How to get into the class stronghold. How to get into the class stronghold of the Second World War, how to get into the sanctuary of the Ordos

WORLD OF WARCRAFT is considered one of the most promoted multiplayer games, which is a huge world populated by millions of unusual creatures. In each addition of this game, the creators are surprisingly associated with the events of the past with the present and future game characters. One of the most interesting, in the opinion of players, additions - "Lich King", the events in which are unfolding in Nordskol. It is distinguished by the abundance of dungeons and raids, in which it is possible to get not only armor for their characters, but also a variety of horse-in animals. The most "rich" for the extraction of such treasures is recognized as an instated obsidian sanctuary, which will now be speech.

From the history of the sanctuary

Dragon Union, headed by Alekstrase the custodian of life, for many centuries, was struggle with the clans of the blue dragons, the plenty and other enemies. In addition, numerous seizures and secret collusion broke out an alliance from the inside. At that moment, the laying of eggs generated by a deathwall-destroyer was discovered. Obsidian sanctuary, where this masonry is located, was immediately taken under observation by the colleagues of Alexstray, but the Union could not openly oppose the troops of the Twilight Dragons, as it was weakened by many years of struggle against evil. The fight against siblings of deathshit from now on is entrusted to the Council of six of Dalaran, and players should help them.

Location of obsidian sanctuary

The first thing that you need to know those who, in the call of the Council of the sixth, decided to join the fight against the twilight dragons in the dungeon of Obsidian Sanctuary - how to get into the lair with eggs. Let's turn to the Nordskol map to see the location of the Inst. First, the players are important to get into the desired location: Dragonfather, located south of Dalaran. Almost in the middle of this area is the temple of Dragonian rest, around which ice monsters-dragons are torn. Getting into the obsidian sanctuary, the entrance to which is located right under this temple, is simple enough: you just need to get to the destination. The road is enough just to find the remnants of the destroyed stone road on the terrain.

How to find the entrance to the dungeon

The entrance to the basement room of the temple of the Dragonian People, where the obsidian sanctuary is adjacent to two other instams, it can be found in the break near the walls of this huge structure. Having descended into the Dragon Dragon (this is the name of the room where the entrances to the dungeons and the Stone call are located), you need to go to the portal, located directly opposite the break, through which the players fall into this peculiar temple basement.

After we dealt with the dungeons of the obsidian sanctuary (how to get there and where it is located - we have already said), it's worth moving towards the topic that will help to deal with such questions as bosses, and what kind of production can be calculated by players.

Bosses obsidian sanctuary and mining from them

The raid to this instancy may vary by the number of participants and difficulty. It can be the usual passage of 10 or 25 players or heroic. In the dungeon called Obsidian Sanctuary hosts only one boss - Sartarion, standing on the central patch among the raging lava flows. Three of his assistant - Vesperon, Teeboron and Sadron - are located on the side venues.

Getting rid of first from the assistants of Sartarion and from the Sanctuary of Mobs wandering throughout the area, the group participants can destroy the owner of Logov. However, it is worth considering that such a tactic can play a cruel joke and significantly reduce the chance of players to receive beautiful flying mats: Amber, Black or White Dragon.

What I would like to draw the attention of the players, so it is a knocking streams of Lava, surrounding the main boss. Fire streams cause damage to everyone who falls into them, so when moving from the boss to the boss, it is important not to linger in them for a long time.

Mountains achievements in one dungeon

Obsidian sanctuary is a real treasury of a variety of achievements that can try to fulfill all players in it. For example, the victorious Sartarion in a group of 10 or 25 people players get the achievement of "victory over the birth of black dragons." But those who, during the battle with the boss, managed not to get under his ability to "lava blow," will receive an achievement, called the "threat of eruptions".

The group in incomplete composition, for example, of eight or twenty people, after the murder of the main boss of the obsidian sanctuary, receives glasses of achievements "less - does not mean better." I killed Sartarion to the players left at the same time in the living one or two of his assistants, give the achievements of "Twilight assistants" and "Twilight duet", respectively. And those players who will spare for three assistants will become the owners of the achievement of the "Zone of Twilight" and the title "Twilight" in addition.

Secrets of mining Mounts: 100% drop

Achievements and armor as mining are a good awards for heroism, manifested in the fight against Sartarion. However, most visitors to the dungeon obsidian sanctuary go there for flying vehicles, because in other instats, the Mountains are mined with much greater labor. Is it possible to get them with 100% chance exactly here? Fortunately for all gamers, it is real!

The first thing to make players is not to hurry with the murder of secondary bosses standing on the side sites. Carefully moving along the rocks, you need to clean the dungeon from the mob moving around it and immediately go to the battle with Sartarion. If this is not done, immediately after the pool, all free NPSs rushes to help the central boss than they will complicate the already difficult struggle with it. As a normal mode, an amber dragon will fall from the body of Sartarion to the Sartarion body, in the heroic mode - black. In addition, the boss will give players with a spacious bag of dragon leather, armor and bag with gems.

The dungeon, called the obsidian sanctuary, is very interesting. The passage of this Institute will like everyone without exception, because few people refuse a couple of achievements and beautiful upper animals. You can visit it, unfortunately, it is possible only once a week, but prey is worth this short expectation.

