As in GTA seize territory. The easiest and most effective way to seize all enemy territories in GTA San Andreas. Two busy maps

This topic is created for beginners who cannot Fair Dispusting territories from enemy gangs, so I will tell you all the secrets on the seizure and share my experience.

1. Applying weapons.
To capture territories, I recommend to have 3 types of weapons with him: Pistol with silencer, mp5, and m4. For the capture itself, use MP5 (for light waves) and M4. (for complex waves). At the beginning of the plot, it is better not to capture the territories. They will still go under the control of enemy gangs (everything absolutely) + the main promach of newcomers is that they have no weapon ownership skills. Pour the possession of weapons along the game!

2. How to provoke a war.
And here I recommend using Pistol with silencer Because At the same time, create less noise, and, therefore, do not attract the attention of the police. Some tricks: If you see the enemies sitting in the car, first kill the driver (create less problems), and then the rest, if any. Well, if you see a group of enemies, sometimes you can use MP5; Do not be afraid - the police may not pay attention to you, even if it is not far (in some cases).
To start the capture, it is necessary to destroy 3 enemies. Do not try to shoot enemies from the car or put them on - the war you do not provoke that.
Ghetto has the territory of both enemy gangs located next to each other. For example: if you see that on the territory of Ballas, members of the Wagos gang are standing, then boldly attack them - as a result, the seizure of the territory of ballas will begin.

3. Maintaining battle.
So, you provoked the capture and expect the first wave. It is desirable at the same time not to be at the crossroads. Enemies will appear on both sides. It is better to be on a straight road and watch only one side of the road, and not across, because the enemies always appear in your back. I also recommend looking in the direction of worse visibility. When the enemies came to defend their territory (you will see it on the radar), turn around and start killing from afar. Always try to put Hedshots (shots in the head). If you have a weapon possession (for example M4.) Reached "The killers" - You have an additional advantage. If the enemies are very close to you, move back, while shooting enemies at the same time, because They can't shoot when they run, and you can))))
Also, if the enemies are at a distance from you, I advise you to shoot them sitting. In this case, you can significantly increase the accuracy of firing, but you cannot move in such a position, but you can only do rolling.

4. Protection and defense.
With each new grip, stock armor. it THE MAIN chip. You can pass the 12th levels of the police mission, while your armor will be tightened with 50 units, but it is quite difficult to pass. I will tell about it just below. Next, try not to give enemies to shoot your armor too much. Use shelters (small buildings, dense fences, small residential buildings, etc.). I do not advise you to use cars as shelter, because In a very short time, it will light up and explode, and you may not have time to move at a safe distance. And that the saddest - enemies may accidentally get into the benzobak, and then there is nothing to say)))))
There are emergency cases when the enemies attack you on both sides and you no longer have armor and half of the HP. Here I can advise you only one thing: in no case do not continue the battle and run away from there (where - it does not matter), then find yourself a convenient position at which the enemies will follow you on the one hand and start watering them one by one, but So that they did not have the opportunity to shoot in you. Then collect the hill and armor to completely recover.

Now, with regard to armor and hp. Above, I said that it is better to pass 12 police levels to get + 50% armor. And because It's hard to do this, then I do this: along the game you will need to buy an abandoned airfield, learn to fly. Moreover, flight school must be fully on gold to give you a helicopter Hunter.. Further, sowing into this helicopter, activate the police mission and perform. This helicopter is very durable and easily opposed to criminals, so to fulfill these missions to me easily, and on your tail you will receive no more than 2 stars of the police.

Note: It is not necessary to buy armor in ammunations, it is under the Fenix \u200b\u200bFreeway bridge on the ground Street.

To increase your HP to maximum, you need to pass the Mission of the Medica, also 12 levels. Do it all in different ways. Personally, I do it at the beginning of the plot, in the Central Hospital of Los Santos.

Well, in general, this is the entire tactics of the seizure of the territories and it helps me very much. I hope for you it will be very helpful and interesting. I wish everyone good luck!

"You will be able to (and even if) take a revenge over the enemies and repel the earth back.

