Fahrenheit Indigo passage. Fahrenheat passage of the game. Character Management and Game Process

1. Murder.

Lucas Kane (dinner dinner dock). The roller continues, we see a small snack room, toilet. Pissarov has a man. Lucas is located in the booth and resides in a state of trance, in his hand the knife, around everything in the blood. A man in Balahon forces Lucas to commit murder. Little girl pulls her hand and puff disappear. Lucas does not know what to do and his mental health is immediately worse. Let's hide the traces of the crime. It is necessary to do everything quickly, until a police officer came into the toilet (the camera will show us for a rack).
Come to the body and drag it into the booth. Then take the mop, it is left of the cabins, and wipe the floor (you need to perform smoothly movement). Raise the knife from the floor, and Lucas will hide it (we will not see where). Come to the sinks, and wash your face and hands in the right sink. Consider a face in the mirror. Dry hands. Near the door on the wall hangs the machine. Check whether there are no coins in it, and then hit it continuously several times and get it. Get out of the toilet. Come to your table (he is second from the edge). You can sit down at the table and continue my meal or pay the bill. In this situation, it is better to leave rather. Consider an account and pay. If time allows, go to the musical machine and throw a coin into it. Lucas will turn on the music and his mood will improve slightly. Get out of the cafe. Go to the right and sit down in a taxi. Second option: when exiting toilet, turn right and exit the black stroke door. Go on the road and sit down in the subway.

2. Investigation.

Karl Valentine (dinner dinner dock). Charles and Tyler come to a cafe by car. You can click on the question icon, and Karl will express his thoughts. Come in the cafe. Talk to the police who found the corpse. Ask him all questions. Go to the toilet and inspect the crime scene. On the way, talk with two more couphes that came to pick up the body. Go to the Cabin and inspect the corpse. Then inspect the bleeding mop. Inspect the cabin to the left of the cabin with the corpse. Charles will find traces of blood on the floor. Fix and look into a niche above the floor. Perhaps the instrument of crime is hiding there.
Switch to the Tilera. Inspect the right Cabin's corpse. Click the toilet icon, and the Tyler will find a knife in the tank. If it is not there, check the garbage basket near the washbasins. Switch to Carlo again and leave the toilet.
Come to the waitress and talk to her. Select Options: "Sacrifice", "object" and detail about the suspect. The waitress will agree to come to the police and make a photomobot. Now inspect the table, followed by Lucas. Inspect each item and find a book under the table. Then go out through a black move (next to the toilet, the red sign "EXIT") and talk with a drunkard near the garbage containers. You can go through the trail of Lucas, and Karl will pay attention to the taxi. Now you can leave. Notify about this Tyler and go to the car. When leaving the cafe, consider blood in the snow, and Karl will conclude that the killer is wounded. Sit into the car.

3. Day later.

Lucas Kane (Lucas Apartment). Stand out of bed and cover it with a bedspread to hide blood at bed sheet. Then take the medicine (it is left of the bed, on the table). Before dressing, you need to tie bleeding wrists. Get out of the bedroom. Sawsmon phone. This is Lucas's brother, Marcus, he will appoint a meeting in the park. Check the answering card messages and listen to the message from Tiffany, the former Lucas girl. Consider the bloody shirt on the floor, lift it up and take into the bathroom (door, opposite the door to the bedroom). Put the shirt in the washing machine. Go to the toilet, take a shower, and then take the bandage from the locker over the sink and Lucas will tower your wounds. If you close a locker, then Lucas will see in the mirror of the man killed and his mental health worsen. Get out of the bathroom. You can read the newspaper at the entrance door, but it will upset Lucas even more. Go to the bedroom. Lucas will visit the vision of the policeman, knocking on the door. If you click on the keys correctly, you will see what evidence you need to hide (we already hid them). Go to the closet and get dressed. Get out of the bedroom. To improve the state of Lucas, turn on the music and drink the milk from the refrigerator. Open the left cabinet in the kitchen and take the bonus. Go to the balcony, go to the bird and after a small roller, take a bonus and there. After a while, the prediction of Lucas will come true, and the policeman really leads to the door. Take the key on the table to the left of the bar counter in the kitchen. Open the door. When talking with a cop, in the lower left corner there will be a scale of suspicion. Allow the police to inspect your apartment, he will not find anything and leave. Get out of the apartment.
Now you can choose one of two characters: Lucas or Carlo.

4. Rasskowning. Lulkas Kane (Park).

Lucas Kane (Park). Go straight along the track until you leave the site. Go left and go to the priest. Talk to Marcus.
Take the cross offered by Marcus. He will add you life.
After meeting with his brother, Lucas will visit the vision again. This time it is about a child who fell into icy water. Almost immediately will happen. But how did the two police officers approach this place, one of whom was sitting in a diner. Run forward and jump into the hole. Grab the boy and swim up. As soon as you choose from the water, go up, go to the child again and make it a heart massage (cardiogram icon). A policeman recognizes Lucas, but he does not arrest him and Lucas will leave.

5. Police work.

Karl Valentine (police). Go straight. Karl will talk to the policeman at the rack. Go through the scanner and climb the stairs. Then select the right staircase and go through the door to the area. The camera will immediately show the Karla and Tyler's office. Go there. The door will stop the detective in glasses, which will tell about the duty of Tyler. Get together again to the door. Now you will stop one of the copies in the diner and will invite to see the tests. Finally, go to the office and go to the Karlya table (it is opposite the door). To raise the mood Carlo can play Yo-Yo. Then sit at the table and use the computer. Browse the mail. Charles will receive a strange message named Kirsten. Stand up from the table and take the handset. Charles will call Tyler. He slept after a sleepless night. Switch to the Tilera.
Tyler Mailz (Tyler's apartment). Stand out of bed and go to the bathroom (door in the same room, opposite the bed). Take the bonus opposite the shower, and then go into the booth. While Tyler takes a shower, his girlfriend Samantha (Sam) will stand and go out in the living room. Get out of the bathroom, go to the closet and get dressed. Go to the living room. Take coffee on the table near the girl. Tyler will speak with Samantha. Select the option "Understanding" or "Lask", and then "Consultation". Come to the entrance door and dine the jacket. Kiss Sam and leave the apartment.
Police. Go to the rack, and Cop will chat with Tyler. Climb into the plot. Cop in glasses will stop Tyler and remind the debt. Choose options "Friendship" and "Offer". Now Tyler needs to beat Jeffrey to basketball, so as not to give money. Come in the Cabinet. Remove the jacket. You can approach Tyler's table and play with a basketball ball. You can also view your mail and get a message from Sam. Get out of the cabinet and go to Carla and Police.
Karl Valenti. Specify the questions to the cop. You can in turn or corrosion.

6. Change of reality.

Lucas Kane (Bank of Smera-Jones). Lucasa is nauseous. Get out of the booth, go to washbasins on the left and clean. Walk washbasins and go through the door. Go to the door marked with a red point on a small map in the upper left corner (Lucas is indicated by a blue dot). This is the Cabinet Lucas and his employee. Sit at the table left. If you click on the keys correctly, Lucas read the thoughts of your partner. Open the left drawer and look at the photo. Open the right box and put the cross. Sawsmon phone. Raise the phone and talk to Tiffany. Select the option "Yes." Try again to click on the buttons for a new vision.
Start working on your computer. Your employee will call, and Lucas will want to work for him in the Hall. Stop and leave the cabinet. Go on the map to the red point. Turn on the computer in the booth. On Lucas suddenly terrible beetles will be attacked. To escape from them you need to quickly press the keys. The top will appear the number of lives. One failure takes one life. If there are no lives, you lost. Lucas will find among puzzled employees and leave the place of work.

7. Reconstruction.

Karl Valentine (Morg). You will have to attend an autopsy along with Carla. If you press the keys correctly, then with each action of the pathologist, Carlo will come to the idea head. Set the pathologist questions. Select the "coincidence" option and will tell you the case of Kirsten. Karl remembers this name in the letter.

8. Tyler and Kate.

Tyler Mails (Police). A waiter came to Tyler from a diner, to make a photomobot of the suspect. You will have to make it. An exemplary photo club looks like this (50-75%) similarity.

9. Love love.

Lucas Kane (Lucas Apartment). Listen to the thoughts of Lucas and stand up from the sofa. You can turn on the TV and listen to a message about the saved boy and photorobot. You can enable strengthen and play guitar (work out, then it will be useful). Raise the mood of Lucas (toilet, music, milk). Beat the pear (take the keys, and Lucas learns about myself something new). Go to the bedroom and put the Lucas to sleep. He wakes up a call to the door. It came Tiffany for things. Stand out of bed, go out in the living room and open the door. If you do not want to establish relationships with Tiffany, then choose any options for replicas. If you want to establish, you first select "Glass" and Lucas will offer Tiffany to drink. Go to the rack in the kitchen and take the bottle. Pour the gin into the glass and take Tiffany. Choose the option "News" and she will tell a little about himself. Then Lucas will suggest finding her things, and she will say that they are marked by the initials "TN" (Tiffany Harper). One box will be in the bedroom to the left of the table, and the second in the living room, to the right of the refrigerator. Take them and put next to Tiffany. Then choose options: "Calm", "Sitment", "One". Tiffany will ask Lucas to play her guitar. If you press the keys correctly, then choose "CEM". Lucas and Tiffany kiss and put relationships.
Lucas will wake up from incomprehensible sound. Stand out of bed and go out in the living room. The entrance door will be ajar. Go out into the corridor. Lucas will see a girl again. Then he wakes up in his bed. It was just a dream.

10. Hyperships.

Lucas Kane (Cemetery). Lucas came to the cemetery visit the grave of his parents. Go along the track, turn right and take the bonus. Go along the path and turn the next turn. Go to Marcus. Then go to the grave and put flowers. Lucas will visit the memories of childhood.
Little Lucas (Wishite Military Base). Go forward. Lucas will visit the vision that something terrible will happen to Markus and his friends. If you correctly press the keys, you can see how to get to the desired hangar. In the left back of the corner, the map is located. Lucas is marked with a green circle, and the soldiers are blue (the field of their vision is also indicated). You need to get to the Red Cross. Rate to the right from the hangar to the fence, past the barriers, rise to the very edge and scroll up. Select the road (follow the soldiers, and then you have to start all at first), run up to the barrier yourself. Further run to the left of the groove in the ground (he will hide you from the soldiers) until you give up to stone. Opposite it will be a hole in the bar. We climb into it. Spicy boxes and carefully attend the road. When the car leaves the hangar and the soldier will hide from you, run away and run for the machine until it feeds exactly between two hangars. Then run it from behind and run straight, to the place that is marked with a red cross. Open the passage and climb into it. Lucas will talk to Marcus. Now you need to find the other three boys for limited time. Go left to a number of boxes, run into the passage for them and on the right in the box will find the first boy. To find the second go straight and right, go up the stairs to the top tier and run forward. You will find it for the board, near which three boxes are. The third boy is located in a destroyed plane (descend down the stairs and run a little to the right). He won't want to leave, so choose the "LGI" option. After that, Lucas himself will choose from the hangar and talk to Marcus. Memories will passAnd adult Marcus will give Lucas the address of a woman who has supernatural abilities.
Further choose Carlo or Tyler, as you like more, the location is alone for them.

11. Friendly fight (gym).

Practice the selected character on the simulators (for Carla and Tyler, they are a bit different, so come to each and see if the icon appeared). Two simulators are quite enough for warm-up before the fight. Then switch to another character and take it. Come to Ring and the battle will begin. Take yourself while your character wins or does not lose. Then you can read more or refuse. Charles and Tyler will talk about murder.

12. Discussion (police).

Karl Valentine and Tyler Mails. Charles and Tyler are discussing the case with their boss, Captain Jones. Optimal Options Replica:
Tyler: "Psychopath".
Charles. "Not sure".
Next, Karl goes to the archive to learn more about Kirsten.
Karl Valenti. Charles in the archive. Go left in a small passage and take the bonus. Then go straight to the iron grille with the door. Carla suffers from claustrophobia, so you will have to keep her breathing so that it is not afraid. Hold the slider in the middle position using the "Left-Right" arrows. Each failure and escape of Karla from the archive take a large number of mental health points.
Turn on the light using the switch to the right of the gate. Come into the rail door. Go to the wheel on the right rack and turn it. Come in the passage. In the next row of racks, turn the wheel first to the left, and then on the right to release the passage to the computer terminal. Go to the computer and try to turn it on. Charles will say that the power is disabled and the camera will show where the switch is located. Go to the left between the racks and in the second row, turn the wheel first on the right, and then on the left. You will have a switch. Turn it on and the computer will earn. Go to the computer. Go to the racks on the right and turn the wheel on the left. Come in between racks and go to next row. Turn the wheel on the left again and go back. Turn the right wheel now. Complete to the second row and also turn the right wheel. Go to a row marked "1990-2000", and take the cassette on the right. Go to your computer and use the cassette. Charles will find the case of Kirsten and the surname of a detective who led him.
Tyler Mails (Tajo Bookstore). Tyler came to the bookstore to learn about the book found at the crime scene. Go down the stairs and go to the Chinese near the table. Select the option "Press" and talk to him. Proper keystrokes will tell Tyler, how to talk tacheo. But the cunning Chinese will give Tyler a task to find a book that he needs, and only after that answer questions. Go under the stairs and go to the table. It lies a magnifier. Consider with its help the book of the Chinese and remember the name of the author "DE GRUTTOLA". Then consider the book of Lucas, moving the magnifier with the arrow. Turn the two pages in the Lucas book and in the upper left corner will find a gift inscription marked by the initials "M.K.". Remove the book, and when Tyler will hide it, the paper scraps will fall out of the book. Raise it.
Go to the table next to the Chinese and consider the book on it. This is a magazine in which all books are divided into color sections according to the alphabet and years. The name of the author begins on "D", so you need to search in the zone "A-F", which is marked with white.
Climb at the second floor (on the same staircase, which came down here) and go to the table to the right of the door. There is another magazine, in which the year of the publishing house of books is written. Opposite the name "De Gruttola" costs 1796. So you need to look for on the third floor. Complete until the end of the second floor corridor and take the bonus. Climb on the third floor and go to the right side of the library. Go to the racks marked with a white card and take a book from the shelf. Take it to the Chinese and ask him about the book of Lucas. Take the bonus near the stairs and leave the store.

13. Agatha.

Lucas Kane (Agatha House). Lucas came to the address that Marcus gave him. Go forward to the next home (number 36). This is Agatha's house, women with unusual abilities. Call the door, but no one will answer. So open the door and come inside. Go to the door to the right. It's a kitchen. Take the bonus. You can consider the situation, and then go out. Go to the door opposite. In this room everywhere cells with corners. Get out of the room and go to the door opposite the front door. You can consider an unusual room atmosphere, and then go to the door in the left wall. Lucas will meet with Agata, a blind woman with disabilities. Choose any option in the conversation. Agatha will ask for her to take her room with birds. Take the cross on the bedside table near the bed (+1 life). Go to the bathroom (door on the left) and take the bonus.
Stand up behind the wheelchair and roll it out into the corridor. Take the agate to the room with birds (now it will be right). Talk to Agata. Then she will ask Lucas to feed the birds. Come to a small bedside table (it is in the corner, to the left of the door) and get a package with feed from the bottom shelf. Come to each cell and feed the birds. Talk to Agata again. Take it into the living room. Agatha will want to spend the ritual and ask Lucas to bring candles and light them. Go to the cabinet to the left of the door and open the top shelf. Take the candles and install them in the candlesticks on the table, bypassing the table to put all three in turn. Go to the kitchen and take from the table of matches. Return to the living room and burn all the candles. Go to agate. She will ask to turn off the light and close the curtains. Come to the switch to the right of the door and extinguish the light. Go to each window and linger the curtains. Then sit on the chair near Agatha. She will want to penetrate Lucas's subconscious and make him remember that evening in the diner. If you click on the keys correctly, the Lucas will see that before the murder, a strange man was hooked in a snack bar and enchanted him. Agata will no longer want to tell Lucas and ask him to come the next day.

