from the shot, then the agent's location will immediately determine. In this case, you need to immediately run away and hide in a dark corner. Then you may not find you.

Basically you will have to move on squatting. In 80% of cases, this will help you to stay unnoticed. Even if the opponent will suspect something, it is enough to change the position and wait a few seconds to calm down. If you try to check such an admission standing, the enemy almost probably will raise the alarm. Then you have to get involved in battle or hide.

By the way, do not forget the next reception. If you press "sit down" when you run in full growth, Fisher will make a dashing knuckle forward. There is little sense, but it looks beautiful. It is especially interesting when there is nowhere to tumble, - Fisher is stubbornly spinning at the wall.

Climb, as before, you can pipe, stairs and fences. For a quick descent on the stairs, press and hold the S key. Through the fences, you can not climb, but simply cut the neat opening through which SEM will slip on the other side, hitting the eye with ridiculous animation. Similarly, you can cut the fabric. True, in this part of the game this skill was useful only twice.

If the pipe goes vertically, standing under it, click "Jump", and Sam grabbed her with hands. Now press the motion keys to move to the desired side. Pook the C key - and Fisher will wrap the pipe with my feet. In this position, it slowly moves, but it is less noticeable and can be twisted into narrow holes.

Fisher does not be lazy to climb boxes, tables and others low subjects. To do this, come closely and press the SHIFT key. If the ledge above is the head, press the jump key at the wall and again Spacebar. True - which has already become a good tradition of the series, - when trying to make these actions, SEM often acts inadequately. He refuses to cling to the edge, breaks down and desperately trying to find a plot point.

But it is the little things compared to torture penetration in ventilation mines. If it is at the floor level or chest character, you will simply throw from side to the side in trying to find the desired entry point. But if the hole is located at the ceiling, you will have to jump from the heart - in the hope that Fisher for her still clings. Fascinating action, especially when the opponent sneaks up behind.

If you see the rope, stretched at an angle, jump to cling, - and Fisher rolling down. It automatically jumps out when it turns to the end or by pressing the C key. In two missions, you will have to climb into the water. The swimmer is managed, in principle, the same as when moving on land. Only the C key is responsible for immersion, the Shift key - for the lift, the E key - quick swimming.

Sam, imitating Solid Snake, learned to hide under the tables, and in the same level - even under the trucks. There he is reliably hidden from the gaze of opponents. True, there is one unpleasant bug. When the enemy passes nearby, Fisher becomes in a combat position and gets out of the table, having spoiled on the wood and the laws of physics.

You can still hide in the closet. (It is very funny to observe how green glasses are shining on the door through the door.) What is the benefit of this? In addition to the masking - what is useful when you hide from the enemy - you can snatch. The enemy will go to see what's the matter. When it is suitable close, open the cabinet door to the leg. Oh, what is it with him? .. lost feelings, poor fellow.

If there is a small distance between the wall and some object, for example, the table is a small distance, Fisher without problems draws the stomach and squeezes into a narrow space. In this position you can move or just hide from opponents. Similarly, Sam is pressed into the glass when it is required to go through the narrow eaves. No buttons click not need - the saboteur makes such tricks yourself.

Additional movements and attacks

Additional movements in the game abound. But because of the "intelligent" learning, some of them can not be noticed. We replenish this gap.

Let's start with the classic Split Jump. To perform it, you need to find a corridor with a high ceiling and narrow walls. Then go to the wall, press the jump and in the air - once again jump. Sam jumps upstairs and strengthen the walls in the walls. There is one snag. I could not find places where you could perform this technique. The official leadership claims that he remained in the game. But where and how to apply it is difficult.

What does Split Jump give? Nothing has changed here. In this position, Fisher is immelued for the enemy, can shoot from a gun (key C and left mouse button) and jump from above on enemies, tending them to the country of dreams.

However, stun the opponent You can, jumping from any subject. For example, with a high drawer or from the pipe. If you hang on the pipe (no matter, with your foot or not), press E to pull the gun. But remember - if Fisher clings his feet, you have significantly limited the radius of the defeat. But the enemy will certainly not be noticed. In general, see the situation.

The opportunity remained entimately chokeIf he progressively passes under the pipe on which the Fisher hung. Only hanging, clinging to your legs. When the character stands downstairs, click the right mouse button to stun the enemy, and the left button is to kill.

In some levels will have go down on the rope. To quickly descend, press the SHIFT key, and Fisher will jump, pushing your legs from the wall. And if you press the E key, Sam will give a gun or a microphone (depending on what is chosen). The benefit from this is no apparently, the skill remains with the previous parts.

Standing near the wall, press the Q key, and Sam squeezed to the wall. In this position, Fisher is almost impossible to notice. Is that the enemy will highlight on it a flashlight or comes. You can move along the wall, pressing the appropriate movement keys. To dig from the wall, press the Q key again.

If, pressed against the wall, go to the corner, Fisher will dry his head and look what is happening. It is impossible to notice it. If you press the E key, it will get a gun and aim. Clicking to the wall, you can imperceptibly finish off the enemy, without raising noise. To do this, wait until the character is closer, and press the appropriate key.

Not anywhere and loved by many players trick with a crossing of the enemy through the railing. To do this, hanging on hands, set up to the place where the enemy stands. The corresponding icon will appear. Click Spacebar so that Fisher must sharply grab the enemy behind the neck and threw down.

If earlier this technique could be used, only to throw the enemy from a high height, then in the fourth part it can be applied, being in water. To do this, wait until the enemy comes to the shore, and press the appropriate key. If he does not want to approach - put him. The enemy is precisely interested in the source of noise and go to seek adventures on his head.

The door, as before, can be opened in three ways.

Just open. If the loops are not rusty, most likely no one will pay attention to it. The only danger - Fisher can notice.

Open kick. This method is useful if you run away from someone or know that no one will hear noise. Otherwise, it is better to do without it. Let's leave similar tricks for special forces. If the opponent stands in front of the door, he will lose consciousness from the blow.

Open slow. Sam opens a slightly door, which makes it possible to look at what is happening in the room. The following steps are then possible: You can open and close slowly by pressing the keys back and forth, or simply open / close by selecting the appropriate item in the context menu.

A separate point is the crown for the fourth part of the trick with slip under the ice. In two missions, where you have to float under water, you can find thin ice. It skips light, and if you swim to him, an appropriate image will occur. If the enemy stands on it, click Spacebar, so that Fisher cramped the barrier, she slowly dragged the enemy under the water and stuck a knife into it.

If the enemy persistently does not want to approach a dangerous place, press the key responsible for whistle and Fisher heads on ice. Be sure - after that, the opponent will definitely stand out where required. Curiosity thugged not only the cat.

In certain places, you can perform a trick that remembered by many after the film "Impossible Mission". When Fisher craws over the pipe, the image of the roulette occurs - this means that you can go down on the winch. Press the action key so that SEM closes the mechanism to the pipe, and go down. If the enemy takes at thenime, it can be strangled from such a position.


In addition to those who have already become familiar mini-games - hack a castle or an electronic protection system - in the fourth part two new ones added: opening safes and demining. And if the last one you have to deal with only two levels, then the opening of safes is throughout the game.

Much more interesting mini-game in front of the level. Suppose, in the fourth level, Fisher famously jumps from the aircraft - and the rafters of parachute are confused. Sam Stone flies to the ground, the height counter is rapidly reset. If you do not have time to open a spare parachute, Fisher will quickly become dead and flat.

Hacking castles

The process of opening the locks from the first part of the game has not changed. Come to the door and select the desired item in the menu. A schematic image of a lock with folded hides appears. Now press the movement keys and see whether the tongue cannot succumb.

If it starts to twitch, continue press the desired key. Then go to the next bit - and so on until the lock appears. No time for such tricks? Then hack the castle with a knife. The opponent, of course, can notice the traces of hacking, hear and raise the alarm, but sometimes such a risk is justified.

Hacking computers

Hacking computer protection in Double Agent is slightly different from the "theory of chaos". Some find her simpler, but, in my opinion, there are no big differences. There is an electronic scoreboard with four columns2. The countdown of time begins - 14, 20 or 40 seconds.

In cells are constantly changing numbers. Find a fixed digit in any cell and click Spacebar. Now look for the following digit in the remaining columns. With each number found, the columns becomes less, and look for easier.

You need to have time to gain a combination for the allotted time. If you choose a cell in which the number changes, one attempt will go to it. When attempts or allotted time will leave, the system will raise the alarm. The same thing will happen if you leave the hacking program. True, the slight signal - the enemy will hear, only if it is near. Therefore, you can not worry too much.

Hacking safes

Paradox game. Turn the safes easier than locks. But due to the lack of any tips, you can break your head, trying to guess how to open the safe in Shanghai. And you know why? In the third mission, the training safe opens without any problems. Therefore, no one comes to mind that to open all other safes you need to pre-twist the mouse wheel.

Do you know why? Mouse wheel adjusts the speed of rotation during hacking. It is originally standing on zero. Low bow to developers for similar riddles.

So, to hack safe, select the appropriate item in the menu. An image of three wheels with a removing on the edge and a rod from above will occur. Screw the mouse wheel to set speed (thanks again). Now hold down the "right" or "left" key. A complex rotation process begins, as a result of which three circles begin to move.

When the left circle begins to approach the rod, he flies with green light. Slow the speed of rotation so that the excavation on the circle hit the rod. A click will occur, and the circle will fall into the rod.

Now look at the arrow, indicating the direction of movement near the right circle. Turn in this direction and put the average circle in the manner described above and then right. It sounds wonder, but in practice, hacking the safe takes less than a minute.


Name this is a full-fledged mini-game. One time will have to collect mine, and at the very end of the game - to disassemble. At the same time, the conditions are slightly different. But the general rules are as follows: you need to raise or lower the cylinder into the well, without touching the walls of the latter and placing it exactly to the center. For clarity, see picture.

A little more - and the bomb is neutralized.

Standard equipment

Optical cable

The optical cable is stuffed under the door, after which the picture is displayed on Opsat. We looked at what was going on in the room, and decided - to come inside or not. The device has a small radius of the review, so it is better to wait with a minute to accurately determine the position of the enemy.

The value of the optical cable fell greatly at Double Agent. Thanks to an excellent three-dimensional card, which displays all opponents, and the need for levels need to look at what happens in the room, it rarely occurs.

Night-vision device

The night vision device that allows you to see in the pitch darkness, but blinds if you look at a bright light source. Up to the fourth part was used everywhere. Splinter Cell has always been dark levels, so for the convenience of the game had to use this device.

In Double Agent, the night vision device is useful only in two levels: the first and fourth. In the rest, the device does not give or have to act in the bright time of the day. In general, the developers clearly twisted with lighting. For some reason, sometimes, including and turning off the light bulb, do not see any difference at all.

I really hope that this is a banal mistake, which is fixed by another "patch". Now a click switch reminds a fascinating game: see an opponent of Fisher, or the room will plunge into the darkness.

Pay attention to the changing graphic effect when the night vision is enabled. It seems to me that not only nice, but also more convenient. Yes, as you already know, an improved device gives an image in color mode.

Heat glasses

This device catches radiated heat. The stronger the source, the brighter the color of the image. Also not a particularly useful device. But it is useful more often than night vision device.

First, with the help of heat points you can see the enemy through the box or thin wall. Through the curtains and the fabric, too, everything is clearly visible. By the way, you can turn such a focus: stand behind the curtain on the door, turn on the device and shoot the enemy.

Secondly, heat points make it perfectly oriented during the snow storm in the fourth mission. All in the fog and nothing can be seen? Turn on the device. Thirdly, if there are smoke grenades, you can perform the following trick: throw a smoke grenade and, until the enemy sees anything, shoot in the head or in a quiet cut with a knife. The second option is preferable, because after the first shot you may notice.

