Walkthrough That Level Again. Comments Walkthrough of game tla 3d

Lula's mansion

Sexy beauty Lula returns in a new erotic quest, which differs from the previous adventures of a busty blonde with a completely three-dimensional engine. In the introductory video, the main character performs a striptease at a local bar. It seems that this scene got the most of the little dog, which immediately rushed to splash hormones on the visitor who entered. Secretly - the dog belongs to Lula and will follow his mistress all the way, helping her in critical situations, and the type who lit a cigar is the main villain.

The adventure begins at Lula's mansion, where she set up a studio and directs her famous porn films. On the set of another hot episode, Lula will receive a call from Brian, her producer. Talk to him - the triplet actresses have disappeared, without which the shooting of the film will be disrupted. Go up to the second floor, take an erotic magazine from the table, then examine the triplets' room. Take the key to the gatehouse to the right of the bed, the ashtray from the glass table, and from under it the boxes of matches. You can also grab a red bra for the collection. Lula will stuff all the found items into her bra. You can also understand when she puts matches there, but how are tomatoes, paintings or bottles placed there (and most importantly - why?) Is a mystery. Go downstairs and talk to Brian again.

Leave the house and head to the villa gate. To the right of them is the guard house, open its door with the found key. Take one videotape next to the nightstand and the other near the chair. Also, take the video cable and connect it to the tape recorder. Now look at both cassettes on the TV, return to report your findings to Brian. Traces of the kidnappers lead to San Francisco, where the agent of the Spandau triplets also lives. Show Brian a box of matches, then try to call Spandau from the phone in the lobby. Nothing comes out. Go to the pool, where take the cell phone on the table next to the naked Lisa. Again ask Brian about the phone (with the phone in his hands), then Lisa. The actress will first talk about her breasts, and only then will she tell you what interests you. Dial the Spandau number from the phone in the lobby, you will get to the answering machine. Again to Brian, then go to the cars and try to open the door of the pink car. Without a key, it will not work, ask Brian about the key - he will not give it back. Go to the bathroom, ask about the keys from lesbians basking in the shower. That's right, Brian has them. Collect the keys from the producer, get in the car and go to new location.

San Francisco

Talk to Kama Sutra, the prostitute at the wall, then answer the city phone call. Lula will portray "phone sex" by playing some anxious caller. Go to the "Dickson & Son" store selling videos for adults, where take a disc from the shelf, and from the table a can of beer and a battery for mobile phone... Near the Wild Chicken Club strip club, you will see a lady depicting Marilyn Monroe, under her white dress from below, from under the grill, air is blowing. Talk about everything with Marilyn, then across the street with Sarah, the girl in red. Now with the cashier Kiki, who sits in a booth at the entrance to the club. She does not let women into the club, with the exception of the female employees working there. Try to get in from the reserve and chat in the alley near the black van with the guard Hank - he will also refuse to let you inside. Open the back door of the van and take the earring. A homeless man is sitting on the wrecked car next door, talk to him. Talk about Lorna, Hank, and the liquor in the bag. Ask Marilyn to help you get into the club. Then chat with Sarah, show her an earring with a torn off ear. Offer to drink some coffee. In the cafe, talk to Philip at the counter, then to Marilyn and Sarah about a pass to the club. Order the girls what they ask for, then ask Sarah for a pass again. This time it will. Take the chili sauce off the table where the couple have ... um ... sex, go outside. You can try to show the pass to Hank, although he is hopelessly stupid, he will not let him in. Run into the street next to the tram, on the door to the left there are signs of Hammett and Spandau. Open the door, go up to the second floor and try to open the door to the Spandau apartment. Closed, still outside the door you can hear the squeaking of cats.

On the floor above, talk to Hammett, he can give the key to Spandau's apartment, but in return he will demand a drink. A can of beer won't work. Take a photo of Lorna from the table and a bottle, also take a black wig (Lula thinks that she looks like Sara in it), grab milk and tomatoes from the refrigerator. Go down to the street (you can preliminarily gaze through the glass as Klaus and Sabina have sex on the roof), go to the alcohol store, Willys Liquor. Show Willie a bottle of Hammett, he would be happy to help, but there are not enough ingredients. Give a bum with a French accent in a dead end near Hank a photo of Lorna, he will part with his package. Take it to Willie, get a bottle of the drink you want. Return to Hammet and give him the bottle, then ask him to take a picture of Lulu, after which you will see a small erotic photo session. Open the Spandau apartment with the key you received, it is full of cats, and one has a key on its neck. Take the cat food from the wall cabinet, pour it into the bowl near the refrigerator, and remove the key from the cat. Use this key to open the metal cabinet at the entrance. Take a battery and an old letter on the left, and a videotape on the right. Insert the battery into the camcorder and watch the tape. Listen to the recording on the answering machine. Now go to the strip club from the back door, showing the pass to Hank.

Wild Chicken Club

Go up to the second floor, guard Davis will not let you go any further. Well, you have to distract him. Go down to the stage and talk to Heidi at the pole. Then with the bartender, pour chili sauce into his cup. The bartender will choke and run to the toilet. Quickly behind the counter, direct the heater into the sink. Take an empty glass from one of the tables and give it to the bartender. He will try to wash him, but he will be scalded. But Davis will rush to his screams and for some reason does not want to return to his post. Will stay to watch the dance of the stripper. Go up to the second floor, open the door on the right ... Black as chocolate, a blonde and a white man have sex on the bed, there is nothing more exotic here. Further along the corridor there will be a boss room and then a bathroom. Go to the last one, open the metal switch box next to the mop and press the button. Go out into the corridor, open the boss's door, Lula will overhear the conversation. Quickly run back to the bathroom, return again and spy on Stanley again. The fat man will talk on the phone, then head towards the exit. Once again hide in the bathroom, then go to the office. Brian calls, he mentions Las Vegas. Take a business card from the table, now there is the exact address of the mother of triplets in Las Vegas, where you need to visit. It remains to safely get out of the club. Stupid Hank blocked the road and interferes with the passage. Go to the nude bitch statue and take the ... hmm ... key from it. Open the door for them, from behind which groans are heard. Talk to Domina, who helps the senator to satisfy his sadomasochistic inclinations. After she leaves (funny, they forgot to turn off the love groans), take a frying pan from the wall and heat the senator with it. Clark. Remove the handcuff from his left hand, go downstairs and fasten Hank to the stairs.

