How the Chinese play in Dota. Great Chinese "Dota": myths and legends. How legends were born

Today we publish Hyde "How to start playing in Revelation on a Chinese server", thanks to which you can download yourself, register and play this interesting project from NETEASE. Hurry to delight. For Game Do not need VPN.!

Client loading

Go on the link to download the client's bootloader, download, run.

Choose the path where we want to download the distribution, and press the start.

While the client swings, proceed to the registration.

check in

It is necessary to register Chinese mail, which will serve as a new account from NETEASE. First, go to the post office and click the first tab, fill the fields. When entering your phone number, select the code for the country, enter the phone, we get the check code and enter it in the last field. Click take.

Then we see this window, click the button specified on the screen below

This window should appear, ready. Go to installation

Installation of the game

After the client downloaded, click OK, and then the only brown button on the loader.

We admire the inscription for a few minutes.

Install the client.

We click to take.

P.S. If the client fails to be updated, try the following:

  • Press the drive from above (middle button). He will check your client and correct the mistakes.
  • If it does not go out, try updating the client manually. On the site, from where you downloaded the game, in the second tab from above, there are patches for download. Open the game folder, then open the "Download" folder and see what patches you have. The rest do from the site. Next, all the saved patches we throw into the same folder of the download and run the ManualUpDate file. A button in the center will appear in the window, click on it and wait for the completion of the manual update. After that, you can still start the REPAIR (from the top button), it will check the game files and if something does not correct and gives it.

Click start.

We agree with everything by clicking on the orange button.

We log in with our mail and password.

Create a character and play!

Delay in the game

To reduce the delay in the game, you can use all the same VPN programs: SofteTher, or a paid version of FlyVPN. There is also another option - to use the Chinese program from NETEASE, which will reduce the ping if not up to 60, at least 250 (just as he fell from 500). It is already built into the launcher, or you can download it separately.

With the first version, in the launcher, press the button with the wings above.

We are waiting for installation

Now we expect optimization and ready!

Ready! Click on the green icon and looking for the path to the game, then run the game from this program along the same button.

P.S. To change the server, click the button over the green icon and select the second tab.

World of Tanks can rightly be called a global project. In my opinion, WOT is the most popular product, originally from the CIS, yielding only Kalashnikov and vodka machine. However, if you still have to go to the American and European servers, since the language barrier is not great, because, with knowledge of English at the school level, it is not difficult to log in and start the game, but as for Asia - here the way is closed for most of us with you. But they are tanks in China. We offer you a small excursion to the country of noodles and dragons.

Chinese server.

The operator of the game in China is Kongzhong, very large in Chinese standards, except for tanks in her asset a few more dozen popular MMO.

And subsection actually wot

With minimal knowledge of the language and the availability of desire, you can download the client, read and join. The Chinese themselves are anonymously playing not very simple (it takes a number ID for registration, however, it is required from them everywhere everywhere required, anonymity in a lot of things) But, as Chinese students have demonstrated, it is possible enough and simply providing an e-mail.

But, in fact, about the audience.

1. Scale of the audience.

KMK is huge. Very difficult with even a rough and approximate assessment, but in the cities where there was: Beijing, Shanghai, Harbin, Guangzhou and a number of others, Vanbines (吧 吧 - Internet cafes and a computer club in one person) Sometimes on hundreds of seats, filled with tankers, more than half the monitors enky and el-halofa \u003d) by the way, the Vanba themselves is pretty interesting placesapparently having resigned by the fact that the Chinese are very easy to fall into gaming addictionThe administration of these computer clubs did everything possible for round-the-clock living there, fast food cafes are adjacent to the game rooms, players through the inner chat make up the order, funds are written off their advance payment and the order is delivered directly to the computer. There is a vibrary to remove the tension and couches to sleep. By the way, the deterioration of the health of the players due to many hours of continuous hanging in online games is not separate curiosities, but, very similar to itself, a massive phenomenon. Literally in my second visit to such an institution, an ambulance took 30-year-old on the form of a Chinese with a loss of consciousness.

2. Clans.

We are mainly territorial. That is, Peking, Hubei, Fuzhou and so on. Itself did not enter the clans, but the information is drawn directly from Chinese buddies, which in the subject. That is, several reasons. Firstly, China has several dozen dialects (officially dialects, but practically languages, sometimes mutually understandable at the level of Russian-Bulgarian) and this can be a fair problem. But still this reason is not the main, in the end, most young Chinese know Putunhua (literary standard) at a decent level. Another reason consists of the Chinese to the team. Clans begin to live a full-fledged life of the wrong community, but so to speak, the community in life. They are regularly selected together in clubs, they can find a neighbor in the clan to rent a living space, create their own sports teams and so on. Because of this, 46% of Beijing will be given to the Beijing clan, rather than 60% of the cantone-speaking southerners.

