Passage of the game that Level Again 2. download video and cut MP3 - we have it just

This large man - the hero of the puzzle game called That Level Again 2 was again in the locomotive room and now he has to get out of imprisonment. That's just without your help, he can not do, because there are many diverse objects around both safe and not very much. Your task is to use objects that are available around the grade that will help you find the key, open the door and get out. And here you will use logical thinking, attention, intelligence and our tips.

Level 1 (0:00): everything is simple. The little man must take the key and open the door to them.

Level 2 (0:10): Where did I leave it? The little man should find the key, and for this you need to go through the wooden door to another room, where it is what is needed. Then you have to go back and open your door.

Level 3 (0:28): Moon. In this room weak terrestrial attraction, so while driving should be careful.

Level 4 (0:36): Do not take. Here the little man will not be able to take the key in hand, but it can be kicking, like a ball to the door.

Level 5 (0:57): Is it there again? The key from the door is again in another room. That's just there a little man will need a ninja that must trim the rope. And his role will be performed by your finger, which you just need to spend on it. Now the little man will be able to take the key and open his door.

Level 6 (1:14): Use your fingers. This time the key must take exactly you. To do this, move it with your finger to the door. Now the turn of a little man who needs to pass through the outdoor doorway.

Level 7 (1:23): Spare output. The key from this door disappeared, so the little man will have to use the window as a spare exit. So you need to press it until the glass burst. Now the little man can get out through the hole.

Level 8 (1:33): New look. The key from the door is in the second room, so the little man should go there. To get to him, he will have to jump over all the ships. Now he can come back and unlock the door.

Level 9 (2:06): without jumps. In this room, our hero should pick up the key and get to the door, without performing a single jump.

Level 10 (2:12): Release the guest. This time the man will be in the room not one. Therefore, he should not only find the key, but also to release the guest. And it is not easy because they move at the same time, and the second little man cannot jump.

Level 11 (2:23): Is he there again? The key is again hidden in the second room, but there is guarded by a huge wolf. To not wake it up, you need to put the game that Level Again 2 pause and disable all the sound effects.

Level 12 (2:41): permutation. In this room on the path of the little man lies the corpse, which can not be touched. Therefore, he will have to go to the second room, where you need to move the door to its right-hand, using your finger. Now the little man will be able to go through her.

Level 13 (3:03): Do not greader. This time the little man will have to buy the key. To do this, go to the game menu and click on the Donate button. Now our hero can safely go to the door.

Level 14 (3:19): Do not be afraid. The little man should go to another room. But in it there is an endless shower of spikes, through which he has to go. You can move safely, because only extreme spikes are dangerous.

Level 15 (3:45): Try 3 times. To help the little man get out of this room, you must restart the game 3 times in a row. To do this, you need to enter the menu and start the level from the beginning.

Level 16 (4:09): New management. In this room there are no control buttons. Therefore, you can force a little man to move, tilting your phone. Now he will roll on platforms, as in the slings.

Level 17 (4:41): WASD. Here, your ward will have a new control, which is carried out at the expense of the specified buttons. With the help of them, he should get to the key to the door.

Level 18 (4:54): And how to open it? This time the key is in the ice cube, so it needs to be removed from there. To do this, it should be reset down and push to the door. Now the little man should jump on it from the top platform.

Level 19 (5:14): What do you need? In this room there is no key, and that it appears, you will have to enter the word Key using the phone keyboard. Now the little man will be able to take it and open the door.

Level 20 (5:31): Think before done. This time our hero does not need a key, because the door is already open.

Level 21 (5:36): Do not believe our eyes. In this room, the man is waiting for an optical deception. He must go to another room and through her right wall to get out.

Level 22 (5:50): ABB. To open this door, you will have to write the entire English alphabet using the phone keyboard.

Level 23 (6:33): Creator. The key from this door is hidden in another room and is under the most ceiling. Therefore, you will have to make a kind of staircase from cubes, according to which the little man will get to him.

Level 24 (7:07): Club. In this room, many laser rays, which cannot be seen. Therefore, the little man needs to be hung to pick up the key. After that, he will have to hide in another room and wait for the last beam of the laser, and when he passes, he will be able to leave the room.

Level 25 (7:53): End. Here, the little man must pass by the inscription "End" until it falls into another room.

Level 26 (8:00): This is not a bug. In this room, the laser beam appears, which cannot be concerned. Therefore, you need to gain patience, and you will also need a pause. She will have to take advantage when the little man grabs the key and turn off when the laser disappears.

Level 27 (8:22): Change the language. To get out of this room, you will have to change the language using the Game menu that LEVEL AGAIN 2.