Desert Roadside Motel

The diner is closed, and Lula desperately needs her coffee. Go to the motel (a conversation with the girl will do nothing) and talk to Anton about suspicious individuals. You are on the right track, a black van stopped here recently. Go to the gas station and ask Ben for coffee. Then talk to him about suspicious people and the problems of his marriage. Lula will try to seduce the unfortunate man, but his female charm does not attract - she will run away, dropping her knife. Pick up a knife, pierce the wheel of a familiar black van with it; it stands between two houses next to a green car. Guard Mike will come down on the noise, and the mini-game "throwing knives" will begin. It is necessary to throw knives at Mike, hiding behind the van. Return to Cosmo Diner, the door is open. You will have a talk with the robber Gina, she just took the cash register and also grabbed the keys to your car. The girls drive away, and the vigilant motel owner calls the police. After a short trip, another mini-game "shoot the cops" will begin, which is almost no different from throwing knives. Only here it is necessary to reload the weapon in time and there will be two opponents. Gina and Lula will part ways, kissing each other goodbye.

Las Vegas

Walk down the street until you see on the right a neat low-rise house with a balcony. Miss Schreiber lives in this dwelling. The door is closed, go around the house and take the spoiled tomatoes from the trash can, if you did not take them earlier in Hammet's apartment. Go back to the balcony, try to enter again, ring the doorbell - no answer. Get out on the road, stand on the dotted line, from here you can interact with the window of the house. For example, throw tomatoes into it. Throw a tomato mini-game is even simpler than the previous two. Choose the right throw power and angle, hit the designated window with five tomatoes and the game will end. Didn't it work the first time? Out of tomatoes? You can always get more in the bin. After the conversation, Miss Schreiber will throw down the keys, open the door. Go up to her room and talk again, the old woman is hard of hearing, but this is fixable. Go to the kitchen and take the hearing aid from the refrigerator. Give it to Schreiber and get ready to listen, it will be a long conversation. The former stripper will tell all about her life and her triplet daughters. Show her Josh Decker's letter, which was taken from the locker in Spandau's room. Go out to the stairs and take a photo of Mount Rushmore with the faces of the presidents from the wall. Another photo (it shows the old town and Dekker) needs to be picked up from the wall in the living room, by the door next to the refrigerator. Take the photos to Schreiber. If you haven't tried to enter Wong's photo shop next to your car, now is the time to do so. Then talk to Schreiber about him until she says her phone number. Call Wong from the phone under the stairs, then go to his store and ring the bell at the counter. After a long conversation, show Wong a photo of Mount Rushmore, then look at him through his glasses. Lula will find Schreiber's hubby in the picture, please the old lady with this find. As a result, Lula will get into trouble, but the robber Gina will save her. If you look closely, you can replace a small blunder - first we see how a black van with bandits drives away from the house, and in the next scene it still stands in its place.

Mount Rushmore.

Upon arrival, talk to Gina and follow the sign to the Presidential Mountain. At the gift shop, chat with the seller, look in the coin box. You need to put something in there that looks like 50 cents. Remove the token from your favorite dog Dusty, the dog is spinning around the monument to naked priests in the parking lot. Throw the token into the coin box in the tent and claim 25 cents from the seller. Walk up to the tourist telescope, toss a coin at it and watch as Lula discovers the doll right under President Jefferson's nose. Follow the path further to the area with the flags. On the bench, the couple makes love, and they do not seem to be embarrassed that they are on the observation deck and there is a downpour. Go to the edge and use the telescope, it will break, but Lula will think of adapting its stand to create a catapult. Head back to the souvenir stall and talk to the seller about the catapult. Go to the parking lot and chat on the same topic with Gina. Now open the trunk of the car with a knife next to yours. Take the catapult, use it on the broken telescope. The mini-game "toss the dog" is similar to throwing tomatoes, only now instead of tomatoes we shoot Dusty, and you need to hit Jefferson's nose. Pull the sight as high as possible, and aim at the right edge of the mark. When the nose collapses, the dog will grab the doll and bring it to Lula. Take the toy, show it to Gina. Then show the photo of the old town with Dekker to the owner of the souvenir shop, and then to Gina. She will find out all the details from the intractable merchant.

Colorado Creek

In search of triplets, Lula and her girlfriend arrive in an abandoned Wild West town now used for filming. Talk to the director, ask him about triplets, about the movie he is filming, and about weapons. Come out of the saloon and talk about the missing girls with the actors at the tents, one looks like an astronaut, and the other portrays a cheeky cowgirl. Go over the bridge over the river and try to get into the church, behind the door of which you can hear suspicious moans. Near the gun store (just next to open door, for which a couple are engaged ... well, what else can they do in this game?) there is a box with tools, take an electric screwdriver from it. Go to the saloon and go behind the counter, there is an extension cord near the wall. Charge the screwdriver battery and head back to the church. Use the screwdriver on the door, go inside ... no, it wasn't triplets moaning, but just Gina riding Dave. Lula will try to distract them from this activity, but nothing will come of it, but now she has the keys to Dave's trailer. It is located just behind the sheriff's office. Watch the scene as Lula takes part in a group sex for three, with an astronaut and a cowboy girl. She will come out of the trailer with a rifle. Go to the gun store, near which they took the screwdriver, read the sign. Talk to Gina at the saloon entrance. Lula will lead her to her place, shoot her with a gun in the direction of the church. The bell will fall and break, and the monkey, who has come running to the noise, will get the second doll out of it. Take the doll from the macaque, then talk to Gina. Two police officers will be attached to the set and will swear with bad words for a long time and relish. However, they will not be able to arrest Lulu and her partner, the feminine charm will overpower the sense of duty.

Motel "Tropicana"

This chapter is non-fiction, consists of several dialogues and a lot of sex scenes. However, there is also useful information here. Lula and Gina will meet with Chrissy, one of the triplets, and discuss a further plan to cheat the robbers and rescue her sisters.

Beauty clinic

Approach the glass doors, they should move aside, but for some reason this does not happen. Look at the fuse box to the right of the door, fix the breakage. If you go to the lantern, the door will open, but immediately close, you just have to leave this place. Ask Gina to stand for you, enter the clinic. Ask about everything Miss Hanson, then go to the pool and near the door of the janitor try to open a metal cabinet. Does not exceed. You can try to open it with a screwdriver, but the repairman Dagger is in no hurry to leave his workplace. We need to distract him somehow. Chat with the Baroness to find out the features of her bikini. Go upstairs and go to the operating room - closed. Chat with Gina and Chrissy, then return to the pool. Unbutton the bra on the Baroness, Dagger will react to this. Take his screwdriver and open the metal cabinet with it. So the third doll was found. Take it to Gina. Take the key from the wall behind the counter, Miss Hanson has gone somewhere. Go upstairs and open the operating room with this key.

Lula and company will fall into a trap, the girls will be euthanized with chloroform. Several mini-games follow, in which the action takes place in Lula's nightmare. In the first, you need to throw knives at two gangsters, in the second - shoot them with a pistol. This is followed by similar skirmishes in the cemetery (do not forget to kill the skeleton), then two more in the swamp. The latter is the most difficult, it is better to shoot the rightmost bandit first, his bald head can be seen from behind the grating, and then the other two. Watch the final video at Lula's villa, in which the girls celebrate the victory over the crooks and give each other gifts. Of course, this time, too, there were many scenes of obscene content.