3. Sale accounts.

Very developed and standardized. A number of forum platforms are stock exchanges buy-sell. Acques for sale, as a rule, are divided by pumping levels, for example, all 6 levels, all 8 levels, all tops (the most expensive of course). Sell \u200b\u200busually without premium technology. Often one account pump three people in 24 \\ 7 mode. In addition, there is an intraclane pumping for beginners. As far as I understood, it is organized about this: a familiar \\ friend is involved in the game, which before that the tanks did not play. He quickly pumps out some of the future Slagens of several copies of popular equipment to take him in training from the first days. Then in the company and on the GK. A person is awarded a login password and one igromeman becomes more.
The fact that many players again and re-pump new akks will generate such a phenomenon that I did not see at RU: very, very professional sand. The first 10 battles on the MS-1 caused a strange impression: predominantly removal 1 and 2 levels, competent trips due to corners, competent lighting, focus of fire and other charms. In general, the sensation on the Chinese server is about such - there is little folders, but the average level of the game as a whole in the hospital is much higher than on RU. Well, finally, according to accounts, in addition to sales, the theft of accomes is thriving. This is the phenomenon of the interglant struggle on the GK and just chase beautiful nicks. Actually the victim of this kind of theft after a couple of months I became \u003d)

4. Categories of players.

Shkolota, as such a little. The computer for the middle Chinese family is the thing is not cheap, and they are not allowed to vanba. The main category of players causes some sympathy, these are residents of the village of 17-25 years who needed in the megalopolises working for a penny without the slightest prospects in life. Send accommodation in four together (in terminal cases in 8 or more persons) girls can not find girls due to the total subsemipable female sex, in clubs and restaurants to walk for what, and games, and tanks, including, this is first the source at least - But, but care from reality, and secondly, the source of additional accommodation (by selling accommodation). The remaining categories are quite familiar: students and working men up to 40.

5. Preferences in the technique and forum Vine.

The Chinese, of course, patriots, but much more they are pragmatic rationalists. So for the sake of the waggery wammer or just for the beautiful outlines of the tanks do not swing. Pumping leaders, drummers and amers. The Germans are not enough, about the British and Chinese equipment, to be honest not in the know, stopped playing the input of these branches, but I am sure that the Chinese people will download not from patriotic considerations, but from gaming, if there are successful tanks, they will soon appear in all hangars of the country \u003d)

Vain absolutely to the last line is identical to RU. Screams about the nerves, the twisters of future nerfes, numerous theories of conspiracies, peeling and cheating on the APs \\ Nerfs of Soviet equipment. But there is one category of forum nodes, which mocked me very much and analogs on Ru perhaps no. These are players who are the rest contemptuously name Gennangathou 干南 瓜头, empty. These are players who come to the tanks from the Korean-Chinese MMORPG and not want to recognize any differences gaming mechanics. They insist on the introduction of habitual tanks in the world gaming elements: Buffs, target and mass treatment of hocomands, combo and so on.

We also remember such proposals, for example: Batchants-Combo (if the batchet will definitely discharge the drum with breaks, give it instantly new for a successful combo), a bonus in percent damage for the focus of one goal by compassioners and so on. Considering that more than such players come in tanks and their voice becomes louder, can we still see how MS-1 will treat Maus, and Chaftfi will be able to buffly T95 by 60 km \\ h \u003d)

Summarizing the foregoing, I want to tell about the battles themselves. Fights proceed pretty quickly. There is practically no individualism, the team really behaves like a team, Rashi is pre-consistent and go to them fast tanks, if on their own nonsense to go to the trash and you will ask for help, you will be stupid for your stupidity, but will come to the rescue. In general, in general, the hollows help each other, I have not once and not two unfamiliar players covered with their bodies from the fire, which in turn learned and me (over time) to do the same. Almost everyone knows the possibilities of their tank, in which they went to this fight, they know what time the tank can take the time where the points of non-return, from where he will not have time to return to the base, very accurately know the rate of enemy seta. Timing is the first priority, which is taught by the clans of his newcomers. I do not know how justified it is, but imitating the Chinese, I also began to memorize the characteristics of your machines and the exemplary characteristics of those tanks with which I could encounter.