Electromagnetic glasses

Determine the sources of electricity and show them in blue color. To be honest, I have not used it. Of course, with their help, you can search for camcorders, computers and other devices. But they are perfectly visible without appliances.

I have a feeling that the developers themselves do not understand why electromagnetic glasses are needed. Otherwise, several times, at least for the plot, they would still be used. And so use only for balobiness. On the wires to see or a fence under voltage.


An indispensable Assistant Sam Fisher throughout the series. Here you can see the goals of the mission, brief information about key characters, a description of weapons and devices.

And of course - a three-dimensional card. It shows schematically level, inputs and outputs, as well as all opponents and key characters. Of course, it is almost legalized fraud, but it is so convenient.

To constantly not climb into Opsat for the sake of a three-dimensional card, you can enable its analogue in the game. To do this, press Z key. In the lower right corner the mini-card will pop up, on which a piece of level and opponents are displayed.

Double agent

Moral dilemmas and spiritual torments from work under cover, we will still leave aside. Our task is to understand how the concept of a dual agent affects the game. Very simple. The terrorist organization and the government have every level of confidence in Fisher. They are displayed in two scales.

There are tasks that raise and reduce trust at terrorists (JBA) and bosses (NSA). There are direct opposite instructions: some say - kill, others - pardon. You have to choose, guided by morality and personal considerations.

You need to constantly balance between contradictory requirements, so as not to cause suspicion of terrorists and keep the credibility of the authorities. There is nothing impossible in this. If you make the right decisions, you will have a maximum level of trust in the government and terrorists up to the end of the ninth mission.

Sound and light

Favorite entertainment of many players in Splinter Cell - Play with the enemy in the cat-mouse. Everyone can shoot the enemy. It is much more interesting to confuse him to slip past or lure into a dark angle where and suffer.

To confuse the group of opponents, without raising the alarm, is a whole art. To skillfully play with the enemy, you need to know his reaction to certain actions. The main thing here is to remember that the enemy reacts to sound and light.

Sound is the main and most secure way to distract attention or confuse the enemy. You only need to rummet rice. This can be done in several ways. For example, quickly run (the movement speed is adjusted by the mouse wheel), then slow down the step and hide into the angle.

The enemy will look at the place where the roar came from. It is important for patience here. Wait until it turns away and beyond the back. Remember that you need to make noise in a dark place, and then hide well. The enemy can get a flashlight or just notice Fisher, if he hid in unreliable shelter.

There is another problem. If the sound indicator was in the last part, now it is not. It is necessary to estimate: hear you the enemy or not, that delivers certain inconvenience. However, a little practice, and you will rching quite professionally.

You can, as we discussed above, comprehend. The enemy will also watch who it is so mysterious in the corner. But such happiness will continue not long. Some soldiers flatly refuse to go to whistle, clearly realizing that nothing good would find there. Such types will have to lick the boot with loses. This acts trouble-free in most cases.

That, throwing an opponent's bottle, you will turn it off, we have already spoken. As you know, if you get into the body, the enemy will open fire by Sam. But, throwing a bottle, you can distract the enemy. Want to send it to the far corner? Throw a bottle there. While the enemy will fade there, you will have time to finish it and all his comrades.

Finally, with Ultrasonic Emitter, you can create sound at the desired point (see the first part of the article) to send the opponents in the right direction. With this device, you can easily manage the crowd of enemies. Some go to the left, others right, and Fisher proudly steps in the middle.

To distract the enemy, showing a little sama carcass ... too the option, but I will not recommend it. Too much risk that the enemy does not just suspect a non-carry, but will consider Fisher and will open fire. Given that the levels became light and Fisher constantly walks in the yellow zone (the green indicator - the enemy will definitely not be noticed, yellow - it can notice, red - noticed and raised his alarm), you will see with enviable regularity.

And if you are notified simultaneously from different sides, then consider - they disappeared. You will have to run away, which is not always possible. It is better not to risk, but to choose a convenient position and lift the opponent with sound.

Everything described is important if you are trying to get a high rating game. Otherwise, you can not break your head too much. Often the level is generally obtained from the skill. Raced into the room and the enemy was taken methodically.

He, of course, will suspect something and even, may notice the body. But he is so desperately shake, it is not even difficult to understand with four-five enemies in the same room. Standard reaction: pulls out weapons, makes big eyes and begins to slowly walk in incomprehensible routes.


I advise you to be patient before starting the game. There is a brutal battle with errors. Especially annoying departures from the game and improper loading of saved games.

If you lose, never click Load Last Save. The game has very strange ideas about which records were the last, which are not coinciding with a reality in 99% of cases. Therefore, be restored solely manually or the quick download button (F8). But it still will not save you from broken records and incomprehensible savers (this is when you write in one place, but for some reason it is completely different).


NSA tasks: explore the plant, get to the evacuation point.

The main tasks of NSA.: Prevent the launch of the rocket.

Additional tasks NSA.: Pendant to the plant and on the base, without raising the alarm.

Terrorist rocket plants in Iceland is, of course, an interesting idea. True, as unnoticed to build a rocket base in Europe, without hitting the field of view of the special services, it remains a mystery. While Clancy will not reveal his secrets, we can only guess.

To this task, together with Fisher, a newcomer will go. The former fighter of the detachment of Delta Fors is full of optimism, but, according to Sam, is not ready for such operations. However, such issues solve exclusively the bosses, not particularly listening to the opinion of subordinates.

Immediately I want to calm down: the recording of the recruit does not have to. The computer controls them quite intelligently, and the scripts will not allow him to make an irreparable mistake. Before followed by a partner, turn on the computer in the cabin and read the message from the Fisher's daughter. More she will not write anything. Then jump out of the plane.

Fisher, making a dashing jump, will be in water. Turn on the night vision device and enjoy the partner. He, however, is so much learned that he constantly overtakes you. Here youth went. Blowing the tunnel, climb upstairs and wait until the companion will drag into the water guard. Then it will be chosen on the land and hits in an unknown direction.

Now you need to deal with the second guard who suspected the wrong one. If you do not want to spoil the rating, you can wait until he calms down. Then get out to the land and quickly drop into a dark place.

If the rating does not take you too much, snap out from the hole and throw off the guard into the water. If you want to repeat the feat of the partner, swim to the bright spot and knock on the ice. The guard will suit, and you press the action button to break the ice. Then get out of the water.

Once on land, go to the generator and quietly open the door (if you left in living soldiers, do not forget to turn off the light bulb). On tiptoe, so as not to wake up the guard, go inside and pick up the sound grenade. Then browse the computer and use the knife to disable the generator (box on the wall). After quietly go outside. If you want, you can knock off the head. So as not to sleep in the post.

Run to the partner - he sits near the fence. Help him climb up. Then shift through the fence and climb the platform. Cook for the wires and roll down. Comrade was lucky more, he migrated on. You will also have to make your way to the factory by another way.

Downstairs wanders the lonely guard - it suggests that it was jumped from above. Suppress aggressive desires. The light of the spotlight can issue us with a head. At the bottom of the clock loves to look upstairs ... True, if you quickly transfer the body, it will quickly calm down and will not raise anxiety.

But it is better to simply wait until the guard goes away, jump down and go down the stairs. Passing the floor, stop and overheard the clock conversation. You can go any of the two possible paths: either continue to descend the stairs - in this case, you first turn off the light bulb or wait until it goes out - either jump into the container.

Now you can think about how to move through the fence. Someone prudently allowed the current on him, and if you try to climb, Fisher closes a bit. The easiest way is to jump left, wait until the guard goes out, break the electrical shield and climb through a de-energized fence.

You can hack the electric lock on the gate itself. To do this, you will have to deal with the guard at the container. Jump on it from above, and then drag the body into a dark angle. Now you need to catch the second guard, which wanders with a flashlight. Here the main thing is not to come across the eyes of the watch in the surveillance room.

Opening the defense, watch you not notice the soldier, wandering over the fence. By the way, the code from the gate (1077) can be obtained by questioning two guards you stunned a little earlier. Therefore, at least one of them is better not to cut down immediately.

Finally, you can open the gate from the observation room. First, degrade two guards, then proceed inside the room and grab the watch. Or just progress, click the button and exit back. In any case, do not forget to see the computer to get interesting data.

Because of the gate, proceed by the guards and climb on the stairs. Of course, you can kill the soldiers, but then you have to carry the bodies in a dark angle. Just leave on Earth will not work. The spotlight beam will quickly find evidence. Therefore, you will first have to break the bulbs and only then take on the elimination of enemies.

Now there are two ways. Climb on a long staircase, constantly avoiding bright areas and hiding from the guard. Also the option, but too much troubles. It is much easier to climb the fuel tank (staircase nearby), jump onto the pipe and get to the non-working fan.

Take inside and hook with hands for cornice. Look down and right. Comrade Petelyone and now died by stupidity. Such is the harsh reality of the saboteurs. Use the left and boil to the platform. Now you might think what way go on.

The easiest way to do so. Go down along the nearest stairs, go to the cockpit of the crane and use the remote. For surprised comments, you can not pay attention. When the crane stops, go to the platform, turn off the light bulb and take the pipe. Reaching the rocket, descend down the winch and stun the engineer. Or wait for it when it goes away.

Then hack your computer. You have a minute to get out of here. Climb the stairs to the top tier, run to the playground near the rocket and climb the rope. Congratulations, the first level was passed. Further will be more interesting.

You can turn off the rocket and differently. To do this, descend for a distant staircase. But in this case you will have to cut down the worker in the cockpit and cut almost all the protection indoors. Then click the button in the cockpit, turn the valve on the rocket and only then climb up. It is not too difficult, but it takes decent time (it is especially difficult to imperceptibly cut the worker), and, in principle, no need. Why, if there is a way simpler and safer?

Kansas - Ellsworth Federal Penitentiary

JBA tasks : Help Washington run, get news about helicopter.

Additional tasks NSA.: Do not kill guards, run, without raising anxiety, reach the central tower without raising the alarm.

The main tasks JBA.: Save Washington from the guards.

Additional JBA tasks: Open prisoner grilles.

Remember how much noise was when the developers hinted that Fisher was put on? What reasoning did not go ... but everything turned out to be much easier - double agent. Did you think that Sam someday will betray the country? No, he is not like that.

How to get into confidence in terrorists? Help Washington, one of the members of the group, run. By the way, praise the guards who forgot to remove the computer at Fisher. True, it is impossible to find this plausible explanation. After a short conversation with a terrorist, you will get a knife and complete freedom of action. Take a poster from the wall and climb into the hole. Through the pipe, pick up up, wake a little sobc and jump onto the platform.

Then go to the ventilation shaft. You will find yourself in a block of prisoners. Look at the fight arranged by them, go through a healthy pipe, remove the grid with a knife and climb into the mine. Click on the belly, you can have fun, considering the guards. Then open the hatch and jump down.

You will find yourself in a room with a security guard. You can kill it, but then you will lose the confidence of NSA. Therefore, limit away with not fatal techniques or simply slip by. Before leaving the room, you should learn the computer. Hacking protection, you will receive the code from the weapon box (1403). It is nearby ... True, instead of weapons, smoke grenades will be deployed there. Grab with you, they will be useful.

Now you need to choose, on what path we will go. Go down on the stairs or go to the door right? Let's start with the first.

Going along the stairs, you will reach the door with the code lock. Enter the code 1403 to open the door. What do we see? Guard. And the metal detector installed in the doorway. Wait until the guard goes out, sneak up to the device and hack the protection system. Or put the power cable to turn off the electricity.

The guards can be stunned or just to sneak by. Then turn off the light and open the door. In the cafeteria, prisoners are shooting with the police. And you, as unclear, came out next to the guardians of the law. However, they are too passionate to look around. For reliability, throw a smoke grenade and steal left.

Purchase through the table and turn left. Conduct the guard by the guard, open the lock and climb the stairs. On the second floor, neutralize another security guard, view the computer and take a shotgun with rubber bullets. Now you can cut down the police from a safe distance.