Today we will tell you about passing That Level Again 3... The previous parts of the game deservedly gained popularity and recognition in gaming circles, and part 3 was no exception - the adventures of the drawn character continue. In this part of the game, his beloved suddenly disappears and must be found. During the game, the main character has a lot of difficult and not very difficult tasks to solve riddles. You will have to connect your intuition, logical thinking, ingenuity and just luck. Well, at the very end of the game - a happy ending. Or not happy? ..

Level 1: History. How it all began. We are faced with the task of choosing a background. Of all the options proposed, you need to choose exactly such a background, when using which our hero does not die. Then you need to "get" the control buttons (one is obtained by jumping, and the second is obtained directly from the menu), we select the key and leave the room.

Level 2: Everything is in your hands. Here we need to drag the upper platform and return to the first room for the key. Then we move the second platform and jump over the abyss. Level passed.

Level 3: How would I press? The exit from the room is on the ceiling, how to get there? We throw the key on the button, thereby starting the elevator, which will take us to the exit.

Level 4: Too Light, Can It Be Darker? From the bright light, the hero is dazzled in the eyes, we pause and reduce the brightness of the display in the smartphone settings. Then we select the key and leave.

Level 5: Let's see how you handle it. There is an obstacle in front of us, we put the key right under it, climb on it, and move it up with our finger. Then we put the key on the button and thereby open the flap. We touch the word "NOT" and go through the door.

Level 6: You can't go further! Here we need the key again. Suddenly, a wall appears in front of us, which can be broken with a swinging ball. To do this, we swing the phone from side to side until we break it. Go ahead and break through the next wall, hitting it with a key. Next, put the key on the button with a green stripe. With the help of a double jump and get to the next level.

Level 7: Learn to survive. We need to find the key. To do this, we use a flower in a pot, fire and a fire extinguishing system, then we turn off the game. We wait for a while and move on.

Level 8: April 2016. Pause the game, go to the phone settings and change the date to the specified one. After that, his beloved joins the main character.

Level 9: I am willing to do anything for her. Throw yourself on the thorns, thus allowing your beloved to go further.

Level 10: I shared everything with her. Give your key to a friend. Then she activates the button and opens the passage further.

Level 11: Words helped to get closer. We need to drag the words from the phrase hanging at the top so that we can walk over the abyss along them.

Level 12: There is always a way to her. Our task at this level is to get to a friend. To do this, we will use the secret passage, which is located at the top, behind the screen frame.

Level 13: We complemented each other. Sit your friend on your shoulders and take out the key.

Level 14: I betrayed her? Click on the buttons. Then the couple diverge on different sides.

Level 15: Now I am making my own path. Create a road for the hero from square blocks by dragging them with your finger. This must be done quickly, the blocks "melt" over time.

Level 16: I changed my point of view. Tilt your phone to the left and stand it upright. Level passed.

Level 17: I don't feel like doing anything. Just stand in one place for a while. Insurmountable thorns will disappear and the level is passed.

Level 18: I do everything! But I stand still. Press all control buttons at the same time. Then tilt your phone to the left.

Level 19: Again this level. You are back to the very beginning. Re-select the background, control buttons and look for the key. Then we hold down all the control buttons at the same time until we open the door with the key. There we will find our girlfriend.

Level 20: Hello. Just keep going until you touch your girlfriend.

Level 21: Obstacle. Accelerate as much as possible and jump over the abyss.

Level 22: Believe in yourself. Before us is a huge pit. In the center of the pit there is an invisible platform with which we can jump over it.

Level 23: IQ test. Don't try to solve the puzzle. Just click on the phrase "IQ test" and a path will appear in front of us, along which we approach our beloved.

Level 24: Find all the flowers. Here you will need to find all the hidden flowers. One of them is hidden in the main menu.

Level 25: Box. Before us is a mountain of boxes. We just turn the smart from side to side until the little man meets his beloved.

Level 26: IQ Test 2. Build a bridge over the hole with geometric shapes and get to your girlfriend. We take the figures from the structure above.

Level 27: Another way. In order to meet with your beloved, you need to go in the opposite direction.

Level 28: I won't let her disappear. After you approach your beloved, she will begin to disappear. Click on pause. Strange things will begin to happen to the screen, and at this moment we are exiting. Completed the game.

At the beginning of the game, we see how Lula is filming another "hot" movie in the backyard of his villa. However, after the first stage of filming, she notices that three actresses have disappeared without a trace (triplets) and the operator is not visible at the workplace. Now the quest begins, during which Lula meets new friends and enemies, as well as great amount riddles. You can collect a large number of items in the game (discs, magazines, pillows, etc.), but not all of them are useful. In the adventure, only the necessary items are indicated.

The movement keys are standard, the overview is with the mouse. "Space" allows for faster dialogues. Mouse buttons are used to communicate and perform actions.

Tip: save often, especially after shooters.

  • find a room for triplets
  • find videotapes
  • call Spandau
  • inform Brian about what happened

Talk to Brian about missing triplets, Spandau, and film production. Brian is worried about the missing triplets and the Spandau operator. He tells Lula to do whatever it takes to search and continue filming.

Visit the Triplets Room.

The room is located on the second floor of the mansion - the last door on the floor. The room looks terrible. Lula searches for the girls, but does not find them. Click on the camera hanging above the door - it is broken, but this does not mean that there is no film there. New tasks will appear (can be viewed with the Tab button). Here, on the right near the bed, you need to raise the key to the gatekeeper's house and a box of matches under the table. One task completed.

- "Bedroom "

Lula's villa has a special room - the so-called bedroom, where you can sleep right in front of the camera. Find the first door on the second floor. Here Lula can find a vibrator and a bed, and also gets the opportunity to combine these two things - watch a spectacular video. To do this, select the dildo from the inventory and click on the bed.

On the way back to Brian's, grab the "I want your juice, PART 2" magazine. It is located on a small table to the right of the trench on the second floor (if you go down, then to the left). The magazine can come in handy later if you run out of coins.

Talk to Brian about the kidnapping

Lula informs Brian about the mess in the room. Show him the box of matches from the Wild Chicken Club. Lula will have the opportunity to go after the triplets herself or talk about it with the police. If you choose the option with the police - the game will go to the main menu - don't get caught! Lula is the boss and, of course, must do everything herself.

Take a look at the videotapes at the gatekeeper's house! (2 cassettes)

To enter the gatekeeper's house, exit the mansion, go left and walk left from the fountain to the end. Select the key in your inventory and use it on the door. Here Lula finds a well-beaten, but alive guard. There is a video cable and two videotapes on the floor. Apply the video cable on the VCR and you will be able to watch the cassettes - select them in the inventory and apply them to the Vidic. Without a doubt, this is a real kidnapping. The second task is completed.

