The Evil WitHin 2 Where is a sniper rifle. Powerhouse forces and means. Created from powder and nails

You can wrap not only ordinary firearms. At your disposal will also be a deadly crossbow.

Crossbow Crossbow (Warden Crossbow) unique weaponsShooting with different types of bolts (special ammunition) that are suitable for different game styles. You can arrange a trap with the help of electrical structures or passed silently thanks to freezing and harpoon, or to arrange hellishly explosive messages at all. You decide.

Walking on Union (Union) and exploring the buildings, you will find several bolts, but if you want to regularly use the crossbow, you will have to create ammunition with your own handles. Just do not forget to collect every garbage: fused, smoky powder, nails, metal pipes, condensers and, of course, ordinary powder.

In passing The Evil. Within 2 the moment will come when you can not go further without a crossbow, and get it better early than late. An excellent opportunity will be provided in the third chapter, then when you get the task to find a broken sniper rifle, as well as several other types of weapons. Always remember the location of the refuge, where you can relax and get to it.

Where to find the crossing "Guardian"

Remove the communicator and take a look at the map on which the NIL (O "Neil) noted the location of Möbius employee. You do not have to go far, but in charge of yourself and carefully, so as not to run into enemies. When you get to APC, take the "Guard" cross. After the cat-scene, you will have a great opportunity to try out the electrics. And do not forget to raise the harpoon.

Why do you need different types of bolts, and from which they are crafting

Crossbow "Guard" - one of the main weapons in The Evil WitHin 2. It is necessary to destroy several enemies and creating traps. Get used to it, it will come in handy.

Electrics (Shock). Electric discharge will ride from one enemy to another, knocking down. After that, it is worth hurrying and finish them. Keep in mind that stronger opponents will not fall, but still get damage. Electrics can also be shown in fuse blocks to open blocked electronic doors, or in puddles, to immediately kill multiple enemies. The first electrical tapes bolts can be found along with the Crossbow itself.

Created from smelled and powder.

Smoke (smoke). Their main task is to create a veil that will allow you to hide from the gaze of the enemy. These bolts are very useful when it is necessary to pass by a lot of opponents, and there are not so many shelters. After improving on the workbench, they can even be killed. First you will find in the northern refuge in a residential area.

Created from smoky powder and ordinary powder.

Explosive (Explosive). It is not difficult to guess that with the help of them you can make a lot of noise, breaking enemies into pieces. They are useful against large opponents, as those struggling to avoid explosions. In addition to emerging nails, the environment can catch fire, but be careful and do not be frozen. You will find a few in a residential area in the Automaster Union.

Created from powder and nails.

Harpoon (Harpoon). Silent bolts are perfectly suitable for hidden attacks and tearing limbs. Save them for moments when it is better to go through the stealth. Some lie in the northern shelter, as well as near the location of the globe itself.

Created from metal pipes.

Freeze (Freeze). Probably the least useful bolts from all. With the help of them, you can freeze the enemy and destroy, or slow down for a short time. You will find them in the reserve of Union in the refuge Torres.

Created from powder and capacitors.

Other guides

  • All Weapons Evil WITHIN 2 - Where to find flamethrower, Magnum, Castet and not only

Chapter 12. Dumpless abyss.
Chapter 13. Firm.
Chapter 14. Burning Altar.
Chapter 15. End of this World.
Chapter 16. Purgatory.
Chapter 17. Exit.

general information

Developer: Tango Gameworks. Publisher: Bethesda Softworks.

The time of complete 100% of the game is 30 hours.

Where cheaper to buy a game
The Evil WitHin 2. PC price

Score Price Link 1485 rub. 1495 rub. 1499 rub. 1559 rub. 1699 rub.
Steam 1999 rub.