14. Questions and bullets.

Karl Valentine (University of Police). Karl came to talk to the Sergeant Mitchell about the case of Kirsten. Go to a person at the end of a row and speak with him. Mitchell will offer Carla to shoot in a dash. Go to the next booth, take the glasses. Then take a gun. Shoot with the left mouse button. Right Button - Recharge. You can kill only terrorists (a pistol figure). In the interruptions between shooting, ask Mitchell questions. Ask for murders and killer. He will tell you about Janos, which is in a psychiatric hospital.

15. Double or hand.

Tyler Mailz (police station courtyard). Play basketball by pressing the keys. The game will continue while Tyler wins or does not lose. Accordingly, his mental health improves or worsen.

16. Storm (Lucas Apartment).

Lucas Kane. Come to the phone. A strange voice will begin phoned incomprehensible words. After that, the door to the balcony will open, and all of his things will start to fly to Lucas. Damage them using keystrokes. This episode is quite complicated, so you have to try.
Marcus Kane. Go straight until you see the door. Consider it and call the call. At this time, Lucas hangs, clinging to the side of the balcony and you have a limited time to save it. Marcus listens to the door, and then you will have to help him knock it out. Go straight to the balcony and pull out Lucas. The brothers will talk.

17. Black sign.

Karl Valentine (Chally Apartment). Karl in the shower. When it comes out, the phone will call. Get out of the bathroom, then from the bedroom and take the tube to the right of the door. Charles will talk to Tyler. He will ask to help him with a piece of paper from Lucas. Switch to the Tilera.
Tyler Mails (Police). Stand up because of the table, take a piece of paper (it is on the edge of the table) and come to the fax (it is left of the carla's table). Depart a piece of paper. Switch to Carlo.
Karl Valentine (Chally Apartment). Consider the assigned paper (Fax Carly to the right of the entrance doors, next to the computer). Go to the bedroom and get dressed (go to the closet to the left of the bed). After a while, the doorbell sound. Open. This is Tommy, Ner Karla, came to drink wine with her. Open the top cabinet in the middle in the kitchen and take the glasses. Place glasses on the table before Tommy. Drink out of the glass and make a conversation. After several phrases, Tommy will offer Carlo on tarot cards. Take a deck, drag it and put on the table. Then select two cards using the arrows and the Enter key to select. After each prediction, Tommy choose two more cards. His predictions will not be good. When Tommy gathered to leave, he will notice the paper in the fax and says that it is a piece of banking document. Call Tyler. Switch to it after talking.
Tyler Mails (Police). Sit at the table, turn on the lamp, take a piece of paper and consider it under the light, moving it with arrows. Find watermarks. Tyler will call Carla.
Karl Valentine (Chally Apartment). Agree or refuse that Tyler goes to the bank.

18. Without a face.

Lucas Kane (Bank of Smera-Jones). Lucas will have a vision that a policeman came to him. Stand out of the table and take a packed paper from its right edge. Then go to the computer on the left, and take the Shakespeare book. After some time, Charles \\ Tyler will go to the Lucas Cabinet. You need to answer questions if possible truthfully and time to press the keys to read the thoughts of the detective. Cursed beetles either do not add Lucas confidence. Replies options:
Reply to questions about banking papers answer "True".
On the question of photorobot - "Joke".
On the question of the seizure - "disease".
On the question about wrists - "LGI".
On the question of photos with Marcus - "True".
Then Lucas wants to go out, and the detective will remain one in the office.
Karl Valenti \\ Tyler Mails. Go to the table and take a handle. Then consider the photo. Open the box on the right side of the table and take the papers with a sorted corner.
Lucas will return, but the detective will not arrest it.

19. To agate.

Lucas Kane (Agatha House). Go straight into the living room. Lucas will see that Agathas killed and someone jumped out the window. Go to the agaty body and consider it. Lucas decides that Agatha left him some kind of tip. Go to the room with birds. Everything needs to be done quickly, since the police are already going to the house. Consider a large cage in the middle. Lucas will notice a sheet of paper, but the cell is locked. Go to the bedside table in the corner and get a package with food from the bottom box. It will be the key. Open the cage and take the paper. This is a fragment of the old newspaper, which describes the same murder, as in the case of Lucas. Go out into the corridor and go to the living room. If you have time, go to the Bedroom Agatas and take the bonus. Then run through the window.

20. With an anniversary.

Tyler Mailz (Tyler's apartment). Request Samantha: Turn the oven, get champagne from the refrigerator and pour into the glasses. As soon as you do all this, Sam will come out of the bedroom in the evening dress. Tyler and Sam celebrate a two-year anniversary of his acquaintance. Turn on the music on the player on the right (not on the tape recorder). Press the keys to help dance.
Karl Valentine (police). Karl decided to make up all the evidence together to catch the killer. On her table there are all materials from the bank, and on the table Tyler - from the diner. Take on the left paper from the bank and select the option "Remember." The paper image will appear on the right side of the screen. Go to the Tyler table and take a piece of paper. Select the option "Make up" and Charles will find the first evidence. Sawsmon phone. Go to the Karlya table and take the handset. The Garrett inspector will call and say that he sent fingerprints from the Lukas handle by email, as well as by fax a list of taxi caused on the day of the murder (only in case you took a taxi at the beginning of the game). Come to the Tyler table and take the fingerprints from the diner. Select "Remember" and go to the Karlya table. Sit down the computer and select "Make up". Now Karla has no doubt that the murder committed Lucas Kane (the taxi list was not useful, but if you want, you can approach him). The door will knock, and the policeman Martin McCarthy will enter (the one was in the diner and in the park). He will want to talk to Karla and tell her about the past in the park. After a conversation, call Tyler.
Tyler Mailz (Tyler's apartment). Stand off the sofa and come to the phone (it is near the player). Tyler will leave, despite the SAM protest.

21. Blood shower.

Lucas Kane (near the Agatha House) Lucas will have a vision. He will see a man who enchanted him, and a little girl.

22. confrontation.

Karl Valentine (Lucas Apartment). Charles and Tyler came to arrest Lucas. Go for Tyler. Open the apartment door, and then check the bedroom and bathroom. In the apartment of Lucas, someone conducted some kind of ritual. Return to Tyler. Police reported that Lucas saw on the street.
Lucas Kane (near the house of Lucas). Lucas come to his house, and a vision will be visited about what is happening in his apartment. Police surround him. It is a queue to use its supernatural abilities. Press the keys to help Lucas run.

23. Captain Jones is very upset.

Karl Valentine and Tyler Mails (police). Chef is not delighted with the work of Charles and Tyler. Reply for any character. When partners come out of the captain's office, the policeman will inform them that Lucas's prints were found in the Agatha House, and that another murder was committed in the laundry.

24. Fallen angels.

Lucas Kane (Church of St. Paul). Lucas will call a senil voice. Wake up Lucas and stand out of the bench. Lucas will see the ghost of agata. Ask her questions. Select the option "Who?" And she will tell you about Oracle. After several questions, the agate will disappear and the scene will begin with angels. This is one of the most exciting and most complex episodes of the game. After that, Lucas will wake Marcus. It was another vision. Talk to Marcus. Then choose a character whose thoughts you want to hear.
Lucas wants to learn about the Mayan civilization.

25. Soap, blood and evidence.

Karl Valentine (laundry). Go to the laundry (she is across the road). Charles departure Tyler inside. Go to the door, and Garrett speaks with Carla. Choose any two questions. Examine the body to the left of the door. Consider a symbol on the hand of a man - a two-headed snake. Go forward and consider blood on the floor. Come to the second corpse - a woman, and inspect it. Go to the other side of washing machines and take a bonus in a basket. Switch to the Tilera.
Tyler Mails (Laundry). Follow the right (from the door) side and consider underwear in the typewriter. Consider both bodies and pay attention to the handset next to the woman's body. Then return to the doors and pay attention to the key in the lock. Offer Carla to leave.

26. Fugitive.

Lucas Kane (at Tiffany). Wrap the corner of the house and go to the yellow sign, which the camera will show. Lucas will have a vision that the police grabbed him near the house. Return a little back and go for the house (next to the garbage containers). Crack on the grid. Then go ahead and scroll again. You will find yourself near a long wooden fence. Come to the ravene, which sits on the fence and Lucas will see two policemen around the twist. The camera will show them in the window on the right. Wait until the policeman turns out, and run forward. Come to the corner of the house and scroll through the pipe. You will find yourself on the cornice. Press first the "left" arrow, and when you get to the corner - the up arrow. It will be necessary to undermine the keys to not attract the attention of the police when Lucas will pass over them. You have a limited time to get to the right place. When you get to the end of the eaves, go down the pipe, and then go to the right and climb on the grid. When we climb, go straight and approach the second window in the house on the right. This is Tiffany's house. Open the window and climb inside. Go to the bed, and Lucas will have a vision. If you are right on the keys, you will see how Tyler looks under the bed. Lower on the bed and relax. Then leave the bedroom. Open the refrigerator (it is left from the door) and eat a sandwich, picking up yogurt. You can climb the cabinets in the kitchen and still silent something. Go to the last cabinet, open the right door and take the bonus. Get out of the kitchen in the living room. The TV and Lucas will enable the name of the professor who specializes in Maya's civilization. Go forward. Tiffany comes home. After the conversation, the police will call the door. You have a limited time to hide and a few places: the wardrobe in the bedroom, bathroom or get out through the window in the bedroom (through which you came). It is best to get out through the window. When to do, choose the "stop" option and Tiffany will open the door. Tiffany will talk to the corops, and then Tyler is usually called an apartment. Press the keys to not find Lucas.

27. Janos.

Karl Valentine (Psychiatric Belfry Hospital). After the roller, go straight to the outdoor door. Then you can go again straight, to the end of the corridor to take a bonus. Then go to the right, again in the open doors. Sanitary is waiting for you and opens the ward. Come in the ward, go to the table and speak with prisoners. On the first replica it is better to choose the option "not psych", and then ask any questions. Consider symbols on the walls, and then leave the chamber. Sanitary will want to spend Karl, but the light will go out. The generator will turn off, and all chambers will open. Patients grab Sanitara, and Charla will remain alone. Go ahead, helping Carla to breathe. If you see the patient - stop and do not breathe. Go ahead, then left. The light turns on, and patients will surround Carlo. Run forward to doors. Sanitary will open you.

28. Kuryakin.

Lucas Kane (Museum). Take a bonus in the corner of the room. Come to the professor and speak with him. It is better to choose the option: "independent" to the first question and "joke" on the second, so as not to cause suspicion. Then go for the professor, listen to what he will talk about Maya, and ask questions. When Professor guess that Lucas is not a journalist, you will have a choice to lie or tell the truth. It is better to say the truth and then the professor will help Lucas. Select the "Hand" and Lucas version will show a professor symbol on your hands, to proof your right. Come in the professor at the door to the right. Lucas and Kuryakin will come down in the garage. A car will go to them. Press the keys to dodge it. Then Professor will tell Lucas that the oracle is looking for a child of the prophet and therefore makes sacrifices.

29. Maja Maya.

Lucas Kane (strange place). Lucas Talk with Oracle. You can ask him a few questions, after which he will leave, and Panther will attack Lucas. Press the keys to run away from it. Then Lucasu will appear again and says that he needs to find a little girl before it does oracle.

Lucas Kane \\ Oracle (unknown place). Lucas sleeps, but can see the eyes of Oracle. Press the keys to overhear the conversation of the oracle with its clan.

31. Discreatness of danger.

Lucas Kane (dirty hotel). Lucas woke up, and his vision was visited that the oracle went to the cathedral to Marcus. At this time, Charles and Tyler rose to the Lucas Room. You have a limited time to warn Marcus, so we do everything quickly. Stand out of bed and go to the phone (on the bedside table on the right side of the bed). Remove the tube, and Lucas will call the cathedral. At this time, Marcus prays.
Marcus Kane (St. Paul's Cathedral). Oracle will contact you, select the "Phone" option and go straight to the door. Come to the phone on the table and remove the tube.
Lucas Kane (dirty hotel). If you want Marcus to survive, in a conversation with him, select the option "Once."
Marcus Kane (St. Paul's Cathedral). Listen to Lucas and drive the door in which it was entered. Go to the phone again. You saved Marcus.
Karl Valentine (Hotel). Go ahead and go to the door, near which Tyler stands (you need number 369). Open the door, but this is not the number. The number "6" fell off and became similar to the number "9". Go back to the end of the corridor and go into the rail door. Charles will choose the door in the center of Lucas, but it is not there.
Lucas Kane (dirty hotel). After the departure of the police, Lucas will return to the room. Call the phone, go. This Tiffany, Oracle captured her and threatens to kill if Lucas does not come to the amusement park. Little Lucas (Wishite Military Base). Stand out of bed and jump down. Wake up the marcus and get out through the window. Move so that you are not segmented by spotlights. Approximate route is shown on the map yellowAnd the destination is a red cross. Speech angle at home and hidey near the stairs. The camera will show two soldiers. Wait until the soldier turns two times, and then turn away, and move right to the next house. Then again cross the house, near which the car stands. Look at the corner and boys will see a soldier coming towards meeting. Run back and hide behind the machine. When the soldier passes by, run away and wrap the corner of the house. The boys will once again notice the soldier and decide that one of them should distract him (the second red cross will appear on the map). You can choose a marcus.
Little Marcus. Run back to the corner of the house (there is a big pile of garbage). Take the pebble and throat. The soldier will go to you towards you, run to Lucas, and then hide behind the pedestal of the tower and run on the other side, on the route shown on the map. When you get to the place between the houses, Marcus wants to wait for Lucas.
Little Lucas. Do everything just like Marcus. Run further along the route. The boys will notice another soldier, and Lucas will offer to climb to the pillar to get to the right place. Marcus will propose to distract the soldier so that Lucas can go on.
Little Marcus. Get to the red cross near the house (go around the house near which you are on the other side and close to the container). Turn it and the soldier comes running. While Marcus deceives the soldier, Lucas have time to climb into a pillar.
Little Lucas. Rear to the post and enjoy the wires, avoiding spotlights. Then go down down. Go to the right, run ahead under the fence to the road with a separation strip, and then run along the road to the hangar. Turn to the right and run over the right angle of the hangar. There you will find a pass (place marked with a cross). Open the door and come inside. Go to the elevator, and then open the gate. Lucas will freeze with open mouth.

37. Program to bones (police).

Karl Valentine and Tyler Mails. Charles and Tyler listen to a message about a sharp cooling. Tyler will ask Karla, does she hide anything about Lucas. You can tell the truth or to lie. It is better to say the truth. The door of the plot will open and will enter Samantha.
Tyler Mailz. Come to Sam, and speak with her. She will suggest Tyler to leave her in Florida. You will have a choice. If you choose "stand", then the mental health of the Tyler will fall by 85 points. It is better to choose "leave", it will be a good ending for a Tyler. Then go to Carlele and talk to her.