Level 28 (8:34): Strange door. This time the key is hidden in the room with a strange door, and to remove the symbol from it, the little man will have to die under it, jumping into straight spikes. Now his clone can go inside, take the key and leave this room.

Level 29 (8:55): Fall. The little man needs to get to the door without touching the spikes. That's just it is not easy, since its way of movement will be falling.

Level 30 (9:09): License. To open this door, you will need to read license agreement The games in which it is said that you need to click on the door 2 times and then it will open.

Level 31 (9:31): You need more energy. In this room, the little man will need additional energy. To do this, you must connect the charger to the phone.

Level 32 (9:42): Make me. In this room, the little manner will be your finger. Hold it near him so that he moved after him and he will not need any platforms.

Level 33 (10:06): Nothing forever. The key required for the little man is in the next room. But it will not be easy to take it, because it holds the mechanism to be broken.

Level 34 (10:32): Follow the volume. In this room, the man management will need special buttons that are used to adjust the volume by the phone.

Level 35 (10:48): Another key. This time the little man will have to go for the key to the main menu of the game. And to return to the room, he must smash the window.

Level 36 (11:05): Played Mario? Get out of this room will not be easy. Therefore, before taking the key, the man should go to the next room, where there is a hint. Now the hero must fulfill the specified actions and then he will be able to take the key and leave the room.

Level 37 (11:33): Run. In this room, everything is increased, and the key is hidden in the upper right corner. Therefore, the little man must get there, and then go down to the door.

Level 38 (11:46): Slightly complicate. There is no control buttons in this room, so for the movement of the little man you have to tilt the phone. That's just moving everything in the opposite direction, so you need to be attentive.

Level 39 (12:08): Top bottom. In this room, everything is topped with brands, so you need to get used to non-standard control and for this you have to turn your phone.

Level 40 (12:33): Password. To unlock the door, you need to write the word "password" using the phone keyboard.

Level 41 (12:46): You're Ninja. In this room, the little man will be invisible, so it will be extremely difficult to get to the key and doors, without stumbled upon the spikes.

Level 42 (12:53): The answer to the main question. To unlock this door, you will have to answer the question you will see in the next room. After that, using the phone keypad, write it on the screen.

Level 43 (13:10): Megahambry. To find in the room of your ward, it is necessary to reduce the scale. And for this you have to push the screen with two fingers. Now he can fulfill the actions already familiar to him.

Level 44 (13:37): Strange room. Here you can see the key, just looking into the neighboring room. Remember its location and come back to the main room, where the little man will be able to take what he needs and get out of here.

Level 45 (14:27): earthquake. There is no key, but you can destroy the door by setting up an earthquake. To do this, simply shake the phone. Now our hero can get out of this room, the main thing is not to evoke spikes.

Level 46 (14:44): Here is damn. Before going to the path, view the instructions. And now follow its instructions.

Level 47 (14:59): Free cheese. In this room, the little man has to be saved from a huge head of cheese, which will appear after it takes the key. And when he stops, the hero will be able to get out, using the platform on which he appeared.

Level 48 (15:25): Nightmare. In this room, the man is waiting for a real nightmare, as all platforms and other items will collapse in their eyes. Therefore, he needs to have time to get to the door until everything is destroyed.

Level 49 (15:33): Dirt. In this room, the dirt is full that you need to remove to consider the little man, the key and the door. After that, our hero will be able to fulfill its usual actions.

Level 50 (16:08): ZUM 3. In this room all huge sizes, so to view the territory you need to adjust the camera. And for this you have to tilt the phone.

Level 51 (16:29): New look 2. The cherished key lies in the next room, so the little man must go there. There he will have to get around the spikes using the arrow buttons. Now he can get out of the room.

Level 52 (16:55): New management. This time you will use your finger as the control buttons. Just lead them across the screen, and the man will follow him.

Level 53 (17:22): Help the dead. The key from the door lies in the next room, that's just he hangs too high. Therefore, the little man will have to die, jumping on the spikes. Now his clone uses a dead body as a platform and gets to the key, and then to the door.

Level 54 (17:41): Left. In order for the little man to get out of this room, you need to click on the "Left" button.

Level 55 (17:44): Box. This room is a box that will have to be tilted using the control buttons so that the man can move.

Level 56 (18:27): Do not believe. In this room you will see an inscription that will ask you to wait. Just do this not worth it, just move the little man to his goal, not paying attention to the request.

Level 57 (18:35): Do not rush. It is not worth a hurry in this room. Therefore, the little man must calmly move towards the door.

Level 58 (19:07): Not the door. This time the man must take the key. Just use it you need to another door.