Talk to Brian

Go to Brian. Tell Brian what you saw on the cassettes, it turns out that the license plate refers to San Francisco ... Brian recalls that Spandau is also from San Francisco. Lula should call him.

Call Spandau

There is a telephone on the table in the mansion. Try to call - Lula doesn't remember the number. If you ask Brian for advice twice, he will say that Lula should go and ask the actors' phone number - at least one of them should have it.

Girl Lisa - sunbathing naked by the pool. Talk about her first, and the second question ask about the phone number. She knows the number Spandau 0690 69 69 69 69. You can also "thank" her by using a vibrator! (not for children)

While you are at the pool, take Lula's cell phone from the table next to the sunbathing girl - it has no batteries, but it will come in handy later.

By the way, jumping into the pool will not only refresh you, but also trigger a little movie. To make this happen, go to the steps leading into the water - the text "Luxus - Pool" will appear. Left click and now our Lula is swimming in the water.

Call Spandau

Go to the mansion and call Spandau again from the phone on the table. Leave him a threatening message on his answering machine, you can twice ...

Lula is angry, she decides to start looking for triplets and Spandau on her own.

Tell Brian about the phone call

Talk to Brian about Spandau and San Francisco. He does not share Lula's enthusiasm, but he knows that stopping her is pointless. A new task appears - "to go to San Francisco".

Find Lylu's Car Keys

Go to the same place as the house of the gatekeeper, but this time from the fountain directly - there is a garage. Try to open the car - for this, go to the driver's door and click. A small detail is missing - the keys. We need to figure this out. Ask Brian about the keys, then the copulating couple by the pool - they'll refer to lesbians in the shower. Lesbians can be found in the bathroom on the ground floor of the villa.

Asking lesbians in the shower

Enter the mansion and go through the first door on the right. The girls will tell Lula that they gave the keys to Brian.

Ask Brian about the keys

Go to Brian and ask him the same question. Finally, Lula has the keys. We go to the car and use the keys on the door. We go on a trip with the dog Dusty.

Level 2 - SAN FRAN (CISCO)
  • find Spandau dwelling
  • find the key to the Spandau dwelling
  • give Hammett the right drink
  • go to Spandau's apartment
  • Dwelling Spandau

The house is located on the second street on the right, if you stand in front of the Wild Chicken Club. The entrance is inside the street, it is closed, ringing the bell is useless. Talking to the two guys at the end of the alley won't help Lula open the door.

In front of the Wild Chicken Club

First you need to talk to Kikki - the woman at the checkout window. It turns out that Lula's club simply won't be able to enter. In front of the club, talk to the two girls about their work. One of them is Marilyn - portrays Marilyn Monroe, and the second is Sarah. There is still a third girl at the wall of the house opposite, but there is no sense in her. Ask the girls for help to get to the club. Marilyn doesn't have a club card at all, and Sarah wants to make sure you really need help before doing this.

Go to the alley to the right of the club. There is a black mini-vein. Open the back door and find an earring that belongs to one of the triplets.

Show the earring to Sarah (she is in a red dress) and after talking, prove to her that a crime really happened. By the way, the girls are going to go and have coffee. We invite both and find ourselves in a cafe.

Philip's coffee shop

It is located on the street to the left of the liquor store, around the bend. Already in the cafe, go up and again ask both girls if it is possible to use their club card. Marilyn will say that she does not have it at all, and Sarah will want to drink first. Order Phil, the bar owner, for drinks. Phil also has something to say. Talk to him about all topics. It turns out that the black car belongs to Spandau. As soon as she gets the drink and after asking again, Sarah will give you her club card. Go to the back of the cafe and grab the Chili sauce on the table next to the couple (the girl's head is in his lap). The sauce will come in handy at the club.

Porn shop

The store is located to the right of the club. There is a cell phone battery on the counter here. You can also bring the 1000 and 1 night in SanFran! DVD from the booth.

Wild Chicken back door

Talk to an old bum about all available topics. Leave him alone for a little while. Go and ask Hank (door bouncer) about his job and everything else. You can show him the club card, but the guy is not as stupid as he seems - the girl in the photo looks different. Now return to the bum, talk about licorice and about Lorna - his ex-wife.

Spandau dwelling, part 2

When the bum starts talking about Lorna, the door to Spandau's dwelling will already be open. Go there, up the stairs and find Spandau's apartment. It is closed. Hear only how cats meow inside. A new task will appear.

Hammett's apartment

Find Hammett's apartment upstairs, he's a photographer. Hammett got drunk and if Lula didn’t find another drink for him, then the conversation would not work. A new task will appear. Take an empty bottle and a picture of a woman from the table. Look at the black wig on the table to the right of the photo session and put it on. You can also take a magazine with you from the floor near the bed. If you go up the stairs all the time, you can look out the door window and see a couple busy with business. Now go back to the streets.

Back door to Wild Chicken, part 2

Talk to the bum again and give him a picture of Lorna. Now you can take licorice.

Willy's liquor store

The shop is on the corner on the way to the cafe. Talk to the owner about all available topics. Show him the empty bottle and give him the licorice. Get a special drink. Take the bottle.

Hammett's apartment, part 2

Now you can fill the empty glass of the misunderstood artist. This is followed by a long dialogue about art until Lula has an idea for a photo session. Now Hammett trusts Lula much more. He will give her the key to Spandau's apartment so that she can feed the cats there.

Spandau apartment

Try to feed the cat, you will see the key, but you will not be able to take it. Go to the computer, listen to the messages on the answering machine. There is a big and nice bed - you can use a vibrator on it. Go to the sideboard, open the door and take the cat food. Place the cat food in a bowl. Now you can take the key from the cat's collar. Use the key to open the metal cabinet that is at the front door. There is a battery for the camera and an old letter behind the left door - we take everything with us. On the right side of the box there is a camera and a videotape. Insert the battery into the camera, then the cassette. Watch the movie. Lula is furious with Spandau's betrayal. She should call Brian now, if her phone is with her and she has the right batteries. And if not, you need to look for another phone ...

Phone booth outside

If you suddenly find yourself without a cell, then call Brian in another way. On the street, right behind the man in the raincoat and the street girl, there is a ringing phone. Answer the call, there is an opportunity to dream, but do not forget to call Brian in the end.

Now we go to the club and show the pass to the bouncer. The black wig played a decisive role - Lulu was allowed inside.

Level 3 - Wild Chicken Club
  • Enter as Sarah
  • Go upstairs and deal with the guard

Lula finally gets to the club, but the guests of the club can't help her. All the fun is in the upper rooms, but there is a hefty guard. Talk to him, he orders Lula (or rather Sarah) to go about her business i.e. go to work in a bar.