38. Where is Jade?

Lucas Kane (orphan shelter). Lucas and Karl arrived in the orphanage shelter to find the Child Indigo. Get out of the car and go ahead. Open the door. Lucas will not pay attention to the nun, sitting in the lobby, and passes by. Now you have a limited time to find a child. Go to the end of the corridor and open the last door on the left. Go forward to the second bed, on which the girl sits. You can read her case on a bedside table near the bed and find out that her name is Jade, parents are unknown and she is sick autism, that is, not talking. Take the jade on your arms and leave the room. Oracle will meet Lucas and will need to give him a child. While the oracle goes to Lucas, run away through the rail door with a red plate on the fire staircase. Lucas will go to the roof, but the oracle is waiting for him there. Battle of Lucas with Oracle will be held. If you click on the keys correctly, Lucas will win and runs away with a girl from Oracle and Police. Lucas and Jade are hiding in the room of an abandoned house. Agatha will appear. If Oracle is a representative of an orange clan that uses magic and rituals for its purposes, then Agatha (but not the one that was in the house, but only the one that appeared after the death of the present) is a representative of a purple clan, artificial intelligence that believes people lower creatures. It is they revived Lucas, after his death in the amusement park. You can agree or refuse to give a child agate. This will not particularly affect the ending, it only depends on it, whether it will be or not Jade with you further. Agatha will disappear and cyborg will appear. Resist Cyborg and Lucas (with Jade or without it) jumps out the window. There he is waiting for Karl. Some unknown person will open the hatch and call Lucas.

Little Lucas (Wishite Military Base). Stand out of bed, leave the room and go straight along the corridor to the door. Overhear the conversation of your parents. Lucas's mother will say that he was subjected to the emission of the mysterious "artifact" before birth.

41. The last countdown (Wishite military base).

Lucas Kane. Go against the wind, helping Lukas arrows. When it comes to the door, open it and go inside, then go to the elevator and close the door behind you. Come in the hangar.
Ending 1. Good.
If Jade is with you.
In the hangar, the soldiers and oracles are already waiting for Lucas. The final battle with oracle will take place. If you could not defeat it, then do not rush to start the episode re-on. Carla will help you. Switch to it and help her get to the door. Oracle at this time will begin to hold a rite over Jade. Go to the entrance to the hangar and take on the floor mount. Stun her soldier standing to you back. Take the gun and shoot the oracle. Cyborg arrives. Win him Lucas. Then take Jade and take it to the chromium source (the lake, which will show the camera). Put it on a big stone. Jade will inform Lucas his message. Carla will come running and hugs Lucas. See the video. After the titles you get the Bonus +200.
If Jade is not with you.
In the hangar will arrive cyborg with jade. Win him and take Jade on his hands. Oracle will appear, which took Karl hostage. He will offer Lucas life in his new world. Select the "Failure" option. Charles will break and kill Oracle. Take the jade to the source.
Ending 2. Orange clan.
If Jade is with you.
Play Oracle and do not switch to Karl. Oracle will take Jade to the source and will receive her message. Cyborg will not appear. See the video.
If Jade is not with you.
Win the cyborg and select the option "Take" in a conversation with Oracle.
The ending 3. Purple clan.
If Jade is with you.
Lucas or Karl won the oracle. Lucas loses cyborg. Cyborg will assign Jade to Chrome and she will inform him the message. See the video. This is the worst ending.
If Jade is not with you.
Play cyborg, and the oracle will not appear.
The game is passed.

Sometimes they say - "He was not born in his time" - and this, as a rule, implies the tragedy. But if "not then" and "not there" will be an unusual person - everything can happen! Didn't Lucas think that by going to have a snack in an ordinary cafe, he will be a killer - and after it is in a crazy race, where will the fate of all mankind be on the horse? Starting the investigation, Charles could not even imagine what he learns what would change her life forever.

Long path begins with a small step. From a very small step on the snow-covered New York. Normal cafeteria. Unusual visitor. The wheels of fate are sweaty. The game begins His Majesty the case ...

Character Management I. game process

Attention immediately attracts an unusual system of interaction with objects and people. When you approach the object, an icon appears at the top of the screen, showing where you need to move the mouse to use it. For example - if you come to bed, the bed symbol will appear and the down arrow circle. Pulling the button, move the mouse down - see? - The character obediently settled.

The same thing is in conversation. Only here is limited time to choose a response, so you have to quickly think so as not to smash nonsense. By the way, phrases are not fully written: only keywords are displayed. It sometimes creates confusion, as in some cases it is difficult to understand what exactly your character is bounce.

Mini-game. They are everywhere. Equal from the flying chair. Find out what the character thinks. Knock out the door. And much more. If there is no gamepad, they can become a nightmare. Now I will explain why. There are two types of mini-games.

« Dance circle" Two circles will appear, each of which is broken into four sectors corresponding to the keys. Red - Up, Blue - Left, Yellow - Right, Green - Down. Motion keys are responsible for the left circle. Figures - 2, 4, 6, 8 on the numeric keypad - for the right. After the lettering "Get Ready" will begin to light up the division of one of the circles (and sometimes both at once). You need to click on the keys that match the highlighted sector. If you have gained the right combination, the inscription will appear - "Great", if it did not work - "Failed".

Now imagine - you have eight fingers on the keyboard and desperately poop the keys. Because the sectors light up and go out quickly. It is often helping such a reception - you stop following the sectors and with the persuasion of highly qualified dyatlaze pour over all keys immediately. It sounds insanely, but it helps in most cases - especially in the case of complex combinations.

« Pereyani." There is a blue strip with a runner. You need to press the keys < and > To move the slider. It is necessary to knock on the keyboard at the same time - otherwise you are "blowing" a mini-game or simply do not move the slider on a certain place.

There is another variety of this mini-game. It is necessary, on the contrary, hold the slider in the middle of the strip and watch it, so that he does not roll to the edge. What can help? Reduce the monitor resolution to 640H480 and install the minimum graphic settings - works. Verified.

The game has three main characters. In another chapter, you have to manage at once two. To switch between them, press the ENTER key. It is often given a choice which chapter to play first. It does not affect the passage of the game. Freedom sip - and only.

Each of your heroes has a certain level of mental health. If at the end, for example, the first chapter felt no matter if it starts the second in the same condition. If it falls to zero, the character will go crazy or commit suicide. Mental health decreases, if the character, you yourself understand, upsets something: let's say, hesitated at work or remembered the former girl.

The mood can be raised if you successfully make yourself anything good: for example, a snack, drink milk or sleep. At the same time, the need for the hero is greatly dependent on the situation, therefore, in passing, I will mention the actions that reduce and increase mental health. The health value is located in the range from 0 to 100 points. Depending on your actions, it increases or decreases by 5, 10, 20 or 30 points. During the game, you can always click Right Ctrl and watch the current status of the character.

In addition to mental, our friend Lucas has physical health. It is represented by white circles at the top of the screen. If you, let's say, fail the mini-game threatening your health, is one division. When the values \u200b\u200bof the circles are completely reset - the character will die. Health can be replenished by collecting crucifixes.

And last. Not advice. Just a wish. Do not try to squeeze everything from the game. Enjoy the gameplay. Imagine that watch the movie - an exciting interactive thriller. Unique and unique.


The Murder.

Three blows with a knife in the chest. Murder in the toilet. So, your story has begun. You need to leave the cafeteria before the policeman visits the toilet. Otherwise, you will be captured - and on this game will be completed. But first you need to hide evidence and raise the mental health of Lucas.

As soon as the movie runs, grab the body and drag into the toilet. One is less evidence. Now take the mqvabra and set the blood stain. At the same time, it will not be possible to completely get rid of traces on the floor, but you will correct the mental health of the character.

What else? Knife. Raise the murder tool from the floor, and let Lucas hide him. Wash your hands in the sink - so you get rid of blood traces. Try using condom sale automatic. It's broken. A couple of times knock on it - and get a coin. So, here we did everything. Go out to the cafeteria.

Do not speak with visitors, sit at the table. Eat, drink, pay the bill. Look at the mug with coffee. Strange, because Lucas never drinks it. So, someone was with him? It's time to get out of here. Go up to the door, turn on the music machine to raise the mood.

Once on the street, go down to the subway or catch a taxi to get to the house.

For the sake of interest, you can try to: go out into the cafeteria with bloodied hands, wait for a police station in the toilet, talk to visitors, call, call, try to leave, without paying, waiting for the police arrival on the street. True, nothing good will not come from it.

The Investigation

Here are two more main characters. Karl and Tyler - police without fear and reproach. Coming out of the car, reflect on the murder (the appropriate action will appear) and inspect the bloody mark on the snow. After entering the inside.

Let Karl talk to the policeman, and then comes to the waitress. There is no big difference, what questions you will ask her, in working with people the main thing - communication. When a girl gets nervous, calm her. After the conversation, the police will take her home. Now explore the table, followed by the killer. Pay attention to the account, the book under the table and the blood on the seat.

Switch to the Tilera. Explore the table, followed by Lucas. After talking with two policemen and drink coffee for a rack to raise mental health (Carlo Coffee will not hurt either). To reassure Tyler, call his beloved girl.

Go to the toilet. Switch to Carlo. Explore the body of the murdered, inspect the mop, the blood in the booth, where the Lukas was sitting, and open the door to the right booth. Tyler let him also examine the body, check the sink, fights in the garbage bucket and examine the drain tank in the right booth (there must be a knife).

Now let Karl go outside through a spare outlet (do not try to go back, otherwise you will lose 10 mental health points) and talk to the homeless. He will give some information. Return through the main entrance to the cafeteria. Give Tylera once again to talk to the police, and after invite Carlo to go home. You will sit in the car, and ... This chapter will end.

The negative impact on the psyche of both police officers has a return through a spare entrance (not otherwise because the sign is bad), and for Tyler, in addition, there is also an excitement to play the toilet, turn on the musical machine and talk to the homeless.

The Day After

Lucas woke up and realized that yesterday's incident is not a dream. Soon a policeman comes to the apartment, so you need to destroy the evidence. Drink the medicine to get rid of headaches (do not try after taking alcohol), and fill the bed.

Go to the living room. Sawsmon phone. Talk to my brother - and after listen to the answering machine. So what else? Choose a shirt and throw a shirt in the washing machine in the bathroom. Everything, no longer left. Open the shelf over the sink and tie your hands with a bandage. This will happen an unpleasant incident. Clear. You can at the same time to hide need - a good way to correct mental health.

Go to the bedroom and get dressed and then go back to the room. Drink milk from the refrigerator and listen to music. It will calm you. There is just a policeman. Take the key from the table and open the door. He will ask to explore the apartment. There is no more evidence, so agree. When a policeman leaves, go out.

What can be done wrong: drink alcohol after the medication, watch TV, read the newspaper and look at the photo. It is better to refrain.


On the track go to the square, where Marcus is waiting. In a conversation with my brother, select the "CONVINCE" option. When he proposes to take a crucifix, agree - it will give you an extra life. When Lucas goes back - he will see how the child falls under the ice. And here, as I discharge, there is a policeman who was in the cafeteria. To do nothing to attract his attention - but what to do? Okay, hope for good luck.

Start into the water and drag the child to the surface. Damn it, he does not beat his heart. Start making a heart massage. When Lucas says - "Three" - press. When the child wakes up, get up and leave the park. The policeman learned you ... But why did not delay?

Police Work.

A little stupid, on the right way to restore mental health when you are in the office.

Meanwhile, the police do not sleep. Our brave detectives began an investigation. Talk to the guard at the entrance and climb the stairs. Go to the door on the side to get to the office. In it, by the way, you can drink coffee to fill mental health. Cabinet is located in the far corner. On the way, Karl will capture Detective Garrett and remind you that Tyler should be money. And he will say that he has some murder.

Come in the Cabinet. Drink water and play yo-yo to raise mental health. After calling a tilera and tell me to appear at work. Now switch to it.

Stand out of bed (and you can be sought, which will be very angry by Karl), take a shower, make a small need (for considerations of care for mental health). Return to the room and get dressed and then go to the hall and drink coffee. After talking to the girl. In the dialog, select "Tender" and "Convincing" so that it calms down. Kiss her on the lips, wear a jacket and leave the apartment.

Close to the office and go to the office. The detective will remind you that you need to give debt. Selecting the response phrase value does not have: the result will be the same. Come into the office, talk to Karla. After drinking water, hang the jacket and go to the office.

Go to the Garrett's table and listen to what he will tell Carle. The choice of phrases value does not have. Then Karl let go back to the office, sit down at a computer and read the mail and news. Pay special attention to the letter with the topic: "Kirsten".

Alternate Reality.

Lucas, despite what happened, decided to go to work. Get out of the toilet and use the sink to wash. Leave the restroom and go to the office (it is marked with a red dot). On the way you can drink coffee. Sit down at the table - and attention is a mini-game. If you do it right, you will find out what colleague thinks - but lose some mental health points.

Open the drawer to get an extra life. Use the computer. True, it will reduce mental health, but in any other way. But soon the phone will call. Raise the phone and talk to Tiffany - it will again raise your mood.

Sit down for your computer - you are another mini-game. If you do, you will see how the coffee mug fell. Damn it, it seemed. Take advantage of the computer again. Soon the phone and the mug will actually fall. Talking, Lucas will go repair broken equipment.

As soon as he proceeds to repair, the attack of beetles will begin - and everything depends on the agility of the hands. The faster you click on the buttons, the greater the chances to avoid attackers. When "Move" appears, run into the cabin. And again - mini-games.

You will reduce mental health if you do not answer the phone calls, say Tiffany "No" or climb in the left drawer of the table to look at the photo.


The pathologist will inspect the body and talk about the characteristic damage. So that Karla receives maximum information - you need to win in a mini-game. For each failure, she will receive a minus ten mental health points. If you fail everything - you can go crazy. After the end of the opening, talk to the doctor. Whatever answer options you choose - as a result, he will mention the case of Kirsten.

Tyler & Kate.

Meanwhile, a waitress came to Tyler to make a killer photography. Despite the assurances of the girl that she, they say, remembers the killer - she won't say anything sensible. All work will have to do it yourself. In fact, there is no difference as the portrait will come out - at least not at all like. In the future, this will not affect the game.


Well, what, Lucas? Now and you know kun-fu.

So far did not come Tiffany, you can go up with urgent affairs. Namely, the restoration of mental health. To do this, do the following: Play the guitar (first turn on the speaker), stretch with a boxing pear, listen to music, go to the toilet, drink milk, take a medicine or Alcohol (do not interfere together). You can watch TV. It will not add anything (as well as, and does not ignore) to your mood - but learn the latest news.

After going to bed. Lucas wakes up a call to the door. Let Tiffany in the apartment. First choose in the "New" dialog - and then "Glass". She agrees to drink. Go to the kitchen and get a bottle. Pour the gin on the glasses and get back to the girl with a drink.

She will ask you to bring boxes - why not? One lies near the phone, the other to the left of the computer. After in a conversation, select: "Sincere", "Sentimental" and "Alone". Tiffany will ask you to play the guitar. If you cope without errors, then get a passionate kiss in gratitude and something else.

The second time Lucas wakes up in the middle of the night. If you do not want to lose 20 mental health points, then immediately fall asleep again. You will save strong nerves, but skip the interesting scene (I suggest: see what will happen, and then replay). So, did you decide to take a look? Then go to the hall and turn off the TV, and then exit the corridor. There is a strange girl. Who is she?