Street disassembly is the key to the seizure of new territories. To do this, you must first kill the three-four gang members in the right area (without being in vehicle), after which there are groups of hostile gangsters who will appear on the street three times. When all competitors leave the Spirit, the area will become yours. The number of attempts is not limited, so do not despair if you suddenly kill you. However, the compassion authors help Si-Jium, throwing health and armor on the road after the destruction of each wave of attackers. In addition, you can raise the weapon and the money killed.

Members of the enemy gang are often run away from the area, trying to bypass you from behind. Try to catch up with them quickly, because if you won't be in the area during a pair of game clock, then you will automatically calculate the defeat.

Si Jay does not receive police stars during a gangster disassembly. If the cops attached to you before it started, just kill them - the reinforcement will not appear.

Gangsters usually appear on the street with your back. If you get up on a big way and you will look at one of her sides, then all the enemies are "drawn" at the opposite end. Destroy this crowd is much easier than the group running from different sides.

Selection of weapons for disassembly is a matter of taste. It is desirable that it can kill a person with one shot in the head. Most often have to fight using "trunks", selected on the battlefield. It is necessary to note the effectiveness of Molotov's cocktails - one throw you can set fire to a whole group. Not bad and jet launcher - threaded on the roof, just shoot enemies from a safe distance. A car that often comes to help hiking gangsters should be "taken out" in the first place. It is easier to wait until it arrives, and finish off the driver.

Managed to capture the area? Congratulations! Just do not relax - the enemies are already thinking about how to regain control over the territory. The best way to stop excongests is to look at the controversial lands and kill all applicants. If you are late or you can not remove everyone, you will immediately lose control over the area. A dishonest way to solve the problem is simply preserved.

The card helps to navigate and quickly evaluate the situation. After the start of the disassembly, the area flies in red. The same happens if someone starts claiming your territory. Attacking gangsters are marked with small squares. On the color of the district, you can not only determine which gang controls it, but also how much of its influence. Dark hint - gangsters many, light - the capture operation will pass without problems. If you started the disassembly and was killed, having survived at least one wave of the attackers, the district will be marked with a mixed color, and on his streets will be raised not only members of the hostile group, but also your wards.

Respect Assistants
> 1 % 2
> 10 % 3
> 20 % 4
> 40 % 5
> 60 % 6
> 80 % 7

You can hire yourself assistants from the street fighters Gold Grove Street Families. They will shoot at attacking, as well as in cops and hostile gangsters. In addition, they will be able to shoot enemies from the car.

Despite all this, your guys are not very reliable and quickly dying. Nevertheless, it is useful to drive at least a few helpers - at least they will distract the fire.

Criminal grouping staff

Grove Street Families.

A gang, which stealing Karl Johnson. Because of the conflicts between its founders, drug use and the actions of hostile groups (first of all, the sword enemies from the "ballas") of the last few years on the street of Grove are bad. In their own best times The gang controlled the eastern part of Los Santos, but now the sphere of influence rushed to one district - Ganton.

The backbone of gang make up the close friends of Si-Jee: his brother of Svit (Sean Johnson), Big SMUK (Malvin Harris) and Rider (Lance Wilson). Originally big gang, in lately Families split into three hostile groups in relation to each other: in addition to GSF in neighboring Ganton areas, Seville Boulevard Families and Temple Drive Families are operating. The combination of three "families" occurs later in the mission "". Members of the gang are exclusively green clothes, most often armed with pistols and Tec9.

One of the most influential criminal organizations of Los Santos is involved in the cocaine trade. Since the 1970s, the group was engaged in drugs, weapons, prostitution and vandalism. It includes four "clan": Front Yard Ballas, Rolling Heights Ballas, Kilo Tray Ballas and Temple Drive Ballas. The first are the basis of the gang and dominate Central Los Santos; External territories, including a small area near Glen Park, control Rolling Heights Ballas.

Grouping Kilo Tray Rules the ball in more secluded quarters, and Temple Drive Ballas diluted closer to the north of the city, in the Temple district. In addition, Ballas expand the sphere of influence on other areas, in particular, Aidlwood and East Los Santos, because of which they often have conflicts with Vagos and Grove Street gangs. According to rumors, closely cooperate with Mexicans and Syndicate "Loko" (drugs) and Russians (weapons). Prefer purple shades clothes.

Varios Los Aztecas.