After the hijacking Akka, the Chinese server has not yet returned, although I plan with time. I tried to return to RU, ping 600, it is practically impossible to play in one exception, the ping changes did not notice my M40 \\ 43 \u003d) so I'm nervous!

Another handicap from China! The game was published on 06/17/2016, and if you have not yet tried the next creation of Chinese developers, I bring to your attention the guide "How to start playing in the D10 on a Chinese server." D10 - New Moba from Duoyi Network Studio. The game is nothing but a clone League of Legends with a light admixture of other popular representatives of this genre.

Let's start downloading the game!

1) Go to the official website of the game. On the left we see two download options: 1 - Game Customer Weight 1.22GB; 2 - Launcher weighing 777kb, respectively.

Since downloading a full client is too simple, I chose the second point - downloading the game through the launcher.

2) Launcher downloaded, launched, chose the folder where we will download the game, of course, read the user agreement (as well as otherwise) and wait when the download is completed.

3) and ... We downloaded another launcher ...

4) In the meantime, we are waiting when the game is downloaded (after all, the game, yes?), Go to registration.

A launcher icon appeared in the tray, open it.

If someone has Chinese mail from, you can immediately go, if you do not have it, go to registration.

And here we are given a choice again, or we register with your mail, or register mail at (registration at is possible if you have a Chinese phone number, such things). We will register with their mail.

And, of course, do not forget about the activation of your account. Your mail will come to your mail with a link (do not forget to check the Spam folder, I came back there).

5) We registered! (Although what I am glad) and now you can start the launch of the game! (If, of course, the launcher downloaded it).

6) As usual ...

7) We enter your nickname.

Well, then who chose what. The beginners may be on their own, for the game, language explain what Moba game is and how to love them (or not to love). Lovers (my choice) will be thrown into the training field, will explain according to the concepts of skills, items in stores and where to kill. Experts may be thrown into the arena 5x5 ... Well, what experts, let them understand with the mechanics.


ATTENTION!!! This article is irrelevant after spring 2017 !!! Below is the information that corresponds to the game versions until 2017 and to Reborn !!! Using an article is possible only if you have a Chinese phone number!

Greetings all players Dota 2, today I will tell about one interesting chieka. Maybe someone knows about it, for example, those who have got into their ancestral orb inventory, well, or those who tried to get new things with all the ways Perfect World . Also, some may already know about it if they were going to get other items from PW for Dota 2. But for others this information may seem more or less interesting.
Everything will tell you in detail, I tried myself, the idea and a small part of the information is taken from one good site. Also added a special translation into English.
So, we are going to play Dota 2 on Chinese Perfect World servers.

What is the difference between the PW servers from the usual?

In principle, they are not playing just players who once played one of the largest MMORPG in the world. The Chinese decided that if dota and instill to be accustomed to the gamers, then you need to start with these players, well, and their servers are actually used.
Basic notable differences (without client change):

  • Chinese shop, Chinese news and small part of the interface
  • There are no built-in guides
  • Censorship Mata (English and Chinese)
  • Other List of Trump Drop
This is what rushes immediately into the eyes.
In general, they play in principle, as well as Russians, however, the Chinese sweat to the end (more than once there were parties when they defaulted one throne about 20 minutes). Well, without Chinese knowledge, you are unlikely to understand, although some of them know English.
Also, I was noticed by some bugs with heroes, I do not know how it appears it.
The delays are sometimes small, as ping in the area 300. There are only 2 servers.

Check in. Step one.

Actually, we need to tie your DOTA 2 account to the Perfect World account. This is much easier than sounds. If you know Chinese well, you can skip the first step, and you can go to the point "on an amateur".
1) Register
Screenshot for those who have not google chrome:
2) Name Take any Chinese
3) ID we take
The file, however, can swear hard as any generator. We select any valid id there, if the site says that is incorrect, then try another (I personally worked for everything from the first time).
Screenshot of the program (Pruf What plows):
4) Click the "Get Free Code" button near the Captcha field. After that, you must come the code that you must enter in the "Captcha" field. It is advisable to specify when registering the Gmail mail, as I did not come to Russian mail. If you do not come to Gmail, then create a new mail to Gmail (I personally did not come first, since I have a protect against anything in my post). Here is such a letter to come:
5) Next, click the "Registration" button, now it remains only to go from the account in the dota itself.

Left a little. Step second.