Think difficult? Then try another way. In the room where you took gas grenades, stun the policeman and drop it on the shoulder. He will need to deceive the security system, otherwise it is impossible to pass. Together with the body, go to the door with a red light bulb. It will open.

You were on the second tier of the cafeteria. Here are two police officers who are very problematic to sneak. However, smoke grenades and blows with a fist on the back will help to cope with the problem. You can try and so: jump over the railing and scream past the guard, hanging on your hands. But then there is a chance that you will notice from the first floor. This, however, is solved with the help of smoke grenades.

Having reached the stairs, climb upstairs and stun the guard with a shotgun. Discover his body and go to the tower. The second way, as you probably noticed, harder the first. In addition, so you will not get a shotgun with rubber bullets. Of course, you can run behind it ...

Once in the central tower, you might think what to do next. Climb on the third floor, hack your computer to open cameras and start the riot. In this case, you lose some NSA trust, but get a lot of respect from JBA. At the moment it is a necessary victim.

Then you can go like this. Climb the fourth floor, call the elevator and get to the fifth comfortably. But there is a risk that the security will notice you in the elevator when the doors open. True, it is small, especially if you first clog the corner, and then run away to the dark place right away.

It is also different. Cut the guard on the third floor and climb the fourth floor on one of the pipes. If you do not want to touch the policeman, wait until it is shot. Or jump over the railing and go around it, hanging on your hands (you may need smoke grenades to hide from the guards of the guards on the first floor).

Once on the fourth floor, climb into the vent hole (it is in the center of the site). Then get to the hatch and get out to the top. Or do it. Having hooked on the hands, they will wake up the stairs and wait until the guard goes out. Rear to the platform and quickly scribble on the stairs.

Conservation in the room can not touch. Better immediately run to the broken glass, get out the outside and climb up the pipe. Washington grabbed the guards - you have to help a friend. I advise you to act quickly, otherwise it will cope independently, and then you will lose the trust of JBA.

Therefore, having received a signal for help, bullet runs over a small bridge and shoot the security guard in the spin of a shotgun. If you did not take weapons, then, without reducing the speed (if only a little, when you come closely closely), run up and stun a police blow on your head.

After talking with Washington, step down the stairs. You need to kidnap the helicopter with reporters while the terrorist distracts their attention, posing on the camera. To do this, go to the room in the right corner and climb up. The rest of Fisher will do without your help.

New York - JBA Headquarters, Part I

The main tasks of NSA.: Download Trojan to the server of terrorists, install bugs on the antenna.

The main tasks JBA.: Take a course of study.

Additional tasks NSA.: Get medical data about terrorists, get a dossier on terrorists.

Additional JBA tasks: Complete the shooting course.

Here you fell into the headquarters of terrorists. Need to remember the following. First, the game goes for a while. If you did not have time - put on yourself. Secondly, there are closed zones and free access zones. If noted in the wrong place, Fisher will lose a little respect for terrorists.

Thirdly, it is worth seeing to see how Sam enjoys equipment, something hacks or scans how trust will fall to zero and the mission will be lost. Fourth, you can not kill anyone. Fifth, in addition to the main and additional tasks, there are so-called "profile orders" (for convenience they are recorded in the "Additional" column).

They are not necessarily performed in this mission. You can try to get the required data next time. No one mind. Especially since get all the documents will definitely fail. Simply no access to all rooms. Just remember that time is always lacking, so it is better to perform tasks to the maximum.

Follow Washington and talk to Moss. He will decide to check how good Fisher is, and will order a training course. Go for Moss, who after a brief instruction will leave Fisher alone. What a rash deed.

What task will be performed first? Of course, let's go through the training course. You need to hack safe and not raise the alarm. If you still get into the laser beam, the doors will close and have to start first. Therefore, it is better to boot than wasting time. Let's proceed.

Spells under a laser beam. Wait until the laser rays turn off, and go on. Wrap the corner and hack the lock on the door. Wait until the laser rays turn off, and quickly run past. Climb the stairs and go down to the platform on the rope (or, on the contrary, go down the stairs and climb onto the platform). Squeeze between the walls and climb up the rope.

Go down along the winch down (be attentive - laser rays). Wait until a laser beam is departed, and jump onto the platform. Turn over corner. When the laser beam goes away, go down, and then climb up.

So we got to the safe. How to open it - you can read in the chapter "Mini Game". From myself I will add: in this case, it is not necessary to twist the mouse wheel. If you act quickly, a maximum of five minutes will go to the training session. With one behavishment coped, it's time to take for another.

Perhaps, let's start with the installation of "bug" on the antenna. Return to the common room and find the staircase next to the Cabinet of Karina. Climb up and listen to the conversation workers. Then go slowly to them and go to the ventilation mine. Climb the stairs to get to the roof.

Two guards go here. Go to the right along the fence and hide behind the boxes. When the guard finished talking, proceed by him and go to the antenna. It is not visible at the iron shield, so you can not hurry. Do not rush to open the lock and install the "bug".

Now on the map I will define the location of the guard. When it goes away, go from the antenna. Send from the roof to another way. Almost opposite the door (the area with the antenna) is a hatch. Quickly open it and go down the stairs. Then jump down. You will find yourself in a common room.

Let's proceed to the fill of Trojan on the terrorist server. First you need to go through the main door. You can try to find the code for the lock. You will learn if you climb into the computer Enriki. But the girl is constantly spinning around and looks at the desktop. Therefore, this option is only suitable for the most stubborn players.

You can hack an electronic lock on the door. Just do not forget to pay off the light so as not to attract unnecessary attention. But the easiest way is to wait, when Washington goes to the server, and slip up behind him until the door closed.

Now you need to pass by the surveillance camera. Wait until it turns away, and, pressing to the wall, argue to the door. Or climb on the box, hook for the pipe and enjoy it. Wait for Washington to finish scolding subordinates and leave the room. Then go down and open the door.

Go straight, climb on a small staircase and open the hatch on the left. You need to move, as quieter as possible, so as not to attract the attention of technicians. Jump in the hatch and sit in a dark place. Soon the workers will respond and disperse.

Now go straight, then right and open the second hatch. Select upstairs and download the Trojan to the server. Then jump down and leave the room again and the old way. Wait until the camera turns out and climb the stairs. Or run directly, turn right, and then clake up.

However, there are still things in the room with the server. Here is the first dossier on terrorists that we can get. Therefore, click the switch near the door and try to quickly reach the hatch (or hide next to the stairs).

The technician will check what happened. While it disassembles with lighting, run up to the box next to the computer and scan the file. Then jump in the hatch (one that closer) and wait until the worker returns. Then choose from the room.

The main tasks were completed, two additional left. Medical data on terrorists can be kidnapped from the Cabinet of Karina. First talk to the girl so that she goes to the office and closed the door. Hack the castle (preferably preserved before that, so that someone accidentally noticed), sneeze and slowly go inside.

Go to the right from the computer, take medical details from the box and leave the room. The last task remains: to undergo the shooting course. Go to the shooter, which is located next to the room where you have passed the workout, and take the rifle.

Shot 75 points is no easier. It has to suffer on the console, desperately struggling with control. Happened? Excellent, then go to the workout site and talk to Moss. He is greatly surprised by Fisher's agility. Then follow it.

You will be brought into the room where you first meet with the boss of terrorists. Also there is a linked pilot of the helicopter, which will be asked to shoot. Kinder it or not - the problem is extremely morality.

If you have fulfilled all missions, respect both sides should be practically maximum. In addition, the lost you are easily convicted in the next mission. This choice is not a key, so an additional mission is not lost. And finally, the pilot will still be shot. Want you or not.

medical data and one dossier.

Siberia - Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk

JBA tasks: Send the tanker (cut the entire team), get to the point of evacuation.

The main tasks of NSA.: Contact Lambert.

The main tasks JBA.: Pick up ammunition, neutralize security, neutralize sailors on the bridge, blow up the glacier.

Additional JBA tasks: destroy the connection, get and capture the ship, without raising anxiety.

Your task is to capture the oil tanker. What for? Who knows. Sent because. Last classical mission. Next will begin all sorts of cruise liners, shskanya on hotels, where the dark corner is practically not found. Enjoy, then everything will be different.

When Fisher jumps off the plane, the main parachute will not open, and you have a very little time to open the spare. Apply the movement keys, and then click "Space" when the corresponding icon appears.

Sam landed safely, but confused part of the equipment. It would be nice to return to replenish the ammunition not deadly weapons and perform the task. But from the ship, too, noticed a suspicious box and sent two soldiers. Given the fact that you have to move almost in the open space and with excellent visibility, it will not be easy to fulfill.

Therefore, as soon as you landed, immediately run right and hide behind a big ledge near the fallen drawer (the form it resembles a spike). While the soldiers talk to each other, look out due to the right edge. Make sure they will suspect the wrong and go check. Obtain yourself on the other hand and stun going back. Then turn off his partner.

If there are gas grenades, you can not suffer and throw under your feet until the soldiers diverged to explore the terrain. Alternatively, you can use rubber bullets. Or divert the opponents so that they get away from the box and you managed to collect ammunition. In any case, then run and jump from the cliff.

Swimming up the soldier standing on a thin ice, carefully drag it under the water. Then get out of the water and run right. Jump again into the water and swim to the next "thin ice". Fake the soldier and drag under the water. You can repeat the trick, there is another place to penetrate the ice.

Thus, you can get rid of most of the security. Even if you do not break up the ice, the enemy tendsfully run to the hole on the whistle. And it will be mercilessly recessed. Although you can not suffer, but simply cut the knife. Dark corners abound.

It remains to eliminate two guards. One puts explosives on the wall, the second trample nearby. Method methods - car and small trolley. You can hack your computer and activate the charge. An explosion to finish both. You can jump into the water, swim to the edge, whistling to lure one guard and drown (throw off into the water). To the second comrade, having spoiled on the spotlights, who discard the huge shadow of Sam Fisher (he still does not react to her), brazenly sneak at the rear and suffer. You can turn off the generator from EMP (or just to break the knife) and under the cover of darkness stun with the blow on the head. Only on flashlights need not to come across. But the hardest thing is to distract the soldiers from the glacier to do not hurt them. This is necessary if you achieve 100% rating.

After the explosion, collect cartridges and jump into the resulting break. If you did not kill anyone, then you don't need to collect anything. On the contrary, it is necessary to quickly, until they found, wondering from here.

To perform the "Seek tanker" task, you need to stun or kill all crew members on board. Does it apply to the soldiers near the ship, I do not know. But it is better not to risk. Swatch forward until you get to thin icewhich costs the clock. Take it off under the water and make a whistle of the second watch. What to do next, you already know ... or get out of the ice and knock him down on your head.

It remains the last hour sitting in the engine boat. It, in principle, you can not touch, but it can notice Fisher when you start climbing the ship. Therefore, quietly swim and throw off into the water.

Then climb on the platform near the ship (do not forget to turn off the spotlight if you did not kill the watch in the boat) and use the remote to omit the lift. Rabid into it and climb upstairs. Here you fell on the ship.

Your task: to kill everyone. If you do not want to suffer for the sake of rating, then most enemies are easiest to finish off the rifle. The thermal device is particularly helped when the snowstorm is played (this happens in a few minutes). The opponent sees nothing, and you run and shuffle one after another.

So let's start acting. Wait until the guards respond, and stun standing on the bottom deck. Then go to the nose of the vessel (see not noticing the guard at the top). There, four soldiers wandered between the boxes (I can not understand why all sailors are armed with AKM, this is the oil tanker, not a military vessel). They can simply catch one by one. Breeding dark and go slowly.

Then take advantage of the second tier and on the stairs. To some, it will be possible to get close to the close, but most can be obtained only from the assault rifle. By the way, there is one way to distract the attention of the guards. Some can even die from this. See a small post of observation? Use the remote and see what happens.

