DIY 10 kopecks do it yourself. Crafts from coins. What to do so that the aircraft does not lose the spectacular appearance

Increasingly, coins are lying in the apartment in different boxes, on the shelves. If the little things have accumulated a lot, you need to find a worthy application. Moreover, what can be done from 10- bad coins Decorations, panels, decorate stands, tables.

Using a variety of needlework techniques, it is easy to create a variety of products to decorate the interior and just for creative pleasure. Yes, and coins are perfectly combined with many materials.

Frame decoration is a fairly popular kind of needlework. Coins different countries Will remind of travel and work perfectly to decorate photos from trips. It is easier to work with a wooden frame - then you can quickly change the photo.

Coins on one are glued to the frame using a super block. Strongly a lot of money glue undesirable because the product will be pretty heavy. To disguise the lumens between the coins, the frame is pre-stained in a golden or silver shade.

Jewelry from kopecks may be the most diverse - bracelets, earrings, necklaces. To create complex jewelry, a special tool and wire skills are needed.

For the manufacture of a simple bracelet from coins you will need a decorative bracelet-chain of a copper shade, small rings, a few kopecks, drill, vice. Preparatory activities - drill in the coins of the hole, then to attach every little ring to the chain.

The easiest way to evan the bracelet using special coins With holes. To decorate looked stylish, it is advisable to use a leather cord.

According to the fashionable direction of Feng Shui, to attract money well-being to the house can be decor from coins. The original version of the crafts in this case will be a stylized cash tre. It will take clay, wire, coins of various dignity, paint, superclauses. Stages of work step by step:

  1. From clay, a round base will be mastered and left for drying.
  2. A dense trunk is twisted from the wire and separate twigs are formed.
  3. The barrel is glued to the base superclosure. The surface is additionally decorated with coins.
  4. The coins are glued to each twig, having practically horizontally.

To make the craft finished look, it is painted in one color. Use better paint in the cans. It looks original as shiny golden trees and matte gentle-silver.

Unusual souvenir or gift - panel with a depicting of money. To create a craft, you will need cardboard, corrugated cardboard, twine, PVA glue, acrylic paints, gold enamel. Step-by-step process:

  1. 2 sheet of corrugated cardboard with a size of 15x25 cm is covered with a conventional cardboard on both sides.
  2. A frame of 2.5 cm wide is cut out of one width and glued to a whole sheet.
  3. Sliced \u200b\u200btwine is laid out from one side of the picture, forming a tree trunk. Ends protruding by the frame are cut and fixed with glue on the end.
  4. Coins are glued to thread twigs, forming a crown.
  5. When the panel will dry, it is painted (blue, green, dark gray) on both sides.

The final barcode - applying the golden enamel with light sliding movements. Thanks to this, the panel will acquire relief and effectively decorate any room.

From the original souvenir in the form of a waterfall of the money, someone is unlikely to refuse. Even a schoolboy can create an unusual handicraft. You will need: metal plug, saucer with a cup, superclauses, silver paint in the canopy, coins. Sequencing:

  1. The two ends of the plug are bent in such a way that the cup can be glued to the fork and fix it on the saucer.
  2. Several coins are covered with paint from the canister.
  3. The base is wrapped with a bandage or cotton disks that are tied with thread.
  4. Coins begin to glue in a cup, gradually covering the base of the fork and saucer.

To apply the final decor, the mug and edges of the saucer are closed with a film. The open part of the crafts with coins is painted with golden paint.

A pretty exotic look has a box, all the walls of which are posted with kopecks. Creating a similar craft from coins with your own hands is a matter of not one day. After all, it will take time to collect a lot of identical coins and gradually glue them, forming a craft.

Great idea - Create a box using a minimum iron money, little time and fantasy. This will require a ready box (preferably a certain geometric shape). The essence of the work is to wake the surface of the casket with coins. Pre-foundation is purified from dust, contaminants. Glue metal elements better superclaim. Mine caskets from the kopecks of one color look very elegant.

To make a bright cash sink, select a vase of any size and shape. We also need coins (preferably of the same size), thermopystole, black paint, paint in color cylinder cylinder. Proceedings:

  1. The vase is covered with black paint and leave to dry.
  2. Coins paint paint with a tint of copper from the canister.
  3. A penny is evenly, a row for nearby, glued to the vase.

To create a craft, you can use glass transparent vases and decorate surfaces not only with coins. Small colored beads, lace braid - you can combine a variety of materials. Such vases will refine the interiors of different styles. By the same principle you can decorate a dish for fruits.