Hide and Seek.

Looks like? Not? Well, hell with him!

Lucas decided to visit the grave of his parents. Where the path turns to the grave, go straight to get an extra life. After return back and go to the marcus. Put the flowers on the grave and talk to my brother.

After the conversation, Lucas will begin to remember childhood. Here is Markus and his friends - they decided to play in the fourth hangar. A sudden vision - and Lucas understands that the hangar is about to explode. You need to save my brother! Run to the right side of the fence. In this place the grid is thrown, it can be moved to the other side.

Wait for the guards turn back, and run to the boulder to the left of the entrance. There in the fence there is a hole. Purchase to the other side and hide the boxes. At the entrance to the hangar 4b is the guard. Wait when the truck goes, and hiding behind it, run along the road, and then fold to the hangar.

After convincing your brother to get shattered, proceed to finding his friends. One sits in boxes (there is a whole series). The second is hiding in the opposite corner behind the plane cab. To remove it from there, you will have to lie, which is looking for a mother, - otherwise he does not touch. The third hid on the second tier (staircase up next to) behind the iron sheets.

This chapter will end.

Friendly Combat.

Meanwhile, detectives decided to face the forces in the ring to relax in front of an important thing. Before you start the battle, you need to warm up well. To do this, you will have to work on two simulators with both characters. Do not forget to drink water from a bottle facing the bench after each simulator, it will restore mental health.

After training, climb on the ring. You need to win ten rounds. Each round is a mini-game. Hand agility - and victory is yours. If you want, you can repeat again. However, there will be no sense from it.


It's time for business. Karl must find Circethene in the archive. Turn the light and listen to the monologue about the claustrophobia. There will be minor problems. Namely - the next mini-game. It is necessary to hold the slider closer to the center so that Karl does not panic, and at the same time move forward. If you do not cope, the detective will lose 10 mental health points and return to the very beginning.

To go through the files, you need to rotate the wheels that move the stands. So you will open the passage. Having reached the terminal, turn left and free the passage. On the wall you will find the switch - pull it to give a current. Return back.

Now it's time to find a matter. It is located in the 1990-2000 Section. To get there, first turn the left wheel. Complete through the resulting passage and turn the second wheel. Return. Turn the left wheel again - and then the right. Go through the passage and turn another wheel there - this time last. Take the cassette from the shelf and return to the terminal. Check the record. Empty ... It is necessary to ask the investigator who led the case.

Debriefing Tyler

Tyler was lucky more Chala. But slightly. Go down and talk to the Chinese. Ask anything. All will not help. When you get to leave, he will agree to help - but only if you find the right book.

As a tip, he will give you another book and say that she is from the same collection. Go to the table with a magnifying glass and read the name ("Cave Ne Cadas", "De Gruttola"). Now put a book from the cafeteria on the table. List the pages until you see the inscription in the left corner. Carefully read it and take a book. From it will fall a tab that you need to pick up.

Climb on the second floor and look at the open book that lies on the bedside table next to the door. Lay the name by Chinese book. So, published in 1796. Go down and scroll down the book on the table next to the seller.

Books released from 1700 to 1800 are located on the third floor. Close up and find a section marked with white squares. Take the book and take the Chinese. You can ask him. True, he won't say anything sensible. Get out of the store.


Meanwhile, Lucas decides to visit Agatu, whose address gave him an elder brother. Call the call. No answer. Open the door and go straight along the corridor (in the rest of the rooms we will come back). Go through the hall and go to the bedroom.

Sleeping woman in a wheelchair. Good assistant. Before talking with her, step in the table box to get an extra life, and go to the bathroom. Now start a conversation. The conversation will be pretty short - and there is no difference that asking.

Agata will ask to take her to a room with birds where she will continue to talk. Stand behind the chair and take the handles. If your sense of humor allows you to arrange the show "Old woman in a centrifuge". Hold the "Movement" button and see how the agate is fun.

So, they have fun - and enough. Go from the bedroom and roll the chair to the room to the right of the entrance door. Now she will continue the conversation. Choose any phrases. Then Agata will ask to feed the birds. Open the bedside box and go around the cells. After talking further.

Now roll the trolley into the hall. To spend a session, you need three candles and matches. The candles lie in the bedside table in the hall, you will find matches in the kitchen (the second room next to the entrance door). When the candles get lit, close the curtains and extinguish the light. After sitting on the chair ...

During the session you have a mini-game. If you click the wrong key combination - lose mental health glasses and start from the same place. The session will suddenly interrupt. Agatha will tell Lucas to come tomorrow. Then she will open the murder secret in the cafe.

Questions & Bullets.

You need to talk with a detective, who led the Circus Circus. Go to the last booth and give a man. Before talking - you will have to shoot targets.

Rules are simple. On the red targets it is possible to shoot in white - it is impossible. For each "killed" criminal you will get a plus three seconds. For the "raised" peaceful inhabitant - a fine of time. The less misses, the higher the accuracy. You need to dial as many points as possible. If you shoot well, you will get several points for mental health.

In the conversation you can choose any phrases. Anyway, at the end of the conversation, Mitchell will tell you important information about Kirsten.

Double or Quits.

While Carla runs down, Tyler with Jeffrey decide to play basketball. Another mini-game. It is necessary to do the same thing that in the ring. Who is the first to take ten points - he will win. Yes, by the way, before the match, do not forget to make fun of Jeffrey.

The Storm

Lucas decides to return home and relax after a difficult day. When he is heard phone call, lift the phone ... damn voice, but it's too late. Preserved another series mini-games. When Lucas fall down, you will be switched on Marcus, which decided to spend your brother.

Look at the door and click on the call. No answer. Creek will be heard from behind the door. Help the priest knock out the door (mini-game) and run to the balcony. Look down and pull Lucas (this is also a mini-game).

Dark Omen.

The chapter will begin with a very interesting video. Get out of the bathroom and go to the hall. Take the phone and talk to Tyler. He promises to send a fax a piece of paper from the book. Dress up. Soon the neighbor will come with a bottle of wine. When he calls, open the door.

Now you need to find wine glasses. They lie in the cabinet in the kitchen. Put them on the table, drink wine and chat with a guy. He will suggest to pay on Tarot maps. Whatever maps you choose - anyway the result will be bad. When Tommy leaves, look at the TV, go to the toilet, lie on the bed and snack pizza to raise mental health.

Switch to the Tilera. Sit at the table and turn on the computer. Browse the mail and news. Pay special attention to stocks. Tyler guesses that the scrappy of the paper is a list of shares. Call Carla and tell me about your opening. She will ask you to send a fax. Take a piece of paper, get to fax and send a message to the partner. At this point, Tyler will feel fatigue and will lose a decent amount of mental health points. To restore it a bit, drink water.

Switch to Carlo and take the fax (it is next to the laptop). Soon Tommy will call. Ask him about paper. He will say that it should be watermarks. Call back Tyler and tell me to check.

Switch to the Tilera. Take a piece of paper, sit at the table and turn on the lamp. Now explore paper under the light. In one place should enlighten a watermark. Call partner. To the question of who will go to the bank - select Carlo.

Face Off

Finally, Lucas and Karl will meet. While the detective did not enter the office, you need to hide evidence. Stand out of the table and look at the printout on the right. Take it and remove away. Now check the book lying on the left. It also needs to get rid of it.

When a detective goes to the office, interrogation will begin. Reply truthfully for all questions. Besides two. Tell me about the disease when she asks about the attack in the office. And when it will show a photo of the suspect, select a joke. She can also ask about hand and where you were on the night of the murder. In the first case, Lengita, in the second, translate the conversation to another topic.

During your conversation there will be several mini games. If you win, you will find out what Karl thinks - and get a small hint. Beetles will still appear, but nothing to do with it. Mental health will decrease anyway.

When Lucas comes out of the office, look at two photos, a well-ahead of the table box to find a book, and take a pen. She will need later. You can still find a printout with shares. When Lucas comes, the detective will leave the bank.

By the way, you can not hide evidence for the sake of interest or leave Carlo to idle while Lucas is missing in the office, and see how in the future it will affect the game.

Back to Agatha.

It's time to visit Agatu. Immediately go to the hall. The old woman is dead. It is necessary to disappear from the house until the police appeared. But first you need to do something. If you want, you can inspect the body, but it will reduce mental health for 20 points. It is better to do.

Run into the room with corners and open the bedside table. Inspect the bag to find the key. Open the cage in the center of the room and view the article in the newspaper. There is another way to open the cage - go to the kitchen behind the knife and open the lock.

Return to the hall and jump out the window.

Happy Anniversary!

Tyler returned home where a pleasant surprise awaits him. Turn the oven, get champagne from the refrigerator and run over the glasses - as asks Sam. When a girlfriend comes out of the room, turn on the music. Mini-game - if you do right, then get a lot of mental health points.

Meanwhile, Charles at work. Drink water and play in yo-yo to restore mental health glasses. After a while, Garrett calls and says that he sent the fingerprint data from the handle by e-mail. Now you need to find two coincidences to prove the guilt of Lucas. To do this, you need to see one evidence and remember it. Then find the second - identical, - also look and remember. Methods set.

If in the first chapter you went home by taxi, see the folder with the personal affairs of the bank employees and the list of addresses for which taxi drivers went. Check the print data with a knife with fingerprints sent by email. Or look at the folder with the personal affairs of the bank employees, and then compare with the initials written in the Shakespeare book.

If the kill's night was called from the cafeteria, check the numbers with a personal Lucas business. If you have found a printout - attach to her scraps of paper. Or simply compare two books found. After the arrival of the Martin officer (about it below), take the folder with the business of bank employees and show the photo of Lucas.

But before you do this, it is worth the wait when the officer Martin comes (a policeman from the cafeteria) and tells about the case in the park. After that, Charles will say that they are tired, and will lose a decent number of mental health points. However, when she proves the involvement of Lucas to murder, they will be restored with interest.

Now call Tyler. The game will switch you to it. Relieve Sam with your knees and take the handset. Time to work. The lady, of course, is dissatisfied - but what to do.

Bloody Washing.

Another vision of Lucas. In it you will see how the oracle makes murder. And then - the image of the girl.


Karl and Tyler went to arrest Lucas. Go along the corridor until you reach the apartment. Chill the door and explore the rooms. The suspect is not at home ... But what about the apartment? Here you are waiting for a series of mini-games and a shuttle roller, in which Lucas will show the wonders of acrobatics.

Captain Jones Is Really Upset

Captain is pushing detectives. Answer in turn Tyler and Karla so that mental health decreases from both - but it will be shortly. This chapter will end.

Fallen Angels.

Lucas is trying to relax in the brother's church. Suddenly, he wakes up someone's voice. Stand from the bench and talk with the dead agate that appeared. After the conversation, the next series of mini-games and a chic video will overtake you.

When the angels calm down, Marcus will appear and wakes his brother. There is no big difference in the conversation, which phrases choose. Although it is desirable to be quieter. However, Marcus still thinks that Lucas went crazy ...

SOAP, Blood & Clues

Get out of the car and tell Tyler to wait inside. After talking to Garrett. Select phrases - at your discretion. Go inside and inspect the sacrifice lying near the door. Then inspect the bloody traces on the floor. After go to the second victim and examine the body. And finally, check the tool kit at the door.

Switch to the tilera. Examine both bodies and telephone. You can look at the washing machine. Finally, inspect the key from the door. Talk to Karla and offer to get out of here.

The Fugitive.

Police hangs on the tail, so you need to hide somewhere to relax and think about what to do next. Apartment former girlfriend - not the best place, But what to do. Without reaching the door, Lucas will see a warning that he is already waiting for him. Go back a little back and turn into the alley.

Purchase through the fence and wait when the police turn away. Select on the other side. Yes, by the way, do not look at the crow (and do not talk to the guy sitting at the booth), if you do not want to lose mental health points. Take the pipe to the cornice. It needs to go over for a certain time - otherwise you fall down. Move forward. A couple of times will have to play mini-games.

Go down the pipe and move through the fence. Now you need to get into the apartment. You can take a brick and smash the glass. Or play mini-game and open with your hands (this option is preferable). Once in the room, get another mini-game. If you do everything right, you will visit a vision from which it becomes clear that it is better not to hide under the bed.

By the way, if you want to restore mental health, then lie on the bed. Then go to the hall and watch the TV. Lucas will understand what to do next. Go to the kitchen, snack and drink milk to restore health. And also go to the toilet for an additional life.

Soon Tiffany comes. If you slept with it, you will get extra points for mental health. The conversation interrupt the knock at the door. Police. You can hide in the shower, a closet or in a buffet. But the most fun of only climb under the table: it can be seen that someone's hands and legs stick out from under him, but the policeman does not notice them in the emphasis.

When you choose a place where to hide, - Tiffany opens the door. While she talks to Tyler, and he, in turn, inspects an apartment, you need to play a mini-game that Lucas do not find. When the police leave, the chapter will end.


Karl decided to visit a psychiatric hospital to chat with patients who committed a similar crime. Go straight along the corridor, then turn right. Worker will open the door to the chamber. In the conversation, choose the words: "Kristen", "No Crazy", "Kristen" and "Other Murders".

Coming out of the chamber, you will get an unpleasant surprise. The light will turn off, and Karlya will again begin the attack of claustrophobia. Move right along the corridor. Having reached the intersection, stop and do not breathe until the patient passes. Turn left and pressing to the right wall, move forward. Stumbled upon another patient, call again and do not breathe.

When you almost get to the throughput point, the door slam will slam - and the patients will begin to approach from three sides. Faster run to the door and knock until Sanitary notes Carlo. UV, carried away! With these crazy ever you never know what you will deliver.

Meeting Kuriakin.

There is nothing to view in the museum, so you immediately go to the professor. When he asks, for which newspaper you are writing, answer that you are an independent journalist. Then you have a mini-game. If you fail - appreciate the discussion, so as not to cause suspicions.

Go behind the professor to the picture and choose phrases: "Thoughts", "Other-World" and "Oracles". Go to the next canvase and answer: "Oracle Kills", "Executor", "Conclusion". When he tasks the question, who you actually choose: "Truth" and "Show Forearms".

After that, the professor conducts you to a parking lot where a series of mini-games will have. At the end of your visit, he will die, but in front of death will share important information. By the way, if you answer differently, it will fade Lucas from the museum and will report this to the guard.

Mayan Secrets.

Finally managed to meet face to face with a mysterious oracle. After the conversation, a black panther will appear and a series of mini-games will begin. At the end of the head, Lucas will meet Agatu - and after the conversation it will return to the real world.

The Clan.

Another scene, during which ... guess. Mini-game. Try to read the text carefully - and you will get a lot of valuable information (yes, I know that it is uncomfortable to push the keys and read at the same time).

Danger & Ubiquity.

Mad Chapter. You have to play immediately for three characters. Starting for Lucas (at the same time it is limited). When he wakes up, stand out the bed and call Marcus.

The game switches to the latter. Oracle came to the church, but at that moment the phone rang. Without joining the conversation, go to the door (you need to select the appropriate phrase). Take the handset. When Marcus is asking, answer: "No time". After that, remove the door and raise the phone again.

Now play Carla. Choose the door next to the Tyler ... Yes, it was inconvenient ... When Karl starts to leave, she would notice that the number 366 is not 369. The figure accidentally turned over. Run to the room next to the fire exit and knock out the door. No one. When the police leave, Lucas appears and the phone will sound again. Take the phone ...

