Board game "Adventures of Munhausen". Postcards. "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" (ill. V. Lyubarov) Adventures of Baron Munchausen coloring

other presentations on "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen"

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"KF Ryleev" - The Cossacks did not even suspect that Kuchum was preparing an ambush and was watching every step of Yermak's squad. Under cover of night, Kuchum attacked the sleeping Cossacks and exterminated the entire detachment. In his political views, Ryleev evolved from moderate constitutional-monarchist to republican. At the mouth of the Vagai River, the Cossacks stopped for the night.

"Ryleev" - Ryleev was educated in the 1st Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg. Ryleev goes over to the position of republicanism. He was sentenced to death and hanged on July 13, 1826. They mark the poet's final overcoming of constitutional-monarchical illusions. He retired in 1818 with the rank of second lieutenant. Kondraty Fedorovich Ryleev. 1795-1826.

The article accompanying this publication says that Svetlana Akatieva in childhood loved to read a book about the unthinkable exploits of the baron. She even sketched the most exciting episodes. These children's drawings on sheets from school notebooks were kept in an old, almost fairytale chest with a rusty lock. Years passed, the girl grew up, graduated from the Kharkov Academy of Design and Arts and became a professional artist. Once, among the things forgotten in the attic, Svetlana found a chest with her children's pictures for "Munchausen" and decided on their basis to create new illustrations in mixed media: watercolor, colored pencils, ink and gouache.

And now, from the cover of a book of a cozy square format, the fearless traveler and consummate storyteller Munchausen looks at us, squinting slyly. The baron has a long, straight nose and a lush mustache sticking out in different directions. On the back of the cover, the bouquets of his powdered wig transform into a cracked, silvery moon. And the stalk of the Turkish bean, on which Munchausen first reached the moon, is woven into the lace of the collar of his camisole.

The design of the book is thought out to the smallest detail and creates a sense of harmony. The illustrations are designed in a single color scheme: turquoise prevails in all the richness of shades and the color of baked milk. An attentive eye will notice many different rolls. For example, one of the endpapers depicts a cannon with a cannonball that just flew out of it, while the other depicts a deer with branchy antlers hung with cherries. Both will meet the reader in the illustrations. Svetlana Akatieva also came up with a special typeface Ackat for the design of the titles, for which she received a third degree diploma at the All-Russian competition of student type works.

The book contains quite a few full-page drawings that fit the ironic storytelling style. How do you like the enraged fur coat, which is trying to bite Munchausen on the finger with the toothed bell of the sleeve? Or a delightfully knobby crocodile that swallowed the shaggy head of a lion in front of the tiny, cringing baron? Some illustrations are laid out horizontally or vertically - as a result, whole episodes from the entertaining stories of the brave and resourceful baron literally come to life before the eyes of the reader.

Here Munchausen is sitting in the snow in red dandy boots, clearly inappropriate in the frosty Russian winter. He settled down for the night, tying his horse to a small post sticking out of a snowdrift. We lay out the picture - and the horse is on the roof of the bell tower, around which the surprised residents of the village thawed out overnight have crowded.

Here, fleeing the Turks, Munchausen was firmly stuck in the swamp along with his horse. He pulls himself up by the skinny pigtail, the horse grabbed the cuff of the master's jacket with his teeth. We unfold the page and see how they ascended over the swamp. The Baron in a well-cut patterned jacket with a lace bib - he, as they say, came out dry from the water. And only the leaves of the water lilies, stuck to the sides of the horse, and the frog in his nose remind of what happened.

But the ship with Munchausen on board not far from America ran into an underwater rock. After unfolding the page, we discover that it is not a rock, but "a whale of colossal size, which peacefully dozed on the water." Keith frowned, looking with an angry eye - he is clearly scary in anger. In this state, this giant can really drag the ship by the anchor all over the ocean from morning till night.

Korney Chukovsky (by the way, the author of a brilliant retelling of stories about Munchausen) in his book "From Two to Five" wrote that children are very fond of all sorts of fables. This is for them intellectual game, helping to consolidate the "correct" ideas about the structure of the world. Little readers find the baron's unparalleled boasting ridiculous, and they rejoice that they were able to "unravel" his intricate fantasies. “Here is their combat duel with Munchausen, a duel from which they invariably emerge victorious every time ... This increases their self-esteem:“ Yeah, you wanted to cheat us, you didn’t attack those people! ”.

How wonderful that in Svetlana Akatieva's house there is an old chest with her children's drawings. And therefore, with all her artistic skill, her illustrations for "Munchausen" are filled with vivid and immediate impressions from her childhood. Chukovsky called this funny book "an appetizing delicacy for children", and in such a design, which creates a lot additional opportunities for the game, it will bring even more joy to the readers.