As Sarah

Go to the club. The bartender is very rude to Lula, she doesn't like that. Go to the seated couple, take an empty glass from the table and bring it to the bartender to wash it with hot water ...

Talk to Heidi on the dance pole. Talk to Pamela, the waitress. Talk to Davis again - the big man near the steps: he wants Lula to dance around the pole. Lula invites him to take a break and watch her performance, but Davis refuses. Go to the dance floor and click on "stage". We are watching another video with the magnificent Lula. During the dance, she understands how to trick the bartender.

Pour some chili sauce into the grog glass on the bartender's counter (a glass that looks like a mug). The bartender will run to the toilet.

Go behind the bar and turn on the boiler. The bartender comes back.

Give the bartender to him another dirty glass (you have it in your inventory), which needs to be washed with hot water. The bartender screams loudly in the club, and even the guard on the steps goes downstairs to see what's what. He stays at the bar and watches the show. The passage to the upper floor is free.

Boss office, Stanley

You go into the first room to the right, there you can hear wild moans and screams, but these are not triplets, but another couple. We go left past the statue, then we go right into a long corridor. We see two doors on the right side.

The first door leads to Stanley, he is the boss, and the second leads to the old bath - we go there. There is a cell phone and a switch box. If you press the switch button, then under the pressure of air, street Marilyn will take off.

Go to Stanley's door, open and listen to an important conversation. Once it's over, return to the bathroom. After that, go to the door again, eavesdrop on the important phone call and hide in the bathroom again. Fat Stanley will leave the office and go down the stairs, but only after hiding something in a large statue.

Enter the office, the cell phone will ring - talk, examine the table and take Mrs. Schreibe's card. We go back to the steps, look at the large statue and take the key from the "room of groans" between its legs.

The groaning room is opposite the corridor. Use the key found in the statue to open the door for a BDSM session. Leaves the lady alone, but not for long. You can try to go down the steps and leave the club, but at the end of the steps is Hank waiting. He was ordered not to let anyone out of the club - the road is closed.

We return to the BDSM room. On the way there, on the table, look at the unemployed card that belongs to Domina. The working change of the owner is already over. With this information, return to the SM room and talk to the formidable madam.

Susan Dykes (Domina) leaves the room and Lula takes over. Chat with the tied senator, take the frying pan on the counter to the left - it hangs between the whips - and handle the senator with it. When the senator falls asleep, you can take the handcuffs from his wrists. Head back down the stairs and clip Hank to the railing.

Level 4 - Highway
  • relax
  • drink some coffee
  • go to Las Vegas

The Cosmo Dinner is closed. Talk to the girl in front of the Joey's Motel office. Talk to Anton at the motel office, he will tell you that the driver of the black minivan is actually staying at this motel. The black minivan is parked between the two blocks of the motel. she did not follow her, but in this moment it's impossible. There are many guests in the hotel, you can see three couples in the houses - you can peep behind them through the windows.

The gas station is open - let's go there. Talk to Ben A.F. At the table, Lula wants to show friendliness and show the guy his chest - he reacts inadequately and runs away. In a hurry, Ben loses his knife in the street - pick it up. You can now punch one of the tires of the black mini vein

The first shooter game

This is something like a shooter. Here you have to take cover and throw knives. Press button A immediately to hide to the left. When you hear that the shots have died down (you can count the cartridges in his clip - there are 6 of them), lean out and throw the knives. An effective hit is possible only 1, so if you hit 1 time, do not expect to throw knives at him right now. This will only be possible after the next shooting session.

After defeating Mike, go to the car, but again there are no keys .... Try to enter the dining room, which is now open. Lula meets Gina, who just robbed "Cosmo dinner". The road trip turns into a road trip nightmare because the robbery has been spotted. Soon, the police are on the tail. A firefight is planned in the ruins of the ghost town.

Another shooter game

Deal with the police as well as the guard, waiting for the end of the shooting. It's a little more difficult with two guys as they do not always shoot at the same time.

Lula and Gina run away and try to hide in the big city of Las Vegas.

Level 5 - Las Vegas
  • find Mrs. Schreiber
  • talk to mr wong
  • talk to Mrs. Schreiber before leaving town

Nearby at the end of the street on the right is Mr Wong's Photo Quick, but it is now closed.

Lula doesn't know Mrs. Schreiber's house number. Just go left (from the car), turn onto the big street and go to the house with curtains on the window and balcony # 31 - Lula will not pass by. Lula calls, but Mrs. Schreiber is almost deaf. You need something to throw out the window. Anyway, go further and into the alley on the right between the house number 26 and the Fine Cigar Store. There, by the container, you will find tomatoes in a barrel.

Place Lulu a little to the right of the steps on the main street opposite Mrs. Schreiber's house until you can select Mrs. Schreiber's window. Select tomatoes in your inventory and click on the window.

Tomato Throwing Game

Purpose: to break the window.

Aim above the window where the horizontal wall joint is. Then click and hold the left mouse button until the force is 100% (there will be a short pause at this mark before the counter goes from zero) and shoot. After 5 hits, the window will break and Mrs. Schreiber will come out onto the balcony.

The horizontal house has something to see:

  • in the library (to the right of the main entrance) find and take a photo of the western town (by the doorway leading to the kitchen)
  • in the kitchen, in the refrigerator, there is a hearing aid, take it - it will come in handy
  • talk to Mrs. Schreiber, then give her the hearing aid
  • talk about photography of the western town

A photograph of Mount Rushmore can be found by the steps to the attic, take it and ask Mrs. Schreiber about it (twice)

A photograph of Mount Rushmore needs to be viewed from a professional point of view - Mr. Wong from the photography store is fine for the task. Go to a photo store and make sure it is closed.

Go back and ask Mrs. Schreiber for the "Mr. Wongs Photo Store" number several times until you get the exact phone number of the store. Now you can call him. Use the telephone located in the entrance hallway.

The photo store is now open, but Mr. Wong is not in sight. He sleeps in a room and nothing can wake him up. Use a small bell on the table - Wong will slowly but surely come to you. In the photograph, he cannot see anything without glasses. Use glasses yourself to shorten the path. Take the picture of Mount Rushmore and apply it to the glasses.

It's all clear now ... the next destination is Mount Rushmore. A black mini-vein is already waiting in front of Mrs. Schreiber's house. Come in, talk to her and then with the help of Gina Lula you will be able to save the old woman from the gangsters.

Level 6 - Mount "RUSHMORE"

Somewhere near the monument in Mount Rushmore, the first triplet doll is hidden. Lula must find her.

There is a gift shop and many broken binoculars. There are several right in front of the store. On the large observation platform, further away, Lula can find a copulating pair and even more binoculars, one of which looks like a working one.