System requirements

Characteristic Minimum requirements Recommended requirements
CPU Intel Core i5-2400
AMD FX-8320
Intel Core i7-4770
AMD Ryzen 5 1600x
Video card NVIDIA GTX 660 2GB
AMD HD 7970 3GB
DirectX 11.
AMD RX 480 8GB
DirectX 11.
40 GB 40 GB
Operating system Windows 64-Bit: 7/8/10 Windows 64-Bit: 7/8/10

Chapter 1. In the Hollow

We play a young detective Sebastian. Our home caught fire ahead, you should urgently save my daughter Lily. The front door is blocked, pass through the window on the right. Inside rising on the second floor, we find a daughter in the children's room. All this turns out to be a nightmare, we do not have time to save daughter.

We arrive at the bar. 3 years after the events in the "Mayak" hospital, Kidman comes to us. During this time, Sebastian managed to go to the trail of the organization "Mebius", which started all these experiments on the merger of consciousness by the STEM car. Kidman says that our daughter is alive, and is used as a central mind in new system Stem. This system worked perfectly, but a week ago began to give failures, and now the organization invites us to eliminate the consequences of the problem to save your daughter. The second time we plunge into the virtual world, woven from hundreds of human consciousnesses and memories.

Running on the dark, we transfer to your office at the police station. Inside with us, Kidman binds. We inspect the drawing and photographs of the missing agents "Mebius", which we need to find.

Chapter 2. Something went wrong

Police station

We leave the cabinet. On the table sits a cat Kidman, about her slide (1/11). Nearby we can see the collected photos on the film projector.

To save, use a communication device in a suitcase - a police terminal. To move between memories, we still use the mirror.


We find yourself in your home, with my daughter and wife. But soon we move to the museum. We approach the picture of the door on the far wall, after that this door will appear behind, we enter there.

We go into the number 102, inside the Beaker William agent. His body froze at the time of the murder in front of the camera.

Ahead is a photo of a photo with a red light, in it on the table a photo of the victim - a document (1/40).

In the right-hand room, move the rack, behind him the corridor.

House with a staircase

On the right in the wall there is a phone, answer the call, someone laughs in response.

On the 2nd floor, prolazis under the grille, on the table, document (2/40).

We rise to the 3rd floor, there is a room with red curtains. In the next room we see how a maniac photographer kills a man with a knife, and photographs this moment. The body also froze in a death condition. I hurt from the maniac behind the sofas on the left side. Soon he will come out of the room.

Distorted house with a staircase

Through the corridor with the paintings, we return to the house with the stairs, but now it has changed.

On the 1st floor in the corridor, we see how the body is trapped. We enter this door, lay the challenge, on the table we will find a photo of another victim - a document (3/40).

On the 2nd floor we pass into the hall with a sculpture of a multiple girl. We descend on the elevator, prolazis through the grille. We fall into the room with suspended corpses. On one wall there is a painted eye, another wall has a camera. We approach the camera, and the door will appear on the spot. We enter it, and we will take pictures.

About the next glass inspect the photo, the monster bursts to us - a multi-headed girl with a saw. We run from it around the boxes, and then along the corridor. In the end, jump into the fence (key "Forward" + "E"). In the next room we climb into the ventilation pipe.

I am crawling until the next room, but also a monster will take care of us, and the photographer makes a knife. Getting into the hands of a monster, fight, and run away from it. As a result, we have a knife.

Abandoned house

We find yourself in the house on the edge of the city. We look at all rooms, in the center on the table we find 1 syringe. When leaving the house we find a gun. (At this point, we get a bonus for pre-orders - additional initial items).

In a new place, we enter the locked left room, there is a document (4/40).

When leaving the house, Sebastian will look a photo - document (5/40).

2nd house

On the street we are successful to the next house. On the way we can find 1 grass on the right of the house. In the car corpse. We will see how a woman runs to the house. Inside it will turn into an obsessed monster, we kill it, we get 200 gel. On the second floor there are 4 guns. We leave outward, to the right at home there are 1 herb.