Level 59 (19:14): Changing roles. This time you have to move not a little man, but the key. As soon as he is near the hero, they will go to the door together.

Level 60 (19:43): the key here. To find the key, the little man will have to jump under the inscription "here". After that, he will be able to go to the door and leave the room.

Level 61 (19:50): New abilities. To find the key, the little man will have to visit the next room. There, he needs to perform a super traffic jig in order to get to the target.

Level 62 (20:08): Do not stop. In this room, the little man will move as the head, so be careful so that it does not run on the spikes.

Level 63 (20:46): knock. To open this door, you will have to knock into the neighboring.

Level 64 (20:57): Here the little man has a double jump to get to the lover and leave the room.

Select the key located on the location and use them to go further through the door.

Level 1. Where am I his work?

Go through the next room, move through the door from the tree and find the desired key.

Level 3. Moon

The force is less familiar here. Therefore, when jumping, be careful not to stumble on the spikes.

Level 4. I can not accept it

You do not need to raise the key, but just push it towards the door to open it.

5. Is this in the second hall again?

Go to the second room. Take advantage of your finger to cut the rope on which the key hangs.

Level 6. Use your finger

Just move your finger the latch to open the door.

Level 7. Spare output

Click your finger over the window to break it. Repeat the procedure several times.

Level 8. New look

Go through the second room, jump over the spikes from the bottom and pick up the key.

Level 9. Does not jump

Just move forward, make a long pause.

Level 10. Issue Guest

Take the key and open the door with it. Next, go through the next door. Move the same as at the previous level.

THAT LEVEL AGAIN 2 Passage Level 11

Turn off the sound in the game and go for the key to not wake up the PSA.

Game That Level Again 2 How to Complete Level 12

In the second room we carry the door to the right old corner and come out of it. You will find yourself for the main door you need to pass.

How to go through level 13 That Level Again 2

In the menu, click on the "Donat" button and all - the doors are open

Passage of the game that Level Again 2 level 14

In the second room, real spikes are only in the first and last row, so carefully and not nervous. Take the key and go further

Passage that Level Again 2 level 15

Come out from the level three times and go again and then the doors will open

How to go through 16 That Level Again 2

Use accelerometer on your control device in the game

How to go through the game that Level Again 2 level 17

Control at the level of the KSIVF keyboard.


Jump on a block with as much as possible and it will break. Better to lower her down

How to go through level 19 in the game that Level Again 2

We recruit the word "key" on the clave

Level 20 in the game that Level Again 2

At this level, you do not need to vott key - just go to the open door

That LEVEL AGAIN 2 Passage Level 21

In fact, the door is open and you can go into it, only it is in the second room, where the wall is there.

Game That Level Again 2 How to Complete Level 22

A complex level - here you need to dial the alphabet. Fully. Not everyone can pass this level from the first time

How to go through level 23 That Level Again 2

Creates a lot of blocks so that you can climb to the top of the key

Passage so Level Again 2 level 24

Gently pass, since every ray there see you

How to go through 25 That Level Again 2

Just go ahead

How to go through the game that Level Again 2 level 26

Everything is clear and just - do not refer to the red line


Change the language in the game and all

How to pass level 28 in the game that Level Again 2

You need to kill yourself so that your corpse fell to the door with candles and then you can enter and take the key

Level 29 in the game that Level Again 2

You need to direct each time the character is closer to the exit, but at the same time not to stumble on the spikes

THAT LEVEL AGAIN 2 Passage Level 30

Read and understand everything. If you do not work, look at the video at the bottom of the article.

Game That Level Again 2 How to Complete Level 31

The level can be passed only if you connect charging. If you, my friend on the road you play, I'm sorry)

How to pass level 32 That Level Again 2

Need a finger to hold a character to the clavion, and after and to the exit

Passage of the game that Level Again 2 level 33

Need to force the pipe several times to go up and then it will throw out the key

Passage that Level Again 2 level 34

Forward the character goes when you add volume, it jumps like us

How to pass that Level Again 2 35 level

In the menu we take the key and go out back to the level

How to go through the game that Level Again 2 level 36

Need to go under the first platform over the second and over the third


The level is the same, only the view is very large

How to go through level 38 in the game that Level Again 2

Everything is on the turn - the top is the bottom, right is left. You need, of course, a little strain.