Dangerous Latin American gang, cruel, proud and reckless. Her fighters are widely known for frequent outdoor disassembly using firearms. At the same time, "Aztecs" traditionally oppose the spread of drugs. Their native district is a little Mexico. Here Gangsters are affected by turquoise shades.

Enjoy the Vagos, which gradually take the top over them. Sister Si-Jej, Kendle, meets with the leader of the gang of Caesar, thereby strengthening with the "Grove Street". Among the veterans grouping - Sunny, Gal and Heyzer.

Los Santos Vagos.

Wagos, dressed in yellow, can be found in the north and east of Los Santos, or rather - in the areas of Las Colin and Los Flores. This is another Latin American gang. Its members compete with their Hispanic-speaking conifers and crowds up to protect their districts. The main income is obtained from drug trafficking, contribute to the spread of the crack.

San Fierro Rifa.

Another Hispanic gang controlling the south of San Fierro. Most often, they can be found on the streets of Garcia district. Related to drug trafficking. Mexican gangs of Los Santos do not like.

Gang from San Fierro, which is headed by Mr. Ran Fa Lee. This group includes Wu Zi Mu with his assistants. The main place of "work" Triad is a Chinese quarter (chin-toun), although gradually Asians expand the sphere of influence in the state, opening a casino in Las Venturas.

The gang includes two groups: Mountain Cloud Boys, headed by Vui, and Red Gecko Tong under the leadership of Ran Fa Lee. Conflict with Vietnamese from Da Nang Boys. Unlike the rest, these gangsters are armed with AK-47.

Da Nang Boys

Vietnamese gang from San Fierro, which is going to increase its share in illegal business not only San Andreas, but also all the United States. At the moment they control the territory near the port in Easter Basin, often causing unrest. Exploid special cruelty and intolerance towards the triads.


In Las Venturas, there are three mafia clans from Liberty City, each of which belongs to its share in Caligula casino. Family Sindakko (which Presents Johnny, Don Son) wishes to deal with Leone (head of the clan - Don Salvatore), but both sides have never managed to agree on who will control the gambling house. As a result, a compromise option was adopted - the position of the nominal manager was appointed former lawyer Ken Rosenberg, who worked with the Forelli family in Weis City. By the way, the latter are sworn enemies Leone and are also present in the territory of San Andreas.

Almost for each game, it is important how to pass it: in what order, etc. It is important that the tactic and in the series "AutoWork". In addition to the game, the task is to fulfill the missions, it is advisable to know how to know how and when to perform this or that task. Adventure started in Los Santose, it is important correctly and, as possible, it is possible to optimally complete due to the described below.

After completing the first few missions, near the Glen Park find a fire truck or "help" to cause duty. It will be necessary to sweat a little, but the result remains dissatisfied, it is impossible: for each level they give solid money, and, by completing 12 levels, the player receives fire resistance, which may be needed.

It would also be nice to fulfill a taxi mission to deliver 50 passengers. A comfortable nuance is that if a player has been dragging, say, 37 people, then he can give a minute 13, and the mission will be performed. Earnings will be small that from individual passengers, which for 5 trips completed. The bonus will be cylinders with nitrogen and hydraulics system for all taxis.

Another profession should "master", being in Los Santos. This is a sort of money for which they will give a little, but also a lot. In addition, it will be possible to take money from killed defaulters. After a successful implementation of the mission, night butterflies will pay for the services provided by them. Again, a little money: a trifle, but nice. Data Three professions will bring us to so necessary 100%.

Report on the successful end of the mission of the pimp.

Then, after following the plot mission "Criminal District of the City", Karl will receive a can of paint, and hence the ability to paint the graffiti of the warring gangs, which will then lead to another bonus - Molotov's cocktails, AK, TEC-9 and crop, which will be regularly appearing in the kitchen Houses Johnson. Now it will be possible to pump up their skills in the arrow.

Do not forget, of course, go to the gym, to run. As soon as Karl pulls down a little, then you can learn new movements, breaking the box from sports Hall. It will also bring a percentage of the cherished hundred.

After the mission "Invasion home" the player will be available sided Mission robber. In the standings of 100%, the task is not included, but the bonus for it (endless sprint) will help pass the mission of triathlon. In addition, you can earn some money. It will be fulfilled to be considered when the player will be awarded the property for $ 10,000.