There are many enemies ahead, the poet act is secretive. We can from behind kill one came running enemy. Then make your ways along the left side, hiding behind the machines. In the bushes you can find 2 herbs. In the machines we can find some resources. We get to the monster who eats the corpse, kill it, get 500 gel. We also kill the enemy, which will break inside the house. We enter the building, barricading the door.

Chapter 3. Resonance

Refuge about "Nile

Inside in the bathroom in a mounted cabinet 2 syringe. We go down to the basement, we communicate with the agent about "Neil. He is technician, and does not know how to fight, but promises to help with communication.

In the dialogue with the agent we communicate all themes to get extra. The task "unusual signal".

Inside the room we collect resources. There is also a terminal of preservation, workbench for the crafting items, a coffee machine for health restoration.

In the corridor we see the ghost of the nurse and the mirror. We fall into the police station, there is a small plot with our memories of the "lighthouse". We sit in the chair, the Nurse of Tatyana will appear to us, and we will be able to carry out improvements for the assembled green gel.

South part of the city

We go out. The city is gradually collapsed, the roads on which we came, no longer. Before us plot open WorldYou can go anywhere. Enemies here are dangerous, and ammunition at least. It is recommended to collect different trays, constantly return and create yourself cartridges on the workbench.

On the right on the far street there is a lone enemy, we are waiting for it when he bring the body into a bunch, attack him from behind. There are several items around the boxes. Bottles can throw enemies in the face, and then finish them with a knife.


Inside us will be waiting for 3 enemy at once, if there are no cartridges, we will immediately run back, and already on the street, we eliminate enemies on the street. In the building of the church on the altar there are 1 syringe, next to 1 grass.

Tourist centre

There are no enemies in this building, only 1 grass, 4 powder. Behind the building there is one fixed enemy. In the tourist center on the table, document (6/40).

The three-story building on the street is closed, but you can climb on his roof. There are found faulty sniper rifle and document (7/40).

Crossroads with jeep

At the crossroads of 3 enemy, only one mobile. We can imperceptibly pass along the left wall. If you kill your enemies, the body of the killed agent will find 3 cartridges.

Behind the intersection is a military jeep, behind him we find a new weapon - the crossing "Guardian", 2 harpoon, 2 electrical powder. Immediately shoot the electric paint in the puddle behind the fence, and lick all the enemies here. Electricity will not kill enemies, but only stuns, you need to run up and add all the things. Rear in a dead end is 3 cartridges.

Supermarket of Climson

On the right, you can climb the roof of the supermarket, there is 1 fixed enemy, take the cartridges near him.

Near the supermarket on the left side we will see two shadows, in this place we use a radio station, hear the negotiations of the military - scraps of memories (1/24).

Eastern part of the city
The Evil WITHIN 2. Passage

Sider-Avenue, 322

We pass on Eastern Street, there are almost all the houses closed, but you can enter a couple of them. (These houses can be found on yellow audio signals in the left top of the screen. Seeing this, we use the communicator with the "G" key, track the signal, and get a new mark on the map).

Inside, we see the negotiations of the military, they say that here the entrance to Arsenal - scraps of memories (2/24).

In the bathroom in the cabinet we will find 1 syringe. In the building, we show the basement, go down, we use the computer, then one more. Move to another part virtual Mira. On the way there will be several monsters, but the cartridges are more here.

To hack the door, you need to adjust one sound wave under another on an oscilloscope. Nearby can be shot with electric power in the shield to cut the path back. In a dead-end room in Silver Case, we find a new weapon - a shotgun. Taking everything, we return to the main reality.

Further on Eastern Street there is a large two-story building, not to enter inside, but at the end of his balcony there are 1 syringe and pouch (shotgun). On the way there will be a trap of the maniac photographer - zombies will attack us with a slowdown time. On the site before this house at the corpse we find pouch (pistols).

Sider-Avenue, 336

By waters, hearing the screams of a woman, go to the address. Inside, we find a document (8/40).

