Where is the stronghold of the paladins legion. Legion Overview: Class Halls. How to return to your class hall

Stronghold of warriors in the Legion sheltered in Heavenly Citadel main character military legends and myths - One... The harsh Scandinavian god with his heavenly palace Valhalla found a place in the new World of Warcraft addon.

Stronghold is a zone where players of the same class will spend a lot of time, going to the lines of defense of Azeroth from the Burning Legion. In addition, the stronghold provides many opportunities, for example

  • study and improve the artifact - a mythical weapon that will be awarded to the warriors of Odin
  • send squads of companions to fight demons
  • get quest tasks for raids and the plot with Illidan
  • Once a week, get a chest with rewards for completing Mythic Dungeons
  • visit trainer and mannequins

How to get to the warrior stronghold in the Legion?

For the first time, an envoy invites to the stronghold, who will warn about the danger of the invasion of the Legion and tell you how to get to the Stronghold for an audience with its leader. But, if you forgot where the entrance is or accidentally teleported to another city, it becomes difficult to return.

The entrance to the Stronghold of the Warriors is located in Dalaran at Kras's Landing (where there is a palette or a griffin master in a human way). The warriors do not have any spells and abilities to return to the stronghold, unlike druids or magicians.

To go to the stronghold, you need to approach the Valkyrie , which soars above Krasus' platform next to the falling light from the heavens. Enter the circle of light and press the button that appears in the middle of the screen (extra button).

Companions not only help carry out missions, but also reveal some history in the fight against the Legion. So, you can find key lore personalities, for example, Rehgar for shamans or Manastorm for magicians. The main goal of companions (champions) is to help in various class hall missions, which give experience, artifact power, gold, and sometimes gear. A certain number of missions are also required to complete a class campaign or to obtain a mount, such as a fox. Each class has access to eight allies in the Legion stronghold, but only five champions can be active. The rest will be marked "pending instructions." You can activate an ally at any time, but it will cost 250 gold. Legion leveling companions: common, rare, epic The starting level of a champion is determined in which company (chapter) of the stronghold he is received, but the starting quality will always be normal. That is, the quality does not depend on the hero's level: 100, 13, 19 or 110. The maximum level is 110. To improve the quality of a follower, you must complete missions. Experience graph for companions regardless of class:

XP you need:


When a champion has received the maximum level and quality, no experience is awarded for him.

Legion Follower Item Levels

Having reached level 110 of a follower, he receives an ilvl of 760 items, which can be increased to complete more difficult tasks. Maximum level 850 items. Improving the quality of equipment requires the following improvements:

  • Heavy Armor Set: +5 Position Level
  • Reinforced Armor Set: +10 Position Level
  • Impenetrable Armor Set: +15 Position Level

This means that items will always be a multiple of a number, and companions cannot have, for example, 799 ilvl. You can get elements in two ways: from various missions of the stronghold, with the help of the third level of improvement of the stronghold. As for the second method, Druids, Monks and Shamans can get it. Other classes simply place orders for champion weapons. Each order takes 12 hours and costs 50 resources. Guide to Companions in the Class Hall: Low Level and Combat Sometimes, for 100% winrate in missions, you can add low-level followers, but if you send all low-level champions to the task, then the chances of victory will be much lower ... It is also worth considering that such companions do not fully gain experience. If the difference is too great, then it will become simply useless: not conducive to success.

Legion Companions Outfit

When champions reach 110 level and other quality, then equipment slots are opened for them, which can be used as upgrades. The first slot is unlocked when a follower reaches a Rare quality, the second one is epic. You can get the equipment:

  • Class Hall missions
  • Local quests
  • Third tier of the Order
  • Emisar
  • Treasures, chests

To put equipment, simply click on the icon or place the desired item in it. Below is a table with different equipment that improves a certain stat:

Victory Increase Percentage:

Shabby stone

Lucky bauble

Fetish luck

Increases the success rate of missions by 15%.

Hurrying pocket watch

20% on missions less than 4 hours.

Potion of energy

30% of missions are less than 4 hours.

Elixir of Mighty Concentration

40% of missions are less than 4 hours.

Sturdy Hiking Boots

On a mission longer than 8 hours by 20%.

Bottomless flask

On a mission longer than 8 hours by 30%.

Vial of Endless Breath

On a mission longer than 8 hours by 40%.