Now install an antenna and eliminate sailors on the bridge. To do this, it will be necessary to get on the roof of the ship. You can go on the stairs, but it may be long and you can notice from the bridge. Better pick up the tower and ride the wall to the wall, where Fisher grabbing. It is climbing up and throw the watch that carelessly costs at the railing (the pacifists are waiting until it goes away to stun the blow from behind).

Then climb on the antenna and contact Lambert. Excellent, one task is made. Go down, climb on the roof of the building on the left. Go down the rope and throw a smoke checker into one of the fans. Sailors on the bridge fell asleep.

Through the pipe go down to the place where you penetrated the ship. The obstacle is removed, you can move on. True, opponents will try to prevent this with all their might. They look at the terrain perfectly and look at each other.

The main thing is to turn off the guard on the bottom deck so that no one notice. Take it by a whistle and stun in a dark corner. Now you can take on the clocks on the top tier. The guard is slightly above the whistle. Finally, the last standing above, disconnect with the help of a velcro camera. True, he looks so well the area that is better not to suffer and shoot from the rifle.

Cleaning the deck, find the hatch and go down. Here you have to go through several rooms with guards. Despite the closeness, it will not make problems with the distance. Just do not forget to turn off the bulbs from EMP. Seeing the captain with a torch, run faster, grab the neck and break the spine. It is necessary to act like that. If you shoot, he drops a torch into fuel and the mission will be failed.

All tasks are completed (you did not miss any guard). Climb up the stairs to get on the deck, and go to the helipad. There Fisher is already waiting to take the next mission.

China - Shanghai.

JBA tasks: explore the room 2406, leave the hotel by helicopter.

The main tasks of NSA.: Get a sample of "Red Mercury", kill Dr. Asvat, write a conversation at the meeting, get into the hotel.

The main tasks JBA.: Get data from the safe in Dr. Asvat's room.

Additional tasks NSA.: Do not kill civilians, get to the hotel, without raising the alarms, do not raise anxiety at all.

Yesterday we were in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, which, according to the developers, washes by the shores of Siberia. Now we fly on a helicopter to Shanghai to meet Dr. Asvat. True, on the nettle to the skyscraper, the pilot suddenly dying thanks to the families from the CIA. Fisher will rush to the cockpit, and your task is to align the car (this is done by the movement keys).

After landing, the terrorists, giving the task Fisher, go to the meeting on the elevator. We still have to plunge stubbornly on gold places. You need to think about how to penetrate the building. Through the elevators will not be able, so you will first have to get into the roof. There you will think about something.

You can do so. Open the door (by making a hole in the fence, climb through the fence), by chanting, to go left and climb up. But it is too difficult. Protection, though foolish, but lanterns are equipped. Therefore, let's go to another.

From the helicopter platform, go to the right corner and climb on the roof in boxes. Wait until the guards are finished to talk, climb on the roof with an antenna. Do not be lazy and disconnect the light bulb. Be vigilant and do not get on the eyes of a soldier with a flashlight. For reliability, it can be stunned so as not to interfere under the legs.

Then jump on the cable to roll to the long roof. Click on the ventilation shaft, crawl on the other side and a bridge over the bridge. Disconnect the light to not attract attention, and run to the control system. As I said, the protection of rarity is foolish, so it is unlikely to notice.

Now hack the crane control system to disable the light and deploy the mechanism. Hide in a dark corner and wait until the guard examines the terrain and leaves. Now steal to the crane, cling the winch and go down. Reaching the windows washer platform, shifted through the edge and go on the eaves to the right.

You need to pass the windows without attracting attention. First, wait until the man stops staring in the window and leaves the hall. Then wait for the second visitor to calm down. In general, a greater danger is a firework, which gives Fisher. If it is not, it is unlikely that you will notice. What, of course, is amazing. The room is well lit, and the eye refuses to believe that Sam's figure is not visible to visitors.

Having reached to the end, get the winch again (Fisher has, apparently, is undeveloped) and go down. Reaching the window through which the terrorists are visible, leading an unhurried conversation, get the laser microphone and turn on the record. Do not pay attention to Moss at the window, he sees nothing.

Soon you will be informed that the helicopter is poured, which intends to highlight on the windows. Someone suspected something? Probably. Remove the microphone and jump down (SHIFT key). When Fisher is pulled off the rope, move right to the end and wait until the helicopter arrives. It will begin to shine the windows. Do not worry, you are in complete safety.

Now read, in what order the helicopter shines on the windows. Remember when it lights up the top windows, and when the bottom. Then move left, hanging on your hands on time, and climbing up. Perhaps you will need a small training, but with the second-third attempt you will pass this site unnoticed.

Having reached the ventilation system, hang on the hands and wait until the sash opens. The tired guard decided to breathe fresh air. Throw it down and climb into the room. If you do not want to kill, put the guard nervously visited the room. Then there will be a chance to slip past.

We penetrated the hotel. Now you need to get into the number of Emil. This can be done in several ways. A guard will soon come to the neighboring room, so you need to act quickly. First turn off the light in the room where you sit. Then open the door and proceed until the next switch.

When the guard leaves the sink, go there and look for a ventilation mine in the snack. You will fall into the elevator mine, where will you get to the toilet in Emil's room. This is the easiest option. But there are other ways.

Let's start with the fact that in the first room you can go down to the LAZ to get into the neighboring room, without raising noise. You can also catch the valves that are published. He not only responds to the enemy's attention, but also kill anyone who falls under the jet.

Then leave the corridor and call the elevator (you can first hack the computer in the room nearby). Then quietly steal past the guards. You can kill, but from this any benefit. They are really easier to get around, rather than suffering with sneakers. So you will reach the number of Emil.

Without a difference, how did you get here. Further actions will be the same. Wait for the guard, and go to the left. By the way, by the way, by the radio, will report on moving the guard to the corridor. Thank you, comforted. We continue ... Going to the left, you will come across Emil. He stands and listens, as the money says. Wait until the boss leaves the room, and go through the left opening.

It is left left. On the right is the Moss, who is very surprised, seeing Fisher. By the way, do not think about clicking the switches. Otherwise, it will attract attention that it will almost certainly end the failure of the mission.

See next to the partition safe? It must be hacked to get samples of "red mercury". At the same time, both the cartridges will break. Opening the safe (remember that you need to twist the mouse wheel) and by following the task, go to the bathroom. Purchase into the hatch and on the ventilation shaft, use the server room.

True, you can try to go through the corridor. But there is a bunch of guards, so I immediately shake this option. Without shooting and mass victims, there is definitely not to get. Therefore, theoretically, probably, perhaps, and practically ... who knows.

Going away, you may have attracted the attention of the guards. Immediately run to the stairs and go upstairs. True, so you will miss the sound grenade and the opportunity to dig in the computer. But do you need it? There is no interesting information there, but the pomegranate is still not useful.

Therefore, it is better to immediately cover the ventilation mine. Then go down on the rope down and wait when the elevator will arrive on the side. Stand on the roof and descend lower below. Then on another elevator - down another floor. It is here that the doctor is located.

By the way, you can be like "non-sales" floors. There you will find lonely civil, and if you come up to any door, then fall at the level down and forever stuck in the textures. Dubious happiness, so it's better not to get carried away by experiments.

On the floor where the number of Dr. Asvat is, two security officers wanders, and the elevators have a camera. Wait until the guard is cleared, disconnect the camera with EMP and stun the opponent. Then shove on the second hourly stool.

It was possible to do differently. Wait until the guard goes down, turn off the spotlight, run through the reinforcement and climb through the railing. Crop the second guard and hide the body. So much more difficult, but it will not be necessary to turn off the camera and touch the first guard.

Then go to the doctor's room. I confess that I do not understand how you can go with 100% rating. Four guards wanders around the rooms, and you need to open the safe. Trying to open, not falling on the enemy's eyes ... This is something out of the fiction area.

Therefore, without long oscillations, cut down opponents with shocks on the back of the head and store in the bathroom. Then open the safe and scan the documents. The door to the room will open, and the guard will come. Shoot it on your head, so as not to interfere in the future.

Now the tasks are as follows. After 5-7 seconds, terrorists will arrive and they will be supplied to evacuate. The bosses will ask for a doctor. If you do not fulfill orders, you lose respect. Moreover, terrorists are the greater the loss than the longer you pull the time. And the doctor in the room is not in a hurry, so you have to finish it in the corridor.

The first way to make both orders such. Turning off the guard in the room, select the corridor and get the rifle. Pretty aim - the distance is decent, do not slip - and shoot your doctor. The guard runs, but Fisher will not notice. Return to the room and wait until terrorists arrive. Then cling to the rope to get into the helicopter. If you acted quickly, respect for terrorists will not lose.

The second method is much more complicated, and perhaps the first time to fulfill the conceived will not work. Surride to Asvat closer and shry the velcro chamber. Attach the doctor sound, then quickly run up and apply the knife. You need it to leave the zone of the guards and the camera, then it will be possible to eliminate it without raising noise.

But it seems to me, it is better to quickly finish it from a rifle than suffering with a velcro camera, risking to be noticed. Damn with him, with a rating. Of course, it's nice when it is 100%, but in this case the sheepbank is not worth it.

New York - JBA Headquarters, Part II

The main tasks of NSA.: Get data from Emil's safe, write a voice to get into the protected zone.

The main tasks JBA.: Collect Ma for the next mission.

Additional tasks NSA.: Record the votes of terrorists, get a dossier on terrorists, get personal information about terrorists.

Additional JBA tasks: Complete the shooting course, get rid of the bodies of pilots.

And again headquarters of terrorists. You already know the rules, so I will not repeat. Only this time the tasks will be cunning, less, and, accordingly, it will have to better plan the path. There is one nuance: to crack the safe you need to last. Because after performing this task, the mission will automatically end.

When a girl goes beyond the door, go to the shadow and write down her conversation with Emil. Two voices are already there. In principle, this is enough to fulfill the main task, so we will deal with additional instructions. Gose to voices?

To go through the narrow eaves, squeeze to the wall.

Return to the living room and climb upstairs. Washington will seem soon. Go behind it and write down how it swears with the technician. Then return and wait for Moss. When he rises upstairs, follow him. Thunder will find a guilty soldier and starts to yell on him. Record. The last voice remained, but we will get it when we go to open the safe.

Now return to the room where the voice of Enriki and Emil. Get up for the device and collect a bomb. To do this, you need to lower ten detonators to the center. How to do it, look at the chapter " Mini-games" In general, it is given 15 detonators, so if you miss a couple of times, nothing terrible. The main thing is not to lose much time.

If there is not enough trust, you can get a workout and shooting course again. Although it is better not to spend time in a gift, but really useful things. For example, get rid of the body of the poisoned pilot. Take it from the hospital, take into the basement and shove into the stove.

Now that all tasks in this part of the building are made, moving on. Go to the door next to the machine to collect bombs and open the lock. See at the top of the camera? Click on the pipe, cover forward, and when it turns, jump down (although you can just climb the stairs).

First visit the office Enriki. Open the lock and quietly go to the room. Pass between the table and the wall. Then get rid of the box to get a dossier on the girl. Then the same way go out of the room.

Go around the camera and go to the next door. Quietly pass by the sleeping guard and hide in the wall, having heard the negotiations on the radio. When the guar passes you, quickly go past the living room and open the door to the room on the left.

Dayton is sleeping here, which is hit in a dream. Record his voice is the last - and get rid of boxes near the beds. You will receive personal data on Washington and Dayton. Now go back to the corridor and go to the room opposite. Here you will find personal data Enriki.

Then go to the bathroom and get out the window. Burn through the courtyard and pick up the box, then on the pipe and from it to the balcony. Go to the Cabinet. Do not attempt to open a safe! We still have time, now Emil will come with Washington to discuss the plan that you should steal.