Fate on russian hills

Once in the park, go to the crow. He will fly - run after him. Having reached the railway, call the rail. Sit down and rolling up.

Now you need to go through the beam to get to Tiffany. Rarely mini-game complexity. It is necessary to feel the slider so as not to break down. When you find yourself on that side, unleash the girl and ...

Child "S Play

Again, childhood memories. Waking up, stand out of bed and wake your brother. Get out the window. You need to get to the place designated on the map. Try not to fall under spotlights. Otherwise you have to start first.

Past the first soldiers you run easily. When they turn away - turn the road. Next, suddenly because of the turn it will seem one more. Run a fence and hide behind the boulder. When he passes by - go back.

The next post slip is not so easy. Therefore, Marcus and Lucas are divided. One character runs to a pile of garbage and throw a stone (the appropriate action should appear). Now take turns over the road.

Next, the task will complicate. Let Markus cost the house and knock on the iron barrel. Craked by rumble, soldiers will begin. While he disassembled, what happened - Lucas climbs to a pillar and crawl over the wires (do not forget about the searchlights).


Again, scenes with oracle and mini-game. Nothing difficult.


Karl decided to visit the grave of the deceased girl - it is easy to find on fresh flowers. While she stands and thinks, Lucas will come back at the back. In the conversation, choose the phrases "TRUSTING", "Why" and "Oracle" (mini-games will also be).


There is no difference who you will play in this chapter. When Tyler will ask about Lucas, tell me the truth. So you will raise mental health. When Sam comes, go and talk to her. Now you need to make a choice. If you leave, you will get 20 points for mental health. Stay - lose 85 points. Tyler will no longer appear in the game, so it is better to go with your beloved in Florida.


During sleep, Lucas will see where to look for Jade. By the way, pay attention to how Karl touched him - and compare the dates of this and last chapter.

Where is Jade?

So the shelter where Jade lives. Get out of the car and go to the building. The timer will start counting. But you can not hurry. There is enough time. Complete the nun and go to the end of the corridor. Go to the door on the left (opposite the picture hangs, which Lucas saw during sleep) and take the girl.

Go out into the corridor. Oracle is already here. After the conversation, leave the shelter through the fire exit. Once on the roof, get ready for a series of mini games. Reaching Agatha, give her a child and, coping with a mini-game, get ready for the next chapter (we will still talk about this chapter - it affects the ending).


Go for homeless people until you reach the fire. Talk to Markus, then sort the box and talk with the old familiar. What questions you will ask - it does not matter much. To complete the conversation, select the phrase: "NOW What".

After that, Lucas will go to bed. But Carlo still has something to do. Moderate hands by the fire to raise mental health. Go to the barricade from a piece of garbage - and bother the iron rod. Go to the distant car and remove the battery lantern. Coming out of the car, go to the wall and use the things found to fix the radio. After listening to the news, go to the car to Lucas and go to bed. On the dream coming - a little erotica ...


Simple chapter. Stand out of bed and overheard your parents' conversation. When Lucas notice - the head will end immediately.

Final Countdown.

Final strokes for history. Embition options are a set. And even more ways to achieve them. I hope I managed to find everything. Get out of a snowmobile and fighting with the wind (mini-game), get to the base. Come inside and climb the elevator. In general, it's all. And now - details.

If in the chapter " Where is Jade?» gave the childThe following options are possible.

First, the battle will have to be with A.I. Beat him and take the child. The oracle will appear with Carla. He will need to give Jeid. Refuse. Mini game will begin. If we handle - Carla will shoot the oracle. If you lose - the battle will have. Winning her (or coping with a mini-game, everything is one), again pick up a child and take to the artifact. You won - and the world is saved!

If the oracle wins or give him a child, I will win the clan - and the world will be in their power. Snow melted. So far nothing happens, but soon they will strike.

If you lose A.I. - Oracle will appear and the battle will begin. Let Karl go out of the car and goes to the database. While the opponents are engaged in disassembly, start shaking Lucas. Soon A.I. Wins - and hit Carlo. There is a battle with artificial intelligence. Winning her - you will save the world.

It is worth playing the battle, or do not have time to wake Lucas for the allotted time, or blow the mini-game - and will win artificial intelligence. Catastrophe. People are almost destroyed, everything is covered with snow - but there is hope that a new prophet will appear.

If in the chapter " Where is Jade?» did not give a childThe following options are possible.

First, the battle with Oracle will have, then with the soldiers of the clan and A.i. Win them - and the world will be saved. If you blow up the soldiers - artificial intelligence will appear and they are spreading. Further on the plan - kill A.I. If you lose the oracle - switch to Karl and go to the database. Pick up the lombing and stun the soldier. Lukas will find - and you will have a battle with A.I. and soldiers.

Bad endings can be obtained in the same way as in the previous case. Listen to Oracle and allow the girl to the artifact, lose A.I. - etc.


We summarize. Depending on the end, you will see the appropriate video. Interest Try all options. However, we know that the victory should go good guys. Right? After graduating from the game, get 200 premium glasses to which you can open almost all the additions that developers have prepared. Pay special attention to music. Excellent songs that are not sin to listen to free time.

I almost forgot. Probably you paid attention to a large number of crows that appear throughout the game. Through them, an artificial intelligence was observed behind Lucas. From beginning to end.

Combat Past Quantic Dream

French Studio Quantic Dream has become famous after the Omikron: The Nomad Soul. This is original I. interesting game. She, like Fahrenheit, is at the junction of genres and is a rattling mixture of adventure, militant and arcade. The game has won popularity thanks to a strong plot, worked out the game world and thoughtful quests.

Almost every order could be performed in several ways, but again we carry out analogy with Fahrenheit - only the result was important in terms of passing. In other words, the player was cleverly misled, with all their might hiding the linearity of the game.

Many interesting ideas were tested in Omikron, some of which developers subsequently implemented in Fahrenheit. The character could improve his skills in training and had a backpack where it could collect objects (than not role-playing game? ..). And in the event of death, you could also move to another body and continue the game with a different character.

Fahrenheit passage

Dedicated to everyone who, playing in Fahrenheit, is often asked: "And" what "do something?"

Once upon a time in the cold winter time…
Nikolai Nekrasov

Snow-covered New York. Plays a sad motive. Stones frost. Little cafe. A toilet in which Lucas Kane, being in a trance, strikes a knife for a strike in the chest of an unfamiliar person. Having woke up from such an unusual occupancy, the hero (and you probably with him) dwells in a state of shock. Unslash start. But there is no time to stand still (the game is very clearly hinting at it, showing us a policeman). First you need to hide all the evidence and make it as quickly as possible. So, grab the hopeless body and drag it into the cabin of the toilet. We take the mop and wipe the bloody stain from the floor. Do not forget about the knife (although it's not deadly, since I missed this item at the first pass, but nothing terrible happened, and unexpectedly I discovered him, playing after the police). Well, of course, do not forget to wash your hands. If you have strong nerves, and the policeman has the same strong bladder in the cafe, you can still dry your hands and check the coin apparatus hanging on the wall (hit it and you will get it). Leave the toilet.
On again, it all depends on you. You can sit at the table and eat, pay the bill, go to the musical apparatus and include music that it will raise the fallen mood of the main character (which is very important in the game) and then leave the cafe. You can simply immediately go to the door (it's scary) and to escape even without paying the bill. Also at your service is provided a black move. There are other behaviors, but nothing good, believe me, they will not bring.

It's time to approach the musical machine and put the song "I killed, you got"

Going out, leave the scene as soon as possible (the camera intersigibly shows that the policeman "impacted"). You can do this by caught a taxi (turn right) or, descending into the subway (turn left). Nonlinearity to ...

THE INVESTIGATION (investigation)
Two police officers are driven to the crime scene and Tyler. Coming out of the car, look around (bloody track in the snow) and reflect on the murder (clicking on the corresponding icon). Come into the room. Driving Carla, talk to the police, who discovered unhappy. After the waitress questions, choose the "sacrifice" and "object" and it will agree to go to the police and make a photorobot). Next, carefully inspect the table, followed to eat killer. Your goal: blood on the seat, account and book lying under the table. Make a couple of words with two policemen. You can "be like" a coffee shop.
Switch to the Tilera. Drink coffee to raise the combat spirit. You can also call his girlfriend. Talk to two policemen and follow the partner, examine the table. There is nothing more to do here, so we go to the toilet (in the sense of the murder).

Karl: - "I think - myocardial infarction"

Playing for Karl, show your internal abilities of a detective and inspect the body, mop, blood in the booth (left), where Lukas sit (it seems that he has problems with the stomach). Well, just prevention for the sake of water in the rest of the cabins.
Tyler, too, is still Sherlock. Under your sensitive leadership, he digs in the garbage bucket, examines the sink, the drain tank in the right booth and, of course, the damaged body. As a result, you have a knife, or rather - the murder tool!
We again take the control of Karl and go outside through a black move. Try to talk to the homeless (sits next to the garbage containers) for more information to help consequences. Go through the trail of Lucas, and Karl will pay attention to the taxi.
ATTENTION: In order to avoid a negative impact on the psyche, the heroes should not be returned to the cafe through a black move, talking to the homeless tilera, trying to them (in the sense of Tyler) to use the need and turn on the musical machine.
Sit into the car.

The Day After (day later)
As soon as Lucas woke up you need to destroy possible evidence. After all, the police awake will come here soon. Take the medicine and take a bed. By the way, do not think to interfere with alcohol medicine, as the author of this article did.
Answer phone call. Listen to messages on the answering machine. Remove the shirt into a washing machine (it is in the bathroom if that). In the same place on the shelf above the sink, get the bandage and tie up. Closing the locker, Lucas will see "Babika". Be sure to accept the shower and make a right need (I want to mention a very interesting use of movements by the mouse: sometimes it brings to the absurdity - remember at least as even eyelids you need to close by moving with the mouse). Although after such visions usually resort to the latter. By the way, it will help Lucasy to recover somewhat ...
Someone (in the closet in the bedroom - again, if that), drink milk from the refrigerator, listen to music (in the left cabinet the kitchen there is a bonus). Look at the balcony and take the bonus. But from watching the TV, reading newspaper and admiring the photo of our hero, the roof is slowly riding. So I do not advise ...
And here and "guests". Take the key from the table to the left of the bar rack and open the door.

A policeman: - "Drugs, weapons, money, htched dishonest way?"

After the conversation, the police will examine your modest housing and leaves (in the conversations it is not proposed phrases, but only words that sometimes leads to confusion). Also go for a walk too.

Confession (repentance)
Go on the way straight. Not far from the left of you awaits Brother Marcus. Take the crucifixion proposed by the priest (adds life).
On the way back you will see the tragic scene - the child falls under the ice. The hero, of course, wants to save him, but adrenaline add the approaching police. We throw into the water and a taking child upstairs. (At that moment, the main thing is not to break the keyboard, insanely tapping the keys. Easy such mini-games will help reduce the monitor resolution to 640x480 and setting the minimum graphics settings). On the shore, we understand that the heart of the child is not beating. Is everything really in vain? But do not give up. Take yourself in your hands and start making him a heart massage. As soon as the child woke up - get up and go away from sin :)

Police Work (Police Work)
After the conversation of Karla Valentine with the police, climb the stairs. Through the side door, go to the site. Then proceed to the Cabinet. The path to you to block the detective, to whom Tyler owes some amount. Once in the office, drink water, play Yo-yo, check mail - in general, you usually live with life, because it is much more interesting to play. Also one of the police will offer you to see the analyzes. Call Tyler to appear at work.
Take the management over the Tyler. Stand out the bed, visit the shower and make a need (we remember that it greatly helps the characters). Sit and drink in the living room coffee. Talk to the girl. Select the option "Understanding" or "Lask", and then "Consultation". Come to the entrance door and dine the jacket. Kiss Sam and leave the apartment.
After throwing a couple of words with a policeman at a rack, climb into a plot. And here and the detective granted a debt. Talk to him. Come in the Cabinet. Remove the jacket, drink water. You can approach Tyler's table and play with a basketball ball. You can also view your mail and get a message from Sam. Get out of the Cabinet.
Go to the Garrett Detective Table and listen that he will tell Carla.

ALTERNATE REALITY (reality change)
Lucas goes to work. Leave the toilet, do not forget to wash, although this is logical. On the way to the office you can refuel the coffee maker. The mini-game begins. Proper keystrokes will open the path to the thoughts of the partner. Opening the box, you can consider the photos stored there, however I warn that such an action will lower your, so-called mental health, there will be an extra life in the table. Using a computer, you also drop health, but without it in any way. Raise the phone called phone. The conversation will raise the mood of Lucas (just do not say "no" otherwise get the opposite result). Then refer to the computer again. You will have to play another mini-game. The victory will allow to look into the future, which, by the way, will not make himself wait. Soon the hero will go to the hall to repair broken equipment. At the very beginning of the repair, he will attack beetles. Fuck the key combinations (one friend proved that in this case you can quickly-quickly put pressure on all keys - you still click on it).

"To kill everyone who has more than two legs!", H / f "Star landing"

Waking up, Lucas will leave work.

Reconstruction (Reconstruction)
The pathologist tells Carla about the wounds of the victim. For information, you need to press keys in time (mental health decreases for errors). In conclusion, talk to the doctor.

Tyler & Kate (Tyler and Kate)
A waitress came to Tyler to compile a photorobote of the killer. You can not achieve from it. As a result, the portrait may not get out at all, but this fact will not affect anything.

LOST LOVE (Loss of Love)
Let's a little smallest while the free minute fell out. To do this, we have a bunch of everything interesting: guitar, punching pear, music, TV, snack (in particular milk and alcohol), and the toilet, in the end. All this will help raise the mental health of the hero.
Now it's time to take off. But soon Lucas will wake a call on the door. Let the guest in the apartment. Suggest a girl to drink (alcohol remind you in the kitchen). Then she will ask you to bring boxes (the first is near the phone, the second - on the left side of the computer). During a further conversation, select "Calm", "Sitment", "One" and Tiffany will offer you to play the guitar. I recommend not allowing a single error. However, all this may not be if you spend the girl from the threshold (just do not try to drink after that, since the depression will strengthen the depression, and that we do not need it). And this is a completely different story.
In the middle of the night, some kind of sound awakens Lucas again. ATTENTION: All further actions will lead to loss of mental health, so it's better to just fall asleep back, but it's curious, what's there, damn it! Go to the living room. Turn off the TV. We see that the entrance door is open. We look in the corridor, and there (drum fraction) is a little dead girl.

Hide and Seek
Lucas decided to go to the grave of his parents (where the path turns to the grave, go straight to get an extra life). Put flowers, and Lucas will begin to remember childhood .... If you correctly press the keys, you can see how to get to the desired hangar.
And now I, like a navigator, will lead you on the territory military base. So, let's go. Right move to the right side of the fence. Surride on the grid on the other side. Turn and wait for the guards turn back. Continue to follow the boulder to the left of the entrance. Once on the other side, wait for the boxes. Move along the road a few meters, sticking to a riding truck. Through N meters fold to the hangar. Fold to the hangar. You arrived at the destination. After convincing your brother to get shattered, proceed to finding his friends. One sits in boxes. The second hides in the opposite corner behind the cabin of the aircraft (tell me that his allegedly is looking for mom). The third hid on the second floor behind the iron sheets.