Undead Token

Death Knight

Rune of Retribution

Death's Touch

Relic of the Ebon Blade

Marauder's Trail

Demon hunter

Relic of the Shadow

Demon's Seal

Essence of Malice

Elune's Gaze

Scroll of Growth

Glowing Token

Forest Ember

Bow of the Ancient Kings

Seeker's Receipt

Windrunner's Gift

Cloak of Deception

Magician's Trinket

Arcane Token

Ring of Primal Power

Highborne Trinket

Chi Energy Gem

Blessing Tea

Crazy Stone I Can

Bell of Rage

Hammer of Justice

Protection of the Light

Scripture of Enlightenment

Ornament of the Order of the Silver Hand

Sacred Figurine

Priest (priest)

Power of Light

Sanity In A Bottle

Edge of Sanity

Smoke Grenades

Strength Siphon Brew

Disappearance Powder

Mitan Voodoo

Earth Clamp

Totem of the Earth

Furious Charge

Skull of the Dark Brotherhood


Demonic Brew

Helm of Command

Council of the Black Harvest Relic

Might of the Valarjar

Battle Banner

Ax Val "kira

Skull of the Fallen Enemy

Demon in the box

Mission success rate is 15% higher.

Royal feathers

The mission success rate is 15%, and with bodyguards it gives 25 units. resources for completing a local quest.

Potion of Sacrifice

The mission success rate is 15%, and with bodyguards it gives 15 gold for completing a local quest.

Brooch of endless dreams

Reduces mission time by 15% and increases success rate by 5%.

Book of secrets

Reduces mission time by 15% and grants 25 pts. resources in local quests with a bodyguard.

Eltrig's Grace

Reduces mission time by 15% and gives 15 gold in local quests with a bodyguard.

The power of omen

Gives 100 pts. resource with a bodyguard in completing local quests and increases success in missions by 5%.

Ice fang

Gives 100 pts. resource with a bodyguard in performing local quests and reduces the time for completing missions by 5%.

Coals of Fiery Expanses

Gives 100 pts. resource with a bodyguard in the implementation of local quests and 15 gold.

Refuge of Light

Gives 50 gold with a bodyguard in completing local quests and increases the victory percentage by 5.

End of the Nightmare

Gives 50 gold with a bodyguard in completing local quests and reduces the time for completing missions by 5%.

Dust of Azeroth

Gives 25 pts. resource with a bodyguard in the implementation of local quests and 50 gold.

Winter horn

Death Knight

Increases victory percentage by 20% during one mission, can be used up to three missions.

Golden banana

Manuscript of truth

Action plan


Shattered soul

Demon hunter

Restores 1 vitality to target unit.

Wild mushroom

Meryl's Conjured Foods

Healing well

Healing Stream Totem

Spiteful Soul Healthstone


Scream of the dead

Summons a squad of Valarjar aspirants.

Companions in the Legion by class: a list, where to get it?

Below you can see a list where all the Legion's companions by class are indicated, what abilities they have. We've created helpful notes for some of the champions.

Companions of the Hunter (Hunt) Legion:


Rogue's Companions (Horns) Legion:


Legion class halls are special zones, unique to each class, where you can work with your artifact, complete tasks, and communicate with other members of your class.

Access to Class Hall

Most classes will use portals in Dalaran to access their Class Hall. These portals, as well as their associated NPCs, are scattered throughout the city:

  • Death Knights, Druids, Mages and Monks have their own teleports: Death Gate, Dreamwalker, Teleportation: Guardian's Bulwark, Spiritual Journey.
  • Demon Hunters: Use Glide to reach a small island near Dalaran where you will find a portal. If your planning is interrupted, the gargoyle will take you to safety.
  • Hunters: A special airway network accessible only to them. Speak with Talua to travel to the Shooter's Refuge.
  • Paladins: Fly to Light's Hope Chapel or teleport to your faction's block.
  • Priests: Portal in your faction's quarter.
  • Rogues: Go through the secret doors that will only open to you. Doors are in the shops - "Great goods" (52 69), "One hundred more" (53 33), "Tanks are our everything" (45 29).
  • Shamans: Portal at Krasus' Landing.
  • Warlocks: portal on the way to the Cloaca.
  • Warriors: In each location there is a Valkyr, near which you can use the Jump to the Heavenly Citadel to teleport to the Stronghold.