At the end of the book, we see a self-portrait of the artist: a girl flies over a lake in which outlandish fish swim, and from a bird's eye view she tries to see a small figurine of Munchausen on horseback. She smiles at him like an old acquaintance.

Ksenia Zernina

Photo by Elena Oberemok

I really like "Munchausen" Vladimir Lyubarov!

I wonder if such a book came out or the illustrations were printed only in the form of postcards?

E. Raspe. "ADVENTURES OF BARON MUNHAUSEN" Set of postcards.
("Fine Art", 1978, ill. V. Lyubarova)

With all my might, I punched myself in the right eye. Sparks fell from his eye, and the gunpowder immediately flashed.

Suddenly - you can imagine my amazement! - the ducks flew into the air and lifted me to the clouds.
Anyone else in my place would be at a loss, but I am a brave and resourceful person.
I arranged the steering wheel out of my frock coat and, controlling the ducks, quickly flew to the house.

I slowly walked over to the fox and began to whip her with a whip.
She was so dazed in pain that - would you believe it? - jumped out of her skin and ran away from me naked.

Imagine my amazement when a magnificent deer jumped out of the thicket of the forest right at me, with a tall, branchy cherry tree growing between its horns! Oh, believe me, it was very beautiful: a slender deer and a slender tree on its head!

I directed my horse at the window and, like a whirlwind, flew into the dining room.
The ladies were very scared at first. But I forced the stallion to jump onto the tea table and so skillfully poured among the glasses and cups that I did not break a single glass, not a single smallest saucer.

Now the whole body of my horse has disappeared into the fetid mud, now my head has begun to sink into the swamp, and only the pigtail of my wig sticks out from there.
What was to be done? We would certainly have died if not for the amazing strength of my hands. I am a terrible strong man. Grabbing myself by this pigtail, I pulled up with all my strength and without much difficulty pulled myself and my horse out of the swamp, which I squeezed with both legs, like forceps.

It turned out that the entire rear of my horse was cut off completely, and the water that he drank freely poured out behind him, without lingering in his stomach.

I slid along the rope with one hand and held the hatchet with the other.
But soon the rope ended, and I hung in the air, between heaven and earth.

The lion, rushing at me at the moment when I fell to the ground, flew over me and landed right in the crocodile's mouth!

Suddenly I see - a huge fish with its mouth wide open is swimming right at me! What was to be done? It is impossible to escape from her, and therefore I cringed into a ball and rushed into her gaping mouth in order to quickly slip past the sharp teeth and immediately find myself in the stomach.

My dear Munchausen! - exclaimed the sultan. - I'm used to believing your every word, because you are the most truthful person on earth, but I swear that now you are not telling the truth: there is no better wine than this!

Where are you going? I asked him. - And why did you tie these weights to your feet? because they interfere with running!
“Three minutes ago I was in Vienna,” the man answered as he ran, “and now I am going to Constantinople to look for some work. I hung Giri at my feet so as not to run too fast, because I have nowhere to rush.

Do not be afraid, they will not catch up with us! - he said with a laugh, ran aft and, pointing one nostril against the Turkish fleet and the other against our sails, raised such a terrible wind that the entire Turkish fleet flew away from us back to the harbor in one minute.

And I need to tell you that on that very day the British celebrated my victory over the Spanish army and fired all their cannons in joy.
A gunner approached the cannon in which I was sleeping and fired.

What was I supposed to do? Another minute - and I will be torn to pieces by fierce predators. And suddenly a brilliant thought struck me. I grabbed a knife, ran up to the killed bear, tore off its skin and pulled it over ourselves.

Lunar inhabitants have a belly instead of a suitcase. They can close and open it whenever they want ...
They can take out and insert their eyes ... If the eye deteriorates or is lost, they go to the market and buy themselves a new one. Therefore, there are a lot of people on the moon who trade their eyes. There you read on the signs every now and then: "Eyes are selling cheap. Big choice orange, red, purple and blue. "

The fantastic "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" is based on the stories of Baron Munchausen, who really lived in Germany in the 18th century. He was a military man, served in Russia for some time and fought with the Turks. Returning to his estate in Germany, Munchausen soon became known as a witty storyteller who invented the most incredible adventures. It is not known if he himself wrote down his stories or if someone else did it, but in 1781 some of them were printed. In 1785, the German writer E. Raspe processed these stories and published them. Subsequently ...

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen Rudolf Raspe

The fantastic "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" is based on the stories of Baron Munchausen, who actually lived in Germany in the 18th century. He was a military man, served in Russia for some time and fought with the Turks. Returning to his estate in Germany, Munchausen soon became known as a witty storyteller who invented the most incredible adventures. It is not known if he himself wrote down his stories or if someone else did it, but in 1781 some of them were printed. In 1785, the German writer E. Raspe processed these stories and published them. Subsequently ...

The Comes of Baron Munchausen Rudolf Raspe

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