Suddenly, it becomes cold, women appear in the house. We fall into the hospital with two rooms. Waving past the spirit, near the couch, take a key card, in the corridor you will unlock the door. Getting rid of the Spirit, we will find a slide on the table (2/11). (Slides can be viewed at the police station and talk about it with Kidman. So for each slide we will receive 700 gel).

Sider-Avenue, 344

Log in only in the garage. Inside only a few resources. When we enter, the door flashes, and one enemy will attack us.

Sider-Avenue, 345

We enter the usual house, in the distant room we find a couch, and on it a request for our examination is a document (9/40).

After that, the house is blocked, it is impossible to exit, we still delay us further into your own memories. Turn on the TV, we look at your reception at the psychologist. In the bedroom on the bed we find a document (10/40).

We inspect the tap in the kitchen, the long room, bathroom. We fall into the hospital corridor "Mayak", at the end there is a slide on the table (3/11).

After that, we return to the ordinary house. Near the TV can take 1 red gel and 1 harpoon.

Western city
The Evil WITHIN 2. Passage


In the western part of the city on the way there are 2 trains. There is in turning car pouch (pistols).

3rd, 4th left train car. Inside one enemy, but if three more will appear, so we do not go without ammunition.

5th car left train. In the very northern car in a dead end 1 red gel, we see the shade of the girl, we use the communicator - scraps of memories (3/24).

2nd, 3rd wagon of the right train. Several enemies.

TREDUELLA transportation

Near the supermarket a large fenced area with cars. There are 4 enemy there. We can throw a bottle to a white van, and when the enemies are suitable, blew up a red barrel. In cargo cars you can find resources.

In the northern part, we find the lever, press it, it will open access inside the building, there are several resources. The second part of the building is locked.

Union, Automaster

In the northwestern part of the city there is a car repair shop. Hence the biggest unknown signal. Near the workshop of the parking lot behind the fence, we can climb there in drawers. Inside inspect the corpse in the center, take from him pistol with laser sight. After that, we kill the unfounded enemy.

Entrance to the auto repair shop only on the one hand. Inside the building listen to the conversation of the military, he closed the way to the basement - scraps of memories (4/24).

Nearby inspect the electrical shield, it is necessary to solve a simple puzzle in it: find two correct switches by the number of energy. Solution: 2 and 4 Switch.

After that, we can turn on the auto lift, open the hatch under it. At the bottom listen another conversation - scraps of memories (5/24).

Slopping under the next building. Here we find a code door, there is a corpse of the agent, he find a map of Union's security system. On the map there is a table of values. We look at the number of locked doors B-34, the table corresponds to it. 9676 (Perhaps this is a random code), and introduce it. Behind the door of 6 ammunition, 1 first aid kit, 20 parts, 1 special detail.

Nearby we find the "Request for stripping" - the document (11/40).

Company "Mitchell and Sons"

We are chosen on the surface. According to the founded underground tunnel, we hit the next storage room. Inside several resources. We can unlock the usual way out.

Unusual signal
The Evil WITHIN 2. Passage

Finding a warehouse under the auto repair shop, we return to the tourist center, the door to the basement opened there. Inside, we will see that the Military caught and killed a maniac photographer - scraps of memories (6/24).

On the table found communicator TurnerFrom this the map will appear 3 more important points in the northern part of the city.

In the same room on the table - a document (12/40).

Additional task: unusual signal

Having collected all 6 scraps of the memories of the military, we will carry out additional task. We return to about "Nile and tell about it. In the award we get 150 details To improve weapons.

North city
The Evil WITHIN 2. Passage


Last but we go on North Street, from West to the East. The first house is locked, but there is a garage on its backyard, and inside - details for sniper rifles. If earlier on the roof of the 3-storey building found a rifle, now we will get a full weapon.