While they did not come, we will deal with useful things. Take the emit dossier from the drawer next to the table. Then run to the room next to the balcony. There you will find personal data about the boss. Excellent. All documents that can be kidnapped in this mission, we kidnapped.

Return to the office, hide in the corner and wait for Emil to put the project in the safe, and Washington will leave. Quick safes and scan paper. Do not break, otherwise you will notice. Then go to the balcony, go into the courtyard and then go to the enriki room. There Fischer is waiting for a romantic-erotic surprise and ending level.

According to the results of this mission we got four personal affairs, two dosers, five variation samples.

COZUMEL - Cruise Ship

The main tasks of NSA.: Install a smoke checker, get the frequency of the bomb.

The main tasks JBA.: Install a bomb.

Additional tasks NSA.: Do not kill civilians.

Additional JBA tasks: penetrate the deck, without raising the alarms, install a bomb without raising anxiety.

Here are what, Stealth-Action ... neither shelters, no darkness!

Now we, as adult terrorists, lay the bomb on the cruise liner. Here is such an email clatter. The ship is protected by Mexican military, which are equated to civilian. If you kill someone, you will lose confidence in the NO2CHERTY.

After talking on the phone, take the electric shock from the table (do not pay attention to the knock on the door) and go to the balcony. Jump over the railing and hanging on your hands, move right. Then climb the pipe, get to the balcony and wait until the guards go away.

Rear to the balcony and hide behind the trolley. Wait until Enriches hack the security system and turn on the slot machine. Guard will immediately go to watch what happened. Take advantage of the moment and run into another shelter.

We need to get into the room in the far left corner. I advise not to touch the guards yet, but to move with short silence to shelter. You can distract their attention by shooting from EMP to slot machines. If they are completely closed, hidey under the platform with a car to wait.

This can also stare body, if anyone still cut down. Although it is better not to do. It's hard to catch a security guard so that no one notice. After hitting the room (do not forget to turn off the observation chamber), turn off the light and start whistle. The guards will start entering the room. You can join them alone and stored in the corner.

Then throw a smoke checker into ventilation (it will reduce the trust of JBA, but nothing terrible). If you decide not to touch the guards, hack the lock and disconnect the lighting in the hall. While the Mexicans in the dotchets are trying like blind kittens, open the door and hide in the hallway.

It is relatively calm. Just one guard at the top. True, it is so uncomfortable to seal that it is easier to shrink with electric shock. Of course, you can lure his whistle, hide under the stairs and try to grab, but it does not always work.

Rising upstairs, open the door, wait for the guards to finish discussing the aquarium and move on. Now you might think how to get a room. You can try to sneak. Even if the opponent notices something, you can always run away away. While the guy will understand what happened ...

But much more interesting to cut down everyone, without raising anxiety. Part of the guards can be turned off, breaking the aquarium when they are nearby. It is necessary to shine twice from the pistol. Just be able to come around that no one walks and hears the shot. Also, bullets should fly not close to the ear of the future victim. Otherwise, you will notice and raise anxiety.

When the aquarium bursts, the guards will start walking around, trying to understand what is happening. They will not make problems. However, you can even do without it. It is enough to dial bottles in the bar and throw a rig into the head.

Then disconnect the tracking chamber and go along the corridor to the elevator. By the way, there is another ventilation mine. Theoretically, probably, it will be born to throw a smoke checker. At least, on a three-dimensional map, ventilation is noted accordingly. Therefore, it should turn out.

The elevator has two security guard. Muffle them by a whistle in the corridor and squeeze to the wall. When they pass by, proceed from behind and stun the fist's blow. Come in the elevator and wait until a new card is downloaded.

While the elevator doors did not open, then climb on the roof through the hatch. Wait until the guard will go to the cabin, and fall on his head. Go to the hall. Yes, there is no place to hide here ... Partly good illumination compensates for the myopia of guards who do not see further ten meters.

Then hesitate from the stroke of the guard on the second tier. Finally, the last opponent on the first floor is also stunning a bottle. You can try to get through the pool. Swim up to the opposite edge, quickly climb up and hide in the closet. When the guard calms down, leave the cabinet and make way to do the door.

Here it is, the bomb is the hope of terrorists.

You will find yourself in a steam room. More precisely, with steam, only it is not visible due to engine errors. Three guard walks in the rooms. To lure them very simple. Turn off the light in the corridor and start whistle. The enemy will see to see, get a fist on the head and calm down. The main thing is that all do not come.

Then go to the central room, climb the pipe, open the hatch with a knife and then climb into the ventilation shaft. You will stay to the room, wait until the sailor starts looking at myself in the mirror. Get out of the mine, grab the sailor and interrogate to find out the code (2112).

Now leave the room, grab the sailor sitting on the chair, and also arrange interrogation. Then stun and drag into the room. Close the blinds, hack the computer on the table and go down the stairs. Hide the drawers and wait for the officers will finish talking.

The officer will rise up and sit down at the table. Take care of it and cut off the electric shock. The body also take into the room. You can no longer touch anyone. No needs. But if you really want, stun as a company and take the body into the room. Here is someone surprised when it finds ...

Then jump onto the rope to go down on the nose of the ship. At the bottom there are two guards. Throw them a gas grenade and stun rubber bullets or electric shock. If you do not want to touch, so as not to spoil the passing rating, then suffer, lidery the whistle and the roar of shoes. It is not easy to hide, so it will have to be not easy.

Come into the room where the guards were talked, and install a bomb. Immediately hack it to get the frequency of access. Go to the deck, hack the castle to open the flaps on board, and jump down. If you can not find the output point, look at the three-dimensional map.

New York - Jba Headquarters, Part III

NSA tasks: Do not destroy the ship, substitute Enrique.

JBA tasks: destroy the ship.

The main tasks of NSA.: Visually to find a bomb, scan fingerprints to access the protected area.

The main tasks JBA.: Decipher email.

Additional tasks NSA.: Get a turning code from Enriki, write the vote of terrorists, get a dossier on terrorists, get personal information about terrorists, scan fingerprints.

The bomb is installed, but not the fact that it will explode. This is to decide, and not Emily, whatever he thought of himself. Tasks in this mission is enough. Emil demands to decipher the intercepted letter of Mossad to find out who poisoned the pilot in Shanghai. And who to trust it, if not Fisher?

The puzzle resembles a crazy rubble cube. You have eight numbers. They need to be placed in such a way that none repeated in a row or column. Not easy task, right? In general, see the table. This is a decomposed cube in a two-dimensional plane. Mentally glue the parties to gather together.

X. X. 000 110 X. X.
X. X. 001 111 X. X.
100 110 010 000 011 001
111 101 011 001 000 010
X. X. 100 010 X. X.
X. X. 101 011 X. X.
X. X. 110 100 X. X.
X. X. 111 101 X. X.

Could manage? Congratulations. Now we will deal with other affairs.

First, we collect fingerprints. Here is a complete list.

Enrika - Microscope in Doctor's office, electronic lock on the door to the office. Emil - On the table near the computer, where you hacked the letter. Washington - Refrigerator in the kitchen, in his room. Moss - Box with documents in his room, on the desktop in the office. Dayton - Electronic lock in the server room, its room.

In general, to fulfill the task, Emilprint Fingerprints are enough, so if you do not have time, you can leave the others for later. What will you need yet? Access code to the bomb to blow up the ship and dump the whole guilt on the girl. To do this, go to the office in the protected area (we were in the sixth mission, when they were looking for a dossier).

Remember the computer on the table? Hacked it quickly and leave the office. If you do not have time, the girl begins the conversation and notices Fisher. Then hide between the table and the wall. She will soon speak and return to the workplace.

The letter was decrypted, four imprints received, the code was kidnapped. There is nothing more in this area. Therefore, after Enriki, go to the protected area through which I got into the Emil Cabinet. Now the guards are walking and conversations about patriotism.

Uh-uh ... I'm here ... I change the wiring. And what, not like?

Wait until they volatile and disperse. Catch the moment and run the living room. If it does not turn out to slip unnoticed, you can try to distract the whistle. Go to the door next to Washington and Dayton's room and use prints to unlock the lock.

In the Moss corridor talks to Washington. When they disperse, go to the office on the right and hide in the closet. Moss for some reason will come back, it will take a little bit and leave again. Get out of the closet, kidnap your personal data and take a fingerprint.

Go out into the corridor and steal, clinging to the right wall. The guards in the room are too passionate about any calculations. If you do not indulge with switches, they will not notice anything. Danger represents camera observation. It is from her that need to hide.

If Moss did not have time to go far, go to the room, until the door closed. Otherwise, the electronic lock will have to break. So, we inside and can proceed with the fulfillment of the main goal: to see a bomb.

You need a computer that is on the balcony. Quietly proceed into a small snack behind the guard and wait for it to go away. Come to the computer, hack protection, look at the observation chamber and hide back into the shelter.

I advise you to sign up before trying to hack. One error and task failed. The main orders are made, and can be returned. But another dossier remains that you can kidnap. And it is very close. We will risk!

Select from the shelter and enjoy the Mossa Cabinet. It is in the right corner. Go inside, hide behind the boxes and look out the drawer with documents. When Moss goes away from him, quickly see the documents and hide again.

It's time to return. If you forgot to scan Moss's prints, you can do it now. They are on the table with a computer. It is not necessary to approach closely, it is quite possible to scan from a decent distance. Now everything is exactly.

Leaving the observation room, you will see that the guards left the office and stand in the corridor. You have to look for another way. See the box in front of the door, where did we come from? You can climb and jump on the other side. Just do not forget to wait for the technician, and turn off the light bulb. Then they definitely not hurt.

Return to the room, where Emile left to decrypt the letter, and wait until the time end. When the boss gave member members in the living room, you need to choose what to do with a ship: Jam Signal - Do not blast, lose the trust of JBA, kill the girl; Destroy Ship. - blow up the ship, lose the confidence of NSA; Frame Enrica. - Do not blast the ship, substitute the girl, the trust is not lost.

Of course, the girl is a pity. But on the other hand, sake of her sacrifice the lives of hundreds of people? Especially since, how not to twist, she is a terrorist. Karina knew what was going on and what games play. Therefore, nothing to regret it. Although the choice, of course, is yours.

According to the results of this mission we got one personal case, one dossier, five fingerprints.

Congo - Kinshasa.

NSA tasks: to overhear the conversation at the secret meeting, save the CIA agent.

JBA tasks: Find the CIA agent, return to the parking lot.

The main tasks of NSA.: Steep plans from the camp, do not kill the CIA agent.

The main tasks JBA.: Kill the CIA agent

Additional tasks NSA.: save the woman on the bus, prevent execution, do not raise anxiety.

Additional JBA tasks: Get to the point of evacuation.

A huge level divided into three parts. Probably the most difficult mission in the game. Especially difficult to have to pacifists. It is not always possible to sneak to the enemy. And not deadly cartridges catastrophically lack.

100% rating will generally get only obsessed players. After all, it is worth mistaken once that at this level it is very simple, and the rating disappeared. I really have no thoughts, how to get it at all. After all, there will be situations where opponents in any case have to kill or stun.

This level was unpleasantly surprised by the number of flights. Especially often the game sends to the desktop while trying to download the saved game. At half past cases, this is accompanied by the destruction of the file. In general, pleasant little. What to do? Nothing. Swear and hope that problems will bypass.

Emil with comrades is heading to the top secret meeting and asked Fisher to wait in the garage. Will not wait, we also want to listen to the conversation. Therefore, as soon as the terrorists leave the garage, get out of the truck and turn on the three-dimensional card.

Hiding under the trucks, you reliably tap the enemies.

Two guards in the garage will soon come to the third. And as it came out, they are spinning near the elevator, where we need to get. I advise you not to touch opponents and imperceptibly slipping past them. To finish them without noise and dust too difficult, someone will definitely raise anxiety, which will lead to the failure of an additional task.