Now you need to get into this "Chinese world."
1) In the style library, we are looking for Dota 2, we click the right mouse, click "Properties", then "Set the startup parameters". We enter "-PerfectWorld" (without quotes).
2) Run Dota, you must first have a warning (or something) in Chinese, then after downloading such a window:
3) Further, I have no screenshots, since register only once once. The essence is all that we choose not the first item from above (the first point is registration, but we did everything through the site, as more convenient and more fun), and second(There will be a field only for login and password). How login specify your mail and password that you used in the first step.
4) If you did everything right, then you should have the following (in the upper right corner your Ipishnik will be (I sketched my own)):
5) You can enjoy tea-dota.
6) With success, you come a letter, about what you joined the Chinese Dota 2.
Here by the way it is:

On an amateur.

If you want full sensations, then you can still enter "-Language Schinese" in the launch parameters (step second, point first).
Well, or just download the Chinese client Dota 2:
Unlike conventional Dota In PW-style, there are still models of characters, icons, interface and.

Why did we do all this?

Here are some reasons:

  • Just play with the Chinese, learn Chinese, immerse yourself in a foreign culture.
  • Those who live close to China load will be less than in Europe.
  • There is a chance to get. However, as I understood, only a couple of things from them came out. Most of the activation of the code from the cola covers volume 1.25l (Quality Rare). Another part is given to order the figures of the heroes from the game, the site with them is somewhere, but it is still impossible (the quality of mythical). All these items are distributed in the form of codes and it seems to be activated only on PW servers. There are 3 items from PW, which have already come out, saw them from some Chinese, but I don't know how to get them like that (it's about as immortals).
I also want to notice that you can play the whole group on these servers, if at least one has changed the client under the PW server. However, only he will be visible to the main changes of the client, others will see the Chinese, their incomprehensible speech, etc. (By the way, the Russians fell once on these servers).

Most often asked questions and answers to them

IN:The generator issues an incorrect ID. What should I do?
ABOUT:Try a few more times (sometimes it gives really wrong.
IN:Not comes a letter with the code for registration. What to do?
ABOUT:Specify your mail to Gmail or Outlook. If not coming out, try proxy.
IN:When entering the game with -PerfectWorld, the input button does not appear. What to do?
ABOUT:If you enter the first time - try to restart the game (if it does not work, then Steam).
IN:How to buy through China?
ABOUT:I personally did not buy, the goods there are the same that we have, but there are interesting clothes, which naturally sell on a separate site, and not in D2Store
IN:What does it fall on PW servers now?
ABOUT:As with ordinary - practically nothing, but there is a chance of falling out special things for PW.
IN:Cleans the error "Some kind".
ABOUT:Try to go later, the server may not temporarily work temporarily.


ATTENTION! All rights to this manual belong to AKA Yellow Coconut Aka Red Apricot, in general. Copying the manual material without my permission is prohibited!
If you liked the guide - I will be happy to donations in the form of clothes, etc. (I introduce you to the list of supported guide). I need it for the crafting of things on PW (to check the list of fallout).
Thank you so much, on which my article is already quite a long time (at the time of writing it was very relevant :)
Thanks to the REACH user who suggested to write a guide to this article in Steam.
Thank you to Kiryuch for the support of the article.
Next is the article in English translation.

Greetings to All Players Dota 2, Today I Will Talk About One Interesting Feature. Maybe Someone KNOWS ABOUT IT, Such As Those Acquired in Your Inventory Ancestral Orb, Well, Or Those Who Have TriD All Ways to Get New Things From Perfect World. ALSO, Some May Are Going to Get The Other Items from the PW for Dota 2. But for others, This information May See Sem More or Less Interesting.
More "LL Tell, He Tested The Idea and A Small Piece of Information Taken from a Good Site. Sorry for My Bad English (Me and Google-Translator).

What Is the Difference PW Game Servers from the usual?

In Principle, Nothing, Just Play with Players WHO ONCE Played in One of the Largest MMORPG IN THE WORLD. The Bunker and To Inculcate The Gaming Population, IT IS NECESSARY TO START WELTUALLY USED THEIR SERVER.
The Main Noticeable Differences (WITHOUT CHANGING THE CLIENT):

  • ChinaSe Store, The Chinese News and A Small Part of the Interface
  • Censorship Profanity (English and Chinese)
  • Another Drop From Item List
This Is Something That Catches The Eye Immediately.
In General Play, In Principle, As Well As Russian, Chinese Sweat True To The End (No Time Were The Party When Def Alone Throne About 20 Minutes). WELL, WELT THE KNOWLEDGE OF CHINESE YOU CAN HARDLY Understand That, Although Some of Them Speak English.
Just I Have Seen Some Bugs With The Characters, I Do Not Know That "S How The Displayed IT.
Delay Times Are Small, As The Ping In The Area 300. IN TOTAL THERE ARE 2 SERVERS.