Friendly Combat (friendly fight)
You have to spend training fight. Before stumping to the breathtaking fists, it is necessary to warm up well. Each of the characters you need to work out at least two simulators (do not forget to drink water after each of them - useful for health)

Exposure from the forum

We climb into the ring and begin the fight. A certain proportion of the luck and dexterity of the hands will help you to overcome the ten rounds.

Charles and Tyler are discussing the case with the leadership. Optimal Options Replica:
Tyler: "Psychopath"
Charles: "Not sure."
Charles should find the story of Kirsten in the archive. (Go left in a small passage and take a bonus). Turn on the light. A mini-game setting the slider is closer to the center so that Karl does not spare. (If you do not cope, the detective will lose 10 mental health points and return to the very beginning). Move forward. Near the terminal, turn left and free the passage. On the wall, turn it on. Return back. The Circus is in the 1990-2000 Section. Turn the left wheel. Go through the resulting passage and turn the second wheel. Return. Turn the left wheel again - and then right. Go through the passage and turn another wheel there. Take the cassette from the shelf and return to the terminal. Check the record.

Debriefing Tyler

Play for Tyler. Go down and talk to the Chinese. He will agree to help - but only if you find the right book. Go to the table with a magnifying glass and read the name of the book issued to them. Now put a book on the table selected in the cafe. List the pages until you see the inscription in the left corner. Carefully read it. Pick up the folding tab. On the second floor, browse the book on the bedside table next to the door. This is a magazine. The name of the author begins on "D", so you need to search in the "A-F" zone marked with white. Lay the name by Chinese book. Complete until the end of the second floor corridor and take the bonus. Go down and scroll down the book on the table next to the seller. Books released from 1700 to 1800 are located on the third floor. Close up to the section with white squares. Take the book and take the Chinese. Take the bonus near the stairs and leave the store. By the way, at the first pass, I tried to find the book by the book by the "Tyka" method and how it always happens, I came across it at the very least.

Agatha (Agatha)
Lucas decided to visit Agatu, which brother told him. Call the call. Open the door and go straight along the corridor. Go through the hall and go to the bedroom. Severe in the table box to get an extra life, and go to the bathroom for a bonus. Now start a conversation. Stand behind the chair and take the handles. Get out of the bedroom and roll the chair to the room to the right of the entrance door (the trip looks very, hmm ..., fun). During the conversation, Agata will ask you to feed the birds. Open the bedside box and go around the cells. After talking further. Now roll the trolley into the hall. For a session you need three candles and matches. The candles lie in the bedside table in the hall, you will find matches in the kitchen (there is a bonus). When the candles get lit, close the curtains and extinguish the light. After sitting on the chair. Agatha will hold a spiritual session (during the session you will have a mini-game: do not make a mistake Losing health glasses)

At the request: "Baba sorcerers, Santa Santa" Yandex Pictures issued the following image

Suddenly the session will be interrupted.

Questions & Bullets (Questions and Bullets)
Go to the last booth. You have to work out shooting in a dash, along the way, leading a conversation (you can shoot on the red targets, it is impossible to shoot on white). For each "killed" criminal you will get a plus three seconds. For the "raised" peaceful inhabitant - a fine of time. The less misses, the higher the accuracy. You need to dial as many points as possible (shoot well - get a few points to mental health).

Double or Quits (double or hand)
Do you know how to play basketball. Mini-yang will show the truth (scoring 10 points, wins). By the way, the loss or winnings will respectively affect health.

The Storm (Storm)
Just-tired keys to Lucas and you still have to save his life, making Markus. Look at the door and click on the call. Choose the door (accompanied by a mini-game) and run to the balcony (time limited). Look down and pull out Lucas (again mad tapping with keys).

Dark Omen (Black Sign)
From the bathroom, go to the hall. Take the handset (right from the door) and talk to Tyler. Dress up. Quickly open the door to the calling guest (he has a bottle)!
Glasses in the middle upper cabinet in the kitchen. Drink wine and talk. Guest will suggest to pay the Tarot on the maps (whatever card you have chosen - the result is bad). When Tommy leaves, look at the TV, go to the toilet, lie on the bed and snack pizza.
Switch to the Tilera. Sit at the table and turn on the computer. Browse the mail and news (special attention to shares). Call Carla and tell me about your opening. Take the scribe, get to fax and send a message. Lost health replenish water.
Switch to Carlo and take the fax (next to the laptop). Soon Tommy will call. Ask him about paper. Call back Tyler and tell me to check. (If you enable Karla's computer and climb into the Web section, you can find out more about another Quantic Dream Studio game called Omikron: The Nomad Soul)
Switch to the Tilera. Take a piece of paper, sit at the table and turn on the lamp. Now explore paper under the light. In one place should enlighten a watermark. Call with Carla.

Face Off (without face)
Lucas and Karl met. Hide evidence. Climb from the table and look at the printout on the right. Hide it. Get rid of the book lying on the left. Interrogation begins. Answer almost all questions truth. Society only about the disease when you ask about the attack in the office. About the photo of the suspect just joke. Issues about hands again solgita. When talking about your location in the night of the murder, simply translate the conversation to another direction.
When Lucas comes out of the office, look at two photos, a well-ahead of the table of the table (there is a book) and take the handle. Show vigilance and you will get a print with promotions (you can not hide the evidence or leave Carlo to idle while Lucas is missing in the office to see how events turn)

Back to Agatha (Return to Agate)
Go to the hall. The old woman is dead (I dare to assure you - it is not a splitter without a row). The body inspection will significantly reduce health. That is about to get brave polismen. Without losing a second rush into the room with a corona. In the nightstand, take the key. Open the cage (the lock can also be opened with a conventional kitchen knife) in the center of the room and view the article in the newspaper (there is a bonus in the bedroom of Agata). Return to the hall and jump into the window.

Happy Anniversary! (Happy Anniversary)
Turn the oven, pour champagne and turn on the music on the player. Mini-game - if you do right, then get a lot of mental health points.
Playing for Carlo, drink water and play in yo-yo to restore health glasses. You need to find two coincidences to prove the guilt of Lucas (if in the first mission of Lucas drove home by taxi, Carla can check the list of taxi drive calls). Check the knife prints with fingerprints sent by email. Check the folder with the personal affairs of the Bank's employees and compare with the initials written in the book. Attach the paper block to the printout. Karl is tired (health drops). Nevertheless, soon fatigue will take away. Call Tyler.
We play again for the black detective. Take the phone (the phone is a challenger).

Confrontation (confrontation)
Go along the corridor to the desired apartment. Chill the door and explore the rooms. Already driving Lucas, you will come to your home. Ambush! Here you are waiting for mini-games and battle in the best traditions of Jason Born

Captain Jones Is Really Upset (Captain Jones is very upset)
Simply (it's better to alternately, so that health has decreased from the heroes in turn) answer questions.

Fallen Angels (Fallen Angels)
Stand from the bench and talk to Agata. Ahead of you will be waiting for an extremely furious mini game.

SOAP, Blood & Clues (soap, blood and evidence)
We leave the car and talk to Tyler to wait inside. Then you need to talk to Garrett. We go inside and inspect the sacrifice lying near the door (special attention to the symbol on hand). Then watch the bloody traces on the floor. After approaching the second victim. Survey the body. You also need to check the toolkit at the door. Go to the other side of the washing machines and in the basket we discover the bonus. Next, play for Tyler. Quickly inspect both bodies and telephone, throwing a look at the washing machine. Finally, we look at the door from the door, speak with Carla.

Go back and turn into the alley. Purchase through the fence and wait when the police turn away. Select on the other side. Yes, by the way, do not look at the crow (and do not talk with a guy sitting at the booth), if you do not want to lose health glasses. Take the pipe to the cornice. It needs to go over for a certain time - otherwise you fall down. Move forward. A couple of times will have to play mini-games.
Go down the pipe and move through the fence. You can take a brick and smash the glass. Or play mini-game and open hands. In the room, get another mini-game. To restore health, stick on the bed. Look at the TV. In the kitchen, snack and drink milk to restore health. Go to the last cabinet, open the right door and take the bonus. And also go to the toilet for an additional life. During a conversation with a girl, police will come. You can hide in the shower, closet or in a buffet or get out back to the window. While your girlfriend talks with the kopas, you need to play a mini-game that Lucas do not find.

Janos (Janos)
Go to the doors (at the end of the corridor there is a bonus). Go straight along the corridor, then turn right. On the phrase of the worker, answer "not crazy", and then ask questions of interest. Consider symbols on the walls, and then leave the chamber. Move right along the corridor. Having reached the intersection, stop and do not breathe until the patient passes. Turn left and pressing to the right wall, move forward. Stumbled upon another patient, call again and do not breathe. At the end, run to the door and knock on all legs.

Meeting Kuriakin (Kuryakin)
In the corner of the room bonus. In a conversation with a professor at the first question, choose "independent" and "joke" on the second. When choosing to lie or not - it is better to say the truth. The professor holds you to the parking lot where the series of mini-games will have. By the way, if you answer differently, it will fade Lucas from the museum and will report this to the guard.

We look exciting videos and perform mini-games.

Danger & Ubiquity (ubiquitous danger)
When Lucas wakes up (time limited), get out of bed and call Marcus.
The game switches to the latter. Without joining a conversation with Oracle, go to the door. Take the handset. If you want Marcus to survive, in a conversation with him, select the option "Once." After that, remove the door and raise the phone again.
Now play Carla. Embroide the door. Run to the room next to the fire exit and knock out the door.

Fate on Russian Hills (fate on Russian slides)
Run behind the raven (take life behind the house). Call the trailer. Get to the girl. It is necessary to feel the slider so as not to break down. (Oh, well, I flew Lucas when you find yourself on the side, unleash the girl.

CHILD "S Play (children's games)
Stand out of bed and wake your brother. Get out the window. You need to get to the place designated on the map.

"And I want, and I want to run pigeons on the roofs again ..."

Try not to fall under spotlights. When the soldiers turn away - the road is moving away. From the next, roll the sideways and strengthen the boulder. Next, one of the brothers run to Musor and throw a stone. In turn, run across the road. Marcus will house the house and knocks over the iron barrel. He distracted guard. Lucas climbs to a pillar and crawl over the wires (do not forget about the searchlights). Go inside the hangar.

Checkmate! (Checkmate!)
And again a mini-game. Press the keys.

The PACT (Treaty)
Fresh colors find the grave of the girl. Press the keys to read Karlya thoughts.

To the question of Tyler, tell me the truth (health will rise). Now you have to choose. If you leave, you will get 20 points for mental health. Stay - lose 85 points. I advise you to treat a partner with understanding.

Jade (Jade)
Lucas will see where to find the girl (however, you will have to press the keys again).

Where is Jade? (Where is Jade?)
Get out of the car and go to the shelter. (The timer will start counting, but you can not hurry, as it is enough time). Complete the nun and go to the end of the corridor. Go to the door to the left and take the girl. (You can read her case on the bedside table near the bed and find out that her name is Jade, parents are unknown and she is sick autism). Go out into the corridor. After the conversation, leave the shelter through the fire exit. Once on the roof, fight with oracle (i.e., go through the mini-game). When you have come to Agata, you will have to choose to give the girl to her or not. (This will not particularly affect the ending, it only depends on it, there will be or not Jade with you further). And again we are waiting for the battle now with cyborg. Quickly we retire and hiding in the hatch

Bogart (Bogart)
Go beyond the homeless to the fire. Talk to Marcus (the mood of the hero will improve), then sort the box and talk with the old familiar. After that, Lucas will go to bed. But Carlo still has something to do. Mine hand around the fire to raise health. Stand from the box and go to the right. Go to the car and take your life. Then go to the left to the second car. If Jade is with you, go to the first doors of the car and ask about her well-being. Go to a bunch of garbage - and bother the iron rod. Go to the distant car and remove the battery lantern. Coming out of the car, go to the wall and use the things found to fix the radio. After listening to the news, go to the car to Lucas and go to bed ...

Overhear the conversation of your parents. Just and just!

Final Countdown (Last Countdown)
The endings in the game we have several.
Get out of the snowmobile and get to the base. Come inside and climb the elevator.
If you gave the girl, then the following is waiting for you:
Win A.I. And take the child. Oracle will need to give Jade. Refuse. Mini game will begin. If we handle - Carla will shoot the oracle. If you lose - the battle will have. We win and save the whole world.
If the oracle wins or give him a child, I will win the clan - and the world will be in their power.
If you lose A.I., I will appear oracle and the battle will begin. Charles coming out of the car and goes to the base. Shake Lucas (do not have time, and a catastrophe will happen). A.I. Wins - and hit Carlo. We defeat and the world is saved.
If you did not give the girl, the events will turn out like this:
Battle with Oracle, then with the soldiers of the clan and A.i. We defeat and the world is saved. Otherwise you have to fight with A.I. If you lose the oracles, then switch to Karl and go to the database. Stun with scrap of a soldier. And Lucas begins the battle with A.I. and soldiers.

Sometimes they say - "He was not born in his time" - and this, as a rule, implies the tragedy. But if "not then" and "not there" will be an unusual person - everything can happen! Didn't Lucas think that by going to have a snack in an ordinary cafe, he will be a killer - and after it is in a crazy race, where will the fate of all mankind be on the horse? Starting the investigation, Charles could not even imagine what he learns what would change her life forever.

Long path begins with a small step. From a very small step on the snow-covered New York. Normal cafeteria. Unusual visitor. The wheels of fate are sweaty. The game begins His Majesty the case ...

Character Management and Game Process

Attention immediately attracts an unusual system of interaction with objects and people. When you approach the object, an icon appears at the top of the screen, showing where you need to move the mouse to use it. For example - if you come to bed, the bed symbol will appear and the down arrow circle. Pulling the button, move the mouse down - see? - The character obediently settled.

The same thing is in conversation. Only here is limited time to choose a response, so you have to quickly think so as not to smash nonsense. By the way, phrases are not fully written: only keywords are displayed. It sometimes creates confusion, as in some cases it is difficult to understand what exactly your character is bounce.

Mini-game. They are everywhere. Equal from the flying chair. Find out what the character thinks. Knock out the door. And much more. If there is no gamepad, they can become a nightmare. Now I will explain why. There are two types of mini-games.

« Dance circle" Two circles will appear, each of which is broken into four sectors corresponding to the keys. Red - Up, Blue - Left, Yellow - Right, Green - Down. Motion keys are responsible for the left circle. Figures - 2, 4, 6, 8 on the numeric keypad - for the right. After the lettering "Get Ready" will begin to light up the division of one of the circles (and sometimes both at once). You need to click on the keys that match the highlighted sector. If you have gained the right combination, the inscription will appear - "Great", if it did not work - "Failed".

Now imagine - you have eight fingers on the keyboard and desperately poop the keys. Because the sectors light up and go out quickly. It is often helping such a reception - you stop following the sectors and with the persuasion of highly qualified dyatlaze pour over all keys immediately. It sounds insanely, but it helps in most cases - especially in the case of complex combinations.

« Pereyani." There is a blue strip with a runner. You need to press the keys < and > To move the slider. It is necessary to knock on the keyboard at the same time - otherwise you are "blowing" a mini-game or simply do not move the slider on a certain place.

There is another variety of this mini-game. It is necessary, on the contrary, hold the slider in the middle of the strip and watch it, so that he does not roll to the edge. What can help? Reduce the monitor resolution to 640H480 and set the minimum graphics settings - running. Verified.