Run to the left and hide behind the boxes. Wait until the car arrives and the third guard will come out. Disconnect the bulbs from EMP and throw the bottle to the far angle to distract the opponent. While they searched an empty angle, run to the elevator and go up

Coming out of the elevator, go ahead until you hear the conversation of two soldiers. Wait until they finish a conversation, and go into the room. The guards diverged, you will sneak without problems. By the way, you can take the following reception: Hide in the closet and start whistle. When soldiers are suitable, open the door to the shoulder.

In the next room, three soldiers. Immediately disable them will not work. Also disappears with a rifle. The only chance to deal with them: Throw a smoke grenade and sniff quietly. But it will not be easy. However, to touch the soldier is completely optional. On the contrary, it is easier to slip by, without raising noise.

To do this, wait until the enemy starts to shoot with someone, and go into the room. Turn the right and hide into the shelter. After catching a good moment, run up to the glass, break it with a fist and go to the cornice.

If you want, try to sneak into the destroyed room (go along the glass and turn right). But in the end, you will fall into the same place, only more difficult way. After all, the opponent can notice. Therefore, it's better in the eaves.

Climb the pipe and hanging on your hands, move left. Soon the guard that came out of the room will stop and comes closer. Use the chance and throw it down. Pacifists simply suffer by. Then go to the room and go out into the corridor. Another guard. Stun it and hide the body in a secluded corner.

Go to the room where there are two soldiers, and shove the optical cable under the door. When the enemy finishes talking, go inside and stun the first soldier. Then pick a bottle of liqueur, steal over the second and run the container in the head.

Having coped with the enemy, go to the balcony and climb onto the roof.

Once on the roof, save immediately. Now to turn off three soldiers. You can do it so. Get the rifle and wait when the first opponent will appear on the right. To finish him with a shot in the head, climb the stairs (opposite the staircase room with two grenades, take them later) and quickly send the two remaining soldiers. They are shooting with the enemy, so they do not look at the parties.

If you want to do without shooting, first pick up the grenades and quickly climb the stairs until the soldier came. Hide in the corner and, having imagined the moment, cut down the head on the head. Then examine the routes of two other soldiers, also sneak at the back and stun.

You can just slip past. True, you will have to break your head and distract the attention of the enemy. It is difficult, but perhaps. In any case, you need to place where the staircase leads. Inside Hack a computer to disable mines in the mine and open the hatch. Then jump onto the pipe, wake up to the hatch and go down on the winch.

A good room for secret meetings. No one can listen to her ... except Sam Fisher, of course. First, get into the opposite direction - for this you have to crawl. Then climb through the pipe. On the glass roof, find and hack the castle.

Go down on the pipe down. Your task is to establish a "bug" in the vase. It is impossible to step on the floor and get into the rays of lasers, it will lead to failure of the mission. However, to circumvent protection easily. Laser rays are disconnected from time to time (for which, however, it is done, I do not understand and never understand), which makes it possible to pass a dangerous area.

By pipe, we use to any side. Then go down to a small platform. Clicking in the glass, go to another platform and take up the top again. Then the pipe is following the center of the hall, descend on the winch down and put the "bug" in the vase.

Raise up again ... The pad came out. Emil got faster than we thought. Therefore, make sure that hang on the pipe, pursing the legs, and do not ram the chandelier. Then you will not be woined. When the terrorists finish the conversation, go down and go out of the room.

Emil returns to the parking lot, so you have to look for another, faster way to get to the old place. Get out of the room, turn left to the pile of tables and go down the rope (press SHIFT to accelerate). In the courtyard, find the ventilation shaft and climb inside.

Through it, you will reach the toilet in the garage. Get out from there and wait for Emil. If the boss is suitable before, you will begin to lose trust in terrorists. And the longer the bag, the more you lose it. Therefore, we run that there are strength.

The first part of the level is over. Now you have to survive street battles. What a secretive place here ... alive would go out.

The terrorists said that Hisham is the CIA agent, and they ask for Fisher to find it. I wonder why? However, you can guess so. At this level, you can raise anxiety. Additional mission is already considered made. Therefore, if you do not care about the rating (given what will happen, - you can safely spit), prepare a rifle. It is very useful.

First do not rush and see what is happening on the streets. The rebels are fighting with government troops. The sun shines brightly, almost no one to hide. Great Stealth-Action is obtained.

Do not rush to leather through the fence. Wait until the rebels run on the road, something will blow up and return. Now we have shock, finish them from the rifle or sneak at the back to cut into a knife.

Slowly move on. Due to the corner, the half-diet ebony will run out. Let running. Your task is to save civilians from execution. You can act like this: first wrap the right (it ran out of here), climb up the pipe and strangle the rebel.

From the window to shoot a half-hearted black, which is spinning near the well, and go down. Then get to the place where civilians are leading, and throw a smoke grenade. While the guards are clutch eyes, raise the back and hit the knife.

You can try to throw a grenade standing behind the fence, then climb on it and from this position to finish off the rebels from the rifle. Or proceed easier. Do not touch the half-hearted black and rebel on the second floor, and immediately run into the courtyard, where they are going to shoot civilians. Sign up from the back, we grab one, they let the bullet in the back of the head.

Then you can go in two ways. The first is safer. Go to the place where the half-hearted ebony spinned. Click on the kiosk, then pick up the window. Run forward along the corridor. In the last room you will find a rebel with a torn legs, which decided to finish himself with a grenade. To make Fisher did not finish with him, quickly jump out the window and go down to the bus.

The second road is more dangerous, but rich in the events. In the courtyard, where they wanted to shoot civilians, find the open door. Come to the house. Going to the exit, you will see a woman in a blue skirt. Run beyond her, not paying attention to the explosions and shots.

In the courtyard, flush the rebels or wait until they leave. Then climb the stairs and steal around the balcony, trying not to come across the eyes of soldiers.

Your further actions depend on how you came. If through the window, then go out of the bus and carefully inspect the area. You will be asked to save a woman who is stuck in the tipped bus. It is almost in the center of battles. If you do not want to risk, spit and go to the alley on the right.

If you came second and decided not to save a woman, then go down the rope in the alley on the right. Turn the corner, go to the room and finish off the guard. On the table you will find ammunition that are never superfluous.

If you decide to save a woman, how would you have come, you will have to get to the dilapidated tube. Only in the first case, wait until the soldiers get off the tank and the battle will begin. Then straighten by. By the way, you can cut the soldiers and lay a grenade into the tank.

In the second case, it is enough to jump from the second floor and immediately climb into the pipe. I advise you to throw several flue grenades to hide from the enemy. In 90% of cases, the Fisher notice when you go through the pipe. In principle, under the cover of smoke you can finish enemies so as not to interfere in the future. But then penalty points to rating grab ...

In any case, hitting the bus (hurry, otherwise, after some time it will explode), lift the chair so that the woman can pull out the leg. Then run after it and hide behind the car.

Whether you went in a safe way or saved a woman, you will still go out on one street, only from different sides. See, soldiers check the truck? Wait until they go away, and climb under the car. Fisher crepts over the bottom and with the breeze will reach the camp.

If you missed the car or decided not to go on it, run to a dilapidated building next to a baked tank. Just do not forget about the guards who are standing on the street. Having passed a little forward, you will see how the blast will undermine the mine. That's not enough. Look at the ground carefully and go around the "rounds" if you do not want to repeat his fate.

You arrived by car or come on foot - no difference. Further actions will be the same. Run to the tent with a general and go around it. Cut the fabric, degrade the officer (it is advisable to hide the body at once) and hack your computer.

Having received plans, go out of the tent through the incision done. Grab the body of the General and skip in the dark corner. If you acted quickly, had to have time before the soldiers leave the helicopter and differ in the district.

Now go to the second tent and cut the cloth. On the wounded, do not pay attention. He is not right to Sam Fisher. Make sure the soldiers do not look at your side, and run out to the street. Hiding behind high current generators, get to the gate (tension fence) and open the door.

Then climb up the stairs and find the sniper rifle. Now you have to make a choice: to finish the CIA agent or leave alive. The first action will undermine the trust at the bosses, the second of the terrorists.

Think yourself. From myself I will say that this is one of the critical elections, on which it depends, you will receive a prize mission or not. In addition, if you finish off the CIA agent, the next part of the task will be much easier and more interesting.

Decided not to kill? Then shoot the soldier who will try to kill the agent. To distinguish who is who, hover an eye on the figure and see how the reputation should change. Did you choose? Shoot!

After the shot, it remains to wait until the tower is not sharpened from the grenade launcher. Throw a rifle voluntarily Fisher does not agree.

If you killed the agent, you will only need to get to the evacuation point. If you decide not to substitute your own, then Hisham will have to save again. This time from captivity. He is kept in the palace, but in order to get there, you will have to go through the battle zone.

Fast jump onto the rope and go down until Fisher has noticed the rebels. Go forward and jump onto the first floor. Wait until the wall wates the explosion. Oh God ... You need to go through the street, which are shot from two sides. And go unnoticed.

Go to the bus and see how the rebel finishes off the explosion. There are two outputs from the bus. The first through the hatch in the floor. In the pit it is a blast man, but it is easy to remove it. It is much more difficult to stay unnoticed. I, despite all attempts, did not work. Perhaps help grenades with smoke, if you have left.

So I went another expensive. Located through the side door, climbed to another bus. Then he descended into the pipe and got it to a knocked helicopter. In general, the plot is complex. You can die from the accidental projectile. Many opponents, they constantly notice Fisher. It is often necessary to load, and the game, as discharged, flies on the desktop.

Having gathered the cartridges in the helicopter cockpit, jump onto the ground and hide behind the boxes. Look at the scene on how the twenty will try to escape and how he is shot. Here in such conditions will have to work.

In the palace, in addition to Hisham, hold the prisoners of soldiers. If the protection lifts the alarm, all prisoners will be killed, and the mission will be failed. Therefore, you need to act quickly and clearly. First, finish off the soldier who shoots the runaway captive. Hide the body for drawers and raise the scaffolding. Incider enthusiastically somewhere shooting rebel. Then climb on the blue boxes and jump onto the roof. It may be hooked off from the second and third time.

Go to the big hole in the center and get the rifle. Remove the guards with electric shock, if you do not want victims. Or shoot in mind if you crave blood. The enemy can suspect something, but if he does not notice Fisher, it will not be able to do anything. You have a profitable position, all movements are instantly tracked. Soldiers are visible as on the palm.

By removing the security, go down, free the captive and spend it to the evacuation point. If he refuses to go behind Fisher, it means that some blades remained alive. Having reached the fence, help Hisham jump over and wait for the palace.

This long mission is over. The last level remained, where you will have to finally choose between NSA and JBA. Although in any case, it will not be possible to become a sewer terrorist.

New York - Jba Headquarters, Part IV

NSA tasks: Scan the retina of the eye to gain access to the protected area, find and neutralize a bomb.

Additional tasks NSA.: Scan the retina of the eye at terrorists, get a dossier on terrorists.

Before me, the Lambert car, which terrorists searched. I feel, there will be trouble. Go for Emil, which will lead you to the interrogation room. There is a linked Lambert. The boss will give you a gun and leave alone with Washington.

Choose who kill. If you pull the time, shoot Fisher. I chose Washington. Still, no matter how cool, they need enemies and a bomb to neutralize. Concepting the scan of the eye, scan and leave the room.

It is advisable to do it quickly, because the guard will soon come running. Need to leave the room and hide somewhere. For the old man, by the way, do not worry, nothing will happen to him. When the guard calms down, finish them and hide the body. Then go down to the basement, where the pilot's body was burned, and scan the eyes of the late Karina (if it, of course, was killed).