It is necessary to ride more bike, because only at the skill of the bolers, 20% of the player will allow the difficult task of the BMX Challenge, which is also required to pass.

While another player is in Los Santos, you need to assemble the first eleven oysters on its territory, which will also bring $ 1100.

Successfully finished the mission of the taxi driver, a sanguine, firefighter, and rolling not one thousand kilometers of virtual roads of Los Santos, you will be allowed to the 8-track competition at the Los Santos Stadium.

Do not forget to pass the courier mission near the Roboi store "S Food Mart, which will then bring regular income of $ 2000.

Making money, spend them only on really right things. For example, for real estate, because it adds interest to statistics.

After completing the mission on the arsogue of the house of the gang and further rescue from the girl from there, should be care for Denis. Everything that it can be (needed) to get the keys from its car (you need to reach 50% of relationships) and a pimping costume as a gift (for 100% of relationships with it). Since the girl can be chosen from her house only from 00:00 to 06:00, the rest of the time it is better to carry out the seizure of the territories if you have passed the plot mission "Doberman". The remaining task should be postponed yet. If you want to get cars and costumes from all girls, you will need to get rid of the previous ones, "processed", so to speak. In the event that Karl will have a relationship with two (or more) girls, they will "meet" during dates and arrange a seated scene of jealousy.

So ended the history of the night butterfly, which wanted to become a princess. (Indeed, selling your body - this is the profession of Denis. Only this explains the fact of the presence of a girl in the house of Gang Vagos and a pimping costume as a gift. And she wanted to always always be, constantly speaking this carl. Even once called and said: "Why Do you behave with me like with * a girl of easy behavior *? ").

After completing the mission "Doberman", Sidy will be able to capture territories for his gang. Yes, then they will be taken from the plot, but now from such conflicts you can get a lot of useful. First, it is the ability to own a variety of weapons. By the way, if a too big wave of opponents fell on you, a couple of Molotov cocktails will be very by the way. Secondly, this is money. They can be collected from the corpses of opponents and on the rustling of Street near the house of Karl in the form of regular income icons.

Do not forget to regularly kill narcodyllers - in their pockets you can constantly find thousands of two. Such an image of killing (a quiet blow to the neck with a knife behind) extremely rarely attracted the attention of the police.

Now you can go to the stadium in order to pass the mission "8-track" (the name comes from the track built of the eight. Perhaps the race will need to be painful, but the result is worth: $ 10,000, two prize cars near the stadium and 0.53% in statistics. By the way, winning this way of cars, they can not be disappeared into the garage in order not to occupy places - they are already obedient to wait for the player at the place allotted for them.

Two prizes: Hotring Racer with a sequence number 21 and Monster, painted by the flag on the housing.

Now the last barricade remained before moving to the countryside - the mission "Green Saber". Before performing it, remove the money from the regular income icons near the store and on the ground Street. After completing the mission, your percentage of the game will be 22.99%. If so, then you are on the right track.

The first thing you can (and you need) do in the pine angel, it is to pass the mission of Paramedica. To do this, we find the medical center of the village (near the churcher with the characteristic tower) and sit down in the ambulance carriage. This task is recommended here because the territory of the village is small, and it will not send to the player for its limits. In addition to a considerable amount, which is enough for the purchase of a house in the pine of angel (and will remain a bit) we will get interest to the passage of the game and the maximum health (the red strip of "life" increases).

Then it is worth going to the chillad mountain so that you would win a series of three mountain bike races. It also goes to the standings of 100%.

Now continue to collect oysters. In the countryside of the countryside, they can be collected 14 more pieces (numbers 12-24 inclusive and number 28), and this is another $ 1400.

After the mission "Tanker Commander", access to the truckers profession will open. After completing six flights, the task, unfortunately, will be temporarily blocked before the opening of Las Venurata.

As soon as you get in San Fierro, you need to collect already so loved oysters. They are nine in the city, which means a fee of $ 900.

What would get a new point with regular income, you need after scene mission "We will turn the" 555 "to reveal the lake in the hotel Vank Hoff.

Another regular income will be the Hippy Shopper store. Everything will be here like the work of the courier in Los Satton: the same income, the same tasks, but already on a halelesto-like motorcycle.

Buying the Zero RC shop at the former owner, help the Zero with his problems. It will go to the credit to 100 percent, plus it is another point of regular income.