The game has three main characters. In another chapter, you have to manage at once two. To switch between them, press the ENTER key. It is often given a choice which chapter to play first. It does not affect the passage of the game. Freedom sip - and only.

Each of your heroes has a certain level of mental health. If at the end, for example, the first chapter felt no matter if it starts the second in the same condition. If it falls to zero, the character will go crazy or commit suicide. Mental health decreases, if the character, you yourself understand, upsets something: let's say, hesitated at work or remembered the former girl.

The mood can be raised if you successfully make yourself anything good: for example, a snack, drink milk or sleep. At the same time, the need for the hero is greatly dependent on the situation, therefore, in passing, I will mention the actions that reduce and increase mental health. The health value is located in the range from 0 to 100 points. Depending on your actions, it increases or decreases by 5, 10, 20 or 30 points. During the game, you can always click Right Ctrl and watch the current status of the character.

In addition to mental, our friend Lucas has physical health. It is represented by white circles at the top of the screen. If you, let's say, fail the mini-game threatening your health, is one division. When the values \u200b\u200bof the circles are completely reset - the character will die. Health can be replenished by collecting crucifixes.

And last. Not advice. Just a wish. Do not try to squeeze everything from the game. Enjoy the gameplay. Imagine that watch the movie - an exciting interactive thriller. Unique and unique.


The Murder.

Three blows with a knife in the chest. Murder in the toilet. So, your story has begun. You need to leave the cafeteria before the policeman visits the toilet. Otherwise, you will be captured - and on this game will be completed. But first you need to hide evidence and raise the mental health of Lucas.

As soon as the movie runs, grab the body and drag into the toilet. One is less evidence. Now take the mqvabra and set the blood stain. At the same time, it will not be possible to completely get rid of traces on the floor, but you will correct the mental health of the character.

What else? Knife. Raise the murder tool from the floor, and let Lucas hide him. Wash your hands in the sink - so you get rid of blood traces. Try using condom sale automatic. It's broken. A couple of times knock on it - and get a coin. So, here we did everything. Go out to the cafeteria.

Do not speak with visitors, sit at the table. Eat, drink, pay the bill. Look at the mug with coffee. Strange, because Lucas never drinks it. So, someone was with him? It's time to get out of here. Go up to the door, turn on the music machine to raise the mood.

Once on the street, go down to the subway or catch a taxi to get to the house.

For the sake of interest, you can try to: go out into the cafeteria with bloodied hands, wait for a police station in the toilet, talk to visitors, call, call, try to leave, without paying, waiting for the police arrival on the street. True, nothing good will not come from it.

The Investigation

Here are two more main characters. Karl and Tyler - police without fear and reproach. Coming out of the car, reflect on the murder (the appropriate action will appear) and inspect the bloody mark on the snow. After entering the inside.

Let Karl talk to the policeman, and then comes to the waitress. There is no big difference, what questions you will ask her, in working with people the main thing - communication. When a girl gets nervous, calm her. After the conversation, the police will take her home. Now explore the table, followed by the killer. Pay attention to the account, the book under the table and the blood on the seat.

Switch to the Tilera. Explore the table, followed by Lucas. After talking with two policemen and drink coffee for a rack to raise mental health (Carlo Coffee will not hurt either). To reassure Tyler, call his beloved girl.

Go to the toilet. Switch to Carlo. Explore the body of the murdered, inspect the mop, the blood in the booth, where the Lukas was sitting, and open the door to the right booth. Tyler let him also examine the body, check the sink, fights in the garbage bucket and examine the drain tank in the right booth (there must be a knife).

Now let Karl go outside through a spare outlet (do not try to go back, otherwise you will lose 10 mental health points) and talk to the homeless. He will give some information. Return through the main entrance to the cafeteria. Give Tylera once again to talk to the police, and after invite Carlo to go home. You will sit in the car, and ... This chapter will end.

The negative impact on the psyche of both police officers has a return through a spare entrance (not otherwise because the sign is bad), and for Tyler, in addition, there is also an excitement to play the toilet, turn on the musical machine and talk to the homeless.

The Day After

Lucas woke up and realized that yesterday's incident is not a dream. Soon a policeman comes to the apartment, so you need to destroy the evidence. Drink the medicine to get rid of headaches (do not try after taking alcohol), and fill the bed.

Go to the living room. Sawsmon phone. Talk to my brother - and after listen to the answering machine. So what else? Choose a shirt and throw a shirt in the washing machine in the bathroom. Everything, no longer left. Open the shelf over the sink and tie your hands with a bandage. This will happen an unpleasant incident. Clear. You can at the same time to hide need - a good way to correct mental health.

Go to the bedroom and get dressed and then go back to the room. Drink milk from the refrigerator and listen to music. It will calm you. There is just a policeman. Take the key from the table and open the door. He will ask to explore the apartment. There is no more evidence, so agree. When a policeman leaves, go out.

What can be done wrong: drink alcohol after the medication, watch TV, read the newspaper and look at the photo. It is better to refrain.


On the track go to the square, where Marcus is waiting. In a conversation with my brother, select the "CONVINCE" option. When he proposes to take a crucifix, agree - it will give you an extra life. When Lucas goes back - he will see how the child falls under the ice. And here, as I discharge, there is a policeman who was in the cafeteria. To do nothing to attract his attention - but what to do? Okay, hope for good luck.

Start into the water and drag the child to the surface. Damn it, he does not beat his heart. Start making a heart massage. When Lucas says - "Three" - press. When the child wakes up, get up and leave the park. The policeman learned you ... But why did not delay?

Police Work.

A little stupid, on the right way to restore mental health when you are in the office.

Meanwhile, the police do not sleep. Our brave detectives began an investigation. Talk to the guard at the entrance and climb the stairs. Go to the door on the side to get to the office. In it, by the way, you can drink coffee to fill mental health. Cabinet is located in the far corner. On the way, Karl will capture Detective Garrett and remind you that Tyler should be money. And he will say that he has some murder.

Come in the Cabinet. Drink water and play yo-yo to raise mental health. After calling a tilera and tell me to appear at work. Now switch to it.

Stand out of bed (and you can be sought, which will be very angry by Karl), take a shower, make a small need (for considerations of care for mental health). Return to the room and get dressed and then go to the hall and drink coffee. After talking to the girl. In the dialog, select "Tender" and "Convincing" so that it calms down. Kiss her on the lips, wear a jacket and leave the apartment.

Close to the office and go to the office. The detective will remind you that you need to give debt. Selecting the response phrase value does not have: the result will be the same. Come into the office, talk to Karla. After drinking water, hang the jacket and go to the office.

Go to the Garrett's table and listen to what he will tell Carle. The choice of phrases value does not have. Then Karl let go back to the office, sit down at a computer and read the mail and news. Pay special attention to the letter with the topic: "Kirsten".

Alternate Reality.

Lucas, despite what happened, decided to go to work. Get out of the toilet and use the sink to wash. Leave the restroom and go to the office (it is marked with a red dot). On the way you can drink coffee. Sit down at the table - and attention is a mini-game. If you do it right, you will find out what colleague thinks - but lose some mental health points.

Open the drawer to get an extra life. Use the computer. True, it will reduce mental health, but in any other way. But soon the phone will call. Raise the phone and talk to Tiffany - it will again raise your mood.

Sit down for your computer - you are another mini-game. If you do, you will see how the coffee mug fell. Damn it, it seemed. Take advantage of the computer again. Soon the phone and the mug will actually fall. Talking, Lucas will go repair broken equipment.

As soon as he proceeds to repair, the attack of beetles will begin - and everything depends on the agility of the hands. The faster you click on the buttons, the greater the chances to avoid attackers. When "Move" appears, run into the cabin. And again - mini-games.

You will reduce mental health if you do not answer the phone calls, say Tiffany "No" or climb in the left drawer of the table to look at the photo.


The pathologist will inspect the body and talk about the characteristic damage. So that Karla receives maximum information - you need to win in a mini-game. For each failure, she will receive a minus ten mental health points. If you fail everything - you can go crazy. After the end of the opening, talk to the doctor. Whatever answer options you choose - as a result, he will mention the case of Kirsten.

Tyler & Kate.

Meanwhile, a waitress came to Tyler to make a killer photography. Despite the assurances of the girl that she, they say, remembers the killer - she won't say anything sensible. All work will have to do it yourself. In fact, there is no difference as the portrait will come out - at least not at all like. In the future, this will not affect the game.


Well, what, Lucas? Now and you know kun-fu.

So far did not come Tiffany, you can go up with urgent affairs. Namely, the restoration of mental health. To do this, do the following: Play the guitar (first turn on the speaker), stretch with a boxing pear, listen to music, go to the toilet, drink milk, take a medicine or Alcohol (do not interfere together). You can watch TV. It will not add anything (as well as, and does not ignore) to your mood - but learn the latest news.

After going to bed. Lucas wakes up a call to the door. Let Tiffany in the apartment. First choose in the "New" dialog - and then "Glass". She agrees to drink. Go to the kitchen and get a bottle. Pour the gin on the glasses and get back to the girl with a drink.

She will ask you to bring boxes - why not? One lies near the phone, the other to the left of the computer. After in a conversation, select: "Sincere", "Sentimental" and "Alone". Tiffany will ask you to play the guitar. If you cope without errors, then get a passionate kiss in gratitude and something else.

The second time Lucas wakes up in the middle of the night. If you do not want to lose 20 mental health points, then immediately fall asleep again. You will save strong nerves, but skip the interesting scene (I suggest: see what will happen, and then replay). So, did you decide to take a look? Then go to the hall and turn off the TV, and then exit the corridor. There is a strange girl. Who is she?

Hide and Seek.

Looks like? Not? Well, hell with him!

Lucas decided to visit the grave of his parents. Where the path turns to the grave, go straight to get an extra life. After return back and go to the marcus. Put the flowers on the grave and talk to my brother.

After the conversation, Lucas will begin to remember childhood. Here is Markus and his friends - they decided to play in the fourth hangar. A sudden vision - and Lucas understands that the hangar is about to explode. You need to save my brother! Run to the right side of the fence. In this place the grid is thrown, it can be moved to the other side.

Wait for the guards turn back, and run to the boulder to the left of the entrance. There in the fence there is a hole. Purchase to the other side and hide the boxes. At the entrance to the hangar 4b is the guard. Wait when the truck goes, and hiding behind it, run along the road, and then fold to the hangar.

After convincing your brother to get shattered, proceed to finding his friends. One sits in boxes (there is a whole series). The second is hiding in the opposite corner behind the plane cab. To remove it from there, you will have to lie, which is looking for a mother, - otherwise he does not touch. The third hid on the second tier (staircase up next to) behind the iron sheets.

This chapter will end.

Friendly Combat.

Meanwhile, detectives decided to face the forces in the ring to relax in front of an important thing. Before you start the battle, you need to warm up well. To do this, you will have to work on two simulators with both characters. Do not forget to drink water from a bottle facing the bench after each simulator, it will restore mental health.

After training, climb on the ring. You need to win ten rounds. Each round is a mini-game. Hand agility - and victory is yours. If you want, you can repeat again. However, there will be no sense from it.


It's time for business. Karl must find Circethene in the archive. Turn the light and listen to the monologue about the claustrophobia. There will be minor problems. Namely - the next mini-game. It is necessary to hold the slider closer to the center so that Karl does not panic, and at the same time move forward. If you do not cope, the detective will lose 10 mental health points and return to the very beginning.

To go through the files, you need to rotate the wheels that move the stands. So you will open the passage. Having reached the terminal, turn left and free the passage. On the wall you will find the switch - pull it to give a current. Return back.

Now it's time to find a matter. It is located in the 1990-2000 Section. To get there, first turn the left wheel. Complete through the resulting passage and turn the second wheel. Return. Turn the left wheel again - and then the right. Go through the passage and turn another wheel there - this time last. Take the cassette from the shelf and return to the terminal. Check the record. Empty ... It is necessary to ask the investigator who led the case.

Debriefing Tyler

Tyler was lucky more Chala. But slightly. Go down and talk to the Chinese. Ask anything. All will not help. When you get to leave, he will agree to help - but only if you find the right book.

As a tip, he will give you another book and say that she is from the same collection. Go to the table with a magnifying glass and read the name ("Cave Ne Cadas", "De Gruttola"). Now put a book from the cafeteria on the table. List the pages until you see the inscription in the left corner. Carefully read it and take a book. From it will fall a tab that you need to pick up.

Climb on the second floor and look at the open book that lies on the bedside table next to the door. Lay the name by Chinese book. So, published in 1796. Go down and scroll down the book on the table next to the seller.

Books released from 1700 to 1800 are located on the third floor. Close up and find a section marked with white squares. Take the book and take the Chinese. You can ask him. True, he won't say anything sensible. Get out of the store.


Meanwhile, Lucas decides to visit Agatu, whose address gave him an elder brother. Call the call. No answer. Open the door and go straight along the corridor (in the rest of the rooms we will come back). Go through the hall and go to the bedroom.

Sleeping woman in a wheelchair. Good assistant. Before talking with her, step in the table box to get an extra life, and go to the bathroom. Now start a conversation. The conversation will be pretty short - and there is no difference that asking.

Agata will ask to take her to a room with birds where she will continue to talk. Stand behind the chair and take the handles. If your sense of humor allows you to arrange the show "Old woman in a centrifuge". Hold the "Movement" button and see how the agate is fun.

So, they have fun - and enough. Go from the bedroom and roll the chair to the room to the right of the entrance door. Now she will continue the conversation. Choose any phrases. Then Agata will ask to feed the birds. Open the bedside box and go around the cells. After talking further.

Now roll the trolley into the hall. To spend a session, you need three candles and matches. The candles lie in the bedside table in the hall, you will find matches in the kitchen (the second room next to the entrance door). When the candles get lit, close the curtains and extinguish the light. After sitting on the chair ...

During the session you have a mini-game. If you click the wrong key combination - lose mental health glasses and start from the same place. The session will suddenly interrupt. Agatha will tell Lucas to come tomorrow. Then she will open the murder secret in the cafe.

Questions & Bullets.

You need to talk with a detective, who led the Circus Circus. Go to the last booth and give a man. Before talking - you will have to shoot targets.

Rules are simple. On the red targets it is possible to shoot in white - it is impossible. For each "killed" criminal you will get a plus three seconds. For the "raised" peaceful inhabitant - a fine of time. The less misses, the higher the accuracy. You need to dial as many points as possible. If you shoot well, you will get several points for mental health.

In the conversation you can choose any phrases. Anyway, at the end of the conversation, Mitchell will tell you important information about Kirsten.

Double or Quits.

While Carla runs down, Tyler with Jeffrey decide to play basketball. Another mini-game. It is necessary to do the same thing that in the ring. Who is the first to take ten points - he will win. Yes, by the way, before the match, do not forget to make fun of Jeffrey.

The Storm

Lucas decides to return home and relax after a difficult day. When the phone call is heard, lift the phone ... damn voice, but it's too late. There is another series of mini-games. When Lucas fall down, you will be switched on Marcus, which decided to spend your brother.

Look at the door and click on the call. No answer. Creek will be heard from behind the door. Help the priest knock out the door (mini-game) and run to the balcony. Look down and pull Lucas (this is also a mini-game).

Dark Omen.

The chapter will begin with a very interesting video. Get out of the bathroom and go to the hall. Take the phone and talk to Tyler. He promises to send a fax a piece of paper from the book. Dress up. Soon the neighbor will come with a bottle of wine. When he calls, open the door.