Then go to the tir (in the basement there is a staircase through which you can get into the garage) and take a rifle and night vision. Now we are armed and doubly more dangerous. Go to the server room to scan Deuton's eyes. At the same time, finishing all the guards at the level so as not to be disturbed under their feet.

If you did not have time to get some data, this is your last chance. All documents and prints in old places. Go to the post of observation and take smoke grenades. They will be suitable at the very end. Then go to the corridor, where in the eighth mission Moss talked to Washington.

If you entered the ship to blow up, then you will find Karina near the elevator. She will open the door to the laboratory. Good girl. If you want to scan the eyes of Enriki, you will have to stun. But she will probably forgive. Although what's the difference, because we play the last level.

Go down on the elevator. If you have not finished off Washington, it will be here and you can catch up. Reaching the laboratory, turn off the light and jump onto the pipe. Now stubbornly whistle and stifle suitable guards and scientists. So you can get rid of all opponents. Of course, you can eliminate them and in another way, but this is the easiest way. Then go to the office (password 1234) and get the last file, as well as the code from the laboratory - 2112.

If you decide to sneak unnoticed, turn off the bulbs and go to Washington's office. Go to the second place and jump down. Take through the ventilation LAZ to get into the flooded basement. Go around the technique, climb the stairs and pass through the doors.

If you killed everyone, do not suffer and step through the laboratory. Anyway no longer from whom to hide. After passing the corridor, the intestine, you will fall into the hall, where there will be a tough disgrace with scientists. Ten minutes before the explosion.

Remove the lonely watch that makes up. How to deceive two guards standing by the stairs? Take them off by a whistle. While they searched the room, quickly climb upstairs. Or just shoot from the rifle so as not to suffer. The hardest part remains: cope with Emil and four guards.

You can arrange a slaughterhouse, but it is better not to be lazy and lick by whistle. If not to stand half an hour, you will cope relatively quickly. But if you do not have enough time, get the rifle, throw a smoke grenade, turn on the thermal mode of the vision and open the fire. After do not forget to scan Emil's eyes.

Then come to the bomb and take to work. Here you will find a series of mini-games described in the chapter " Mini-games" When you detect explosives, the special forces will arrive and the level will end. And the game maybe not.

The following endings are possible.

  • Bad. If you blew up the ship, shot the agent and Lambert and the confidence of NSA less than 33%, Fisher will run away from the building and become a criminal.
  • Neutral. If the trust of NSA is below 33%, but you did not explode the ship and did not kill the agent and Lambert, or have made two wrong acts, but NSA trust above 33%, Fisher will appear before the court, but will be justified.
  • Good. If the trust of NSA is above 33%, you did not explode the ship, did not kill Lambert and the agent, then you will receive an additional mission. The terrorists will be finally defeated, and Sam Fisher will go to a well-deserved rest.

According to the results of this mission we got one dossier, four scans eyes.

Bonus Mission: New York City Harbor

NSA tasks: neutralize a bomb.

Made three key choices in favor of conscience and government? Then get a prize mission as a gift. You probably noticed that in the last mission one of the terrorists left. From us far away. Moreover, he decided to blow up a bomb in Washington, near the Statue of Freedom.

Get off the stairs and wait until the terrorists respond and disperse. You have ten minutes to neutralize a bomb. From weapons - only a knife. It's time to act. Drummage through the railing and, clinging to the edges of the edge, move to the left.

Stay opposite the ladder leading to the cut, and wait for the guard by passing. Get out on the deck, go under the staircase and climb into the hole in the wall. You will find yourself in the cabin. Wait for the leader from Luke, and climb the stairs to get into the control of the control.

Can be done differently. Once on the ship, quietly go on a sheet of iron on the right side of the vessel and sneak to the door leading to the cabin. Or, without raising noise, throw out some of the terrorists overboard, the rest are finished with a knife and climb the stairs.

In any case, you should be in the cut. Surride to the old friend and try to grab the rear. He also tries to resist. Well at least silently, in order not to raise an alarm. Eh, there would be more animated inserts. In general, after spectacular battle, do not forget to scan pupils to complete the previous task. Then open the lock and go around the protection to disarm the bomb.

After this feat, the terrorists will raise the alarm and decide to destroy the ship. You have a few seconds to run through the main door. The rest of Fisher will do it yourself. Jump from the vessel, an explosion and fall into the water. End of the game.

Fisher saved America again from the catastrophe. Daughter is, of course, he will not return, but the brave agent never gives up. He is the best employee of Splinter Cell. And he is waiting for new adventures. Already, at the same time, for the X-BOX 360, Playstation3 and PC, the fifth of the game is being developed.

Dear developers, please return dark missions! We are not enough of them. And never - never hear? - Do not charge more Shanghai Division to adapt the game for personal computers. Stubborn Chinese gave Double Agent so many bugs as not to find in all three parts combined.

X. X. 000

Passage SPLINTER CELL: Double Agent:

The passage is oriented, first of all, at a hundred percent result in the "Stealth column" and on as many points as possible, the number of points for the rest of the positions: the number of corpses raised by the alarm found bodies and so on. Separately stipulate the moments where you will have to make a choice between bad and good guys, and the detailed manual for solving some puzzles is given. Designed for an experienced player in Stels.

Before jumping out of the aircraft, go to the computer in the cabin and refer to a letter from Sarah. You still do not know that this is a farewell letter of Sam's daughter, but we will not run forward.

Penetrate the station

Spread and jump into the atlantic ocean's jets. Dive and swim on the red light on the left (the "E" key acceleration). Here you will be waiting for John, which in your appearance will swim in the tunnel. Enjoy him and see how a young man shares with one of the guards. Let's hope that this is the first and last victim of this mission.
When John gets on the shore, pop up and snap. You will find yourself in the hole. Since we are not going to kill anyone, wait until the second guard turns back to you, and choose from the corner (the "Control" key). Hide in the shade of the pipes so that no one notice you. Lambert will report that the plans changed, and terrorists appeared at the station. Otherwise today Monday.
Surface yourself to the house with a light bulb above the entrance. Fill the light bulb and go to the house. Close the door behind you! In the house you will find a sleeping guard and sound grenade. Take a grenade, touch up the guard's laptop, and also deploy the generator cable to turn off the power supply of the station. As soon as you do, the guard on the street will be interested in a house, so choose a smoke checker from the inventory and carefully open the front door. So there is - the guard stands right in front of the entrance. Throw the checker to the left, away from the fence and when the guard goes to check what's the matter, quickly run to the right where John is waiting for you.
Help John to shield through the fence, and then on your own thread through the grid. Once on the other side of the station, pick up the stairs to the platform, jump and, having grabbed your hands for the cord stretched by someone, go to the enemy territory.

Road to the ventilation mine

Surride on the roof behind the back of the guard, but let him calmly go right. Jump onto the platform and follow the guard to the stairs. Go down to level below. Two guards will come out of the gate behind your back and start talking. While they are busy, loss through the railing and jump onto the ground. Cut the open container (you can get mine in it, but we have nothing to do with it) and we will deal with the left to the generator hanging on the wall next to the fence. Put the cable to turn off the power of the fence and right here, without departing from the cash register, pass through the fence.
Quickly jump onto the ground and squeeze to the left wall of the fence. Go through it to the very end until you see a security guard with a flashlight. Do not hurry, let him play a chance in the trail, and when he turns her back to you, quickly go to the right and take the ladder to the top. Then, on another Lestenka, get to the top of some tank where you must jump and cling to your hands for the pipe. Now wrap the pipe with your feet and enjoy to the building on the left.
Below you will see a madman John, but do not attempt to save him. Cesar - Cesarean. Click to the end of the pipe, shut down the legs down and grab your hands for the railing. Purchase through them and run to the building ahead. Find over the ventilation shaft. Here you are on the basis. John?!

Sabotage launch warheads

I repeat, but John is not able to help, it's not worth spending time in search of a workaround.
Click to the platform on the left and lift through the railing. You have ten minutes to stop the launch of the rocket and carry legs. Lambert has already sent cavalry for you, so I advise you to hurry.
The surest way of sabotage is the next. Go through the platform to the end and find the staircase. Go down to level below. There is also a staircase here, but do not rush to go down on it. Wait for you to raise the guard with a flashlight. Let him examine the platform and, leaning toward him behind the back, go down after the stairs. As soon as it is right, immediately turn right and cut down the light over the warhead. Then turn the valve to push the bridge leading to the warhead. Now turn on and stand up on the platform nearby - this is a kind of elevator. Click on the button and climb to the level where the bridge extended by you is located.
Now you need to open a warhead control panel. The remote is located in the household on the left, where the worker is sits slightly. We'll have to recruit it. So, cut down the light in the cabinet at the time and when the working leaves it, quickly sharpen inside and press the button that opens the control panel on the rocket housing.
Get out of the cabin and cut down the light over the warhead. Make sure the worker is not next to the warhead and run to it. Pick up the correct code to the control panel and sabotize the launch. Excellent, now quickly turn the head to the right, where a staircase is located in the steps from the rocket housing. Climb on it and lift your head to the ceiling on the left. Soon you will see the Lambert helicopter from which you will reset the rope. Grab up for the straw and carry legs. The mission is passed!

Alternative ways:

The gate leading to the ventilation shaft can be opened in two ways: either choosing the code on the lock next to the goal, or with the help of a computer in the guardhouse of the guard, but then you will have to deal with him and with his partner, which is undesirable.

The rocket can be neutralized and faster. From the top platform, descend one level down and pick up the cockpit. Turn the lever and move the crane. Go to the platform and try to the end where you will see the pipe. Climb on it under the ceiling and use the left. Soon you will have the opportunity to hook the cats and go down your head to the control panel. To not be noticed, along the way, cut down the light from the guard on the platform on the left. Below, you have to neutralize the worker who stuck near the panel. The problem is that the working is extremely nervous type, and from the first time you can hardly succeed.

Second-US Mission, Kansas, Federal Prison Ellsworth, February 1, 2008 - Prison Bun

After Jamie Washington gives you a knife, go to a poster on the wall and make it a slight movement of the hand. Behind the poster you will see a hole in the wall. Close to the tunnel and enjoy in the mine. Through the pipe, pick up the top level and fill it into another ventilation shaft. Soon you will find yourself under the ceiling on the ventilation box. At the bottom of the cameras already come riots, but they should not worry you. Go on the box to the left and with the help of a knife, open the flaps of the next ventilation mine.
When you crawl through the mine, then at the bottom of the grille will see the head of one of the guards, so try not to noise. At the end of the tunnel, open the hatch and silently jump into the guard room.

Guard Room and Path to the Hall, where there is a shootout

The guard will notice the open hatch, but it does not risk what it does not take. While you are in the shade, the guard will not notice you, so take advantage of the situation and get rid of the computer on the table. Find out the code (1403) from the door, which coincides with the code on the cabinet with a weapon located at the right wall of the room.
Sour back to the locker and enter the code. Weapons You, True, do not find, but you will be able to solve three smoke raids. Now the most difficult thing is to imperceptibly leave the room. You must act more quickly. First, hide in the shadow next to the locker where the weapon is stored. When the guard goes past you and go to the table to dig there, quickly throw to the door and, using the launder, unlock the castle. On the other side of the door, you will see the second guard, but it will move towards you, so do not lose a second, jump out on the staircase and roll down the cube.
Once at the bottom, go along the corridor and find the coded lock panel. Enter the code quickly enter the room and hide behind the table on the left. The next moment the guard will enter the premises and notice the open door, but it will not be alarmed.
Give the guard to leave, and then quickly disconnect the metal detector and deploy the generator cable on the wall on the right. Then hide in a niche to the left of the metal detector and wait until the guard returns to the room. As soon as he turns back to you, slip through the metal detector in the corridor. In the corridor, turn off the light, and how quickly you will break the lock on the door leading to the hall where there is a fight between the prisoners and guards.