Creating crafts from a large set of kopecks will take a mass of time. You can collect different figures of animals, models of cars or ships. Previously, it is necessary to make a detailed drawing to calculate the size of the product taking into account the diameter of the coins. For a spectacular view, all the money is stained into one silver color. The decorative elements of the ship will be lanes from golden coins, blue paper sails.

If you are a little mining, it is easy to create a picture of the coins. An excellent idea is to portray the background on the craft of a monetary tree and place on the owl branch. It will take a picture with a frame, a coin of ten kopecks and a larger, twine, golden paint, a thermopystole.

Initially, on the basis of painting sketch. From the segments of the twine form a tree trunk and a spray-support for owls. Tree crown lay out large coins. The body of the owls form with a penny, which are glued in a checker order, forming the appearance of plumage. From dense cardboard, the legs, head, eyes, wings are cut out. All elements are glued to the body. When the adhesive will dry, the pattern-panel is covered with golden paint.

There is a belief that Horseshoe is a sign of good luck, a symbol of happiness. It is believed that it was also a charm or amulet, protecting the house and households from failure.

Create with your own hands the mascot from the coins is easy. From dense cardboard, the billet is cut on the shape of the horseshoe. The front side is covered with coins of the same color and size, placing them in a checker order. On the reverse side of the workpiece glue the strong thread-suspension and also fill the surface with a penny.

Having suspended the craft on the wall above the door, it should be borne in mind that Horseshoe can be located in two ways:

  • the position "horns" up attracts positive energy into the house and symbolizes the house - the full bowl. Horseshoe hang indoors;
  • outside the house horseshoe hanging down. It is believed that the talisman protects the dwelling from trouble.

It is believed that the presented horseshoe bears a greater energy charge. Therefore, such a souvenir craft will be an excellent gift for any reason.

An exquisite flower decorated in the style of Topiaria will always be in the spotlight. To create a craft, it is advisable to use 10-penny coins. It also takes the ball from the foam, woolen threads, thermocons, pots, thick wire, self-hardening paste, paint under "gold". Step-by-step flower creation process:

  1. The ball is wound with threads and glue with coins, placing them in a checker order.
  2. From the wire form a trunk-spiral.
  3. The pots are filled with self-hardening mass and install a helix in it.
  4. Wire wrapped with twine and put on her a ball with a penny.
  5. Decorative sheets are glued to the trunk, the entire craft is covered with golden paint from the canister.

Separately color several gold coins, which close the base in the pot.

Given the many ideas, no longer raises the hand to throw coins into the far corner of the box or throw out the table, because it seems that the countertop can already be embedded. Even if urgently do not need to create a gift, you can still come up with a sketch of a coin of coins in the form of a heart or an original circle. Ideas in the air are twisted, so do not be scattered with coins, it is better to collect them in anticipation of creative inspiration.

What can be purchased by spending the mountain of coins, unnoticed at your home? And what if you do not spend them, and find a more decent application to brilliant circles? Coins are used in design for a long time.

This is a very convenient, practical material that is suitable for mosica manufacturer, bracelets and supports, and for simple baking pots for home plants.

Having become acquainted with these ideas, you will no longer go past the obscured coins! A little bit of imagination, diligence, and that's what you will succeed. It is very cute!

What to do from coins

  1. With the help of a stamp for a coin chain, this is a pretty pendant. They will especially well look like coins brought from another country.
  2. Picture laid out with coins. A little paints, the original frame, canvas - what else is needed for the work of modern art? You can make such a gift for a friend and assure it that the material well-being is guaranteed. A good idea!

  3. Options Necklaces made of coins with complex weaving. Great to look will be with a dress in an African style!
  4. Coins can be flattened, erase the drawing. From such flat coins, the decoration will come out unusual ...

  5. Buttons from coins - addition to free-style clothing.

  6. You can save the charm of round forms and get rid of too obsessive glitter. It is enough just to paint the paint coins.

  7. Frame for mirrors or photos. Coin will not need too much.

  8. From this I would definitely not refuse!

  9. Place the coins ring and use it as a retainer for napkins and festive letters - an unexpected idea.

  10. Coin tray! Let's fit into any interior.

  11. Bar rack or countertop in coins will be an expressive room detail.

  12. Simply coffee table. For so nice to sit cozy in the evening ...

  13. Ordinary vases can be turned into attracting attention, interesting things. Plug them with coins - easier simple, and the effect!
  14. Coins are able to refine almost any item. Even a horse's horse from a tree.
  15. Money and letters. Inscriptions from coins - an interesting way to set the thematic mood in the room.
  16. Furious house using coins for the decoration of the roof! Better than a house from cookies. It is possible not only to use the bird feeder, but also as a mailbox.
  17. Whole wall of coins!