Walk through the strongholds

Each Stronghold has some unique characteristics. Here are some of them:

  • Druids gain access to a set of portals to some natural locations. The Dreamgrove is also home to two pets - the Woodsman and the Nightmare Lasher.
  • Rogues gain access to a Black Market representative. In the storage you will also find a toy - the Suspicious Box.
  • Shamans can play the totem version of the game "Light" s Out "(you can google the game if the name doesn't tell you anything). For victory you will receive a Lava Fountain. Also, there is a pet - Snowfang in your neighborhood.
  • Warriors can fight each other in a special Arena. The winner's reward will be Stormforged Vrykul Horn.
  • Demon Hunters and Warlocks can get a pet in their strongholds - the Hateful Eye.

Class Hall classes

Why go to your Class Halls at all? Here are a few things you can do there:

  • Change the appearance of your Artifact. You can add the power of an artifact and study the talents of your weapon anywhere in the world, but you can only change its appearance in the Stronghold.
  • Roll back learned talents. If you need to change the path of development of your Artifact, you need to return to your Stronghold.
  • Start research with NPCs to improve your Artifact Knowledge.
  • Complete Class Hall missions. These missions are not as frequent as the Garrison missions on Draenor. But the rewards for these missions are worth completing. For example, as a reward for Exploration in the Darkheart, you will receive the quest item Flask of Poisonous Blood, which in turn sends you to the dungeon. Also, Champions and Squads can be rewarded. You can find more information in the Legion Class Hall Mission Guide.
  • Complete special class quests to learn more about your class's lore. With their help, you can shed light on interesting features your class. Wowhead has done some of them on the Alpha of the Legion, but beware of spoilers: Bringer of the Light , Paladin meeting of the silver hand , Shaman Return of the Windlord , Warlock Searching the Archives.
  • If you completed the Mythic + Keyed Dungeon within the allotted time, you will receive a reward for that next week. You can find it in the chest in your Stronghold.
  • Visit the Quartermaster to buy the Order Armor Set, Armor Upgrades, and some cosmetic items.
  • In Class Halls, you can communicate with other members of your class both factions.
  • More information can be found in the database itself:, Order Advancements and.

Class Hall Armor Sets

Each class can purchase. Outwardly, they are similar to the sets issued for the Challenge Mode in Mists of Pandaria, but with some changes.
The individual parts of the kit can be opened in different ways:

  • Helmet is a reward for the simple quest of the Hall at level 110
  • Wrists - Hire 6 Champions in the Bulwark
  • Gloves - Honored by the Nightfallen
  • Leggings - Win last bosses in 8 Legion dungeons
  • Feet - Revered with any two Broken Isles factions
  • Chest - Complete your Hold campaign
  • Belt - Get 100,000 Artifact Power
  • Shoulders - Exalted by the Nightfallen
All items can be upgraded to item level 840:
  • Up to 820 - for 0 Order Resources
  • From 820 to 830 - for 0 Order Resources
  • From 830 to 840 - for 0 Order Resources
Acquainted with appearance of all sets of armor you can in A little about this wonderful stronghold.

Hall of the Guardian is a secret magical hideout located on the upper floors of Dalaran's Violet Citadel. Once upon a time, the Council of Tirisfal gathered here and kept their secrets. Since the Council ceased to exist during the days when Medivh was the Guardian of Tirisfal, the Stronghold was abandoned and remained in this state for several decades.

As the Burning Legion launched a new invasion of Azeroth, Katra "natir escaped from Meryl Felstorm's body, intending to take over the Guardian's Crucible. Meryl, teamed up with the famed mage and spirit of Alodi, was able to banish the Nathrezim and decided to bring the Crucible to a safer place, which became the Bulwark. The Guardian. ”When they were transported here with the Crucible, Alodi declared it painful for him to see how decayed the vault was.

Meryl replied that the Bulwark could still be useful, since the enchanted wards did not stop functioning. Felstorm revived the Guardians of Tirisfal, who had guarded the Council during the Guardian's absence. Now the order had to not only fight the Burning Legion, but also to eliminate a more specific threat - Katra "natira, who had learned many secrets of sorcerers during his captivity in the body of Meryl.

Relative order was quickly restored to the Bulwark, and through the portals opened by the Great Akhalaimakhalai, spellcasters from all over Azeroth arrived and settled in the vacant halls. The library became the heart of the Stronghold, in the center of which the Crucible of the Guardian was installed. The new leader of the order used it to empower his artifacts with new powers. There are many rare enchanted books on the shelves of the library, some of which are not shy about flying. Old Man Filmuff, formerly the archivist of the Violet Citadel, took over as librarian. Although he does his job perfectly, he does not seem to realize that he died long ago and was reborn as an undead.