Then take a picture of all 50 photos icons, which will bring you not only the weapon near your genus modifications, but also $ 105,000 in total.

Later, having passed the school of extreme driving on "Gold", you will get three pleasant bonus Near Educational Institution: Super GT Sports Machines, Bullet and Unique Hotknife.

Now you can go to the stadium, where, winning the competition, will stand wonderful Bloodring.

At the next step, take the purchase of Wang Cars establishment and performing missions in the garage. This will generate income, and after one of the missions, the task of exporting transport will appear. The export of whole means of movement in full will bring the income of $ 1,835,000. Everyone will not immediately take into the port, because you can not rush, but to carry out delivery as you find anything else or other transport.

Before opening Las Venturas, such a car, such as Infernus, will be very difficult to find, perhaps. Surely you found the only place where this (or the other) machine is worth. But the problem is that it is closed. Therefore, we are not lost - take a tractor and we carry to the ship. Just do not forget to remove the car from the hook, otherwise the crane literally will leave it.

Once you call Tarran and, using a speech, will invite to himself on the ranch, sit down in your favorite vehicle, and move to the RS Haul station, where you need two more missions. If the penultimate should not cause problems, then the latter will create them. The route will lie in Las Venturas, where, leaving the cargo, go to search for the remaining oysters - another $ 16,000. Move from the West to the East - with Las Venturas to the desert. Then, choosing the last oyster under the Gunt Bridge, heading to the school management school - it is also necessary for 100%. And in Las Venturas, do not forget to finish the school ride on the motorcycles.

Having learned a thumbnail with a two-wheeled beast, visit the stadium located nearby, where two motorcycles are held: the usual ring with opponents and single with obstacles. Reward for the first - BF Injection, for the second - Dune.

After the missions for Torano, before buying an aircraft cemetery, Jethro will call and say that racing is available at four points. Flag icons will appear in San Fierro, Las Venturas and Los Santos. So far, it is better to distract them on them. Moreover, in addition to the cash prize, a million dollars will receive a million dollars for every race for winning the last SJ.

Then finish the job of the courier in the Burger Shot in Las Venturas. In addition to the shipping money, this is another regular income ($ 2000). Do not forget to rinse in the hall, in order to learn new movements. This is another percentage of statistics.

After graduating from a pilot and mission school on an abandoned take-off strip, Sidy will be able to take a Jetpak school building, which will help to collect horseshoes in Las Venturas. This is another $ 105,000 and weapons near the Viji Casino.

As soon as the mission is available on the "Caligula" robbery, then you must first finish them. After the mission "Key to Her Heart", Karl will have a girl named Millie. The collected oysters will allow us to develop relations faster than usual, and after the second date it will allow you to go home to her and pick up a casino robbery card. To continue with her, the relationship of the point is a bit since for 100% of the relationship between the Sady costume does not receive, but its car, club, is not very rare in order to achieve 50%.

We go to the weapon store, where we will pass the test of four types of weapons: pistol, micro SMG, shotgun and ak.

After missions preparations for the robbery, or rather, after the "explosive situation", the mission in the career will be available, the passage of which will give a regular income in $ 2,000.

Now that the entire map is open, the player can finish two levels of the train driver. This task goes to the standings of 100% and brings a lot of money.

Stay after the mission of "Business Thugs" Otherwise, in the rebellious city, subsequent tasks will be more complicated than usual.

After the liberation of Karl's retinue, the districts will again be able to capture areas. I advise you to go through them quickly, like a hurricane. You can leave the enemies to El Crown and Small Mexico (these territories will be painted unusual for those places with yellow color). After the mission "Los Desprados", Warryos Los Aztekas will receive even if Karl captures these territories before. Also, you should not capture Aiddlewood. At first, you should pass the mission to "live 4 lives", where Karl and the Sweet will capture two parts of this area, after the mission will remain seize the rest. In addition to aesthetic satisfaction due to green painting on Polcard, Los Santos Player will also receive money that will appear on Grove Street in the form of a regular income point.

