Games about the battle of kittens. Strike squad kittens games

Description of flash games

Army of Cats 3 - Strike Force

StrikeForce Kitty League

Seals are adorable creatures that touch everyone with just their appearance. But even they can release their claws, if the situation so requires, and in the game "Army of Cats 3" you can watch this with an enviable frequency.
The characters of the game are ordinary cats, they are very dependent on their king, valiantly serving that for several decades. Warrior cats line up around the castle to protect it from intruders. But the enemies do not want to leave them alone, and now, a new army of monsters is heading towards the castle to destroy it once and for all.
Your cats will stand to the last, in their arsenal there are sharp blades and guns. But these kittens do not have 9 lives, so you need to monitor their indicators so that they remain normal. And to do this, contact an ambulance, which will constantly appear on your screen. Of course, for a few minutes your knight will disappear from sight, then after that he will return healthy and full of strength for a new fight. A fascinating toy that can attract you to the monitor screen for a long time, if you were looking for it, then run forward. Do not forget that cats are cute creatures, but they have insolence and power in their hearts.

Games Strike Squad Rescue Kittens

When something terrible happens, a hero or a whole team is called for help. On their behalf, or rather - pretty faces, they offer Strike Squad of kittens games to play online.

The trouble happened unexpectedly - predatory foxes entered the stone castle of the cat-king, and kidnapped the only young daughter. The princess was so shocked that she did not dare to resist, and the kidnappers easily disappeared with their prey.

As a father, the cat greatly grieved that this had happened to his only child, and as a king, he was outright angry with the guards that she looked over the enemies who had entered the castle and quietly left it, without encountering resistance. But the sanity of a wise parent and leader prevailed over emotions, and now the king chooses four of the best fighters from the army.

Having received the order not to return to the castle without the princess, the kittens are serious and ready to repulse any enemy. They know the only sign of the enemy - belonging to the fox family. Who would doubt that these cunning thieves are behind the tragedy. But now they have gone too far, and the formidable army of the king is following in their wake. For the mission to be successful, you need to know the magic buttons. While playing Strike Squad Kittens with cheats, you can get additional features.

  • J - allows you to turn on the infinity of feline lives, but only if the kittens are pumped and they have at least 2 lives;
  • K - infinite endurance;
  • L - update points are added.

Brave Furry Squad

All parts of the game Strike squad of kittens can be played for free on our portal. Meet different suits heroes who turn from playful kids into purposeful soldiers. They lined up in a chain and are ready for any challenge. They will be supported by the fish and milk that they meet along the way. Track how much energy kittens have by observing the energy scale.

To find out which path the kittens have made, look at the upper scale, and you will find out if you are at the beginning of the road, in the middle of it, or approaching the finish line. And if you are tired and want to temporarily take a break from the passage, just click on pause, and you can go about business.

You will come across keys during the game Strike squad of kittens, and they also need to be collected in order to open chests with clothes and weapons, which at the very beginning the characters do not have. But then you will gradually begin to get everything you need, and every detail plays an important role.

While your squad is too weak, do not get involved in a fight with foxes and jump over dangerous areas: spikes, cliffs, holes, traps, stones, warning signs. Since control is reduced to two arrow buttons (up and down), the process will not be tedious at all, and you can react in a timely manner to the approach of danger.

Everyone in search of the princess!

The game Strike Squad Kittens 1 launches a wonderful story. Going on a campaign to save the princess, cats are ready for anything - to fight enemies, overcome dangers, but quickly get tired if you do not reinforce them with fish and milk. If the heroes get tired, they will simply lie down and rest, and in the meantime, the king's daughter will suffer in captivity.
Continuation - the game Strike squad of kittens 2, shows that the cunning foxes still have not calmed down, and the cats are going on the road again to capture their castle. Pump them over, equip them, and complete missions.
Realizing that jokes with kittens are bad, foxes teamed up with raccoons, and the game Strike Force of Kittens 3 takes us to a battle in which brave cats defend the walls of their castle. The forces were unequal, and the feline squad lost, but the game Strike squad of kittens 4 gives them a chance to win back. Pump them up so that not a trace remains of the enemy.

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Why kittens are eager to fight

The world of the mustachioed, tailed and striped is full of surprises. Magic in the cat's territory has not been canceled either. This means that there will be a place for a fairy tale in the style of living. V strike force kittens included the best of the best, worthy of worthy. And the king of the cat kingdom himself chose them and approached the choice with all responsibility. At stake is the salvation of her daughter, an adorable cat princess. About how and under what circumstances she fell into the clutches of cunning foxes, the information is contradictory, and the fact that it is necessary to save the baby as soon as possible is beyond doubt. So four inseparable friends are rushing from one walker to another in search of a charming meowing princess.

And the costumes are magical

During the passage of games about the strike squad of kittens, the characteristics of the characters will have to be improved all the time. You can do this by using numerous trophies taken from the enemy, or you can do it at the cost of your own efforts. The fact is that the strike squad of kittens does not have to collect all the trophies along the way, but the more there are, the more interesting it will be to play.

You can transform in the course of the game in anyone you like, but first you have to pant, sweat and win the battle. Along the route of kittens, foxes armed to the teeth are very common. It is not always wise to engage in battle with each of them, because significant losses can be incurred. But if you're lucky, you can get excellent protective suits and captured weapons.

Collect fish - pump yourself

Moving from level to level, representatives of the feline special forces become stronger and stronger. The secret is simple: the fish collected along the way is not only tasty food, but also a pass to the gym, where each of the kittens shakes their characteristics, increasing speed, endurance or strength, and sometimes, if the catch was decent, then all the indicators together.

Remember that when you play the strike squad of kittens, your heroes must eat very well, that is, collect fish along the way and try not to miss bottles of milk. A tired member of the strike force can simply lie down and fall asleep, and this is tantamount to death. In this case, the game will have to start over.

Kitten Strike Force Success Secrets

The success of each meowing Strike Force sortie depends on the tactics chosen. The first two kittens are more likely to engage in close combat, and the ones that follow are skillful shooters and can hit the enemy from a distance. The games also have the opportunity to study the map of the area in advance and learn something about the characteristics of the enemy. A virtual tip gives us the opportunity to choose the appropriate costumes and weapons for our brave men.

Description of flash games

Squad of Kittens 3: The Last Stand

Otryad Kotyat 3: Poslednyaya Bitva

Strike squad of kittens is again ready for work and defense, in the new online game "Squad of Kittens 3: Last fight". This time, the king of cunning foxes, after defeat, negotiates with the raccoons to defeat the kingdom of seals. Now the army of raccoons, equipped in unrecognizable equipment and armed, set off to attack the kittens. But the strike force is always on guard for the security of the state, therefore, the opponents will have a hard time. Your task is to fight with opponents and defeat them in battle.Your squad has enough kittens to defeat a mighty army.The main thing is to correctly plan the attack and act promptly.

You only need to press the "Attack" button to resist in a timely manner. In the course of the game, you will have new outfits for kittens, which not only do appearance kittens are not only funnier and cuter, but also stronger. Plus, you can upgrade kittens' skills by buying upgrades for them. Some enemies are armed with a firearm or a cold one. But when buying equipment or tools in the store, your kittens will be no less powerful in this regard. Defeat enemies and get bonuses in the form of fish for this. We wish you a successful battle in the game "Squad of Kittens 3: The Last Battle".