WORLD OF WARCRAFT is considered one of the most promoted multiplayer games, which is a huge world populated by millions of unusual creatures. In each addition of this game, the creators are surprisingly associated with the events of the past with present and future playing characters. One of the most interesting, in the opinion of players, additions - "Lich King", the events in which are unfolding in Nordskol. It is distinguished by the abundance of dungeons and raids, in which it is possible to get not only armor for their characters, but also a variety of horse-in animals. The most "rich" for the extraction of such treasures is recognized as an instated obsidian sanctuary, which will now be speech.

From the history of the sanctuary

Dragon Union, headed by Alekstrase the custodian of life, for many centuries, was struggle with the clans of the blue dragons, the plenty and other enemies. In addition, numerous seizures and secret collusion broke out an alliance from the inside. At that moment, the laying of the eggs of twilight dragons generated by a death-drucifier was detected. Obsidian sanctuary, where this masonry is located, was immediately taken under observation by the colleagues of Alexstray, but the Union could not openly oppose the troops of the Twilight Dragons, as it was weakened by many years of struggle against evil. The fight against siblings of deathshit from now on is entrusted to the Council of six of Dalaran, and players should help them.

Location of obsidian sanctuary

The first thing that you need to know those who, in the call of the Council of the sixth, decided to join the fight against the twilight dragons in the dungeon of Obsidian Sanctuary - how to get into the lair with eggs. Let's turn to the Nordskol map to see the location of the Inst. First, the players are important to get into the desired location: Dragonfather, located south of Dalaran. Almost in the middle of this area is the temple of Dragonian rest, around which ice monsters-dragons are torn. Getting into the obsidian sanctuary, the entrance to which is located right under this temple, is simple enough: you just need to get to the destination. The road is enough just to find the remnants of the destroyed stone road on the terrain.

How to find the entrance to the dungeon

The entrance to the basement room of the temple of the Dragonian People, where the obsidian sanctuary is adjacent to two other instams, it can be found in the break near the walls of this huge structure. Having descended into the Dragon Dragon (this is the name of the room where the entrances to the dungeons and the Stone call are located), you need to go to the portal, located directly opposite the break, through which the players fall into this peculiar temple basement.

After we dealt with the dungeons of the obsidian sanctuary (how to get there and where it is located - we have already said), it's worth moving towards the topic that will help to deal with such questions as bosses, and what kind of production can be calculated by players.

Bosses obsidian sanctuary and mining from them

The raid to this instancy may vary by the number of participants and difficulty. It can be the usual passage of 10 or 25 players or heroic. In the dungeon called Obsidian Sanctuary hosts only one boss - Sartarion, standing on the central patch among the raging lava flows. Three of his assistant - Vesperon, Teeboron and Sadron - are located on the side venues.

Getting rid of first from the assistants of Sartarion and from the Sanctuary of Mobs wandering throughout the area, the group participants can destroy the owner of Logov. However, it is worth considering that such a tactic can play a cruel joke and significantly reduce the chance of players to receive beautiful flying mats: Amber, Black or White Dragon.

What I would like to draw the attention of the players, so it is a knocking streams of Lava, surrounding the main boss. Fire streams cause damage to everyone who falls into them, so when moving from the boss to the boss, it is important not to linger in them for a long time.

Mountains achievements in one dungeon

Obsidian sanctuary is a real treasury of a variety of achievements that can try to fulfill all players in it. For example, the victorious Sartarion in a group of 10 or 25 people players get the achievement of "victory over the birth of black dragons." But those who, during the battle with the boss, managed not to get under his ability to "lava blow," will receive an achievement, called the "threat of eruptions".

The group in incomplete composition, for example, of eight or twenty people, after the murder of the main boss of the obsidian sanctuary, receives glasses of achievements "less - does not mean better." I killed Sartarion to the players left at the same time in the living one or two of his assistants, give the achievements of "Twilight assistants" and "Twilight duet", respectively. And those players who will spare for three assistants will become the owners of the achievement of the "Zone of Twilight" and the title "Twilight" in addition.

Secrets of mining Mounts: 100% drop

Achievements and armor as mining are a good awards for heroism, manifested in the fight against Sartarion. However, most visitors to the dungeon obsidian sanctuary go there for flying vehicles, because in other instats, the Mountains are mined with much greater labor. Is it possible to get them with 100% chance exactly here? Fortunately for all gamers, it is real!

The first thing to make players is not to hurry with the murder of secondary bosses standing on the side sites. Carefully moving along the rocks, you need to clean the dungeon from the mob moving around it and immediately go to the battle with Sartarion. If this is not done, immediately after the pool, all free NPSs rushes to help the central boss than they will complicate the already difficult struggle with it. As a normal mode, an amber dragon will fall from the body of Sartarion to the Sartarion body, in the heroic mode - black. In addition, the boss will give players with a spacious bag of dragon leather, armor and bag with gems.