There are in wars for the territory and small strokes that can cause big problems. These are very small areas for capturing. For example, "Strip" -tricient in the northern part of the temple under the mansion of MADS Dogga, two pieces of Jefferson around a clothing store and a square in southern Los Flores. Attack on such areas can go wrong, because by chance you can attack the neighboring area. Therefore, the opponents should be lured into the above-mentioned territories (shooting, for example, or its presence) and shoot splastes.

Now you can distract to the sports component game. For example, two triathlon. Their passage does not go to stand 100%, but it will not hurt to get closer to the rank of GTA guru. It will also add a total of $ 30,000. It is confident that after a long adventure of the muscles of the protagonist, they will not be too pumped. Therefore, we go to Santa Maria Beach and spend several game days in intense training, because to admit to the competition, the player must have 100% in the "Muscle" string. Then the first contest starts on the same beach near the lighthouse. The second is in the fisherman's lagoon, which near the village of Palomino stream. I note that for the passage of the triathlon, it is desirable to have an endless sprint, which can be obtained for completing the mission of the thief.

To fill the wardrobe with special costumes break to acquaintance with the remaining four girls: a diluted Barbara, a narrow-eyed Kati, Bighnogruda Michel and dangerous Elena. The first, sheriff with two children in the arms, the set of 100% of the relationship will give a policeman's costume, etc. The acquaintance is now not a problem, since the collection of all oysters removed the need for certain requirements from girls. As soon as you come to the girl, the percentage of relationship will be 15%, and if five dates girlfriend bring flowers, then 100% of relationships can be achieved in eight dates. This is because for each successful date will be counted 10% - the girlfriend immediately invites coffee. The most interesting will be with Michel, because it has a special kind of date when she sits down the wheel, and the player only watches the girl's rootless ride. For such a date, the player will receive 15% of the relationship, which means that 100% with an auto mechanic can be achieved by seven dates. By the way, if at all the roller with Michel on the way to press the F key, then she will throw out Karl from the car near his home and hides in the distance. The game, and shatter commetes: "She hijacked your car. You are so alike". A date will be considered alas, unsuccessful.

Well, you can still do a lot in the game ... For example, perform all unique jumps (so that it would be easier for them to perform under the NRG-500 on the second floor of a multi-level parking in the East Beach area, Los Santos), but it is better to finish the passage by 100% By completing the final mission of the game. Here on this and ends with a leakage on the subject of optimal production of 100% in statistics San Andreas. . By the way, the reward for such unbearable: $ 1 000 000, RINO tank under the bridge on Grove Street and Hydra's aircraft on the roof of the retinue house. Also, ammunition will now be infinite. In my opinion, he said everything ... Dare, success!

All areas in the city of Los Santos are controlled by gangs. These gangs are somewhat, so the city is divided into multicolored squares that talk about the color of the gang itself. For example, the gang of ballas is highlighted with purple color, a gang of Los Santos Wagos yellowAnd our family has grove strengthen color of course green.

All gangs strongly control their territories, and therefore they run in areas on cars, most often groups, and walk on a few people holding an impressive weapon in their hands. As soon as someone from other gang appears on their territory, there are disassembly, bloody shootings and war gangs. Therefore, it does not rarely happen that when the mission is passing, or a conventional ride around the city, kilograms of lead fell on you, and the car turns into a sieve.

War between groupings in Grand Theft. AUTO SAN Andreas.

The capture of gangster areas is not available immediately, but opens only after passing the Mission "Doberman", where sitting to find, track down and kill a person who went out of the gang of Grove Street to ballas. Capture is made as follows: Cooking all the necessary weapons go to the enemy territory, provoke a gang war on it, by shooting enemies, after that a square, which means the location of the territory begins to highlight red - this means that the defender's gangs will soon begin.

Gang Grove Street in Grand Theft AUTO. San Andreas.

You need to withstand three waves of the influx of enemies on you. The third wave is considered the most severe, since, unlike the previous two, the enemies begin their offensive randomly, and run away from absolutely different places for several people, having in their hands firearms High caliber. After a successful shootout, the area becomes yours, and on it immediately begin to drive members of your gang and follow the order. But not everything is as simple as it seems.

Banda ballas in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

From time to time, the gang of opponents will come on you, trying to win back their territories, and if you do not help, then you can lose it. Therefore, it is necessary to conquer the entire Los Santos as soon as possible, and drive all opponents. To do this, below shows the video where the most the simplest way To capture all enemy territories in.