Tower and roof

Since you were in the very thick of events, you especially nobody pays attention, although this does not mean that you will not be shot. Hold onto the right wall and get to the opposite end of the hall, where they are armed with prisoners. Purchase through a serving table and carefully arouse right. You will see a staircase ahead, but we will not go through it - too risky. Your goal is the door in the upper right corner of the screen. To get there and at the same time do not get into the eyes of the warring sides, get a smoke checker and throw it in the center of your alleged way to the door. Under the cover of smoke, get to the door and enter.
You ended up at the low level of the sector A. Your task is to climb the very top of the tower ahead.
As soon as you enter the room, from which there is a door to the tower, hidey under the staircase, as the guard will move with a flashlight. Give it to pass by you, and then pop out from the shelter, climb the ladder and run up to the door to the tower. Break the castle and enter.
Inside the tower, do not rush to climb the stairs, wait into the shadows until the guard goes down with a flashlight. When he goes back to the way back, to go behind his back and climb to the level of computers, and on the left on the wall hanging a rifle shooting with rubber bullets. Take the weapons and cartridges, then quickly hide under the table with a computer.
When the guard returns, he will high in your direction, but pretends to notice anything. Let the guard go away, and go up the stairs to the next level, where the computer is responsible for controlling the door of the cameras.
Pick up the code and open all the chambers of the sector A. Excellent, now rise another level above and call the elevator. Climb on the last floor. Here you are waiting for two guards, so do not yaw and see where they go to not face them.
From the elevator go to the left and find the hole in the broken window on the right. Take a rift on the roof over the drain pipe.

Saw Jamie

At about the middle of the way, Jamie will report that he has problems, and you will have a new task: "Save Jamie from the guard." To fulfill this task, you should get into the roof as quickly as possible and run up to the improvised bridge, perched from the top of the tower on the roof of the neighboring building. Ahead through the hole in a broken window, you will see Jamie, who holds a guard on the fuskem. Run and save him is an ungrateful matter, so get the rifle with rubber bullets and, when the guard will be directly opposite the holes in the window, shoot!
As soon as the guard falls, run on the bridge and join Jamie. Then, as quickly as possible, jump into the bottom level of the roof, and, trying not to get under the helicopter searchlight, hung over your head, run to the building on the right. Job on the narrow aisle between buildings, go to the house on the right, and climb the roof on the stairs. Everything you are free! The mission is passed!

Alternative ways:

From the hall, where there is a shootout, you can climb the stairs. To do this, throw one smoke checker on the staircase in front of the entrance to the second span, and the second one will spin. Under the cover of smoke, you can climb the stairs unnoticed. One trouble, at the end of the stairs you will be waiting for the door, to open which you can only with the help of a chip chip in the clothing of guards. Therefore, either you will have to stun the guard, patrolling the third span, or to drag the corpse of the guard, drawn by the entrance to the stairs, and make it much more complicated than it seems.

Fake Sam Fisher! - Warning a banner on the official site Splinter Cell. And not in vain warns, because the secret superageent has become a threat to society, running out of prison and enrolling in a work in a terrorist organization. Looking for firefighters, looking for militia, looking for photographers in our capital, looking for a long time, but can not find a bald guy about thirty. Bald is not because he repainted in Heathman (on this occasion there is another character in the game), but because in prison is very strict with hygiene.

In fact, all this is a top-secret operation of the National Security Agency for the introduction of his person in the deep-speaking army of John Brown. Sam Fisher, overnightly lost a partner (although he was oak oak - but still sorry) and daughters (traffic accident, well, of course), decides to create something destructive. Seeing his suffering, the Chef of the Third Echelon, Irving Lambert suits him an unusual business trip: to prison.

In a penitentiary institution, very reminiscent scenery Prison Break, Sam meets Jamie Washington - young, but too active a member of a terrorist organization. Sam helps Jamie to escape from the tried, and for this the young emanolets promotes Fisher in JBA - John Brown Army. No John Brown is there in honor (it is named after the first American abolitionist John Brown), but there are such colorful personality as Emil Duffre, Carson Moss and Enrica Villablack.

Emil is headed by this unusual institution and is engaged in mining money and explosives. Carson is a local security chief, boatswain and the right hand of Emil's compatibility. Enrica plays the role of Sam's love interest, and the role is carefully hidden, scarcely bypassed the phrase "Be Ostroen!" Before the final task.

All the time that Sam spends in JBA, it is in touch with Emil and Lambert at the same time. Each action of a dubious nature is assessed by both leaders deeply opposed to each other organizations. Killed innocent - Emile to do not care, but Lambert can put on appearance. Killed too much innocent or allowed the successful completion of the terrorist act - Welcome to NSA from the NSA to the main menu of the game. On the other hand, too sabotage is also harmful. You can ignore frankly inhuman tasks like the murder of the NSA agent or the explosion of the transatlantic liner, but they will not plunge on the head, and then accuses in two-ways - and how it ends, we already know that you have seen on the Load Game option.

Interesting an assessment of innocence. The Genocide of the Tanker Team "Rublev", arranged by the orders of Emil, the head of Lambert serpets, and on the perturbation of Fisher: "The Chef, they make me kill them!" - Sites the upcoming Massachr with the words: "I know Sam. I know". But the visitors of Jean Mao's skyscraper celebrating the Chinese New Year (Shanghai) fall under the category "Civil", so they are not recommended to touch them. The Congolese military (both from the Republic of Congo, and on the part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo) are pre-calculated victims, and terrible blacks are not sorry at all - especially since they easily open fire on Sam.

A limited license for unlawful actions works until Sam does not have too much "his" or will not begin to score by the orders of Emil. The situation can be corrected by neutral tasks - to work in the JBA database, set a new record in the dash in the same place, demining a dozen min or hack a computer code, which is a classic "Japanese Square" in the hexagon Cuba. The latter means that without a spatial imagination on the survival of the liner, Kozzel can be blinking, because Sam does not have enough "JBA licenses" to cancel the explosion.

There is, however, three points in the game that directly affect the ending. I do not want to disclose all the details, but depending on what option the player chooses, it will be shown one of the three endings. Of course, one good one, one average and one is completely no. It is believed that various endings are a reason for the re-passing of Splinter Cell, but it is time for me to develop developers to grow out of such frankly vulgar concepts. It is a pity that they themselves do not understand this.

During the time who passed since the times of Chaos Theory, Sam learned to some new receivers and forever broke up with the old one. Alas, the triumphal return of the elegant "stretch marks Van Damma" did not take place. But social interaction appeared: you can sneak to the guard from the back, take it into a dead capture and interrogate, kill or just stun. The choice of action depends on the direct desire for the player and the conditions of the game - not any opponent can be killed.

On the other hand, simple deprivation of consciousness does not guarantee a full shutdown, because at any time it can be suitable for his partner and "revive" the unarch. At such moments, I want to get an automatic and, spitting on the NSA Trust strip, shoot the bastards, now half an hour not letting go from one end of the floating casino to another. Patience, friends, only patience. This is a spy action, not a clone Doom 3.

Cooling and clear calculation allow you to pass the level without a single surprised cry and curving alarm. Singing the drawer, wait until the patrol is coming closer and ka-a -king to jump out from behind the corner yes how to give the edge of the palm on the neck! Now you can turn on mini radar and watch what is there next to the map.

In theory, pass SC: Double Agent can be without a single shot, but for a hot head is too complex optiondespite the depleting AI. Even on the difficulty of Normal, with a sufficient darkening, the enemy can get close to Sam and, throwing the machine behind the back, rely on the balcony and smoke. Around the monolithic enemy can be running squatting - he will not notice anything if he does not come across a line of sight. But in the "daytime" missions such fins do not work, you have to search for workarounds and patiently study pathrol routes.

Arsenal Fisher did not increase either on the iota, but the new "old" toys give out, only if you behave well and perform missions as carefully. For the passage of a level without a single raised anxiety, an asterisk is charged, which opens the subsequent upgrade - whether it is an improved electronic replacement, a glorious smoke grenade or an advanced gun with a silencer.

Alas, as already mentioned - to go through Splinter Cell: Double Agent can and without the unified application of these toys, although in special cases, when it is already aware of downloading the preservation due to fine errors, you start throwing the light grenades - just because you are by chance, switching between Weapon, remembered its existence. Also in the go, shock blanks for those who prefer to do without unnecessary blood (or simply do not want to lose the rating from NSA).

Design levels - my respect. Where you need to get lost - you plot literally in three pines. Where it is necessary to pierce the railway route, rails are neatly decomposed. The most infuriates, but the capacious headquarters of John Brown Army - it's not so many sections in it, but with each visit (and there will be four of them) new rooms open, and pass the shortest way from the Tira in the medical board will not be far from each.

All levels are tightly dodged with computers, most of which contain curious information that helps go further, and at the same time acquainted with the views of various nationalities regarding the current world situation. For example, Leonid Vasilyev, from the "Rublev" in the Ice Shurf, tells his recipient to Vadim Yulevich that the Americans invented global warming, which means that in twenty years of ice around the tanker melts, and they will finally get away from there.

Of the eight levels, it is almost impossible to allocate repeating - everyone takes something with its own, memorable. Shanghai surprises with a scope of the storage skyscraper (the Shanghai Ubisoft Studio) was engaged in the level of levels in the design levels, the "Rublev" tanker is compactly confusing the player, at the same time confusing the arral inscriptions "Lack of smoking".

It is unlikely that many players have been to Kinshasa, but there is no reason not to trust the talent of developers: permanent street fighting, solid representatives of the Negroid race, shooting each other, burning buses and a bubble helicopter - You believe in all this, as if the game changed the name on Delta Force: Double Agent. Loading levels is accompanied by a roller or voiced briefing - it has long been time to do so, not yet on the inscription Loading a whole minute glance.

A minute is, by the way, not exaggeration. Unreal 3.0 engine is overwhelmed with a wild number of related functions, which also applies to the HAVOK engine, and numerous dynamic light sources, and textures in high resolutionAnd all the fact that the settings menu is concisely named NEXT-GEN. If you, an expensive reader, still did not get a decent video card, get ready for the control shots: the game will not go on the system without support for Shaders 3.0. Bach!

But do not worry: judging by the number of errors and shortcomers, SCDA does not avoid patches. What errors? Many. List for a long time, and there is no particular sense to allocate something. It is except that the second and third Congolese missions - there Splinter Cell flies into the system for each attempt to load the saved game. A very original way to increase the level of complexity. And, well, and still permanent advertising Nokia - perhaps, this moment can also be attributed to major game errors.

Thanks to all frills and the work of four game studios, the graphics adhere to the highest standards. There is no more aesthetically enjoyable classes in the world than to observe how Sam Fisher pulls up to the balcony and easily moves the body to the site. The descent on the climbing equipment along the Chinese skyscraper simply fascinates, and for the animation of the reception "Sam from under the water hand breaks through the hand, enough for the legs of the watch and, together with the remnants of ice, pulls into the hole, where she caresses a poor knife." It is necessary to hand a separate Oscar.

Do not lag behind and voice. Icelanders chat in their own language, Congolese on their own birds of adverbs, and the crew of the tanker "Rublev" speaks of a mixture of French with Nizhny Novgorod, without quenching phrases "We have a dead man!" When a friendly corpse is detected and "I hear you," while in the most severe burane. Music for the authorship of Michael McKane is not impressive, although "adrenaline" music from the Congolese missions I would love to listen apart separately - it hurts there a notable guitar.

Despite the small number of levels (except for departures and glitches, the net passed time varies from 9 to 12 hours to Normal), the game captures and does not want to let it go until its complete passage. As always, diverse, but boring work based on Tom Clancy did not reveal the true nature of Fisher, as well as the characters of this drama - that Enriches are in love with Sam, you can only guess at the end of the game. But whether there will be a continuation or addition from Splinter Cell: Double Agent, it is known in advance. Of course it will be.