Level 39 in the game that Level Again 2

Flip smart or what you play there

THAT LEVEL AGAIN 2 Passage Level 40

Game That Level Again 2 How to Complete Level 41

Nothing complicated, just not visible a character

How to go through level 42 That Level Again 2

We type 42 and everything will turn out

Passage of the game that Level Again 2 level 43

Peddle movements remove the camera

Passage so Level Again 2 44 level

The second room shows how the blocks actually are

How to take 45 That Level Again 2

Just wait - everything will roll and you can pass

How to go through the game that Level Again 2 level 46

Need to flip the level as photos and you eventually get the key


Take the key and immediately run to the door

How to pass the level 48 in the game that Level Again 2

Everything collapses, but you can go under the door

How to pass that Level Again 2 49 level

Here you just need to clear everything on the screen and everything will be visible. The same passage is very simple

50 level in the game that Level Again 2

The camera at this level is very close and does not always have time for you, so do not hurry. There is no longer any tricks at the level and it is easy and simple.

Passage that Level Again 2 level 51

This level was already. Come into the room and there is a sid on top. Nothing complicated - click up, and the character goes ahead. The same and with other buttons back and forth it means to the right and left. Take the key and forward to the door.

Game that Level Again 2 How to Complete Level 52

The character management at this level occurs to locate on the screen. There are no more jokes at the level. It is all extremely simple

How to pass level 53 That Level Again 2

You must go to the room and kill yourself about the spike. After that, go into this room again and relying on your corpse will be able to dive up the key.

That LEVEL AGAIN 2 Passage of Level 54

Press left and pass the level

Passage 55 level in the game that Level Again 2

Everything is clear - turn the screen and take the key, and after the same exactly turn and make your way to the door.

Game That Level Again 2 How to go through the game 56

Do not look at what is written - just go and take the key and in the door

This level is again 57 level

Do not rush push the key to the door.

Passage of the game this level again 58

Take the key and open it the door that leads to the room and the level passed

How to go through this level again 2 59 level

At this level, you are not managed by a man, but a key. Apply it to a person, and after all together to the door and that's it.

How to go through this level again 60 lvl

The key is just on the inscription - "here."

Playing this level again levels of level 61

Nothing difficult. Just in the second room you can fly.

Game That Level Again 2 How to Complete Level 62

The default character goes forward, you just need to be careful.

THAT LEVEL AGAIN 2 Passage 63 level

As in the first part of the game - knock on the ARU screen times and the doors will open

Game that Level Again 2 How to pass 64

Do not be afraid - jump to your beloved, even though there is no floor, but he is there

After the stunning success of the game called That Level Again continued forced himself long to wait. June 9, 2015 Holders of smartphones based on Android could already download the game on Google Play. The secret is simple: there is a drawn character, the room of its dislocation, the key and the door you need to open. And so all 64 levels, but at the same time tasks in each completely different. It is not difficult to get confused, so That Level Again 2, the passage of which is not the simplest, needs to disclose all secrets.

Home game: 1-10th levels

  • The passage of the game That Level Again 2 begins with a simple: user introduced the mechanics of the game. There are movement buttons to the left-right and a jump. Everything that in the first level needs to be done is to get to the door at the end of the level, passing the key along the way.
  • In the 2nd level, the creators demonstrate that there is a second room, it is there that lies the key. It is necessary to go to the room, take the item, exit and open the door.
  • The 3rd level is called "Moon", outside the window is visible. This suggests that there is a reduced gravity and need to be neat so as not to get on the spikes.
  • In the 4th level, it is impossible to take the key in hand, but you can push it, this is what needs to be done, gradually approaching the door.
  • At the 5th level of the player again they are sent to the second room, but the key does not lie on the floor, and hanging on the rope. Everything is simple: I spend your finger across the screen, cut the rope and take the key.
  • At the 6th level, you need a finger to click on the screen and to give the key to the door - then it will open.
  • You probably have already noticed that there is a window in the room, it is at the 7th level that you need to go out by this way, passing the glass along the way, pressing your finger to the screen.
  • In the 8th room, you need to enter the first door and pick up the key. But this time the camera is on top. In principle, nothing complicated: jump over the spikes and take the key.
  • At the 9th level, we simply run the room without jumping.
  • At the 10th level, your clone repeats the actions of the previous level, so we take the key, open the door and wait until the character comes out.

It becomes harder: 11-20th levels

Here is a dozen rooms. At first, in That Level Again 2 levels of levels are not a very difficult lesson, but this is just the beginning.

  • 11th level. You need to enter the second room and, in order not to wake up the PSA, turn off the sound in the game and on the phone. Next, taking the key, exit and open the door.
  • In the 12th level, enter the door and then drag it to the end of the room. Then go to her again, and you will find yourself at the main door.
  • In the 13th room, click on the pause, click the main menu and click Donate. Now boldly continue the level - the door is open.