Despite the existence of a specific library, the entire Guardian Hold is filled with literature, which sorcerers study in search of knowledge. There are no less ancient artifacts here, still filled with energy, and mysterious devices, the purpose of which is not easy to guess. Globes, beakers, alembic stills, flickering crystals, amazing intercom - it's impossible to list everything. The walls are lined with pots of strange purple soil in which beautiful flowers grow, sparkling with sparks of magic.

Sorcerers are not shy about using witchcraft to solve all problems. Animated brooms are cleaning the halls. For lighting, metal braziers are used, filled with bright sorcerous flame. The passages are guarded by magical defenders woven from mana. Instead of the usual tactical map here, right in the air, there is a projection that depicts everything that is needed. Rotating magic devices made of crystals play the role of training dummies. The walls of the Guardian Hold are adorned with symbols of the Kirin Tor and the Council of Tirisfal, as well as special runes. They are also hung with portraits depicting great magicians or places and events of interest to the Kirin Tor.

You may have noticed that there is some confusion in the Alliance and Horde forces right now - a mess in the ranks of the leadership. In World of Warcraft: Legion, you'll have to take charge and find a way to rally your people against the demons that threaten all life on Azeroth. To save the world from destruction, you will travel to the Broken Isles. Here you have to unite with other representatives of your class (regardless of their faction) and oppose the Burning Legion.

Each class needs a home: a hideout where heroes can find support, and a military meeting room where battle plans can be drawn up. In Legion, this home will be your stronghold - a stronghold unique to each class, where heroes are with you world of warcraft will try to fight back the armies of the Burning Legion invading the Broken Isles.

Death Knights: Acherus

Acherus, also known as the Black Keep, was once the necropolis of the Scourge. Now every death knight will find in him what he needs: forge, forge of runes and Crucible of Souls.

Where is: hovers over the Broken Shore
How to get there: with the Gate of Death
Notable Death Knights: Lord Torval, Commander of the Dreadlords Thalanor, Banshee Shioxy

Demon Hunters: Fel Hammer

Demon hunters immediately recognize the Fel Hammer ship, because they have already visited it during the introductory part of the game in Mardum.

Where is: Mardum
How to get there: by teleportation
Notable Demon Hunters: Allari the Soul Eater, Altruis the Sufferer, Kayn Sunfury

Druids: The Grove of Dreams

Opposite Black Rook Hold is a dense forest with the Grove of Dreams. Here, the Emerald Dreamway opens up for druids, with the help of which they are able to move between the various areas of interest to them.

Where is: Val "ball
How to get there: after opening a class hall, use the Dreamwalker ability to teleport to the Dreamgrove
Notable Druids: Keeper Remulos, Lunara, Malfurion Stormrage

Hunters: Arrow's Haven

Strelka Shelter opens up a network of aerial trails that can only be used by hunters. Here you have to join the wanderers, trackers and dark trackers, so that together you can go through extremely difficult trials. Only hunters who have gone through survival school and have a deep knowledge of wildlife can count on success.

Where is: Highmountain
How to get there: after opening the class hall, summon the eagle, which will take you to the Shooter's Refuge
Notable hunters: Hemet Nesingwary, Vereesa Windrunner, Rexxar

Mages: Hall of the Guardian

Bulwark of the Guardian is a tower where mages of all stripes have come together to revive the Guardians of Tirisfal at a difficult hour for Azeroth.

Where is: Dalaran
How to get there: by teleportation
Notable inhabitants: Edria, High Sorcerer Andromath, Meryl Felstorm, Marud

Monks: Hall of the Seasons

The Hall of the Seasons, home to the Temple of Five Dawns and Mandori Village, is home to monks of all races.

Where is: Wandering island
How to get there: with the help of "Spiritual Journey"
Notable monks: Chen Wildporter, Ji Firepaw, Li Li Wildporter, Aisa Chanting Clouds

Paladins: Hall of Light

The Abode of Light is the place where the Order of the Knights of the Silver Hand was reborn, uniting the servants of the sun, the Hand of Argus, the knights of the blood and many others.

Where is: Under Light's Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands
How to get there: flight to the Chapel of Light's Hope or with the help of the special ability of the paladins, which allows you to teleport to the Abode of Light
Notable Paladins: Edric the Pure, Lord Maxwell Tyrosus, Lord Grayson Tenelom

Where is: Cloaca of Dalaran
How to get there: enter a gate open only to robbers
Notable Rogues: Vanessa VanCleef, Garona Half-Hound, Valeera Sanguinar