Northern refuge

The second house is also locked on all sides, but about garage doors there is a shield and an electric utility. We shoot electricity into a shield, and it will open the doors. Inside, we see how the military was covered here, but a ghost girl killed him - scraps of memories (7/24).

In the northern shelter building on the table we find a document (13/40).

Pit stop

We approach the road diner, we will see the spirit of Lily. According to her trails enter inside. The door to the service room is locked, but on the left there is a hatch in the wall. In the room we find her doll. Then you look at the landfill behind the building, we get a new signal.

Search for daughter

We go to the building in the center of the northern street. We find traces of my daughter.

We go to the building in the center of Western Street. Another part of the traces.

Traces lead to the warehouse "Transportation of Tredowell". Inside in the fence we find a wooden partition, now we can remove it. The inclined staircase leads to a dead end. We go between the boxes, we kill the monster, climb the vertical stairs.

Upstairs in the first side door we will find a document (14/40).

In the second side door we find the second doll daughter. We look at her memories, a maniac photographer caught her. On the back path We are trying to catch the spirit of the maniac, but nothing happens. Outside, new dog type monsters will attack us.

We return to about "Nile, he sends the signal to Lily in the city hall, but it is on another fragment of the city. To move there, you need to go through the second layer of the world -" Lock ". Also get from him mask.

4. Behind the scenes

Oh "Nile gave us a password from a computer in northern refuge, go there.

If we go on Eastern Street, we will see on the way as Monsters will chase a woman. We kill enemies, we enter the house, we can talk to the saved.

"Network": management department

Using a computer, we fall into underground tunnels. About the layout of the entire city read the document (15/40).

Ahead door with an oscillogram, customize one wave for another. After that, all the doors around will be discovered. It is better to hide in one of the doors, because all new monsters will come to the center. In the northern impasamy room we find pouch (Crosset). In the south on the second floor in the room one more pouch (Crosset). Then go to the southern door.

"Network": transition tunnels - central

Push the lever, go down to the dried canal. In a dead end, you can find cartridges on the left. We climb elsewhere.

Ahead of the leakage of gas, in gas mask the view from the first person. On the way, you must imperceptibly kill the usual enemy, it is impossible to shoot. In the corridor we will find a non-working electronic door, we go along the wires.

In the corridor wanders big monsterHis impossible to unnoticately kill from behind one time, so we pass unnoticed from him. In the far room, we configure electrical panels: turn on 1, 2, 4 switches. We return.

Immediately at the electronic door, a document (16/40).

We reach the cliff, we see the shadow of the military, scan, get scraps of memories (8/24).

To move through a cliff, fill in the second ventilation hatch. In the last room we use a computer.


Find out in the new shelter. We use a mirror, a shooting gallery appeared in the hospital compartment: 4 shooting competitions, 1 casual style competition - collecting non-ferrous targets.

. 16. Purgatory. 17. Exit.
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As B. The Evil WITHIN 2 Something like the open world appeared, then weapons here will have to look for an independently exploring the city of Union. In this guide, we will tell you where to find all weapons in The Evil Within 2.

Where to find a weapon in the Evil WITHIN 2

Crossbow "Guardian"

Probably the most important weapon in The Evil Within 2, because the electric bolts open the doors to some shelters. You can find it almost at the very beginning of chapter 3, in the residential area, after you will find a refuge with O'Neal. Leave from there and head left. Next to the crossroads, behind the White Hummer, the corpse of a soldier is chained by an arbal bolt, and the arbelt himself.


Located inside the house in the central residential area. If you go on a small side track, northeast of asylum O'Neill, then pay attention to the second home on the left, white with a green door, there is still a monster corpses in a bunch. Enter the house, find the hatch leading to the basement, and use the computer to get to the "Network: Arsenal". In the next area, pick up all the rubbers and go further, you will find a cute lady near the elevator, then on the door to the right and on the tunnel there is another gentleman there. In the final room there is a locked door with a wall console, adjust the amplitude and frequency of sound. For this locked door there is an armory warehouse with a box, and it is cut.