Ask a couple if they can help you and suddenly get pretty useful information about the game. You will be advised to make a catapult or try to find one.

NKA kiosk

You can watch through binoculars at the kiosk. Gotta find a way to look up the mountain through these binoculars, try it, you need a 25 cent coin. In the kiosk, in addition to the merchant, there is a 50-for-25-cent coin changer in the store - a yellow box in the window.

Lula and Gina don't have 50 cents right now, so you need to look for something that can be used as a 50 cents exchange. Dusty the dog will come in handy. Remove his badge on the collar and throw it into the coin acceptor, we get a 25-cent coin.

Alternatively, you can sell the magazine "Give me your juice, part 2" ("Give me your juice! Part 2") to the owner of the kiosk (we took the magazine in the mansion at the beginning of the game).

Now you can use your binoculars and take a closer look at Mount Rushmore. Lula realizes that she needs to find a way to get the doll out of Jefferson's nose. Talk to Gina about the catapult, but she will only joke flatly. There is something like a catapult in the NKA kiosk, but you can't get it.

Once again we go to the large area and look through binoculars. He falls off, we examine his stand - the stand can be useful for a catapult. Now you need to put something there.

Go and ask the booth owner about the catapult - again. It turns out he is also the chairman of the MT club. Rushmore. Gina has no smart thoughts either, but she has an idea to check another car in the parking lot.

Take out the knife and return to the parking lot. The trunk must be available in the car. We open it with a knife - there is a catapult. We put the catapult on a stand and apply it.

Throwing game

You must hit the nose of Jefferson, the second president from the left, three times. Lula has 10 Dusty dogs for each attempt. You can repeat the game as many times as you like.

Behind the fog, just above the mountain, there is an inverted pink triangle. He indicates the place to hit. But you need to aim in the wrong direction. For the best result, aim at the bottom corner of the pink triangle, then raise the scope as high as possible and lower it down by 2-3 millimeters and to the right by 2-3 millimeters, bring the force to 100% and throw it.

In the end, the doll will be yours. Take the doll from Dusty and show it to Gina. Gina advises Lula to show the photo of the western town to the owner of the kiosk, but the guy breaks down. Ask Gina about it and she will finish the case.


Talk to everyone, including Jackson the monkey. There is a copulating couple on the floor above.

On the left side, if you leave the salon, the second shack has a box with tools and an electric screwdriver (but you cannot take it now), as well as a couple of lovers in the shack. On this side of the road there is an old gun shop, just like the one in the picture of the western town.

We go along the street, guided by the signs "Regisseur". Find David's trailer. Lustful sounds come from there. Look in the window, but you can't see a couple. Are there triplets?

Return to the salon, talk to other members of the film crew. You should take a look at old church Is their advice. Go and talk to the actors along the way: an astronaut and a girl with a rodeo. You learn that Dave has a gun in the trailer.

Go to the church. You cannot enter there, but a noise is heard. A tool is needed.

We go to the box with tools and take the electric screwdriver. Batteries are empty - need to be charged. There is an outlet in the salon behind the bar on the far right side. There you can recharge the batteries. Now you can go to church. In the church, a couple - Dave and Gina. Dave will give Lula the keys to the trailer to water the flowers.

In the trailer, Lula finds two actors: an astronaut and a rodeo girl. Lula joins the couple ... for the gun, of course.

Show the gun to Gina (she is standing in front of the salon again). Lula shoots and hits the bell and everything collapses. Monkey Jackson runs to the church, he finds a second triplet doll in the remains of the bell. We take the doll from the monkey and show it to Gina.

A phone call is heard. One of the triplets was able to sneak away from the gangsters. It was decided to meet. Watching a video with the police and the surrounding area of ​​the hot Wet Rock Hotel.

Level 8 - The BEAUTYFARM

Three girls want to get into the Beautyfarm, but the electric door doesn't work. Lula talks to Chrisi and Gina. We need to find the fuse box. We go to the awning and to the right, find the box and connect the lone wiring with the empty contact pad.

Looks like Lula got something wrong - the door closes right in front of her nose. Talk to Chrisi. If nothing happens, go down to the steps, the video will start and it will become clear that someone has to stand at the lantern to activate the motion sensor. Talk to Chrisi, she doesn't want to help Lula. Lula asks Gina to stand by the lantern.

The plan worked. At the beautyfarm, you first need to talk to the woman at the reception. There is a closed operating room on the second floor, something is heard outside the door, but definitely not moans. The last of the triplets may be at risk. The door further to the left, you can find a doctor who is trying to cure a patient with an unusual method (another couple).

The operating room door is still closed, head down the stairs to view the pool. You can swim in the pool. Find the locked locker that belongs to Josh Decker, the father of triplets. Lula is looking for tools again. There is a fitter nearby and several tools next to him. You can talk to a man, but you will not get the tools.

Talk to the Baroness. Stand behind her and pull back the clasp of her bra. The shocking sight of the Baroness will distract the fitter - Lula will be able to take the screwdriver. Now you can open the closet, and there is a third doll. This find should be shown to the rest of the girls.

Both are not very impressed with Josh Dekker's message, but they tell Lula to go back down the stairs and look in the operating room. Take the key from the board on the wall behind the reception desk.

There is an unpleasant surprise in the operating room - an old acquaintance and even older gangsters are waiting for the girls.

Now you have to win 5 "shooting games" in a row

  1. On the scary streets of New Orleans, nail down two bad guys.
  2. New Orleans backyard shoot two filthy cops.
  3. Remove two bad guys and a cardboard skeleton in the graveyard
  4. Shoot two bad guys and a cardboard skeleton
  5. Shoot Spandau, Stanley and the bad guy

Level 5 Hint: First, shoot the gangster on the right - he is easier to spot through your ship's bars - you will know when he emerges from cover. Beat Stanley second. Always wait until he stops firing, then lean out and fire a couple of shots at him, although one is enough. Decide Spandau last. Again, wait for him to shoot and shoot him.

This order is due to the fact that the Spandau approximation is easier to see than Stanley, because Stanley wears a green jacket and is surrounded by green plants, so it is easier for the eyes to see Spandau.

So, the passage. The object of the entire game is to find the kidnapped triplet actresses.

Location 1. Villa Lula.

