Play cats shock power Last battle. Games percussion squad kittens

Meet the Sicvel Best Fit from the Strike Series Fors Kitty: online game "Impact detachment kittens: 3 last blow" (StrikeForce Kitty: Last Stand). There will have to play bypassing the rules: raccons join the fight against cats! You must protect the castle from mercenaries: steal costumes and fight! It is important to strengthen the database by changing the fish to improve.

How to play

At the beginning of the game about shock squad Kittens 3 The team consists of 6 combat cats on the field and 1 cats as a defender on the wall of the castle. For 500 fish you can buy another 1 defender (up to 5) - these kittens helps, turning into the enemies of the dishes. Click on the "attack" button to defeat raccoons and get their costumes. It is worth playing cats - the level will begin again, all earned fish will remain in the asset.

Each cat from the brave detachment can be "pumped" if the pigs are enough in the piggy bank, icons are painted yellow color, This is a signal to click on every cat to make stronger! The stronger the cat, the higher his chance to steal clothes to perform bonus tasks

Bonuses from costumes

  1. The cat commander - reduces the activation time of special activities, is growing a chance to get new costumes from raccoons and increase the ability.
  2. Cat with fishing rod - increases the number of fish caught during the defense base, up to 140.
  3. Kitten Medica is the time of the restoration of wounded cats.
  4. Samurai with a sword is more damage to combat raccats.
  5. Cat with a shield increases the health of the entire detachment.
  6. Cat archer reduces the recharge time of the defender on the tower (it can more actively help the detachment, turning into devices and raccoons of the pan and circles).

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Why kittens rut \u200b\u200bin battle

In the world of pretty, tailed and striped full surprises. Nobody canceled magic on feline territory. And it means that for a fairy tale in the style of lived, there is a place. The best of the best worthy of the best, worthy of worthy of the best. And the king of the king kingdom himself chose them and came to the choice with full responsibility. On the horse, the salvation of the daughter, the charming princess cat. How and under what circumstances she fell into the paws of tricky foxes information is contradictory, and the fact that it is necessary to save the crumb and as soon as possible doubts. So there are four inseparable friends from one shock to another in search of a charming meowing princess.

And the costumes are magical

During the passing of games about the shock detachment of kittens, the characteristics of the characters will have to improve all the time. You can do this through the use of numerous trophies selected by the enemy, but you can attend our own efforts. The fact is that the shock detachment of kittens is not necessarily to collect all the trophies along the way, but what they are more, it will be more interesting to play.

You can reincarnate in the process of the game in someone your soul, but to start you will have to get caught, getting drunk and win fight. Along the way of following, the kittens armed to the teeth are far satisfied. It is not always reasonable with each of them to go into battle, because you can suffer significant losses. But if you are lucky, you can get excellent protective suits and trophy weapons.

Fish to collect yourself

Turning from level to level, representatives of feline special forces are becoming more stronger. The secret is simple: the fish assembled along the path is not only a delicious food, but also the pass to the gym, where each of the kittens shakes its characteristics, increasing speed, endurance, or power, and sometimes, if the catch was decent, then all the indicators together.

Remember that when you play a shock squad kittens, your heroes should eat very well, that is, the fish along the way to collect and try to try bottles with milk. The tired representative of the shock detachment can simply lie down and fall asleep, and it is equivalent to death. The game in this case will have to begin again.

Secrets of the success of the shock detachment of kittens

The success of each single-taking meowing shock detachment depends on the chosen tactics. The first two kittens are more often entering the near battle, and those that follow, are skilled arrows and can affect the enemy at a distance. In games, it is also possible to study the map of the area in advance and something to learn about the characteristics of the enemy. The virtual tip makes it possible to choose the corresponding costumes and weapons for our bravers.

Games percussion squad kittens rescuers

When something terrible happens, the name is the hero or a whole team. From their face, or rather - pretty faces, offered games percussion squad kittens play online.

The trouble happened unexpectedly - the predatory foxes penetrated into the stone castle of Kota-King, and kidnapped the only young daughter. The princess was in such a shock that he did not dare to resist, and the kidnappers easily disappeared with their prey.

As a father, the cat burned heavily, what happened to his only child, and as the king - didn't get angry for the guard that she looked at the enemies, penetrated into the castle and quietly left him, without having resistances. But the sanity of the wise parent and the leader prevailed over emotions, and so the king chooses from the Army four of the best fighters.

Having received an order not to return to the castle without a princess, kittens are seriously tuned, and ready to repulse any enemy. They know the only admission of the enemy - belonging to the family of foxes. Who would doubt that the tragedy stand these cunning thieves. But now they went too far, and the terrible army of the king goes on their trail. For the mission to be successful, you need to know the magic buttons. During the game, a shock squad kittens with cheats you can get additional features.

  • J - allows to include infinity of cat lives, but only if kittens are pumped and they have at least 2 lives;
  • K - endless endurance;
  • L - update glasses are added.

Brave fluffy squad

All parts of the game Impact kittens can play for free on our portal. Meet different suit Heroes, which from playful babies turn into targeted soldiers. They lined up with a chain, and are ready for any tests. Support their forces of fish and milk, occurring in the way. Watch how much energy in the kittens, watching the energy scale.

To find out what path the kittens did, look at the top scale, and find out, at the beginning you are expensive, on her middle or approach the finish. And if tired, and I want to temporarily break away from passing, just click on the pause, and you can go on business.

You will come across the keys during the game a shock detachment of kittens, and they should also be assembled to open chests with clothes and weapons, which in the very beginning there are no characters. But then you will gradually begin to get everything you need, and each detail plays an important role.

While your squad is too weak, do not get into a fight with foxes and jump over dangerous areas: spikes, cliffs, pits, cacks, stones, warning signs. Because the control is reduced to two buttons (up and down) shooters, the process will not be tedious at all, and can be reactually reacting to the danger approximation.

All in search of princess!

Impact detachment kittens game 1 launches a wonderful story. Having hurting to save the princess, cats are ready for everything - fight enemies, overcome the dangers, but quickly get tired, if not to support their fish and milk. If the heroes are tired, they will simply lie, and will be resting, and in the meantime the king's daughter is to suffer in captivity.
Continued - the game Impact Squad Kittens 2, shows that cunning foxes still did not calm down, and cats are going to capture their castle again. Pour them, go, and pass the mission.
Realizing that with kittens a jokes are bad, the foxes merged with raccas, and the play of the shock detachment of kittens 3 takes us on the battle, in which brave cats protect the walls of their castle. Forces turned out to be unequal, and feline squad lost, but the play of the shock squad kittens 4 gives them a chance to recoup. Pump them so much, so that there is no trace from the enemy.