Pistol with laser sight

Located in the western part of the residential area, in the parking lot next to the auto repair shop. Jump over the fence and explore the body. It is on Earth, next to a white car.

Sniper rifle

As soon as you leave asylum O'Neill, in a residential area, you will see a building with a brick facade across the road. On the roof of this building there are several dead metabius operatives. There you will find a "broken sniper rifle" that you have to fix. To do this, you need to find spare parts for sniper rifles and workbenches. Fortunately, all this can be found in the barn in near the car repair shop in fact, spare parts lie on the workbench itself. But carefully, next to the barn, an unpleasant monster, calls friends and spits with acid.

Long-life shotgun

This weapon can be found in the business district, in chapter 6. From the shelter of SIM, go south to the cliff, there will be a distortion signal using the radio. You will find a dead officer of Mebius and on its body a warehouse key. After that, you will meet with a multi-headed circular, do not forget to stock up the cartridges. Now go to the post office, it is the first refuge in this chapter, there is a brick building nearby and there is a box with a shotgun. When you go out from the warehouse, do not forget to pass hello.


Located in the plot, after the battle with the boss. That's just a trouble, he is faulty and will remain up to 13 chapters. We need 2 cylinders, which in turn need to take away the defeating two such bosses. In this chapter, they are plenty.

Sniper rifle B. The Evil WITHIN 2 one of best species Weapons. You can find a broken sniper rifle, at the very beginning of the game. About her and will be discussed in our next guide The Evil WITHIN 2.

This weapon will help save your life for the Castellanos detective, so the sooner you find it, the better. Sniper rifle in The Evil Within 2 One of the best types of weapons. It is perfectly like to straighten with its enemies on medium and long distances.

Unfortunately, the working sniper rifle will appear only closer to the game final, but you can get it almost at the very beginning, during the passage of 3 chapters in Evil Within 2. The problem is only that it is broken. But we will tell you how to fix it.

Where to find a sniper rifle at the beginning of the game

Almost at the very beginning of 3 chapters in The Evil WITHIN 2As soon as you wake ready to leave the safe, try quietly pass through the residential area. You will need to find the alley between the guest center and the Jason Franklin restaurant. See on the map below:

Next, it will be necessary to climb the stairs to get to the roof. There you will find a lost opponent. It is here that the broken sniper rifle and cartridges for it are located. Native a corpse and find all the time a communicator who will tell where to move on. The mark will be displayed on the map.

After you get to the place, be careful. There you will wait for the enemy - the bandage, you will not be able to defeat it therefore it is best to quickly run to the shed.

Inside the barn, you will find the workbench on which you can fix the broken rifle. After its repair, you will have a fully working rifle, which can be destroyed by enemies.

One of the best types of weapons in The Evil WitHin 2 is a sniper rifle. It is ideal for sighting firing on medium and distant distances, and is vital to eliminate enemies, while remaining relative to the safe distance.

Unfortunately, the working sniper rifle will appear only closer to the final game, but you can get it almost at the very beginning in chapter 3. The problem is only in one - it is broken. But we know how to fix it.

Where to find a sniper rifle at the beginning of the game

At the beginning of the 3 chapters, as soon as you are ready to leave the safe, try quietly pass through the residential area. You are looking for an alley between the center for guests and the Jason Franklin restaurant. Check with the card.

Climb the stairs to get to the roof, where you will find a "lost opponent." There is a "broken sniper rifle" and the cartridges for it. Name the corpse and find a communicator who will tell where to move on. The mark will appear on the map.

When you get to the place, prepare for meetings with opponents. One of the opponents will be a "stroller", you will not be able to defeat it, so you need to quickly run to the "shed".

Inside the barn, you will find the workbench on which you can make parts for a broken sniper rifle. After repair, you will receive a fully working sniper rifle.