We talk with Brian. He will tell you that the triplets are gone. We run to the second floor, find their room. To the right of the bed we select the key from the gatekeeper's house, near the glass table - a box of matches. When leaving the room, a new mission will appear - to find videotapes from the surveillance camera. We run back. There is a small room near the stairs on the second floor, where we take a magazine from the table. We go downstairs and talk about the room of triplets. We don't connect the police, otherwise the game will be over. We leave through the main doors, then we run to the left. We run under the bridge and see the house of the gatekeeper. Open the door with the key. We select a video cable on the floor and connect it to the VCR. Near the cabinet we find the first videotape, near the table - the second. We watch both cassettes. We run back into the house, we speak with Brian. A mission will appear: find Spandau's phone number. We show Brian the matchbox, talk to him. We try to dial the Spandau number (by regular phone, not by mobile). We dial the number, but it is wrong. We ask Brian's phone number, he doesn't know. We leave to the pool. We talk with Lisa (sunbathing by the pool), first about her melons, and then about the phone number. We take the mobile on the table. We call Spandau again, there is an answering machine. We speak with Brian, there will be a new mission: to go to San Francisco. We run through the main doors to the garage. We are trying to open the door of the car. I need a key. We ask about Brian's key, he kind of doesn't know. We go to the bathroom and ask about the lesbian key in the shower. It turns out that Brian has the keys. Once again we ask him about the key. Having received the key, we sit in the car and leave.

Location 2. San Francisco.

We go to the store where discs are sold, and we take away the battery for the mobile (it lies near the cash register). Let's talk to Sarah on the street. (When I do not write about what to talk about, then I have to talk about everything in a row). We speak with Kikki at the entrance to the club. Doesn't let him. Now let's chat with Hank, who is guarding the back door. Let's try to open the door, but Hank will stop. We ask Sarah for help to get into the club. She asks for proof that it really matters. We run to the black van, open the back door, take an earring with an ear. We show the find to Sarah. We finish the conversation with her. We talk with Marilyn. We ask her for help to go to the club, then we invite you for coffee. We invite Sarah for a cup of coffee. We are transferred to the cafe. We ask Sarah about a pass to the club. We order drinks for Sarah and Marilyn from Phillip. Again we talk with Sarah and, finally, we get a pass. From the table at which ... a couple are sitting, we take the chili sauce. We leave on the street, we run to the right along the road, then down the street. There will be a narrow street straight ahead. Here we find the Spandau house. The door is of course closed. Let's talk with Raudi and Guy. Uselessly. Let's talk with the bum near the back entrance to the club. Let's ask him about Lorne. We run back to the Spandau house. The door is open. On the second floor we try to open the door to his apartment, but it is closed. On the third floor we go into Hamett's apartment. We talk with him about Spandau. He will give the key to Spandau's apartment if you bring him a drink. We take away from the table an empty bottle and a photo of Lorna. We take the wig on the other table. We run to the distillery store not far from the Spandau house. We show Willie an empty bottle. But he ran out of such swill. We go to the bum and give him the photo of Lorna, get the licorice. We give the liquorice to Willie, he will make a special swill. We run to Hamett and give him the bottle. Let's talk with him, as a result we get the key. Now - to Spandau's apartment. We open the door, listen to the answering machine. We consider the cat, it has a key on its collar. We try to pet the cat, but it will run away. We open the cabinet in the kitchen, we take the cat food. We fill a bowl with them. The cat will start to eat, remove the collar with the key from it. We open the iron cabinet and take away the battery, letter and cassette. We insert the battery and the cassette into the camera (which is in the same cabinet). Mission accomplished. It's time to go to the club. We show Hank Sarah's pass. We go to the club.

Location 3. Club.

Davis is not allowed on the second floor. We go to the hall. We speak to the bartender. Pour chili sauce into his cup of grog. He will drink and run to the toilet. We go behind the bar and turn on the heater. The bartender will be back soon. We take a glass from one of the visitors and give it to the bartender. He will burn his hands and Davis will come running to his cry. The path to the second floor is clear. We find the chief's room, but first we open the door to the bathroom. Now we open the door of the chief's office (Stanley). We eavesdrop on the conversation and quickly hide in the bathroom (if you don’t have time, the end of the game). Once again we look at the chef and again hide in the bathroom. Stanley will leave. We go into the office. Brian will call. We take away the card with the address from the table. We leave into the corridor, we get the key from the statue. We open the room of groans for them. We talk with Domina. After the conversation, she will leave. We take the frying pan and use it on the senator. We remove the handcuffs from his hand. We go down the stairs and we fasten Hank. Level passed.

Location 4. On the way to Las Vegas.

The dining room is closed. We run to the gas station and go to the store. Ordering coffee from Ben. We continue to talk to him. As a result, the poor man will run away, having lost the knife. We select it and run to the black van. We pierce the wheel with a knife. Mike will appear. We play knife throwing. Having won, we go to the car. There is no key again. We go into the dining room, talk to Gina and leave together. After the video - again a mini-game. We need to shoot two cops this time.

Location 5. Las Vegas.

We run along Industrial street. On the right side there will be a house with a staircase. This is where Miss Schreiber lives. We call, but she does not hear. We run a little further down the street, on the right we will see a narrow alley. We run there. We find a tank with tomatoes, take them and run back to the house. We run approximately to the middle of the road opposite the house and start a mini-game of throwing a tomato through the window. You need to hit 5 times with maximum force. We talk with Miss Schreiber, who will go out onto the balcony. She will throw the key. We take it away and open the door. We rise to the second floor and speak with Miss Schreiber. She will ask you to find her hearing aid. It is in the fridge in the kitchen on the first floor. We take it away. In the living room, also on the first floor, we take a photo of the western city from the wall. At the stairs on the second floor, we take a photo of Mount Rushmore from the wall. We give Miss Schreiber the hearing aid, we show her a letter (from the Spandau locker). We talk for a very long time, then we show both photos. Now - to the photo shop, which is located on El Camino street. It is closed. We run back to Miss Schreiber and ask her about the store. We talk to her several times until she says the phone number. We go down to the first floor and call Mr. Wong on the phone near the stairs. We go to the photo shop. We use the bell on the counter. We speak with Mr. Wong, show him a photo of Mount Rushmore. Then we check the photo through the glasses that are on the counter here. We run to Miss Schreiber and talk to her about the discovery.

Location 6. Mount Rushmore.

We run along the road to the mountain (according to the sign). There are binoculars in front of the stall. One of them does not advertise that it is not working. We use it. Need a coin. There are two options here. Option one: sell a magazine taken from Lula's villa to the owner of the stall. Option two: remove the medallion from Dusty's collar and put it in the box with money, then ask the owner of the stall for 2 coins of 25 cents each (the medallion looks like a coin of 50 cents). As a result, we get a coin. We use binoculars with a coin in our hands. After the video, we run further along the road. We go out to the observation deck and find again the binoculars without an announcement. After using it, it will break. We check the tripod, we run to the stall. We speak with the owner about the catapult. Then we ask about Gina's catapult. We run to the car of the owner of the stall (it is parked next to Lula's car), open the trunk with a knife and take the catapult. We go to the observation deck and set the catapult on a tripod. After that, you will need to shoot Dusty. It is necessary to raise the sight almost to the limit upwards and slightly to the right of the arrow. After the mini-game, Dusty will bring a doll. We show the doll to Gina. We show the owner of the kiosk a photo of the western city. Then we give the photo to Gina so that now she will talk to the owner of the kiosk. After their conversation, we talk to Gina again and leave.