The dungeon, called the obsidian sanctuary, is very interesting. The passage of this Institute will like everyone without exception, because few people refuse a couple of achievements and beautiful upper animals. You can visit it, unfortunately, it is possible only once a week, but prey is worth this short expectation.

In this section, Hyde by class of classes that appeared in Legion.You will learn how each character can get into the stronghold of its class, as well as in which locations they are located.

How to get into class stronghold

When you first visit Dalaran after launch Legion.You will find a representative of your class. The task of this representative will turn into a whole chain, by completing which, you will receive an artifact of your specialization. After receiving the artifact and passing the entire task chain, you will fall into the stronghold of your class.

How to return to class stronghold

    Death Knight: Gate death.

    Demon hunter: Go to the Trasta Platform in Dalaran and plan from the platform straight to the soaring island. On it you will find teleport.

    Druid: Teleport B. class stronghold With the help of a snowder.

    Hunter: Head to the Beauty Playground in Dalaran and talk to Talua. She will give you an eagle who will take you to the class stronghold of hunters.

    Magician: Teleport in class stronghold using Teleportation: Study Stretch.

    Monk: Teleport in class stronghold with a spiritual journey.

    Paladin: You will find a portal in the class stronghold in Dalaran in the refuge of the kidnapper of the Sun (Horde) or Silver Anklava (Alliance).

    Priest: The portal in the class stronghold is located in the zone of your fraction in Dalaran: the refuge of the sun kidnapper (Horde) or a silver enclave (alliance).

    Robber: Go to the store to the right of the fountain in Dalaran. In the left wall of the store there will be a secret corridor straight into the class stronghold of the robbers.

    Shaman: Go to the Trasta Platform in Dalaran. On the platform to the right you will see a teleport in the class stronghold of shamans.

    Witch: Head in Dalaran's drains, and on the left you will see the portal as soon as descend from the stairs.

    Warrior: Go to the Trasta Platform in Dalaran and stand up in a post near Val'kira. Click on the additional button that appears and you will fall into the distribution of soldiers.

Where are class optics

Each stronghold is in meaningful and historical place in the history of the world for one or another class. Here is a list of locations of all class optics:

    Death Knight: Akerus, black stronghold, which in Legion. Moved to the split islands.

    Demon hunter: "Ground Molot" in Mardrum.

    Druid: Ross Dreams, Val'shara.

    Hunter: The shelter arrow, Krutogorye.

    Magician: The fortlies of the keeper, located in Dalaran.

    Monk: The temple of five dawns, which is located on a wandering island.

    Paladin: The abode of light in the eastern plague lands.

    Priest: The temple of the light of emptiness, which, apparently, is located in the city of Karabor in the valley of the Ghost Moon.

    Robber: Chamber of Shadows in Cloake near Dalaran.

    Shaman: The heart of Azeroth over the whirlpool.

    Witch: The fracture of the sinister scar in one of the worlds of the Legion.

    Warrior: Heavenly Citadel in stormheme.

The happy owner of the legendary raincoat, besides him, we also get the right to get on the weekly killing of the Ordos. And this is really quite important and honorable right: in the sanctuary of the Ordos, exclusively ordered in battles things are falling - that is, 561 Level. They are named, by the way, in honor of those known in the Wow-circles of individuals - a chill, for example.

Here, of course, far from inclusive, but quite worthy of attention. One no hope is not always the new owner of the legendary cape know how to get into the sanctuary of the Ordos. Hayer, for example, did not have a green concept. Because of what he had to strain his whole strong, but small orpeed brain and understand.

How to get into the sanctuary of the Ordos without a raincoat

The question of how to get into the sanctuary of the Ordos without a raincoat, interests very many. The answer to this burning question is extremely simple - no way: only exclusively self-satisfied owners of sporadic wings behind their backs can get into the sanctuary of the Ordos.

No, theoretically, you can go there. But there is no point in no meaning: nothing will fall anyway.

How to get into the sanctuary of the Ordos with a cloak

Geographically, the sanctuary of the Ordos is located where we in the heavy struggle mined our legendary cloak. And it is he who serves as a pass to the sanctuary of the Ordos.
To get into the sanctuary of the Ordos, you need:

  1. become to the arena of celestial persons,
  2. sternly see them into the eyes
  3. expand and jump right: it is there, at the right edge of the arena, the path begins, which will lead to us where necessary. Even if we do not have any idea how to get into the sanctuary of the Ordos.

How to run on the road to the sanctuary of the Ordos

On the way, we will meet numerous monsters, embraced by burning flame and no less burning desire to kill us. However, in order to get into the sanctuary of the Ordos, it is not necessary to measure with all them: the path leads to the sanctuary, regardless of the number of corpses laid down along the road. Therefore, not paying attention to provocations, jumping forward. Single two exceptions:

  1. If the mobs still knocked us off the horse.
  2. If you need to help someone who mobes are shot down from the horse.

How to get into the sanctuary of the Ordos - a broken bridge

In the end, the track will lead us to the bombed bridge through the abyss. This is where the legendary raincoat will be needed: if at least one character on our account He is - boldly jump into the abyss. Suicide will not be: the magic energies, the invisible flow pounding from the legendary raincoat, pick us up and move to the other side as an intention and safety.