Registration. FIRST STEP.

Actually, We Need To Link Your Account Steam To Your Account Dota 2 Perfect World. Makes IT Much Easier Than It Sounds. If You Know Chinese, You Can Skip The First Step, and Go Directly to "for Armateur".
1) Registration
Screenshot for Those Who SHOULD NOT Google Chrome:
2) Take Any Chinese Name
3) ID Take
file, But May Strongly Criticized As Any Generator. Select There Any Valid ID, If The Site Will Say That It Is Wrong, Then Try The Other (I Personally Have All Worked On The First Try).
Screenshot (Proof That Plows):
4) WE PRESS THE BUTTON "GET A FREE CODE" NEAR FIELD "CAPTCHA". Aftert That, You Need Come the Code You Need to Enter in the "Captcha". IT IS Desirable to Indicate AT Registry Mail Gmail, So As Russian Mail Me Not to Come. If You Do Not Come and Gmail, You Can Create A New Mail to Gmail (I Personally Do Not Come First, As I Have In The Main Email Protection Was Any). Here is the letter to come:
5) Then Click The Button "Register", NOW Need Go to Account in the Dota 2.


Now we need to get into this "chinese world".
1) IN. the Steam Library Looking for Dota 2, Clicking The Right Mouse, Click "Properties", Then "Set Launch Options". There Arentroducing "-PerfectWorld" (WITHOUT THE QUOTES).
2) Start The Bunker, You Should Have A First Warning (Or Something) in chinese, then after downloading this window:
3) Then I Do Not Have Screenshots, SINCE REGISTRATION WAS HELD THERE ONLY ONCE. The Essence of All That We Choose Is Not The First Item from The Top (The First Item - Registration, But We Did Everything Through the Site, As Convenient and Fun), and SECOND. (There Will Be Only Field Login and Password). How to Specify Your Login Email and Password That You Used in the First Step.
4) IF You Did Everything Correctly, You Shld Have tHE FOLLOWING (In The Upper Right Corner Will Be Your IP ADRESS (I Sketched That)):
5) You can enjoy the china-dota.

Here Are Some ReaSons:

  • Just Play With The Chinese, Learn Chinese, Immerse Yourself in a Foreign Culture.
  • For Those WHO Live Close to China Load Will Be Less Than in Europe.
  • There Is a Chance to Get New Things From Perfect World. However, As I Understand IT, Only A Couple of Things Came Out Of Them. Most of the Given Activation Code From The Covers Obomom Cola 1.25L (QUALITY RARE). Another Part of the Order Is Given Figures of Characters from The Game Site With Them Somewhere in There, But You Can Not Order Yet (Quality Mythical). All These Items Are Distributed in The Form of Codes and Like Them Can Only Be Activated on Servers PW. There Are 3 Items from PW, WHE ARE ALREADY OUT, SAW THEM IN SOME CHINESE, BUT DO NOT KNOW WHICH WAY TO GET THEM (COST AMS IMMORTALY).
More Want to Note That You Can Play The Whole Group on These Servers, If at Least One Modified by Client Server PW. HOWEVER, IT WILL BE VISIBLE ONLY MAJOR CHANGES THE CLIENT, WILL SEE THE CHINESE, THEIR INCOMPREHENSIBLE SPEECH, ETC. (By The Way I Once Caught These Servers Russian).

Q: The Generator Produces An Incorrect ID. What Should I DO?
A: Try a Few More Times (Sometimes Produces Really Wrong.
Q: Do Not Receive A Letter with the Code for Registration. What to do?
A: Specify Your Mail On Gmail, Or on the Outlook. IF Not Work, try a proxy.
Q: WHEN YOU. eNTER THERE Game with the Entered -PerfectWorld Does Not Appear The Login Button. What to do?
A: IF You Enter for The First Time - Try to Restart the Game. (If not, Then Steam).
A: I Personally Did Not Buy Goods There Are Interesting Clothes That Are Naturally On a Separate Site Are Sold, Rather Than d2store
Q: What Now Falls on Servers PW?
A: As in Conventional - Practically Nothing, But There Is a Chance to Drop Special Things for PW.
A:Try Again Later, Maybe There Are Some Troubles with Server.