  • On the 14th in the second room there is a key, but in front of it there are many rows of spikes that fall from top to bottom. The secret is that only the first and last row will kill you, so carefully take the key and go further.
  • In the 15th you need to click on the pause, exit the main menu and select the same level. This operation must be repeated 3 times.
  • The 16th level implies the use of accelerometer.
  • 17th level. Open the text input panel and using the "TsFIV" keys, go through the level.
  • 18th room. Stand the key in the box and jump on it from the height.
  • 19th level. Open the input panel and enter the word "key".
  • 20th level. The door is already open. We enter into it, not paying attention to the key.

21-30th - Unusual levels

We continue to play in that Level Again 2. The passage of new levels is gradually becoming more difficult, but, guided by this article, it will not take much time.

  • In the 21st level, enter the first door and just follow the right, passing through the wall.
  • In the 22nd room, you need to enter a Russian alphabet in the text input field.
  • In the 23rd level, after entering the second room and clicks on the screen, blocks will appear. Hold them so as to get to the key.
  • The 24th level is simple - you just need not to fall under the laser. However, as soon as you open the door, another one will be discovered. To avoid it, log in to the second room and wait until it passes.

  • On the 25th, do not believe the inscriptions, but simply clamp the button right and go.
  • In the 26th room, when you take the key, put the game by pause, wait until the laser disappears, and press the button.
  • At the 27th level, we need to change the language only.
  • At the 28th level, to open the door, it is necessary to kill himself so that the corpse is on the pictogram, then the door will open, and there will be the key.
  • In the 29th room, it is enough just not to touch the spikes.
  • In the 30th mission in messages you will explain everything, you just need to read.

31-40th Levels: Location to Mario

It can be said that half the game is already passed. However, in That Level Again 2, the passage of the 36th level has always caused complexity. Soon come to it, and everything will become clear.

  • The 31st level can be passed only with a connected charger.
  • In the 32nd mission you need a finger to push the character first to the key, and then to the door.
  • At the 33rd level, you need to enter the second room and it is to get the mechanism to climb and go down a couple of times, after which the key will fall.
  • In the 34th level, the character will only go when the volume is added.
  • At the beginning of the 35th mission, you must go to the menu, take the key and leave the room through the window.
  • As mentioned above, in that Level Again 2, the passage (36 level in particular) causes many questions, but it is quite simple. Total need to proceed first under the first platform, and then - over two others.
  • In the 37th room, everything is as usual, but the scale is very increased.
  • In the 38th room simply changed control: left is right and vice versa.
  • In the 39th you need to flip the device.
  • In the fortieth, lead the word "password"

41-50th levels: not everyone can

Passing level games AGAIN 2, the levels of which are becoming increasingly confusing, gradually nearing an end.

  • So, at the 41st level you are just invisible, but everything remains the same.
  • In the 42nd level, we gain "42" - and the door is open.
  • 43th level. Move your fingers across the screen as if we reduce the image. We take the key and go out.
  • In the 44th room you need to enter the first door, and there will be shown as everything is located.
  • In the 45th level, you just need to wait until everything collapses.
  • Going to the 46th level, you need to spend your finger across the screen, as if you are leaf photos.
  • In the 47th room take the key and quickly move away from the rack. As a result, go there, where the stone came from.
  • In the 48th room everything falls. However, it is possible to go under the door.
  • The 49th level meets the darkness, it is necessary to simply, leading on the screen, clear everything.
  • At the 50th level, the camera is enlarged again, but the difference is only that it moves, the rest remains the same.

Lost: 51-60th levels

It remains to play quite a bit in that Level Again 2 - the passage comes to completion.

  • The 51st level begins with the fact that you need to enter the first door and with the changed control to take the key.
  • In the 52nd level, the control is changed again: now you need to manage the character on the screen.
  • In the 53rd room, the key is in the first door, but to get it, you must first kill yourself and then get to it from the corpse.
  • On the 54th click Left.
  • On the 55th keys left and right, turn the level so that the key hit you, after which turn the level to exit the door.
  • At the 56th level, the inscription deceives - the control is the same. You need to take the key and go out.
  • In the 57th small jerks should be reached the door.
  • In the 58th key should be applied not to the right, but to the left door.
  • In the 59th room, you are the key. It is necessary to push the character to exit.
  • In the 60th level, the key is hidden for the inscription.

4 more levels - and final

Almost everything. That Level Again 2 game, the passage of which did not take much time, comes to an end - there are 4 recent missions.

  • 61nd level. Come in the second room and fly to the key.
  • In the 62nd room, the man moves himself, you only need to direct it.
  • 63th level. Shock first door.
  • At the 64th level, a girl is waiting. Here you can safely jump into the abyss - there is an invisible floor.

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