  18. Sometimes coins seem especially relevant ...
  19. To do

Coin crafts have long been considered one of the most common types of homework. This is due to the fact that a large number of unnecessary little things accumulate in the house, which can be taken into the case, making various accessories and souvenirs from it. At the same time, you not only spend your free time with the proda, but also save money about the reserve, because they will retain all the properties of the payment currency.

Crafts from coins today are very popular

Pluses from coins

Crafts made of coins made with their own hands in lately They became very popular for a number of wines. So, if earlier work with money was instructed by jewelers or blacksmiths, which could make a monisto or necklace from coins, now the products of them can anyone. This is due to the fact that metal money has become available to most people, and not only to wealthy citizens, as well as with the fact that Handmaid entered into fashion, which uses any suitable objects to create different crafts.

Of the advantages of labor with coins, experienced handmade masters are called the following points:

  • availability of fine coins;
  • simplicity of working with metal;
  • the ability to use coins as payment weapons if necessary;
  • durability of souvenirs created from them.

Attention! Coin crafts are usually performed from a fine coin, which is rarely used when making payments.

Thus, so, crafts from coins in 10 kopecks are made of various coins of appropriate advantages that are no longer in circulation, or is limited. This is the money of the USSR stage or the 90s of the last century. At the same time, most of the householders have a home reserve of such little things, since it is not always in demand in stores. As a result, this trifle is easy access, and it can be used to create homemade.

Coin crafts help to attract physical well-being

Souvenirs from coins are good also by the fact that they are durable. The fact is that the manufacture of money usually goes metal, little subject corrosion. Naturally, products from it will serve you long, and in order to bring them a pleasant appearance, it is enough just to start them to shine. In addition, the metal can be easily handled even novice artist, which opens the front opportunities.

Coin crafts can be used as an ordinary payment remedy

Also cash crafts From coins are good because in case of needs, they can be used as a conventional payment. To do this, it is necessary to leave the coin itself in the preservation or damage it is minimal. By the way, in ancient pores from the coins specially made decorations in order to be able to be able to pay with their help in case of need.

It is worth saying about this direction of this type of Handmade as Feng Shui. According to his principles, if you want to attract material well-being, you need to decorate the premises using cash bills and coins. So, the money tree is created, or they are fixed on the walls of the room and on the surface of the furniture.

Wandes of crafts

Cakes from coins are of various appearance. This is due both to their practical use and the technique of manufacturing such products. If you divide these crafts on the principle of utilitarian use, then there are accessories and gifts manufactured from coins as well as decor elements made of them. If the first can be destroyed in everyday life, for example, in the form of buttons or clashes, then the second is needed unusually to meet the aesthetic needs, for example, for decoration of furniture.

What touches the methods of manufacturing these products, the same handicraft can be made by weaving. To do this, 2 holes are made in such a coin, through which they pass the line or wire. As a result, harnesses are obtained, of which the bracelet or necklace can then be soiled. A similar harness can be decorated with beads or beads, as a result of which he will only become more beautiful.

The second method of manufacturing homemade from coins is the creation of mosaic of them. It can be made, putting money on plasticine, glue or special mastic. In this way, you can finish furnishing, household items, interior items. In addition, experienced artists can fold the present pictorial panels from coins.

Decor Vases for paints coins is very simple

The third main method, with the support of which can be done from coins, is the use of them as a healthy material with jewelry, plumbing or forge works. For example, coins can be decorated with metal flakes, dishes, weapons. In addition, you can perform a memorable sign with a directive name, emblems and images of a person. Naturally, such products are monsted only to the experienced master.

Crafts from coins often bring to the wedding

It is worth noting! Coin and Covers are often brought to a wedding as a symbol of financial well-being of a young family.

This fantasy can play very widely, but the so-called money tree is the most sabot. In addition, rings and earrings are often created from gold coins, they should bring money to newlyweds.

What touches the unusual ways to use coins, then with their help, recently decorated countertops, they make supports for hot food, place the floor. It all depends on your taste and, of course, the financial condition. The fact is that coins are still money, so only wealthy people can widely use their design interiors, if, of course. Your houses did not form a margin of removal monetary signs.

How to make a money tree?