Location 7. Colorado Creek.

We speak to Dave. A mission will appear: talk to the actors. We go out into the street, on the right, near the tents, we speak with two actors. We go to the saloon and ask Jack about Dave and Gene. We run to the church, try to open the door. To the right of the saloon (if you stand facing it) there is a house, near which there is an electric screwdriver. We take it with us, then back to the saloon. We go behind the bar and infect the screwdriver through the carrier. Use a screwdriver to open the door of the church. Interrogating Dave and Gina. We receive the key from Dave's trailer. It is located behind the decorations to the right of the saloon. Open the trailer door. After the cutscene, a hard drive will appear in your inventory. We run to the house, near which we found a screwdriver and examine the sign from above. This is a gun shop. Then we talk with Gina. The monkey will get the second doll from the bell. We take her away, talk to Gina.

Location 8. Beauty farm.

To the right of the door we find a box with fuses on the wall. We connect the wires. We run back to the lampposts, the door opens. We run up to the door, it closes. We ask Gina to move to the lamppost. We go into the building. We speak with Miss Henson. We go to the pool, we try to open the iron cabinet. It is closed. We run to the second floor and try to open the operating room. We talk with Chrissy and Gina. We run to the pool, approach the Baroness from behind and unbutton her bikini. The locksmith will react to this. We take away his screwdriver (near the battery) and open the cabinet. We take the third doll. We talk with Gina about dolls. We take the key from the wall near Miss Henson's table. We go to the second floor and use this key to open the operating room. Video clip.
Then you have to go through five rather difficult mini-games where you have to shoot the bandits.

This time, the puzzle game That Level Again 3 has prepared a new batch of tests for our big-headed man, which he must go through for the sake of his beloved, who suddenly disappeared. And for this he will have to visit many rooms filled with various objects. On his way there will be many surprises and traps that must be avoided, and here one cannot do without dexterity, ingenuity, attention and logical thinking. In addition, this hero will need your help and our tips.

Level 1 (0:03): History. Here you will have to start the game, and for this you need to change the background, get control buttons and a key. Now you can leave the first room.

Level 2 (0:45): Everything is in your hands. The little man will have to return to the previous room to take the key. To do this, you need to move one platform. And so that the hero does not fall on the thorns, he will again have to move the platforms.

Level 3 (1:06): How would I press? The door in this room is located on the ceiling, so using the key you need to press the red button, which will set the platform in motion and raise the little man to the goal.

Level 4 (1:17): Too light, can it be darker? The light in this room is too bright. So you have to stop That game Level Again 3 to pause and dim the display. After that, the little man will receive the key and will be able to leave the room.

Level 5 (1:28): Let's see how you handle it. Use your finger as a control in this room. Just grab the key and the man, and then drag them to the desired location. After that, use the second key, which must be transferred to the button. Now you can open the door with the same key.

Level 6 (1:54): You can't go further! The little man must move on, taking the key with him. But on his way there will be a wall that must be broken using a huge ball with spikes. To swing it, you will have to tilt the phone, the main thing is not to get under it. After that, you need to break the wall by tapping on it with a key, and transfer it to the red-green button to open the passage. Now the little man must double jump and leave the room.

Level 7 (2:29): Learn to survive. This time, the little man needs to find not only the key, but also the door. And here he will need a fire, a fire alarm and a flower pot. In addition, you will have to hide the That Level Again 3 game by removing it from the screen.

Level 8 (3:02): April 2016. In this room, the little man will meet his beloved, for this you just need to change the date in the game by putting the indicated one. Now they will continue this journey together and to open the door, the little man needs to press a button.

Level 9 (3:46): I am willing to do anything for her. To get through the thorns, the little man will have to die.

Level 10 (4:01): I shared everything with her. Here the little man will have to give his key to the girl, after which she will press the button and release him.

Level 11 (4:26): Words helped to get closer. Here you should use these words as a bridge. To do this, place them over the abyss.

Level 12 (4:40): There is always a way to her. In this room opposite the upper platform there is a hidden path along which the little man can get to the girl.

Level 13 (4:50): We complemented each other. To get to the key, the little man will have to sit on the shoulders of his beloved.

Level 14 (5:09): Did I betray her? The couple must press the buttons, however, this will separate them.

Level 15 (5:25): Now I am making my own path. You will have to lay out a bridge of squares for the little man, simply by touching the screen with your finger.

Level 16 (5:35): I changed my point of view. To help the little man overcome the deep hole, you need to tilt your phone to the left.

Level 17 (5:42): I don't feel like doing anything. In this room you need to be patient, and when the thorns disappear, the little man will be able to pass.

Level 18 (5:53): I do everything! But I stand still. To open the door, you will have to press all the buttons at the same time and break them. Now, to control the little man, you just need to tilt the phone to the left.

Level 19 (6:24): Again this level. The little man returned to the beginning of the game again, where he will have to do everything until he got his first key. True, now he needs to go the other way. To open the desired door, you must press all buttons at the same time. After that, you will have to repeat your actions from level 18 to 15, which will lead the man to the girl.

Level 20 (8:50): Hello. The little man just needs to reach his beloved.

Level 21 (8:59): Obstacle. Here, on the way, the little man will have an abyss, which he must jump over.

Level 23 (9:27): IQ test. Here you do not need to solve a puzzle, you just need to click on the IQ-test inscription and a path will appear along which the little man will get to his beloved.

Level 24 (9:36): Find all the flowers. This time, you will have to go looking for flowers, and do not forget about the bouquet in the splash screen. And for this you need to go to the game menu. After that, the little man will be able to approach the girl.

Level 25 (10:01): Box. There are boxes in the way of the little man, and in order for the lovers to meet, you will have to turn your phone until this happens.

Level 26 (10:24): IQ test 2. To help the little man get to his beloved, you must build a kind of bridge across the abyss using geometric shapes.

Level 27 (10:45): Another way. This time, in order to meet his beloved, the little man must go not to her, but from her.

Level 28 (10:51): I won't let her disappear. Here the man must approach the girl, and you have to click on the menu. This will allow the couple to get to the door and go free.

Our couple still managed to overcome all obstacles and go through the cherished door leading to a happy future. But there is another version of the ending for this story, and it is not as rosy as our lovers would like.

Level 29 (13:07): Wait for me. The little man must get to his beloved, only she leaves without him.

Level 30 (13:17): Give me your hand. Here you will have to help our hero climb the ledge by simply dragging it with your finger.

Level 31 (13:28): I won't touch you again. This time, the little man cannot touch the girl, so he must first jump over her, and then find. Having approached her, a surprise awaits him, like his assistants, and not the most pleasant one.