Now you need to find wine glasses. They lie in the cabinet in the kitchen. Put them on the table, drink wine and chat with a guy. He will suggest to pay on Tarot maps. Whatever maps you choose - anyway the result will be bad. When Tommy leaves, look at the TV, go to the toilet, lie on the bed and snack pizza to raise mental health.

Switch to the Tilera. Sit at the table and turn on the computer. Browse the mail and news. Pay special attention to stocks. Tyler guesses that the scrappy of the paper is a list of shares. Call Carla and tell me about your opening. She will ask you to send a fax. Take a piece of paper, get to fax and send a message to the partner. At this point, Tyler will feel fatigue and will lose a decent amount of mental health points. To restore it a bit, drink water.

Switch to Carlo and take the fax (it is next to the laptop). Soon Tommy will call. Ask him about paper. He will say that it should be watermarks. Call back Tyler and tell me to check.

Switch to the Tilera. Take a piece of paper, sit at the table and turn on the lamp. Now explore paper under the light. In one place should enlighten a watermark. Call partner. To the question of who will go to the bank - select Carlo.

Face Off

Finally, Lucas and Karl will meet. While the detective did not enter the office, you need to hide evidence. Stand out of the table and look at the printout on the right. Take it and remove away. Now check the book lying on the left. It also needs to get rid of it.

When a detective goes to the office, interrogation will begin. Reply truthfully for all questions. Besides two. Tell me about the disease when she asks about the attack in the office. And when it will show a photo of the suspect, select a joke. She can also ask about hand and where you were on the night of the murder. In the first case, Lengita, in the second, translate the conversation to another topic.

During your conversation there will be several mini games. If you win, you will find out what Karl thinks - and get a small hint. Beetles will still appear, but nothing to do with it. Mental health will decrease anyway.

When Lucas comes out of the office, look at two photos, a well-ahead of the table box to find a book, and take a pen. She will need later. You can still find a printout with shares. When Lucas comes, the detective will leave the bank.

By the way, you can not hide evidence for the sake of interest or leave Carlo to idle while Lucas is missing in the office, and see how in the future it will affect the game.

Back to Agatha.

It's time to visit Agatu. Immediately go to the hall. The old woman is dead. It is necessary to disappear from the house until the police appeared. But first you need to do something. If you want, you can inspect the body, but it will reduce mental health for 20 points. It is better to do.

Run into the room with corners and open the bedside table. Inspect the bag to find the key. Open the cage in the center of the room and view the article in the newspaper. There is another way to open the cage - go to the kitchen behind the knife and open the lock.

Return to the hall and jump out the window.

Happy Anniversary!

Tyler returned home where a pleasant surprise awaits him. Turn the oven, get champagne from the refrigerator and run over the glasses - as asks Sam. When a girlfriend comes out of the room, turn on the music. Mini-game - if you do right, then get a lot of mental health points.

Meanwhile, Charles at work. Drink water and play in yo-yo to restore mental health glasses. After a while, Garrett calls and says that he sent the fingerprint data from the handle by e-mail. Now you need to find two coincidences to prove the guilt of Lucas. To do this, you need to see one evidence and remember it. Then find the second - identical, - also look and remember. Methods set.

If in the first chapter you went home by taxi, see the folder with the personal affairs of the bank employees and the list of addresses for which taxi drivers went. Check the print data with a knife with fingerprints sent by email. Or look at the folder with the personal affairs of the bank employees, and then compare with the initials written in the Shakespeare book.

If the kill's night was called from the cafeteria, check the numbers with a personal Lucas business. If you have found a printout - attach to her scraps of paper. Or simply compare two books found. After the arrival of the Martin officer (about it below), take the folder with the business of bank employees and show the photo of Lucas.

But before you do this, it is worth the wait when the officer Martin comes (a policeman from the cafeteria) and tells about the case in the park. After that, Charles will say that they are tired, and will lose a decent number of mental health points. However, when she proves the involvement of Lucas to murder, they will be restored with interest.

Now call Tyler. The game will switch you to it. Relieve Sam with your knees and take the handset. Time to work. The lady, of course, is dissatisfied - but what to do.

Bloody Washing.

Another vision of Lucas. In it you will see how the oracle makes murder. And then - the image of the girl.


Karl and Tyler went to arrest Lucas. Go along the corridor until you reach the apartment. Chill the door and explore the rooms. The suspect is not at home ... But what about the apartment? Here you are waiting for a series of mini-games and a shuttle roller, in which Lucas will show the wonders of acrobatics.

Captain Jones Is Really Upset

Captain is pushing detectives. Answer in turn Tyler and Karla so that mental health decreases from both - but it will be shortly. This chapter will end.

Fallen Angels.

Lucas is trying to relax in the brother's church. Suddenly, he wakes up someone's voice. Stand from the bench and talk with the dead agate that appeared. After the conversation, the next series of mini-games and a chic video will overtake you.

When the angels calm down, Marcus will appear and wakes his brother. There is no big difference in the conversation, which phrases choose. Although it is desirable to be quieter. However, Marcus still thinks that Lucas went crazy ...

SOAP, Blood & Clues

Get out of the car and tell Tyler to wait inside. After talking to Garrett. Select phrases - at your discretion. Go inside and inspect the sacrifice lying near the door. Then inspect the bloody traces on the floor. After go to the second victim and examine the body. And finally, check the tool kit at the door.

Switch to the tilera. Examine both bodies and telephone. You can look at the washing machine. Finally, inspect the key from the door. Talk to Karla and offer to get out of here.

The Fugitive.

Police hangs on the tail, so you need to hide somewhere to relax and think about what to do next. The apartment of the former girlfriend is not the best place, but what to do. Without reaching the door, Lucas will see a warning that he is already waiting for him. Go back a little back and turn into the alley.

Purchase through the fence and wait when the police turn away. Select on the other side. Yes, by the way, do not look at the crow (and do not talk to the guy sitting at the booth), if you do not want to lose mental health points. Take the pipe to the cornice. It needs to go over for a certain time - otherwise you fall down. Move forward. A couple of times will have to play mini-games.

Go down the pipe and move through the fence. Now you need to get into the apartment. You can take a brick and smash the glass. Or play mini-game and open with your hands (this option is preferable). Once in the room, get another mini-game. If you do everything right, you will visit a vision from which it becomes clear that it is better not to hide under the bed.

By the way, if you want to restore mental health, then lie on the bed. Then go to the hall and watch the TV. Lucas will understand what to do next. Go to the kitchen, snack and drink milk to restore health. And also go to the toilet for an additional life.

Soon Tiffany comes. If you slept with it, you will get extra points for mental health. The conversation interrupt the knock at the door. Police. You can hide in the shower, a closet or in a buffet. But the most fun of only climb under the table: it can be seen that someone's hands and legs stick out from under him, but the policeman does not notice them in the emphasis.

When you choose a place where to hide, - Tiffany opens the door. While she talks to Tyler, and he, in turn, inspects an apartment, you need to play a mini-game that Lucas do not find. When the police leave, the chapter will end.


Karl decided to visit a psychiatric hospital to chat with patients who committed a similar crime. Go straight along the corridor, then turn right. Worker will open the door to the chamber. In the conversation, choose the words: "Kristen", "No Crazy", "Kristen" and "Other Murders".

Coming out of the chamber, you will get an unpleasant surprise. The light will turn off, and Karlya will again begin the attack of claustrophobia. Move right along the corridor. Having reached the intersection, stop and do not breathe until the patient passes. Turn left and pressing to the right wall, move forward. Stumbled upon another patient, call again and do not breathe.

When you almost get to the throughput point, the door slam will slam - and the patients will begin to approach from three sides. Faster run to the door and knock until Sanitary notes Carlo. UV, carried away! With these crazy ever you never know what you will deliver.

Meeting Kuriakin.

There is nothing to view in the museum, so you immediately go to the professor. When he asks, for which newspaper you are writing, answer that you are an independent journalist. Then you have a mini-game. If you fail - appreciate the discussion, so as not to cause suspicions.

Go behind the professor to the picture and choose phrases: "Thoughts", "Other-World" and "Oracles". Go to the next canvase and answer: "Oracle Kills", "Executor", "Conclusion". When he tasks the question, who you actually choose: "Truth" and "Show Forearms".

After that, the professor conducts you to a parking lot where a series of mini-games will have. At the end of your visit, he will perish, but before his death will share important information. By the way, if you answer differently, it will fade Lucas from the museum and will report this to the guard.

Mayan Secrets.

Finally managed to meet face to face with a mysterious oracle. After the conversation, a black panther will appear and a series of mini-games will begin. At the end of the head, Lucas will meet Agatu - and after the conversation it will return to the real world.

The Clan.

Another scene, during which ... guess. Mini-game. Try to read the text carefully - and you will get a lot of valuable information (yes, I know that it is uncomfortable to push the keys and read at the same time).

Danger & Ubiquity.

Mad Chapter. You have to play immediately for three characters. Starting for Lucas (at the same time it is limited). When he wakes up, stand out the bed and call Marcus.

The game switches to the latter. Oracle came to the church, but at that moment the phone rang. Without joining the conversation, go to the door (you need to select the appropriate phrase). Take the handset. When Marcus is asking, answer: "No time". After that, remove the door and raise the phone again.

Now play Carla. Choose the door next to the Tyler ... Yes, it was inconvenient ... When Karl starts to leave, she would notice that the number 366 is not 369. The figure accidentally turned over. Run to the room next to the fire exit and knock out the door. No one. When the police leave, Lucas appears and the phone will sound again. Take the phone ...

Fate on russian hills

Once in the park, go to the crow. He will fly - run after him. Having reached the railway, call the rail. Sit down and rolling up.

Now you need to go through the beam to get to Tiffany. Rarely mini-game complexity. It is necessary to feel the slider so as not to break down. When you find yourself on that side, unleash the girl and ...

Child "S Play

Again, childhood memories. Waking up, stand out of bed and wake your brother. Get out the window. You need to get to the place designated on the map. Try not to fall under spotlights. Otherwise you have to start first.

Past the first soldiers you run easily. When they turn away - turn the road. Next, suddenly because of the turn it will seem one more. Run a fence and hide behind the boulder. When he passes by - go back.

The next post slip is not so easy. Therefore, Marcus and Lucas are divided. One character runs to a pile of garbage and throw a stone (the appropriate action should appear). Now take turns over the road.

Next, the task will complicate. Let Markus cost the house and knock on the iron barrel. Craked by rumble, soldiers will begin. While he disassembled, what happened - Lucas climbs to a pillar and crawl over the wires (do not forget about the searchlights).


Again, scenes with oracle and mini-game. Nothing difficult.


Karl decided to visit the grave of the deceased girl - it is easy to find on fresh flowers. While she stands and thinks, Lucas will come back at the back. In the conversation, choose the phrases "TRUSTING", "Why" and "Oracle" (mini-games will also be).


There is no difference who you will play in this chapter. When Tyler will ask about Lucas, tell me the truth. So you will raise mental health. When Sam comes, go and talk to her. Now you need to make a choice. If you leave, you will get 20 points for mental health. Stay - lose 85 points. Tyler will no longer appear in the game, so it is better to go with your beloved in Florida.


During sleep, Lucas will see where to look for Jade. By the way, pay attention to how Karl touched him - and compare the dates of this and last chapter.

Where is Jade?

So the shelter where Jade lives. Get out of the car and go to the building. The timer will start counting. But you can not hurry. There is enough time. Complete the nun and go to the end of the corridor. Go to the door on the left (opposite the picture hangs, which Lucas saw during sleep) and take the girl.

Go out into the corridor. Oracle is already here. After the conversation, leave the shelter through the fire exit. Once on the roof, get ready for a series of mini games. Reaching Agatha, give her a child and, coping with a mini-game, get ready for the next chapter (we will still talk about this chapter - it affects the ending).


Go for homeless people until you reach the fire. Talk to Markus, then sort the box and talk with the old familiar. What questions you will ask - it does not matter much. To complete the conversation, select the phrase: "NOW What".

After that, Lucas will go to bed. But Carlo still has something to do. Moderate hands by the fire to raise mental health. Go to the barricade from a piece of garbage - and bother the iron rod. Go to the distant car and remove the battery lantern. Coming out of the car, go to the wall and use the things found to fix the radio. After listening to the news, go to the car to Lucas and go to bed. On the dream coming - a little erotica ...


Simple chapter. Stand out of bed and overheard your parents' conversation. When Lucas notice - the head will end immediately.

Final Countdown.

Final strokes for history. Embition options are a set. And even more ways to achieve them. I hope I managed to find everything. Get out of a snowmobile and fighting with the wind (mini-game), get to the base. Come inside and climb the elevator. In general, it's all. And now - details.

If in the chapter " Where is Jade?» gave the childThe following options are possible.

First, the battle will have to be with A.I. Beat him and take the child. The oracle will appear with Carla. He will need to give Jeid. Refuse. Mini game will begin. If we handle - Carla will shoot the oracle. If you lose - the battle will have. Winning her (or coping with a mini-game, everything is one), again pick up a child and take to the artifact. You won - and the world is saved!

If the oracle wins or give him a child, I will win the clan - and the world will be in their power. Snow melted. So far nothing happens, but soon they will strike.

If you lose A.I. - Oracle will appear and the battle will begin. Let Karl go out of the car and goes to the database. While the opponents are engaged in disassembly, start shaking Lucas. Soon A.I. Wins - and hit Carlo. There is a battle with artificial intelligence. Winning her - you will save the world.

It is worth playing the battle, or do not have time to wake Lucas for the allotted time, or blow the mini-game - and will win artificial intelligence. Catastrophe. People are almost destroyed, everything is covered with snow - but there is hope that a new prophet will appear.

If in the chapter " Where is Jade?» did not give a childThe following options are possible.

First, the battle with Oracle will have, then with the soldiers of the clan and A.i. Win them - and the world will be saved. If you blow up the soldiers - artificial intelligence will appear and they are spreading. Further on the plan - kill A.I. If you lose the oracle - switch to Karl and go to the database. Pick up the lombing and stun the soldier. Lukas will find - and you will have a battle with A.I. and soldiers.

Bad endings can be obtained in the same way as in the previous case. Listen to Oracle and allow the girl to the artifact, lose A.I. - etc.


We summarize. Depending on the end, you will see the appropriate video. Interest Try all options. However, we know that the victory should go good guys. Right? After graduating from the game, get 200 premium glasses to which you can open almost all the additions that developers have prepared. Pay special attention to music. Excellent songs that are not sin to listen to free time.

I almost forgot. Probably you paid attention to a large number of crows that appear throughout the game. Through them, an artificial intelligence was observed behind Lucas. From beginning to end.

Combat Past Quantic Dream

French Studio Quantic Dream has become famous after the Omikron: The Nomad Soul. This is an original and interesting game. She, like Fahrenheit, is at the junction of genres and is a rattling mixture of adventure, militant and arcade. The game has won popularity thanks to a strong plot, worked out the game world and thoughtful quests.

Almost every order could be performed in several ways, but again we carry out analogy with Fahrenheit - only the result was important in terms of passing. In other words, the player was cleverly misled, with all their might hiding the linearity of the game.

Many interesting ideas were tested in Omikron, some of which developers subsequently implemented in Fahrenheit. The character could improve his skills in training and had a backpack where it could collect objects (what is not the role-playing game? ..). And in the event of death, you could also move to another body and continue the game with a different character.