If you were allowed to make crafts, the first product can be a monetary tree from coins. In order to create such a tree, you will need:

  • pVA glue;
  • approximately 100 coins;
  • sackcloth;
  • thermopystole;
  • frame for pictures;
  • acrylic paints, brush and sponge.

Attention! Money Tree - Pretty simple homemade, but if you decide to professionally make crafts from coins with your own hands, you make sense to visit the master class on this topic.

Usually, such events are narrowing about the intricacies of performing a particular product and demonstrate especially complex technical enrollments.

As for the money of the money tree, for the basis you will need to glue the burlap on the cardboard base frame for pictures. Next, from the three-layer napkin folded in half a three-layer napkin, a strip of 1-1.5 cm wide is cut. Of these, the blow of the tree will be manufactured.

To do this, take one strip, unfold and divide the pressure in order for it can be more convenient to twist. After that, containing it in one end, the strip is placed in water. As a result, it becomes soft, and it will be very easy to ride it in a flabby in the example of plasticine products. When you need a twist, it is necessary to produce in one direction at an angle of 45 °.

In the manufacture of money tree there are separate difficulties

After the consumable material is ready, you need to find a sketch of the future money tree or its image. You can make it easy on the Internet, asking the question of how to make crafts from coins and photos of such crafts. Based on such a sketch and appliqué. For this, the finished flagered flagems of PVA are glued to burlap at a well-intended sketch.

A bright monetary tree of beads with coins will be merged views every day

After the tree is pasted, it will need to dry. Next you need to take a thermal system and with its support for burlap glue coins. First, they are glued along the contector of the crown, formed by flavors from the napkin, and after the entire panels are filled. Glue flips are removed by a rough brush, and the product is put on drying.

So that the tree looks a lot of spectacular need to make several layers of coins

After drying, the craft is smeared into black with the help of acrylic paints. Then the coins are slightly shaded by bronze paint. After the glue and paint is dried, the finished money tree is inserted into the frame, and it can be brought to newlyweds to the wedding.

Money tree from coins in the "vintage" frame looks quite attractive

Cakes from the coins of 10 kopecks

Another common appearance of crafts from money are crafts from 10 penny coins. This is due to the fact that this coin is inseparable, so its reserves often accumulate in the apartments of Russians, since not every commercial enterprise agrees to accept them to pay in large numbers. But of them, there are excellent crafts from coins, for example, decorated bottles.

Attention! Starting to make such crafts from the coins of 10 kopecks with their own hands, first work for yourself with a suitable container.

So, a bottle for such a self-made can own almost any shape, but it will be better when its surface will allow coins to be easily placed on it. You will need old tights - they produce a peculiar tube and a zipper of 15 cm long.

Crafts from 10 penny coins are thinned

If before you never made crafts from coins with your own hands, you should explore the photo of this process. To decorate the bottle, you will need to start tighten the prepared tube from Capron to the container and, slightly dragged it, make a cut for lightning. It is better to make such a cut a little macash.

Golden Apple From coins - excellent gift

Next, the zippers are placed in the edges of the section and with the help of a thermoclaural pistol attach it to the Kapron. As a result, a small pockets will have to form in the estatted state. The flowing operation will be impregnated by Capron glue. After you feed it with PVA, you will need to leave the workpiece for drying all night.

Coin crafts asked to attract good luck

The next stage is the color of the bottle of steel or black color from the aerosol can. Next, the workpiece should again be saved for 5-6 hours. After again, you will need to take a thermopystop in the hands and glued to the previously created pocket tenth-art coins. To give them a pretty appearance, they are painted with bronze paint or silver. The final finish of a similar craft will be covered with her varnish.

Other items can be decorated with a similar manner. In addition, crafts from coins with a nominal value of 10 kopecks five are performed in the technique of beads. This is due to the fact that such coins have a small diameter and therefore are perfectly combined with beads. So, they are actively used in the process of manufacturing bracelets, necklace and necklace. To do this, there are 2 holes in them in which the fishing line or silicone thread for weaving. At the same time, separate experienced masters manage to weave the threads with coins of real dresses.

Suspension from the coins will be an excellent decoration of your car

If you just recently engaged in such a type of Handmade, you should be done to make up the manufacture of the most famous crafts. Having learned how to make the panel or the simplest bracelets, you can go to work in Feng Shui styles, which has its own principles and its unique techniques in the design and decoration of both rooms and household facilities. They are aimed at attracting good luck and financial well-being in the house where the situation is performed, according to the rules of this philosophy.